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VOL. 26, NO.


Reassessment of the Scale-Determining Equation

for Advanced Turbulence Models
David C. Wilcox*
DCW Industries, Inc., La Canada, California

A comprehensive and critical review of closure approximations for two-equation turbulence models has been
made. Particular attention has focused on the scale-determining equation in an attempt to find the optimum
choice of dependent variable and closure approximations. Using a combination of singular perturbation
methods and numerical computations, this paper demonstrates that: 1) conventional A:-e and A>w2 formulations
generally are inaccurate for boundary layers in adverse pressure gradient; 2) using "wall functions'' tends to
mask the shortcomings of such models; and 3) a more suitable choice of dependent variables exists that is much
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more accurate for adverse pressure gradient. Based on the analysis, a two-equation turbulence model is
postulated that is shown to be quite accurate for attached boundary layers in adverse pressure gradient,
compressible boundary layers, and free shear flows. With no viscous damping of the model's closure coefficients
and without the aid of wall functions, the model equations can be integrated through the viscous sublayer.
Surface boundary conditions are presented that permit accurate predictions for flow over rough surfaces and for
flows with surface mass addition.

L Introduction virtually every complicating effect known to man was included

if experimental data of reliable quality existed.
D URING the past 20 years, a great deal of research has
focused on the task of devising closure approximations
for the long-time-averaged Navier-Stokes equations suitable
From this researcher's viewpoint, results of the second of
the two Stanford conferences were at once very encouraging
for predicting properties of turbulent flows. Prior to 1968, and disappointing. On the one hand, the state-of-the-art has
virtually all turbulence closure schemes were *'*incomplete," been shown to have advanced dramatically since the first
i.e., their implementation required some advance knowledge Stanford conference. It was hard to imagine in 1968 that
about the flowfield under consideration in order to obtain a separated flowfields could be routinely predicted with any
solution. The best-known incomplete turbulence model is the degree of accuracy just 13 short years later. (Of course,
mixing-length model.1 This model is incomplete because the turbulence modelers should receive only part of the credit;
appropriate form of the mixing length must be determined magnificent advances in numerical methods, such as those of
empirically for each new application; in general, it cannot be MacCormack,12 have played a very important role, to say the
specified a priori. least!) On the other hand, although such predictions can be
In 1968, the first Stanford conference2 on turbulent flows routinely made, obtaining results consistent with measure-
was held to test existing turbulence models against the best ments is not nearly as routine. Far worse, it was not even clear
experimental data available. The data base was confined to from the results presented at the second Stanford conference
incompressible two-dimensional boundary layers. The compe- that effects of an adverse pressure gradient on the turbulent
tition was won, more or less, by the "incomplete" model of boundary layer could be predicted any more accurately than in
Bradshaw et al.3 1968. Clearly, progress in turbulence modeling has been a bit
The trend in turbulence modeling since the first Stanford uneven.
conference has been toward development of complete models. In light of this situation, this study was initiated by taking
For clarity, note that the terminology "complete model of a modest step backward to review and assess the original
turbulence," as used in this paper, means a set of equations closure approximations for the class of turbulence models
that can be used to predict a given turbulent flow with no known as two-equation models; that is, closure being accom-
advance information other than boundary conditions required plished using the long-time-averaged Navier-Stokes equations
in order to achieve a solution. The terminology is not intended and two additional differential equations. The rationale for
to imply anything with regard to the range of applicability of starting at what would seem to be a very elementary level
the theory. stems from a key observation made at the second Stanford
Over the past 15 years, the most vigorous modeling efforts conference: the greatest amount of uncertainty and contro-
have been conducted by Donaldson et al.,4 Launder et al.,5'6 versy over two-equation and higher-order models lies in the
and Wilcox et al.7"10 Recognizing the substantial progress the scale-determining equation. It is even unclear what the
various researchers seemed to be making, the second Stanford optimum choice of dependent variables is for a two-equation
conference on turbulent flows was held in 1980 and 1981.11 model. As a result of this study, we feel we have found the
This time, however, the scope of the experimental data was optimum choice and, based on this choice, we have postulated
expanded tremendously to include complicating effects of a new two-equation turbulence model.
compressibility, streamline curvature, surface mass transfer, Section II summarizes the new model, including arguments
boundary-layer separation, secondary motions, etc.; that is, that set values of all but two of the closure coefficients
appearing in the postulated equations. Section III presents
results of a perturbation analysis of the incompressible defect
Presented as Paper 84-0176 at the AIAA 22nd Aerospace Sciences layer, including effects of pressure gradient. Predictions of the
Meeting, Reno, NV, Jan. 9-12, 1984; received Jan. 26, 1987; revision new model are compared with those of the Jones-Launder5
received Nov. 2, 1987. Copyright © American Institute of Aeronau- and the Wilcox-Rubesin10 models. Section IV uses perturba-
tics and Astronautics, Inc., 1987. All rights reserved. tion methods to analyze the viscous sublayer, including effects
•*President. Associate Fellow AIAA. of surface roughness and surface mass injection. Section V

includes results of attached boundary-layer computations for where, by definition, the mean strain-rate tensor Su is
boundary layers subjected to adverse pressure gradient,
surface mass injection and compressibility, and free shear u^ dUj
flows. Xj dX{

II. Equations of Motion We invoke the Boussinesq approximation that the Reynolds
This section states the postulated equations of motion, stress tensor is proportional to the mean strain-rate tensor,
including established values of all closure coefficients. Physi- that is,
cal interpretations of turbulence field properties are given and,
additionally, arguments are presented that have been used in (9)
setting values of several of the closure coefficients.
A. Postulated Equations Finally, the heat flux vector QJ is approximated as
For general compressible turbulent fluid flows, the turbu-
lence model equations are written in terms of Favre13 mass- Qj =
( V ^T\ dh (10)
~~ ~ \PrL+ PrT) dXj
averaged quantities as follows.
where PrL and PrT are the laminar and turbulent Prandtl
Mass conservation:
numbers, respectively.
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Several closure coefficients, namely, '.j8,./3*, y, y*,.a, and a*,

(1) appear in Eqs. (1-10). A key objective of this study has been
to review typical arguments used in establishing values of such
coefficients in a model of this type. In the next subsection and
Momentum conservation: in later sections, the arguments are presented. The values are
summarized in the following equations:
0-3/40, /3* = 9/100, 7 = 5/9, 7* = 1,

Mean energy conservation: a= 1/2, a* = 1/2 (11)

; _ Before proceeding to further discussion of the closure

coefficients, it is worthwhile to pause and discuss the form of
the model equations and the physical meanings of the
quantities A: and o>. As in other two-equation models of
Turbulent mixing energy: turbulence, the quantity k represents a measure of the kinetic
energy of the turbulence. Whether k is specifically identified
as being the exact kinetic energy of the turbulence or,
alternatively, the kinetic energy of the fluctuations in the
direction of shear9 is not critically important. All we require
+— (4) on physical grounds is that k be proportional to the square of
the velocity at which local turbulent mixing occurs. The
second quantity introduced in the model, co, is referred to as
Specific dissipation rate: the specific dissipation rate. Its dimensions are inversely
proportional to time, and it is, in fact, the same variable used
by this author in all prior turbulence modeling studies.
Perhaps the simplest physical interpretation of co is that it is
the ratio of the turbulent dissipation rate e to the turbulent
_a_ mixing energy. Alternatively, co is the rate of dissipation of
(5) turbulence per unit energy.
As is obvious from inspection of Eq. (4), the equation for k
is modeled directly after the exact, long-time-averaged equa-
tion for the turbulent kinetic energy. On this point, the model
.where./ is time, x{ position vector, ut velocity vector, p density, is consistent with virtually all other two-equation models. The
p pressure, p, molecular viscosity, Ttj the sum of the molecular second of the two model equations is similar in form to the
and Reynolds stress tensors, and #y- the sum of the molecular equation for k. Although it adds no rigor to the approach, the
and turbulent heat flux vectors. In Eq. (3), the quantities equation for co can be regarded as the modeled form of the
E-= e + k + u-Ui/2 and H = h + k + «,w;/2 are total energy equation that would result from 1) writing the exact equations
and enthalpy, respectively, with h = e + p/p; e and h denote for turbulent kinetic energy and dissipation rate and 2) making
internal energy and enthalpy. Additionally, r/, is the Reynolds the formal change of dependent variables defined by
stress tensor. The turbulent mixing energy k and the specific
dissipation rate co are needed to define the eddy viscosity \LT, (12)
which is given by
pk The primary difference between the model postulated in this
(6) study and the models in this author's prior research is the form
of the equation for co. Most notably, past studies have written
the equation in terms of the square of co. Interestingly, the first
The total viscous stress tensor is given by two-equation model in which the variables k and co were used
was postulated by Kolmogorov,14 and his equation for co was
written in terms of co rather than co2. The reason for our choice
(7) will become quite clear in Sec. Ill, where we analyze
model-predicted structure of the defect layer.

B. Establishing Closure Coefficient Values In summary, the arguments presented in this subsection are
In this subsection, we present straightforward arguments sufficient to uniquely set the values of 7*, ft*, and ft. Also,
from which values of the four closure coefficients /3, 0*, 7, Eq. (17) determines 7 in-terms' of the as-yet undetermined
and 7* can be established. A review of the arguments generally value of a. As a by-product of analysis in the next section, the
presented by turbulence model researchers indicates that the values of a and a* will be established.
following are as physically sound as possible within the
context of two-equation turbulence models. III. Defect-Layer Analysis
Considering first the coefficient 7*, we rewrite Eqs.(1-10) In this section, we use singular perturbation methods to
in terms of the quantity o>/7*. Inspection of the resulting analyze model-predicted structure of the classical defect layer.
equations shows that this rescaling of u is equivalent to setting The analysis presented is a generalization of that done by
7* = 1. Hence, with no loss of generality, we conclude that the Wilcox and Traci.9 In contrast to the Wilcox and Traci
value of 7* is indeed unity. analysis, effects of pressure gradient have been included.
Next, we turn to the ratio of ft to ft*. For decaying Additionally, the analysis has been done for three turbulence
homogeneous, isotropic turbulence, Eqs. (4) and (5) simplify models: the model postulated in Eqs. (1-10), the Wilcox-
to Rubesin10 model, and the Jones-Launder5 model. First, we
review details of the perturbation solution procedure. Next,
ct) we compare solutions for the three models in the absence of
and — = -ftu2 (13) pressure' gradient. Then, effects of pressure gradient are
studied for the three models. Finally, we justify the values
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from which the asymptotic solution for k is readily found to chosen for a and a*.
A. Perturbation Solution
k~t-0*'* (14) In the past, the only detailed analyses of the defect layer for
6/5 any turbulence model have been those of Bush and Fendell16
Experimental observations indicate that k ~ t ~ for decay- (for the mixing-lenth model) and Wilcox and Traci (for a k-u>2
ing, homogeneous, isotropic turbulence, which implies that model). In neither case were effects of pressure gradient
delineated. In this section, we extend the Wilcox-Traci
Values for the coefficients 7 and ft* can be established by analysis to include presssure gradient.
examining the so-called "wall layer." The wall layer is defined To study the defect layer, we confine our analysis to
as the portion of the boundary layer far enough from the incompressible flow and we seek a perturbation solution. The
surface to render molecular viscosity negligible relative to expansion proceeds in terms of the ratio of friction velocity to
eddy viscosity, yet close enough for convective effects to be the boundary-layer-edge velocity uT/Ue and the dimensionless
negligible relative to the rate at which the turbulence is being vertical coordinate 77, defined by
created and destroyed. In the limiting case of an incompress-
ible constant-pressure boundary layer, defining VT - IJLT/P,
Eqs. (1-10) simplify to (18)

where.6* is displacement thickness. For the sake of brevity, we

confine details of the expansion procedure to the Appendix. It
is instructive to note that the velocity is given by
rawi 2
=7 — - r —— w,_ —— (15)
Idyl dy L T dy which, to order uT/Ue, can be rewritten as
We seek the conditions under which these simplified y
equations yield a solution consistent with the law of the wall, (20)
i.e., velocity varying linearly with the logarithm of distance
from the surface. As can easily be verified, Eqs. (15) possess The coordinates appearing in Eq. (20) are the classical
a solution consistent with the law of the wall, namely, defect-layer coordinates. Additionally, it is important to note
that pressure gradient appears in the equations of motion in
dimensionless form as
where UT is the conventional friction velocity and K is von 2
Karman's constant. There is one constraint imposed in the where rw is the surface shear stress. Coles and Hirst refer to
solution to Eqs. (15): a unique relation exists between the /3r as the equilibrium parameter.
implied value of von Karman's constant and the various clo- In order to solve the defect-layer equations, we have used an
sure coefficients. Specifically, the following equation must improved version of the implicit time-marching program
hold. developed by Wilcox and Traci. That is, we add unsteady
terms to each of the equations of motion, make an educated
(17) guess at the solution, and integrate over time until the solution
displays negligible temporal variation.
Additionally, note that the Reynolds shear stress r is constant
in the wall layer and is equal to u2. Inspection of Eq. (16) B. Flat-Plate Boundary Layer
shows that this implies T/k=\T&* in the wall layer. A variety Figure la compares numerical predictions of the three
of experimental measurements15 indicate that the ratio of r to models with corresponding experimental data of Wieghardt as
k is about 3/10 in the wall layer. Thus, the predicted wall-layer tabulated by Coles and Hirst.2 (Note that, in the new-model
solution is consistent with experimental observations, pro- computation, we use a = a* = !/z; we defer any further dis-
vided £*= 9/100. cussion of the appropriate values to Sec. HID.) The experi-

mental data presented are those at the highest Reynolds strengths closest to values inferred from data over the
number for which data are reported. This is consistent with complete range considered. Consistent with predictions of
the defect-layer solution that is formally valid for very large Chambers and Wilcox,17 the Jones-Launder model exhibits
Reynolds number. Numerical results are shown for three the largest differences, with predicted wake strength 50-100%
models: the new (Ar-co) model, the Wilcox-Rubesin (k-u2) lower than inferred values when /3r is as small as 2!
model, and the Jones-Launder (k-e) model. Figure Ib compares computed velocity profiles with experi-
As shown, all three models predict velocity profiles that mental data of Clauser2 for PT = 8.7. As with the constant-
differ from measured values by no more than about 3% of pressure case, computed and measured skin friction are
scale. Interestingly, the new model shows the smallest included in the insert. Consistent with the wake-strength
differences from the Wieghardt data. Additionally, skin predictions, the new model yields a velocity profile and skin
friction C/ can be inferred from the defect-layer solution (see friction closest to measurements, whereas the Jones-Launder
AppeMix). Corresponding computed and measured vahies are model shows the greatest differences . The Wilcox-Rubesin
summarized in the insert on Fig. la; the largest difference is profile and skin friction lie about midway between those of the
less than 3%. Thus, based on analysis of the constant-pressure other two models.
defect layer, there is little difference among the three models. The explanation of the Jones-Launder model's poor perfor-
mance for adverse pressure gradient can be developed from
C. Effects of Pressure Gradient inspection of the asymptotic behavior of solutions as r/^0.
Turning now to the effect of pressure gradient, we have For the three models tested, the velocity behaves as
computed defect-layer solutions for the equilibrium parameter
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0r, ranging from - 0.5 to +9.0, where positive &T corre- (Ue - u)/uT~ - +A - as iy— 0 (23)
sponds to an adverse pressure gradient. The choice of this
range of /3T has been dictated by the requirement of the where Table 1 summarizes the constants A and C. Note that
perturbation somtion that j8r be constant. This is as wide a while the coefficient A is determined as part of the solution
range as we have been ables'tp find for which experimental data (from the integral constraint that mass be conserved), the
have been taken with 0r more or less constant. coefficient C follows directly from the limiting form of the
Figure Ic compares computed wake strength f with values solution as 77 ->0. As seen from Table 1, C is largest for the
inferred by Coles and Hirst2 from experimental data. For the Jones-Launder model and smallest for the new model. The
sake of clarity, note that the wake strength appears in Coles' presence of the rj&iTj term gives rise to the inflection in the
composite law-of-the-wall/wake profile, velocity profile as ??-*0 that is most pronounced for the
Jones-Launder model. In terms of turbulence properties, the
turbulence length scale, £= &1/2/w, behaves according to
as r/- (24)
Inspection of. Fig. Ic reveals provocative differences among
the three models. Most notably, the new model yields wake Table 1 also includes the coefficient L for each model. Again,
we see that the' 'y/ka\^ term is largest for the Jones-Launder
model and smallest for the new model. Thus, in the presence
of adverse pressure gradient, the Jones-Launder turbulence
length scale tends to be too large in the near-wall region. Note,
of course, that this shortcoming is not evident in the
constant-pressure case, which has .$T = 0.
The manner in which the new model achieves smaller values
of £ than the Jones-Launder model can be seen by changing
dependent variables. That is, starting with the k-co formula-
tion, defining e = (3*uk and vT = k/u, we can deduce the
following incompressible equation for e implied by the new

de_ '.- dk
a) Velocity profiles, B r = b) Velocity profiles, B r = 8.?• vT- (25)
All terms except the last one on the right-hand side of Eq. (25)
are identical in form to those of the Jones-Launder model (see
• COLES AND HIRST Appendix). The last term is negligibly small as r?^0 for
constant-pressure boundary layers because k-» constant as
r?—0. However, dk/dy is nonvanishing when (3T7±Q and
d(€/k)/dy generally is quite large as 77-»0. The net effect of this
additional term is to suppress the rate of increase of I close to
the surface.

Table 1 Summary of coefficients A, C, and L

_____in Eqs. (23) and (24) for fo =9
Model A C L
-1 0 1 ''.'.. 2 ,3 4 5 6 7 8 9
New 13.1 10.6 -19.8
c) Variation of wake strength with pressure gradient Wilcox-Rubesin 9.8 23.4 —— 32.6
Fig. 1 Comparison of computed and measured defect-layer proper- Jones-Launder 5.4 54.8 -61.1
ties: —— k-<j) model; ——— k-u>2 model; — • — k - t model.

As a final comment, note that all of the computations have

used the model-predicted behavior [e.g., Eqs. (23) and (24)] as
"wall-function" type of boundary conditions for r?-*0. Using O LAUFER . .
other empirical wall functions presumably would improve the • ANDERSEN, ET AL
Jones-Launder predictions. However, the asymptotic behav- D WIEGHARDT
ior (e.g., inflected velocity profile) inherent in the model — COMPUTED
ultimately must prevail at high Reynolds number if the point
of application of the wall functions remains constant at, say,
y + = 80. To understand this point, one need only note that,
by definition, T? is related to y + by


Hence, suppressing the asymptotic behavior inherent in the

model requires using wall functions to increasingly larger
values of y + as Reynolds number increases.
a) Velocity
D. Establishing Closure Coefficient Values 3u /3y , 3 k u)
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Unlike the four closure coefficients discussed in Sec. IIB, we

have been unable to find satisfactory arguments to establish
the values of a and a* before performing any numer-
ical computations. However, we have found from numerical
experimentation that the computed variation of TT with &T
(Fig. Ic) seems to match experimental results most faithfully
when we use a •= a* '.= ^.Effects of departures from this pair
of values are so pronounced, in fact, that our computations
seem to indicate that a .:= or* -= 1A represents a saddle point in
closure-coefficient space! Thus, we conclude that a and a* are
equal and that the most appropriate value is Vi.

IV. Sublayer Analysis

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
In order to facilitate integration of the model equations +
through the viscous sublayer, we must, at a minimum, have y
b) Production and dissipation
molecular diffusion terms in the equations of motion.
Potentially, we might also have to allow the various closure Fig. 2 Comparison of computed and measured sublayer properties
coefficients to be functions of viscosity as well. In this section, for a perfectly smooth surface.
we use perturbation methods to analyze viscous sublayer
structure predicted by the new model, including effects of
surface roughness and surface mass injection. Note that we The final condition is similar to that deduced in earlier
confine our analysis to the new model because results of studies,8'10 where we have found that, for perfectly smooth
Sec. Ill indicate that it is superior to the other models surfaces, molecular diffusion and dissipation balance in
considered. Eq. (29), and this leads to

A. Perturbation Solution as (32)

Considering the incompressible constant-pressure case,
convective terms are negligible in the sublayer; thus, the
equations of motion for the new model (with molecular More general boundary conditions for rough surfaces and for
diffusion included) simplify to surfaces with mass injection will be devised in Sees. IVB and
IVC. For now, we focus on the perfectly smooth surface.
As part of the solution to Eqs. (27-32), we obtain the
__ (27) constant in the law of the wall, B, where the velocity,
u + = U/UT, asymptotes to
A \(v +a*v T )—1 (28)
dy L dy] B as (33)

[du d^
(29) As with the defect layer, we solve the sublayer equations by
dy 1) adding unsteady terms to the left-hand sides of Eqs. (28)
Five boundary conditions are needed for this fifth-order and (29), 2) making an initial guess at the solution, and
system, two of which follow from matching to the law of the 3) using an implicit, time-marching, second-order-accurate
program to generate the long-time solution in which the
wall as y + -*<»:. unsteady terms tend to zero. The velocity is computed at each
time step using the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method. The
arid co —> - as y -~ c (30) program used is an improved version of that developed in the
Vis* study by Wilcox and Traci.9
where y+ =uTy/v. Two more boundary conditions follow Using this program, we find that Eqs. (27-32) predict the
from "no slip" at the surface, which implies that u and k smooth-wall value of B as
vanish at y = 0. Thus,
,6 ==. lirn I "u + - - = 5.1 (34)
y + —oo j K
u =k = (31)

That this value is well within the scatter of measured values of Figure 3 shows the computed value of B for a wide range of
B strongly suggests that no further viscous modifications are values of SR. As shown, in the limit SR-~oo, B tends to 5.1. In
needed. the limit S/?—0, an excellent correlation of the numerical
Figure 2a compares computed and measured2'18'19 sublayer predictions is given by
velocity profiles. As shown, computed velocities generally fall
within experimental data scatter. In Fig. 2b, we compare
- - as (37)
computed and measured18 turbulence production and dissipa- 100
tion terms. Again, predictions fall well within experimental
error bounds. By experimental means, as summarized by Schlichting,21
Perhaps the only deficiency of predicted smooth-surface Nikuradse found that for flow over very rough surfaces,
sublayer structure is that, very near the surface, the model
predicts (38)
as y^ (35)
where kR is the average height of sand-grain roughness ele-
By contrast, the Wilcox-Rubesin model predicts that k ~y4, ments. (Note that, in our computations, we use K = 0.41,
which suggests that k ~ (v'2}\ a point this researcher has whereas Nikuradse used /c = 0.40.) Thus, if we make the corre-
made9 as a more plausible interpretation than saying that k is lation
the kinetic energy of the turbulence. By letting the closure 100
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coefficient /3* increase as a function of turbulent Reynolds (39)

number, ReT = k/'(wv)9 it is possible to force either k ~y* or
' k -y2, but then we find that to recover B = 5, at least two then Eqs. (37) and (38) are nearly identical. Figure 4 compares
other closure coefficients must vary with ReT. Such additional computed velocity profiles with the analytical fit obtained by
complexity is pointless in light of Fig. 2. using Eqs. (3.7) and (38) in the law of the wall, that is,
B. Rough-Wall Analysis 1 v
A key advantage of the k -co2 and k -co formulations over the •-&-7- + 8.4 (40)
K kR
k -e formulation is the fact that co-oriented equations possess
solutions in which the value of co may be arbitrarily specified for three of the computations. The correlation is nearly exact.
at the surface.17 This is an advantage because it provides a The most remarkable fact about this correlation is that
natural way to incorporate effects of surface roughness Eq. (40) is the form the law of the wall assumes for flow over
through surface boundary conditions. This feature of the "completely rough" surfaces, including the value of the
equations was originally recognized by Saffman.20 additive constant (8.4 and 8.5 differ by 1%).
If we now rewrite the surface boundary condition [Eq. (32)] By making a qualitative argument based on flow over a
on co as wavy Wall, Wilcox and Chambers22 have shown that, for small
roughness heights, we should expect to have
at (36)
as (41)
~ \JJF¥
we can generate sublayer solutions for arbitrary SR9 including
the limiting cases SR^0 and SR-*oo. Comparison with Nikuradse's data shows that the following
correlation between SR and kR will reproduce measured
effects of sand-grain roughness for values of k £ up to
about 400.
'50^2 +
rrR .
k R<25
KIf + » >25

Fig. 3 Computed variation of the constant in the law of the wall, B-9 Fig. 4 Comparison of computed and measured sublayer velocity
with the surface value of the specific dissipation rate. profiles for "completely rough'* surfaces.

C. Effects of Surface Mass Injection V. Numerical Applications

For boundary layers with surface mass injection, the The purpose of this section is to apply the new model to
introduction of an additional velocity scale (v^= normal flow several well-documented turbulent boundary layers, including
velocity at the surface) suggests that the scaling for o) at the effects of adverse pressure gradient, surface mass injection,
surface may differ from Eq. (36). Andersen etal. 19 provide and compressibility, and to free shear flows. All boundary-
further evidence that the specific-dissipation-rate boundary layer computations have been done with a second-order-accu-
condition must be revised when mass injection is present by rate boundary-layer program, EDDYBL,23 based on the
showing, from correlation of their experimental data, that Blottner?4 variable-grid method and the algoarithm developed
both K and B are functions of v^ + = VW/UT, Because our by Wilcox25 to permit large streamwise steps. The free shear
rough-surface computations of the preceding subsection show flow computations have been done with the same numerical
that the value of B is strongly affected by the surface value of procedure implemented to solve the sublayer equations in
the specific dissipation rate, this suggests that the surface Sec.IV.
value of o> will depend in some manner on vw. Examination of
the limiting form of the model equations for y + — oo (i.e., the A. Boundary Conditions
"wall-layer** in Sec. IIB) shows immediately that the effective For boundary-layer computations, we must specify
von Karman "constant" varies with vw+ according to boundary conditions at the surface (y = 0) and at the edge of
the layer (y = 5). At the surface, we impose the no-slip
(43) condition, which gives the following:
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u =k = 0 at y=0 (47)
where H is given by
For compressible flows, we specify either surface temperature
(44) Tw or surface heat flux qw, so that the enthalpy boundary
condition for a calorically perfect gas becomes
The variation of £ predicted in Eqs. (43) and (44) is consistent
with the data of Andersen e t a l . Including appropriate T ._
or at y = 0 (48)
convective terms in Eqs. (27-29), we have performed sublayer
computations for the cases experimentally documented by
Andersen et al. In each case, the surface value of co has been where Cp is specific heat at constant pressure and subscript w
given by denotes surface (y = 0) value. For the compressible flow

at y=0 (45)
and the value of SB has been varied until optimum agreement
between measured and computed velocity profiles is achieved.
The final correlation between SB and v + is given in analytical
form as

Figure 5 displays the level of agreement between theory and

experiment using Eqs. (45) and (46). This concludes our
formulation of the new turbulence model and attending
surface boundary conditions.

O o . '. -
• .0303
• .0.683 ANDERSEN
D .1819
A -7393

0 0 . 5 1.0 1.5 2 . 0 2 . 5

Fig. 6 Comparison of computed and measured skin-friction and

Fig. 5 Comparison of computed and measured sublayer velocity velocity profiles for incompressible boundary layers: —— k-u model;
profiles for boundary layers with surface mass injection. — •— k-e model; o measured.

computations of Sec, VB, we assume that our fluid is air so compressible constant-pressure (flat-plate) boundary layer.
that PrL = 0.72, and the value used for PrT is 8/9. Finally, for First, we apply the model to the incompressible flat-plate case.
perfectly smooth surfaces with no surface mass injection, we The next two applications are to boundary layers in an adverse
require that pressure gradient. The final incompressible application is for
a boundary layer with surface mass injection. We conclude
v=Q and o>^ —-^ as y—0 (no mass injection) (49) with application of the model to the compressible flat-plate
• - ;
' ' boundary layer with and without heat transfer for Mach
numbers 0-5. Numerical details of the computations are given
For the computation with surface mass injection (Sec. VB), by Wilcox.26
the surface conditions satisfied by tr and ox are given by
Incompressible Flat-Plate Boundary Layer
v :•='. v# and o> = — SB at y = 0 (with mass injection) (50) The first application is for the constant-pressure incom-
pressible boundary layer. Although this application does not
provide a severe test of the new model, it is nevertheless
where the dimensionless coefficient SB is defined in terms of necessary to be sure the boundary-layer program has been
the blowing rate parameter v+ = vw/ur by Eq. (46). coded properly. Also, the new model would be of little use as
The manner in which the surface boundary condition on QJ a predictive tool if it were inaccurate for the simplest of all
is implemented when mass addition is present is straightfor- boundary layers.
ward. For the perfectly smooth surface, the method used is The computation begins at a plate-length Reynolds number
less obvious and requires special care. As indicated in Eq. (49),
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Rexof 1-- 106 and continues to an Rexof 10.9 • 106. Figures 6a

we must make sure w approaches the correct asymptotic form and 6b compare computed and measured2 skin-friction and
as ^-*0. If proper care is not taken, the near-wall velocity velocity profiles, respectively. As shown in Fig. 6a, computed
profile is distorted which, in turn, distorts the entire boundary skin friction virtually duplicates corresponding measurements
layer. Note that the singular behavior of a) is consistent with for the entire range of Reynolds numbers considered. Figure
the physics of turbulence, which dictates that there are rapidly 6b shows that differences between computed and measured
decaying small eddies close to solid boundaries. This means velocity profiles are no more than 3% of scale for the three
that the time scale for decay, proportional to the reciprocal of Reynolds numbers indicated. Thus, it comes as no great
w, must approach 0 as y-^Q. surprise that the new model is quite accurate for the flat-plate
In order to achieve the proper limiting form, the boundary- boundary layer. Skin-friction results17 for the k-e model are
layer program uses Eq. (49) for all points up to y+ = u^y/v^ included in Fig. 6a. Note that, as predicted in the defect-layer
= 2.5 rather than attempting to solve the differential equation analysis of Sec. Ill, computed Cf is about 3% higher than
for oj directly. This procedure is very accurate, provided the measured.
mesh point closest to the surface lies below y + .=. 1 and that at
least 5 mesh points lie between y + = 0 and y + = 2.5. Note Incompressible Boundary Layers with Adverse Pressure Gradient
that Eq. (49) is the exact solution to Eq. (5) in the limit y + ^0, We consider two boundary layers with adverse pressure
and using it to define co for the mesh points closest to the gradient. The first case has a moderate adverse pressure
surface is done to guarantee numerical accuracy .The proce- gradient, the experimental data being those of Bradshaw2
dure should not be confused with ".the use of wall functions. (case 3 300) .The second case has increasingly adverse pressure
In addition to specifying surface boundary conditions, gradient, the experimental data being those of Samuel and
values of the dependent variables must also be specified at the Joubert11 (flow 0141).
edge of the boundary layer. Ideally, we would like to For the Bradshaw case, streamwise distance extends from
implement "zero-gradient" boundary conditions at the x = 2.5 to 7.0 ft, corresponding to an increase in Rex from
boundary-layer edge. Although such conditions are "clean" about 2-TO6 to about 4-1C6". Figures 6c and 6d compare
from a theoretical point of view, they are undesirable from computed and measured skin friction and a velocity profile.
a numerical point of view. That is, the conditions we Inspection of both graphs shows that differences between
have used in past applications are of the Neumann type, theory and experiment nowhere exceed 5% for this flow.
whereas "zero-gradient" conditions are of the Dirichlet type. Figure 6c includes k -e results obtained by Chambers and
Almost universally, convergence of iterative numerical Wilcox;17 computed Cf exceeds measured values by as much
schemes (EDDYBL uses an iterative scheme) is much slower as 20%. Because the equilibrium parameter 0T = 2 for this
with Dirichlet conditions than with Neumann conditions. flow, the poor results for the k-e model are unsurprising.
In order to resolve this apparent dilemma, we appeal In the Samuel-Joubert case, we integrate from-.'x=l. to
directly to the equations of motion. Beyond the boundary- 3.40 m, corresponding to an Rex range of about 2-106-4-106.
layer edge, we have vanishing normal gradients, so that the Figures 6e and 6f compare computed and measured skin-fric-
equations for k and a? simplify to the following: tion and two velocity profiles for this flow. Computed and
measured skin friction differ by less than 5% of scale. Velocity
profiles at x = 2.87 m are within 5% whereas those at x - 3,40
(51) m differ by no more than 9%. Since (3T exceeds 9 toward the
end of the computation, the poor performance27 of the k-e
model shown in Fig. 6e (computed Cf exceeds measured values
by as much as 35%) is again consistent with the defect-layer
analysis of Sec. III.
where subscript e. denotes the value at the boundary-layer
edge. The solution to Eqs. (51) and (52) can be obtained by Incompressible Boundary Layer with Surface Mass Injection
simple quadrature, independently of integrating the equations As the final incompressible application of the model, we
of motion through the boundary layer. Once ke and ue are consider a boundary layer with surface mass injection. The
determined from Eqs. (51) and (52), it is then possible to case considered was included in the second Stanford confer-
specify Neumann-type boundary conditions that guarantee ence12 (flow 0241), and data for the flow were taken by
zero normal gradients. Andersen etal. 19 The surface mass injection rate vw is 0.00375
Ue, where Ue is the constant boundary-layer-edge velocity,
B. Boundary-Layer Applications i.e., the flow has constant pressure. Figures 6g and 6h
We turn now to application of the new model equations to compare computed and measured skin-friction and velocity
a total of four incompressible boundary layers and to the profiles, respectively. As shown, computed and measured skin

friction differ by less than 4% of scale whereas computed and VI. Summary and Conclusions
measured velocity profiles are within 3% of each other.
Although this flow has zero pressure gradient, corresponding The primary objectives of this study have been accom-
skin friction predicted11 by the k-e model is as much as 50% plished: we have made a critical review of closure approxima-
higher than measured, probably because the wall functions tions used in two-equation turbulence models and determined
used by Rodi in this computation are inadequate for flows what appears to be an optimum choice of dependent variables.
with mass injection. As a result, we have developed a new two-equation model that
promises more accuracy for boundary layers in an adverse
pressure gradient than any similar model.
Compressible Flat-Plate Boundary Layers As in our prior turbulence modeling efforts, we have made
In order to test the k-u model for effects of compressibility, extensive use of perturbation methods (Sees. Ill and IV). In
we consider flows 8101 and 8201 of the second Stanford contrast to prior studies, our analysis of the defect layer
conference.11 We first consider the adiabatic-wall case with includes pressure gradient. As discussed in Sec. Ill, limiting
freestream Mach number 0-5. For each Mach number, com- the defect-layer analysis to the constant-pressure case displays
putation begins at anRex of 1.0-106 and continues to the point little difference among the various two-equation models in
where momentum-thickness Reynolds number Re9 is 10,000. general usage. However, as soon as an adverse pressure
Figure 7a compares the computed ratio of skin friction C/to gradient is included, the models exhibit large differences. As a
the incompressible value Cf09 with the correlation developed general observation, the second Stanford conference demon-
by Rubesin. As shown, differences between computed ratios strated that modern turbulence models are not much more
accurate than those in use in 1968 if the flow of concern is a
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and correlated values are barely noticeable.

boundary layer in adverse pressure gradient. The analysis of
Next, we turn to effects to surface temperature on flat-plate Sec. Ill indicates why this is true and, with the introduction of
skin friction. For this round of computations, the freestream the new model, offers the basis for development of new
Mach number is 5; the ratio of surface temperature to the models that are accurate for such flows.
adiabatic-wall value ranges from 0.2 to 1.0. Again, computa- The model thus far has been tested for the mixing layer,
tion begins at Rex = 1.0 •• 106 and terminates when Ree = 10,000. four incompressible boundary layers, and effects of compress-
Figure 7b compares the predicted ratio of Cf to the incom- ibility on flat-plate boundary layers. These numerical applica-
pressible value with Rubesin's correlation for the range of tions complement the perturbation analysis predictions of this
surface temperatures considered. Differences between pre- paper and further validate the claim that the k-u model is
dicted and correlated values nowhere exceed 4%. much more accurate than comparable two-equation models.
More testing is needed and will be done in future research
C. Incompressible Free Shear Flows efforts.
The final application is to an incompressible free shear Additional development of the model will be needed,
flow, specifically, to the mixing layer. The model equations however, before such tests can or should be done. Most
admit a similarity solution in which the independent variable importantly, the constitutive relation between Reynolds stress
is y=y/x. To solve the resulting equations, we have used the and mean-flow properties must be revised. Use of the
same time-marching procedure implemented in the defect- Boussinesq approximation that stress is proportional to strain
layer and sublayer analyses of Sees. Ill and IV. Complete rate fails both to predict anisotropy of the normal stresses and
analytical and numerical details are given by Wilcox.28 to account for streamline curvature effects. Additionally, it is
To compare computed and measured spreading rates, we not at all clear that model predictions will bear any relation to
use the definition given by Birch in the second Stanford physical reality for flows that are unsteady and/or include
conference.11 Predicted spreading rate is sensitive to the boundary-layer separation.
freestream values of k and co, so that a range of spreading rates Although important development work remains to be done,
between 0.100 and 0.141 is possible. This range brackets the the primary intent of this work has been to settle the issue of
measured value of 0.115. the correct scale-determining equation, and the effort has been

V C fo V C fo
1.0 1.0


0 J______t 0

0 1 2 3 4 5 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0
a) Mach number ^oo b) Surface cooling ^^aw

Fig. 7 Comparison of computed and measured effects of freestream Mach number and surface cooling on flat-plate boundary-layer skin friction.

successful. Now that this step has been accomplished, In the Jones-Launder model, we compute dissipation e
complicating effects such as anisotropic shear, streamline directly, so that additional equations are
curvature, unsteadiness, and separation can be addressed by
building on the solid foundation offered by the k-u model (A5c)
introduced in this paper.

Appendix: Defect-Layer Equations

In this Appendix, we present details of the formal perturba- |3* -= 9/100, Ci = 31/20, C2 = 2, a = 10/13, a* = 1 (A7c)
tion expansion solution to the defect-layer equations. First, we
summarize the three turbulence models under consideration. Expansion Procedure
Next, we outline the form of the perturbation expansions and Following the formulation of Wilcox and Traci,9 we
state the equations for the leading-order terms in the introduce a stream function \l/ and seek a perturbation solution
expansions. Then, we present boundary conditions used in of the form
solving the defect-layer equations. Finally, we indicate the
manner in which skin friction and wake strength can be
extracted from the defect-layer solution. (A8)

Turbulence Models Under Consideration

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In analyzing the defect layer, we focus on three turbulence
models: the new model postulated in Sec. II, the Wilcox-
Rubesin10 model, and the Jones-Launder5 model. For all three (A10)
of the models, we must solve the equations for mean mass and *A
momentum conservation, an equation for turbulent energy, 3
and an equation for a turbulence dissipation scale. For all
three models, the first three equations assume the following
du dv
:Z A = -^ (A12)
du dUe a
(A2) Inserting Eqs. (A8-A12) into Eqs. (A1-A7), neglecting
higher-order terms, letting AToO?) denote dimensionless eddy
viscosity, and defining
dk du d_
where d/dt = ud/dx + vd/dy. Note that Eqs. (A 1-A3) do not
include molecular viscosity. This is a valid approximation in
the defect layer as the eddy viscosity is proportional to £46*, we obtain the following equations:
where Ue is the boundary-layer-edge velocity and 6*
is displacement thickness. Hence, the ratio of molecular to at/!
eddy viscosity varies inversely with displacement-thickness
Reynolds number and is thus very small. The difference
among the three models is in the way the dissipation e and the = 2oTx -^
kinematic eddy viscosity VT. are computed. ox
For the new model, in addition to Eqs. (A1-A3), we have

€ = /3*a>/: (A4a)
(7/VQ I _n
—— + (<xT ~ 2pr - 2wr)
_ a^0

(A5a) (A15)

(A6a) where

7 = 5/9, 0 = 3/40, /3* = 9/100, a = 1/2, a* = 1/2 (A7a) and (A16)

In the Wilcox-Rubesin model, the additional equations are
as follows: The final equation for each model is different; the equations
e = /3*a?A: (A4b)
New model:

du2 - /aA2] v a [ a*2]

dt =7® T- T - ) •J k +T-
dy] - P + M\dyj dy [ ™T^-\
^J (A6b)

7 = 10/9, /3 = 3/20, jS* = 9/100, <j= 1/2, a* = 1/2 (A7b).

where ^= dx

Wilcox-Rubesin model: New model:

- /Sr - 4«r) W\ + Vr 7 HK0 (A23a)

Wilcox-Rubesin model:

Jones-Launder model:
dE =0
« + .- 20r - 2o,T)n ^
Jones-Launder model:
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where the parameters a y , j37, a r , and w r are defined in terms
of 8\ ur, and skin friction, Cf = 2(uT/Uef, i.e.,

Boundary Conditions
At the outer edge of the defect layer, we require that the
velocity equal the freestream velocity. Additionally, we let the
5* dp turbulent energy assume a small value and insist that the
turbulent length scale have zero slope at the boundary-layer
edge. In their defect-layer analysis, Wilcox and Traci used
these boundary conditions, as well as explicitly prescribing
both KQ and WQ. Thus,

(A18) C/1 = = 0 and KQ = small value at rj = rjc (A24)

Cfu7 dx dr/

Approaching the surface, we must formally match to the

Equations (A14-A17) will have self-similar solutions only if law of the wall. Matching is a bit different for each model but
aT, PT, and w r are independent of x. As noted by Bush and is nevertheless straightforward; details of the algebra will thus
Fendell,16 for (Ueb*/v)> > 1, UT varies sufficiently slowly that be omitted in the interest of brevity. The limiting forms used
we have for 17— 0 follow.

as (A19)

and, in addition, the shape factor to leading order approaches - [1 +

1, which (from inspection of the momentum-integral equa- as T/-0 (A25)
tion) Implies ~— [I +

as (A20)

Thus, self-similar solutions exist, provided only that 0T is The coefficients «i, k\, Wi, and e\ are as follows:
independent of x .
In summary, the defect-layer equations for the leading-or- All models:
der terms in the perturbation expansions become

All models: (A26)

New model:


(A22) (A28a)

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