Review On Dynamic Van Der Waals Theory in Two-Phase Flow
Review On Dynamic Van Der Waals Theory in Two-Phase Flow
Review On Dynamic Van Der Waals Theory in Two-Phase Flow
124-134, 2017
Ausasia Science and Technology Press
Invited review
Review on Dynamic Van der Waals Theory in two-phase flow
Tao Zhang1 *, Jisheng Kou2 , Shuyu Sun1
Computational Transport Phenomena Laboratory, Division of Physical Science and Engineering, King Abdullah
University of Science and Technology, Thuwal 23955-6900, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
School of Mathematics and Statistics, Hubei Engineering University, Xiaogan 432000, Hubei, P. R. China.
(Received August 10, 2017; revised September 16, 2017; accepted September 19, 2017; published September 25, 2017)
Abstract: In this paper we review the Dynamic Van der Waals theory, which is a recent developed method to study phase
separation and transition process in multiphase flow. Gradient contributions are included in the entropy and energy functions,
and it’s particularly useful and non-trivial if we consider problems with temperature change. Using this theory, we can simulate
that, a droplet in an equilibrium liquid will be attracted to the heated wall(s) which was initially wetted, which is the main
cause of the famous hydrodynamic phenomena-Leidonfrost Phenomena. After more than ten years development, this theory has
been widely used to study the fluid flow in vaporing and boiling process, e.g. droplet motion. Furthermore, this theory has been
combined with phase field model, which could be extended to solid-liquid phase transition. There has also been researches about
constructing LBM scheme to extend to the Dynamic Van der Waals theory, using Chapman-Enskog analyze. In all, due to its
rigorous thermodynamic derivation, this theory has now become the fundamental theoretical basis in the heated multiphase flow.
Keywords: Van der waals theory, phase transition, vaporing and boiling.
Citation: Zhang, T., Kou, J., Sun, S. Review on Dynamic Van der Waals Theory in two-phase flow. Adv. Geo-energ. Res. 2017,
1(2): 124-134, doi: 10.26804/ager.2017.02.08.
and mesoscale scale. The latest developments of computa- by the heat flux nonlinearity, which produces a sharp interface
tional techniques have been shifted to phase-field models, also separating the superfluid and normal fluid. It is very difficult
known as diffue interface (DI) models, where the interface to understand this problem. We need to first construct a kinetic
is modeled as a three-dimensional region and the values model to study the non-equilibrium effect, in which phase
of all the properties of the material in one of its batch transition and fluid mechanics are inseparable coupling.
phases are constantly changing in other batch stages value. Korteweg proposed in 1901 the hydrodynamic equation of
Diffuse interface method (DIM) has recently been more and the binary fluid mixture, including the stress caused by the
more concerned by researchers and engineers, especially for composition gradient. Then, in the presence of gradient stress,
those who are implementing multi-phase numerical simulation. the diffusion interface between the two phases appears in the
Compared to a large variety of multiphase modeling methods, solution of the fluid mechanics equation. In this row, diffusion
including the long-history sharp interface method, DI model interface models in a variety of 2D numerical simulations have
shows the need for developing the governing equations of been proposed to describe the phase change and motion in
mass, momentum, and energy balance to address attractive single or binary component mixtures. Its extraordinary itself
features across the field, including interface and the nearby to have the numerical solution for single component flow.
area. In DI model, the interface and the nearby area is being Note that the diffusion interface model or phase field model
seen as a thin layer but with a thickness (infinite). Using this has been used for numerical analysis of dendritic instability
treatment, physical properties, including pressure, temperature in crystal growth. As a further series of studies, it has been
and matter density will be continuous in space (Chen et al., studied that the critical dynamics in classical fluids, including
2001; Chen and Meiburg, 2002; Pecenko et al., 2011). the mass density and composition of the gradient contribution,
Different with the so-called sharp interface method, the are relevant even in a phase state where the correlation length
phase field method is related to the study of multiphase near the critical point increases. The so-called model H of
processes whose characteristic length scales are comparable near-critical binary mixtures has recently been designed to
to typical interface thicknesses (e.g., coalescence and de- describe the dynamics of thermal fluctuations but also to
composition events involving emulsion flow in droplets or describe phase separation processes and steady states under
droplets). The framework begins by assuming that the free shear flow. It is mentioned that the van der Waals liquid in
energy function of the square gradient term is included in Kawasaki has a long-distance hydrodynamic equation in which
the order parameter (for example, the population density and stress is non-local convolution, but is reduced to a well-known
the component concentration field) (Kou and Sun, 2015; Kou form in the critical dynamics of gradient approximation. At the
and Sun, 2016a). From this function, the spatial distribution same time, a set of non-linear hydrodynamic equations with
of these order parameters in the interface area is generated gradient contribution was established in the early stage, and a
through an energy minimization theorem. This method leads simplified version similar to superfluidic conversion was used
to the natural extension of the van der Waals model of the for critical dynamics and to study the nonlinear effects of heat
phase transition and the general thermodynamics in the phase flow.
transition, assuming a simple pair of potential energy between In 2005, Prof. Onuki presented a theory that take into
pairs. account the gradient contribution of both the entropy and
A popular description of the gas-liquid phase transition energy, which is named by his as the dynamic van der
in a one-component fluid is the van der Waals theory. It Waals theory (Onuki, 2005; Onuki, 2007). They constructed
is a mean field theory of hardball particles with long and hydrodynamic equations with gradient stresses and converted
attractive interactions, which is often used to describe the them numerically to check the droplet motion in the heat flow.
thermal equilibrium conditions. In addition, van der Waals A typical one of these findings is that the temperature within
introduced the Helmholtz free energy density gradient term in the droplets becomes uniform with heating, but under zero
the 1893 pioneering paper to describe the gas-liquid interface. gravity. It has been observed that the interface region is quite
This gradient term has been applied a lot to statistically close to the coexistence curve, T = Tc x (p) , even in nonequi-
analyze the mechanism in non-uniform physical problems, librium, due to the strong latent heat transportation effect, but
including the paper of Ginzburg and Landau on type I su- the pressure outside the droplet is uniform distributed. The
perconductors, as well as the paper of Cahn and Hilliard subsequent theory will show similar results so its validated.
on binary alloys. Its noted that the temperature T is always Thus, the Malangoni effect due to uneven surface tension does
treated as a given parameter independent of the space in many not work in a one-component pure liquid, and even at very
existing published theories on phase transition and dynamic small impurity concentrations, the mixture can produce faster
process. The Ginzburg-Landau theory is based on a free energy fluid and interfacial motions. This phenomena has been further
function with uniform T. Needless to say, there are various recollected and studied in Onukis following work (Takae and
situations in which a phase change occurs in an uneven T or Onuki, 2010). Based on that, a sequence of papers have been
heat flow. In the fluid system, the wetting dynamics, the boiling published, focusing on the temperature distribution and phase
process and the droplet movement are strongly influenced by transition in vaporing or boiling process (Teshigawara and
the applied heat flux. In the liquid crystal of the first-order Onuki, 2008; Xu and Qian, 2012; Kou et al., 2016).
phase change and the binary fluid mixture, the Rayleigh- This review is structured as follows: In Section 2, the
Bernard convection is very complex with phase separation. general form, including basic governing equations, as well
In some studies, the superfluidic transition can be influenced as some physical derivation and explanation are presented.
126 Zhang T., et al. Adv. Geo-energ. Res. 2017, 1(2): 124-134
Besides, a set of numerical tests are designed and their results nonuniformity to the pressure tensor as a function of the
will show the fundamental but complicated physical process density gradient and explains the energy required to form and
including evaporation and bubble motion in superheated fluid maintain the density nonuniformity. The contribution of the
flow. In Section 3 we discuss several numerical frameworks, gradient term to the pressure tensor is given by the coefficient
which are all relevant to dynamic van der Waals theory or M . The expression of the contribution of the density gradient
could be seen as its extensions. In Section 4 we discuss to the equilibrium pressure is described by Felderhof (1977)
some potential future developments of the dynamic van der and Anderson and Gerbing (1988). A key prediction of the
Waals theory, including multiscale schemes, which will make van der Waals gradient theory is that the interface between the
simulations of phase change and transition in fluid dynamics, vapor and the liquid becomes wider as the critical temperature
especially coupled with heat transfer more effectively. increases (Charles, 2014).
f = kB Tn ln λdth n − 1 − ln (1 − v0 n) − εv0 n2
(1) Z
1 2
in the above equation, v0 = a is the molecular volume and εb = dr e + K |On| (10)
is the magnitude of the attractive potential with d being the
space dimensionality. the internal energy density is given by: in which the two coefficients C and K are often selected as
K = 0 and C is a parameter.
dnkB T The gradient term represents the decrease in entropy and
e= − εv0 n2 (2)
2 the increase in energy due to the inhomogeneity of n. They
and the entropy s per particle, and the pressure p are given are particularly important in the interface area. We then define
individually by: the local temperature T by:
λdth n
kB (d + 2) 1 ∂ ∂s
s = −kB ln + (3) = Sb =n (11)
(1 − v0 n) 2 T ∂e n ∂e n
where n is fixed in the derivatives. This definition of T is
analogous to that in a microcanonical ensemble. We will use
nkB T
p= − εv0 n2 (4) it even for inhomogeneous n and e in nonequilibrium. We also
(1 − v0 n)
define a generalized chemical potential per particle including
The chemical potential per particle changes as: the gradient contributions by:
M d2 n d M dn
µ − µcx = + (5) M0
2 δSb M 2
2 dx dx 2 dx µ̂ = −T = µ − T O· On + |On| (12)
δn ê T 2
while the van der Waals pressure is expressed as:
Now, regarding Sb as a functional of n and ê , we consider
2 small changes of n and ê and which yield an incremental
M d n d M dn dn
p − pcx = n 2 + n −M (6) change of Sb .
2 dx dx 2 dx dx
Meanwhile, Van der Waals introduced the gradient free Z
1 µ̂
energy density: δSb = dr δe − δn − da (~v · On) δn (13)
1 2 In the Ginzburg-Landau theory, we furthermore minimize
fgra = M |On| (7)
2 W with respect to n to obtain:
and the surface tension is defined as:
Z +∞ 2 µ̂ = kB T v = const (14)
γ= dxM (8) We can then find the stress based on van der Waals pressure
−∞ dx
Obviously, M is the coefficient of the gradient term in the
Helmholtz free energy defined in equilibrium as M = CT +K. "
The capillary pressure tensor C, which depends on the density (On) 2
Πij = pδij − CT nO n + δij + CT Oi nOj n (15)
of the density gradient, incorporates the total pressure tensor. 2
The gradient term represents the contribution of the density
Zhang T., et al. Adv. Geo-energ. Res. 2017, 1(2): 124-134 127
(a) (b)
Fig. 2. Simulation results of cases under only temperature gradient (in horizontal direction).
(a) (b)
and effect back the heat transfer process. The velocity caused
eT = −O· (ρ~v~v ) − O· (Π − σ) − ρgvz (19) by droplet motion may bring heat or cold and disturb the
∂t temperature field. It can be reasonable, as the surface tension is
inverse proportional to the temperature. So if the temperature
is higher, the surface tension is lower, and the surface tension
2.4 Numerical cases is higher in a lower temperature. As a result, droplet surface
First, we calculate the droplet motion under temperature in the warm part will be less tight than that of the cold part,
gradient and without gravity. From the left figure, we can see and this difference in surface will drive the drople move to the
the initial state, with a droplet in the centre of a domain. warmer part. Besides, due to the different tension, the droplet
We draw the velocity quiver at the same time to show the shape will be changing throughout the whole process.
trend of droplet motion. To avoid the misunderstanding of gravity effect, the left
From the figures above, we can see that the droplet is wall is the warm wall here. We can see that with the temper-
driven to the warm walls, and with a bounce back process ature rise, there will be velocity emerging inside the bubble,
130 Zhang T., et al. Adv. Geo-energ. Res. 2017, 1(2): 124-134
and then it will move to the warm wall. This is the same as hydrodynamics and elasticity on the basis of clear thermo-
references. dynamics. Therefore, such model could be applied to solid-
Furthermore, we want to show the Leidenfrost effect, liquid phase and liquid-liquid phase change (Lamorgesea et
which means that a gas layer near the hot wall to keep the al., 2017).
droplet suspension. The trick here is to find a proportional Kou et al. (2016) proposed a general diffuse reflection
gravity acceleration coefficient, to show the balanced effect of interface model with realistic state equation (such as the
surface tension (caused by temperature gradient) and gravity. Peng Robinson equation of state). Based on the NVT-based
So, we set the top wall a warmer boundary, to attract droplet framework principle, a multi-component two-phase fluid flow
against gravity. Again, the droplet is attracted to the warm is described. The NPT-based framework is used to simulate the
walls, but under gravity it will again drop down. So, there real fluid. The proposed model uses Helmholtz free energy
will be a very thin gas layer in the bottom and cause a bounce rather than Gibbs free energy in the NPT-based framework.
back of the droplet. Different from the traditional routines, they combine the first
In these figures, its easy to get that the droplet is driven laws of thermodynamics with the relevant thermodynamic
by both the gravity and surface tension difference. As we care relations to obtain the entropy equilibrium equation, and then
more on the bounce-drop balance process, we focus on the derive the transport equation of Helmholtz free energy density.
droplet moving already to the bottom part and try to capture In addition, by using the second law of thermodynamics, they
the balance process. It can be read from these figures that the have obtained a set of uniform equations that describe the
droplet will show a process of flattened first, driven by gravity partial miscibility of the two fluids and the bulk phase. The
and then bounce back, driven by temperature difference and relationship between the pressure gradient and the chemical
then iterations. Due to the balance between surface tension and potential gradient is established. This relationship leads to a
gravity, the shape of droplet varies significantly and intensely. new formula for the momentum balance equation, indicating
that the chemical potential gradient is the main driving force of
3. Recent developments and Extensions fluid motion. In addition, they demonstrate that the proposed
model satisfies the total (free) energy dissipation over time.
3.1 Phase Filed Model coupled with Equation of For the numerical simulation of the proposed model, the key
State difficulty is due to the strong nonlinearity of the Helmholtz
free energy density and the tight coupling between the molar
The phase field model is used to replace the boundary density and the velocity. In order to solve these problems, they
condition at the interface with the evolution of the auxiliary proposed a novel convex and concave splitting of Helmholtz
field (phase field) acting as the initial parameter by the partial free energy density and deal well with the coupling rela-
differential equation. This phase field has two different values tionship between molar density and velocity by very careful
(for example, +1 and -1) in each phase, and there is a physical observation (Kou et al., 2015; Kou and Sun, 2016a).
smooth change between the two values in the area around For comprehensive binary mixtures, Liu et al. (2016)
the interface, and then the region has a finite width diffusion. proposed a new scheme of diffuse interface model based on
In general, hydrodynamics and elasticity will be both included the mass, momentum and energy conservation, as well as
in single component system. It can be used to study problems the second thermodynamic law. The analysis and numerical
including liquid-liquid or solid-liquid phase transitions, and analysis show that the model can well describe the phase
recently it has been developed further to study gas-liquid equilibrium of the actual binary mixture (carbon dioxide /
phase transitions. In the case of a first-order phase change, ethanol considered in this paper) by adjusting the attraction
the velocity field is caused around the interface even in the parameters between the two component model molecules.
presence of a density difference between the two phases, even They also show that the calculated surface tension of the
if no shear flow is applied. As an application, they present different concentrations of CO2 + ethanol mixture is consistent
two simulation results in the case of melting, where the solid with the measured values in the literature when the mixed
domain is placed on the heated wall in one case and in another capillary coefficients are used as the geometric mean of the
case is suspended in the warmer liquid under shear flow in capillary coefficients for each component. Simulated three
(Onuki, 2007). They have found that the solid region moves different cases of two droplets in the shear flow with the
or rotates as a result of elasticity, releasing latent heat. We also same or different concentrations, indicating that the higher the
checked the liquid-liquid phase of the high viscosity domain surface tension of CO2 at higher concentrations, the easier the
to a less viscous liquid on the heating wall, which caused an droplet deformation.
uneven velocity field in the projected portion of the domain. In many cases, the van der Waals force model of the
In these phase transitions, in the presence of a heat flow in the single component system and the Cahn-Hilliard or phase field
surrounding liquid, the interfacial temperature is almost equal model of the binary incompressible flow are inappropriate.
to the coexistence temperature Tcx (p) leaving the heating wall One such situation is the binary system near the critical point
(Takae and Onuki, 2010; Liu et al., 2016). of the phase diagram, such as carbon dioxide or water at
Researchers has developed the phase field model of fluids elevated pressure and temperature. The above application, that
based on the van der Waals theory (Takae and Onuki, 2010). is, the solvent used as a solvent in the vicinity of the critical
It can handle uneven evaporation and condensation, occupying value in chemical analysis and synthesis, is an example. This
latent heat. The purpose of this kind of method is to include compressible binary mixture has not been extensively studied
Zhang T., et al. Adv. Geo-energ. Res. 2017, 1(2): 124-134 131
using this method. Onuki studied the properties of very dilute up to 2nd order. A set of benchmark problems and their
binary mixtures. Instead of modeling the mixture as a single analytical solution have developed and generally used for
fluid, the Helmholtz free energy density extends through the validation. Large variety of simulations have been carried out
van der Waals theory to the two-component fluid. Solute to demonstrate the large capability and usage of the algorithm
density assumptions are very small, depending on the density based on dynamic van der Walls theory (Tryggvason et al.,
of the solvent. No governing equation for the binary system 2011; Liu et al., 2015; Taylor and Qian, 2016).
was given (Kou and Sun, 2013; Liu et al., 2016; Kou and Sun, In a one-component fluid, the temperature of the bubbles
2016b). (or droplets) of the thermal capillary (Marangoni) is almost
From another point of view, In the D.I. model, the interface impossible to vary. Generally, we can see the interface as
is modeled as a three-dimensional region of finite thickness, an isothermal fluid layer where the temperature is saturated
where the sequence parameters continuously change from a (Amijo and Barnard, 2010). Meanwhile, we need to take
value in a body phase to its neighboring value. The model into account the fact that evaporation and condensation might
begins with a free energy function with a nonlocal contribu- occur on both sides in the same time, and the bubbles may
tion, expressed in the initial order of the squared gradient of be displaced. At the HYLDE equipment of CEA-Grenoble
the sequential parameters. The spatial distribution of density and the ISL DECLIC plant, we observed that two different
or concentration in the interface area is then determined by fluids were affected by the temperature gradient under gravity.
minimizing the free energy. When a pair of simple intergran- Experiments and subsequent analyzes are carried out near
ular potentials are assumed, the natural extension of the van the critical point of gas-liquid, benefiting from the critical
der Waals force model is obtained (Shen and Yang, 2015). universality. In order to better understand the phenomenon,
Assuming the simple constitutive relationship of the flux of has been carried out 1D numerical simulation. After applying
the material in a very viscous binary mixture, the theory the temperature gradient, two schemes can be demonstrated.
of Cahn-Hilliard joint decomposition can be obtained. For At the beginning, there will be a temperature change around
systems that can not ignore the flux of fluxes, a reversible force and in the bubble due to the difference in compressibility and
called the Korteweg force must be added to the Navier-Stokes the so called piston effect, which means that along with the
equations proportional to the chemical potential gradient. For expansion of the thermal boundary layer, the fast adiabatic
systems that are not in equilibrium, the force is nonzero and bulk thermalization will be induced. Different distribution
is responsible for the strong convection observed when the of temperature will result in a different physical process of
mixture is separated, and is not present in the system where the evaporation, as well as condensation, and such phenomena
chemical potential is uniform. Like the Gibbs fractal surface might vary the bubble shape and drive the bubble/droplet
model, the diffuse reflection interface model has been widely motion. After a long time, or at the near-steady state, there
used in the mixing and delamination of binary mixtures, will a temperature gradient in the liquid and such gradient is
buoyancy-driven separation of droplets, droplet breakage and the main cause of droplet/bubble motion to the hot wall. The
coalescence, Marangoni effect and flow of nanometer and temperature in bubble/droplet will have no such gradient. Bub-
microchannels (Lamorgese et al., 2017). Diffuse interface ble velocity in such process has been studied and compared
models resolve the steep but smooth transition of an order with existing theories in Nikolayevs work (Nikolayev et al.,
parameter for a two-phase system at the fluid interface. Ideas 2017). They derive a set of hydrodynamic equations based on
to describe both phases of an inhomogeneous system in one the thermodynamic theorem which contains the stress caused
unifying framework originate from van der Waals (1873) by density gradient. The so-called gradient effect is used again.
(Widom and Rowlinson, 1970; Rowlinson, 1979) and Cahn Such governing equations can be further developed and wider
& Hilliard (1958). Derivations of diffuse interface equations applied in phase transition process in non-uniform temperature
for single and binary fluid systems from a nonequilibrium distribution (Nikolayev et al., 2017).
thermodynamics framework have been presented, amongst Droplet movement has been extensively researched due
others, by Anderson et al. (1998), Jacqmin (1999) and Onuki to its wide application potential in chemical and biology
(2007) (Nold, 2016). engineering, as well as petroleum industry. Various physical
processes involving droplet movements can take into account
both phase change (including both evaporation and conden-
3.2 Boiling and droplet motion sation process) and associated phenomena including velocity
The dynamic van der Waals theory is more applicable in slip and substrate cooling/ heating. The hydrodynamic and
simulations of physical process with heat transfer and phase thermal properties of fluid flow will be automatically resolved
change, thats why its widely used in numerical researches on using the phase method (such as phase field method) coupled
boiling and droplet motions. Several new continuum mechan- with dynamic van der Waals theory. Besides, in many other
ics modeling frameworks are developed for liquid-vapor flows, methods, the rate of evaporation and condensation is set
especially in boiling and evaporation process, concentrating previously, but here such rate is obtained through calculation,
mostly on the fluid flow belonging to van der Waals type, which is another advantage. The numerical results will show
using new schemes combining entropy function and other that the wettability increasing direction on solid substrate is
thermodynamic variables. Generally, it can be shown that the the main direction. Professor Qian investigated the movement
energy stability of such schemes in discretized style, which of vaporized droplets in a one-component fluid on a solid
will lead to an unconditionally stable property and accuracy substrate with a wettability gradient. Another result we can
132 Zhang T., et al. Adv. Geo-energ. Res. 2017, 1(2): 124-134
obtain is that the relative contribution of phase transition and equation. The two phases are connected by kinetic boundary
boundary velocity on contact line is mainly decided by the slip conditions. The results show that DIM can not accurately
length. We can see two examples of the droplet migration and predict the rate of condensation when vapor phase dilution, but
the energy dissipation process from Kou and Sun (2016c). it becomes more accurate when the gas phase becomes thicker.
Recently, there has been a simple kinetic model for the Assuming the unit condensation factor, HM reproduces MD
evolution of a droplet in a cell, based on the Van der Waals with almost ideal vapor condensation accuracy (Barbante and
equation of state, to investigate the behavior of liquid-vapor Frezzotti, 2016). Besides, there has also been simulaitons using
undergoing adiabatic expansion during isochoric and rapid the dynamic van der Waals theory and coupling with Navier-
heating. The evolution of the two phase fluid between the Stokes equations in nanotubes (Grjeu et al., 2013).
molecular and hydrodynamic scales is studied at different time Meanwhile, the dynamic van der Waals theory is used to
steps, focusing on out-of-equilibrium and surface effects. Re- simulate the single vapor bubble growth when the bulk liquid
searcher have found a formula for the temperature difference is heated (Chaudhri et al., 2014). For one component van der
between the gas and the droplets and they check it with numer- Waals fluid, the expansion dynamics of bubbles arising in pool
ical calculations. Afterwards, the formula is applied to delimit boiling regime has been widely studied, where the contact line
the thermalized and non-thermalized expansion regimes. The motion and the effect of substrate wettability are the main
growth rate of liquid fraction is proportional to the estimation focus. It was found that the substrate wettability could control
value, while a limit of droplet evaporation rate is derived in the apparent contact angle as well as the bubble growth rate
case of rapid expansion. Also, there has been discussion on the (total evaporation rate), and thats how we can determine the
range of experimental situations (Armijo and Barnard, 2010). line speed. It has also been obtained that an approximate
Onuki himself also proposed the boiling process, which could expression could be derived from the theory, which is in
be divided into nuclear boiling, membrane boiling and their good accordinane with the simulation result. Its indicated
transition state. that the movement velocity of contact line velocity is mainly
There has also been researches on an extended thermody- determined by three factors, (1) interface shape, the effect
namics (ET) theory of dissipative dense gases. In particular, is even higher when the bubble growing in a slow rate (2)
the ET theory with six fields has been studied, where the shear constant apparent contact angle and (3) constant bubble growth
viscosity and heat conductivity is ignored. Two nonequilib- rate. Thus, the contact line velocity is sensitive to substrate
rium temperatures is emerged. Its generally viewed that the wettability through a significant contact angle, where the latter
translational modes and the internal modes are the two main is also the main cause of bubble growth. The hydrophobic
cause of the merge, which will help us understand the origin of surface produces a thinner bubble shape than the hydrophilic
dynamic pressure more clearly. Furthermore, the characteristic surface , as well as a higher evaporation rate, which results
velocities is evaluated associated with the hyperbolic system in a faster contact line speed. Such results are connected with
and the fluctuation-dissipation is addressed by its relation to the vapor film formation and further boiling process (Xu et
the bulk viscosity. The fluid flow based on dynamic van der al., 2012; Taylor and Qian, 2016).
Waals theory is taken as an example in such research. There is also a lattice Boltzmann scheme that allows
Teshigawara and Onuki (2008) focused on the evaporation simulating the thermodynamic mechanical equations of mul-
of a hydrophilic drop on an isothermal substrate. The total tiphase fluids, including the contribution of interface free
evaporation rate is counted in their research its found that the energy (Sofonea et al., 2004). This is an example of LBM
rate is doubled in region compared to that on the interface of that correctly reproduces the quality, momentum, and energy
contact line. It could be further concluded that the evaporation equations established by Onuki in the second phase of the
occurs mainly near the contact line, especially in large time Chapman-Enskog extension. Assuming the simple constitutive
scale, which is the same as results from other thermodynamical relationship of the flux of the material in a very viscous binary
theory. Meanwhile, the accuracy should be more concerned in mixture, the theory of Cahn-Hilliard joint decomposition can
this method as in some cases, the edge evaporation rate is be obtained. The phase-field method has been used to simulate
even higher than the total one, which is questioned (Xie et al., the mixing of conventional mixtures, the junction decomposi-
2016). tion in conventional mixtures and the various heterogeneous
problems of van der Waals liquids, the phase separation effect
on heat transfer and nucleation (Gonnella et al., 2007; Gan et
3.3 Other extentions al., 2012).
The vapor condensation on the planar liquid surface caused In conclusion, the uncertainties and challenges need to
by the reflection of weak shock waves was studied by three be highlighted in Drp. Significant progress is necessary to
different simulation methods. The first is based on the molec- transform micro-tomography and conceptual model from the
ular dynamics (MD) simulation of Lennard-Jones fluid, which current researchch problem into a robust computational big
should provide a reference solution. The second method is data tool for multi-scale scientific and engineering problems
based on the diffusion interface model (DIM), consistent with in earth science related fields.
the thermodynamic properties and transport properties of the
Lennard-Jones fluid. The third method is based on a hybrid 4. Conclusion
model (HM), where the liquid is described by pure fluid
mechanics, and the steam is described by the Boltzmann Multicomponent and multiphase fluid flows are very im-
Zhang T., et al. Adv. Geo-energ. Res. 2017, 1(2): 124-134 133
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