Yanmar 6ly3 STP 440hp Electronic
Yanmar 6ly3 STP 440hp Electronic
Yanmar 6ly3 STP 440hp Electronic
Revision 3.0
Notice to Boat Manufacturer, Installer, and Consumer
Throughout this manual, warnings are used to alert the installer/operator to special instructions concerning a
particular service or operation that may be hazardous if performed incorrectly or carelessly. Observe these
alerts carefully!
These “safety alerts” alone cannot eliminate the hazards that they signal. Strict compliance to these special
instructions when performing installation, operation, and maintenance plus “common sense” operation are the
most effective accident prevention measures.
This device should not be used as a navigational aid to prevent collision, grounding, boat damage, or personal
injury. When the boat is moving, water depth may change too quickly to allow time for you to react. Always
operate the boat at very slow speeds if you suspect shallow water or submerged objects.
This product has been designed to be compliant with the above Directive.
Maximum performance, and compliance with the EMC Directive, can only be ensured by correct installation.
It is strongly recommended that the installation conforms with the following standards:
a) ISO 8846 Small Craft-Electrical Devices
Protection against ignition of surrounding flammable gases.
b) ISO = International Standards Organization
This device meets or exceeds the applicable ABYC, ISO, and USCG safe boating rules, regulations, standards,
and guidelines.
U.S. Coast Guard www.uscg.mil
U.S. Power Squadron www.usps.org
NMEA 2000® is a registered trademark of the National Marine Electronics Association.
Disassembly and repair of this electronic unit should only be performed by authorized service personnel. Any
modification of the serial number or attempt to repair the original equipment or accessories by unauthorized
individuals will void the warranty. Handling and/or opening this unit may result in exposure to lead, in the form
of solder.
The information contained in this manual is believed to be accurate at the time of going to print but no responsibility, direct or consequential, can be accepted for
damage resulting from the use of this information. The manufacturers reserve the right to make changes, without notice, to any of its products.
System Overview.......................................................................................................................................... 4
Helm Components...................................................................................................................................................4
Start Up......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Redundant (Back Up) Throttle. ................................................................................................................... 5
Shift & Throttle Control Head Functions................................................................................................................8
Control Head Operation .........................................................................................................................................8
Operation...................................................................................................................................................... 9
Select/Change Station.............................................................................................................................................9
Indicator Dimming Feature.....................................................................................................................................9
Shift Disconnect (SD)...........................................................................................................................................10
Split Range Throttle (SRT)...................................................................................................................................10
Sync Operations....................................................................................................................................................11
Cruise Sync (CS) ...........................................................................................................................................11
Power Train Sync (PTS).................................................................................................................................11
System Alarms......................................................................................................................................................12
Optional Trolling Mode.........................................................................................................................................13
i5601E Digital Display Alarms/Diagnostic Code Screens ...................................................................................14
Engine Alarms.......................................................................................................................................................15
Engine Diagnostic Codes......................................................................................................................................15
Maintenance Warning............................................................................................................................................15
Power Reduction Mode.........................................................................................................................................16
Appendix A: i5601E Digital Display Setup.............................................................................................. 17
Display Settings..................................................................................................................................... 18
Menus..................................................................................................................................................... 18
User Settings and Factory Settings........................................................................................................................19
“Unlocking” the Hot Keys....................................................................................................................................19
Quad Screen Parameters........................................................................................................................................20
Appendix B: i5601E Menu Navigation ................................................................................................... 21
Appendix C: Default Settings .................................................................................................................. 22
Appendix D: Fuses..................................................................................................................................... 23
Appendix E: Trouble Codes...................................................................................................................... 24
Appendix F: Network Status.................................................................................................................... 25
Appendix G: Station Select Protection.................................................................................................... 26
Electronic Control System: Operation Manual for 6LY3 Series Engines Page
System Overview
Although the scope of this document relates to both single and dual engines,
the instructions within depict the more widely used dual engine configuration.
Helm Components
This dual engine electronic control system consists of the following helm equipment:
• Two Yanmar i5601E Digital Displays (one, if single engine)
• Dual Shift & Throttle Control Head (single shift & throttle control head, if single engine)
Yanmar i5601E Digital Display
The i5601E displays real-time data as well as warnings or alarms for any engine abnormality. Diagnostic codes
will be stored for future reference by a Yanmar technician.
The Shift & Throttle Control Head selects the gear positions and the throttle settings. The Control Head has
several lights that confirm modes of operation and display warnings, if present. Buttons enable engine RPM
synchronization and shift disconnect as well as setting the brightness of the lights.
Other control configurations with similar functions may be used.
Page Electronic Control System: Operation Manual for 6LY3 Series Engines
Start Up
Your electronic engine control system was configured at the factory with the default settings needed to initially
start the system. See Appendix C.
1. Connect the battery terminals and turn the master battery switches to the “ON” position. Turn the engine
control breaker switches on at the main breaker panel.
Before starting the engines for the first time, take a moment to familiarize yourself with the shift and throttle
controls and ignition switch. With the engines not running, move the control levers over the full range until
you are familiar with the feel. Note that the detent pressure and drag can be adjusted using the adjusting screw
on the front surface of the control head. The top screw sets the detent pressure; the lower screw sets the drag.
Next, look at the ignition switch panels. The ignition switch may be a “rocker” type or conventional key type
switch. On either type there are three positions: OFF – ON – START. Normal engine shut down is achieved
by moving this switch to the OFF position.
Next to the ignition switch is an EMERGENCY STOP switch. Moving the rocker switch to the off position
(or turning the key to off) WILL result in the engine shutting down.
In normal operating mode, the engine is started and stopped with either the key switch, or the off-on-
start rocker switch. When you switch to the OFF position, the engine can take up to about 5 seconds to
stop running, allowing the engine to store certain information and make adjustments for easier restart.
In an emergency situation, you can use the Emergency Stop switch to kill all power to the engine. This
will allow you to stop at once, but will not store data and make adjustments for an easy restart. A DTC
(Diagnostic Trouble Code) will be generated and stored in the system indicating that the Emergency Stop
was activated. You will notice the next time you start, that the engine will crank over for an unusually long
time. This is normal for the engine to regain its memory and functions.
The Emergency Stop should only be used in an emergency.
2. Place the control levers in neutral and turn the PORT ignition switch to the On position -- but do not start the
engine. The green control head light will illuminate.
a. Check to see if the green light on the control head is solid or flashing. If solid, proceed to the next step.
If flashing, push the Select button to select the head. Position the control lever to neutral and the yellow
light will now come on.
b. Start the port engine.
c. Turn on the starboard ignition systems.
d. After a two-second wait, start the starboard engine.
Electronic Control System: Operation Manual for 6LY3 Series Engines Page
Start Up
When powered-up, the i5601E Digital Displays will initially display an introductory screen showing the software
revision level. They will then display one of the following four screens:
These screens show all of the key engine data and can be accessed by pushing a single button. The right-most
button allows the contrast and brightness to be set.
Page Electronic Control System: Operation Manual for 6LY3 Series Engines
Start Up
In the unlikely event that an engine fault occurs, a warning box appears in the
display showing the cause of the fault, and the action to take, "Press Any Key
To Continue."
Pressing any key acknowledges the alarm and immediately switches the display to the Alarms screen. The
i5601E continues to beep until all alarm conditions (engine faults) have cleared. Unacknowledged alarms are
shown as flashing boxes. Press any key to acknowledge alarm boxes that may still be flashing, and they will then
change to a steady highlighted state.
Alarm blocks remain highlighted as long as the alarm condition (engine fault) remains and will automatically
reset to an un-highlighted state after the alarm condition has passed.
Note: The i5601E is an extremely versitle display. The four-left keys can be reconfigured to allow the user to
display whatever screens he or she desires. For additional operational details, refer to Appenbdix A and the
technical manual.
Electronic Control System: Operation Manual for 6LY3 Series Engines Page
Start Up
Shift & Throttle Control Head Functions
The Shift and Throttle Control Head comes with a dual function, single lever control. A single lever control
initiates both shifting and throttle for a single engine.
1. With the engine running and the control head(s) in neutral, the green and yellow control head lights should
be illuminated.
2. Press the Neutral button(s) on the control head. The Neutral control head light(s) should flash.
3. Advancing the control lever(s) to the forward detent (that is, the position identified by a “click” feel) puts the
boat in forward idle. Pushing the lever further forward increases the throttle setting. The same is true in the
reverse direction.
Page Electronic Control System: Operation Manual for 6LY3 Series Engines
Control Head Operation
Warning The boat will start to move during the next steps. Be very cautious when first
engaging the gears to establish that forward is truly forward and reverse is
truly reverse. A quick in-and-out of gear test is recommended. Ensure that
the boat is clear of all obstacles forward and aft before conducting this test.
Engine Trim Control:
in the handle (optional)
Lever Position Indicators:
Select/change Station:
NOTE: Station Protection may be turned on, see Appendix G.
A lit green SELECT lamp indicates a station is active.
• On single station boats, station selection is automatic.
• For mutli-station boats, choose a station and then press SELECT
button with levers in neutral.
to Change Stations:
• Move to new station and press select button. (Green lamp
• Match control handle positions with those of active station.
(Green lamp goes steady when levers match and this station is
now in control.)
Indicator Dimming Feature:
Push select button and the lamps will dim. There are four degrees
of brightness from which to choose.
NOTe: Indicator Dimming is only accessible from the active control
station. (Green lamp on steady.)
Electronic Control System: Operation Manual for 6LY3 Series Engines Page
NOTE: The flashing yellow N (Neutral) lamp can indicate status of either Shift Disconnect (SD) or Split
Range Throttle (SRT). Please exercise caution when engaging/disengaging either of these modes! A steady-
on Neutral lamp ALWAYS indicates engine is in NEUTRAL.
Page 10 Electronic Control System: Operation Manual for 6LY3 Series Engines
Sync Operations:
note: Your system ships with Cruise Sync set as the default.
Power Train Sync may be selected using the i5601E display.
Electronic Control System: Operation Manual for 6LY3 Series Engines Page 11
System Alarms
Critical Alarms
Continuous flashing both lights on either side of the
control indicates a Critical Alarm. System will do a “Safe
Shut Down,” and must be serviced before further use.
When a critical alarm occurs, the system will automatically
go to the selected “Fail Safe Response” mode. The system
MUST be shut down and restarted for most critical alarms.
Some functions may operate for a time after restart. See
display on Control Unit to determine cause of alarm.
If the alarm is caused by the Throttle Actuator hitting
“Stop” - Wide Open Throttle (WOT) - the alarm will go
away when the throttle is pulled back. However, as with
ALL Critical Alarms, the system must be serviced before
further use.
Non-Critical Alarms
Intermittent flashing of both lights on either side the
control (five seconds flash, normal for fifteen seconds, then
repeating), indicates a Non-Critical Alarm. Acknowledge
by a power up cycle or pressing the ENTER button on the
Control Unit. Continue to operate and have the system
checked as soon as possible.
Page 12 Electronic Control System: Operation Manual for 6LY3 Series Engines
Optional Trolling Mode
Note: The Trolling Mode must be calibrated before trolling will operate properly. See Installation Manual.
The Trolling mode option allows the boat operator to slow the forward and aft speed of the boat for fishing.
Trolling mode is achieved by the ECU electronically adjusting pressure bypass valves in the gearbox, allowing
the clutches to slip.
When trolling is selected on the Control Head or by pressing the separate trolling switch and the control lever(s)
is moved forward, the boat will start to move at the slowest speed. As the lever approaches 60% throttle, the
boat will be close to its non-trolling idle speed. Moving the lever(s) further forward will cause the transmission
to lock out trolling and advance the throttle. The factory set defaults will limit throttle to 40%.
The trolling defaults -- as shown in Appendix C -- can be set to a variety of operating modes. Contact your
dealer for details, or see technical manual.
Tro ...
llin .. . ....
g ...
60% .... Th
.... ro
.. .... ttl
. .. . e
... ....
.. ...
40% Throttle
Full Lock-up
Note: While engaged in Trolling mode, Split Range Throttle (SRT) is not operational.
Electronic Control System: Operation Manual for 6LY3 Series Engines Page 13
i5601E Digital Display Alarms/Engine Diagnostic Codes
Performs the function indicated by a pop-up menu,
if present.
With no pop-up menu showing, briefly press to
display the Lighting & Contrast menu.
Page 14 Electronic Control System: Operation Manual for 6LY3 Series Engines
Engine Alarms
The Alarm Screen will display the status of 20 defined alarms. A
flashing black background indicates unacknowledged alarm; a solid
black background indicates an acknowledged still in alarm state
Maintenance Warning
Based on startup issues, the maintenance timer will activate between 50 and 60 hours of operation. A maintenance
warning will be displayed on the digital display screen. To acknowledge this warning, press and hold the #5
(right most) button on the i5601E digital display for a few seconds until the main menu is displayed. Use the
down arrow button to move the cursor to “Calibration.” Press the right arrow button, then go to “User Setting”
menu. The arrow should be at the “Reset Maint. Time” selection. Press the right arrow key to reset. The warning
will go away. After an additional 250 hours of operation the maintenance warning will be displayed again, and
every 250 hours thereafter. This a reminder that periodic maintenance must be performed at these intervals.
Electronic Control System: Operation Manual for 6LY3 Series Engines Page 15
The digital display indicates if certain malfunctions occur. The system also stores certain DTC (Diagnostic
Trouble Codes) for reference. These codes will help you or a technician to determine which subsystem has
malfunctioned. Display and record all Trouble Codes so you can relay them to the technician. A listing of
possible Diagnostic Trouble Codes are in Appendix E.
There are also diagnostic lights built into the Electronic Control System to assist in troubleshooting. The shift/
throttle control head will flash to indicate improper operation (see the section on the control head function).
There is an i8320 or i8325 electronic control module (ECU mounted in the engine room). On the ECU module
are three LED indicator lights which normally flash to acknowledge proper operation. When the ignition switch
is “ON” and/or the engine is running, the three small LED indicators will flash at various
rates to indicate engine communication, ecu status, and nmea
communication. THE NMEA communication is the data stream
to the digital display, shift/throttle control head, and other modules. If
any of the three LEDs fail to flash while the key is in the “ON” position
(engine does not have to be running), there is a communication problem.
For safety reasons, it is best to perform this test while the key is “ON”
but the engine is not running. The LED not flashing will indicate the
part of the system malfunctioning, and diagnosis should proceed in that
Page 16 Electronic Control System: Operation Manual for 6LY3 Series Engines
Appendix A
i5601E Digital Display Setup
The i5601E was set up at the factory with the keys assigned and locked as shown on page 6 of this manual. This
mode is the default mode and allows start up and operation of the engine. It serves many applications quite well.
The i5601E Digital Display unit has many additional features and capabilities. This section of the book shows
the use of some of these features.
To enter the Main Menu press and hold key 5 until the menu appears.
To move around the menus use the softkeys at the bottom of the screen.
The function of a particular softkey changes from screen to screen to
whatever is most appropriate for the given screen.
Keys 1 2 3 4 5
NOTE: Any changes to the setup menus may require reconfiguring the i5601E HOT KEY SETUP.
Electronic Control System: Operation Manual for 6LY3 Series Engines Page 17
Appendix A
Display Settings
The Monitor Settings Menu allows setting of parameters that are specific to the display unit. Some settings such
as Language and Lighting will be communicated to the other displays.
This menu controls the key functions. There are three choices.
1. When the Pop-Up Menus feature is selected (drawing at right), the unit
functions like a typical computer. A key push brings up a menu and you
then use the keys to make a series of selections. This is the mode that allows
new screen set ups to be selected and any screen to be accessed.
2. The Hot Key Locked selection allows keys 1, 2, 3, and 4 to be assigned as
favorite screens. Pushing the key immediately brings up the selected screen.
This mode will not display the right arrow over key 5. Thus the screens are
locked when this is selected. This is the factory default setting.
3. The Hot Key selection allows keys 1, 2, 3, and 4 to be assigned as favorite
screens. Pushing the key immediately brings up the selected screen. This
mode will display the right arrow above key 5. That arrow allows the user
to select various data inputs in the various sections of the screen.
Page 18 Electronic Control System: Operation Manual for 6LY3 Series Engines
Appendix A
User Settings and Factory Settings
• The user setting allows for reset of the maintenance timer.
• The factory settings require a password to change.
“Unlocking” the Hot Keys
This is a popular way to expand the use of the i5601E. The default hot keys will remain active but you can select
other data parameters in the various display areas. A right arrow becomes visible over key 5. Pushing that key
then allows for selection of a number of data types in the various boxes.
To unlock the hot keys and allow for additional data selections go to the Main menu as described on pages 17
and 18. Then select HOT KEYS. Exit the menu back to the normal operating screens. You will see a right hand
arrow above key 5 when any key is pressed.
The Right Arrow button allows the choice of an individual gauge. The choices available are shown on page 20.
The choices are presented in alphabetical order.
Example using a quad screen:
1 2 3 4 5
Hot Keys
1 2 3 4 5
Block Keys
Each button cycles the related block
through the list on the next page.
Note: Data in NMEA 2000® format may be added to the CANBus system from a compatible device which
feeds the optional parameters listed above. The i5601E display has the capability of displaying additional
Electronic Control System: Operation Manual for 6LY3 Series Engines Page 19
Appendix A
Quad Screen Parameters
These data choices can be placed in any box of a quad screen or in the two small boxes of an engine data screen:
The screen headings that are included in a standard (default) set-up are noted in bold.
Screen Heading Function Typical Data Source
Battery Battery Voltage Engine
Bearing Bearing to Waypoint GPS
COG Course Over Ground GPS
Coolant Engine Coolant Temperature Engine
Depth Depth of the water Sonar
Fuel Rate Fuel level if single engine Sender
Fuel Tank 1 Fuel level in Tank 1 Sender
Fuel Tank 2 Fuel level in Tank 2 Sender
Fuel Tank 3 Fuel level in Tank 3 Sender
Fuel Tank 4 Fuel level in Tank 4 Sender
Gear Indicates the selected gear Engine
Heading Current vessel heading Compass
Hours Actual Engine Hours Engine
Load Percent load on engine Engine
Network Network voltage Engine
Oil Pressure Engine Oil Pressure Engine
Oil Temperature Engine Oil Temperature Engine
RPM Engine Revolutions Per Minute Engine
Rudder Rudder Angle Sender
Sea Temp Sea Water Temperature Sender
SOG Speed Over Ground GPS
Speed (SOW) Speed through the water Sender
Tab Port Position of the Port Trim Tab Sender
Tab Stbd Position of the Starboard Trim Tab Sender
Trim Port Port Engine Trim Sender
Trim Stbd Starboard Engine Trim Sender
Throttle The percent of throttle currently selected Engine
Torque The percent torque the engine is developing Engine
Turbo The amount of turbo boost pressure Engine
Waste The amount of waste in the holding tank Sender
Water The amount of water in the water tank Sender
WP Dist The distance to the selected waypoint GPS
XTE graph The cross track error from a best source GPS
XTE value The cross track error from a best source GPS
Page 20 Electronic Control System: Operation Manual for 6LY3 Series Engines
Appendix B
i5601E Menu Navigation
Performs the function indicated by a pop-up menu,
if present.
With no pop-up menu showing, briefly press to
display the Lighting & Contrast menu.
MAIN MENU Diag Codes
Network Status
Units Menu
Password Protected Language Menu USER SETTINGS
Tach Range 0-3000
Reset Maint. Time
Docking Mode
Depth Offset
Default Monitor Fwd Throt Curv 1
Electronic Control System: Operation Manual for 6LY3 Series Engines Page 21
Appendix C
Default Settings
For single engine configuration, the engine interface part number is i8320 (no trolling) or i8325 (with trolling).
The settings are the same as the dual engine configuration below.
Without Trolling
Engine Interface part number i8320P i8320S
Idle RPM 700 700
Sync Cruise Cruise
Lead Engine Port Port
Split Range Throttle 25% 25%
Forward Throttle Curve F5 F5
Reverse Throttle Curve R1 R1
Programmable Shift Delay 7.2 7.2
Fixed Shift Delay 0.2 0.2
Station Select Protection Off Off
With Trolling
Engine Interface part number i8325P i8325S
Idle RPM 700 700
Sync Cruise Cruise
Lead Engine Port Port*
Troll Trans Type ZF ZF
Troll Engage RPM 850 850
Split Range Throttle 25% 25%
Forward Throttle Curve F5 F5
Reverse Throttle Curve R1 R1
Programmable Shift Delay 7.2 7.2
Fixed Shift Delay 0.2 0.2
Station Select Protection Off Off
Troll Mode** Split Split
Troll Lever Travel 60% 60%
Maximum Throttle in Troll Mode 40% 40%
Troll Throttle Engage Delay 0.2 0.2
Note: A system reset may be needed for some changes to take effect.
*Only shows when Sync is set to Power Train
**Troll Mode functions are not displayed until Troll Mode is selected.
Page 22 Electronic Control System: Operation Manual for 6LY3 Series Engines
Appendix D
There is a fuse on the back of both the lower station and upper Station Ignition Switch Panels. It is a 5 amp fuse,
designation AGC SA.
Electronic Control System: Operation Manual for 6LY3 Series Engines Page 23
Appendix E
Diagnostic Trouble Code Descriptions
NOTE: On the digital display the DTC “Y” code will be shown along with additional information for that
code. This information will further define the fault. Please make note of all the information details with the
Y code before notifying your Yanmar service technician.
Page 24 Electronic Control System: Operation Manual for 6LY3 Series Engines
Appendix F
Network Status
The i5601E has several screens to help technicians diagnose errors on the NMEA 2000® Data Bus. See i5601E
Operation on page 17 and Menu Navigation on page 21 to locate this screen.
“Reset” – Resets the various parameters that have accumulated values
“Back” – Moves back to previous menu
Electronic Control System: Operation Manual for 6LY3 Series Engines Page 25
Appendix G
Station Select Protection
Station Select Protection prevents accidental switching between control stations on multi-stationed boats. If
turned on, a change of control stations requires that control head buttons be pressed in a specific sequence -
SELECT, SELECT, NEUTRAL, SELECT to change stations.
The menu options are:
• Station Select Protection Off (N) (Default Setting).
• Station Select Protection On (Y).
NOTE: If the status of Station Protection is in question, it may be checked through the i5601E Digital
Display. Sequence: “Main Menu - Calibration,” “Calibration,” “User Settings.” “Station Protect” is the last
option under “User Settings.” OR try to set the second station - if Station Protection is on (Y) Station Select
will not engage.
To change stations this is the button sequence:
• Go to the station you wish to make active.
• Press the Select button.
• Press the Select button again.
• Press the Neutral or ‘N’ button.
• Press the Select button.
• The station will go active (green light on solid) if the handles are
matched with the originally active station.
• If the green light flashes , match the handles with the originally
active station and the green light will go solid.
Until the green light is on solid, the original active station retains control of the boat.
Page 26 Electronic Control System: Operation Manual for 6LY3 Series Engines
Yanmar Marine International B.V.
Head Office