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IE 431.001 - Principles of Programmable Automation Course Syllabus: Fall 2013 MW 9:00 - 10:40AM Ag/IT 118A Fall 2013

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IE 431.

001 - Principles of Programmable Automation

Course Syllabus: Fall 2013
MW 9:00 – 10:40AM
Ag/IT 118A
Fall 2013

Instructor: Dr. Brent Donham

Department Head & Associate Professor
Department of Industrial Engineering & Technology
Office Location: Charles J. Austin Engineering & Technology Building, Room 119
Office Hours: Monday/Wednesday
8:00 – 9:00 AM or by appointment
Due to administrative responsibilities there will be times the instructor will not
be available during the scheduled office hours. Effort will be made to inform
students in advance when there will be a conflict. Instructor will be available
other times during the week by appointment.
Office Phone: 903-886-5474
Office Fax: 903-886-5960
University Email Address: Brent.Donham@tamuc.edu


Materials – Textbooks, Readings, Supplementary Readings:

Textbook(s) Required: Groover, M. P. (2008) Automation, Production Systems, and

Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 3rd Ed. Pearson Education.
ISBN 0-13-239321-2.

Required Materials: 1) Bound notebook, such as a composition notebook (Available at the

A&M-Commerce bookstore or any office supply store)
2) Scientific calculator

Reference Materials: American Psychological Association (APA). (2009). Publication Manual

of the American Psychological Association, 6th Ed.
ISBN 1-4338-0561-8.
Course Description:
Concepts, principles, and relationships of automated assembly devices, computer aided
drafting/design (CADD), computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), industrial robots, numerical
control (NC), industrial lasers, programmable logic controllers (PLCs), automated guided
vehicles (AGVs), flexible manufacturing systems (FMS), and computer- integrated
manufacturing (CIM). Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

Student Learning Outcomes:

Upon satisfactory completion of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Explain various reasons for employing automation in a manufacturing environment and
describe various applications.
2. Describe the basic function of a sensor and an actuator in an automated system and
give examples of both categories.
3. Select an appropriate sensor and/or actuator for a given automated application.
4. Describe the fundamentals of NC technology.
5. Use a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) and embedded microcontroller, to perform
specified control functions.
6. Describe the basic anatomy and attributes of an industrial robot.
7. Identify and distinguish the different components and interfaces in a Flexible
Manufacturing System.
8. Troubleshoot a system and take appropriate action(s) to resolve the issue(s).
9. Design an automated system to meet defined operational specifications.
10. Research and summarize a unique technology and/or application in the field of robotics
or automation.

Units of Study

Unit I – Introduction to Automation

• Basic principles and strategies of automation (Chapter 1)
• Overview of manufacturing operations (Chapter 2)
• Basic elements of an automated system (Chapter 4)
• Overview of industrial control systems (Chapter 5)
• Hardware components; sensors, actuators, ADC, DAC (Chapter 6)

Unit II – Automation and Process Control

• Logic control systems (Chapter 9)
• Programmable Logic Controllers (Chapter 9)
• Microcontrollers (Chapter 5)

Unit III – Robotics and Automated Manufacturing Systems

• Industrial robotics (Chapter 8)
• NC technology (Chapter 7)
• Flexible manufacturing systems (Chapter 19)
• Computer Integrated Manufacturing (Chapter 23)

Instructional / Methods / Activities Assessments

This course will be presented using formats that include lectures, discussions, laboratory
work, and/or group participation. Student participation and interaction is expected.

Homework/Class Assignments: 5% of total course grade

Student Learning Outcomes #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7

Problems from the textbook or other resources will be assigned to support the instructional
material. Students will apply theory and mathematical principles to solve applied
engineering problems.

Assessment Method: Points will be allocated to each homework / classroom assignment.

The total points per assignment will be based upon the number and complexity of the
problems. Assignments will be graded both for accuracy as well as demonstrated
knowledge of the topic being addressed. Students may work in groups to complete
assignments unless otherwise specified by the instructor.

Laboratories / Engineering Notebook: 20% of total course grade

Student Learning Outcomes #1, #2, #3, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9

Laboratory exercises will be assigned to support the instructional material. Students will
gain practical hands-on experience in the areas of plant development, analog-to-digital /
digital-to-analog conversion, logic control, embedded control, industrial robotics, and other
related automation applications. Students will accurately document their laboratory
experience through an engineering notebook.

Assessment Method: Points will be allocated to each laboratory based upon the
complexity of the exercise. The total points will include the required documentation in an
engineering notebook. Labs will be graded both for accuracy as well as demonstrated
knowledge of the topic being addressed. Students will work in groups of two or three
individuals to develop teamwork skills. Each group will keep an accurate record of the
laboratory projects in an engineering notebook. The notebook must be bound with page
numbers. The notebook should be used to record key meetings as well as ideas, results,
observations, references, and any other information related to a project. This includes all
design ideas and tests, whether they were successfully implemented or not.

Sufficient detail should be included, which would allow someone to replicate the
design and/or project with limited or no prior knowledge of the project.

Key Guidelines:
- Entries should be legible and made in ink.
- Entries should be made at the time the work is completed rather than taking notes on
scratch paper and transferring it at a later time.
- The first few pages should be reserved for the Table of Contents. The description
title and associated page number should be included separately for each entry made
in the notebook. Ensure the title of the entry is used in the Table of Contents.
- Date each entry in the notebook.
- Title each entry so it can be easily associated with a given project.
- For every entry, list each person who participated in the meeting, test, or effort being
documented. Ideally, each lab partner will initial and date following each entry but
this is not required as long as the individuals are clearly identified.
- Include all design iterations and tests, whether they were successfully implemented
or not. The notebook should be a history of the project not just a report on the
characteristics of the final product.
- Include descriptions of the equipment and/or software used in tests and/or analyses.
Software versions are critical as later versions may or may not perform in the exact
same manner.
- Line out errors, never erase.
- Include graphics, schematics, and tables as appropriate.

A format similar to the one shown in the following examples should be used for the Table
of Contents and journal entries, unless otherwise specified by the instructor. The
examples are intended to represent two random pages out of a notebook.
1 3
Table of Contents 1/15/10 Establish Work Objectives
(Name of employee, Name of supervisor)
Discussed potential projects for the internship. Five
Meeting with supervisor to establish objectives 3 projects, A, B, C, D, and E were considered Funding
Project A – mechanical specifications 3 for Project B will not be available until the middle of
Project C – project time lines 4 next month. The remaining projects meet internship
requirements but only 3 were needed so A, C, and D
were selected.
Project A: Project… Responsibilities include…
Project C: Project… Responsibilities include…
Project D: Project… Responsibilities include…

1/17/10 Project A Mechanical Specifications

(Name of individuals involved in effort)
Dimensions measured on the field unit.

1 in Crack identified on
3 in bottom right hand
R=0.5 corner of the piece
15 in R=0.8

Research Paper: 10% of total course grade

Student Learning Outcome #10

Each student must conduct research and write an original paper on a topic of their choice
related to industrial automation. The topic should not have been directly addressed in the
course and must be approved by the instructor.

Assessment Method: The research paper will be 11-12 double spaced pages in length,
including a title and reference page. The paper will be graded based on format, content,
and level of research.
Tests & Final Exam: 65% of total course grade
Student Learning Outcome #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7

Tests and a final exam will be used to asses a student’s knowledge and skills related to
industrial automation.

Assessment Method: Two tests and a final exam will be conducted. Test #1 will assess
the material / topics covered under Unit 1. Test #2 will assess the material / topics
covered under Unit 2. The final exam will be comprehensive and will assess material /
topics from all three units but with an emphasis on Unit 3. The tests and final exam will be
worth 100 points each. The tests will each account for 20% of the final grade and the final
exam will account for 25% of the final grade.


The final course grade will be based upon the following:

Assessments Grading Scale

Homework/Class assignments 5% 90 – 100 A
Labs/Engineering Notebook 20% 80 – 89 B
Research paper 10% 70 – 79 C
Test #1 20% 60 – 69 D
Test #2 20% <59 F
Final Exam 25%

All assignments are due one week from the day they were assigned unless specified
otherwise in the syllabus or by the instructor. Late work will not be accepted and a grade
of “0” will be assigned, unless prior arrangements are worked out with the instructor.
The instructor has the final decision on whether late work will be accepted. Late
penalties will be assessed to any approved late work.


The following technologies will be required for this course.

- Internet access / connection
- Microsoft Word
- Microsoft Excel

The following technologies will be provided and utilized in the course.

- MultiSIM
- BASIC Stamp Windows Editor version 2.4.2
- Boe-Bot Robotic kit
- CM-184 PLC Training System
- Industrial robotics
- NC / CNC machining tools

Interaction with Instructor Statement:

Outside of the classroom, email will be the primary communication tool. Students should
communicate with the instructor via email at the address provided in this syllabus. The
instructor will communicate with students via email through their myLeo email address.


Course Specific Procedures:

Academic Dishonesty
Texas A&M University-Commerce will not condone plagiarism in any form. Plagiarism
represents disregard for academic standards and is strictly against University policy.
Plagiarized work can result in a “0” on a given assignment(s) or an “F” for the course as
well as further administrative sanctions permitted under University policy. You may
discuss course work and other course materials with fellow students (except during tests),
but it is inappropriate to have another student do your course work or provide you with any
portion of it.
Guidelines for properly quoting someone else’s writings and the proper citing of sources
can be found in the APA Publication Manual. If you do not understand the term
“plagiarism”, or if you have difficulty summarizing or documenting sources, contact your
professor for assistance.

University Specific Procedures:

Students with Disabilities
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that
provides comprehensive civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other
things, this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning
environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you have
a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact:

Office of Student Disability Resources and Services

Texas A&M University-Commerce
Gee Library, Room 132
Phone (903) 886-5150 or (903) 886-5835
Fax (903) 468-8148

Student Conduct
All students enrolled at the University shall follow the tenets of common decency and
acceptable behavior conducive to a positive learning environment. (See Code of Student
Conduct from the Student Guide Handbook).
Students are expected to attend all class periods and to be prepared for each class.
Students are expected to refrain from any disruptive behaviors during class, which
includes but is not limited to working on assignments/projects from another course,
reading non-course materials, or using the computer for non-class purposes. Cell phones
and other electronic devices should be turned off during class.

Topic Assignment(s)
Week 1 Unit I – Introduction to Automation Reading: Chapt 1
- Course introduction Lab:
Week 2 - Manufacturing operations Reading: Chapt 2
Lab: New Plant Development
Case Study
Week 3 - Introduction to automation Reading: Chapt 4, 5 (p. 88-97)
- Introduction to industrial control systems Lab:
Week 4 - Sensors Reading: Chapt 6
- Actuators Lab: ADC / DAC Conversions
- Analog-to-Digital/Digital-to-Analog converters Assignment:
Week 5 - Analog-to-Digital/Digital-to-Analog converters Reading: Chapt 6
TEST #1 (Unit 1)
Week 6 Unit II – Automation and Process Control Reading: Chapt 9 (p. 250-257)
- Industrial Controllers Lab: Logic Control Ckts
• Logic control systems Assignment:
Week 7 - Industrial Controllers Reading: Chapt 9 (p. 250-257)
• Logic control systems Lab: Logic Control Ckts
Week 8 - Industrial Controllers Reading: Chapt 9 (p. 258-270)
• Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) Lab: Ladder Logic / PLCs
Week 9 - Industrial Controllers Reading: Chapt 9 (p. 258-270)
• Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) Lab: Ladder Logic / PLCs
Week10 - Industrial Controllers Reading: Chapt 5 (p. 97-111),
• Microcontrollers handouts
Lab: Embedded Control
Week 11 - Industrial Controllers Reading: Handouts
• Microcontrollers Lab: Embedded Control
Week 12 TEST #2 (Unit 2) Reading: Chapt 8
Unit III – Robotics and Automated Mfg Sys
- Industrial robotics
Week 13 - Industrial robotics Reading: Chapt 8
Lab: Industrial Robotics
Week 14 - NC Technology Reading: Chapt 7
Lab: NC Demonstration
Week 15 - Flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) Reading: Chapt 19, 23 (p.
- Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) 697-712)
Lab: CIM Demonstration
Week 16 Final Exam (Unit 1, 2, & 3)

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