Revisions To The Canadian Emergency Department Triage and Acuity Scale Implementation Guidelines
Revisions To The Canadian Emergency Department Triage and Acuity Scale Implementation Guidelines
Revisions To The Canadian Emergency Department Triage and Acuity Scale Implementation Guidelines
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3 authors, including:
Michael Bullard
University of Alberta
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
All content following this page was uploaded by Michael Bullard on 06 June 2014.
From the *Royal Victoria Hospital, Barrie, Ont., and McMaster University, Hamilton, Ont.; the †University of Alberta Hospital, University of
Alberta, Edmonton, Alta.; and ‡St. Paul’s Hospital, Vancouver, BC, and the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
§See Appendix 1 for the list of CTAS National Working Group members.
La version française de cet énoncé est disponible sur le site web de l’ACMU; et sera publié dans le numéro de janvier 2005 du JCMU.
Endorsed by the Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians (CAEP), the National Emergency Nurses Affiliation (NENA), l’Association des
médecins d’urgence du Québec (AMUQ), the Canadian Paediatric Society (CPS) and the Society of Rural Physicians of Canada (SRPC).
to patient throughput are often beyond ED control. The Initial versus reassessment triage acuity level
CTAS NWG believes that the focus should shift to the The triage assessment and triage acuity level assigned by
timely reassessment of patients waiting to be seen, to en- the triage nurse at the first patient encounter is defined as
sure that unavoidable delays are safe. the CTAS triage level. This initial triage level is based on
Lastly, there is a need to develop a national strategy to the nurse’s assessment of acuity and helps determine the
educate those using the CTAS to improve standardization urgency with which this patient requires care relative to the
and reliability and validity. The timing of this educational other patients waiting to be seen. It also determines the
development dovetails nicely with the revisions to the recommended frequency of reassessment while the patient
guidelines. is waiting. This initial score cannot be changed. The triage
assessment is based on time-limited information. It is not a
Methods final diagnosis; the patient’s condition may improve or de-
teriorate over time.
The experience gained from the development of the pedi- The goal of triage is to identify the patients who need to
atric CTAS (PaedCTAS)12 conceptual framework and edu- be seen first and those who can safely wait. ED waiting
cation program was used to develop an education program times have been increasing, and even those patients triaged
for CTAS use with adult patients. A pilot of this program as CTAS Level II are sometimes required to wait for long
was delivered to a group of nurse educators and nurse periods before being seen because ED beds are not avail-
triage experts in Toronto in December 2003. Their evalua- able. This reality is a major reason for the emphasis on pa-
tions and feedback were used by the CTAS National Edu- tient reassessments in these revised guidelines. It is impor-
cation Subcommittee, which met in January 2004, to im- tant that the patient or their caregiver be instructed to
prove the education program and enhance and increase the contact the triage nurse if the presenting condition worsens
objectivity of the triage process. while the patient is in the waiting area. The safety of wait-
To improve the reliability of the CTAS, the group fo- ing is a shared responsibility between the patient and the
cused on the relative importance and use of the presenting triage nurse. The recommended reassessment time inter-
complaint, vital signs, pain scales and mechanism of injury vals are the same as those in the original guidelines:
in the triage decision. Definitions were agreed upon, the
comprehensiveness of the CEDIS Presenting Complaint • Level I patients should have continuous nursing care
List was reviewed and recommendations were developed • Level II every15 minutes
for the CTAS NWG. Members of the CTAS and CEDIS • Level III every 30 minutes
NWGs were asked to review this before the June 2004 • Level IV every 60 minutes
meeting. The members of these groups represent nurses and • Level V every 120 minutes.
physicians experienced in both pediatric and adult ED
triage and ED information systems, and who are familiar The extent of the reassessment depends on the presenting
with the CEDIS Presenting Complaint List. complaint, the initial triage level and any changes identi-
At the June meeting, 3 subgroups reviewed the CEDIS fied by the patient.
Presenting Complaint List and matched each complaint to Prolonged wait times and the need to warehouse admit-
CTAS acuity levels using the criteria of presenting com- ted patients in the ED often lead to significant changes in
plaint, vital signs, pain scales, mechanism of injury and patient acuity. The same acuity scale may be applied at
other modifiers. The group discussed the recommendations the time of reassessment to establish a “reassessment
of the subgroups and developed a consensus agreement on acuity level,” which should be recorded on the triage
the changes to the CTAS National Guidelines and modifi- record (not altering the initial triage score) as well as any
cations to the CEDIS Presenting Compliant List. action taken. The patient’s status may change because of
changing modifiers associated with the presenting com-
Results and discussion plaint or because the presenting complaint has actually
changed. Should acuity increase upon reassessment, the
The complete revised CTAS document with each CEDIS order of priority of the patients waiting in the ED may
presenting complaint and corresponding CTAS level based change. This demonstrates that the process of triage and
on first- and second-order modifiers can be found at the acuity assignment is dynamic and should involve multi-
Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians Web site ple reassessments and possible reassignments of a CTAS
( acuity level.
Presenting complaint and first- and second-order tion of the acuity level. In fact, the original guidelines on
modifiers how soon a patient should be seen were, in part, based on
The patient’s presenting complaint remains the primary de- the presence of abnormal vital signs. The CTAS NWG
terminant of the CTAS acuity level. This level, however, has grouped abnormal vital signs under the following cat-
can be altered by the application of specific objective first- egories to help in the assignment of CTAS acuity levels:
and second-order modifiers. The CEDIS Presenting Com- hemodynamic stability, hypertension, temperature, level
plaint List is the foundation upon which the revised CTAS of consciousness and degree of respiratory distress.
guidelines have been developed.
Most presenting complaints can be modified by first-order Hemodynamic stability: Patients with abnormal circula-
modifiers — vital signs, pain scales and mechanism of injury tory vital signs may be assigned CTAS Level I (unstable)
— and by chronicity of the complaint. Chronic recurring or CTAS Level II (potentially unstable). Level I patients
complaints of well recognized problems or acute complaints show signs of shock with evidence of hypoperfusion or of
where the symptoms have completely resolved may be as- progressive deterioration. Level II patients have abnormal
signed one level of acuity lower. For example, patients with vital signs without signs of hypoperfusion or hemody-
abdominal pain or headache with normal vital signs may be namic compromise and without evidence of progressive
assigned a CTAS Level of II, III or IV on the basis of pain worsening (Table 1).
severity, and patients with a chronic or recurring problem of
similar severity may be given CTAS acuity Level III, IV or V. Table 1. CTAS level and hemodynamic stability
Temperature: An abnormal temperature, as it relates to • Oxygen saturation rate should not be used in isolation.
infectious illness or environmental exposure, may indicate • Two or 3 satisfactory efforts are needed to measure an
a reassessment of CTAS level, but age, outward appear- accurate peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR), and neither
ance (e.g., hyperdynamic state) and immunocompromised PEFR nor FEV1 (forced expiratory volume in 1 s) mea-
state must be taken into account (Table 3). surements are helpful in estimating acuity in patients
with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
Table 3. Temperature and CTAS level • Race- and gender-specific tables should be used.
Temperature, age, condition CTAS level • Whenever possible, individual patient baseline PEFR
values should be used to calculate their percentage pre-
Low temperature
0–3 mo (<36°C) II
dicted at triage.
>3 mo (≤31°C) II
>3 mo (32°–35°C) III Table 4. Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score and CTAS
Elevated temperature
0–3 mo (>38°C) II GCS
score Description CTAS level
3 mo to 3 yr (>38.5°C)
Immunocompromised* II 3–9 Unconscious: unable to protect I
Looks unwell II airway, response to pain or loud noise
only and without purpose (i.e.,
Looks well III
abnormal posturing or withdrawal
>3 yr (>38.5°C) activity), continuous seizure or
Immunocompromised* II progressive deterioration in level of
Looks unwell† (use other modifiers) II or III consciousness
Looks well‡ (use other modifiers) III or IV 10–13 Altered level of consciousness: II
Adults ≥16 yr (>38.5°C) response inappropriate to verbal
Immunocompromised* II stimuli (localizes to pain only or
Looks septic (hemodynamic compromise) II confused/garbled speech); loss of
orientation to person, place, or time
Looks unwell† III (confusion); new impairment of
Looks well‡ IV recent memory (amnesia); altered
*Neutropenia, transplant, steroids. behaviour (agitation, restlessness)
†Fever and looks unwell (CTAS level III) means looks flushed, is in a hyperdynamic
state (rapid, bounding pulse with a widened pulse pressure) and is anxious, 14–15 Other modifiers should be used to III–V
agitated or confused. define level
‡ Fever and looks well (CTAS level IV) means looks comfortable, in no distress, with
normal pulse quality, and is alert and oriented.
Pain severity determination Pain scales rely on patient self-reporting, which is very
The following assumptions should be made when assess- subjective. The CTAS NWG recommends that a consistently
ing pain severity in association with CTAS level: applied and accepted pain scale (such as a 10-point Likert
• certain pain locations are more likely to predict life- scale or 10-cm visual analog scale) be used at triage and that
threatening conditions; the same scale be used for reassessment. Patients may over-
• severe pain may predict a more dangerous problem and or underestimate their pain depending on various factors; cul-
require more timely pain control and definitive inter- tural differences, fear and anxiety or expectations will influ-
ventions; ence the patient’s perception and self-reporting of pain.
• acute pain is more likely to be dangerous than chronic The triage nurse should apply a pain scale and record the
or recurrent pain. patient’s self-reported level of pain. When applying the
Central pain is defined as pain suspected to be originat- pain modifier to determine the final triage score, the triage
ing within a body cavity (head, chest, abdomen) or organ nurse should also consider objective observations. In gen-
(eye, testicle, deep soft tissues), possibly associated with eral, patients should display some physiologic changes as-
life- or limb-threatening conditions. Examples include is- sociated with their pain and appear to be in some degree of
chemic events (acute coronary syndrome, dissecting distress. Patients may have significant pain and deny it, yet
aneurysm, testicular torsion), expanding/obstructing events show overt signs of pain such as tachycardia, facial gri-
(glaucoma, bowel obstruction), irritant events (subarach- macing, distraction and remoteness. Conversely, a patient
noid hemorrhage, bowel perforation) and infectious events may report a high level of pain, yet exhibit no distress or
(necrotizing fasciitis, deep neck infections). physiologic changes. It is important that the triage nurse
Peripheral pain is defined as pain suspected of originat- record both personal observations and the patient’s pain
ing within the skin, soft tissues, axial skeleton or surface of score when arriving at a CTAS level.
superficial organs (eye, ear, nose). Examples include skin
lacerations and abrasions, contusions, fractures (wrist, ribs) Mechanism of injury
and foreign bodies (eye, ear, nose). The mechanism of injury can be used as a modifier, and it
Acute pain is of new onset (first time), whereas chronic alone can determine the CTAS level as Level II when there
pain is suggestive of a well recognized long-term or fre- is a high-risk mechanism. Abnormal vital signs associated
quently recurring pain syndrome that has not changed in pat- with injury are used to define Level I and Level II, and in
tern or nature to create concerns. For example, there is a clear those cases the mechanism of injury would add nothing.
difference in “risk’ and “need for intervention” between a pa- The mechanism of injury is important for stable patients at
tient who falls off a roof and presents with acute back pain (8 risk for a serious injury. High-risk mechanism of injury
out of 10) and the patient with chronic back pain who pre- victims are given a CTAS Level II (see Table 7, p. 426).
sents with the same pain score. The original guidelines in-
cluded these concepts but did not objectify them (Table 6). Other modifiers
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