(2012) (Smith) (Mechanistic Modeling of Interfacial Area Transport in Large Diameter Pipes)
(2012) (Smith) (Mechanistic Modeling of Interfacial Area Transport in Large Diameter Pipes)
(2012) (Smith) (Mechanistic Modeling of Interfacial Area Transport in Large Diameter Pipes)
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Flow in large pipes is important in a wide variety of applications. In the nuclear industry in particular,
Received 15 February 2012 understanding of flow in large diameter pipes is essential in predicting the behavior of reactor systems.
Received in revised form 12 June 2012 This is especially true of natural circulation Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) designs, where a large-diameter
Accepted 15 June 2012
chimney above the core provides the gravity head to drive circulation of the coolant through the reactor.
Available online 23 June 2012
The behavior of such reactors during transients and during normal operation will be predicted using
advanced thermal-hydraulics analysis codes utilizing the two-fluid model. Essential to accurate two-fluid
model calculations is reliable and accurate computation of the interfacial transfer terms. These interfacial
Large diameter
Interfacial area transport
transfer terms can be expressed as the product of one term describing the potential driving the transfer
Void fraction and a second term describing the available surface area for transfer, or interfacial area concentration. Cur-
Coalescence rently, the interfacial area is predicted using flow regime-dependent semi-empirical correlations; how-
Breakup ever the interfacial area concentration is best computed through the use of the one-dimensional
interfacial area transport equation (IATE). To be useful in practical applications the IATE requires mech-
anistic models for the change in interfacial area concentration due to interactions between bubbles.
Therefore using previously collected data and proper scaling methods, current models for bubble inter-
actions for the IATE are briefly discussed and new models applicable to large pipes are developed and
compared with the existing data.
Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0301-9322/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 T.R. Smith et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 47 (2012) 1–16
it is also often called the six-equation model. Short of DNS or LES the particle density distribution function. This distribution func-
the two-fluid model is the most accurate model for two-phase flow tion describes the probably number density of fluid particles with
prediction. It also requires much shorter computational time than given properties at a given time and location. It is assumed that the
either of these prediction methods. Further, the two-fluid model equation is continuous. This results in the equation
has an advantage in that it can be derived in a one-dimensional X
@f @ dV
form which is easy to use in thermal-hydraulic analysis codes. vpÞ þ
þ r ðf ~ f ¼ Sj þ Sph ð2Þ
@t @V dt
The major disadvantage of the two-fluid model is in modeling j
most two-phase flow conditions, bubbles can be categorizes as distribution is weighted to larger bubbles the value will be higher.
spherical, distorted, cap, Taylor or churn-turbulent. Based on their The value of this constant has been shown through previous exper-
drag and transport characteristics these five categories can be iments (Fu and Ishii, 2003a,b) to have a value of between 0 and 2.
reclassified into two groups, with Group 1 consisting of spherical Additionally, Dc is the critical bubble size between groups as given
and distorted bubbles and Group 2 consisting of cap, Taylor and in Eq. (5) and Dm12 is the mass transfer between groups due to bub-
churn-turbulent bubbles. Using this categorization, Fu and Ishii ble coalescence and breakup.
(2003a) developed a two-group approach to the interfacial area
transport equation. 2.1.3. Major coalescence and breakup mechanisms
In the two-group formulation the integration limit for each To close the transport equations, the fluid particle interaction
transport equation, that is the boundary between the two bubble mechanisms must be identified and modeled. These mechanisms
groups Dd,max, must be determined. This is the boundary between have been analyzed and identified by Fu and Ishii (2003a) and
distorted and cap bubbles, which is defined by Ishii and Zuber can be summarized as
(1979) as
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1. Random Collision (RC): collision driven by turbulent eddies,
Dd;max ¼ 4 1 cm ð5Þ 2. Wake Entrainment (WE): collision due to acceleration of the
g Dq
following particle in the wake region of the preceding particle,
where g is the gravitational acceleration and Dq is the density dif- 3. Turbulent Impact (TI): disintegration upon impact of turbulent
ference between phases. Bubbles larger than this size tend to take eddies,
on a cap shape, and the drag properties of the bubble begin to 4. Shearing-Off (SO): shearing off of small bubbles around the base
change. This then gives us a bubble volume at the group boundary rim of the cap bubbles.
for use as the integration limit. Some simplifying assumptions are 5. Surface Instability (SI): break-up of a large cap bubble due to
made regarding the distribution function for each bubble group, surface instability at the interface.
namely that the bubbly number distribution is independent of bub-
bly volume so that they can be reasonably described by a group Based on these major mechanisms, the possible source and sink
average. The resulting integration of the Boltzmann transport equa- terms are given in Table 1 and illustrated in Fig. 1. These include
tion results in two-group transport equations for the bubble num- intra-group processes and inter-group processes. The intra-group
ber density, void fraction: processes for Group 1 bubbles are largely similar for many geome-
try types and have been established by Wu et al. (1998) however
1 @ a1 qg mechanistic modeling of Group 2 bubble behavior and inter-group
v g1 Þ Cg1 þ Dm12 þ gph
þ r ða1 qg ~
qg @t transport mechanisms must be performed with careful consider-
3 X ation of the effect of channel geometry on Group 2 bubble behavior.
Dc @ a1
¼ C þ r ða1~v g1 Þ gph þ gj1 þ gph ð6Þ
Dsm1 @t j
2.2. Other coalescence and breakup models
1 @ a2 qg The IATE is probably the best-developed method for predicting
þ r ða2 qg ~v g2 Þ Cg2 þ Dm12
qg @t interfacial area concentration currently being used in two-phase
3 X flow computation, however many other modeling efforts have at-
Dc @ a1
¼C þ r ða1 ~v g1 Þ gph þ gj2 ð7Þ tempted to account for the effects of bubbly coalescence and
Dsm1 @t j breakup. Millies et al., 1996 developed a first-order relaxation
and interfacial area concentration: model by modeling the population balance for bubbly flows in
similar fashion to the one-group IATE, performing a perturbation
@ai1 2 a @a analysis on the bubble coalescence and breakup kernels and retain-
v i1 Þ ¼ i1 1 þ r ða1~
þ r ðai1~ v g1 Þ gph
@t 3 a1 @t ing only first-order terms. Later Millies and Mewes (1999) used a
3 similar approach to analyze the dependence of bubble breakup
Dc ai1 @ a1
C þ r ða1 ~ v g1 Þ gph and coalescence on the dissipation rate and existence of impurities
Dsm1 a1 @t
X in the liquid phase. In 2001, Lehr and Mewes modified these pop-
þ /j1 þ /ph ð8Þ ulation balance equations and developed improved bubble coales-
cence and breakup kernels for application to bubble columns.
3 These kernels are quite complex and have been tested using
@ai2 2 a @a D commercial CFD codes. Other researchers (Cheung et al., 2007; Sari
v i2 Þ ¼ i2 2 þ r ða2~
þ r ðai2~ v g2 Þ þ C c
@t 3 a2 @t Dsm1 et al., 2009) have also developed one-group approaches using the
ai1 @ a1 population balance method.
v g1 Þ gph þ /j2
þ r ða1~ ð9Þ
Yao and Morel (2004) developed additional models for the one-
a1 @t j
group IATE including for random collision, turbulent-induced
Here, the subscripts 1 and 2 represent the values for small spherical breakup and wall nucleation. While this is not a two-group IATE
distorted bubbles (Group 1) and large cap bubbles (Group 2) respec- study and is limited to bubbly flows, its efficacy in predicting wall
tively. In addition, Dm12 represents the mass transfer between bub- nucleation may merit further investigation.
ble groups due to inter-group transport mechanisms, Dc is the Several other researchers have developed beakup and coales-
critical bubble size at the group boundary equal to Dd,max and Dsm cence kernels for the MuSiG (Multiple Size Group) model (Huh
is the Sauter mean diameter. These equations are similar in form et al., 2006; Liao et al., 2011) using the population balance ap-
to the one-group equations, however there are some differences. proach. These models are typically developed for CFD codes. Cur-
Most notably the constant C in the void transport and interfacial rently these models do not predict the behavior of large bubbles
area transport equations. This constant affects the transfer of bub- (Group 2 bubbles in the two-group IATE analysis) very well and
bles across the group boundary by expansion or contraction and may be limited to lower void fraction flows. Additionally the com-
rises from the effect of the bubbly size distribution. For uniform putational cost increases greatly as the number of bubble groups is
bubble size distributions the value should be unity, while if the increased. These may limit the applicability of these methods.
4 T.R. Smith et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 47 (2012) 1–16
Table 1
IATE sources and sinks.
Fig. 1. Source and sink mechanisms, (a) random collision, (b) wake entrainment, (c) turbulent impact, (d) shearing-off, (e) surface instability.
2.3. Characteristics of flows in large diameter channels and developed a new theoretical criterion for the transition from
cap-turbulent to churn-turbulent flow.
Two-phase flows in large diameter channels are much different Two-phase flows in small diameter channels also exhibit wall-
than flows in small diameter pipes. For flows in small diameter peaking profiles in the radial void fraction distribution. Several
pipes, slug flows in which Taylor bubbles occupy the entire studies have noted that the wall-peaking effect is much weaker
cross-section of the pipe exist. In large diameter channels however, in large diameter channels (Shen et al., 2010) and occurs only at
such bubbles are unstable and quickly collapse due to surface extremely low void fractions. This may be due to reduced velocity
instability as shown in Fig. 1. Because of this the typical flow re- gradients near the wall and increased bubble-induced turbulence
gimes noted for pipe flows are not applicable for large diameter as noted by Ohnuki and Akimoto (2001). Further, the formation
channels. This phenomenon has been confirmed by Ohnuki and of large-volume cap bubbles with no wall restrictions tends to re-
Akimoto (2000), who identified undisturbed bubbly, agitated bub- sult in increased relative velocity for Group 2 bubbles in large
bly, churn bubbly, churn slug and churn froth flow regimes in a diameter channels (Shen et al., 2010). The effect of bubble disinte-
pipe with diameter of 0.2 m. Schlegel et al. (2009) classified the gration by surface instability is much more prevalent in large
flow into bubbly, cap bubbly, churn turbulent and annular flow diameter channels, where coalescence of Group 2 bubbles can
based on experiments in 0.152 m and 0.203 m diameter facilities readily form bubbles larger than the stability limit. In addition to
T.R. Smith et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 47 (2012) 1–16 5
DSm qf
1=2 1=3
e where Dc1 is given by
kRC ¼ exp C RC0 ð12Þ
r1=2 Dc
Dc1 ¼ : ð19Þ
where CRC0 is a coefficient accounting for the initial film thickness
and critical film thickness for coalescence (Wu et al., 1998). Further, Case (3) describes the collision of one bubble from each group.
qf is the liquid density, e is the turbulent dissipation, and r is the In this case the collision cross-sectional area is dominated by the
surface tension. Substituting Eqs. (11) and (12) into Eq. (10) and Group 2 bubble, but the turbulent fluctuating velocity u2t (V0 ) for
integrating results in the Group 2 bubble is given by
" !#
ð1Þ a1=3 1=3
1;max a1 1=3 2 a1 2=3 16=9 2t ðV 0 Þ 2ðeDb2 Þ2=3 2:69e2=3 ðV V 0 Þ2=9
u ð20Þ
SðVÞ 0:75kRC 1 exp C RC1 1=3 e f 1 V
ða1;max a1=3
1 Þ
where Db2 is the diameter of the Group 2 bubble. Accounting for the
ð13Þ random nature of bubble motion and assuming that the coalescence
When two Group 1 bubbles coalesce the resulting bubble may efficiency is driven mainly by the effect of turbulence on Group 1
not always be in Group 1, which results in the two different cases bubbles, the loss rate can be expressed as
(1) and (2). The total sink term in interfacial area concentration for Z V m1
Group 1 is determined by the difference in the loss rate of Group 1 SðVÞ ¼ kðV V 0 ; V 0 ÞhðV V 0 ; V 0 Þf ðV V 0 Þf ðV 0 ÞdV
V min
bubbles which coalesce and the gain rate of Group 1 bubbles pro- " !#
duced by coalescence as well as by the average surface area of the ð12;2Þ a1;max a1=3
3:15kRC 1 exp C RC1 1=3
lost and gained bubbles. Thus 1=3
ða1;max a1 Þ
Z 2=3
e1=3 f1 f2 ða1 a2 ÞV m1 V 7=9
2V m1
ð1Þ ð1Þ ð1Þ e1=3 ai111=3 ð21Þ
RRC ¼ SRC ðVÞdV 0:0044C RC kRC
V min a1 a2=3
1;max Then the coalescence frequency can be expressed as
" 1=3
a1;max a1=3
Z V m1 þV m2
1 exp C RC1 1=3 ð14Þ ð12;2Þ
ða1;max a11=3 Þ V c þV min
< 1:77kð12;2Þ 1 exp C RC1 a1=3 a1=3
by assuming that f1 is independent of V and that Vmin is much smal- RC
1;max 1
1=3 1=3
ða1;max a1 Þ
e1=3 f1 f2 ða2=3
1 a2 Þ
ler than Vm1, the bubble volume at the group boundary. Here C RC ac- ¼
counts for the distortions introduced by the simplifying V m1 ½ðV m2 þ V m1 Þ16=9 ðV c þ V min Þ16=9
assumptions and the behavior of the bubble size distribution (Wu ð22Þ
et al., 1998). Additionally, the superscript (1) indicates that this
mechanism involves only Group 1 bubbles. The net loss in interfa- where the superscript (12,2) indicates that a Group 1 and Group 2
cial area concentration is then determined using bubble coalesce to form a Group 2 bubble. By combining Eq. (21)
Z 2V m1 with Eq. (15), the total loss rate for Group 1 bubbles is derived as
ð1Þ ð1Þ
/RC ¼ SRC ðVÞAi dVðVÞ ð15Þ
2V min
/RC;1 ¼ 1:14C RC e a2=3 4=3 2=3
ð12;2Þ ð2Þ 1=3
1 a2 ai1 ai2
" 1=3 1=3
Accounting for the loss rate of bubbles entering collisions and a1;max a1
1 exp C RC1 1=3 ð23Þ
the Group 1 bubbles produced from those collisions results in a to- ða1;max a1=3
1 Þ
tal loss rate of
ð1Þ ð1Þ ð1Þ e1=3 a1 ai15=3
/RC 0:17C RC kRC 5=6 1=2 1=3
a1;max a1=3
1;max a1
DSm2 qf e
" !# kRC ¼ exp C RC0 ð24Þ
a1=3 1=3
1;max a1
1 exp C RC1 1=3 : ð16Þ
ða1;max a1=3
1 Þ
And the net gain rate for Group 2 becomes
The gain rate for ai2 due to collision of two Group 1 bubbles is
/RC;2 ¼ 1:80C RC e a15=3 a1=3
kRC2 ai2
ð12;2Þ ð12;2Þ 1=3
derived in similar fashion. The gain rate of Group 2 bubbles pro- " !#
1;max a1
duced from the collision of two Group 1 bubbles can be given by 1 exp C RC1 1=3 ð25Þ
Z "Z " !# ða1;max a1=31 Þ
1=3 1=3
2V m1 V=2
ð1Þ a a
1;max 1
RRC ¼ 1:84kRC 1 exp C RC1 1=3 1=3
With C RC once again an adjustable constant to be determined
V min VV m1 ða
1;max 1 Þ a
# based on experimental data but which should have a similar value
2=3 ð1Þ
a1 0 to C RC .
e1=3 f12 ðV V 0 ÞdV dV ð17Þ
a1;max The last case, (4), gives the random collision of two Group 2
bubbles. By accounting for the cross-sectional area of the bubbles
where the superscript (11,2) indicates that two Group 1 bubbles be- and the turbulent fluctuations in their velocity, the probability of
come a single Group 2 bubble by coalescence. By combining this collision P RC can be found to be
with Eq. (15) and performing the resulting integrations, the source 2
rate of Group 2 bubbles can be found to be Db2 ðV V 0 Þ þ Db2 ðV 0 Þ 2:44
¼ 2 ½ðV V 0 Þ1=3 þ ðV 0 Þ1=3 2
" !# Dh Dh
ð11;2Þ ð1Þ ð1Þ e1=3 a1 a5=3
a1=3 1=3
1;max a1 ð26Þ
/RC;2 ¼ 4:1C RC kRC 2=3
1 exp C RC1
a1;max ða1=3 1=3
1;max a1 Þ
where Dh is the hydraulic diameter and the superscript (2) indicates
1 Dc1 ð18Þ that only Group 2 bubbles are involved. Also, the collision efficiency
can be determined by assuming that only turbulent eddies with
T.R. Smith et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 47 (2012) 1–16 7
similar size to the Group 2 bubbles have a significant influence. This Using Eqs. (33) and (15) then allows the determination of the
results in the bubble number density sink of net interfacial area sink by accounting for the total destruction
Z and production of bubbles as (Wu et al., 1998)
ð2Þ 0
SRC ðVÞ ¼ kðV V 0 ; V 0 ÞhðV V 0 ; V 0 Þf ðV V 0 Þf ðV 0 ÞdV ð1Þ 1=3
/WE ¼ 0:17C WE C D1
ur1 a2i1 : ð34Þ
h i
¼ 3:14kRC 1 exp C RC2 a1=2
e1=3 In case (2), the resulting bubble belongs to Group 2. By ignoring
" the dependence of the relative velocity and the drag coefficient on
22=9 #
1 V the bubble volume, then the bubble density distribution change
2 f22 ðV V c Þ22=9 ð27Þ becomes
Dh 2
SWE ðVÞ ¼ 1:38kWE C v f ðLw1 Þur1 C 1=3
ð1Þ ð1Þ 2 5=3
D1 f1 V ð35Þ
By combining Eq. (27) with Eq. (15) and accounting for the max-
imum stable bubble size in the resulting integration, the total The loss rate of Group 1 bubbles by this mechanism has already
interfacial area concentration sink for collisions of Group 2 bubbles been accounted for in Eq. (34). By combining this equation with Eq.
can be found to be (15) and using the correct limits of integration, then the production
rate of Group 2 interfacial area concentration is found to be
a7=3 1 h i
1 expðC RC2 a1=2
ð2Þ ð2Þ ð2Þ
/RC ¼ 95:7C RC kRC e1=3 2
2 Þ 1 0:37D3
c2 2
D2h a1=3
i2 /WE;2 ¼ 2:57C WE C 1=3
ð11;2Þ ð11;2Þ 2
D1 ur1 ai1 1 Dc1 ð36Þ
ð2Þ In case (3), the preceding bubble is a Group 2 bubble. Account-
where once again C RC is an adjustable constant which should have
ð1Þ ing for the cross-section area of the bubbles and the local relative
similar value to C RC and
wake velocity uw2 and cap bubble relative velocity,
Dc 1=3
Dc2 ¼ : ð29Þ C D2 Ac
DSm2 uw2 ur2 and ð37Þ
ur2 0:35 gDb ð38Þ
3.1.2. Coalescence due to wake entrainment
Entrainment of one or more bubbles in the wake of a preceding The average velocity of bubbles in the wake region can be de-
bubble is also a major coalescence mechanism. When bubbles en- rived as
ter the wake region of the preceding bubble they accelerate and Z Lw 1=3
collide with the preceding bubble. As with random collision there 1 C D2 Ac
u ur2 dz ¼ 0:94ur2 C 1=3
D2 ð39Þ
are four possible cases for coalescence by wake entrainment: (1) Lw2 0 z2
coalescence of two Group 1 bubbles to form a Group 1 bubble, If the dependence of the drag coefficient and relative velocity on
(2) coalescence of two Group 1 bubbles to form a Group 2 bubble, the bubble volume is ignored, then the collision frequency can be
(3) coalescence of a Group 1 and Group 2 bubble and (4) coales- found to be
cence of two Group 2 bubbles.
For case (1), a cylindrical wake region is assumed to form for a rw2 1:91C D2 ur2 ðV V 0 Þ2=3
hðV V 0 ; V 0 Þ ¼ Ac ðV V 0 ; V 0 Þu ð40Þ
distance Lw behind the preceding bubble. Then the cross-section
When the entrained bubble belongs to Group 1, then the local
for wake entrainment can be determined based on the bubble vol-
wake velocity of the bubble is given as
umes. The average wake velocity of the trailing bubble can be
approximated from the relative velocity between the liquid in u rw2 þ ur1 ur2
w12 ¼ u ð41Þ
the wake and the surrounding liquid as
Then the number density change is given by
Lw 1=3 Z V m1
rw1 2:77f
u ur1 C D1 ð30Þ
Db =2 ð12;2Þ
1:91kWE u w12 f1 f2 ðV V 0 Þ2=3 dV 0
V min
where CD1 is the drag coefficient for the leading Group 1 bubble and ð12;2Þ
1:91C WE u w12 f1 f2 V m1 V 2=3 ð42Þ
ur1 is the relative velocity of the preceding Group 1 bubble,
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi where
accounts for the proportionality constants and distor-
gDb Dq
ur1 ¼ ð31Þ tions due to the bubble volume distribution. By combining Eqs. (42)
3C D1 qf and (15) and accounting for the proper integration limits, the net
sink of interfacial area in Group 1 and net source of interfacial area
Based on previous studies the ratio of the wake length to bubble
in Group 2 can be derived as
radius ranges from 2 to 8 (Katz and Meneveau, 1966; Tsuchiya
et al., 1989) (Wu et al., 1998). ð12;2Þ ð12;2Þ
/WE;l1 ¼ 0:33C WE u w12 ai1 ai2 ð43Þ
Using Eqs. (30) and (31), the collision frequency can be ex-
ð12;2Þ ð12;2Þ a2i2
pressed as /WE;g2 ¼ 0:922C WE u w12 a1 ð44Þ
1=21 a2
11=84 1 a
hðV V 0 ; V 0 Þ ¼ 1:81C v f Lw1 g V 6=7 ð32Þ When the entrained bubble belongs to Group 2, the bubble
vf number density change becomes
where Cv is a covariance term with a value of approximately 1, Lw1 is Z V=2
the non-dimensional wake length and vf is the liquid velocity. Based
rw2 f22 ðV V0Þ2=3 dV
1:91C WE P WE u
on this equation, the change in the bubble number density can be
ð2Þ ð2Þ
derived as rw2 f22 ½V 5=3 2:43V c V 2=3
¼ 0:785C WE PWE u ð45Þ
1=21 where
ð1Þ ð1Þ 1a
SWE ðVÞ ¼ 0:71kWE f ðLw1 Þg 11=84 f12 V 13=7 ð33Þ
vf ð2Þ
PWE ¼ 1 expð0:7a2 Þ ð46Þ
8 T.R. Smith et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 47 (2012) 1–16
is the probability of wake entrainment. For each leading bubble, the Accounting for the fact that only eddies with certain sizes can
probability of wake entrainment depends on the number density of cause breakup, combining Eq. (50) with Eq. (15), and including
Group 2 bubbles in the wake region. In smaller pipes, this eventu- both the losses due to bubble destruction and gains due to bubble
ally leads to stable slug flow. Thus, the probability of entrainment creation gives the total interfacial area source for Group 1 as (Wu
decreases with axial distance. In the large pipe case there is no sta- et al., 1998)
ble slug flow and wake entrainment may continue indefinitely. ! sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Therefore the distribution of Group 2 bubbles can be represented ð1Þ ð1Þ a5=3 Wecr1 Wecr1
/TI ¼ 0:12C TI 1=3 e i1
ð1 atot Þ exp 1 :
as a Poisson process. Using Eqs. (45) and (15) results in the net loss a12=3 We1 We1
rate of Group 2 interfacial area due to wake entrainment as
ð2Þ ð2Þ a2i2 ð1Þ
/WE ¼ 1:02C WE ½1 expð0:7a2 Þu
rw2 1 0:10D2
c2 ð47Þ where C TI
accounts for the proportionality constant Ck as well as
a2 the bubble volume distribution.
Breakup of Group 2 bubbles is complicated by the fact that
3.2. Bubble breakup mechanisms when a large bubble disintegrates, multiple daughter bubbles
may form which can be located in the Group 1 or Group 2 regions.
3.2.1. Disintegration due to turbulent impact For the current analysis, binary breakup is assumed with uniform
Turbulence is one of the most significant mechanisms causing bubble size distribution. This allows computation of the collision
bubble breakup. Eddies that contribute to bubble breakup are as- cross-sectional area between Group 2 bubbles and eddies. Thus,
sumed to be of approximately the same size as the bubble; larger in similar fashion to the Group 1 analysis the collision frequency
eddies simply carry along smaller bubbles without causing break- between eddies and Group 2 bubbles is
up while smaller eddies do not have sufficient energy to induce
hðV 0 ; Ded Þ 4:45e1=3 V 07=9 ð53Þ
disintegration. Three possible cases are analyzed here, (1) breakup
of a Group 1 bubble, (2) breakup of a Group 2 bubble to form Group And the bubble number density change is given by
1 bubbles and (3) breakup of a Group 2 bubble to form Group 2 Z Db2
ð2Þ ð2Þ 1=3
bubbles. STI ðV 0 Þ ¼ hðV 0 ;Ded ÞFf ðV 0 Þfed ðDed ÞdDed 4:025C TI e f2 ð1 atot Þ
To determine the bubble breakup rate, it is necessary to deter- 0:5Db2
mine the collision frequency between a bubble and an eddy with sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Wecr2 Wecr2 02=9
length scale near the bubble size. By assuming that turbulence is exp 1 V ð54Þ
We2 We2
isotropic and that the eddy sizes of interest are in the inertial sub-
range, the concentration of eddies as a function of wave number With the Weber numbers now defined in terms of Group 2
can be given by Azbel and Liapis (1983). Since the number of ed- bubble properties,
dies becomes infinitely large as the eddy size approaches zero,
50% of the bubble size is adopted as the minimum eddy size that
qf u 2t2 Dsm2
We2 ¼ ð55Þ
can cause disintegration as eddies smaller than this do not carry r
sufficient energy (Wu et al., 1998). If Group 1 bubbles are produced by the breakup, then the
Because not all bubble-eddy collisions results in breakup, a col- change rate of the Group 1 bubble number density can be written
lision efficiency must be associated with the process. This is done as
by balancing the cohesive and disruptive forces to yield a critical Z Vc
Weber number,
bðV 0 ; VÞnðV 0 ÞSTI ðV 0 ÞdV 8:05C 3k e1=3 f2 ð1 atot Þ
ð2;1Þ ð2Þ
STI ðV 0 Þ ¼
V min
qf u 2tc Db sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Wecr ¼ ð48Þ
r Wecr2 Wecr2 V c
exp 1 ð56Þ
where u 2tc is the critical eddy velocity for breakup of a bubble with We2 We2 V 02=9
diameter Db. When the Weber number is smaller than this value,
which, with appropriate volume limits, leads to the source of Group
the bubble remain stable. Then the fraction of eddies with sufficient
1 interfacial area:
energy to cause bubble disintegration is given by Coulaloglou and
Z "Z #
Tavlarides (1977). V m2 Vc
ð2;1Þ ð2Þ 0
For case (1), with the considerations above, the collision fre- /TI;1 ¼ bðV 0 ; VÞnðV 0 ÞSTI ðV 0 ÞAi ðVÞdV dV
Vc V min
quency can be expressed in terms of the turbulent velocity fluctu- !
ations and the collision cross-section of the bubble and eddy as ð2;1Þ a5=3 Wecr2
¼ 6:165C TI 1=3 ð1 e atot Þ i2
7=3 a We2
hðV 0 ; Ded Þ 2pe1=3 Db ð49Þ sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Then the change rate in the bubble number density, assuming Wecr2 13=3
1 0:212Dc2 0:167D5
c2 ð57Þ
binary breakup, becomes We2
Z Db ð2;1Þ
ð1Þ Wecr As above, C TI accounts for the proportionality constant as well
STI ðV 0 Þ ¼ hðV 0 ; Ded Þ exp f ðV 0 Þfed ðDed ÞdDed as the effects of nonuniform bubble volume distribution.
0:5Db We
For Group 2 bubbles, the gain and loss rates for bubble breakup
1:27C 3k e1=3 f1 exp ð1 atot ÞV 02=9 ð50Þ must be balanced in order to obtain the net gain in interfacial area
We concentration. The bubble number density change is given by
where Ck is proportionality constant given by Azbel and Liapis Z V0
bðV 0 ; VÞnðV 0 ÞSTI ðV 0 ÞdV 8:05C 3k e1=3 f2 ð1 atot Þ
ð2;2Þ ð2Þ
(1983) and Wecr is the critical Weber number. The Weber number STI ðV 0 Þ ¼
defined in terms of average Group 1 properties:
Wecr2 Wecr2 02=9
qf u 2t1 Dsm1 2qf e2=3 ðDsm1 Þ5=3 exp 1 V V c V 02=9 : ð58Þ
We1 ¼ ¼ ð51Þ We2 We2
r r
T.R. Smith et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 47 (2012) 1–16 9
Z V m1
Accounting for the loss due to bubble destruction for breakup ð2;12Þ 0
SSO ðVÞ ¼ bðV 0 ; VÞnðV 0 ÞgðV 0 Þf ðV 0 ÞdV
resulting in both Group 1 and Group 2 bubbles as well as the V min
production of interfacial area for breakup resulting in Group 2
bubbles results in the net source of interfacial area concentration
q9=5 13=5
f v g2 b
38:88 f2 V 01=3 ð63Þ
for Group 2: qg r4=5 Dh We9=5
ð2Þ ð2Þ 1=3 ai2 Wecr2 Then the total interfacial area source for Group 1 becomes
/TI;2 ¼ 0:378C TI e ð1 atot Þ exp Z
a22=3 We2
V m2
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi /SO;1 ¼ SSO ðVÞAi ðVÞdV
Wecr2 13=3
V SO;c
1 1 0:212Dc2 ð59Þ 4 " #
We2 q3=5 1=5 2=5 2
f v g2 r ai2 Wec;SO
¼ 8:0C SO 2=5 3=5 a
1 ð64Þ
qg Dh Wec 2 Wem2
3.2.2. Shearing-off at the base of cap bubbles
where CSO absorbs the proportionality constant b⁄ and accounts for
The shearing-off of Group 1 bubbles at the base of large cap
the nonuniform bubble volume distribution. Based on the work of
bubbles may be the single most important mechanism for produc-
Evans et al. (1992), the value of the critical Weber number Wec,SO
ing Group 1 bubbles, but remains one of the least well understood.
is 1.2.
Previous analyses have focused on viscous shear as the main cause
The reduction in the Group 2 interfacial area concentration can
of this mechanism. In highly viscous flows cap bubbles can form
be computed from the volume loss rate of the Group 2 bubble,
thin skirts around the base of the bubble resulting in small bubbles
which is given by
being sheared off when the shear force on the skirt is strong en- !
ough to overcome the surface tension force at the bubble base. In dV r
modeling this mechanism, these forces can be identified as ¼ Q g:SO ¼ pDb v g2 d ¼ 30:86 V 01=3 ð65Þ
dt qg v g2
Surface tension force : F r 2rpDb ð60Þ
Then the loss rate for the bubble surface area can be computed
1 1 from the cap bubble geometry as
Interfacial shear force : F s C fi qf v 2r As ¼ C fi qf v 2r pDb l ð61Þ
2 2 !
dAi ðVÞ r
where Cft is a friction factor specified by a constitutive relation and ¼ 118:45 ð66Þ
vr is the relative velocity of a large bubble. The skirt thickness is pre- dt qg v g2
dicted as (Clift et al., 1978) as Finally, the loss rate of interfacial area concentration can be
found to be
6lg U T 1=2
d¼ ð62Þ Z
g Dq ð2;12Þ @ai2 V m2
dAi ðV 0 Þ 0
/SO;2 ¼ ¼ f ðV 0 Þ dV
@t SO V SO;c dt
where UT is the terminal rise velocity of a bubble and lg is the viscos- !
ity of the gas phase. Under typical air–water two-phase flow condi- r a3i2 Wec;SO
tions, this skirt thickness is only about 50 lm. Given the significant ¼ 0:36C SO 1 ð67Þ
qg v g2 a22 Wem2
impact of this mechanism on the Group 1 interfacial area concentra-
tion, such a thin skirt cannot account for all of the bubble production
from this source and another mechanism must be determined. 3.2.3. Breakup due to surface instability
Another possible mechanism accounts for the gas velocity pro- When a coalescence event results in a bubble larger than the
file inside the cap bubble (Fu and Ishii, 2003a). In order to estimate maximum stable bubble limit, it becomes unstable and disinte-
the thickness of the gas layer that can be sheared off, the boundary grates. If this breakup is assumed to occur instantaneously, then
layer thickness is used. Then, shearing off is considered to be a the coalescence rate is equal to the disintegration rate and there
two-step process with shearing-off and secondary breakup due is no net bubble number change for Group 2 bubbles. The two pos-
to strong turbulence in the wake region. From experiments on ver- sible coalescence mechanisms that can produce such large bubbles
tical jets (Evans et al., 1992) the maximum bubble diameter in the are random collision and wake entrainment.
mixing zone (or wake region) can be determined with a critical The number density change for Group 2 bubbles due to random
Weber number for breakup being approximately 1.2. collision has already been given in Eq. (27). With appropriate limits
Images taken in pipes of various sizes as well as rectangular of integration the production rate of unstable bubbles can be com-
channels show that Group 1 bubbles are formed when interfacial puted as
waves on the surface of a Group 2 bubble are sheared off. The for- Z V m2 þV c
ð2Þ ð2Þ
mation of the sheared-off volume is related to Kelvin–Helmholtz RSI;RC ¼ SRC ðVÞdV
type instability. Based on jet instability studies (Spangler, 1994; V c;max
h i
Reitz and Bracco, 1986) the sheared-off volume can be estimated, 1=3 1 2 1 Vc
2:98C RC 1 exp C RC2 a1=2
2 e a 2 ð68Þ
with the maximum stable bubble diameter defined as by Evans D2h V 5=9
V c;max
et al. (1992). Thus the formation rate of Group 1 bubbles can be
estimated as where Vc,max is the maximum stable bubble volume. Assuming that
! Vm2 is approximately equal to the maximum stable bubble size and
9=5 13=5
pDb v g2 d q v f g2 b
Db substituting then gives
nðV 0 ÞgðV 0 Þ ¼ 24:87 ð62Þ
3 qg r 4=5
Wec9=5 D6=5 ð2Þ ð2Þ
h RSI;RC ¼ 1:34 105 C RC e1=3
where n is the number of bubbles produced, ds is the skirt thickness 1 r 5=6 h
and b is a proportionality constant. Because all of the daughter 2 a22 1 exp C RC2 a2 ð69Þ
Dh g Dq
bubbles are assumed to be of the same size, the daughter size dis-
tribution can be approximated by a delta function. This allows cal- Similarly, the number density change for Group 2 bubbles due
culation of the number density change of Group 1 bubbles as to wake entrainment has been given previously. Based on this
10 T.R. Smith et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 47 (2012) 1–16
formulation and with appropriate limits of integration the produc- In one-dimensional analysis codes turbulent dissipation is typically
tion rate of unstable bubbles by wake entrainment is estimated using similar, simplified models. Further, even more
Z V m2 þV c 2 complex and detailed models carry a significant amount of uncer-
ð2Þ ð2Þ ð2Þ ð2Þ r tainty and do not specify every aspect of the two-phase turbulence
RSI;WE ¼ SWE ðVÞdV 7:30 109 C WE PWE u
rw2 a22
Vc g Dq such as the eddy size distribution, and often do not sufficiently ac-
ð70Þ count for the effect of bubble-induced turbulence. Thus the use of a
single parameter to characterize turbulence – the method used in
The analysis of surface instability breakup is simplified by
nearly every computational approach – can be considered a very
assuming that any bubbles that are created above the stable size
primitive method in any case despite the more complex k–e or
limit undergo instantaneous breakup. This allows the breakup rate
k–x models used to predict it. For these reasons this relatively sim-
to be written as the sum of the two coalescence rates. The interfa-
ple model was chosen to reduce computational complexity while
cial area concentration source can then be written as
still providing an approximate value for the turbulent dissipation.
ð2Þ ð2Þ
/SI ¼ DAi RSI ð71Þ
3.4. Void transport source and sink terms
where DAi is the average change in bubble surface area when it
undergoes breakup. Unstable bubbles tend to break apart into two The inter-group transport of void fraction is modeled in similar
bubbles with slightly different volumes, resulting in fashion to interfacial area concentration from the bubble number
2 2 density change, but using particle volume instead of particle sur-
D1 D2
DA i ¼ Dc;max
þ Dc;max
1 Ai;max face area. This results in the following equations for transport of
ð72Þ void fraction between groups by random collision, wake entrain-
D1 ¼ 0:452Dc;max ; D2 ¼ 0:767Dc;max and therefore
ment, turbulent impact and shearing off:
DA i ¼ 0:488D2c;max
e1=3 a21 a2=3
8 1=6 h i 9 gð11;2Þ ð1Þ ð1Þ
RC;2 ¼ 3:15C RC kRC
< 2:616 104 C ð2Þ e1=3 1 2
a r 1 exp C a1=2
RC Dh 2 g Dq
2 RC2 2 2 0 13
ð2Þ 1=3
/SI ¼
> 1 > a1;max a1=3
1 2
: 1:425 107 C ð2Þ Pð2Þ u 2 r ; 41 exp @C RC1 A5 1 DC1 ð78Þ
WE WE rw2 a2 g Dq
1;max a1=3
ð73Þ ð12;2Þ ð12;2Þ 1=3 5=3 4=3 2=3
RC;2 ¼ 1:44C RC kRC e a1 a2 ai2
2 0 13
a1;max a1=3
3.3. Turbulence modeling 41 exp @C RC1 A5 ð79Þ
a1=3 1=3
1;max a1
Many of the models above are dependent on the level of turbu-
ð1Þ 1=3 2
lent dissipation in the flow field. In order to determine this, the gð11;2Þ
WE;2 ¼ 3:85C WE C D1 ur1 a1 ai1 1 DC1 ð80Þ
shear-induced and bubble-induced components must be known. ð12;2Þ ð12;2Þ
This can be done by solving the k–e model for two-phase turbulence, g WE;2 ¼ 0:33C WE u a
w12 1 ai2 ð81Þ
however for the current study a simple algebraic expression can suf- Wecr2
gð2;1Þ ¼ 11:65C TI e1=3 ð1 at Þa1=3 2=3
TI;2 2 ai2 exp
fice. The shear-induced turbulence can be expressed as (Kim, 1999) We2
hv m i3 1 16=3
0:15DC2 0:117D6 ð82Þ
esi ¼ fTW ð74Þ We2 C2
where gð2;1Þ ð2;1Þ
TI;1 ¼ gTI;2 ð83Þ
! " 4 #
0:25 r a2i2 Wec;SO
0:316 1 qg jg þ qf jf gð2;12Þ
SO;2 ¼ 2:33C SO 1 ð84Þ
fTW ¼ and v m ðzÞ ¼ ð75Þ qg v g2 a2 Wem2
1a aqg þ ð1 aÞqf
gð2;12Þ ð2;12Þ
SO;1 ¼ gSO;2 ð85Þ
With Rem being the mixture Reynold’s number and j indicating
the superficial velocity or volumetric flux. While the bubble in-
duced turbulence can be given by the correlation of Lance and Bat- 4. Model validation
taille (1991) as
a 4.1. Validation scheme
ebi C D u3r ð76Þ
4.1.1. Computational scheme
where CD is the drag coefficient and ur the relative velocity of the In order to validate the models, the IATE is compared to the
bubble, or by Hibiki and Ishii (2002) as experimental data of Smith et al. (2011) by evaluating the perfor-
ebi ghjg i ð77Þ mance of the one-dimensional IATE. For a steady-state, adiabatic
system this model is given through area-averaging as
It should be noted that as the pipe diameter increases, the
d 2 hai1 i d
shear-induced turbulence predicted by Eq. (74) decreases to zero, v i1 iiÞ ¼ CD2
ðhai1 ihh~ c1 v g1 iiÞ
ðha1 ihh~
indicated that the collision frequencies will decrease to zero. This dz 3 ha1 i dz
is physically not the case, meaning that the bubble-induced turbu- þ h/j;1 i and ð86Þ
lence term is extremely important for flows where the channel size j
is large. d 2 hai2 i d
While this turbulence model may seem relatively primitive in
v i2 iiÞ ¼
ðhai2 ihh~ v g2 iiÞ
ðha2 ihh~
dz 3 ha2 i dz
comparison to the models previously detailed, there are several hai1 i d X
points to consider when discussing turbulence modeling. First, þ CD2
c1 ðha1 ihh~v g1 iiÞ þ h/j;2 i ð87Þ
ha1 i dz j
these IATE models are developed for a one-dimensional approach.
T.R. Smith et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 47 (2012) 1–16 11
where the covariance terms that arise during area-averaging are culation from the two-fluid momentum equations. This is done by
close to unity and therefore neglected. Also, the single brackets taking the gas phase velocities at each measurement port as inputs
indicate simple area-averaged quantities, while the double brackets and using a quadratic curve fit to calculate the velocity at each
indicate void-weighted area-averaged quantities. This averaging point along the test section. With the velocities and inlet condi-
method is also applied to all of the coalescence and breakup models tions specified, the solution is iterated at each step dz along the test
given in Section 3. Generally, it is possible to assume that the inter- section until convergence is reached.
facial velocities are equal to the transport velocity of the bubble
group. 4.1.2. Determination of model constants
The IATE is also highly dependent on the void fraction. For this The models described in Section 3 result in a total of 18 coeffi-
reason, the two-group void transport equations are also area-aver- cients and critical values that must be determined. These values
aged as arise from our inability to predict every aspect of the two-phase
flows. Many of these constants have analytical expressions; how-
d ðhag ihhv gz iiÞ dpðzÞ d
ðha1 ihhv gz1 iiÞ ¼ ðha2 ihhv gz2 iiÞ and ð88Þ ever no models exist to predict the parameters necessary to com-
dz pðzÞ dz dz pute their values. Four of these constants, those for bubbly flows,
d 1 ha2 ihhv gz2 ii dhpi have been determined through previous studies (Wu et al., 1998;
ðha2 ihhv gz2 iiÞ ¼
dz 1þCD3 hpi dz Fu and Ishii, 2003a,b). The remaining models are newly derived
# and apply specifically to flows in large diameter pipes. Based on
d X the hydrodynamics of the flow and previous experimental data
þ CD3c1 ðh a 2 ihhv gz2 iiÞþ g j;2 ð89Þ
dz j
many of these constants such as those for random collision can
be grouped together into a single constant that applies for several
and used to predict the evolution of the void fraction where p is the cases. This allows the number of independent constants to be re-
pressure and z the axial coordinate. duced to 13.
A rough outline of the method used for evaluating the IATE coa- Sensitivity analysis of the various mechanisms shows that each
lescence and breakup models is shown in Fig. 3. An explicit Euler of these mechanisms is dominant under different flow conditions.
method is applied to solve the ordinary differential equation using The regions for which each type of mechanism is dominant, and
a finite differencing approach with a cell size of 1 cm and imple- therefore the regions where each constant should be determined,
mented using a MATLAB script. The measured conditions at the are shown in Fig. 4. The green symbols denote constants that have
lowest measurement location are taken as inputs and used as the already been determined for bubbly flows based on the work of
initial condition in the simulation. Wu et al. (1998), while the blue symbols indicate mechanisms that
Ideally this system of equations would be best solved by inclu- are expected to have similar constants to those given by Wu et al.
sion in a one-dimensional system code that uses the two-fluid (1998). Using this study as a basis gives the values for the con-
ð1Þ ð12;2Þ ð2Þ
model to compute the velocity of the gas phase and the void frac- stants C RC , C RC , C RC , CRC0, CRC1 and CRC2 in the random collision
ð1Þ ð1Þ
tion. To simplify the calculation process and eliminate numerical models, C WE in the wake entrainment models, C TI , WEcr1 and WEcr2
issues that may arise the current approach decouples the IATE cal- in the turbulent impact models. Additionally, Wu et al. (1998) and
Fu and Ishii (2003a,b) give the value of a1,max as 0.62 and Fu and
Ishii (2003a,b) give the value of C as 1.0. Based on the work of
Evans et al. (1992), the critical Weber number for shearing off,
WeCR,SO, has a value of 1.2. It should be noted here that although
the inter-group and Group 2 models for random collision and tur-
bulent impact are newly derived as part of the current study and
quite different from the two-group models developed by Fu and
Ishii (2003a), analysis of the models indicates that the values
of the adjustable constants should be similar to those in the
Fig. 3. Diagram of IATE evaluation process. Fig. 4. Dominant regions for various coalescence and breakup mechanisms.
12 T.R. Smith et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 47 (2012) 1–16
Table 2
Coefficients and critical values for IATE Models.
C = 1.0 Coefficient in the transport equation for inter-group transport at the group boundary
C RC ¼ 0:01;
¼ 0:01; C RC ¼ 0:01 Coefficients in bubble coalescence due to RC
C WE ¼ 0:002;
ð12;2Þ ð2Þ
C WE ¼ 0:01; C WE ¼ 0:06 Coefficients in bubble coalescence due to WE
C TI ¼ 0:05;
ð2;1Þ ð2Þ
C TI ¼ 0:04; C TI ¼ 0:01 Coefficients in bubble breakup due to TI
CSO = 2.5 10 Coefficient in bubble breakup due to SO
RC0 3:0; C¼
RC1 3:0; C¼
RC2 3:0 Coefficients in the Random Collision model accounting for effective range of influence of turbulent eddies
a1,max = 0.62 Dense packing limit for Group 1 bubbles
Wecr1 = 1.2, Wecr2 = 1.2 Critical Weber number for breakup due to TI
Wec,SO = 4000 Critical Weber number for shearing-off of small bubbles from large cap bubbles
one-group model of Wu et al. (1998). For this reason the values Group 2 wake entrainment and Group 2 turbulent impact in the re-
given in previous studies are used. Thus for the current study the gions where each is dominant as noted in Fig. 4. This provides the
ð2Þ ð2Þ
performance of the models using the previous values must be values of C WE and C TI . When this has been completed, only the
confirmed for the two-group case. Further, new constants must shearing-off mechanism remains. Comparison with the experi-
ð12;2Þ ð2Þ ð2;1Þ ð2Þ
be determined for C WE , C WE , C TI , C TI and CSO. mental data collected in the churn-turbulent region is then used
Determining the values of these constants is a multi-step ap- to evaluate these constants using the models developed and
proach. The methodology used to reduce error and subjectivity is benchmarked for all of the other mechanisms. This results in the
detailed in the work of Kim (1999), and the same method has been values for each constant as given in Table 2. The IATE with bench-
used in this case. First, the experimental data of Smith et al. (2011) marked source and sink models is then compared to the experi-
has been used to evaluate the Group 2 void transport equation and mental data, which is detailed in the following sections.
inter-group void transport mechanisms. This multi-step process
involves isolating each coefficient by comparison with data in the 4.2. Comparison with experimental data
region for which the specific inter-group mechanism dominates
the other inter-group mechanisms. This provides the values for 4.2.1. Model performance in transition to cap bubbly flow
ð12;2Þ ð2;1Þ
C WE and C TI . When these inter-group constants have been Figs. 5–7 show samples of the IATE prediction for the data of
determined, the Group 2 IATE is used to evaluate the effects of Smith et al. (2011). In the upper plots, the black lines represent
Fig. 5. Experimental data and model results for hjfi = 0.30 m/s and hjgi = 0.15 m/s.
T.R. Smith et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 47 (2012) 1–16 13
Fig. 6. Experimental data and model results for hjfi = 0.30 m/s and hjgi = 0.30 m/s.
the prediction of total interfacial area concentration (upper left) Wake entrainment of Group 1 bubbles and production of Group
and void fraction (upper right). The blue lines represent the predic- 1 bubbles by turbulent impact in this instance represent compet-
tion for Group 2, while the red lines represent the prediction for ing mechanisms. Wake entrainment is slightly more dominant
Group 1. The appropriately colored symbols indicate the measured than turbulent impact, resulting in a net transfer of interfacial area
values from experiment. In the lower plots, the various colored to Group 2. At first, this causes a slight increase in the Group 2
lines indicate the different bubble breakup and coalescence interfacial area concentration, but the increase Group 2 bubbles re-
mechanisms. sults in increased wake entrainment of Group 2 bubbles leading to
Significant changes to the interfacial structure begin to occur as a dramatic decrease in the Group 2 interfacial area concentration.
the flow transitions from bubbly flow to cap-bubbly conditions. To As Group 2 bubbles continue to increase in size shearing off begins
highlight the performance of the model across the transition to have more significant effect, resulting in an increase in the
boundaries, several experiments in the 0.152 m diameter test facil- Group 1 interfacial area concentration. These behaviors are accu-
ity are discussed. At low superficial velocities (hjfi = 0.30 m/s and rately represented by the IATE as the figures show.
hjgi = 0.15 m/s), wake entrainment and random collision effects
dominate the transfer of Group 1 bubbles to Group 2. The physical 4.2.2. Model generality and scaling considerations
changes to the interfacial structure are reflected in the model pre- The interfacial area transport equation is derived without many
diction shown in Fig. 5, with error bars representing ±10% error. restrictive assumptions and is therefore applicable to a variety of
Wake entrainment of Group 2 bubbles also tends to dominate two-phase flows. The foundation of the transport equation is the
the sources of Group 2 bubbles along the test section, which acts Boltzmann transport equation, which uses the particle density dis-
to reduce the total interfacial area concentration. tribution function as a fundamental quantity. The actual form of
The data in Fig. 6, for hjfi = 0.30 m/s and hjgi = 0.30 m/s, further the particle density distribution function can, however, be very
illustrates the transition from bubbly to cap-bubbly flow. The complex and it is then necessary to make certain simplifications.
experimental data shows little change in the average Group 1 bub- Bubbles are divided into two groups based on their drag and trans-
ble size with a decrease in the Group 1 void fraction, while the port properties, and the distribution function is assumed to be lin-
Group 2 bubble size increases significantly along the axial direc- ear within each group. In large diameter channels the bubble
tion. The dominant mechanism for this change is wake entrain- distribution tends to be smooth across the pipe area and this
ment by Group 2 bubbles, of both Group 1 and other Group 2 assumption may be valid.
bubbles. In addition, the bubble shape was assumed for the purposes of
In Fig. 7, the data shown was collected at hjfi = 0.30 m/s and computing surface area. Group 1 bubbles are assumed to be
hjgi = 1.00 m/s. This flow condition is fully in cap-bubbly flow. spherical or nearly so, while Group 2 bubbles are assumed to be
14 T.R. Smith et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 47 (2012) 1–16
Fig. 7. Experimental data and model results for hjfi = 0.30 m/s and hjgi = 1.00 m/s.
hemispherical. In a large diameter channel the Group 2 bubbles are Shearing-off also has geometry dependence for small diameter
not confined by the pipe walls and so are free to assume any shape, channels. The dissipation rate in the mixing region depends on
but in small diameter channels the bubble shape and size are the ratio of the cross sectional area of the wake to the cross-
restricted by the channel walls. This may significantly change the sectional area of the pipe. This is much larger in small diameter
bubble density distribution function, especially for slug flows. pipes than in large diameter pipes, so this modification must be
For the most part, the bubble interaction mechanisms modeled considered when applying the model to smaller geometries.
here are independent of the channel geometry because for large Finally, for small diameter channels bubble breakup due to sur-
channels, Dh is significantly larger than Db and channel geometry face instability can be eliminated, as bubbles larger than the stabil-
effects are small. Thus the underlying assumptions in many of ity limit cannot form in small diameter channels.
the models are very general and should be applicable to other flow To illustrate these effects, the above considerations have been
geometries. A few of these interaction mechanisms however are used to predict the interfacial area concentration in pipes of diam-
geometry dependent and may not be applicable to more confined eter 0.0508 m (Fu and Ishii, 2003b), 0.102 m and 0.152 m (Smith
geometries. et al., 2011). The results are shown in Fig. 8 as the ratio of predicted
The random collision of Group 2 bubbles is dependent on the to experimental value of interfacial area concentration, with error
channel geometry, as the probability of collision decreases as the bars of ±15%. Thus a value of 1.0 means that the model predicted
channel size increases. In small pipes however there is very little the data exactly, a value of 1.15 means the model over-predicted
random collision of Group 2 bubbles because these bubbles have the data by 15%, and a value of 0.85 means that the model un-
little freedom to move, thus wake entrainment becomes the dom- der-predicted the data by 15%. For the 0.0508 m diameter case
inant coalescence mechanism. Thus for small pipes, random colli- the predictions are reasonable, however the model greatly over-
sion of Group 2 bubbles can be neglected. Wake entrainment of predicts the effect of shearing-off, turbulent impact, and wake
Group 2 bubbles in small channels also depends on the develop- entrainment. For the experiments shown in the figure these effects
ment length of the flow, L/D, as the probability of wake entrain- canceled each other resulting in an overall reasonable prediction,
ment depends on the wake length and number of Group 2 however these scaling effects mean that the model may not per-
bubbles in the wake region. For large pipes, the wake length has form well for all conditions in smaller diameter channels and a
been assumed to be twice the bubble diameter, however Taitel model developed with consideration of the geometry should be
et al. (1980) note that for small pipes with stable slug flow Lw/Dh used. The model predicts the data from the 0.102 m diameter chan-
is approximately 16. This indicates geometry dependence for the nel with reasonable accuracy for void fractions of up to 0.7, well
small pipe case. within the churn-turbulent flow region. The data for the 0.152 m
T.R. Smith et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 47 (2012) 1–16 15
Azbel, D., Liapis, A.I., 1983. Mechanisms of liquid entrainment. In: Cheremisinoff,
N.P., Gupta, R. (Eds.), Handbook of Fluids in Motion. Ann Arbor Science, pp. 453–
Batchelor, G.K., 1951. Pressure fluctuation in isotropic turbulence. Proc. Cambridge
Fig. 8. Model performance in pipes of various sizes. Philos. Soc. 47, 359–371.
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