Isaac Newton
Isaac Newton
Isaac Newton
Gravity - Newton is probably most famous for discovering gravity. Outlined in the Principia,
his theory about gravity helped to explain the movements of the planets and the Sun. This
theory is known today as Newton's law of universal gravitation.
Laws of Motion - Newton's laws of motion were three fundamental laws of physics that laid
the foundation for classical mechanics.
Calculus - Newton invented a whole new type of mathematics which he called "fluxions."
Today we call this math calculus and it is an important type of math used in advanced
engineering and science.
Reflecting Telescope - In 1668 Newton invented the reflecting telescope. This type of
telescope uses mirrors to reflect light and form an image. Nearly all of the major telescopes
used in astronomy today are reflecting telescopes.
Newton died on March 31, 1727 in London, England. Today, he is considered one of the
most influential scientists of all time alongside greats such as Albert Einstein, Aristotle, and Galileo.