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International conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud)

(I-SMAC 2017)

VERILOG Based Simulation of

ASK,FSK,PSK,QPSK Digital Modulation
Akshay Sharma Shubhankar Majumdar Alok Naugarhiya
National Institute of Technology Raipur National Institute of Technology Raipur National Institute of Technology Raipur
Raipur,India Raipur,India Raipur,India
Email:aksharma3129@gmail.com Email: shubuit@gmail.com Email: anaugarhiya.etc@nitrr.ac.in

Bibhudendra Acharya Saikat Majumder Shrish Verma

National Institute of Technology Raipur National Institute of Technology Raipur National Institute of Technology Raipur
Raipur,India Raipur,India Raipur,India
Email: bacharya.etc@nitrr.ac.in Email: smajumder.etc@nitrr.ac.in Email: shrishverma@nitrr.ac.in

Abstract—This paper presents a general architectural overview techniques to transmit data serially. The algorithm is proposed
regarding elementary method of VERILOG HDL based code in VERILOG HDL and output signals have been simulated
simulation for fundamental and widely used digital modulation on Xilinx-ISE and further analyzed using Model Sim(Wave).
techniques such as Binary Amplitude-shift keying (BASK),
Binary Frequency-shift keying (BFSK), Binary Phase-shift
keying (BPSK) and Quadrature Phase Shift Keying(QPSK). Formation of this paper is: Section 2 provides elementary
In this work the idea of sinusoidal signals that have been mathematical analysis regarding BASK, BPSK, BFSK and
generated is plain sailing in nature and based on fundamentals QPSK digital modulation techniques and representation of
of signal sampling and quantization. Such concept of sinusoidal modulated signals in terms of orthonormal signals. Section
signals generation is not unfamiliar but somehow simplified
using sampling and quantization in time and amplitude domain,
3 talks about obtained results and conclusions based on simu-
respectively. The whole simulation is done on Model Sim and lation outputs. Section 4 and 5 finally end the with Conclusion
Xilinx-ISE using VERILOG Hardware descriptive language. and acknowledgment
The work has been accomplished on Thirty two bit serial data
transmission with self-adjustable carrier frequency and bit A. Digital Modulation techniques
duration length.
The advancement from conventional analog to digital
Keywords- Orthonormal, Analog, FPGA, BASK, BFSK, modulation [1] provides higher information remuneration,
BPSK, QPSK, OQPSK, QAM, MSK, CPFSK, PISO more compatibility with digital data assistance, higher
data hostage, better superiority in communications, and
I. I NTRODUCTION meteoric system availability [2]. These are the major goals
Over the previous few decades, there has been occurred of better communication system establishments that force
a big alteration from simple analog modulation and angle us to switch from analog to digital domain. In digital
(phase/frequency) modulation methods to latest digital modulation, an analog periodic carrier signal, generally
modulation techniques. Such digital modulation techniques sinusoidal is modulated by a discrete level signal [3]. The
have become fundamentals of satellite communication, process of modulation is performed at sender side while the
Wireless networks and Cellular networks. In the field of reverse operation i.e. demodulation [4] is done at receiver side.
telecommunication, modulation is an exercise of diverging
either amplitude or angle of a periodic waveform, known The basics of all modulation techniques [1] lie in varying
as the carrier signal using a modulating signal that in three major properties of carrier sinusoidal signal.
general encompass information to be transmitted, called as
intelligence signal. The intelligence signal can be analog c(t) = ACos(2π ∗ f c ∗ t + Φ); (1)
or digital in nature that very much depends upon message
source. The mechanism of modulation uplifts the frequency where A- Amplitude of carrier signal ;
band spectrum of transmitted signal to the range, where fc -Frequency of carrier signal ;
signals are not much attenuated in the channel. Modulation Φ -Phase of carrier signal ;
using a sinusoidal waveform transfigures a baseband electrical
signal into a passband signal. On the basis of variation of the above three parameters of
carrier signals there exists a large number of digital modulation
The rudimentary goal of the author is to achieve a general techniques,
and simplified method to simulate above stated modulation ASK, FSK, PSK, QPSK, MSK [5], CPM, CPFSK, QAM etc
978-1-5090-3243-3/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 403
International conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud)
(I-SMAC 2017)

[6]. (f 1 andf 2 ) [1] are used and symbols 1 and 0 are represented
Major modulation techniques are, ASK, FSK, PSK, QPSK. by S1(t)andS2(t) are defined as
1) Binary Amplitude shift Keying: Amplitude-shift keying 2Eb
(ASK) [1] is a genre of amplitude modulation that represents S1(t) = Cos(2π ∗ f 1 ∗ t), 0 ≤ t ≤ T (9)
digital data as dissimilitude in the amplitude of the carrier Tb
signal. In an ASK modulating system, the binary data 1 is 2Eb
symbolized by transmitting a fixed-amplitude carrier wave S2(t) = Cos(2π ∗ f 2 ∗ t), 0 ≤ t ≤ T (10)
and fixed frequency for a bit duration of T units. If the signal Tb
value is 1 then the carrier signal will be transmitted; otherwise, There is set of orthonormal basis [1] function 1(t)and2(t)
nothing will be transmitted. Here frequency and phase are and is given by:
kept unchanged throughout signal transmission. It is the most
straightforward method and also known as ON-OFF switching. Φ1(t) = 2
∗ Cos(2π ∗ f 1 ∗ t), 0 ≤ t ≤ T (11)

Φ2(t) = 2
2Eb ∗ Cos(2π ∗ f 2 ∗ t), 0 ≤ t ≤ T (12)
S1(t) = Cos(2πf ct), 0 ≤ t ≤ T (2)
Tb √
S1(t) = Eb ∗ Φ1(t), 0 ≤ t ≤ T (13)
S2(t) = 0, 0 ≤ t ≤ T (3) √
S2(t) = Eb ∗ Φ2(t), 0 ≤ t ≤ T (14)
where Eb is the transmitted signal energy per bit
Tb 3) Binary phase shift Keying: The general Phase-shift key-
Eb = (t) = A2 (4) ing (PSK) [4] is such kind of modulation scheme that transmit
data via changing(modulating) the phase of a carrier signal,
2Eb while keeping amplitude and frequency constant during data
A= (5) transmission. In binary PSK(BPSK) two carrier signals are
Tb used for transmission which have phase difference of 180.
There is a single basis function Φ1(t) and is given by: 2Eb
S1(t) = Cos(2π ∗ f ∗ t), 0 ≤ t ≤ T (15)
Φ1(t) = 2 Cos(2πf ct), 0 ≤ t ≤ T (6) Tb
Tb 2Eb
S2(t) = Cos(2π ∗ f ∗ t + π), 0 ≤ t ≤ T (16)

S1(t) = EbΦ1(t), 0 ≤ t ≤ T (7) There is only one orthonormal function [1] would be enough
in BPSK.

S2(t) = 0, 0 ≤ t ≤ T (8) Φ(t) = 2

∗ Cos(2π ∗ f ∗ t), 0 ≤ t ≤ T (17)
Constellation diagram for ASK is shown in Fig. 1. Both the transmitted signal can be represented in terms of
the orthonormal signal

S1(t) = Eb ∗ Φ(t), 0 ≤ t ≤ T (18)

S2(t) = − Eb ∗ Φ(t), 0 ≤ t ≤ T (19)
Constellation Diagram for PSK is shown below: 2

Fig. 1. Constellation diagram of ASK

2) Binary Frequency shift Keying: Frequency-shift keying

(FSK) [3] is analogous to fundamental frequency modulation
technique in which digital information is transmitted through
deviating the frequency of the carrier signal. The carrier
frequency is shifted in according to the input data stream,
phase and amplitude of the carrier are maintained constant. Fig. 2. Constellation diagram of PSK
In binary FSK (BFSK) two different carrier frequencies

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International conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud)
(I-SMAC 2017)

4) Quadrature phase shift Keying: Quadrature phase

shift keying(QPSK) technique contains more efficiency in
itself compared to ASK, PSK and FSK in terms of data
transmission rate and bandwidth utilization and is also without
affecting bit error rate at the cost of more complex receiver
structure [7]. It is also defined as composition of frequency
shift keying and phase shift keying. In QPSK two carriers of
same frequency which are orthogonal to each other are used
for transmission of two bit at a time with equal bandwidth
and bit error rate to PSK [1].

In QPSK two bits are transmitted at a time, so there can be

four possible symbols 00,01,10 and 11.
Fig. 3. Constellation diagram of QPSK
2Eb π
S1(t) = TABLE I
Cos(2π ∗ f ∗ t + ), 0 ≤ t ≤ T (20)

2Eb Parameters Values

S2(t) = Cos(2π∗ f ∗ t + 3 ∗ π ), 0 ≤ t ≤ T (21) BASK BFSK BPSK QPSK
Tb 4 Power 0.039 W 0.040 W 0.040 W 0.042 W
Number of Occupied Slices 210 210 72 44
2Eb Number of 4-input LUTs 147 147 56 25
S3(t) = Cos(2π∗ f ∗ t + 5 ∗ π ), 0 ≤ t ≤ T (22) Number of bonded IOBs 90 90 60 9
Tb 4 Rise time of clock 9.309 ns 10.260 ns 9.801 ns 9.683 ns

S4(t) = Cos(2π∗ f ∗ t + 7 ∗ π ), 0 ≤ t ≤ T (23) II. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
Tb 4
There is set of orthonormal basis function 1(t)and2(t) and All the simulated modulation techniques take 32 bits inputs
is given by: as the parallel data input which is need to be transmitted and
one global system clock which runs every component present
2 in system. The ground level architecture of all modulation
Φ1(t) = ∗ Cos(2π ∗ f 1 ∗ t), 0 ≤ t ≤ T (24) techniques are illustrated through block diagram in Fig.4.
Tb The primary component of the architecture, the sinusoidal
signal generator has been simulated by deviating the register
Φ2(t) = 2 value continuously in periodic manner of deviation. Cosine
∗ Cos(2π ∗ f 2 ∗ t), 0 ≤ t ≤ T (25)
Tb and inverted sinusoidal signal can be made by adjusting
All the four symbols are represented in orthonormal signals the deviation and varying time period. At the initial stage
1(t)and2(t) as-
a parallel input serial output shift register [8] is employed
to convert the parallel data bits into serial stream Fig.4.
2Eb π Here the clock retained to the piso is slowed down using a
S1(t) = Cos(2π ∗ f ∗ t + ), 0 ≤ t ≤ T (26) Mod-32(5 bit) ripple carry counter [?] for achieving desired
Tb 4 bit duration length. So variable bit length can be achieved
from the method. For an example if global system clock of
S2(t) = Cos(2π∗ f ∗ t + 3 ∗ π ), 0 ≤ t ≤ T (27) 50 MHz(For SPARTAN 3AN) [9] and the frequency divider
Tb 4 counter is of Mod-32 than the bit duration length will be
about0.64 microseconds.
2Eb The further framework of architecture depends upon the
S3(t) = Cos(2π∗ f ∗ t + 5 ∗ π ), 0 ≤ t ≤ T (28) particular modulation techniques. The simulated waveforms
Tb 4
of above stated modulation techniques are shown . The major
trade off among power, speed and area [10] for all four
S4(t) = Cos(2π∗ f ∗ t + 7 ∗ π ), 0 ≤ t ≤ T (29) techniques are shown in Table. II-A.
Tb 4

Constellation diagram for QPSK is shown in below figure:


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International conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud)
(I-SMAC 2017)

Fig. 4. (a) Block Diagram for BASK Implementation (b) Block Diagram
for BPSK Implementation (c) Block Diagram for BFSK Implementation (d)
Block Diagram for QPSK Implementation

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Fig. 5. Simulated output of BASK

Fig. 6. Simulated output of BPSK

Fig. 7. Simulated output of BFSK

Fig. 8. Simulated output of QPSK

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International conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud)
(I-SMAC 2017)

All the above mentioned modulation techniques have been
simulated successfully. Proposed method of implementation
proved to be very resilient and efficient [11]. The architecture
used for the simulation purpose is mainly combinational
and therefore do not contribute much propagation delay
during simulation. The discussion and tabulation on power
consumption, propagation delay(speed) and different area
parameters i.e. piece of slice flip-flops, figures of 4 input
LUTs, statistics of occupied slices, total number of 4
input LUTs used, number of bonded IOBs etc. have been
accomplished. This whole simulation is tested for clock of
50 MHz frequency [12].

Future works includes simulation of more advance modu-

lation techniques such as Offset Quadrature phase shift key-
ing(OQPSK), Quadrature amplitude modulation(QAM), Min-
imum shift keying(MSK), Continuous phase frequency shift
keying(CPFSK) and more.
This work has been carried out under SMDP-C2SD project
funded by DeitY, Govt. of India in the Department of Electron-
ics and Telecommunication Engineering at National Institute
of Technology, Raipur, India. Authors are thankful to the
Ministry for the facilities provided under this project.
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