Staudt Et Al2013-Frontiers in Ecology And..... EXAMEN DOCTORADO
Staudt Et Al2013-Frontiers in Ecology And..... EXAMEN DOCTORADO
Staudt Et Al2013-Frontiers in Ecology And..... EXAMEN DOCTORADO
Ecosystems around the world are already threatened by land-use and land-cover change, extraction of natural
resources, biological disturbances, and pollution. These environmental stressors have been the primary source
of ecosystem degradation to date, and climate change is now exacerbating some of their effects. Ecosystems
already under stress are likely to have more rapid and acute reactions to climate change; it is therefore useful
to understand how multiple stresses will interact, especially as the magnitude of climate change increases.
Understanding these interactions could be critically important in the design of climate adaptation strategies,
especially because actions taken by other sectors (eg energy, agriculture, transportation) to address climate
change may create new ecosystem stresses.
ecosystems. In natural systems that are rela- (i) Direct effect of the climatic change
tively undisturbed by human activities, climate
change may increase susceptibility to additional Climatic change
Environmental Species, population,
(eg warming,
environmental stresses. Human responses to sea-level rise) (ii) Indirect effect stressor or ecosystem
(i) Climate change can directly affect species, (iv) Reduced water volume
Farmers warms more, favors
populations, and ecosystems. In this exam- increase water non-native species
ple, climate-induced increases in stream withdrawals for
temperature have a direct, negative impact (iii) Less water available to provide suitable habitat
Land-use and land-cover change Natural resources can be important ecosystem goods.
However, their extraction can cause severe stress to
Widespread LULCC in the US has affected the amount, species and ecosystems. Climate change can exacerbate
configuration, and quality of habitat and has altered these stresses, particularly if it further reduces the supply
hydrological and climatic regimes (Tilman et al. 2001). of a harvested resource. For example, a sufficient popula-
Habitat loss, degradation, and fragmentation are leading tion growth rate in targeted fish species is one factor rele-
causes of terrestrial biodiversity loss, impairment of vant to limiting fishery overexploitation. However,
ecosystem functioning, and associated declines in ecosys- changes to the physical environment, such as water tem-
tem services (IPCC 2007; Krauss et al. 2010). perature, can affect individual growth, survival, and
Climate change is likely to interact with LULCC in reproduction rates, and thereby rates of population
ways that further exacerbate these detrimental effects. replacement (Jonsson and Jonsson 2009). Likewise, water
For example, a recent meta-analysis of empirical studies withdrawals combined with climate change are projected
found that biodiversity was more likely to be negatively to have major effects on freshwater fish; for instance,
affected by habitat loss in areas where precipitation rates Xenopoulos et al. (2005) projected that 25% of rivers
could lose more than 22% of fish species by 2070 due to may result in new fishing grounds in arctic regions. In some
the combined effects of increased water withdrawal and cases, forest harvest can result in localized cooling, coun-
climate change. For three out of the four rivers examined teracting climate-induced increases in air temperature
in the US, the combined effects of climate change and (Gibbard et al. 2005). One study found higher levels of but-
water withdrawal were notably greater than the effect of terfly diversity adjacent to irrigated fields, suggesting that
climate change alone (Xenopoulos et al. 2005). irrigation may mitigate the water-limitation effects of cli-
Resource extraction may also make ecosystems more vul- mate change in ecosystems adjacent to agricultural fields
nerable to climate change. The overharvesting of forests, (González-Estébanez et al. 2011).
for example, has the dual effect of causing local environ-
mental damage that can decrease the resilience of an Biological disturbance
ecosystem to climate change and potentially compounding
the magnitude of climate change itself by releasing stored Biological disturbances include invasion by non-native
C into the atmosphere (Hansen and Hoffman 2011). species that have a competitive advantage, allowing them
Furthermore, deforestation can lead to local warming and to spread rapidly; emergence of pest species that have
reductions in rainfall that can exacerbate climate impacts expanded their range or are better able to survive milder
(Lawrence and Chase 2010). Despite the predominantly winters; and disease outbreaks, whether novel, reoccur-
negative interactions between natural resource extraction ring, or introduced. Climate change will likely affect the
and climate change, some interactions could have a posi- severity, timing, and location of biological disturbances,
tive impact or might make new resources available; for as well as limiting the ability of the ecosystem to recover
example, retraction of ice cover and earlier thaw in spring following such an event.
498 Climate change is expected to exacerbate the impacts ability for a species or induce other habitat changes that
of many introduced plant and animal species. Evidence are less favorable to its spread (Slenning 2010).
suggests that some of these species have already
responded to recent changes in the atmosphere and to Pollution
climate (Walther et al. 2009), and future changes are
likely to increase the ranges of several invasive plant Climate change may magnify the adverse environmental
species across the US (Bradley et al. 2010), potentially effects of pollutants, including metals, pesticides, organic
expanding their impact. In particular, changes in fire material, nutrients, endocrine disruptors, and atmos-
regimes will affect interactions among native and non- pheric ozone (O3; Hansen and Hoffman 2011). It also
native species (Keith et al. 2008). Extreme climatic alters temperature, pH, dilution rates, salinity, and other
events that stress or kill native species are thought to environmental conditions that modify the availability of
temporarily increase communities’ susceptibility to inva- pollutants, the exposure and sensitivity of species to pol-
sion (Diez et al. 2012); these events are projected to lutants, and the transport patterns, uptake, and toxicity
become more frequent with climate change. Although of pollutants (Noyes et al. 2009).
climatic changes may have strong effects on species Climate change is affecting where and when pollutants
ranges in the future, changes in the extent of different are found in the environment. For example, changes in
habitat types within a region have the potential to exert transport patterns, such as currents, wind, and river flows,
as much or more influence over the abundance of some may enable environmental pollutants to accumulate in
invasive plant species (Ibáñez et al. 2009). new places, exposing biota to risk in different habitats.
Climate change is also affecting the geographic ranges Some contaminants thought to be diminishing in concern,
and virulence of many pests, pathogens, parasites, and such as polychlorinated biphenyls, are being remobilized in
disease vectors, and enhancing their ability to spread. For the environment as a result of climate change. Persistent
example, climate-induced habitat change has expanded organic pollutants, deposited in glaciers during the period
the range of fungal pathogens that cause amphibian mor- of heavy use in the mid-20th century, are now being
tality (Pounds et al. 2006). The near-epidemic spread of released due to climate-induced ice melt (Blais et al. 2001).
pine and bark beetles in western US states (Bentz et al. Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) in western Antarctica,
2010) and the northward expansion of the oyster diseases for example, have continued to bioaccumulate DDT over
“MSX” and “dermo” to Nova Scotia (Ford and Smolowitz the past 30 years, most likely via DDT release from melting
2007) may also be linked to climate. On the basis of an glaciers (Geisz et al. 2008). Altered pH can make heavy
assumption of a 2˚C warming and changes in precipita- metals more biologically available in aquatic systems,
tion, Benning et al. (2002) found that extant Hawaiian thereby increasing their impact on the environment.
honeycreepers may be driven to extinction through the Climate change is also intensifying the effects of some
combined effects of climate change, introduced avian pollutants. Rising temperatures, for instance, can enhance
malaria (spread by introduced mosquitoes), and historical exposure to metals by increasing the respiration rates of fish
land-use changes. As warming continues, hemlock (Ficke et al. 2007). Higher temperatures resulted in greater
woolly adelgids (Adelges tsugae), insect pests that have mortality rates in metal-exposed ectotherms in 80% of the
killed many eastern hemlocks (Tsuga canadensis) in cases examined, largely associated with increased biological
recent years, are likely to expand their ranges northward uptake and accumulation of metals (Sokolova and Lannig
(Dukes et al. 2009). Climate-change impacts on pests may 2008). Higher temperatures can also exacerbate hypoxic
have cascading effects: projected increases in temperature conditions because warmer water holds less dissolved oxy-
could increase the frequency and severity of insect out- gen than cooler water and accelerates the bacterial decay of
breaks, and the resulting increase in tree mortality may in organic matter, which in turn consumes more oxygen
turn promote wildfires. (Rabalais et al. 2009). More frequent extreme rainfall
Forecasting changes in impacts from pests, pathogens, events can further exacerbate hypoxia by increasing the
or invasive plant species is often fraught with uncertain- runoff of nitrogen and phosphorus (P) into waterways.
ties beyond those associated with forecasting climate Finally, climate change may cause increases in some
change alone; often, too little is known about the cli- pollutants, most notably ground-level O3. Many regions
matic tolerances or responses of the species of concern to of the world are projected to have higher O3 concentra-
make confident projections under a given scenario tions by the end of the 21st century (Sitch et al. 2007).
(Dukes et al. 2009). Indeed, climate change may not Few studies have examined the potential consequences of
always increase the net impact of introduced species, and O3 pollution for biodiversity, and predictions are con-
some have argued it could be associated with the decline founded by interactions across trophic levels. However,
of pathogens, vectors, and hosts (Lafferty 2009). In areas reductions in wild plant productivity as a result of O3
that become climatically suitable for a new pest, exposure suggest that climate-induced enhancement of
pathogen, or host, other factors – such as competition, O3 concentrations could affect biodiversity (Wittig et al.
physical barriers, or predation – may still limit its range. 2009). Furthermore, ground-level O3 damage will likely
Furthermore, climate change may reduce climatic suit- offset some productivity gains in plants due to rising
Table 1. Examples of how climate change interacts with other ecosystem stressors and options for modifying con- 499
servation and management strategies to facilitate climate-change adaptation
Stress Climate-change interaction example Climate-change adaptation options
Habitat Many vernal pools in New Jersey coastal areas have To create new corridors for amphibians, New Jersey is
fragmentation been lost due to urbanization and development. identifying areas to create new vernal pools at elevations
and urban Projected sea-level rise would fragment habitat by above the projected sea-level rise and in places adjacent to
development inundating the migratory routes used by eastern tiger existing protected lands (USFWS and NOAA 2012).
salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum) and Cope’s gray
treefrog (Hyla chrysoscelis) (USFWS and NOAA 2012).
Fishery The North Sea populations of Atlantic cod (Gadus Fisheries management approaches such as harvest limits
exploitation morhua) have been severely depleted by over- and temporary closures should factor in how short- and
harvesting. Cod species recruitment is weakened long-term climate changes affect recruitment rates.
during warm years; thus, increasing temperature may
compromise a full recovery (Olsen et al. 2011).
Mining Metal and acid pollution can accumulate in nearby To be prepared for more extreme conditions, remediation
topsoil during dry spells and then be washed into efforts need to be designed to accommodate greater
streams during heavy rains, posing a danger to aquatic variability and shifting baseline conditions (Nordstrom
life. Climate change is lengthening dry summers in the 2009).
western US and bringing heavier rainfall, thereby
increasing the risk of polluted runoff (Nordstrom 2009).
Invasive Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) is invasive in arid and semi- Restoration efforts can be targeted in areas that are
species arid shrublands and grasslands of the Intermountain projected to become wetter and therefore less hospitable
West, areas that are expected to become more arid with for cheatgrass (Bradley 2009).
climate change. Cheatgrass also promotes fire, creating
a positive feedback cycle favoring further invasion,
the exclusion of native plants, and loss of carbon (Crowl
et al. 2008).
Disease Disease outbreaks in wildlife and humans caused by Monitoring diseases in locations that are becoming clima-
the bacteria Vibrio spp correspond with increased preci- tically favorable, for example at the northern and upper
pitation and rising ocean temperatures. Vibrio infections elevation limits, can provide insight into where diseases
in the US have increased since 2000, corresponding to are increasing in prevalence, inform efforts to control
the frequency and severity of extremes in temperature other stressors associated with disease spread (eg water
and precipitation (Martinez-Urtaza et al. 2010). pollution), and guide wildlife and public health interventions.
Nutrient Parts of Lake Champlain have elevated P levels and The EPA is now working to update the 2002 P Total
loading and have been experiencing dangerous and unsightly Maximum Daily Load for Lake Champlain to account
eutrophication cyanobacteria blooms in recent summers (Facey for the implications of climate change, such as altered
et al. 2012). Runoff of excess fertilizer from agricul- precipitation patterns and flow in the watershed
tural fields is a major source of P pollution and could (Zamudio 2011).
be exacerbated by climate-change-induced increases
in heavy rainfall events.
atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, thus reducing C stor- Reducing the impact of other stressors and increasing
age on land and possibly contributing further to climate the connectivity of fragmented landscapes are already
change (Sitch et al. 2007). important components of most climate-change adapta-
tion strategies (Stein et al. 2013). However, existing con-
n Implications for conservation, natural resource servation actions to address non-climate stressors may no
management, and research longer be sufficient to achieve desired outcomes (Hansen
and Hoffman 2011), particularly if they do not address
Consideration of the multifaceted context in which bio- interactions among stressors and among potential
diversity and ecosystems are being stressed will be critical response strategies. In many cases, available tools for
for informing and prioritizing conservation strategies and responding to a particular stressor will need to be modi-
natural resource management as climate change pro- fied to incorporate the effects of climate change, as illus-
gresses. A failure to account for interactions may result in trated in Table 1. For example, there have been many
the implementation of climate adaptation strategies that suggestions regarding how to locate, design, and connect
are at best inefficient and at worst harmful. Fortunately, terrestrial reserves to accommodate new climatic condi-
natural resource managers have considerable training and tions (Lawler 2009). Likewise, the regulations or policies
experience in addressing interacting environmental stres- that limit plant and animal harvest rates will probably
sors; this institutional knowledge can be applied to cli- need to be adjusted to reflect changes in distribution and
mate adaptation strategies as well. abundance resulting from changing climates. In other
500 cases, new management approaches might be required. For the University of Missouri, the USGS, the US Fish and
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