BSBWHS401 Risk Management Procedures PDF
BSBWHS401 Risk Management Procedures PDF
BSBWHS401 Risk Management Procedures PDF
In accordance with the BizOps Enterprises risk management policy, these procedures describe the
organisation’s standard process for risk management, including:
1. Risk identification
2. Risk rating
3. Risk controls
A standard approach to risk management allows risks to be correctly prioritised across all of BizOps’s
The risk management policy committee oversees risk management and implementation on behalf of
the board and the Chief Executive Officer.
All BizOps employees are responsible for applying risk management principles and practices in their
work areas. Management is responsible for ensuring risk management principles are applied.
A risk to BizOps is any event or action that could have a negative impact on the organisation. This
includes events that could lead to:
• death or injury
• financial loss to BizOps
• damage to BizOps’s reputation or adverse media coverage
• damage to the physical environment, including land, water or air quality
• failure to meet regulatory or legislative requirements.
Risk identification is a structured approach to identifying the events that, if they were to occur, could
have a negative impact on the organisation.
2. Risk rating
Risk rating is a process to analyse and understand each of the risks, including understanding what
causes the risk to occur and what controls are already in place to manage the risk. Risk assessment
also determines:
• how severe a potential impact could be
• the likelihood of the organisation being negatively impacted in this way.
Once the potential impact and likelihood have been assessed, the risk assessment process considers
whether the risk is acceptable to BizOps, or whether further treatments are required to reduce the
level of risk.
All identified risks shall be assessed to determine the overall ranking for the risk. Risks are ranked in
the following four categories:
• Extreme
• High
• Medium
• Low
All risks within BizOps are ranked using a common scale that assesses:
• the potential consequences if the risk were to occur
• the likelihood of BizOps being impacted in that way.
A common approach to risk ranking is necessary to ensure that the largest risks to BizOps can readily
be identified and risk management can be prioritised in a way that has the greatest overall benefit to
the organisation.
The following tables show how the consequences and likelihood of risks are assessed.
Consequence table
Reputation/market Isolated complaints Adverse capital Loss of market opportunity or Reputation damage or Will impact future
disruption from individuals; city/state media some loss of reputation; loss of major opportunity business operations in
minor local media coverage; ongoing adverse national media that has a major impact on catastrophic way;
coverage complaints attention BizOps’s operations continuous public
Regulatory and Minor breaches by Organisational Penalties for breach of Act or Major fines for breaches; Severe fines and/or
legislative individual staff breach legislation; third-party claims multiple third-party claims prison sentences
Environmental Brief spill incident Minor onsite spill Release of pollutant or Large spill or Long-term environmental
contained onsite incident; pollutant environmental incident; environmental incident damage with ongoing
with no contained and moderate environmental harm and significant associated liabilities and/or possible
environmental harm cleaned up cost EPA closure for
immediately undisclosed period
Safety Treated with first Medical attention Hospital treatment and ongoing Hospital treatment and Loss of a life
aid required rehabilitation possible serious
permanent injury
Likelihood rating is based on the number of times within a specified period that a risk may
occur either as a consequence of business operations or through failure of operating
systems, policies or procedures.
Rating Description Probability
The risk rank is determined by combining the consequence and likelihood as shown as
Level of Level of impact
1 2 3 4 5
(Insignificant) (Minor) (Moderate) (Major) (Catastrophic)
A (Expected)
Medium Medium High Extreme Extreme
B (Probable)
Medium Medium Medium High Extreme
C (Possible)
Low Medium Medium High High
D (Improbable)
Low Low Medium Medium High
E (Rare)
Low Low Low Medium Medium
Assessing likelihood
When assessing likelihood, it is important to note that the likelihood score for a risk needs to
reflect the likelihood of the consequence occurring, rather than the likelihood of the risk
For example, there may be a risk that staff are injured as a result of a fire emergency. The
consequences of a fire may range from a relatively minor injury to death, depending on the
circumstances of the fire.
Consequence: Moderate
Consequence: Major
Consequence: Catastrophic
Overall it is clear that this risk would be considered to be Medium to High. To highlight the
serious nature of the risk, it would therefore be appropriate to give this risk the risk scoring
that shows the High risk rating, and therefore score this risk with a consequence of
Catastrophic and a likelihood of Possible.
3. Risk controls
Controls represent a whole range of actions, measures and strategies taken by management
and employees to eliminate or reduce risks. The process of determining risk controls
includes assessing the consequences and likelihood of the risk and evaluating how to treat
the risk. This could include:
• avoiding the risk
• mitigating the risk
• transferring the risk
• accepting the risk.
A process should then be followed to identify efficient and effective ways to mitigate the risk.
This can occur by either:
• removing the risk
• reducing the likelihood of the risk impacting BizOps
• reducing the consequences if the risk were to occur
• a combination of these approaches.
Risk monitoring and reporting involves a process of regular review to ensure that:
• new risks are identified and considered as they arise
• existing risks are monitored to identify any changes that may impact the organisation
• new risk controls are being implemented
• existing risk controls are still in place and working effectively
• information about risks is adequately communicated.
All risks rated as moderate, significant or high in the risk identification process will be
reviewed by the risk management policy committee regularly. This review will be via either:
• the risk manager reporting on new risks identified by staff during the course of their work
since the last committee meeting
• risk owners providing a report on the status of their assigned risk to the committee (see
• the risk manager reporting on reviews of the risk register following a Structured Risk
Identification Workshop each year, or any review of the risk register by the Executive.
The risk owner’s reports to the committee should outline that the risk controls are to indicate:
• causes of the risk
• implication of the risk with amendment to existing controls (if they exist)
• what any existing mitigating controls are
• what actions are being undertaken to put further controls in place, or maintain existing
controls, and by when
• who is responsible for ensuring the controls are in place.