Biography Sir Isaac Newton Ingles
Biography Sir Isaac Newton Ingles
Biography Sir Isaac Newton Ingles
Sir Issac Newton (1643- 1726) was an English Mathematical achievements of Newton
mathematician, physicist and scientist. He is widely
regarded as one of the most influential scientists of
all time, developing new laws of mechanics, gravity Generalized binomial theorem
and laws of motion. His work Principia
Mathematica (1687) laid the framework for the Newton’s identities,
Scientific Revolution of the Seventeenth Century. A
Newton’s method,
great polymath, Newton’s investigations also
included areas of optics, religion and alchemy. Classified cubic plane curves (polynomials
of degree three in two variables),
Early Life of Newton
Substantial contributions to the theory of
Sir Isaac Newton was born on Christmas Day, in finite differences,
1643, to a relatively poor farming family. His father
Use of fractional indices
died three months before he was born. His mother
later remarried, but her second husband did not get Used geometry to derive solutions to
on with Isaac; leading to friction between Isaac and Diophantine equations.
his parents. The young Isaac attended school at
King’s School, Grantham in Lincolnshire (where his Used power series with confidence and to
signature is still inscribed on the walls.) Isaac was revert power series.
one of the top students, but before completing his
studies his mother withdrew him from school, so Discovered a new formula for pi.
Isaac could work as a farmer. It was only through
the intervention of the headmaster that Isaac was
Scientific Achievements of Newton
able to return to finish his studies; he passed his
final exams with very good results and was able to
go to Trinity College, Cambridge. Optics – Newton made great
advancements in the study of optics. In
Newton at Cambridge particular, he developed the spectrum by
splitting white light through a prism.