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11 Newsletter 23rd November 2018

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HOUSE SCORES 2018/2019 Saturday or Sunday this weekend and the dated to the end of this term (21st
page 10 following weekend (1st or 2nd December) December, but not reports or grades.
seven days later. She suggests using one Transcripts of grades will be compiled to
LUNCH MENU NOVEMBER 2018 of the following products: Hedrin, Sara, the end of the last school report (June
page 11 Pipi or NYDA, which are available in most 2018).
chemist shops. It is important that every
AROUND BISC WROCŁAW child is treated at approximately the same There seems to be some confusion about
page 12 time to ensure that the lice will not the beginning of the school day. All
reappear. If you have any concerns, pupils, primary and secondary, should be
ISSUE 11 Friday 23rd November please make an appointment to visit our in their class/form rooms for registration
school doctor who is available each by 8.30. Any pupil who is late should still
Dear parents, Thursday between 10.00am to 12.00am. report to their class/form teacher and
not go directly to their first lesson. Can I
Another sporting success by BISC Wroclaw I’m very pleased to announce that our also emphasise that parents should
pupils! Last Tuesday our Basketball players school has been fitted with fibre optic inform Ms Oksana by e-mail
took part in the Wroclaw Inter-school cables. Originally, we were informed that (wroclaw@bisc.krakow.pl) or phone (71
Basketball League for under fifteens. We won this option wasn’t available, but over the 796 68 61) if their son or daughter will
both games and as a result are placed 1st in past few weeks, technicians have been not attend school on a particular day
Group A. We congratulate our team and wish fitting the necessary cables to enable both preferably between 8.00am and 8.20am.
them the best of luck for the five remaining villas to benefit from a considerably It is better to use phone or e-mail rather
games. improved internet upgrade. The new than Schoology as this is a busy time in
system will be up and running as soon as the office and information regarding any
Christmas concerts will take place in the last our computer hardware specialist has absent pupil must be passed on to all
week of this term. Our Secondary concert is made all the connections. All documents teachers before registration.
scheduled for Wednesday 19th December, for removing the lab wall required by the
Primary for the 20th December. Both will City Council and the Department of I enjoyed a very positive meeting with
begin at 5.00pm and held, once again, at the Building Conservation have beenKey Stage 2 parents earlier this week. My
Firlej Theatre on ul. Grabiszyńska 56. presented and we should receive an thanks to those who took part. Next
answer by the middle of December. week, parents of pupils from Key Stage 3
There has been an outbreak of head lice in are invited to join me in the library on
school. I spoke to our school doctor A reminder that from this academic year, Tuesday from 8.45 to 9.30am.
yesterday for her suggestions for treating this mid-year school reports will be given out
irksome problem. In order to eradicate head th
on January 18 in our new, more modern Have a great weekend!
lice quickly, Dr Słowik recommends all format. Please note that children who
parents (both primary and secondary) leave the school at the end of December
thoroughly wash their child’s hair on will receive all our usual documentation Andy Harris
Head of School
British International School Wrocław
al. Akacjowa 10-12, 53-134 Wrocław, Poland
School office tel: +48 71 796 68 61 email: wroclaw@bisc.krakow.pl , head@bisc.wroclaw.pl
Page 1
November 2018 / December 2018

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

26 27 28 29 30 1 2
Morning briefing Schoology support Schoology support Secondary School Primary School
All Staff Members 8.35am - 9.20am 2.45pm - 3.30pm Assembly Assembly
8.15am - 8.25am G1 room, big villa G1 room, big villa 8.35am 8.35am
ICT room
Round table Koren documentary film
Tag Rugby Tournament KS3 presentation
8.40am – 2.30pm 8.45am - 9.30am Y9-Y11
library 1.50pm – 3.30pm
Whole Staff Meeting
3.40pm Koren documentary Advisory Board Meeting
dining room, big villa film presentation 4.00pm
Y6-Y8 F2 room, big villa
Usborne Book Fair 1.50pm – 3.30pm
12.00am – 4.30pm
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Morning briefing Schoology support Schoology support Secondary School Primary School
All Staff Members 8.35am - 9.20am 2.45pm - 3.30pm Assembly Assembly
8.15am - 8.25am G1 room, big villa G1 room, big villa 8.35am 8.35am
ICT room
Round table Santa at School : ) Bake a Cake
KS4&6 Form Year 1 Pandas and Year
8.45am - 9.30am 4 Tigers
library 10.10am – 10.30am

10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Morning briefing Schoology support Schoology support Secondary School Primary School
All Staff Members 8.35am - 9.20am 2.45pm - 3.30pm Assembly Assembly
8.15am - 8.25am G1 room, big villa G1 room, big villa 8.35am 8.35am
ICT room
Round table Bake a Cake
KS1 Rugby Team : )
8.45am - 9.30am 10.10am – 10.30am


1. Mr Hae Sung Lee, our Korean Coordinator is 5. We would like to remind all parents that they
available in the Korean room on: should label their children's BISC uniforms, as
sometimes the clothing items are left behind in
Mondays: 08:30-10:30 the playground. A name label makes the
Tuesdays: 12:55-13:50 identification process much faster and easier.
Wednesdays 08:30-10:30, 11:20-13:50
Thursdays: 08:30-10:00 6. House badges
Fridays: 08:30-12:10, 12:55-15:30
Hae Sung Lee - haesung.lee@bisc.wroclaw.pl Dear Parents,
Please take care 2. Schoology support In Miss Oksana's office there are now house
when parking Ms Nancy Pliego Blancas will be in room G1 in the badges that you can purchase for your child /
big villa on Tuesdays period 1 (8.35am-9.20am)
around the school. and Wednesdays period 8 (2.45pm-3.30pm) to
children. Students are expected to wear them
every day as they are considered to be part of
help any parents or staff who are experiencing their school uniform.
Avoid blocking problems with Schoology.
The cost of a badge is 10 zł.
entrances to Please ensure that you keep up with what’s going
neighbours’ houses on in school by logging-in to Schoology on a
regular basis and reading the weekly newsletter.
and driveways.
3. Pani Magdalena Mrozowska, Dyrektor Szkoły
Polskiej, jest dostępna dla rodziców w sali S6 w
DO NOT PARK ON dużym budynku w następujące dni:
Wtorek: 13.50 - 15.30
CROSSINGS! Czwartek: 8.30 - 10.10

4. School doctor is available for Parents and Staff

on Thursdays from 10.00am till 12.05pm
(G8 room, big villa).

Page 2
Extra Curricular Activities 2018/2019
French room, Mondays
French Club for Primary Emilie Szczukiecka Year 1-6
small villa 7.45am - 8.30am
BISC Lions TAG Rugby Club Danny Young Year 5-7 Sports pitch
3:45pm - 4:45pm
Polish for Parents S6 room Tuesdays
Hanna Savel Parents : )
Intermediate big villa 1.50pm - 3.30pm
S1 room Tuesdays
Chess Club Aleksander Sitkowiecki Y1-Y13 : )
big villa 3.35pm - 4.45pm
Primary Art room Tuesdays
Korean culture Club Hye Seung Lee Year 3-6
big villa 3:40pm - 4:20pm

Gymnastics Club Zoe Brzezinski Year 4-6 Dębowa gym
3.40pm - 4.45pm
EAL room Tuesdays
Polish language Club Anna Łoboziak Year 1-2
small villa 3:40pm - 4:20pm
Studium Wychowania Fizycznego i
Secondary Basketball Club Marcin Kwasiuk Year 7-13 Sportu Uniwersytetu
4.30pm – 6.00pm
Ekonomicznego, ul. Kamienna 35
English for Parents EAL room Wednesdays
Grzegorz Posłuszny Parents : )
Beginners small villa 1.50pm - 3.30pm
Maths Support Shahla Rasheed Year 7-13 F3 room, big villa
3.35pm - 4.20pm

EAL room Wednesdays

Polish language Club Anna Łoboziak Year 3-6
small villa 3:40pm - 4:20pm

Year 2 classroom Wednesdays

Stories and Tales Club Ewelina Pachla Year 2-3
small villa 3:40pm - 4:20pm

G11 room Wednesdays

Primary orchestra Maciej Posłuszny Year 4-6
big villa 3.40pm - 4.20pm
Latin dance Club G1 room Wednesdays
Nancy Pliego Blancas Year 7 -13
big villa 3.40pm - 4.20pm

G11 classroom Thursdays

Year 10&11 Band Jakub Stefaniszyn Y10-11
big villa 7.45am - 8.30am

G11 classroom Thursdays

Karaoke Club Jakub Stefaniszyn Year 7-13
big villa 12.55pm - 1.20pm

Polish for Parents EAL room Thursdays

Hanna Savel Parents : )
Beginners small villa 1.50pm - 3.30pm

English for Parents G10 classroom Thursdays

Iwona Sokołowska Parents : )
Intermediate big villa 1.50pm - 3.30pm

G11 classroom Thursdays

School band Jakub Stefaniszyn Year 7-13
big villa 3.30pm - 5.00pm

Year 1 Pandas classroom Thursdays

Drama Club Polly Hall Year 1-6
small villa 3.40pm - 4.20pm

Debowa gym Fridays

Secondary Boys Basketball Club Marcin Kwasiuk Year 7 -11
al. Dębowa 9b 7.30am - 8.15am
Primary Basketball Club Marcin Kwasiuk Year 1 - 6 to be confirmed
4.00pm - 5.20pm
SSP 72 Fridays
Swimming: Advanced Jacek Lelewski Y4-Y13
ul. Trwała 17/19 4.45pm - 5.30pm
Swimming: Beginners /
Marcin Kwasiuk SSP 72 Fridays
Intermediate Y1 upwards
& Jacek Lelewski ul. Trwała 17/19 5.30pm - 6.15pm

Page 3
News from Head of Primary News from Head of Secondary

Why do we send children to school? Some Winter weather is already here. Students
people would say that we want them to entered school on Wednesday pleasantly
learn, grow, develop and become surprised to see snow on the pitch and
independent. To achieve that, children couldn’t wait until morning snack to go
need a safe learning environment, outside and enjoy the white landscape.
facilitators (Teachers) and resources. One This also gives me a chance to remind
of the resources is food. students to start wearing winter clothing
to school to help protect them from the
What gets packed into those snack and cold. Students should start wearing hats
lunch boxes is vitally important. Yes, it is and gloves, along with wearing an indoor
increasingly more difficult to compose and an outdoor pair of shoes to lessen the
meals which are not laden with sugar and mud tracked into the building and to help
are nutritious. Discussing food choices with your child is even of a keep their feet dry throughout the day.
greater importance. Students of BISC are expected to be able to eat
the provided food on their own, but what is the real story? These This week’s Award of Excellence recipients:
days it seems that more and more children have to be begged to
eat anything other than sweets, jellies or chocolate. When I walk Mr Sławek: Yunsol Jung
around the school after classes have finished for the day, there are Mr Joe: Alexia Money Kyrle
pieces of cake, fruit or other snacks left in almost every room. Ms Ewa: Amber Nae
Most of that food gets wasted. Did you know that in Europe over Ms Anna: Honoka Nakayama
1/3 of all purchased food never makes it to the table before ending Mr Alex: Adam Zomer
up in the bin? In nearly all classes form tutors have been asked to Ms Nancy: Rafaela Glozer, Minseo Kwak, Somin Shim,
monitor snacks or lunches for their pupils. Teachers watch the Sungmo Koo and Jiho Park
students eat, boxes are shown, Parents inspect the bags at pick-up
time. What do the children do? Not much. It has become yet Enjoy your weekend,
another meaningless, tedious duty for many of them.
Joe Peck
This needs to change. For the sake of the children’s own health and Head of Secondary
well-being. Here I would like to thank Parents for all the birthday
parties this year. They were much more nutritionally balanced and
included more fruit and savoury snacks. The children love them!
Now it is time to re-think our approach to other meals. Please talk
News from Polish School
to your child about their eating at school and in general. Please
explain to them that what they eat matters. Children have to eat Czas płynie nieubłaganie.
properly at school in order to maintain concentration and the
appropriate energy level. Make a deal – a smaller portion, but all
Dopiero co witaliśmy się po
gets eaten. Throwing food in the bin should never take place. All
Teachers are happy to help, but let’s try to turn it into an wakacjach, a już czas zacząć poważnie
educational experience, where children consciously participate, myśleć o końcu semestru. To niby
rather than another box to tick. normalne, a jednak ten rok jest dla
nas szczególnie wyjątkowy. Po raz
Thank you for reading this. pierwszy nasi uczniowie przystąpią
do egzaminów gimnazjalnych i
Stars of the Week: ósmoklasisty. Te co prawda dopiero
w kwietniu, lecz, aby się do nich jak najlepiej przygotować,
Year 1 Pandas - Yunseo
już wkrótce kl. 8 i 3 gimnazjum napiszą egzaminy próbne.
Year 2 Caterpillars - Malika
Year 3 Pangolins - Rikuto and Anna
Year 4 Tigers - Larisa 18.12 – SP j.polski (120 min.) / GIM część humanistyczna
Year 5 Ospreys - Revant (150 min.)
Year 6 Geckos - Yuji and Gain 19.12 – SP matematyka (100 min.) / GIM cz. mat.-przyr. (150
Congratulations, Stars! 20.12 – język angielski SP (90 min.) / GIM (120 min.)
Have a nice weekend! Rodziców uczniów przystępujących do egzaminów
zapraszam serdecznie na spotkanie informacyjne w
Anna Witańska
Head of Primary najbliższy czwartek – 29.11 o godz. 15.40 do sali S6.

Miłego weekendu
Dyrektor Szkoły
Magdalena Mrozowska

Page 4
Spotlight on Year 7
Seoin Kim
Hello my name is Seoin and I’m from Korea. I like dogs,
horses and cats. I want to become an artist or a (character
or anything) designer. I want to visit Finland because I
haven’t been there I heard there is Santa^^. My hobbies
are drawing and making something and I left my sense of
humour in Korea so I can't include... sorry. The least
favourite subject............................................... better not
say… I don't really like movie UP because it is too sad....:-

Kotaro Murai
My name is Kotaro and I’m from Japan. In 10 year’s time I
will be a famous F1 driver. My last word before I die is
going to be “WHY?”

Claire Paret
My name is Claire and I am 11 years old. I really like
football and piano. In twenty years I will be a surgeon or
dentist. If I had a super power it would be teleportation. I
want to die when I’m 95 years old. I really like this school
and I have awesome friends. THE END.

Dawid Tomczak
My name is Dawid. I’m from Poland. I like to play football
and basketball. When I’m 64… I will be old.

Nagisa Nakayama
My favorite subject is PE but least favorite subject is Math.
My favorite pet is my bird. My favorite movie is toy story 3
but my least favorite movies are horror movies. My
favorite food is sushi but least favorite food is fish. My
dream is to fly. I don't know who I want to be when I grow
up. My hobby is sport and sleeping. I want to go to Korea
when I grow up.

Jia Park
I like cats, squirrels, desert fox, polar bear, dolphin, eagle,
owl. I want to become an artist and I want to visit Paris,
because I want to see many pictures. My hobbies are
painting and playing piano. My favourite food is
Tteokbokki and my favourite drink is Lemonade. I like
space because it is very beautiful. l like Halloween and
jack-o-lantern. I dislike worms, seefood and salad. I also
dislike summer because I don't like when it’s hot.

Giacomo Preto
My name is Giacomo. I’m Italian and Polish. My hobbies
are playing, videogames and I’m really good at hugging my
dog. My favourite subject is art and least favourite is
science. I want to be a tailor and I want to go to Russia
because I like when it’s cold. If I was born with a
superpower I would like to be able to control people’s

Emma Smith
My name is Emma and I come from Australia. I’d like to
have a magical power like to levitate things and I like to
play. My advice to the world leaders is to be funny 

Page 5
Spotlight on Year 7
Abdullah Hisham Abdullah Mohammed
My name is Abdullah and my favourite subject is ICT but my least favourite subject is Math. My hobbies are football, baseball,
tag rugby and basketball. I would like to be a footballer in 10 years.

Ada Majerska
My name is Ada and I’ve got a cat. At night she comes to my bed and sleeps on me. It’s really uncomfortable but I love my cat

Shinun Oh
My name is Shinun and I’m Korean but I was born in Poland on June 8th. I love Art and PE and really like Poland. I’ve been
learning English since I was 3. I’m a very positive person.

Eunseo Lee
I like to dance and sing but I’m not good at singing. I love dogs but my mom is scared of dogs and I can’t have one. My
favourite movie is Ocean 8. I want to be a designer and actress. Actresses look cool and awesome. I’m happy in Poland but I
want to go back to Korea because I miss my friends and family.

Deepali Arun
My favourite subject…well, all subjects  Favourite pets: horses, toucans and dogs. Favourite movie character: Violet Parr
from Incredibles. Future profession: zoologist. Places to visit: Siberia and Malaysia. My hobbies are: knitting, horse riding and
spending time with friends.

Rishi Satvik Jangili

My name is Rishi and I’m from India. My hobbies are writing songs, playing basketball, and doing maths. I like to play with
dogs and cats. When I grow up I will get married and have kids. I will take them to places that they will want to visit.

Seeun Park
My name is Se Eun and I'm from Korea. I have a puppy. I really like to play with her. We're playing in my room, and doing it
she's really funny.

Useong Byun
My name is Useong.I am from Korea. When I grow big I will be the owner of company.I want to go to Taiwan. I want get super
powers ( a Superman). I want live my life in every good way.

Page 6

PTA BISC Wroclaw on Facebook:


he PTA is a voluntary group of parents with the common goal of wanting to contribute to the BISC Wroclaw community. The PTA should
work in conjunction with the school management and teaching staff to enhance the educational experience of the students though events,
fundraising, assistance with school activities, and parent/student/ family social events.

1. Lost and Found

The Lost And Found area is located in the basement of big villa in the corner before the secondary changing room. Unfortunately, it is
already full of clothes and shoes from last year probably lost in Dębowa sport hall. Parents and children are invited to check it and pick-up
their stuffs.

2. Yearbooks
Extra yearbooks 2017-18 had been ordered and are now available in Ms Oksana's office. The price is 60pln per copy.

3. Bake a Cake Day

Once a month, one class organise a "bake a cake" day in order to collect money which will be used for a field trip, a museum visit or cultural
event. Every student from this class must bring a cake or sweety goodies. It is better if those are hand made. All students (and teachers) of
the school will spend money to buy one delicious piece of cake for snack time. 5 zloties per child is usually a nice donation.
Bake a Cake dates are:
7 December 2018 – Year 1 Pandas and Year 4 Tigers
12 December 2018 – Rugby Team : )
11 January 2019 – Year 5 Ospreys
1 February 2019 – Year 6 Geckos
22 February 2019 – Year 10,12&13
15 March 2019 – Year 11
5 April 2019 – Year 7
17 April 2019 – Year 8
17 May 2019 – Year 9

Mufti Days are:

22 February 2019 – Super Hero day
12 April 2019 – Crazy hair day
17 May 2019 – Pyjama day

Also, 8 of June 2019 – Family picnic from 1pm till 4pm
PTA team

Page 7

To mark the 70th birthday of Prince Charles, the SJH Group (St James’s House) and the Royal Correspondent Robert
Jobson have produced a commemorative publication Our Future King: Prince Charles at 70. We’re very proud to
announce that Andy Harris and the British International School Wroclaw is one of a number of selected individuals
and companies featured in this publication.

Our Future King: Prince Charles at 70 is edited by the best-selling, award-winning author Robert Jobson, who has
chronicled the story of the House of Windsor for the past 30 years.
Celebrating a lifetime of achievement and heralding his current and future roles and responsibilities, this high-
quality, coffee-table book charts the Prince's seven decades; from his early years through to his present status as
one the most significant figures on the world stage. In recognition of Prince Charles’s passion for the environment,
innovation and education, the book contains articles on leaders in the field of ecological awareness, leaders in
learning, sustainable fashion, sustainable food, captain of industry, global hospitality and iconic style.

The fully illustrated hardback was launched in the refined setting of the Ritz London hotel in Piccadilly on 14th
November 2018.

Our Future King: Prince Charles at 70 can be purchased directly from the publisher, online or major bookshops.

Page 8
School Calendar 2018 / 2019

Page 9
HOUSE SCORES 2018/2019

st nd rd
1 2 3
Place Place (Ex aequo) Place

Cygnus Phoenix Lupus Pegasus


Weekly Points 1 4 3 2

Weekly Winner

Total Points 27 30 16 27
Weekly Merits 245 663 405 349
nd st rd nd
2 Place (Ex 1 Place 3 Place 2 Place (Ex aequo)
Primary House Captains:
Cygnus Phoenix Lupus Pegasus
Kyle Alejandro Safiya Fathima
Oliwia Trawińska Greta Nicoli
Charles Cabrera Shahul Mohamed
Year 6 Year 6
Year 3 Year 6
Secondary House Captains:
Cygnus Phoenix Lupus Pegasus
Yaroslav Khaliavka Sujin Lee Dongmin Seo Amber Nae
Year 12 Year 11 Year 11 Year 11

Page 10
Lunch Menu for November 2018 – Weranda Smaków

Dear Parents,
To place an order and also to pay for it you must do this online:
1. Please register at https://system.masterszef.com.pl/Rejestracja/BISC
2. Please place your order for the whole month. You do not have to order items every day but you need
to complete the order form online and please save afterwards.
3. If you have any questions about the “MASTERSZEF” system, please contact Mrs Joanna Wierzejska,
Project Manager by e-mail (jwierzejska@masterszef.com.pl) or by the phone (22 110 50 07).
4. Please note that the menu for November is now available online.

26.11 27.11 28.11 29.11 30.11

Cream of pumpkin Vegetable broth

Barley soup Cream of sweet
with coconut milk Cream of couliflower with ginger and
and ginger noodles
Cream of Beet greens soup Tomato sopu with Broccoli soup with Root vegetable
zucchini with dill with parsley rice and parsley dill soup

(Vege) Spaghetti
with parsley
pesto, (Vege) Aubergine (Vege) Chickpeas (Vege) Zucchini
(Vege) Russian
sunflower seeds roulades with with vegetables in roasted with
and parmesan couscous and mint, tomato sauce, pearl vegetables,
chinese cabbage
cheese, iceberg mashed potatoes, barley, steamed buckwheat,
and tomato
lettuce with red cabbage salad broccoli roasted radishes
carrot and salad

(Meat) Beef
(Meat) Cornflake (Meat) Pork goulash burrito with
Main course Spaghetti
crusted chicken (Meat) Pork chop in a homemade coriander and
bolognese, sauce, buckwheat,
fillet, mashed gravy, pearl barley, mexican salsa,
iceberg lettuce roasted radishes
potatoes, red steamed broccoli chinese cabbage
with carrot and salad
cabbage salad and tomato

(Fish) Creamy (Fish) Tuna

salmon (Fish) Breaded (Fish) Teriyaki cod burrito with
(Fish) Hake fish
spaghetti, Pollock fish fillet, fillet, buckwheat, coriander green
fillet, pearl barley,
iceberg lettuce mashed potatoes, roasted radishes peas, chinese
steamed broccoli
with carrot and red cabbage salad salad cabbage and
vinaigrette tomato salad

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