Final Emergency Medicine En-1
Final Emergency Medicine En-1
Final Emergency Medicine En-1
68 of 18 June 2015
Language English
Assessment criteria and methods of Students are assessed based on attendance and participation in
evaluating achieved objectives of classes, obtaining skills is confirmed in the book called “List of
education Approved Procedures”
The final exam:
Semester 11, 12
The form and conditions for passing the Module passing requires fulfilling the following conditions:
module, including the requirements to 1. attendance in classes
be admitted to the examination, to be 2. active participation in classes
given a credit, and also the form and
3. passing the final exam
conditions for passing classes in a given
Training module content (with the Clinical classes - Practical occupational learning - 60 hours
division into teaching methods)
Students are assigned to one hospital emergency ward (SOR) for 2
weeks. Student’s duties are participation in all activities in A&E ward
and carrying out medical procedures according to the list and
principles written in the book called “List of Approved Procedures “