GAD Action Plan
GAD Action Plan
GAD Action Plan
Department of Education
Schools Division Office of Olongapo City
Gender Issue GAD Result Expected GAD Activity Output GAD Budget Source of Person
GAD Mandate Statement/Objective Participants Performance Budget Responsible
Indicators and
To protect and Limited To increase the --30 personnel Conduct Conduct of P250 x 60 School GAD School Head
promote the right of opportunity to level of awareness series of seminar/worksh pax x 3 days Fund GAD Focal
every Filipino to learn about and understanding seminar ops on GAD = Php 45,000 Person
quality , equitable, GAD of TSHS students -30 student /workshops Guidance
culture-based and and core and personnel on leaders on Gender Counselor
complete basic messages GAD concepts, Sensitivity
education where issues, and with
students learn in a : concerns and laws integration of
Child on women VAW laws
Friendly and Anti
Gender Sexual
sensitive Harassment
Safe and Act for
motivating student
environment leaders and
Lack of Action To conduct action Use of the -Conduct of 5,000.00 School GAD School Head
research to research on gender scientific Research Fund GAD Focal
address issues in TSHS process to Forum to person
gender issues find causes identify GAD Guidance
and concerns and issues related issues Counselor
in school raised -Completed
communiity action research
identified in
school issues
Persuasive To increase Students Program Campaign 5,000.00 Canteen School Head
stereotyping awareness of pupils campaign on program thru Fund School GAD
on (male and female) male and fliers, brcchures Focal person
male/female on their roles in female and tarpaulins Teachers
and their school community dominated Guidance
abilities and and academics to workshops Counselor
capacity as eradicate among SSG Officers
pupils stereotyping students
Organization –Focused
Need to strengthen Lack of To strengthen -School Conduct GFPS members 5,000.00 School GAD School Head
and build capacity capacity of capcacity of GAD Personnel training on trained on Fund GAD Focal
of TSHS personnel GAD FPS on FPS to gender Gender gender Person
on GAD issues Gender mainstream the Mainstreamin sensitivity and
Mainstreaming SBES Organization g and GAD gender
Planning and awareness,
Budgeting Gender
(GPB) mainstreaming
and GPB
attendance of
members to
GAD related
sponsored by
Need to document Absence of To document and Prompt 1 GAD 5,000.00 Canteen School Head,
GAD Efforts systematic publish GAD efforts documentatio accomplished Fund GAD Focal
documentation in TSHS n of all GAD report published Person
of GAD efforts activities School Paper
Organization Advisor
of all GAD Guidance
activities Counselor
Publication of
Total 65,000.00