Review Melatonin, Hormone of Darkness and More - Occurrence, Control Mechanisms, Actions and Bioactive Metabolites
Review Melatonin, Hormone of Darkness and More - Occurrence, Control Mechanisms, Actions and Bioactive Metabolites
Review Melatonin, Hormone of Darkness and More - Occurrence, Control Mechanisms, Actions and Bioactive Metabolites
Johann Friedrich Blumenbach Institute of Zoology and Anthropology, University of Gçttingen, Berliner Str. 28,
37073 Gçttingen (Germany), Fax: + 49 551 395438, e-mail:
Received 2 January; received after revision 6 February 2008; accepted 8 February 2008
Online First 17 March 2008
Abstract. In its role as a pineal hormone, melatonin is levels of gene expression and/or enzyme stability
a pleiotropic, nocturnally peaking and systemically influenced by phosphorylation and interaction with
acting chronobiotic. These effects are largely ex- 14-3-3 proteins. Melatonin is not only a hormone but is
plained by actions via G protein-coupled membrane also synthesized in numerous extrapineal sites, in
receptors found in the suprachiasmatic nucleus, but which it sometimes attains much higher quantities
also in numerous other sites. Nuclear (ROR/RZR), than in the pineal and the circulation. It is also present
cytoplasmic (quinone reductase-2, calmodulin, calre- in many taxonomically distant groups of organisms,
ticulin) and mitochondrial binding sites and radical- including bacteria, fungi, and plants. Moreover, mel-
scavenging properties contribute to the actions of atonin is a source of bioactive metabolites, such as 5-
melatonin. Regulation of pineal melatonin biosyn- methoxytryptamine, N1-acetyl-N2-formyl-5-methoxy-
thesis is largely explained by control mechanisms kynuramine and N1-acetyl-5-methoxykynuramine.
acting on arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase, at the
Keywords. AFMK, AMK, cinnoline, indoleamine, melatonin-binding site, 5-methoxytryptamine, nitric oxide,
pineal gland.
species, it may even be arrhythmic; (iii) where it is retina and parietal organ, also being extrusions of the
found to exhibit circadian oscillations, these are not intermediate brain, may appear as variants of the
necessarily implicated in seasonality; (iv) in plants, same theme known from the pineal gland. They can
morphogenetic and photoprotective actions may be of likewise generate robust, nocturnally peaking circa-
importance; (v) the concentrations of non-vertebrate dian rhythms. However, with the exception of am-
melatonin can vary extremely between species or taxa phibian and some avian retinas, melatonin is only
and sometimes attain values in the upper micromolar poorly released from these organs. Consequently,
range. Therefore, melatonin can no longer be seen melatonin serves additional functions and is not only
solely as a trace compound, nor generally as a acting as a hormone. Retinal melatonin efficiently
hormone, and its functions have to be highly divergent downregulates dopamine formation and release [11,
in the various organisms. 13]. Despite the similar rhythmicities of pineal and
Although this indoleamine has been perceived for retinal melatonin, their regulation can be entirely
decades in a mainly chronobiological context, even different. While melatonin in the mammalian pineal is
vertebrate melatonin is not exclusively a hormone largely regulated by norepinephrine of sympathetic
present in only minute quantities and acting via the G origin, retinal melatonin biosynthesis is stimulated via
protein-coupled membrane receptors MT1 and MT2. GABAA and, partially, GABAB receptors [13]. The
High-amplitude circadian oscillations, which mediate light-dependent decrease of retinal melatonin is
the signal darkness, are not generally found. Tissue caused by dopamine via D1 or D4 receptors [18].
melatonin enters the circulation poorly is and thus Differences in metabolism exist, too, because retinal
only partially removed by hepatic first-pass metabo- melatonin is largely degraded by deacetylation to 5-
lism and not quantitatively excreted as 6-sulfatoxy- methoxytryptamine (5-MT) [12, 19], a compound
melatonin. Therefore, the role as a mediator of the which can be further converted to 5-methoxytrypto-
signal darkness only reflects a part of the wider phol (5-ML) or 5-methoxyindoleacetic acid (5-
spectrum of actions, presence, dynamics and metab- MIAA) [8, 10, 20]. In the retina, deacetylation to 5-
olism exhibited by this remarkably pleiotropic and MT can be catalyzed by a specific melatonin deace-
ubiquitous indoleamine. This review will deal with tylase, but in other organs or organisms by less specific
both the considerable progress made in understanding aryl acylamidases (AAAs) or eserine-sensitive ace-
the cell biology of the classic functions of melatonin tylcholinesterase [20]. 5-MT is a bioactive compound
and its roles beyond them. too [8, 10, 20] and may play a role of its own in the
retina. In cultured retinal cells, it reportedly prevented
the forskolin-induced rise in cyclic AMP, independ-
Extrapineal melatonin: remarkable quantities and ently of the melatonin receptors [21]. Where not
non-classic roles released from an organ, melatonin cannot not be
degraded in the liver or appear as urinary 6-sulfatox-
Extrapineal melatonin is somehow reminiscent of ymelatonin. In the brain, substituted kynuramines
cosmological dark matter. There is by far more were identified as major metabolites [22].
melatonin outside than inside the pineal gland and While robust circadian rhythmicity is typical for
circulation, but its extrapineal functions are poorly pineal, parietal and retina, this is not so with the
understood, whereas the hormone secreted by the rodent Harderian gland. Diurnal changes are poorly
pineal gland and its transmission of dark signals is part expressed or almost absent, except for a transient drop
of general knowledge and awareness. The much after onset of light [14, 16]. Therefore, melatonin is not
higher quantities of extrapineal melatonin are fre- always associated with darkness in vertebrates. Var-
quently not perceived by researchers or are consid- iations of Harderian melatonin were observed within
ered irrelevant. However, extrapineal melatonin will sexual or seasonal cycles, but these are related to
substantially widen our understanding of the numer- changes in gonadosteroids [14, 23]. Thus, annual
ous roles of this molecule. fluctuations appear as a consequence rather than a
Pineal melatonin is formed from serotonin by two cause of reproductive cycles.
steps catalyzed by arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase Melatonin biosynthesis has been reported, or as-
(AA-NAT) and hydroxyindole O-methyltransferase sumed, for various additional tissues and cells, and, in
(HIOMT) [6, 7]. In extrapineal sites and outside most cases, a transmission of dark signals seems highly
vertebrates, other enzymes can be involved and unlikely or impossible. Circadian rhythms, if present,
regulation mechanisms may be different. Extrapineal frequently exhibit small amplitudes or are at the
melatonin synthesis has been identified, e,g. in the borderline of detection. In the mammalian brain,
retina [11 – 13], the Harderian gland [14 – 16] and later other sites of melatonin formation may exist, although
in the parietal organ of reptiles [17]. At first glance, the evidence is relatively weak to date, whereas more
Cell. Mol. Life Sci. Vol. 65, 2008 Review Article 2003
information exists on the synthesis of the precursor, N- 30 mM melatonin, under consideration of an erratum)
acetylserotonin (NAS). O-methylation of NAS is not [36]. A clarification of this discrepancy is urgently
necessarily an action of HIOMT, as in pineal, retina required, to decide between dysregulation in cultured,
and Harderian gland, but can be alternately catalyzed immortalized cells and inefficiency of safe extraction
by less specific methyltransferases. Relatively high from biopsies, as caused by oxidants in biological
concentrations (up to 0.7 mM) of melatonin in the material [9, 20].
brain have been reported [24], a finding which would Melatonin formation has been reported for several
be in favor of local melatonin synthesis in some areas. other vertebrate tissues and cells, such as bone marrow
Abundance and sites of formation of 5-hydroxylated [37] – along with assumptions concerning hemato-
and 5-methoxylated indoles in the central nervous poietic activity of melatonin [38] – and various types of
system have been recently summarized [20]. leukocytes [39, 40], platelets, erythrocytes and the
Gastrointestinal melatonin has been reviewed several membranous cochlea [summarized in ref. 39]. Ele-
times [e.g., 25 – 27]. The indoleamine is produced in vated concentrations in other tissues [40, 41] may be
enterochromaffin cells, but circulating melatonin can explained by uptake from the circulation. In some
be additionally taken up from the blood. Although cases, melatonin formation may result from inevitable
concentrations remain moderate, the entire gastro- side reactions by unspecific N-acetyl and O-methyl-
intestinal tract contains, owing to its size, about 400 – transferases, e.g., in erythrocytes.
500 times more melatonin than the pineal gland [26,
27]. Its fate is complex, because the gut acts both as
source and sink. Uptake of circulating melatonin has Regulation of melatonin biosynthesis
been studied by elevating its plasma level during
daytime to nighttime values [28]. Substantial amounts The classic pathway of melatonin formation involves
were subsequently found unmetabolized in the intes- four steps, starting with tryptophan 5-hydroxylase,
tinal lumen [28]. This is in good agreement with high followed by 5-hydroxytryptophan decarboxylation by
quantities of melatonin in the bile fluid [29] and aromatic amino acid decarboxylase, N-acetylation of
enterohepatic cycling [29, 30]. Additionally, melato- serotonin by AA-NAT, and O-methylation of NAS by
nin is taken up from food. Diurnal plasma levels were HIOMT. Alternately, homologs or structurally differ-
increased by natural diets rich in melatonin, or ent N-acetyl- and O-methyltransferases can be in-
decreased by melatonin-depleted food [27, 31]. A volved. In principle, the steps could also take place in
contribution of intestinal bacteria to melatonin in the different sequential orders, e.g., serotonin ! 5-
gut seems possible, but requires further investigation MT ! melatonin, or 5-hydroxytryptophan ! 5-me-
[9]. Gastrointestinal melatonin can be released to the thoxytryptophan ! 5-MT ! melatonin, but, in all
circulation, in terms of a post-prandial response [26, cases studied so far, the alternate sequences were of
27], in particular, by elevated tryptophan [32]. Mel- minor importance. In organs or organisms which
atonin surges elicited by this amino acid are consid- deacetylate melatonin [42], re-acetylation of 5-MT
erable in height, but of relatively short duration. may be of some relevance [10]. In the classic pathway,
During daytime, they remain chronobiologically al- AA-NAT is usually believed to be the rate-limiting
most ineffective, since they appear in the silent zone of enzyme, although tryptophan 5-hydroxylase can rep-
the circadian phase-response curve [27]. Gastrointes- resent an additional control step, e.g., in amphibia.
tinal melatonin can also exhibit a circadian rhythmic- Exceptions to this rule have been described. In
ity of relatively low amplitude (maximum/minimum Drosophila, NAS concentrations are three orders of
2 : 1) [27], which is sometimes barely detectable [26, magnitude higher than those of melatonin [43], and
27]. thus O-methylation is limiting, a finding explained by
Mammalian skin has been reported to be another site the loss of the HIOMT gene, so that methyl transfer
of melatonin biosynthesis. The formation and pres- has to be catalyzed by other, presumably less specific
ence of the enzymes required have been demonstrated enzymes [20]. A functionally similar situation seems
[33]. Serotonin N-acetylation is catalyzed by either to be present in the retinas of primates and ungulates,
AA-NAT or by an arylamine N-acetyltransferase in which HIOMT is not or poorly expressed at both
subform [34]. An important and obviously unsettled mRNA and protein levels [7]. Whether this leads to a
point concerns melatonin levels in vivo. Earlier complete lack of retinally derived melatonin or only to
attempts to quantify this indoleamine in skin samples a reduction, remains to be clarified. In other mamma-
by liquid chromatography failed to demonstrate lian taxa, such as rodents, and in non-mammalian
melatonin, and HIOMT activity remained below vertebrates, HIOMT is sufficiently expressed in the
detection levels [35], contrary to cultured HaCaT retina, and melatonin exhibits a nocturnally peaking
keratinocytes, which contained very high amounts (ca circadian rhythm. However, the rate limitation by
2004 R. Hardeland Melatonin, hormone and more
AA-NAT was also disputed for the nocturnal rise of of this process can explain a rapid enzyme inactivation
melatonin in the rat pineal [44]. Because of nocturnal observed upon exposure to nocturnal light, a major
NAS concentrations exceeding those of melatonin component of the photic turnoff mechanism, which
and findings in a low-activity AA-NAT mutant may, however, be accompanied by a shutoff at the
(H28Y), these investigators concluded that HIOMT level of gene transcription.
becomes rate-limiting at night. The two mechanisms of regulation, which act on either
The premier significance of AA-NAT – recently called gene expression or enzyme stability, are effective to a
the timezyme [7] – as the rate-limiting enzyme of different extent among species, and additional varia-
melatonin biosynthesis, e.g., in pinealocytes, deserves tions become apparent between melatonin-synthesiz-
an outline of its regulation. AA-NAT can be regulated ing organs. The AA-NAT phosphorylation/14-3-3
at different levels, that of gene expression and that of mechanism is present in all vertebrates, at least in
enzyme activation and stability (Fig. 1). Which of the pineal gland, whereas this cannot be the case in
these mechanisms is responsible in a specific case, or non-vertebrate organisms which lack the N- and C-
even both of them, depends on species and organ. Two terminal flanking regions [7]. Other post-translational
different types of control have to be distinguished, modifications and interactions with different proteins
which can complement each other under natural that may shield modified amino acid residues have not
conditions: (i) a circadian regulation, either via been studied outside the vertebrates. Data on tran-
components of the oscillator or by norepinephrine- scriptional control of non-vertebrate AA-NAT ho-
dependent rhythms of protein kinases, and (ii) a photic mologs or paralogs are largely missing (except of
turnoff mechanism. Transcriptional regulation is af- processes related to cuticle formation), and the wide
forded by respective control elements in the AA-NAT distribution of N-acetyltransferases indicates other
promoter, especially photoreceptor conserved ele- functions not related to melatonin, but, e.g., to
ments (PCEs; RCS in Drosophila) [45, 46], which sclerotization. Even within the mammals, fundamen-
respond to transcription factors of the CRX/OTX tal differences exist, so that findings obtained in
family [46, 47], and E-boxes, which can be under direct rodents are not generally applicable to humans. In the
control of an oscillator, e.g. by binding of BMAL1/ pineal gland of primates and ungulates, AA-NAT
CLOCK or, in humans, BMAL1/MOP4 heterodimers seems to be only regulated by formation and decay of
[7, 48]. E-boxes can also be accessible to other the phospho-AA-NAT/14-3-3 complex [7], as far as is
transcription factors or modulated by additional known. This is sufficient for a considerable nocturnal
control elements [48]. In mammalian pineals, calci- rise in active enzyme protein as well as the photic
um/cAMP response elements (CREs) can be involved shutoff taking place as soon as cAMP decreases and,
in sympathetic stimulation [7, 49 – 51]. consequently, PKA activity. In rhesus monkeys, a 4-
Regulation at the level of the translated enzyme fold nocturnal increase in AA-NAT activity was
protein comprises phosphorylation and interaction of observed, whereas its mRNA did not show substantial
the phosphorylated AA-NAT with a 14-3-3 protein variations [7]. Similar findings were made in sheep
(isoforms z or e). Both cAMP and Ca2+ signaling can and cattle [7, 54]. However, rodents exhibit a rhythm
contribute to this mechanism, involving either protein in pineal AA-NAT mRNA of remarkable amplitude,
kinase A (PKA) [7, 51, 52] or protein kinase C (PKC) with 100- or even 150-fold nocturnal rises [7, 49, 55,
[53]. Phosphorylation depends on N- and C-terminal 56].
flanking regions, which are typical for the vertebrate The rhythm of AA-NAT mRNA as well as an
AA-NAT, but not found in homologs or paralogs of additional shutoff mechanism at the expression level
urochordates, invertebrate animals or other organims have turned out to be multifaceted phenomena, which
[7]. These regions contain PKA- and PKC-specific do not seem to be solely explained by the rate of
motifs. The association of AA-NAT with a 14-3-3 transcription, although this is, of course, an important
protein (usually studied with subform z) results in basis. Transcription is, again, subject to both positive
stabilization of the enzyme protein [7, 52]. Scaffolding and negative control. Expression can be regulated
with 14-3-3 protein may also favor the stability of the either directly by a circadian oscillator, via tran-
enzymes active center [7]. The stoichiometry of the scription factors mentioned above, or indirectly via a
complex (one or two AA-NAT molecules with one 14- neuronal pathway which is typical for mammals, but
3-3z dimer) is still uncertain. It is of particular contributes to a certain extent also to the pineal
functional significance that the stability of the com- rhythm in birds. In the directly light-sensitive pineal
plex remains moderate, so that it regularly dissociates glands of non-mammalian species and in retinal
and AA-NAT becomes accessible to protein phos- photoreceptors, an autonomous, primary circadian
phatases [52]. The dephosphorylated enzyme is prone oscillator is present in AA-NAT-expressing cells [7,
to rapid proteasomal degradation [7, 54]. The velocity 57, 58], so that this enzyme can be under direct control
Cell. Mol. Life Sci. Vol. 65, 2008 Review Article 2005
of the oscillator. In addition to transcription factors innervates the pineal [59]. Norepinephrine released
that are part of the clockwork, the oscillator can also from the post-ganglionic sympathetic fibers acts via
regulate AA-NAT expression by modulating cAMP two signaling pathways, which complement and re-
levels, as shown for avian retinas [57, 58]. inforce each other. Binding to b1-adrenergic receptors
The mammalian pineal gland is controlled by the leads to activation of adenylyl cyclase and, conse-
suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), a hypothalamic struc- quently, PKA [7, 51, 55], whereas a concomitant
ture acting as a circadian master clock. The photic action via a1B-adrenergic receptors causes, via Go and
input is mediated via the retinohypothalamic tract, the phospholipase Cb, a rise in Ca2+[i] , membrane trans-
paraventricular nucleus and a sympathetic connection location and activation of PKC [51, 53]. Moreover,
from the intermediolateral cell column of the upper elevated cAMP and Ca2+[i] are thought to open Ca2+
thoracic cord to the superior cervical ganglion, which channels – although pineal L-channels were shown to
2006 R. Hardeland Melatonin, hormone and more
be shut by cAMP or adrenergic stimulation [60] – and maximum/minimum ratio of 7 [56]. This indicates a
to further stimulate cAMP production via activated control of AA-NAT mRNA degradation especially by
CaM kinase [51], which can be additionally upregu- hnRNP L. However, the physiological meaning of the
lated via a1B-adrenergic signaling. Both b1- and a1B- IRES-dependent translational upregulation by
adrenergic effects jointly regulate the phosphoryla- hnRNP Q, which contrasts with the negative effect
tion of AA-NAT and, thus, the stabilization by 14-3- on mRNA stability, requires further elucidation.
3z. In systems with transcriptional control, they also
stimulate AA-NAT expression by phosphorylation of
CREB (Ca2+/cAMP response element-binding pro- Melatoninergic actions via membrane receptors
tein), in particular, via PKA type II [7, 51, 61].
The adrenergic cAMP/Ca2+ regulatory system is Since the pioneering work by S. M. Reppert and
further modulated by several neuropeptides and colleagues, who first cloned a melatonin receptor from
glutamate. Pituitary adenylyl cyclase-activating pep- Xenopus melanocytes [64] and who found homologs
tide (PACAP), originating from a trigeminal innerva- in other vertebrate species [65 – 67], high-affinity
tion, and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), from a membrane receptors have been studied in detail. In
pterygopalatine connection, stimulate adenylyl cy- mammals, two receptors are present, MT1 and MT2 (in
clase via a common VPAC1 receptor [51, 60]. Inhib- earlier terminology called Mel1a and Mel1b) [66 – 68].
itory actions are mediated by neuropeptide Y (NPY) The original terminology is sometimes maintained in
from both sympathetic nerve endings and the inter- studies on non-mammalian vertebrates or in compa-
geniculate leaflet, via Gi-coupled pinealocyte Y1 and rative work, because a third melatonin receptor type is
presynaptic Y2 receptors, and from intrapineal gluta- present in these organisms [69], Mel1c, to which no
mate via the metabotropic receptor mGlu3 [51]. denomination corresponding to MT1 or MT2 is
Transcription of the Aa-nat gene, as induced by allowed, for formal reasons of nomenclature. Func-
phospho-CREB (pCREB), is subject to two kinds of tionally different isoforms of Mel1c have been descri-
inhibition. The first represents a negative feedback bed, which lead to decreases in cyclic GMP [70]. Mel1c
mechanism. pCREB also induces a truncated CREM must not to be confused with a binding site formerly
(CRE modulator) variant, ICER (inducible cAMP called MT3, which is an entirely different protein and
early repressor), which interferes with pCREB bind- not a receptor in the strict sense.
ing to its response element [51, 55, 61]. Through this As far as can be judged to date, all chronobiotic
mechanism, Aa-nat expression becomes temporally effects, i.e. all actions directly influencing a circadian
limited. The other type of inhibition seems to be master clock, are mediated by the membrane recep-
specific for the photophase when pineal melatonin has tors mentioned, in mammals by MT1 and MT2 [67 –
to be suppressed. The transcription factors DREAM 69]. In the SCN, melatonin affects, under both in vivo
[downstream regulatory element (DRE) antagonist and in vitro conditions, the phase as well as the
modulator] and the related KChIP (potassium chan- amplitude of the circadian oscillation. Phase shifting is
nel-interacting protein) are capable of downregulat- preferentially exerted via MT2, whereas neuronal
ing the expression of genes containing DRE in their firing is acutely suppressed through MT1 [67, 71, 72].
promoter, in particular Aa-nat, but also Icer [51, 62]. The two receptor subtypes are complementary in their
AA-NAT expression is not only controlled at the actions and can, to a limited extent, mutually sub-
transcriptional level, but in addition post-transcrip- stitute for each other. This seems important insofar as,
tionally by heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins, exceptionally, a functionally active MT2 (Mel1b) re-
hnRNPs R, Q and L. The effects of these proteins are ceptor can be missing, as found in Siberian hamsters,
dual, depending on their binding sites. When binding Phodopus sungorus and P. campbelli [73]. Since the
to loops in the 3’-untranslated region (3’UTR) region mammalian pineal gland is under control of the SCN,
of the rat AA-NAT mRNA, all three of them strongly the action of melatonin on this circadian pacemaker
favor mRNA degradation [56]. However binding of represents a feedback mechanism involved in the
hnRNP Q to the IRES motif (internal ribosome entry readjustment of the oscillator.
site) in the 5’UTR region stimulates the rate of In seasonal breeders, high densities of the membrane-
translation [63]. In rat pineals, all three hnRNPs bound receptors are also found in the median
exhibited robust circadian rhythms [56]. Levels of eminence and pars tuberalis. While many earlier
hnRNP R and Q were shown to peak (maximum/ reports deal with binding of 2-[125I]iodomelatonin,
minimum ratio ca 2) around the maximum of pCREB specific MT1 expression was demonstrated in various
[zeitgeber time (ZT) 19], about 2 h after the maximum species, whereas the evidence for the presence of MT2
of AA-NAT mRNA (ZT 17), whereas hnRNP L is mostly indirect, based on immortalized cell lines or
expression was maximal 4 h later (ZT 21), with a antagonist experiments [68, 74 – 76]. Melatonin re-
Cell. Mol. Life Sci. Vol. 65, 2008 Review Article 2007
ceptors in the median eminence/pituitary system play Go [79]. PLCb activation has been observed in SCN
a pivotal role in seasonal control, especially of sexual slices, too [83], but this seems to be a more general
activity [65, 68, 75, 76]. This includes an influence of phenomenon of either parallel or alternate melatonin
daytime information by regulation of clock genes in signaling, observed in various target tissues, involving
the pars tuberalis [75]. While melatonin regulates the either pertussis toxin-sensitive (Gi/Go) or insensitive
secretion of hypothalamic and adenohypophyseal (e.g., Gq) G proteins [79, 84, 85]. Actions via PLCb can
hormones, melatonin receptor expression can also have numerous consequences, from activation of PKC
be subject to control by gonadotrophin-releasing subforms, CaM kinases, the opening of Ca2+-activated
hormone, at least in a developmental context. De- K+ channels and modulation of various other protein
pending on vertebrate taxa or species, the effects of kinases of the MAP and JNK pathways. However, it
melatonin on reproductive functions are, sometimes, should be emphasized (i) that the signaling mecha-
much more complex and involve actions at various nisms are strongly cell type-dependent because of
levels of the hormonal axis, including the gonads [68]. differences in G protein subforms and in coupling of
While MT1 and MT2, or – in birds – Mel1c, are highly MT1 or MT2, (ii) that findings obtained in the SCN are
expressed in the SCN or in the median eminence/ not always applicable to peripheral organs and vice
anterior pituitary system, they are also found – versa, and (iii) that the signaling via MT1 or MT2 can
sometimes in a species-specific manner – in various even have opposite effects. An impressive example is
other tissues, where they can exert numerous effects, vasomotor control by melatonin. While actions via
which may be chronobiological in nature, owing to the MT1 cause a pertussis toxin-sensitive vasoconstriction
cyclicity of circulating melatonin, but not necessarily by opening of BKCa channels, those via MT2 result in
chronobiotic, to the extent that master clocks are not vasodilation [20, 68].
involved. The receptors have been detected in many Several melatoninergic agonists and antagonists have
tissues, such as retina, other brain areas, choroid been developed and used as investigative drugs or, in
plexus, cerebral and peripheral vasculature, Harder- the case of ramelteon, as an FDA-approved sleeping
ian gland, reproductive organs including myometrium pill. For reasons of space, this important aspect cannot
and adrenal cortex [68, 76]. Although expression be discussed here in detail.
levels remained low in some of these tissues, their
ample distribution indicates melatonin responsive-
ness of numerous peripheral organs [76]. Other binding sites
The – demonstrated or assumed – functional signifi-
cance of melatonin signaling via membrane receptors In addition to the G protein-coupled receptors, other
cannot be outlined here in any detail for all these binding sites of melatonin exist. Their binding affin-
organs. Instead, with a few selected cases in focus, ities are mostly lower than those of MT1 and MT2, but
signal transduction pathways will be discussed. MT1, could suffice for physiological responses at elevated
MT2 and likewise Mel1c, are G protein-coupled concentrations that seem to be present in several
receptors [64 – 66, 68]. Their classic mode of action is tissues. In at least one case, this extends beyond the
that of a Gi-mediated inhibition of adenylyl cyclase, animals, so that high concentrations of melatonin
resulting in decreases of PKA activity and CREB found in unicells, fungi and some plants may act via
phosphorylation. This holds undoubtedly for SCN non-membrane binding sites.
neurons, but is, even there, not an exclusive mecha- One of the melatonin-binding proteins was originally
nism. As with many other G protein-coupled recep- believed to be another membrane receptor and named
tors, the presence of G protein subforms in a particular MT3, but it turned out to be a mainly cytosolic enzyme,
cell type can substantially change the specific re- quinone reductase 2 (= QR2 = NRH:quinone oxido-
sponse. Co-activation or alternate activation of Go or ACHTUNGREreductase 2 = NQO2; NRH = dihydronicotinamide
Gq has been repeatedly observed [77 – 79]. In some riboside) [86 – 88]. The enzyme is expressed in several
cases, including studies in transfected cells, other G tissues, including the brain [87]. Some of its polymor-
proteins such as Gz or G16 were reported to couple phic subforms have been related to Parkinsons
differentially to melatonin receptors [79 – 81]. While disease [89]. Disruption of the NQO2 gene leads to
coupling to Gi protein subforms causes decreases in bone marrow myeloid hyperplasia [90]. This indicates
cAMP, rises in cAMP were also described, e.g., for a role beyond detoxification of xenobiotics. The
Mel1c signaling via az coupling to adenylyl cyclase type frequently proposed assumption of a role in redox
II [82]. Gi-dependent mechanisms may affect not only metabolism, eventually in terms of protection, is
cAMP levels, but may also modulate, in some cells, K+ actually nothing more than an idea. Even though a
conductance, and additionally stimulate, via bg, phos- function in ubiquinone reduction has been suggested,
pholipase Cb (PLCb), which may also be the case with the precise role of this enzyme is not really understood
2008 R. Hardeland Melatonin, hormone and more
[91]. Recently, melatonin was assumed to be a co- Although a considerable amount of clarification is
substrate serving as a hydrogen/electron donor to required concerning the binding sites different from
other redox co-factors such as FAD [92], a concept the G protein-coupled receptors, the findings men-
still requiring further experimental support. It should tioned in this section collectively indicate that mela-
also be noted that NAS has an affinity for NQO2 tonin is much more pleiotropic than previously
comparable to that of melatonin [cf. discussion in ref. believed, not only with regard to the numerous target
20]. organs, G proteins and G protein-regulated proteins
A melatonin-binding protein of considerable regula- involved, but also to additional signaling mechanisms.
tory significance is calmodulin. Its affinity to melato-
nin is sufficient for mediating effects at elevated
physiological concentrations, especially those at- Tissue versus circulating melatonin
tained in tissues [93 – 95]. Melatonin binding results
in inhibitions of CaM kinase II [94] and of neuronal The consequences of extrapineal melatonin biosyn-
NO synthase [96]. Moreover, melatonin causes thesis merit particular consideration because they
PKCa-dependent phosphorylation of calmodulin profoundly change our view of the biological role of
[97], presumably by signaling mechanisms described this molecule. Absence of robust melatonin rhythms
in the preceding section, but this effect is important or low-amplitude variations imply roles different from
insofar as it perpetuates CaM-dependent inhibitions. the transmission of dark signals. In tissues containing
Interacting calmodulin and kinase effects are relevant considerably higher levels than in the circulation, a
to rearrangements of the cytoskeleton [95], which protective role may be assumed. Numerous antiox-
represent some of the earliest effects described for idant, antiinflammatory, antiexcitatory/antiexcitotox-
melatonin, including ciliates and plants [8, 96]. An ic and oncostatic effects have been reported in
additional facette of melatonin/Ca2+ interactions is countless publications and have been frequently
the binding to calreticulin, and, perhaps, to two reviewed [8, 20, 27, 31, 91, 96, 102, 104, 105]. Although
nuclear proteins, one of which had high homology to many of these investigations have been conducted at
calreticulin, whereas the other was structurally differ- high doses, they are not collectively physiologically
ent [98]. irrelevant, especially when tissue concentrations are
Nuclear binding sites of melatonin have been a matter approaching the micromolar range, or when protec-
of considerable debate. Meanwhile, many publica- tion by melatonin has been demonstrated at levels
tions have dealt with transcription factors belonging to found in the circulation [20, 96].
the retinoic acid receptor superfamily, in particular, In organs which contain melatonin above plasma
RORa1, RORa2 and RZRb [99 – 102], and their levels, but poorly release the indoleamine, an answer
classification as nuclear receptors seems justified, has to be given as to why melatonin is not – or only in
although their affinity to melatonin is lower. A low quantities – entering the circulation, although it is
synthetic ligand, CGP 52608 [99], has been repeatedly usually believed to cross any membrane because of its
used for identifying effects by these nuclear proteins. amphiphilicity [27, 91, 105]. If tissue concentrations
RORa1 and RORa2 seem to be involved in some have been determined correctly, the answer can only
aspects of immune modulation, and RZRb is ex- be that of sequestration by non-receptor binding sites
pressed in the central nervous system, including the [20]. It cannot be said with certainty whether the
pineal gland [20, 102]. Moreover, RORa was assumed major proteins involved have already been identified,
to mediate upregulations of antioxidant enzymes but the binding to calreticulin [98] and to abundant
[101]. Still, the full spectrum and physiological mean- nuclear proteins [106] may contribute to melatonin
ing of these receptors remains to be clarified. retention.
A further melatonin binding site seems to exist in rat Low-amplitude rhythms or absence of (robust)
brain mitochondria, for which a dissociation constant rhythms in some tissues can resolve another paradox,
of 150 pM and a total number of specific binding sites namely, why nocturnally peaking melatonin should
of 30 fmol/mg have been determined [20]. The protein exert protective effects in both day- and night-active
is assumed to be localized at the amphipathic ramp of animals, whereas reactive oxygen and nitrogen species
complex I in the mitochondrial electron transport are preferentially produced in circadian phases of
chain. At elevated concentrations, melatonin was also motor and neuronal activity. If rhythmicity is poorly
shown to directly inhibit the opening of the mitochon- expressed in an organ or almost absent, the circadian
drial permeability transition pore [103], a finding that phase loses its relevance for tissue melatonin, and only
would imply an additional, low-affinity mitochondrial the generation of reactive intermediates becomes
binding site. decisive for a phase of detoxification [91, 105].
Cell. Mol. Life Sci. Vol. 65, 2008 Review Article 2009
High amounts of tissue melatonin – cf. the several butions, CYP1A1 and CYP1B1 [110], are present in
hundred-fold quantities in the gastrointestinal tract the liver, but are found in other tissues too. The major
compared to the pineal – has another important demethylating subform, CYP2C19, is also expressed
consequence, which is at variance with the frequently in the liver [110]. After oral melatonin administration
read statement that melatonin is almost quantitatively to mice, NAS amounted to only about 3 % of the
metabolized in the liver to 6-hydroxymelatonin, with urinary metabolites [113].
subsequent conjugation and excretion as 6-sulfatox- Deacetylation to 5-MT leads to another bioactive
ymelatonin. This may be true for the circulating molecule. Contrary to melatonin and NAS, this
hormone and for single intravenous injections, but has molecule is a substrate of monoamine oxidase A
already turned out to be wrong in the infusion (MAO A), and the resulting oxidation product, 5-
experiment [28]. Release of non-metabolized mela- methoxyindole-3-acetaldehyde, is converted by alde-
tonin to the intestinal lumen has been shown repeat- hyde dehydrogenase to 5-MIAA, or by alcohol
edly [26, 28 – 30]. With regard to the manyfold higher dehydrogenase to 5-ML (Fig. 2), two compounds
quantities outside pineal and circulation, hepatic 6- which are also formed by O-methylation of 5-
hydroxylation as an almost exclusive pathway appears hydroxylated analogs [20]. These metabolites are
extremely illogical. That statement also negates long- not restricted to vertebrates, but are also produced
known alternate pathways of melatonin metabolism in dinoflagellates and, 5-ML at least, in brown algae,
(Fig. 2), such as demethylation by the P450 isoforms red algae and yeast [8, 10, 42]. While 5-MIAA seems
CYP2C19 and, to a much smaller extent, CYP1A2; to be an end product, which is excreted, 5-ML has
deacetylation by aryl acylamidases, melatonin deace- been considered as another bioactive molecule. A
tylases or eserine-sensitive acetylcholinesterase, and further 5-MT metabolite, the b-carboline pinoline,
pyrrole-ring cleavage [20, 102]. Their relevance in the known as a psychotropic drug interfering with sero-
central nervous system was recently reviewed [20]. In tonin availability, will not be discussed here because a
the spinal cord, an inhibitory effect of melatonin on considerable fraction is artificially formed during
nociceptive transmission was maintained by eserine extraction.
[107]. In Xenopus melanophores, a loss of responsive- N,N-dimethyl-5-methoxytryptamine, which is either
ness to melatonin was prevented by the same drug produced from 5-MT or by O-methylation of bufote-
[108]. Other recent estimations of quantitative mela- nin, has properties of an endogenous hallucinogen
tonin metabolism came to the conclusion that about [20]. O-acetyl-5-methoxytryptophol, a structural mel-
one-third of the indoleamine is converted by pyrrole- atonin homolog, is formed from 5-ML in organs
ring cleavage to methoxylated kynuramines (Fig. 2) containing high melatonin concentrations, such as the
[109]. The rates may be even higher in some tissues in pineal gland. Several pharmacological effects com-
which P450 enzymes are poorly expressed [27]. These prise inhibition of nicotinic and muscarinic acetylcho-
kynuramines had already been shown decades ago to line receptors as well as decreases in pituitary
represent major melatonin metabolites in the brain, prolactin and luteinizing hormone [20].
whereas no 6-hydroxymelatonin was detected in that The metabolic route of pyrrole-ring cleavage (Fig. 2)
study [22], although 6-hydroxylation should be possi- leads to the 5-methoxylated kynuramines, N1-acetyl-
ble in the brain because of the presence of CYP1B1 N2-formyl-5-methoxykynuramine (AFMK) and N1-
[110] and may have been overlooked at that time. acetyl-5-methoxykynuramine (AMK). AFMK can be
These findings are of particular importance insofar as formed either directly from melatonin or indirectly
melatonin is released from the pineal gland not only to from a tricyclic metabolite, cyclic 3-hydroxymelatonin
the circulation, but also, at much higher concentra- (c3OHM). c3OHM is a product of melatonin oxida-
tions, via the pineal recess into the third ventricle [111, tion by free radicals, in particular, by sequential
112]. Since melatonin concentrations in the cerebro- interactions with two hydroxyl radicals [114, 115]. It
spinal fluid obtained from lumbal puncture are in the is found in rodent urine after melatonin administra-
range of serum levels, most of the compound must tion [113], and is strongly elevated after exposure to
have been either taken up or metabolized by the brain ionizing radiation [114]. It is a remarkable fact that
tissue before entering the spinal cord. numerous reactions of melatonin lead to the same
product, AFMK, and that this kynuramine is fre-
quently the major product in various oxidation
Complexity of metabolism systems, especially when they are designed in a way
not to generate a single radical species, but to consider
P450 enzymes are organ specifically expressed and the physiological prevalence of superoxide anions
catalyze hydroxylation or dealkylation. The 6-hydrox- [115, 116], which can serve as terminators of radical
ylating subforms, CYP1A2, and with smaller contri- reaction chains [8, 115, 116]. The spectrum of reac-
2010 R. Hardeland Melatonin, hormone and more
tions leading to AFMK is exceptional. It comprises experiments or in untreated animals should be seen in
enzymes, such as indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase or, relation to administration routes, formation in tissues
quantitatively important, myeloperoxidase [109], and the metabolic fate of the kynuramines, which may
pseudoenzymatic catalysis by hypervalent oxyferryl- not become apparent in body fluids. High concen-
hemoglobin or hemin, and various photochemical and trations of AFMK have been found in HaCaT
radical reactions [10, 105, 117]. keratinocytes [36]. One might also note high amounts
The quantitative relevance of AFMK and AMK and circadian rhythmicity of AFMK found in a plant,
seems to have been underrated for quite some time. the water hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes [118]. At
Apart from the widely neglected demonstration of lower physiological concentrations of melatonin, the
these kynuramines as major melatonin metabolites in role of its oxidation by free radicals may largely be
the brain [22], it may be a misconception to judge their seen in the formation of AFMK and its secondary
significance on the basis of urinary or plasma concen- metabolites [91, 105].
trations. Only small amounts of AFMK and AMK Other products deriving from melatonin by radical
were found in the urine upon oral administration of reactions are hydroxylated indoles, whereas dimers
melatonin [113], but, in stark contrast, high quantities are relatively rare because of the methoxy group,
were found after injection into the cisterna magna which largely prevents the formation of O-centered
[22]. The low urinary quantities detected in some and C-centered indolyl radicals [22, 105]. Preferential
Cell. Mol. Life Sci. Vol. 65, 2008 Review Article 2011
sites of hydroxylations have been identified [119]. of hydroxyl radicals by this indoleamine [128]. How-
Apart from c3OHM, 6-hydroxy- and 2-hydroxymela- ever, antioxidative protection has turned out to be
tonin can be formed, the latter being in equilibrium more than radical scavenging. Under physiological
with its tautomer, N-acetyl-5-methoxy-2-indolinone conditions, the capability of donating electrons to free
[120]. radicals – which is present in this molecule without any
Deformylation of AFMK to AMK is catalyzed by two doubt – may have other biological meanings than to
enzymes, arylamine formamidase [27, 102, 105] and detoxify a certain number of free radicals, already
hemoperoxidase (catalase) [105, 121]. Recently, from the viewpoint of stoichiometry. At pharmaco-
another photochemical mechanism by UV light logical concentrations, the value of melatonin as a
(Fig. 2) has been described [122]. AMK formation direct scavenger has been repeatedly demonstrated
may not be an exclusive route of AFMK metabolism, (cf. reviews mentioned). Certain cells or organisms
since free-radical reactions also led to a couple of C2- containing melatonin concentrations in the (some-
substituted 3-indolinones (Fig. 2), representing a times upper) micromolar range may also profit by
novel class of oxidation products [123]. direct scavenging. Additional roles may be sought in
While AMK was regarded for decades as an end the non-enzymatic formation of other bioactive com-
product because of its appearance in the urine, this pounds and in the capability of undergoing reactions
seems rather unlikely, since AMK was shown to be with electron exchanging or transporting systems,
easily oxidized [124] and to readily interact with such as the respiratory chain [91, 105]. Upregulation
reactive nitrogen species. Even the dry solid forms of antioxidant and downregulation of – a few –
new products with trace gases present in the air, when prooxidant enzymes [91, 104, 105] certainly contrib-
exposed on the large surface of a silica gel. Two utes to the antioxidant balance, but these effects
products are formed in solution by reactive inter- should not be generally overrated. Induction of
mediates present in biological material, a nitrosated hemoperoxidase (catalase), superoxide dismutase
derivative, 3-acetamidomethyl-6-methoxycinnolinone subforms, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and
(AMMC) (Fig. 2), and a nitrated compound, N1- g-glutamylcysteine synthase are organ-specific, and
acetyl-5-methoxy-3-nitrokynuramine (AMNK = 3- the meaning of upregulations of just a few percent,
nitro-AMK) [125]. AMMC is generated by all three sometimes only demonstrated at the mRNA level, is
different NO congeners, ·NO, NO+ and HNO, al- questionable. A most frequently reported and reliable
though the reaction with NO+ is physiologically less effect is the stimulation of glutathione peroxidase, as
likely, because of the short half-life of the cation in particularly found in the central nervous system. The
aqueous solution at pH 7.4 [126]. AMMC represents a cellular mechanism of upregulation has only been
stable compound, contrary to the majority of other N- tentatively addressed [101], but is not really elucidat-
nitrosated substances [127], including N-nitrosomela- ed in its details.
tonin, which easily redonate NO. AMNK was found to Since detoxification of free radicals and other oxi-
be produced by the combination of peroxynitrite and dants did not fully explain the antioxidative efficacy of
CO2, a physiological nitrating mixture leading to melatonin, radical avoidance was brought into focus
carbonate radicals (CO3·) and ·NO2 [125]. [27, 91, 105]. Formation of reactive oxygen and
nitrogen species can be reduced by several actions of
melatonin. First, appropriate timing and coordination
The non-classic actions of melatonin of rhythms, as favored by the indoleamine, should
diminish oxidative stress, because oxidative damage
Countless publications have dealt with protective was elevated in the clock mutants, per0 and pers in
actions of melatonin. Although the number of such Drosophila, tau in Syrian hamster [91]. Second, the
reports is meanwhile higher than that on its chrono- antiexcitatory/antiexcitotoxic effects of melatonin
biological role, the understanding in mechanistic should reduce radical formation as well, by attenuat-
terms still awaits further deepening under many ing their metabolism-related generation and the
aspects. Nevertheless, the high potential of such a prevention of Ca2+- and NO-dependent cellular stress
function seems worthy of considerable efforts. [91, 105]. In this context, mitochondria seem to be a
Melatonin participates in various lines of defense. A particular target. These organelles represent in many
first one is that of antioxidative protection, a phenom- cells a major source of superoxide anions, due to
enon which has been frequently reviewed [e.g., 8, 27, electron leakage, especially from complexes I and III
91, 96, 101, 102, 104, 105, 119, 121] and will be of the electron transport chain, radicals which are not
discussed here only in its general traits. Investigation quantitatively eliminated by mitochondrial and cyto-
of the antioxidant actions of melatonin was strongly solic superoxide dismutases (MnSOD and Cu,Zn-
stimulated by the finding of potent direct scavenging SOD). Superoxide anions are sources of peroxynitrite
2012 R. Hardeland Melatonin, hormone and more
from cytosolic or mitochondrially generated NO and natural killer (NK) cells and several leukocyte-de-
lead, via combination with CO2 or protons, to rived cell lines [37, 40, 140]. It was also found in
carbonate (CO3·), hydroxyl (·OH) and ·NO2 radicals. thymocytes and epithelial cells [40], but the origin is
H2O2 formed by the SODs is a source of hydroxyl not clear in these cases. Immunomodulation by
radicals. Electron overflow at the iron-sulfur cluster melatonin has recently been reviewed several times
N2 of complex I, i.e., at the bottleneck of the transport [e.g., 40, 102, 131, 132]. Main findings are the
chain, seems to be an important cause of enhanced activation of various cell types, such as T, B and NK
superoxide generation. This site is assumed to be cells, monocytes and splenocytes, and modulation of
modulated by melatonin [27, 91, 105] and may be cytokine release. Melatonin was shown to enhance the
associated with a mitochondrial high-affinity binding production of interleukin (IL)-2, IL-6 and IL-12,
site [20] (cf. section on Other binding sites). Although whereas levels of interferon-8 or tumor necrosis-
many details of this concept of mitochondrial radical factor-a were sometimes decreased but in other cases
avoidance remain to be elucidated, pertinent effects of increased [40, 143]. Melatonin also counteracted
melatonin at the level of this organelle have been inhibitory effects of PGE2 on IL-2 production [68,
repeatedly described, such as support of mitochon- 144]. With regard to the complexity of the immune
drial electron flux, stimulation of complex I and IV system, some divergence in effects depending on cell
activities, prevention of mitochondrial calcium over- types, differentiation state and mixtures of cells in test
load and maintenance of mitochondrial membrane systems should not be surprising. In the immune
potential and of ATP formation [91, 105, 129, 130]. system, different melatonin receptors are involved.
These findings gain particular significance because of MT1 was found to mediate effects concerning IL-2, but
normalizations in mitochondrial functions achieved the presence of this receptor was demonstrated in
by melatonin in senescence-accelerated mice [131, numerous leukocyte subtypes [40, 68]. Signaling via
132]. MT2 was, e.g. shown to stimulate splenocyte prolifer-
Mitochondrial hypoactivity and dysfunction are phe- ation and to decrease leukocyte rolling [68, 145]. In
nomena associated with aging, but also with numerous avian splenocytes, growth stimulation is mediated by
diseases. These organelles also play a pivotal role in the Mel1c receptor [146]. Based on pharmacological
the induction of apoptosis. Melatonin has been criteria, inhibition of leukotriene B4-induced endo-
frequently shown to antagonize or prevent apoptosis thelial leukocyte adhesion was ascribed to the binding
by modulating mitochondrial functions [133, 134], site previously named MT3 [145], now known to be
including effects on calcium homeostasis and mito- quinone reductase 2, but, in the absence of demon-
chondrial membrane potential [105, 134, 135], and strated signaling pathways, this should be judged with
also by directly inhibiting the mitochondrial perme- caution. Expression of ROR and RZR subforms has
ability transition pore [103]. been reported for various leukocytes and related cells
Antiexcitatory and antiexcitotoxic effects are partially such as splenocytes, thymocytes and Jurkat cells, and
related to mitochondria, in terms of avoidance of some of the actions of melatonin seem to be mediated
calcium overload and elevated radical formation in by these transcription factors [100, 141, 142, 147].
these organelles. These actions, which extend to High densities of nuclear binding sites, as sometimes
anticonvulsant and anxiolytic properties [102], go observed, should not be immediately taken as a sign
beyond the chronobiotic and sleep-inducing actions for involvement of ROR/RZR receptors, because of
and, again, are highly complex. In mammals, modu- other nuclear binding proteins [98, 106]. In melatonin-
lations of GABA and glutamate signaling are involved synthesizing leukocytes, concentrations may be suffi-
and include secondary effects through decreases in cient for nuclear receptors and mediate autocrine
cytosolic Ca2+ via GABAc [136] or metabotropic effects. The interplay of membrane and nuclear
mGlu3 receptors [137], interference with neuronal NO receptors in the immune system remains an intriguing
synthase, directly, or indirectly by AMK [102, 104 field.
105], effects on K+ currents, as studied in the
cerebellum [138], and potentiation of strychnine-
sensitive glycine-induced currents [139]. Actions of metabolites
Immunomodulation by melatonin represents another
line of defense. This includes antiiflammatory proper- Melatonin may also be regarded as a prodrug leading
ties of the indoleamine, in which antioxidant, NO- to other bioactive molecules [27]. Earlier studies were
attenuating, and mitochondrial effects act in concert mostly oriented at actions already known from
with the attenuation of proinflammatory signaling. melatonin, with the frequent outcome that the metab-
Moreover, melatonin is produced by various leuko- olites were only effective at higher concentrations
cytes, such as monocytes, eosinophils, mast cells, [20]. Substances like 5-MT and NAS, being both
Cell. Mol. Life Sci. Vol. 65, 2008 Review Article 2013
metabolites and precursors, possess high affinities for studied. In cases of viral meningitis, considerably
some 5-HT receptor subforms found in both the enhanced levels of AFMK in the cerebrospinal fluid
central nervous system and the periphery [reviewed in correlated with inflammatory markers such as tumor
ref. 20]. It is, however, difficult to judge a putative role necrosis factor-a, IL-8 and IL-1b [153]. This may only
of these compounds as secondary mediators of reflect rises in cerebral melatonin oxidation. How-
melatonin in the CNS, in part because of concentra- ever, AFMK was also reported to be a more efficient
tions, especially in the case of the easily metabolized 5- inhibitor of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced pro-
MT, and because NAS is apparently formed without duction of TNF-a and IL-8 in neutrophils, compared
being converted to melatonin and exerts independent to melatonin [154], an effect which cannot be ex-
actions. The actions of 5-MT in brain and retina have plained by affinity or selectivity to free radicals
been recently reviewed [20]. More detailed informa- released in response to LPS.
tion on profound and ecophysiologically relevant AFMK was also used to antagonize oxidative stress, at
actions by 5-MT in dinoflagellates can be found pharmacological concentrations. It was shown to
elsewhere [10, 42]. protect DNA from oxidative damage by hydroxyl
Actions of non-indolic metabolites have only been radicals generated by a chromium(III)-based Fenton-
decribed for mammals, except for some unpublished, analog reaction [155], or by a d-aminolevulinic acid/
preliminary data on life extension by AFMK in a Fe2+ system [156], but it remained less efficient than
rotifer, Philodina acuticornis [B. Poeggeler, personal melatonin. This is not surprising because AFMK
communication]. In the first decades after discovery exhibits a preference for two-electron transfer reac-
of AFMK and AMK, some effects were described tions [117] and is, therefore, a poorer radical scavenger
concerning prolactin release, retardation of testicular than melatonin or its deformylated metabolite, AMK,
growth, binding to benzodiazepine and melatonin which easily undergoes single-electron transfer reac-
receptors [summarized in ref. 148]. Binding affinities tions [105, 124]. Thus, protective effects by AFMK
were not sufficient to explain actions of the indole- observed in living cells, such as inhibition of toxicity by
amine by conversion to AFMK or AMK. However, an glutamate, H2O2, or amyloid b25 – 35 peptide in hippo-
interesting chronobiological effect of AFMK was campal neurons [117], might be the consequence of its
described, which was, unfortunately, never followed conversion to AMK. The same may hold for protec-
up in other comparable systems. In rats, AFMK was tion against oxidative damage to DNA, proteins and
shown to promote the re-entrainment of the melato- lipids by X-rays [157]. Protective actions by AMK are
nin rhythm [149]. In the taxonomically very distant more than just radical scavenging, because of addi-
Lingulodinium, no phase shifting by AFMK was tional effects already found at very low, nanomolar or
observed [R. Hardeland, unpublished data]. How- even lower concentrations. Support of mitochondrial
ever, the life cycles of malaria parasites (Plasmodium functions was observed in the nanomolar range [130].
chabaudi and Plasmodium falciparum) were AMK, being an amphiphilic compound with a slightly
synchronized by AFMK in the upper nanomolar higher lipophilicity than melatonin, has been suggest-
range, an effect which was associated with rises in ed to participate in an electron shuttle, which may
cytosolic calcium and which was blocked by luzindole bridge bottlenecks in the electron transport chain and,
[150], otherwise being an MT1/MT2 melatonin recep- thereby, diminish electron leakage [91, 105]. Atten-
tor antagonist. The inhibition by luzindole may raise tion may also be directed to the structural similarities
questions concerning conclusions on melatonin sig- between ubiquinones and AMK [91]. Moreover,
naling via MT1 and/or MT2 in other cases, or on a AMK was shown to be a highly efficient inhibitor of
cryptic, perhaps indirect action of AFMK at these neuronal NO synthase, with an IC50 in the nanomolar
receptors. range, but demonstrable efficacy already at 1011 M
AMK was shown to efficiently inhibit prostaglandin [158].
synthesis [151], a property of, perhaps, considerable With regard to specific actions of kynuramines, it
pharmacological interest. At the time of discovery, should be remembered that this chemical family
cyclooxygenases (COX) 1 and 2 were not distinguish- represents its own, though frequently forgotten, class
ed, but the efficacy of AMK was reported to be far of biogenic amines, including 5-hydroxylated, C5-
higher than that of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin). unsubstituted, and N,N-dimethylated compounds, for
Recently, AMK was reported to downregulate which various effects have been described [148].
COX-2 – but not COX-1 – expression in macrophages, Other products from the kynuric pathway of melato-
an effect shared by its precursors AFMK and mela- nin metabolism may additionally contribute to a
tonin [152]. Whether antiinflammatory or other complex action spectum. The group of cinnolines, to
immunological actions by 5-methoxylated kynura- which AMMC belongs, contains pharmacologically
mines may be of medicinal relevance, remains to be active compounds, which have been used as medica-
2014 R. Hardeland Melatonin, hormone and more
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across the multitude of species synthesizing this and Reiter, R. J. (1990) Melatonin and porphyrin in the
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generally a compound found only in traces – as in the response to autumnal conditions. Int. J. Biochem. 22, 1465 –
circulation. Micromolar levels can be present outside 15 Payne, A. P. (1994) The harderian gland: a tercentennial
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consequences of tissue melatonin and its different fate 18 Zawilska, J. B., Berezinska, M., Rosiak, J., Skene, D. J.,
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attention. Actions of melatonin metabolites other melatonin biosynthesis in the chicken pineal gland by retinally
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than 6-hydroxy-/6-sulfatoxymelatonin are a promising Pineal Res. 36, 80 – 86.
field awaiting further research, especially with regard 19 Grace, M. S. and Besharse, J. C. (1993) Solubilization and
to the central nervous system. This holds, in particular, biochemical characterization of the melatonin deacetylase
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derivatives, perhaps also for 5-MT. Investigators its structural and functional analogs in the central nervous
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