Melatonin As A Hormone New Physiological and Clinical Insights
Melatonin As A Hormone New Physiological and Clinical Insights
Melatonin As A Hormone New Physiological and Clinical Insights
Department of Physiology and Biophysics, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, University of São Paulo, 05508-
000 São Paulo, Brazil; and 2Department of Physiology, Federal University of São Paulo, 04023-900 São Paulo,
ORCiD numbers: 0000-0003-3748-3731 (J. Cipolla-Neto); 0000-0003-4492-4822 (F. G. Amaral).
ABSTRACT Melatonin is a ubiquitous molecule present in almost every live being from bacteria to humans. In vertebrates, besides being
produced in peripheral tissues and acting as an autocrine and paracrine signal, melatonin is centrally synthetized by a neuroendocrine organ,
the pineal gland. Independently of the considered species, pineal hormone melatonin is always produced during the night and its production
and secretory episode duration are directly dependent on the length of the night. As its production is tightly linked to the light/dark cycle,
melatonin main hormonal systemic integrative action is to coordinate behavioral and physiological adaptations to the environmental
geophysical day and season. The circadian signal is dependent on its daily production regularity, on the contrast between day and night
concentrations, and on specially developed ways of action. During its daily secretory episode, melatonin coordinates the night adaptive
physiology through immediate effects and primes the day adaptive responses through prospective effects that will only appear at daytime,
when melatonin is absent. Similarly, the annual history of the daily melatonin secretory episode duration primes the central nervous/
endocrine system to the seasons to come. Remarkably, maternal melatonin programs the fetuses’ behavior and physiology to cope with the
environmental light/dark cycle and season after birth. These unique ways of action turn melatonin into a biological time-domain–acting
molecule. The present review focuses on the above considerations, proposes a putative classification of clinical melatonin dysfunctions, and
discusses general guidelines to the therapeutic use of melatonin. (Endocrine Reviews 39: 990 – 1028, 2018)
“We wish to report isolation from beef mammalian pineal hormone and focuses on human
pineal glands of the active factor that physiology and pathophysiology.
can lighten skin color and inhibit MSH. It is noteworthy that in spite of the impressive
It is suggested that this substance be amount of data on melatonin and pineal research, a
called ‘melatonin’. ” (1) standard and systematic theoretical framework of
analysis is lacking, among researchers and clinicians,
· Melatonin is considered a pineal hormone
·· Melatonin is a biological time–domain molecule acting on the circadian, seasonal, and transgenerational timescales
Melatonin developed special ways of action
· The ways of action determine immediate effects expressed during the night and prospective effects expressed during the
following day
· The prospective effects are classified as proximal effects, expressed immediately after melatonin ceases in the early
morning, and distal lengthy effects, expressed throughout the following day
interpreted exclusively, as is usually done for other clinical syndromes, considering the classic hypo-
classic hormones, as a result of its ongoing immediate production and hyperproduction or function, and
interaction with its molecular effectors. As presented introducing the dysfunctions that directly depend on
here, several of its effects are primed by this interaction melatonin temporal signal organization and melatonin
but will appear only several hours afterward, provided timing action. Finally, as a third point, the authors
melatonin is not present anymore. Additionally, introduce a discussion about the therapeutic use of
several of its hormonal effects directly depend on the melatonin, taking into consideration its characteristic
circadian and seasonal characteristics of pineal mel- ways of action.
atonin synthesis and secretion, which are dependent on The definition of a common intellectual frame-
its daily repetition, daily duration of nocturnal signal, work is essential to guide the planning of experi-
and seasonal direction of changing (increasing or de- mental and clinical research and data interpretation,
creasing period of synthesis), resulting in the timing of allowing the construction of a solid foundation to
the physiological phenomena in the circadian and properly understand the melatonin functional role
annual timescale. The second point, based on the as a hormone in human physiology and conse-
understanding of melatonin’s ways of action, is to quently to interpret and deal with its dysfunction in
propose a classification of melatonin-related putative human pathology.
Pineal melatonin synthesis timing by the SCN is of age according to some researchers () and after
achieved by its projections to the paraventricular years of age according to others (), pineal melatonin
hypothalamic nucleus, which communicates with the production declines to % of the young adult level.
higher thoracic segments of the intermediolateral From there on, there is a continuous decline to values
spinal column, conveying information to the superior as low as % of the young adult level in people $
cervical ganglion from where sympathetic postsynaptic years of age (). Importantly, note that pineal mel-
fibers reach the pineal gland, releasing norepinephrine atonin production is always higher in women at all
exclusively during the dark phase of the night, trig- ages after puberty ().
gering the enzymatic conversion of tryptophan to
melatonin (, ). Tryptophan hydroxylase converts
992 Cipolla-Neto and Amaral Melatonin, a Pineal Hormone Endocrine Reviews, December 2018, 39(6):990–1028
“Prospective effects”) by acting as a direct proteasome stimulation of PKC activity in SCN (); () regulation
inhibitor (). of uterus contractility (); and () vasodilatation (). It
Protection against DNA damage is fundamental was recently suggested that MT melatonin receptors in
and melatonin has shown to be efficient in doing so the SCN might correspond to a G protein–coupled
due to its antioxidant properties, once elevated reactive inwardly rectifying potassium channel ().
oxygen species (ROS) levels are a major cause of DNA MT (previously named ML) is a third charac-
damage. Additional mechanisms include the decrease terized mammalian melatonin binding site (not con-
of ATM (a phosphoinositide -kinase–related kinase) sidered a receptor) that is a form of quinone reductase ,
expression and of the histone HAX phosphorylation, a a detoxifying enzyme (, ), and was reported to be
step involved in the DNA damage response, among involved, for example, in the melatonin-derived in-
994 Cipolla-Neto and Amaral Melatonin, a Pineal Hormone Endocrine Reviews, December 2018, 39(6):990–1028
signal was determined in several other central and new episode of melatonin secretion during the fol-
peripheral systems. In rat Leydig cells, LH-induced lowing night and are, in general, mediated by the
testosterone production was % to % higher after regulation of gene expression and protein translation
hours of preincubation with melatonin compared and degradation, mainly involving clock genes. The
with non–pre-exposed Leydig cells (, ). In clock genes products regulate expression of the tissue-
Chinese hamster ovary cells expressing human MT specific output of clock-controlled genes (CCGs) to
receptor, the pre-exposure to a physiological con- control the cellular/tissue/organ circadian function.
centration of melatonin for a length of time that Such rhythmic CCG expression is directly responsible
mimics the period of darkness induced supersensitization for the daily oscillation of cell metabolism and organ/
of the cAMP-dependent signaling cascade during the system function. Therefore, ultimately, melatonin is
Owing to these functional characteristics, mela- their phase, amplitude, and period. At the cellular
tonin is properly defined as a chronobiotic or internal level, one basic mechanism of the circadian timing
zeitgeber (, –). As would be expected from a process, present in almost every cell, either central or
zeitgeber (), melatonin must act on oscillators peripheral, is the cellular molecular oscillatory system
according to a well-defined phase-response curve represented by the so-called clock genes.
(PRC) (). A PRC shows the magnitude of response, The clock genes oscillatory system is characterized
in terms of phase advance or phase delay, derived from by interconnected negative, positive, and regulatory
the action of the zeitgeber on the oscillator, being feedback loops (). The core clock genes are part of
directly dependent on the moment (defined as phase) the primary positive/negative transcription/translation
of its incidence along the intrinsic period of oscillation molecular loop. In the positive feedback limb, the
996 Cipolla-Neto and Amaral Melatonin, a Pineal Hormone Endocrine Reviews, December 2018, 39(6):990–1028
and acidic amino acid–rich basic leucine zipper), and pathway in the SCN (). In this context, the role played
NAD+-dependent SIRT that add further regulation by the regulator of G protein–signaling protein
to the main two clock genes transcription/translation (RGS), that functions as a GTPase-accelerating pro-
loops (). tein for Gi (), should be additionally considered, as it
As can be deduced from the above, virtually every promotes GTP hydrolysis and arrests GTP-bound Gi
stage of the aforementioned gene expression should be signaling. It is shown that melatonin might upregulate
considered nodal points for the circadian control of the RGS gene expression () and that RGS
clock genes and CCGs expression. In this context, protein accumulation peaks during daytime (), acting
melatonin, owing to its functional pleiotropic ways of to overcome the melatonin Gi-mediated effect and
action that regulate basic cellular metabolism, chromatin contributing to the putative daytime domain of cAMP
Figure 3. Light PRC. A PRC shows the magnitude of response, in terms of phase advance or phase delay, derived from the action of the
zeitgeber on the oscillator, being directly dependent on the moment (defined as phase) of its incidence along the intrinsic period of
oscillation of the internal clock. The figure shows the PRC (black curve) derived from light stimulation (importantly, note that the PRC
depends on the wavelength, intensity, and duration of the light pulse) of young adults under dim light (with gray bar and yellow stars
representing light pulses). In this free-running condition, the DLMO or the moment of occurrence of minimal core body temperature is
taken as the internal circadian reference time to plan the moment of incidence of the light pulses (measured in units of circadian
time—that is, the free-running period divided by 24). DLMO is usually attributed to circadian time 14. The difference between the
instant of occurrence of the internal marker (beginning of melatonin secretion or moment of minimal temperature) on the control day
and on the day or days after the light pulse defines the phase shift induced by light exposure at that particular circadian time. Despite
a light PRC being derived in an experimental free-running condition, the same effects of light on phase-shifting the internal circadian
clock can be seen in a day-by-day entrained situation represented by the yellow/dark blue bar. Also shown is the light PRC referenced to
Phase shift (hours)
Dim light
is under the control of melatonin as well as the daily demonstrated (). Moreover, melatonin importantly
distribution of its functions such as lipolysis, lipogenesis, participates in the daily distribution of liver gluconeo-
leptin production, and adipocyte proliferation (–). genesis (, ).
The same daily organization of functions and clock Reproductive organ circadian rhythms and phys-
genes expression is seen in humans (–) and iological functions are also under the control of
seems to be, as well, under melatonin regulation (). In melatonin. In rat Leydig cells () the absence of
skeletal muscle, melatonin acting through MT seems to pineal melatonin abolishes Per daily rhythm and
control the amplitude of the clock genes and CCGs increases the daily amplitude of Per gene expression.
Reverba and Dbp and to control the phase of Bmal In this case, melatonin replacement was able to revert
expression (). In sheep, liver clock genes ex- the deleterious effects. It was also demonstrated ()
pression is under photoperiodic control. Under short that pinealectomy altered the daily mRNA expression
nights, Per expression peaks at the end of the night, profile of several clock genes in the rat cumulus–
whereas under long nights there is a phase advance of oocyte complex. The absence of melatonin abolished
Per and the peak occurs at the beginning of the the daily rhythm of Clock, Per, Cry, and Rora in
night (). In mice liver, a significant reduction of cumulus cells, altered the amplitude of Clock, Bmal,
Per daily amplitude in MT knockout animals was and Cry in oocytes, and phase shifted Per and Cry
998 Cipolla-Neto and Amaral Melatonin, a Pineal Hormone Endocrine Reviews, December 2018, 39(6):990–1028
Figure 4. Melatonin PRC. The melatonin PRC is derived from the phase shifts obtained by the difference between the DLMO moment
of occurrence in a control situation and after oral melatonin exposure, usually taken by individuals in the day-by-day entrained
condition. Melatonin PRC (black curve) is characterized by two opposing regions (phase-advance and phase-delay zones) and
a nonresponsive dead zone. Melatonin pulses in the dead zone (purple area) occur during the night when endogenous levels of
melatonin are usually high (red dashed curve). The phase-advance zone (blue area) is usually located late in the afternoon and early in
the evening, 2 to 7 hours (best seen around 3 to 4 hours) before the beginning of the nocturnal episode of melatonin production. The
phase-delay zone (green) is located in the late night/early morning hours, 61 hour around the usual endogenous melatonin offset. The
figure also shows the best (safe zone) and the worst (forbidden zone) times to use melatonin in chronic conditions, depending on
the desired effects (phase advance, phase delays, or no phase shift at all). It is interesting to compare the melatonin PRC to the light PRC
in Fig. 3. At the beginning of the night, light pulses evoke the biggest phase delays; alternatively, melatonin administration would cause
the biggest phase advances. The opposite is seen at the end of the night, when light evokes phase advances and melatonin evokes phase
Phase shift (hours)
18:00 21:00 06:00
© 2018 Illustration Presentation ENDOCRINE SOCIETY Time of melatonin administration
in oocytes and Bmal in cumulus cells. Melatonin Even the mammalian fetus is entrainable by the
replacement therapy was able to counteract several of maternal melatonin signal. It was shown () that
the above-mentioned effects. maternal melatonin regulates SCN Bmal and Per clock
The adrenal gland seems to be another pe- genes expression in the primate capuchin monkey fetus.
ripheral target for the chronobiotic role of mela- Corroborating the importance of maternal melatonin
tonin, as it was shown to synchronize and trigger circadian rhythm as a key signal for the generation and/or
circadian clock genes oscillation. In the capuchin synchronization of the circadian rhythms in the mam-
monkey, for example, it regulates the daily adrenal malian fetus, the absence of maternal melatonin from day
function and Bmal and Per circadian expression to day of gestation in rats markedly affected the
peak (). mRNA expression level of clock genes and CCGs in the
Also, note that the literature demonstrated that fetus adrenal gland so that Bmal and Per circadian
melatonin controls peripheral clock genes and CCGs oscillations were abolished and, additionally, the fetal
oscillation in several other systems such as retina (, adrenal circadian rhythm of corticosterone synthesis was
), skin fibroblasts (), and the CVS (), particularly also abolished (, ). All of these effects were
in cardiomyocytes (), as well as PT (, ) and overcome in the adrenal glands from fetuses whose
human myometrial smooth muscle cells (). As clock mothers received melatonin replacement therapy.
genes are well demonstrated in several human cells (, Finally, even the organisms that cohabitate the
, –), it is conceivable that melatonin might act human body may be synchronized by the host’s
as one of their synchronizers (, ). melatonin profile, as was shown for the malarial
Plasmodium parasite () and for a commensal organisms and their ecological niche, the seasonal
bacterium from the human gastrointestinal system, the effect mediated by melatonin is fundamentally im-
noncyanobacterial prokaryote Enterobacter aerogenes, portant to synchronize physiological and behavioral
of which the circadian clock and daily activity pattern seasonal adaptations to the expected changes in ex-
are synchronized by the host’s pineal and gastroin- ternal environmental conditions that are typical of the
testinal melatonin profile (, ). seasons of the year. These adaptations include annual
In addition to controlling clock genes/CCGs expres- cycles of reproduction and metabolism, as well as, for
sion, there are at least two other ways that melatonin can example, the consequent growth and body weight
regulate/induce circadian rhythmicity. The first one is control, thermogenesis and brown adipose tissue func-
regulating the cellular redox state either in central or pe- tion, hibernation, migration, and immune responses.
1000 Cipolla-Neto and Amaral Melatonin, a Pineal Hormone Endocrine Reviews, December 2018, 39(6):990–1028
Figure 5. Melatonin seasonal profile. This figure shows the annual seasons and the correspondent photoperiodic change in the
duration of the day and the night. At the same time, it is possible to see the annual historic evolution of the duration of the daily
episode of melatonin production. The first observation is that the classic calendar of four seasons is reduced to the biological point of
view of two seasons, one determined by increasing duration of the melatonin nocturnal episode and the other defined by the increasing
reduction of the nocturnal episode. The second point to be observed is the importance of the historical perception of the annual
evolution of the environmental photoperiod. Any given duration of the nocturnal melatonin signal occurs at two different phases of the
annual cycle, one in the direction of the winter solstice and another in the direction of the summer solstice. However, from the
biological point of view, the first one triggers physiological and behavioral preparation for the following winter and the second one for
the following summer, depending on how the signal is read and translated by the PT/third-ventricle tanycytes. Finally, note that there is
a critical day/night length relationship—the critical photoperiod that is detected as the signal of changing season and switching from
one physiological state to another—that is internally represented by the critical duration of the melatonin nocturnal profile. [© 2018
Winter phenotype
Decreasing melatonin
Increasing melatonin
nocturnal melatonin signal) and another in the di- intermediate -hour light/-hour dark cycle. The
rection of the summer solstice (decreasing night first one (previously adapted to hours of light and
length/decreasing duration of nocturnal melatonin hours of dark per day) became reproductively
signal). However, from the biological point of view, the active and the other one (previously adapted to
first one triggers physiological and behavioral prepa- hours of light and hours of dark per day) became
ration for the following winter and the second one for reproductively inhibited. In other words, in the first
the following summer, depending on how the signal is group the CNS read the -hour melatonin signal as
read and translated by the PT, transmitted to the “preparation for the winter” (moving from hours
pituitary pars distalis, and, via the third-ventricle of dark to hours of dark; longer night length),
tanycytes, transmitted to the hypothalamus (see be- whereas in the second group, the same -hour
low) (–). Accordingly, the different adaptive melatonin signal was read in opposite direction and
effects of melatonin depend on the different phases of was translated as “preparation for the summer”
the year and are ultimately determined by the hy- (moving from hours of dark to hours of dark;
pothalamic detection of the history of the melatonin shorter night length).
secretory episode duration, day after day, during the According to the previous discussion, in mammals,
annual photoperiodic cycle. This was exemplified by the annual sequential variation of melatonin profile
analysis of two groups of Suffolk ewes that were duration is the internal representative of the environ-
previously adapted to or hours of light per day mental photoperiod (day/night length ratio) that is the
(). These animals are reproductively active during main synchronizer of the circannual rhythmicity but
the winter (long night length). The -hour light/-hour not the only one (). Similar to the circadian chro-
dark cycle–adapted group presented reproductive sys- nobiotic effect, the seasonal effect of melatonin depends
tem inhibition whereas the -hour light/-hour dark on its putative action as an “internal circannual zeit-
cycle–adapted group presented reproductive system geber or synchronizer” acting on several levels of the
stimulation. Both groups were transferred to an circannual timing system that is composed of a number
of structures, mainly the PT, third ventricle tanycytes, able to transport peptides and hormones by trans-
and several hypothalamic nuclei (, , –). cytosis, playing the role of sensors of nutrients, hor-
The mechanism involved with the synchronizing mones, and immune and inflammatory mediators
effect of melatonin that will trigger the physiological (–). Therefore, these cells seem to be the func-
adaptation according to the respective seasonal en- tional link between PT (and, for extension, melatonin-
vironment depends on melatonin interaction with mediated environmental photoperiodic changes), CSF,
MT receptors (through immediate and prospective blood, and hypothalamus, being an important player in
effects as inhibition of cAMP synthesis and its sub- the seasonal regulation of reproduction, energy meta-
sequent supersensitization and clock genes daily bolism (ultimately, body weight), and immune function
transcription/translation cycle) at the PT- specific (, , , ).
1002 Cipolla-Neto and Amaral Melatonin, a Pineal Hormone Endocrine Reviews, December 2018, 39(6):990–1028
important for communication between PT and pars of some placental factors such as the vasoactive in-
distalis, including in the human brain (). testinal polypeptide, progesterone, estradiol, and others
In summary, the melatonin seasonal effect is de- (, ).
pendent on the regular and predictable change of the Alternatively, it is well known that maternal
duration of its synthesis and blood presence across melatonin is freely transferred to the fetus via the
successive nights and how this message is decoded by placenta (–), and this maternal–fetal transfer of
PT through retrograde and anterograde paracrine melatonin is the only fetal source of this hormone.
mediators. These mediators convey the photoperiodic Moreover, melatonin concentration in fetal umbilical
information to the mediobasal hypothalamus and circulation reflects the day–night difference and
pituitary, triggering the adaptive physiological and nocturnal duration as seen in the maternal circulation
melatonin injection to the pregnant dams. Moreover, photoperiodic information by using pinealectomy,
the different peaks of activity of the offspring were programmed nocturnal infusion of melatonin, and
exclusively determined by the time of melatonin in- exposure to different environmental postnatal
jection and were not dependent on the dose ( to photoperiods (). In a complementary study,
mg) or the number of repeated days of injection ( or using the same experimental model and animal, the
). A similar set of experiments was done in rats to melatonin signal was efficient in transferring pho-
study the effects of maternal pinealectomy or superior toperiodic information dependent on the daily repe-
cervical ganglionectomy, with or without melatonin tition of the maternal melatonin signal (at least
replacement for days in late gestation, on the off- consecutive days) and it also showed an intrauterine-
spring circadian drinking behavior evaluated for sensitive window to the melatonin timing effect be-
1004 Cipolla-Neto and Amaral Melatonin, a Pineal Hormone Endocrine Reviews, December 2018, 39(6):990–1028
role played by melatonin is to trigger at the nocturnal Additionally, in both species, melatonin acts as a
phase, by its immediate effects, the proper adaptive powerful chronobiotic. It means that the consecutive
mechanisms to the considered species for that phase of and repetitive daily nocturnal presence of melatonin
the day and, additionally, to prepare, by its prospective and the contrast between high nocturnal concentra-
effects, the physiology and behavior to be adaptive tion and diurnal absence or very low concentration
when the complementary daytime phase arises. help to properly set the circadian clock so that the
In other words, in general, the immediate and typical circadian physiology and behavior of the
prospective effects of melatonin determine the same considered species is synchronized to the environ-
events both in nocturnal and in diurnal mammals, but mental light/dark cycle of the day and night. So, in
in opposite phases of the daily cycle. addition to considering the immediate and prospective
concerned, that melatonin effects will depend on the melatonin. Therefore, melatonin acts mainly in humans
time and route of administration, on the concentration as a powerful circadian zeitgeber (, ).
and duration of the signal, on the regularity of the daily Based on the melatonin well-defined PRC, its
repetition, and on the traits of the target organ (presence immediate and prospective effects, and its strategically
or absence of different melatonin receptors and the timed repetitive daily prescription, this hormone has
associated transduction pathways). successfully been clinically used as a chronobiotic
A literature search, early in , showed that there agent. It is used to entrain daily rhythms mainly in
were to clinical studies ( in the last clinical syndromes involving circadian rhythm dis-
years) that used melatonin, among which almost orders, such as the syndromes involving temporary or
were randomized clinical trials. Additionally, from permanent circadian misalignment as jet lag, the
1006 Cipolla-Neto and Amaral Melatonin, a Pineal Hormone Endocrine Reviews, December 2018, 39(6):990–1028
the beforehand amount of endogenously produced The chances of odd results are higher because a greater
melatonin, being that the exogenous melatonin was number of individuals may be inappropriately re-
more effective as the lower was the individual natural sponsive to the determined dose, differently from what
nocturnal production (). Confirming the hypoth- would be expected for a small sample study. This
esis of melatonin regulating sleep by acting on the would probably reduce the magnitude of the effect of
circadian rhythm, this study showed that melatonin melatonin in the analyzed outcome. However, one
treatment induced an increase in the day-to-night should be cautious, and more adequately planned and
activity ratio (rhythmic amplitude) and a decrease controlled studies that take into consideration mela-
in the fragmentation of the rhythm, increasing its tonin ways of action and effects, the melatonin PRC,
stability, as evaluated by actgraphic records. and, above all, individual differences will surely help to
functions (, , , ). Pinealectomized rats cell sensitization to cAMP agonists insulin-secreting
show disturbed energy metabolism daily cycles and agents. Additionally, nocturnal melatonin secretion is
metabolic disorders resulting in increased body weight responsible for human b cell survival, contributing to
associated with increased food intake and reduced the preservation of b cell mass and function, including
energy expenditure (). Melatonin replacement to in patients with type diabetes ().
pinealectomized rats or supplementation to young, The importance of regular melatonin daily secre-
middle-aged, or old rats induces body weight tion determining daytime high insulin sensitivity is
reduction, a decrease in food intake, and an increment well demonstrated by several clinical and epidemio-
in brown adipose tissue energy expenditure (–). logical studies showing an association between low
This energy imbalance toward reducing body weight is producers of melatonin and insulin resistance, so that
1008 Cipolla-Neto and Amaral Melatonin, a Pineal Hormone Endocrine Reviews, December 2018, 39(6):990–1028
in the regulation of the CVS (, ) and in par- on the CSF due to the particular anatomy of the pineal
ticular of blood pressure. Removal of circulating epithalamic insertion, its vasculature, and the intimate
melatonin by pinealectomy, in rats, causes hyperten- interaction with the third-ventricle pineal recess (,
sion, and melatonin replacement either prevents or ). Additionally, the circulating melatonin might, as
obviates this effect. well, go to the CSF, increasing the CNS melatonin
In addition to blood pressure, melatonin plays an concentration (, ). Melatonin concentration is
important role in the regulation of several others highest in the third ventricle [where it seems to be
parameters of the CVS, including heart rate and directly released by the pineal gland, probably medi-
vascular resistance (, ). Melatonin regulates the ated by the tanycytes, as previously suggested ()],
CVS using receptor- and non–receptor-mediated ef- reduces in the lateral ventricle and cisterna magna, and
(hypothalamus, striatum, hippocampus, and cerebral concentrations of polyunsaturated fatty acids that
cortex), together with the major components of the importantly contribute to the oxidative processes.
active zone, as the voltage-gated calcium channel Additionally, it is well known that the CNS is a ready
Cav., that, by itself, might connect the melatonin target for oxidative stress because the brain represents
receptor to other synaptic proteins such as SNAP, only % of the body weight, receives % of the cardiac
Munc-, and synapsin (). Moreover, patch-clamp output, and consumes % of the total body oxygen
experiments demonstrated that MT receptors interact (), producing more ROS than any other organ and
with voltage-gated Cav. channel and inhibit pre- tissue. Therefore, scavenging ROS is a prominent
synaptic Ca+ entry, providing a molecular and elec- matter because neuronal cells might be injured by
trophysiological basis for the explanation of a putative oxidative or nitrosative stress, affecting several phys-
1010 Cipolla-Neto and Amaral Melatonin, a Pineal Hormone Endocrine Reviews, December 2018, 39(6):990–1028
stabilization and repair (, ), neurogenesis, neural internal circadian phase determination. That is why
development, and neural stem cell protection (–), saliva is usually collected at the beginning of the
dendritogenesis and axogenesis (–), and learning, evening and should not be collected during the night.
memory, and long-term potentiation and long-term Alternatively, urinary -sulfatoxymelatonin excretion
depression (, , –). is directly proportional to the total amount of mela-
Apart from the regulation of specific functions, tonin produced in a given night, provided that the
melatonin seems to play an essential role in keeping patient rests under a low level of environmental il-
the cellular and systemic integrity of the CNS and lumination. Urine collection from dusk to the first
preventing neural damage and eventually contributing urine excretion in the following morning (e.g., the
to prevent the development of neurodegenerative patient should discard the urine excretion at
1012 Cipolla-Neto and Amaral Melatonin, a Pineal Hormone Endocrine Reviews, December 2018, 39(6):990–1028
inadequate control of prescribed melatonin. The inadequate receptor response may render the physi-
reported symptoms in hypermelatoninemia are di- ological system nonresponsive to the regulatory role
urnal sleepiness, sleep episodes, low body tempera- exerted by melatonin and, in consequence, it will
ture, dizziness, and hypotonia (). In the express a nonadaptive response to the daily and annual
spontaneous hypothermia hyperhidrosis syndrome, rhythmic behavioral and physiological demands. The
associated with high levels of circulating melatonin immediate consequence is chronodisruption, with the
also during the day (. pg/mL), it is described by symptoms described previously. The proposed pa-
an altered level of consciousness, even complete loss, thologies associated with melatonin receptor variants
and syncopal attacks with sweating and hypothermia are type diabetes, gestational diabetes, sleep and
(body temperature to °C). These symptoms as- circadian disorders, Graves disease, impaired meta-
Circadian displacement
In this putative syndrome, the magnitude of the daily Therapeutic Use of Melatonin, Its
melatonin peak is usually not altered but the blood Pharmacokinetics and Toxicology
melatonin nocturnal curve is displaced in time. It
might be completely displaced to daytime as in the This section addresses general criteria to be considered
Smith-Magenis syndrome, delayed as in attention- when medical doctors intend to prescribe melatonin to
deficit/hyperactivity disorder, or it is extended to the their patients. It is more a series of questions to be
morning, surpassing the nocturnal sleep episode. It considered rather than the determination of specific
also may not be synchronized to the light/dark cycle at dose values, formulation, and time of administration
all, and it would rather be free running, as observed in [see (–) for a thoughtful review]. Moreover, in
some circadian rhythms disorders (e.g., totally blind spite of the several available melatonin receptors ago-
people). Depending on the case and the phase-shifting nists [e.g., Ramelteon® (RozeremÔ, Takeda Pharma-
desired effect, patients should be adequately treated ceuticals America, Inc., Deerfield, IL), Agomelatine®
with melatonin given at the right phase and dosage as (ValdoxanÔ, Servier Laboratories, Paris, France),
discussed elsewhere (). The symptoms associated Tasimelteon® (HetliozÔ, Vanda Pharmaceuticals Inc.,
with a circadian melatonin displacement are a result of Washington DC)], the present discussion is restricted to
the consequent chronodisruption and include sleep melatonin, the natural biological product [note that
and awake states assigned to unusual times, daytime Circadin® (Neurim Pharmaceuticals Inc., Tel-Aviv, Is-
somnolence or even sleep episodes, low diurnal per- rael) is pure melatonin in a slow-release formulation].
formance, nocturnal insomnia, chronologically mis- The time domain is a critical factor to be con-
placed eating behavior, insulin resistance or sensitivity sidered in chronic melatonin treatments, as this
not temporally related to the sleep–wake cycle, and molecule has a unique characteristic of being a hor-
others (, , ). mone that regulates the timing of the organism
physiology and behavior.
Inappropriate melatonin receptor– Melatonin physiological production is precisely
mediated response timed every day, and the beginning of its synthesis
In the case of inappropriate melatonin receptor– helps to set the circadian time to the central clock,
mediated response, pineal melatonin production is concomitantly with the triggering of the biological
adequate, temporally restricted to the night, and night for the CNS and the peripheral targets. The early
controlled by the circadian clock and the annual morning shutting down of its production, timed by the
photoperiod. However, mainly due to genetic varia- central clock and reinforced by the early morning
tions of melatonin receptors (either MT or MT), lights, ceases the biological night and triggers the
usually single nucleotide polymorphisms, the central biological day. The history of the duration of the
and peripheral responses of the target organs to biological nights throughout the year times the annual
melatonin are impaired. The symptoms will be defined calendar of the organism. In addition to this daily and
based on the affected tissues and can virtually include seasonal time domain variation of melatonin signal,
any of the above-mentioned ones. every organism has a particular ontogenetic history of
The first point to be emphasized is that melatonin the magnitude of the daily peak of melatonin pro-
receptor polymorphisms do not necessarily generate duction, as seen previously. Moreover, it should be
nonresponsive receptors. There is evidence in the considered that the melatonin profile is unique for
literature pointing to the fact that single-nucleotide each person (), showing very large interindividual
polymorphism–bearing receptors may inappropriately variation. However, for each individual, “the timing,
respond to the melatonin signal, either as a hypo- amplitude, and even the details of the profile are highly
sensitive system or a hypersensitive system. This reproducible from day to day and week to week rather
like a hormonal fingerprint” (). As a consequence very important point to be observed because the
of this individual variation, the duration of the daily pharmacological melatonin profile is not subjected to
signal and its onset phase (DLMO) vary from person the early morning photoinhibition seen for the
to person, mainly based on the chronotype and sleep physiological melatonin production. Daytime som-
duration type (morning or evening types, long or short nolence is a good clinical criterion to be considered as
sleepers). “Early birds” or morning people start the an indication of morning extension of the melatonin
melatonin daily production earlier than the “night pharmacological profile. The gold standard to check if
owls” or evening people do, and the duration of that is the case would be to measure melatonin either
nocturnal melatonin production in long sleepers is directly in the plasma or saliva or to measure the
more prolonged than in short sleepers. It should also be urinary metabolite -sulfatoxymelatonin early in the
1014 Cipolla-Neto and Amaral Melatonin, a Pineal Hormone Endocrine Reviews, December 2018, 39(6):990–1028
Another point to be discussed is management of either in the pups or in the rat dams treated with
the melatonin daily profile in the displacement situ- mg/kg/d ().
ations previously described. The first approach is to Exogenous melatonin pharmacokinetics and bio-
use melatonin and/or phototherapy to try to displace availability are known in experimental animals (,
the circadian rhythms in the case of circadian rhythms ) and in humans (). Human studies considered
disorders. Classically, the use of melatonin and light different routes of administration and patients of
should strictly follow the PRCs for each of them (Figs. various ages, pointing out that the time to reach
and ). As the respective PRCs are in phase op- maximal plasma concentrations is ~ minutes for
position (light during the day and melatonin during orally administered melatonin, with a generally low
the night), the approach should be amended ac- bioavailability due to the first-pass metabolism in the
night. In that study, the authors explicitly stated that the general guidelines toward clinical melatonin therapy
treatment was generally well accepted and “no signs of assessment. In addition to the classical hormonal syn-
hangover or increased fatigue during daytime were dromes related to hypomelatonin and hypermelatonin
noted.” Is it possible that the organism chronically production, clinical syndromes related to inappropriate
adapts itself to a new level of melatonin oscillation so melatonin receptor–mediated response and to melato-
that “normal” physiological and chronobiotic responses nin characteristic timing effects should also be consid-
would be stated? The answers to these two questions ered, as they cause the rupture of the internal temporal
will depend on adequately planned clinical and ex- organization of the organism, resulting in several pu-
perimental future scientific work. tative signals and symptoms.
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