Road Tunnel Projects in ASEAN Region
Road Tunnel Projects in ASEAN Region
Road Tunnel Projects in ASEAN Region
29 November 2017
29 November 2017 3
Part 1: Road Tunnel Projects
in ASEAN Region
1. Location Map of Road Tunnel Projects in ASEAN Region
1. List of Road Tunnel Projects
2. Location Map of Road Tunnel Projects in ASEAN Region
3. Road Tunnel Projects in Colombia, South America
2.Outlines of Each Road Tunnel Projects
1.Comparison of Road Tunnel Projects
2.Completed Road Tunnel Projects (1), Hai Van Tunnel
3.Completed Road Tunnel Projects (2), Ca Tunnel
3.Importance of Route Selection
1.Flow of Route Selection
2.Sample of Route Selection (1), Hai Van Tunnel
3.Sample of Route Selection (2), Ca Tunnel
4.Sample of Route Selection (3), Cu Mong Tunnel
5.Sample of Route Selection (4), Nagdhunga (Nepal)
4.Improved Traffic Safety by Road Tunnel
29 November 2017 4
Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers 43rd National Convention
Part 1: Road Tunnel Projects in ASEAN Region
1.1. List of Road Tunnel Projects
Length 1990 2000 2010 2020
No. Name Country Finance Phase
(m) 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
MT: 6,280 FS
1 Hai Van Tunnel Vietnam ET: 6,286 DD
AT: 1,888 TA
2 Danang Tunnel Vietnam 2@557 FS2
3 Ca Tunnel Vietnam 2@4,125 Private
4 Cu Mong Tunnel Vietnam 2@2,600 Private
5 Hai Van Tunnel (2) Vietnam MT: 6,286 Private
7 Davao Tunnel Phillipines 2@2,250 TA
8 Tipo Tunnel Phillipines 100 TA
Pong Taung 2@4,000
10 Myanmar ODA DD
Pong Nya Taung 2@2,000
12 Trans Jakarta Toll Road Tunnel Indonesia 2@3,030 GOJ (MLIT) PFS
13 Payakumbul Indonesia 2@7,000 BPJT DD
15 Nagdhunga Tunnel Nepal 2@2,688 TA
PFS: Pre Feasibility Study DD: Detaild Design CS: Construction Supervision
FS: Feasibility Study TA: Tender Assistance AD: Advisory Service
29 November 2017 5
Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers 43rd National Convention
Part 1: Road Tunnel Projects in ASEAN Region
1.2. Location Map of Road Tunnel Projects in ASEAN Region
1, 2, 5 6
4 8
9 3
Mountainous Local
Government starts
32 road tunnel
Seven tunnels are
longer than 5km,
three are longer
than 10km.
Construction of long
road tunnel is
general trend in
regions in the world.
29 November 2017 8
Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers 43rd National Convention
Part 1: Road Tunnel Projects in ASEAN Region
2.1. Comparison of Road Tunnel Projects
Hai Van Ca Cu Mong Davao Nagdhunga
Country Vietnam Vietnam Vietnam Philippines Nepal
Stg-1: Open in Jun 2005
Under Construction Under D/D Under D/D
Status Stg-2: Under Construction Open in Aug 2017
Open in 2019 Open in 2023 Open in 2023
Open in 2020
NB 6,280 NB 2,240 2,688
Tunnel Length (m) 2@4,125 2@2,600
SB 6,292 SB 2,249 (2-way traffic)
Design Speed (km/hr) 80 80 80 60 80
Stg-1: Japanese ODA Japanese ODA Japanese ODA
Finance Stg-2: Vietnamese Private
Vietnamese Private Vietnamese Private
Project Cost (Million USD) 160 120 200 100 210
(Inc.l Approach Roads) (for All works) (for Tunnel works) (for All works) (for Package-I) (for All works)
D/D Consultant Japan (NK) Japan (NK) Japan (NK) Japan (NK) Japan (NK)
Civil: Japan (NK)
C/S Consultant Japan (NK)
EM: Vietnam
Vietnam Not Selected Japan (NK)
CVW: Japan/Korea/Vietnam
Contractors EMW: Finland/Japan Vietnam Vietnam Not Selected Not Selected
OMV: Japan
Stg: Stage, D/D: Detailed Design, C/S Construction Supervision, SB/NB: South/North Bound, NK: Nippon Koei Co., Ltd.
CVW: Civil Works, EMW: Electrical and Mechanical Works, OMV: Operation and Maintenance Vehicles
29 November 2017 9
Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers 43rd National Convention
Part 1: Road Tunnel Projects in ASEAN Region
2.1. Comparison of Road Tunnel Projects
Hai Van Ca Cu Mong Davao Nagdhunga
Tunnel Length (m) S6,280/N6,292 2@4,125 2@2,600 S2,249/N2,240
(2-way traffic)
Design Speed (km/hr) 80 80 80 60 80
Internal Clearance Stg 1 (0.75+)8.20
(1+)1.25+3.75+3.75+1.25 (1+)8.75 (1+)8.75
Cross Sectional (m) (0.75+)0.75+3.35+3. 0.5+3.5+1.5+3.5+0.5
(1+)8.75 (1+)1+3.5+3.5+0.75 (1+)1+3.5+3.5+0.75
(Inspection Gallery) Stg 2 35+0.75
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Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers 43rd National Convention
Part 1: Road Tunnel Projects in ASEAN Region
2.2. Completed Road Tunnel Projects (1), Hai Van Tunnel
National Highway No.1
(Pass Road 22km)
Ventilation Facilities
1) 3@ Electrostatic Precipitator (EP)
2) 23@ Jet Fan
3) 1@ Supply & Exhaust Fans
Ventilation Measurements
1) VI Meters
2) CO Meters
3) Anemometers
5 June 2005
Tunnel Opening
29 November 2017 19
Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers 43rd National Convention
Part 1: Road Tunnel Projects in ASEAN Region
2.3. Completed Road Tunnel Projects (2), Ca Tunnel
North Portal
21 August 2017
Tunnel Opening
South Portal
(South Portal)
29 November 2017 20
Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers 43rd National Convention
Part 1: Road Tunnel Projects in ASEAN Region
2.3. Completed Road Tunnel Projects (2), Ca Tunnel
500 500
0 350
800 287 280 2210
1000 1000 7000 750 750 7000 1000 1000
500 500 3500 3500 500250 250500 3500 3500 500 500
800 280
2.0% 2.0%
11600 18400 11600
29 November 2017 24
Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers 43rd National Convention
Part 1: Road Tunnel Projects in ASEAN Region
3. Importance of Route Selection
3.1 Flow of Route Selection
Category Sub-category
Terrain classification
Alignment Alignment type
Design standards
Type of Major Structures
Required Clearances
Construction Materials
Access arrangements
Problematic rocks
Problematic soils
Geotechnical Landslides
General founding conditions
Slope materials
Natural drainage pattern
High water levels
Bridge locations
Tunnel locations (Geohydrology)
Land use
Population distribution
Water resources
Water quality
Sensitive habitats
Protected/reserved areas
29 November 2017 25
Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers 43rd National Convention
Part 1: Road Tunnel Projects in ASEAN Region
3. Importance of Route Selection
3.2 Sample of Route Selection (1), Hai Van Tunnel
Route alternatives,
especially between
2D and 3A, had been
discussed for long.
Finally the strong
typhoon proved
“Less Portal is Less
Risk in Operation”
by causing several
landslide along the
pass road and
closed it for 2 weeks.
29 November 2017 26
Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers 43rd National Convention
Part 1: Road Tunnel Projects in ASEAN Region
3. Importance of Route Selection
3.3 Sample of Route Selection (2), Ca Tunnel
Tunnel become 215m
longer, however the
overall safety is improved
and construction cost is
much reduced.
Feasibility Study (L=3,900m) Detailed Design (L=4,125m) Reason & Modifications
Consider hydrology
Shift the portal location 250m
westwards at the ridge from in the
North Portal
Increase the construction and
operation safety
Reduce the construction cost.
29 November 2017 27
Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers 43rd National Convention
Part 1: Road Tunnel Projects in ASEAN Region
3. Importance of Route Selection
3.4 Sample of Route Selection (3), Cu Mong Tunnel
Final alignment is
decided to avoid the
identified fault zones.
29 November 2017 28
Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers 43rd National Convention
Part 1: Road Tunnel Projects in ASEAN Region
3. Importance of Route Selection
3.5 Sample of Route Selection (4), Nagdhunga (Nepal)
29 November 2017 31
Part 2: On-going Detailed Design
of Davao
1. Project Location Map
Bypass Tunnel
2. Project Objectives
3. Updated Traffic Demand
4. Tunnel Location
5. Tunnel Design Criteria
6. Typical Cross Section
1. Required Internal Clearance
2. Type of Cross Section
3. Typical Cross Section (DIII)
4. Typical Cross Section (Lay-by)
5. Typical Cross Section (Cross Passages)
7. Tunnel Plan
8. Tunnel Profile
9. Tunnel Drainage
10.Tunnel Water-proof Method
11.Tunnel Facilities
12.Construction Method
13.Project Implementation Schedule
29 November 2017 32
Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers 43rd National Convention
Part 2: On-going Detailed Design of Davao Bypass Tunnel
1. Project Location Map
29 November 2017 33
Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers 43rd National Convention
Part 2: On-going Detailed Design of Davao Bypass Tunnel
2. Project Objectives
West East
Area Area West East
Area Area
Schematic Urban Structure with Bypass Possible Traffic Diversion to New Bypass
Improve the transport logistics and mitigate congestion in Davao City center
Contribute to economic and social development of Mindanao
Unite the west and east side communities, where being development, which
are currently separated by the mountain.
Provide Transfer of Technology for Tunnel Construction
29 November 2017 34
Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers 43rd National Convention
Part 2: On-going Detailed Design of Davao Bypass Tunnel
3. Updated Traffic Demand (2030)
Note: Note:
Traffic Volume will not divert Traffic Volume will divert
much to the Bypass after much (about double) to the
Opening in 2022 since it Bypass after Opening in 2022
reaches to traffic capacity of since 4-lane bypass has
the 2-lane road. traffic capacity.
Road-4 Lanes
Image of Tunnel South Portal Main Tunnel (2-lanes) Main Tunnel (2-Lanes)
29 November 2017 ( South bound) ( North bound) 36
Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers 43rd National Convention
Part 2: On-going Detailed Design of Davao Bypass Tunnel
5. Tunnel Design Criteria
No. Item Description Standard
Double tube tunnel;
1 Traffic and Number of tunnel tube DGCS: Vol. 4 2015
One way traffic by 2- lanes in one tube.
South bound; L=2,249 m
2 Length
North bound; L=2,240 m
3 Lane width 3.35m DGCS: Vol. 4 2015
4 Vertical clearance 5.0 m DGCS: Vol. 4 2015, P. 3-81
0.55 m DGCS: Vol. 4 2015, P. 3-65
5 Width of shoulder
0.75 m JP standard
6 Width of side walk 0.50 m DGCS: Vol. 4 2015, P. 3-81
7 Width of maintenance walk 0.75 m JP standard
0.70 m DGCS: Vol. 4 2015, P. 3-81
8 Height of maintenance walk
0.90 m JP standard
9 Maximum gradient 3.0% JP standard
10 Minimum gradient 0.5% JP standard
11 Vertical clearance of maintenance walk 2.00 m JP standard
29 November 2017 37
Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers 43rd National Convention
Part 2: On-going Detailed Design of Davao Bypass Tunnel
6. Typical Cross Sections
29 November 2017 38
Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers 43rd National Convention
Part 2: On-going Detailed Design of Davao Bypass Tunnel
6.1. Required Internal Clearance
Jet Fan Φ1,250
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Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers 43rd National Convention
Part 2: On-going Detailed Design of Davao Bypass Tunnel
6.3. Typical Cross Section (DIII)
29 November 2017 40
Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers 43rd National Convention
Part 2: On-going Detailed Design of Davao Bypass Tunnel
6.4. Typical Cross Section (Lay-by)
29 November 2017 41
Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers 43rd National Convention
Part 2: On-going Detailed Design of Davao Bypass Tunnel
6.5. Typical Cross Section (Cross Passages)
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Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers 43rd National Convention
Part 2: On-going Detailed Design of Davao Bypass Tunnel
7. Tunnel Plan
29 November 2017 43
Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers 43rd National Convention
Part 2: On-going Detailed Design of Davao Bypass Tunnel
8. Tunnel Pfofile
Approx. 40 m
South Portal
North Portal
No Explosive Excavation
Mechanical Excavation is Possible
29 November 2017 45
Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers 43rd National Convention
Part 2: On-going Detailed Design of Davao Bypass Tunnel
10. Tunnel Water-proof Method
Summary of Tunnel Waterproofing Material
Support Type Materials Thickness
EVA with t = 0.8 mm
Unwoven cloth t = 3.0 mm
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Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers 43rd National Convention
Part 2: On-going Detailed Design of Davao Bypass Tunnel
11. Tunnel Facilities (1/2)
Cabinet A/B
Emergency Telephone
Emergency Push Button
CCTV Fixed Camera
Jet Fans
Tunnel Lighting
Static Signal
Loud Speaker
Maintenance Walkway
Emergency Signal
Entrance of
Cross Passage
LV: 460V
Substation 3
No Explosive Excavation
Mechanical Excavation is Possible
Strengthened by 2nd
by steel ribs
29 November 2017 49
Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers 43rd National Convention
Part 2: On-going Detailed Design of Davao Bypass Tunnel
12. Construction Method (2/2)
Portal Construction(Example)
All Ground Fasten (AGF) Method Forepoling Method with Short Steel Pipe or Steel Bars (3 or 6m)
29 November
The above Auxiliary methods are often combined with Chemical Grouting 50
Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers 43rd National Convention
Part 2: On-going Detailed Design of Davao Bypass Tunnel
13. Project Implementation Schedule P.5
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Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers 43rd National Convention
29 November 2017