Electronic Engine Control: Description and Operation MEFI-4
Electronic Engine Control: Description and Operation MEFI-4
Electronic Engine Control: Description and Operation MEFI-4
• Always use correct blocks to prevent the unit from rolling or falling. See HOW TO PUT
THE LIFT TRUCK ON BLOCKS in the Operating Manual or the Periodic Mainte-
nance section.
• Keep the unit clean and the working area clean and orderly.
• Always use HYSTER APPROVED parts when making repairs. Replacement parts
must meet or exceed the specifications of the original equipment manufacturer.
• Make sure all nuts, bolts, snap rings, and other fastening devices are removed before
using force to remove parts.
• Always fasten a DO NOT OPERATE tag to the controls of the unit when making repairs,
or if the unit needs repairs.
• Gasoline, Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG), Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), and Diesel fuel
are flammable. Be sure to follow the necessary safety precautions when handling these
fuels and when working on these fuel systems.
• Batteries generate flammable gas when they are being charged. Keep fire and sparks
away from the area. Make sure the area is well ventilated.
NOTE: The following symbols and words indicate safety information in this
Indicates a condition that can cause immediate death or injury!
Indicates a condition that can cause property damage!
Electronic Engine Control Table of Contents
General ............................................................................................................................................................... 1
Description and Operation ................................................................................................................................ 1
General ........................................................................................................................................................... 1
Electronic Control Module (ECM) ................................................................................................................ 1
Diagnostic Connector ................................................................................................................................ 1
How ECM Begins Operation..................................................................................................................... 3
Electronic Engine Control ............................................................................................................................. 6
What ECM Does ........................................................................................................................................ 6
Distributor ................................................................................................................................................. 7
Ignition Module ......................................................................................................................................... 8
When Engine Is Being Started ................................................................................................................. 9
When Engine Is Running.......................................................................................................................... 10
Electronic Control Module (ECM) with Ignition Module Distributor, Corrections ............................... 10
Fuel Control ................................................................................................................................................... 11
Throttle Body Injection (TBI) ................................................................................................................... 12
Fuel Injectors............................................................................................................................................. 13
Fuel Pressure Regulator ........................................................................................................................... 13
Throttle Position Sensor (TPS) ................................................................................................................. 13
Idle Air Control (IAC)................................................................................................................................ 14
GM 4.3L Engine Governor System........................................................................................................... 14
GM 3.0L Engine Governor System........................................................................................................... 15
Vacuum Ports............................................................................................................................................. 16
Fuel Pump ................................................................................................................................................. 16
ECM Sensors and Controllers....................................................................................................................... 19
Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) .......................................................................................................... 19
Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor ............................................................................................ 19
2200 SRM 1016 Description and Operation
This section includes description and operation of Engines that have an LPG fuel system use a Micro-
the electronic engine control system and its compo- processor Spark Timing System (MSTS) or a Carbu-
nents. Repair and troubleshooting procedures for rated Engine Management System (CEMS). They do
the system used in the GM 3.0L and 4.3L engines not have an electronically controlled fuel injection
are in the section Electronic Engine Control system.
Troubleshooting and Repair.
Description and Operation 2200 SRM 1016
2200 SRM 1016 Description and Operation
How ECM Begins Operation The ECM makes the checks in a few milliseconds and
determines correct air and fuel ratio for starting the
When ignition switch is turned to ON, the ECM does engine. The range of this air and fuel ratio is 1.8:1 at
the following functions (see Figure 5): 40 C ( 40 F) to 17:1 at 150 C (302 F) as indicated
• Measures atmospheric pressure (BARO signal) by the signal from the Engine Coolant Temperature
from MAP sensor. Sensor (ECT). The ECM controls the amount of fuel
• Checks signal from ECT sensor. sent to the engine by changing the pulse times (how
• Energizes fuel pump relay for approximately 2 sec- long the fuel injector is energized and de-energized).
• Checks that Throttle Position Sensor (TPS) indi- When the engine starts, frequency of pulses from the
cates that throttle is less than 80% open. If throttle ignition module increases and indicates to the ECM
is more than 80% open, the ECM determines that that the engine is running. The ECM takes control
engine is flooded with fuel and delivers less fuel to of the ignition timing, and the EEPROM within the
the engine. ECM follows its program to give ignition timing and
• Distributor System: Checks starting mode from fuel control for best engine operation. When engine is
ignition module. When starter is engaged, the ig- operating, the ECM continuously checks the signals
nition module sends electronic pulses to the ECM. from the Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP), Engine
The frequency of the pulses indicates to the ECM Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor, Throttle Posi-
that engine is being started. The ignition mod- tion Sensor (TPS), and engine speed sensors to make
ule also electronically energizes (ON) and de-ener- timing and fuel adjustments for the engine operating
gizes (OFF) the primary circuit of the ignition coil conditions.
to create a spark at the spark plugs.
Description and Operation 2200 SRM 1016
2200 SRM 1016 Description and Operation
Description and Operation 2200 SRM 1016
2200 SRM 1016 Description and Operation
Description and Operation 2200 SRM 1016
Ignition Module
NOTE: The ignition module controls spark timing
only when:
• The engine is being started.
• A module problem has occurred.
• An EST or bypass wiring problem is present.
• The ECM fails.
The ECM controls the spark timing during engine
operation. The ignition module will also control the
spark timing if there are some failures in the signals
to the ECM. This backup mode of operation will often
permit operation of the engine so that lift truck can
be moved to an area for repair. The result of failures
in signals to the ECM is described in the paragraphs
under Electronic Control Module (ECM) with Igni-
tion Module Distributor, Corrections.
1. TIMER CORE 4. SENSING COIL The ignition module is a solid-state electronic device
2. RETAINER 5. POLE PIECE AND that operates like a fast switch except that it does
3. SHIELD PERMANENT not have any moving or mechanical parts. See Fig-
ure 9 and Figure 10. Small electrical pulses from the
Figure 8. Distributor Pulse Generating Parts sensing coil of the pulse generator go to the ignition
When a coil is near a changing magnetic field, a volt-
age is generated in the coil. This principle is called The ECM must always know the speed at which the
magnetic induction. A sensing coil is installed over engine is operating. Engine speed signal is generated
the permanent magnet. As the magnetic field near by the ignition module. The signal converter changes
the pole piece changes, a small voltage is generated the signal voltage from the sensing coil to a square
in the sensing coil. wave reference signal for the ECM. This square wave
reference signal for engine speed is called REF HI.
The principle of magnetic induction also controls the The ECM must also have a reference to compare with
polarity of the voltage generated in the coil. An in- REF HI. An additional wire between the ECM and
creasing magnetic field will generate a voltage in the the ignition module is called REF LO (GROUND).
coil that is the opposite polarity of a magnetic field The REF HI and REF LO connections give the EEP-
that is decreasing. This signal pulse causes the inte- ROM in the ECM the necessary information about
grated circuits in the ignition module to generate a engine speed.
square wave signal.
The other two wires between the ECM and the dis-
The ignition module and magnetic pulse generator tributor control the EST and are called EST and BY-
control the primary circuit to the ignition coil when PASS.
engine is started. The ECM receives the square wave
2200 SRM 1016 Description and Operation
When Engine Is Being Started sensing coil changes to negative (the square wave
voltage is decreasing), the transistor turns off. When
When the engine is cranked by the starter, the the transistor is on, current flows through the pri-
electronic relay is in the de-energized position. See mary winding of the ignition coil. When the transis-
Figure 9. The sensing coil is connected through the tor turns off, the current flow through the primary
square wave generator to the base of the transistor. winding stops. The changing magnetic field in the
primary winding generates a high voltage in the sec-
When the sensing coil applies a positive voltage (the
ondary winding of the ignition coil. This high voltage
square wave voltage is increasing) to the transistor,
generates a spark at the spark plug.
the transistor turns on. When the voltage from the
Description and Operation 2200 SRM 1016
When Engine Is Running The EST wire is not grounded and is now connected
to base of the transistor. The sensing coil is discon-
When engine speed is greater than approximately nected from the base of the transistor.
400 rpm, the ECM determines the engine is running
and applies 5 volts on the BYPASS wire to the igni- The ignition module and ignition timing are now con-
tion module. See Figure 10. This voltage energizes trolled by the EST signal from the ECM. This oper-
the electronic relay and makes the following changes: ating mode is the EST mode.
Electronic Control Module (ECM) with The ECM does a check of system components of the
Ignition Module Distributor, Corrections EST circuit. A set of normal operating limits are part
of the EEPROM program. If a sensor sends a signal
Operation of the ECM was described in earlier para- that is outside the limits of the EEPROM program,
graphs. See the description in What ECM Does. The the ECM will not use the information. The ECM uses
following paragraphs describe the corrections made a standard value from its program and continues to
by the ECM in an engine with an ignition module dis- operate the ignition module.
2200 SRM 1016 Description and Operation
The following examples are the action of the ECM if FUEL CONTROL
it detects a problem:
MAP Sensor Signal Voltage Is Too High or The fuel control system is controlled by the ECM. The
Too Low. The ECM will use a MAP value from its purpose of the fuel control system is to deliver fuel to
EEPROM program and use this value to calculate engine for the most efficient operation in all operat-
ignition timing and fuel injection. ing modes. The Starting Mode and the Run Mode
ECT Signal Voltage Is Too High or Too Low. are described in the paragraphs under How ECM Be-
If coolant sensor sends a signal voltage that is out- gins Operation. When the ECM is in the Run Mode,
side the range programmed by the ECM, the ECM the ratio of the air and fuel mixture is controlled for
uses a value from the EEPROM program for spark best operating conditions.
and fuel calculation.
Clear Flood Mode. If the engine floods, it can be
Open Circuit in EST Wire. Normally, the sig-
cleared by opening the throttle to 100% (wide open)
nal from the ECM to the ignition module rises
during cranking. The ECM then shuts down the fuel
and falls as voltage from the sensing coil rises and
injectors so no fuel is delivered. The ECM holds this
falls. If EST circuit is open, the electronic relay
injector rate as long as the throttle stays at 100% and
in the ignition module is not at ground potential.
the engine speed is below 300 rpm. If the throttle
The engine starts but will not continue to run. If
position becomes less than 100%, the ECM returns
the EST circuit becomes open during engine oper-
to the starting mode.
ation, the engine stops.
Short Circuit (Grounded Circuit) in EST Acceleration Mode occurs when the ECM senses
Wire. When the engine is being rotated by the rapid changes in the throttle position and manifold
starter, the ECM normally detects 0 volts in the pressure. The ECM sends additional fuel to the en-
EST circuit because the circuit is at ground poten- gine.
tial in the ignition module. The ECM would not
detect a problem until the engine began to run. Deceleration Mode occurs when the ECM senses
The ECM could not operate in the EST mode and rapid changes in throttle position and manifold pres-
the engine will not operate. If the EST circuit has sure. The ECM reduces fuel to engine. If decelera-
a short circuit (grounded circuit) when the engine tion is very fast, the ECM can stop the fuel supply
is running, the engine stops. completely for short periods.
Open Circuit or Short Circuit in BYPASS Cir-
cuit. The ECM may not detect a problem until the Voltage Correction Mode. When battery voltage
engine began to run. The ECM could not operate is low, the ECM can make adjustments for a weak
in the EST mode, and the engine may operate with spark from the distributor. The ON time for fuel in-
reduced power or stop running. If this problem oc- jectors can be increased, the engine idle can be in-
curs when engine is running, the engine will only creased, and the ignition dwell time can be increased.
operate in starting mode with the ignition module.
Fuel Shutoff Mode. When the ignition switch is
Open Circuit or Short Circuit in REF HI Cir-
turned to OFF, the ECM stops the pulses to the fuel
cuit. The ECM would not detect that the engine
injectors. This procedure stops a condition called
is operating. The ECM will not operate the fuel
dieseling in a gasoline engine. Also, no fuel is sent
injector, and the engine will not operate.
to the engine if there are no reference pulses from
Open Circuit or Short Circuit in REF LO Cir-
the distributor. This condition indicates that engine
cuit. The ECM may not have a good comparison
is not running.
for operation. The ECM may not operate in the
EST mode, and the engine may not operate cor- If the ECM senses that engine speed is above the
rectly. maximum set (rev limit) in the EEPROM, fuel to
engine is stopped until engine rpm drops below the
maximum set (rev limit). This action normally oc-
curs if the governor is not operating correctly.
Description and Operation 2200 SRM 1016
2200 SRM 1016 Description and Operation
• Governor motor and throttle drive assembly the diaphragm. Fuel pressure from the fuel pump
• Vacuum ports on one side of the diaphragm acts against the force
from the calibrated spring on the other side of the
diaphragm. The system operates at a pressure of 72
±3 kPa (10.5 ±0.8 psi).
Fuel Injectors
NOTE: The 3.0L engine has one fuel injector while
the 4.3L engine has two fuel injectors.
Description and Operation 2200 SRM 1016
2200 SRM 1016 Description and Operation
When the engine speed is less than approximately GM 3.0L Engine Governor System
2500 rpm (depending upon the software installed),
the governor motor is not energized; and a return The governor motor is an electric DC motor that is
spring keeps the governor motor lever at its parked actuated and controlled by the ECM through the gov-
position (Figure 16). The throttle plates can move ernor control module (governor motor driver circuit).
with the position of the throttle lever cam, and no See Figure 17. The governor prevents engine speeds
governor action is used. above specifications when operating with light loads
and permits the throttle to open for full power for
When the engine speed increases toward approxi- heavy loads.
mately 2500 rpm (depending upon the software in-
stalled), the ECM sends signals to the governor con- The components of the governor system are the ECM,
trol module to energize the governor motor. The gov- the governor control module, and the governor motor
ernor control lever moves from its parked position assembly and cables. The cables and drum allow the
to control the opening of the throttle plates. If the throttle control to be split. This split arrangement
engine load increases and the engine rpm decreases, allows the governor motor drum to close the throt-
the governor motor moves the governor control lever tle plate, yet open them indirectly. The first drum
to permit the throttle plates to open further. If the is turned by the accelerator pedal. A spring located
governor system is not operating correctly, the ECM inside the drum pushes on the second drum. This
stops fuel to the engine at engine speeds greater than action allows the operator to open the throttle when
2900 rpm (depending upon the software installed). under heavy load, but the motor will rotate the drum
against the spring to close the throttle plate under
light load/high rpm. Using engine speed and load,
the governor controls the actual position of the throt-
tle plate, within that range of possible opening.
Description and Operation 2200 SRM 1016
Figure 16. Governor Motor and Throttle Drive Assembly (V6, 4.3L Engine)
The engine sensors, such as the TPS, MAP Sensor, Legend for Figure 17
and crankshaft reference pulses (rpm) give constant
information on engine operating conditions to the
ECM. The ECM uses the information on throttle 3. GOVERNOR CONTROL MODULE
plate position and engine rpm to determine whether 4. GOVERNOR
or not governed operation is needed. 5. THROTTLE CABLES
At low engine speeds, below calibration rpm, the gov- 7. THROTTLE (MONOTROL) PEDAL
ernor drive motor is not energized. At higher en- 8. ELECTRONIC CONTROL MODULE (ECM)
gine speeds above calibration rpm where the gover-
nor is needed, the ECM sends a signal to the governor Vacuum Ports
control module to increase current flow to the gov- The TBI has vacuum ports to provide a source of vac-
ernor motor. The governor motor rotates the drum, uum for the MAP sensor and PCV valve that require
and this causes the throttle plate to rotate toward a vacuum source to operate.
the closed position. Control of the throttle plate is
determined by the TPS and engine speed signals to Fuel Pump
the ECM. When engine load increases and rpm de-
creases, the electrical current to the motor is reduced The fuel injection system must have fuel pressure to
by the ECM through the governor control module, operate correctly. A check for the correct fuel pres-
thus allowing the throttle plate to open farther. sure is often the first test when troubleshooting a fuel
injection system. A test port is installed in the fuel
pressure line for this purpose. A typical fuel system
is shown in Figure 18.
2200 SRM 1016 Description and Operation
Description and Operation 2200 SRM 1016
A small turbine pump connected to an electric motor 28 kPa (4 psi), the oil pressure switch closes a cir-
is installed in the fuel tank below the liquid level. See cuit to operate the fuel pump. If the fuel pump relay
Figure 19. The fuel pressure regulator on the throt- is not operating correctly, a long cranking time for a
tle body keeps the fuel pressure at a constant 72 kPa cold engine will be the result. The oil pressure switch
(10.5 psi). Fuel that is not used by the throttle body will energize the fuel pump when the engine oil pres-
is returned to the fuel tank. A screen is connected sure increases to approximately 28 kPa (4 psi).
to the fuel pump to prevent large particles from en-
tering fuel system. Baffles are installed in fuel tank
to make sure that fuel is always available to the fuel
pump during normal operation of the lift truck.
A fuse and fuel pump relay switch for the fuel pump
are mounted in the engine compartment. See Fig-
ure 2 and Figure 3. When the key switch is first
turned to ON, the ECM energizes the fuel pump re-
lay for 2 seconds. This action quickly raises the fuel
pressure to the fuel injectors. If the engine is not
started within 2 seconds, the ECM de-energizes the
fuel pump relay; and the fuel pump turns off. When
the engine is cranked by the starter, the ECM ener-
gizes the fuel pump relay again so that the fuel pump
2200 SRM 1016 Description and Operation