© Author(s) 2017. This work is distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
since they allow a systematic analysis of the dynamics of sin- problems even with relative large time step sizes (Kim et al.,
gle processes and their interactions (i) under proper time and 2015). In addition, recent advances in developing block-type
length scales, (ii) within complex geometries, and (iii) also preconditioners and “super-convergent” methods for systems
by considering changing loading conditions. In addition, of nonlinear equations at reduced memory consumption,
given their predictive capabilities, numerical modelling tech- e.g. preconditioned Jacobian free methods, make these ap-
niques can assist studies aiming at estimating performances proaches competitive for field-scale applications (Knoll and
and potential risks related to different operational scenarios Keyes, 2004).
(e.g. Blöcher et al., 2015). Despite all of this, only few attempts have been made
Numerical modelling of fractured reservoirs, whether so far in developing and implementing fully implicit nu-
petroleum or geothermal, has a long history dating back sev- merical solutions for thermal–hydraulic–mechanical (THM)
eral decades. Starting from the earlier works in the 1970s, problems.
a number of codes have been implemented under various li- The FRACON code of Nguyen and Selvadurai (1998)
cences by the modelling community (Jing, 2003; Stephans- considers a monolithic small strain and non-isothermal im-
son et al., 2004). The majority of these codes rely on mod- plementation, but thermal feedbacks effects on the skele-
elling techniques that were developed in the late 1980s and ton deformation and pore fluid pressure are only explicitly
early 1990s, and that can be grossly subdivided into two integrated. The open-source, object-oriented project Open-
classes if based on the approach followed to model coupled Geosys (Kolditz et al., 2012) provides a parallel platform for
processes. implicit solution of multiphysics problems (Blöcher et al.,
A first class of approaches, referred to as sequen- 2015) but so far, to the authors’ knowledge, has never been
tial/explicit coupling or operator splitting approaches, relies applied to 3-D THM problem in fractured reservoirs. More
on splitting the coupled physical problem into classes of pos- recently, Sun (2015) developed a monolithic framework for
sibly linear sub-problems and to numerically solve for each solving coupled THM processes at finite strain. However,
process sequentially. During each time step, coupling among such an approach has only been applied on generic and sim-
the processes is enforced by passing input/output data among plistic models and lacks a description of complex geological
the respective sub-problems. Usually, external iterations are geometries such as fractures and faults. More recent devel-
adopted for simulations characterized by a high degree of opments have been published focusing on quantifying chem-
nonlinearity (Kempka et al., 2016; Chabab and Kempka, ical feedbacks for tightly coupled problems though mainly
2016). In some cases, sequential coupling is achieved by targeting simplistic geometries (Poulet and Veveakis, 2016).
relying on different simulators, as for example by coupling The goal of this paper is not to summarize the state-of-
a flow simulator to a mechanical simulator for a thermo- the-art computational methods for problems that are relevant
hydro-mechanical problem (TOUGH-FLAC family of codes, for reservoir applications. Our interest herein is rather to-
e.g. Rutqvist, 2011). The main advantage of such approaches wards computational reliability and performances when sim-
stems from numerically integrating relatively complex prob- ulating the behaviour of a particular reservoir in a way that
lems within limited computer resources. However, sequential can be of help to improve scenario-oriented analysis of such
coupling schemes have important impacts on the efficiency, systems. In this context, we address issues related on how
stability, and accuracy of the numerical solutions. They usu- (i) to quantify the nonlinear feedbacks among the differ-
ally introduce a splitting error in the numerical approxima- ent physical processes, and (ii) to represent into a computa-
tion, which requires a careful monitoring of the nonlinear tional model the porous rock–fracture–fluid system by cap-
residuals within each single time step (Jha and Juanes, 2007; turing its discontinuous, anisotropic, inhomogeneous, and
Preisig and Prévost, 2011). This aspect limits sequential ap- non-elastic nature (Hudson and Harrison, 1997). For this
proaches to what are generally referred to as “loosely cou- purpose, we give an overview of the methods implemented
pled problems”, and they show a relatively slow, if at all, into a novel, yet robust and efficient multiphysics and mul-
convergence rate for tightly coupled problems. In addition, ticomponent porous media open-source modelling simula-
conditional stability of semi-implicit approaches impose se- tor called GOLEM which can deal with all these aspects.
vere time step restrictions thus increasing computation times. Our emphasis throughout this paper is to simulate THM pro-
As an alternative, it is possible to solve the full system of cesses of relevance for hydrothermal and geothermal sys-
coupled equations simultaneously, via a fully implicit cou- tems. Though GOLEM can also simulate the transport of
pling approach. This requires to solve for all the variables non-reactive chemical species, we do not discuss this aspect
of the problem simultaneously within an iterative approach, in the present paper. Consideration of additional chemical
either (in)exact Newton or simpler Picard methods, for the (fluid–solid) interactions is the subject of future work.
resulting algebraic system (Knoll and Keyes, 2004). Simulta- The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. In
neous solution schemes demand higher computer storage and Sect. 2, we introduce the constitutive model for THM pro-
processing times to compute (allocate the memory and fill) cesses for a two-phase system consisting of a deformable
the Jacobian of the problem than explicit approaches. How- solid skeleton and fully saturated pores in the presence of dis-
ever, they guarantee higher stability for strongly nonlinear crete heterogeneities as represented by faults and fractures.
Figure 2. Numerical simulations of tri-axial mechanical experiments on a Flechtinger sandstone. (a) Evolution of the mean effective stress
with respect to the volumetric strain. (b) Evolution of the normalized porosity with respect to the mean effective stress. The nonlinear
behaviour at low effective stress as observed in the experimental data (red line after Blöcher et al., 2014) is well captured by the modelling
results which take into account a nonlinear evolution of the elastic moduli resulting from closure of pre-existing micro-cracks and fissures
enhanced by compaction of the porous space followed by stiffening of the rock (increase Hertzian contact surface between solid grains).
The modelling results can also capture the compaction-induced reduction of porosity when compared to experimental data (in red) within
experimental errors (red shaded area). More details on the theory and results can be found in Jacquey et al. (2015).
In a similar way, it is possible to rework the solid mass The second term in the left-hand side of Eq. (8) can also
balance equation (Eq. 2) to obtain be cast in terms of the problem variables, e.g. pore pressure,
temperature, and solid skeleton displacements, by defining
(1 − n) D s ρs D s n
− + (1 − n) ∇ · v s = 0. (6) a proper constitutive mechanical model. The linear momen-
ρs Dt Dt tum balance equation of the mixture in terms of the effective
From Eq. (6), it can be noticed that even by considering Cauchy stress tensor σ 0 (x, t) takes the form
both the solid skeleton and the pore fluid to be incompress-
∇ · σ 0 − αpf 1 + ρb g = 0,
ible, the porous rock material will deform (contract or dilate) (10)
when fluid is expelled from or injected into the pore space.
Equation (6) can be used to express the evolution of the where 1 is the rank-two identity tensor, ρb is the bulk den-
porosity in terms of the Lagrangian derivative with respect to sity of the fluid–solid mixture (ρb = nρf + (1 − n)ρs ), and
the solid deformation velocity as α = 1 − KKs is the Biot coefficient, with K being the drain
bulk modulus and Ks the bulk modulus of the solid grains.
D s n (1 − n) D s ρs The geometrical compatibility condition gives the following
= + (1 − n) ∇ · v s . (7)
Dt ρs Dt strain–displacement relation:
Substituting Eq. (7) into Eq. (5), one obtains 1
= ∇u + ∇ T u = ∇ s u. (11)
n D f ρf (1 − n) D s ρs 2
+ + ∇ · v s + ∇ · q D = 0. (8)
ρf Dt ρs Dt Deformation of the solid skeleton is described in terms
The first term in the left-hand side of Eq. (8) can be ex- of thermo-poroelastic response (Biot’s consolidation theory)
pressed in terms of the fluid pore pressure and temperature and dissipative plastic behaviour. To simplify the presenta-
by thermodynamic differentiation as tion of the constitutive mechanical model, in the following
we will consider only small strain conditions, but the theory
D f ρf 1 D f pf DfT
has also been extended to account for finite deformation. In
=n − βf , (9)
Dt Kf Dt Dt addition, due to strain history dependence, we detail the for-
mulation in incremental form. Following Biot’s theory, (ef-
where K1f = ρ1f ∂p is the inverse of the fluid bulk modu- fective) stresses are related to elastic strains via the following
f T relationship:
lus and βf = − ρ1f ∂ρ
the fluid volumetric thermal expan-
sion coefficient. σ̇ 0 = σ̇ij0 = Cij kl ˙kl = C : ˙ e , (12)
where C = Cij kl = λδij δkl +2Gδik δj l is the rank-four elastic To quantify any permanent (irreversible) deformation of
stiffness tensor, with λ and G being the first (volumetric) and the material due to inelastic processes we make use of the
second (shear) Lamé moduli respectively. concept of eigenstrain ( ∗ ) as derived from micromechanics
The stress–strain constitutive relation given by Eq. (12), (Mura, 1987). By assuming small strain approximation, the
can then be used to find an expression for the material deriva- total strain of the material can be decomposed as the sum
tive of the solid density in terms of the problem variables of the elastic strain ( e ) and eigenstrain components ( ∗ ) as
(second term in Eq. 8) as
= e + ∗. (17)
(1 − n) Dsρs (α − n) Dsp
= Therefore, Eq. (16) can be written as
ρs Dt Ks Dt
DsT 1 Dsσ 0 1 ∂pf ∂T ∗
− (1 − n)βs − , (13) − βb + α ˙kk + (1 − α) ˙kk + ∇ · qD
Dt Ks Dt Mb ∂t ∂t
where σ 0 indicates the mean effective stress and βs the volu- + qD · ∇pf − βf ∇T
metric thermal expansion coefficient of the solid grains. Kf
Substituting Eqs. (9) and (13) into Eq. (8), we obtain 1 1
+ vs · ∇pf − βb ∇T − ∇σ 0 = 0. (18)
Mb Ks
n Dfp f DfT (α − n) fDsp
− nβf + In the present study we focus on two major kinds of
Kf Dt Dt Ks Dt
DsT 1 Dsσ 0 residual deformation, that is, thermal expansion and plastic
− (1 − n)βs − + ˙kk + ∇ · q D = 0, (14) flow, i.e. ∗ = ij∗ = ij∗T +ij = ∗T + ∗p , though additional
Dt Ks Dt processes including for example swelling, fatigue, or phase
where we have expressed the gradient of the solid deforma- transformations can be relatively easily integrated in the cur-
tion velocity in terms of the volumetric component of the rent formulation.
total stain rate tensor, ∇ · v s = ∇ · u̇ = ˙kk . Thermal strains are related to deformation induced by tem-
By making use of the definition of the total derivative perature changes inside the material, and can be therefore ex-
and given the stress–strain constitutive equation (Eq. 12), pressed by
Eq. (14) can be recast as
˙ ∗T = βb Ṫ 1, (19)
1 ∂pf ∂T e 3
− βb − (1 − α)˙kk + ˙kk + ∇ · q D
Mb ∂t ∂t where Ṫ is the relative temperature rate.
n (α − n) We determine the plastic component of the strain tensor
+ ∇pf · v f + ∇pf · v s
Kf Ks (Eq. 17) by making use of the normality rule as
− (nβf ∇T · v f + (1 − n)βs ∇T · v s )
1 ˙ ∗p = γ̇ , (20)
− ∇σ 0 · v s = 0, (15) ∂σ 0
where γ̇ = γ̇ (σ 0 , κ) is the plastic multiplier satisfying the
where M1b = Knf + (α−n)
Ks is the specific storage of the porous classical Kuhn–Tucker conditions (γ̇ ≥ 0, F ≤ 0, γ̇ F = 0)
medium (reciprocal of the Biot modulus Mb ) and βb = nβf + with F(σ 0 , κ) being the yield surface. Q = Q(σ 0 , κ) is the
(1 − n)βs is the bulk volumetric thermal expansion coeffi- plastic potential function giving the direction of the plastic
cient. strain increment, and κ represents the vector of internal vari-
It is possible to rewrite Eq. (15) in terms of the solid ve- ables affecting the evolution of the yield surface during load-
locity only, by integrating the momentum balance equation ing and unloading of the material.
(Eq. 3) as Therefore, Eq. (18) can be finally written for thermal and
plastic eigenstrains as
1 ∂pf ∂T e
− βb − (1 − α)˙kk + ˙kk + ∇ · q D
Mb ∂t ∂t 1 ∂pf ∂T ∗p
− αβb + α ˙kk + (1 − α) ˙kk + ∇ · q D
1 Mb ∂t ∂t
+ qD · ∇pf − βf ∇T
Kf 1
+ qD · ∇pf − βf ∇T
1 1 0
+ vs · ∇pf − βb ∇T − ∇σ = 0, (16)
Mb Ks 1 1 0
+ vs · ∇pf − βb ∇T − ∇σ = 0. (21)
Mb Ks
where the last two terms can be considered as second-order
correction terms taking into account nonlinear advective ef- Similarly, the evolution of porosity can therefore be ex-
fects. pressed using Eqs. (7) and (13) as well as the strain decom-
Figure 3. Example of a nonlinear convective flow problem after Elder (1967). A homogeneous, isotropic, and saturated porous medium is
heated from below with fluid density and viscosity being a function of temperature and pressure (IAPWS, 2008a, b). Due to the temporal
evolution in fluid property gradients, thermal buoyant forces develop thus giving rise to an unstable convective flow regime as illustrated by
the temperature isolines. H-mesh adaptive refinement with local error estimate based on the L-2 norm projection of the intercell thermal flux
vectors and a two-refinement cycle per time step has been enforced in order to guarantee numerical stability even in the presence of sharp
thermal gradients (see close-up view).
respectively, where τij is the deviatoric part of the
2 (τij τij ) where H is the hardening flow rule for the internal pa-
effective stress tensor (τij = σij0 − 13 J1 δij ): rameter κ, that is, κ̇ = −γ̇ H.
sin(ϕ) 2. This system of equations is then linearized as follows:
F= J2 + 02 + J1 − C cos(ϕ), (38)
(k) (k) 0(k) (k) (k)
where ϕ and C are the Mohr–Coulomb friction angle and co- R ,n+1 + ∂σ 0 R ,n+1 : 1σ n+1 + ∂κ R ,n+1 : 1κ n+1 =0
(k) (k) 0(k) (k) (k)
hesion respectively and 0 is a small non-hardening parame- R κ,n+1 + ∂σ 0 R κ,n+1 : 1σ n+1 + ∂κ R κ,n+1 : 1κ n+1 = 0,
F (k) + ∂ 0 F (k) : 1σ 0(k) + ∂ F (k) : 1κ (k)
ter here introduced to relax the singularity at the cone’s tip of
n+1 σ n+1 n+1 κ n+1 n+1 =0
the Drucker–Prager yield envelope. An important aspect re-
lates to the form of the plastic potential function adopted. It which can be expressed as the following matrix system:
has been shown that associated flow rules might lead to over-
estimating the dilation of the rocks generally resulting in an
Jx = R,
overly weaker response of the rock to loading (Vermeer and
de Borst, 1984; Jiang and Xie, 2011). We avoid these issues where J is the Jacobian matrix
by implementing a non-associated form of Drucker–Prager,
in which the plastic potential function, G, is considered to
(k) (k) (k)
C−1 + 1γn+1 ∂ 2 0 0 Gn+1 1γn+1 ∂ 2 0 Gn+1 (k) ∂σ 0 Gn+1
depend on the dilation angle, ψ as σ σ σ κ
J= (k) (k) (k) (k) (k) ,
1γn+1 ∂σ 0 Hn+1 1 + 1γn+1 ∂κ Hn+1 Hn+1
p sin(ψ)
G= J2 + J1 (39)
(k) (k)
∂σ 0 Fn+1 ∂κ Fn+1 0
and, in consequence, the unnormalized flow directions can x is the vector of unknowns to compute,
be derived as
∂G 1 ∂J2 sin(ψ)
0 = √ 0 + δij . (40) 1σ n+1
∂σ ij 2 J2 ∂σ ij 3
x = 1κ (k) ,
Note that in our formulation we take also into account
possible degradation of the strength of the rock subjected to 12 γn+1
loading in terms of hardening (and softening) of the internal
parameters (friction angle, cohesion and dilation angle) as a and R is the residuals vector:
function of the accumulated plastic strain (internal variable
−R ,n+1
The stress update procedure is conducted via a return-map
algorithm based on the closest point projection on the yield R = −R (k) .
surface (Simo and Hughes, 1998) within a Newton–Raphson
procedure. This algorithm is presented in incremental form in −Fn+1
the following. Subscript n refers to a value at the time tn , that
3. The aforementioned matrix system of equation is solved
is, σn = σ (tn ) and superscript (k) refers to the kth iteration in
at each kth iteration using routines from the PETSc li-
the Newton–Raphson procedure. We use the following nota-
∂· brary (Balay et al., 2016) for the increment of stress,
tion for sake of simplicity: ∂σ 0 · = ∂σ 0. 0(k)
internal parameter, and plastic multiplier (1σ n+1 ,
trial > 0), then the increment
1. If plastic loading occurs (Fn+1 (k) (k)
1κ n+1 , and 12 γn+1 ).
of plastic multiplier is also positive according to the
Kuhn–Tucker conditions, 1γ > 0. Define the system 4. The variables are updated at the end of the k th iteration:
of equations with the residuals to minimize, the plastic 0(k+1) 0(k) 0(k)
σ n+1 = σ n+1 + 1σ n+1
flow residual R ,n+1 , the internal parameter residuals
∗p(k+1) ∗p(k) 0(k)
R κ,n+1 and the yield condition for this time step Fn+1 n+1 = n+1 − C−1 : 1σ n+1
as (k+1) (k) (k)
1γn+1 = 1γn+1 + 12 γn+1 .
R ,n+1
∗p ∗p
= − n+1 + n + 1γ ∂σ 0 G 5. Steps 1 to 4 are repeated until the residuals reached min-
imum threshold values.
= −1 n+1 + 1γ ∂σ 0 G
We have tested and validated the above-described return-
R κ,n+1 = κ n+1 + κ n − 1γ H
map algorithm to update the elasto-plastic deformation
= 1κ n+1 − 1γ H
against available algorithms in the MOOSE tensor mechan-
= F σ 0n+1 , κ n+1 ,
Fn+1 ics module.
4 Results Table 1. Fluid properties for the example of heat transport in a frac-
In this section we present five different applications of the nu-
merical simulator. These applications are intended to test the Property name Symbol Value SI unit
ability of the simulator to deal both with single processes and Fluid density ρf 1000 kg m−3
their coupling. By starting with simplistic benchmarks, for Fluid thermal conductivity λf 0.65 W m−1 K−1
which analytical solutions exist, we gradually increase the Fluid heat capacity cf 4000 J kg−1 K−1
complexity of the problem formulation in order to demon- Fluid viscosity µf 1.0 × 10−3 Pa s
strate the applicability of the approach to realistic operational Fluid permeability k 1.0 × 10−10 m2
Figure 4. Comparison of numerical results (red curves) and analytical solutions (black circles) for heat transport in a fracture. The figure
shows the temperature evolution at different positions along the fracture as a function of time.
Figure 5. Geometry and boundary conditions for the benchmark Porous Porosity n 0.15 –
case of groundwater flow in a fractured porous medium. medium Permeability k 1.0 × 10−12 m2
Viscosity µf 1.0 × 10−3 Pa s
Figure 6. Isolines of pressure computed from the 3-D numerical simulation extracted along a horizontal plane cutting the model domain.
Comparison between simulated (continuous red curve) and analytical derived (empty black circles) pressure distribution along a line through
the model.
Figure 7. Problem formulation and results of the oedometer benchmark. Panel (a) shows the problem formulation. Panel (b) illustrates the
results for different dilation angles with the stress-displacement curves.
4.1.3 Mechanical processes – 3-D elastoplastic yield envelope is a smoother version of the classical Mohr–
oedometer test Coulomb failure criterion. Under these conditions, an analyt-
ical solution for the stress state of the porous material can be
In the following test, we consider a cube of porous medium derived as described in Appendix A and serves here as ver-
with edges of 1 m. The cube is subjected to axial loading ification of the numerical implementation of the elastoplas-
with constant solid velocity vx under the conditions of an tic constitutive laws. The physical properties used for this
oedometer test (see setup in Fig. 7). The porous material un- benchmark are summarized in Table 3.
dergoes continuous loading, and it behaves elastically until Figure 7 shows the evolution of stress for an associative
the strength of the material is reached. From this time on, (red dots) and two non-associative (dilation angle different
the material undergoes plastic loading. The elastoplastic con- from friction angle) plastic potentials (blue and green dots).
stitutive laws adopted for this simple problem formulation The results exhibit a perfect agreement between the analyt-
is the Drucker–Prager plasticity model. The Drucker–Prager ical solution and the numerical prediction. In an attempt to
Figure 8. Results of the modified oedometer test to account for pore pressure coupling. Panel (a) shows the evolution of pore pressure (dia-
monds) and stress (circle) considering either a purely elastic case (red colours) or additional plastic contributions (green colours). Panel (b)
illustrates the evolution of the difference (elastic minus plastic).
better quantify the internal coupling among the elastic and Table 3. Mechanical properties for the oedometer benchmark.
inelastic component of the deformation, we have modified
the original elasto-plastic oedometer test to include in addi- Property name Symbol Value Unit
tion pore pressure coupling, therefore solving for a coupled
Bulk modulus K 2.0 × 103 MPa
hydraulic–mechanical (poroelasticity plus plasticity) prob-
Shear modulus G 2.0 × 103 MPa
lem. The aim of this test is to further validate the reliabil- Cohesion C 1 MPa
ity of the implementation of the plastic behaviour with re- Friction angle ϕ 20 ◦
spect to its coupling with the poroleastic response to external Dilation angle ψ 0, 10 or 20 ◦
loading of the porous medium. The geometry of the prob- Velocity vx 1.0 × 10−5 m s−1
lem has been kept the same as the one previously described, Edge of the cube L 1 m
as well as the solid material parameters (see Table 3). The
fluid parameters adopted comprise a constant fluid density
(ρf = 1000 kg m−3 ), fluid viscosity (µf = 1.0 × 10−3 Pa s), 4.2 Reservoir applications
porosity (n = 0.1) and permeability (k = 1.0 × 10−15 m 2 )
and a Biot coefficient of α = 0.6. Pore pressure is initialized In the following two subsections, we will describe two syn-
to zero at the beginning of the simulation inside the model thetic examples that deal with applications as considered of
domain and all lateral boundaries are considered to be close interest in the context of operational geothermal activities.
to pressure, thus simulating typical undrained experimental The examples presented do not address a specific field ap-
conditions. The boundary conditions in terms of mechani- plication, though they do bear similarities and links to real
cal displacement have been considered as for the reference cases. An application to an actual field study case based on an
case. Inelastic behaviour is introduced in the form of a non- injection test performed at the Groß Schönebeck geothermal
associated plasticity with a friction angle of φ = 20◦ and a site (north Germany) is the subject of a separate publication
dilation angle of ψ = 10◦ . Given the setup of the model, (Jacquey et al., 2017).
both the stress and the pore pressure increase with time as the
loading from the right lateral boundary continues. Indeed, the 4.2.1 Thermal and hydraulic processes – prototype of
pore pressure evolution is affected by variations in the total multi-fractured geothermal reservoir
volumetric strain, better quantified in terms of its rates (see
Eq. 27). The onset of plastic behaviour, indicated by a change In this example, we present a setup inspired by a typical
in the slope of the stress profile, affects the pore pressure geothermal reservoir application. The model aims at simulat-
distribution and evolution, with rates of pore pressure build- ing the thermal and hydraulic configuration of the reservoir
up decreasing due to accumulation of irreversible volumetric during operational activities (injection and production) span-
strains, thus validating the poroelastic and plastic coupling as ning a life time of the reservoir of approximately 100 years.
implemented in the simulator (Fig. 8). The model consists of four different geological formations,
two units representing the target reservoir plus an upper and
lower formation acting as cap rocks. The extent of the model
domain is 10 × 10 × 3 km in the x, y, and z directions. The
target reservoir is located at a depth of approximately 4.6 km
Figure 9. Problem formulation and results of the prototype of multi- This example considers operations of a synthetic geothermal
fractured geothermal reservoir. Panel (a) shows the geometry and doublet within a low permeability geological formation with
setup of the simulation and panel (b) the distribution of the temper- induced fractures located at the two operational wells. The
ature after approximately 100 years of production. model aims at describing the thermo-poroelastic response of
the reservoir due to geothermal operations. The extent of the
model domain is 500 × 500 × 200 m in the x, y, z directions.
below sea level, and is cut by a natural fault showing a slip The depth of the target reservoir is approximatively 4 km be-
of some hundreds metres at depths of relevance in the reser- low sea level. Pore pressure and temperature distributions are
voir. A doublet system is integrated in the model, consisting assumed to be homogeneous at the beginning of the simula-
of an injection and a production well. The open-hole sec- tion, and equal to 40 MPa and 150 ◦ C respectively. A regional
tion of the two wells is kept parallel and extends for approx- stress field is applied as background stress, to simulate a nor-
imately 1.5 km horizontally in the reservoir. The open-hole mal faulting regime with the following magnitudes:
section of the wells has been integrated as one-dimensional – Vertical stress S1 = 100 MPa in the z direction.
finite elements and homogenization of the resulting govern-
ing equations is done by considering the surface area of the – Maximum horizontal stress S2 = 90 MPa in the y direc-
well bore as scaling parameter. A system of hydraulically tion.
stimulated fractures is also considered to enhance the hy-
– Minimum horizontal stress S3 = 50 MPa in the x direc-
draulic connection between the two wells along their hori-
zontal sections. The multifrac system is intended to represent
a hydraulic stimulation campaign prior to reservoir exploita- Two hydraulic fractures are considered for this doublet
tion. There are a total of 10 fractures, equally spaced every system and represent the impacts of a prior hydraulic stimu-
100 m and all sharing the same geometry and material prop- lation campaign to enhance the productivity of the reservoir.
erties. A schematic representation of the main geometry is Given the in situ stress conditions, these two hydraulic frac-
illustrated in Fig. 9, and all properties are listed in Table 4. tures are orthogonal to the minimum horizontal stress. They
The reservoir boundary conditions adopted for the simu- are implemented as squares with edges of 100 m. The dis-
lation comprise a constant temperature fixed along the top tance between the fractures is 200 m.
of the reservoir (T = 137.5◦ , corresponding to a background In this simulation, we consider additional nonlinear ef-
thermal gradient of approximately 30◦ per kilometre), heat fects as related to imposed variations in the evolution of
input at the base of the model (qT = 72 mW m−2 ), and hy- the fluid (i.e. fluid density and viscosity) and rock proper-
drostatic pressure along all lateral borders of the domain. ties (i.e. porosity and permeability) as a function of the evo-
The natural system of the reservoir, before stimulation, is de- lution in the state of the reservoir during operational activ-
Figure 10. Problem formulation and results of the thermo-poroelastic response of a geothermal doublet. Panel (a) shows the problem
formulation. Panels (b) and (c) illustrates the pore pressure (with fluid velocity) and temperature distributions respectively after 50 years of
ities. Changes in porosity are controlled by Eq. (22), where where the coefficient A includes information about the pore
we neglected second-order terms for this specific application, and grain geometries and can be expressed via the initial
while the evolution in the rock permeability is governed by a value of porosity and permeability: A = k0 (1−n30 ) .
classical Kozeny–Carman-like relation as
Figure 10 illustrates the model geometry.
Geothermal operations consist of injecting water at Tin =
k=A , (43) 70 ◦ C and at a constant rate qin = 5 L s−1 and producing
(1 − n)2
Figure 11. Horizontal slices of the model illustrating the changes in transport properties. Panel (a) shows the distribution of the changes in
porosity and panel (b) the changes in permeability after 50 years of operations.
geothermal fluid at the same rate. Pore pressure and temper- erties, thus providing higher numerical stability in the con-
ature are kept constant on all sides of the model as bound- text of nonlinear problems. Geological heterogeneities, i.e.
ary conditions. All faces are considered as sliding faces for discrete fractures and fault zones, are taken into account in
boundary conditions in terms of displacements. The simula- our formulation. The latter are represented as finite element
tion covers a complete time of 50 years of geothermal op- of lower geometrical dimension, which allows us to model
erations. All physical properties used for this example are focused fluid and heat flows on fractures and faults planes
summarized in Table 5. or well paths. The capability and robustness of the simulator
Figure 10 shows the distribution of pore pressure and tem- has been illustrated by means of five numerical examples by
perature at the end of the simulation. It can be observed that increasing progressively the coupling and geometrical com-
colder temperature than the reservoir temperature are pro- plexity of the considered problem formulations.
duced at the right well after 50 years of operations. Improving the reliability of predictions made for geother-
Figure 11 shows horizontal slices at the centre of the do- mal operations at the field scale requires a better description
main illustrating the changes in porosity and permeability of the physical phenomena which can alter the reservoir pro-
due to the applied changes in strain, pore pressure, and tem- ductivity as well as the sustainability of the geothermal op-
perature. erations. In this respect, the current framework provides a
This example illustrates the simulator capability of solving powerful tool to analyse the dynamic behaviour of fractured
a full thermo-hydro-mechanical coupled problem as relevant reservoirs during geothermal operations.
for geothermal reservoir applications. At the same time, the Ongoing activities are towards integration of the details of
formulation adopted to simulate the evolution in time and the mechanical description of the geological discontinuities
space of the system properties enables us to quantify the im- (faults and fractures) either by means of a discrete (XFEM
pact of the mechanical alteration induced by geothermal op- approach) or continuous (such as phase field) approach. Such
erations (injection/production of fluid and applied injection a feature will help to better describe the dynamics defor-
temperature) on both fluid and heat flows within the reser- mation in heterogeneous rocks, including localization and
voir. evolution along fault zones, and will also permit to quanti-
tative integrate feedbacks on the hydraulic and thermal be-
haviours of such geological structures. The description of
5 Conclusions such processes would help at forecasting environmental im-
pacts of reservoir operations such as induced seismicity from
In this paper, we have presented a novel but robust sim-
dynamic reactivation of faults during operational activities.
ulator for modelling coupled THM processes within frac-
tured rocks, with specific focus on reservoir applications.
The code, GOLEM, relies on an open-source massive par-
Code and data availability. The source code and the input files of
allel finite-element-based numerical framework (MOOSE) to the five numerical examples presented in this paper, plus a suite
solve for the coupled problem. It makes use of a fully implicit of specific benchmark cases, are available for downloading from a
approach to treat the nonlinear coupling among the different GitHub repository (https://github.com/ajacquey/Golem).
processes and their feedback effects on fluid and rock prop-
Appendix A: Analytical solution for the oedometer Furthermore, the Kuhn–Tucker conditions imply that the
benchmark derivative over time of the yield function remains 0 during
plastic accumulation, that is, in incremental form
During elastic loading with constant velocity vx , the strain
evolves as −1
1F = 0 ⇔ √ 1σxx − 1σyy
vx t 3
xx = , yy = zz = 0 (A1) sin(ϕ)
L + 1σxx + 21σyy = 0. (A7)
because of the no-displacement boundary conditions in the y
and z directions. The stress during elastic loading therefore By injecting Eq. (A6) into Eq. (A7), one finally obtains the
reads value for the increment of plastic multiplier as
vx t vx t
σxx = (λ + 2G) , σyy = σzz = λ . (A2) √2 G − sin(ϕ) λ + 2 G
3 3 |vx |1t
L L 1γ = . (A8)
G + 32 (λ + G) sin(ϕ) sin(ψ) L
With these expressions of stress, the invariants of the stress
tensor, J1 and J2 can be written as The solution for plastic strain and stress can therefore be
2 integrated as
vx t 4 vx t
J1 = (3λ + 2G) , J2 = G . (A3) γ (t)
L 3 L ∗p
xx (t) = √ −1 + √
3 3
The onset of plastic strain accumulation is reached when
∗p γ (t) 1 sin(ψ)
the yield function reaches 0 at a time noted ty , that is, yy (t) = √ + √
F(ty ) = 0. By using the expressions of the stress invariants 3 2 3
in Eq. (A3), the time for onset of yielding can be expressed ∗p γ (t) 1 sin(ψ)
zz (t) = √ + √ (A9)
as 3 2 3
LC cos ϕ
vx t 2 sin(ψ)
ty = . (A4) σxx (t) = (λ + 2G) + γ (t) √ 1 − √ G − λ sin(ψ)
L 3 3
|vx | √2 G − sin(ϕ)(λ + 2 G)
3 3 vx t
2 1 sin(ψ)
σyy (t) = λ − γ (t) √ + √ G + λ sin(ψ)
The increment of plastic strain accumulation can be ex- L 3 2 3
pressed by reinjecting the expressions of the stress invariant vx t 2 1 sin(ψ)
σzz (t) = λ − γ (t) √ + √ G + λ sin(ψ) ,
and Eq. (40) into Eq. (20): L 3 2 3
∗p 1γ sin(ψ)
1xx = √ −1 + √ with the plastic multiplier as
3 3
∗p 1γ 1 sin(ψ) √2 G − sin(ϕ) λ + 2 G
1yy = √ + √ 3 3 |vx |t
3 2 3 γ (t) = 2
. (A11)
G + 3 (λ + G) sin(ϕ) sin(ψ) L
∗p 1γ 1 sin(ψ)
1zz = √ + √ . (A5)
3 2 3
The increment of stress during plastic accumulation can
therefore be written:
vx 1t 2 sin(ψ)
1σxx = (λ + 2G) + 1γ √ 1 − √ G − λ sin(ψ)
L 3 3
vx 1t 2 1 sin(ψ)
1σyy = λ − 1γ √ + √ G + λ sin(ψ)
L 3 2 3
vx 1t 2 1 sin(ψ)
1σzz = λ − 1γ √ + √ G + λ sin(ψ) . (A6)
L 3 2 3
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