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Tactical Data Link - From Link 1 To Link 22: Anca Stoica Diana Militaru Dan Moldoveanu Alina POPA

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“Mircea cel Batran” Naval Academy Scientific Bulletin, Volume XIX – 2016 – Issue 2

The journal is indexed in: PROQUEST / DOAJ / Crossref / EBSCOhost / INDEX COPERNICUS / DRJI / OAJI /
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Alina POPA
Scientific research assistant, Lt. Eng.Military Equipment and Technologies Research Agency
16 Aeroportului street, Clinceni, Ilfov, astoica@acttm.ro
Scientific researcher, PhD Eng. Military Equipment and Technologies Research Agency
Scientific research Assistant, Slt. Eng. Military Equipment and Technologies Research Agency
Scientific research assistant, Eng. Military Equipment and Technologies Research Agency

Abstract: Tactical data links (TDL) are elements of C4ISR system, which provide a continuous data
exchange in (nearly) real time about space, ground, air, surface and subsurface platforms including allied,
neutral and foe units data. The main scope of TDL is to provide the operation monitoring capability (for
commander) and to send particular commands and data (for subordinates), being one of the basic
components of network centric warfare concept implementation. A TDL uses data link standards in order to
provide communication via radio waves or cable to transmit, relay and receive tactical encrypted data. This
paper aims to outline a comparison between the main TDL standards and their capabilities.

Key words: tactical data link, Link 1, Link 11, Link 16, Link 22

1. Introduction The “data link” term refers to all technologies,

There is an unprecedented rise in the data and applications and messages package used in the
information volume needed for planning, decision- communication system. The military “tactical data
making and commanding military actions. The link” term represents the data links used as
information about targets, troops’ movement and support in military actions. Known data links were
their condition, supply levels and availability of designed according to specific standards such as
resources – for all belligerent parties (our own, the Link 1, Link 4, Link 11, Link 14, Link 16 or Link 22.
allied and the opponent’s) – must be supplied to Each of them has been developed for specific
the joint commandment and its forces, considering military communication requirements. Some of
that it is obtained from geographically dispersed them are obsolete, but still in use (e.g. Link 1). On
equipments. Thus, it is necessary that information the other hand, Link 16 and Link 22 are the
to be delivered to commanders in time, at the right newest and most advanced tactical data link
location and in the required form, in order for them networks. With respect to the above discussion,
to make decisions (in command and control we will present a short description of these
processes) in near-real time, during military action standards.
deployment by the joint forces.

Figure.1. Example of Tactical Data Link (TDL) Usage [1]

Table 1. TDL systems which NATO uses
DOI: 10.21279/1454-864X-16-I2-046
© 2015. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 License.
“Mircea cel Batran” Naval Academy Scientific Bulletin, Volume XIX – 2016 – Issue 2
The journal is indexed in: PROQUEST / DOAJ / Crossref / EBSCOhost / INDEX COPERNICUS / DRJI / OAJI /
JOURNAL INDEX / I2OR / SCIENCE LIBRARY INDEX / Google Scholar / Academic Keys/ ROAD Open Access /
Academic Resources / Scientific Indexing Services / SCIPIO / JIFACTOR

Link type User community Application

Interfaces with other networks (aerial control/ aerial defense), with
Link 1 Aerial situation
mobile systems and with the primary users group.
Marine control Provides tracking data exchange for image compilation and
Link 11
Aerial control transmission of orders in the C2 domain.
Tactical information exchange between soil-based weapon systems, C2
Link 11B Aerial defense
and surveillance systems and Link 11 network participating units.
High-throughput digital data link, without a nodal point (hub), which
Link 16 Joint includes EPM for engaging a multiple combat environment (terrestrial,
naval and aerial combat)
Designed for ensuring connectivity outside the direct line-of-sight
Link 22 Joint
(BLOS), using DTDMA architecture.

2. Tactical Data Link (TDL) k. Mission management;

The joint operations command must have TDL l. Weapons coordination and management;
equipments in order to benefit from MIDS m. Air control;
(Multifunctional Information Distribution Systems) n. Managementul informatic;
networks input data, introduced by terrestrial o. Free text exchange;
forces, aerial forces, marine forces and military p. Voice communication exchange.
information organizations, according to the TDL usage depends on the military area of
commandment’s needs (as per its tasks and operation or drill area, as seen in Table 2.
abilities), as well as to introduce specific data into
Table 2. TDL functional areas
these networks (figure 1). Table 1 presents
general characteristics of TDLs. Link Link Link
Functional areas
TDL systems are potential solutions for 11 16 22
implementing the concept of Joint Intelligence, Status monitoring
Surveillance and Reconnaisance (JISR). The x x x
main JISR missions are: early warning,
Air surveillance x x x
information support for operations planning,
information about the enemy and the environment Land surveillance - x x
for situational assessment , data and information Surface surveillance x x x
about targets, informational operations support, Subsurface
information for risk assessment and troops x x x
protection, The accomplishment of these missions Space surveillance - x x
depends on the TDLs specifications which will
Electronic warfare x x x
comply the following requirements: regularity,
clarity, conciseness, standardization, verification, Weapons
x x x
selective distribution and classification of coordination
information. Command x x x
Depending on what messages are used to convey Aircraft control - x x
tactical data, the main TDL functions are: Network
a. TDL parameters information exchange; - x x
b. Network management;
c. Precise Participant Location and Imagistics - x -
Identification (PPLI)
d. Air surveillance; Data exchange capability imposes that the
e. Land surveillance; transmission medium is available prior to initiating
f. Terrestrial surveillance; and starting any TDL system for landline
g. Space surveillance; communications and radio frequencies
h. Electronic surveillance; allocation.The main characteristics of the
i. Electronic warfare (EW); equipments connection scheme in tactical data
j. Intelligence; links are presented in Table 3.

DOI: 10.21279/1454-864X-16-I2-046
© 2015. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 License.
“Mircea cel Batran” Naval Academy Scientific Bulletin, Volume XIX – 2016 – Issue 2
The journal is indexed in: PROQUEST / DOAJ / Crossref / EBSCOhost / INDEX COPERNICUS / DRJI / OAJI /
JOURNAL INDEX / I2OR / SCIENCE LIBRARY INDEX / Google Scholar / Academic Keys/ ROAD Open Access /
Academic Resources / Scientific Indexing Services / SCIPIO / JIFACTOR

Table 3. Characteristics of TDL networking scheme

Characteristics Link 1 Link 11 Link 16 Link 22
Frequency Point-to-point land line HF/ UHF UHF/ Spread HF/UHF Spread
Speed (bit/sec) 1,200 1,800 > 57,600 -
ECM resistance - - x x
Crypto-secure - x x x
Nodeless - - x x
Extended LOS - - x x
Antijam - - x -
Data rate (kbps) 1.2 1.3 ÷ 2.25 2.8 ÷ 115.2 2.4
Standard message S-series M series J series J series
Participants 4÷8 > 128 40
Voice circuits - - 2 -
Architecture Duplex digital Radio Broadcast TDMA DTDMA

3. From Link 1 to Link 22 Units) participants. The time slots are organized in
In the Data Links evolution, there are two main several functional groups of network users.
generations. The first generation Data Links Unlike Link1 and Link 11, Link 16 uses encryptied
(Link1, Link4, Link11, Link11B, Link14) was high-capacity datalink, with no single point of
developed on 8-bit computers, in 1950’s and failure (NCS), and provides electronic protection
1960’s, with limited functionality and slow data measures for fully-operational communications in
rates (600 - 2400 bps). The second generation combat situations (air, terestrial, sea). In table no.
Data Links (Link16, Link22) was developed on 16- 2 there are ilustrated main characteristics of the
bit computers, in the 1970’s and 1980’s, is TDL developed by NATO over the past decades,
multifunctional and works at faster data rates including the oldest and the newest technologies
(2400bps-1Mbps). available.
The main purpose of Link 16 is to provide the
3.1 Link 1
support for real-time tactical information exchange
Link 1 is a point-to-point tactical link based on a between joint units. Link 16 is allowing the tactical
fixed digital message set, which interconnects usage of the involved platforms (equiped with Link
European NATO terrestrial counterair fixed 16) and provides enhanced communication
locations in order to exchange data and capabilities , which include::
information regarding the air situational  Nodelessness
awareness in the main network group.  Jam resistance
3.2 Link 11  Increased data rate
 Increased volume of information
Link 11 is a secure half-duplex tactical data radio
link used by NATO for digital information
 Reduced data terminal size, allowing
transmission among airborne, land-based, and
installation in fighter and attack aircraft
ship-board tactical data systems. Link 11 works in
 Digitized, jam-resistant, secure voice
HF or UHF band. Currently Link 11 is intended to
be replaced by Link 22. The standard that defines
 Precise Participant Location and
its specification is MIL-STD-6011.
Identification (PPLI)
3.3 Link 16 Main applications where Link16 Tactical Data Link
Link 16 is a high-capacity datalink, with frequency is used are:
hopping features and jam resistance capabilities.  Surveillance
Links 16 uses Joint Tactical Information  Electronic War (EW)
Distribution System (JTIDS) terminals and  Mission Management (MM) / Weapons
Multifunctional Information Distribution System Coordination (WC)
(MIDS). Link 16 has implemented the Time  Air control
Division Multiple Access (TDMA) technique, that  Fighter-to-fighter net
provides 128 time slots/second for the JU (JTIDS  Secure voice channels
 Navigation
DOI: 10.21279/1454-864X-16-I2-046
© 2015. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 License.
“Mircea cel Batran” Naval Academy Scientific Bulletin, Volume XIX – 2016 – Issue 2
The journal is indexed in: PROQUEST / DOAJ / Crossref / EBSCOhost / INDEX COPERNICUS / DRJI / OAJI /
JOURNAL INDEX / I2OR / SCIENCE LIBRARY INDEX / Google Scholar / Academic Keys/ ROAD Open Access /
Academic Resources / Scientific Indexing Services / SCIPIO / JIFACTOR

 Network management.
Link 16 is represented by several tactical data
links which provide the information exchange
using the Line of Sight radio medium. The
available Link 16 terminals are:
 JTIDS – first generation terminals,
including Class1 and Class2 terminals
(software, hardware, RF equipment, and
high-capacity, secure, anti-jam
 MIDS-LVT - LVT1-LVT11 is the second
generation class of Link 16 equipments
 JTRS şi MIDS JTRS – the future
generation of Link 16 terminals.
3.4 Link 22 Figure 2. Link 22 Network Overview [1]
Same as Link 11, Link 22 is a secure digital radio
link that works in the HF and UHF bands that As we mentioned before, the Link 11 capabilities
provide the support for data exchange between were limited, so the Link 22 initial program (NILE
air, ground, and navy of all the allied forces. – NATO Improvement Link Eleven) objectives are:
The one important thing about Link 22 is the fact • Link 11 upgrading and improvement;
that enables BLOS (Beyond Line of Sight) • Allied Forces interoperability increasing;
communication capabilities, so in the HF band • Link 16 complementary;
Link 22 is able to provide communications up to • C4ISR capabilities enhancement.
300 nautical miles distance. Unlike the HF A visible improvement of Link 11 is the fact that
communications which can provide both LOS and Link 22 is able to be operational even in bad
BLOS communications, the UHF band is transmission conditions; it provides
designated only for LOS transmissions. communication although at a lower data rate. In
case of a specific unit failure, the whole network
will not be affected because of the distributed
protocols usage.
The design of Link 22 was similar to the standard
ISO communications stack concept, which
consists of several layers with individual and
specific functions (Figure 3).

.Figure 3. The equivalent ISO OSI reference model [1]

DOI: 10.21279/1454-864X-16-I2-046
© 2015. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 License.
“Mircea cel Batran” Naval Academy Scientific Bulletin, Volume XIX – 2016 – Issue 2
The journal is indexed in: PROQUEST / DOAJ / Crossref / EBSCOhost / INDEX COPERNICUS / DRJI / OAJI /
JOURNAL INDEX / I2OR / SCIENCE LIBRARY INDEX / Google Scholar / Academic Keys/ ROAD Open Access /
Academic Resources / Scientific Indexing Services / SCIPIO / JIFACTOR

A synthetic comparison between Link11 and Link 22 is presented in Table 4

Table 4. A synthetic comparison between Link11 and Link 22

Function/ Parameters/Advantages/Limitations
Specification Link 11 Link 22
Network Access - TDMA access
- Increased net cycle times
- Prioritization of messages
- Large access delay
Emergency calls - No options - Priority Injection feature
Capacity - Limited number of
- More units (125)
participants (62)
Area of - No limitation (it uses the WGS-
- Limited area
Operation 84 System);
- Dependence of the platforms
(Network - Increased area of operation;
and their positions
Coverage) - Flexibile network;
- Units must be all connected
- LOS and BLOS capabilities;
with the NCS
- Routing&relay protocols.
Communication - Low encryption level - Strong encryption system.
Security - Weak security. - Strong security.
Transmission - Frequency hoping solutions
Security provide reliable
- Fixed HF or UHF communications;
frequencies; - Fixed frequency
- Jam vulnerabilities. communications are not so
affected as Link 11 because of
the multiple networks
NCS failure - If NCS is down the entire - No NCS required
network will be affected - No single point of failure
Reliability - Bad conditions could affect
- Special mechanism for bad
the transmission
transmission conditions
- Limited waveforms
- More robust waveforms
Bandwidth - Limited Bandwidth - Wider Bandwidth
- Transmission rates from - Transmission rates from 1,493
1,090 bit/s to 1,800 bit/s bit/s to 12,666 bit/s

Tactical Data Links provide near-real time combat information to U.S. and NATO allies about the integrated
air picture with both friendly and hostile aircraft locations, and general situational awareness data, including
defence threats. This contributes to an integrated control of fighters by either ground-based or airborne
controllers, which will increase the fighters’ situational awareness and the ability to engage targets or to avoid
threats, thereby increasing mission effectiveness.
TDL capabilities offer a near-term solution for exchanging information over a common network that is
continuously and automatically updated.
TDL ensure the hardware and software support for communication capabilities in C4ISR applications during
peacetime, as well as fight exercises and war. They are meant to serve NATO as well as the allied forces,
which contribute to its continuous improvement according to threats and vulnerabilities dynamic. Currently,
even Link16 and Link22 undergo a continuous adaptation process to new IT&C technologies developed and
implemented in NATO deployable networks.

DOI: 10.21279/1454-864X-16-I2-046
© 2015. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 License.
“Mircea cel Batran” Naval Academy Scientific Bulletin, Volume XIX – 2016 – Issue 2
The journal is indexed in: PROQUEST / DOAJ / Crossref / EBSCOhost / INDEX COPERNICUS / DRJI / OAJI /
JOURNAL INDEX / I2OR / SCIENCE LIBRARY INDEX / Google Scholar / Academic Keys/ ROAD Open Access /
Academic Resources / Scientific Indexing Services / SCIPIO / JIFACTOR

[1] Understanding Voice and Data Link Networking, Northrop Grumman, December 2014
[2] Link 22 Guidebook Overview, Northrop Grumman, July 2013
[3] Introduction to tactical digital information Link J and quick reference guide, Air Land Sea Application
Center, June 2000
[4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Link_22
[5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIL-STD-6011
[6] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Link_16

DOI: 10.21279/1454-864X-16-I2-046
© 2015. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 License.

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