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Trauma Nursing Core Course: Preparation Packet

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Florida’s Premier Provider Of Quality Medical Training Programs

Nationally Accredited and OSHA Programs

CEU Provider
Since 1988

Trauma Nursing Core Course

Preparation Packet
This course is sanctioned and overseen by the ENA. Reviewing the textbook and completing the online
modules are mandatory prior to entering the class. If you do not have the 8th edition textbook and certificate of
completion for the modules, you will not be allowed to attend the class. An active RN license is required for
certification. Those without an active RN license will not be allowed to test but will receive a certificate of
attendance upon completion of the online modules and class.

Unfortunately, once registration with EMC is complete, we are unable to issue refunds.

The ENA recommends a 30-day registration cut off time to give participants enough time to prepare. The
online modules take approximately 3 – 6 hours to complete.

The following pages will walk you through the procedure for completing the modules and testing.

* Phone (772) 878-3085 * Fax (772) 878-7909 * E-mail: info@medicaltraining.cc

597 SE Port St. Lucie Blvd * Port St Lucie, Florida 34984
Visit Our Website at MedicalTraining.cc
We want your experience to be low stress and educational. We have found it takes most people several weeks
to prepare prior to entering the course. Following the completion of the online modules, your skills will be
assessed in class. You will then have 7 days to complete the test online. You will have 2 hours to complete the
exam with an 80% or better. If you are unsuccessful on your first attempt, you will be allowed one retake. The
ENA charges a course fee for those who are unsuccessful or who do not complete the exam within 7 days.

TNCC 8th Edition Mandatory Course Work

*Important - Online Modules must be completed entirely in order to attend this course. We are unable to
provide refunds or re-schedule without a fee for anyone who fails to do so before the course date. The 8th
Edition TNCC Provider Manual is mandatory.

Step 1 - ENA Registration

1. You will be sent an email from enau@ena.org within two business days (See Screenshot Page 1)
2. Click the "Course Registration" link in this email
3. Log in or create an ENA account if you have not already done so
4. Select "Complete Registration"

Step 2 - Mandatory Online Modules

*For full instructions, please refer to the following pages (Pre-course Module Directions 2-4)
1. You will be sent a second email from enau@ena.org within 3 business days of completing your ENA
2. Click the link in this email
3. Login to your ENA account
4. You will be prompted to choose Class Type: Click on "Full Course (RN) and click select"
5. Click the TNCC/ENPC button on left side bar
6. Click the 1st Tile to begin and Complete all modules
7. Once the modules are completed, the full line will be green and the student is eligible for the live in-person
or virtual course led by the Course Director

Step 3 - Final Exam

After attending your TNCC course you will have 7 days to complete your final exam. You will receive an email
from the ENA with a link to the exam registration.
For full instructions, please refer to the following pages (Course Exam Directions 5-7)

1. Login to your ENA account

2. Click on the 2nd Tile to access and complete the course evaluation (Must be completed prior to accessing
3. Once this is complete the tile will turn green, and the learner will have access to their CE certificate
4. To start the exam, click the 3rd Tile "Course Exam"
5. Once the student has passed the exam, they will be able to view their Remediation Report. At this time, they
will also have access to their provider card
Important Notice
for Students

Thank you for registering for ENPC or TNCC!

To ensure successful completion of the course, please be aware of the following:

• Students will NOT be allowed to attend the class if the pre-course modules are incomplete.

• Technical assistance is ONLY available Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5pm Central Time.

• The flipped classroom teaching methodology used REQUIRES that students read the provider manual
PRIOR to class. This will greatly enhance your learning experience and chance for success on the

• The online examination MUST be completed within 7 days of the course – please make sure your
schedule will allow this. You will have 2 attempts to achieve an 80% on the exam. BOTH attempts must
be made within 7 days. If the course ends on a Tuesday, you have until the following Tuesday at 2359
to complete the exam.

• Email communications about the course will come from enau@ena.org

• Do NOT use Internet Explorer for the online modules or exam – this browser is no longer supported by

• For any technical issues with the online modules or exam, try the following:
o Clear your browser history/cache
o Use another browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge)
o Use another computer
o Contact Course Operations (Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 5pm Central Time)

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________

Emergency Nurses Association 930 E. Woodfield Road, Schaumburg, IL 60173 Course Operations: 800.942.0011 Email: CourseOps@ena.org Revision Date: August 2021
Student View in the LMS


Below are screen shots and directions to help you through the features of ENA’s new LMS. In this
document, you are referred to as a student.

Let’s get started!

Registering for the Course:

Your course director will send you a course registration link to the email address you provided them.
The email will be ‘sent from’ the email address ENAU@ENA.org. Click the registration link and you will
be prompted to log in. If you do not have an ENA account, you will need to create one.

Choosing Class Type:

You will then be prompted to choose your class type. The options listed are Full Course (RN), Fast
Track (RN) *TNCC only, Challenger (RN) and Full Course (Non-RN). Please check with your course
director if you are unsure what class type to choose.

Logging Back in After Registration:

If you are looking to access your modules, evaluation, or exam after registration you will need to log
back into our website. You can access your courses from your registration confirmation email, the
Access Your Courses link on our website, or directly from this link here.


After logging in, then click on the TNCC/ENPC button located on the left side bar. This will show you
any of your past or upcoming TNCC or ENPC courses and allow access to your pre-course modules,
course evaluation, and exam.

Student Overview in LMS:

The student view consists of three tiles to illustrate course progression. Completion of all tiles is
required to successfully pass the course.
1. Pre-course Modules
2. Skills Station in Live, in-person or virtual course
3. Course Evaluation Survey
4. Course Exam

Pre-Course Module Status:

As each of the pre-course modules are completed, the bar representing that module will turn green.
When all of the pre-course modules have been completed, the full line will be green and the student
is eligible for the live in-person or virtual course led by the Course Director.

Please note: There is no evaluation to complete after the pre-course modules.

Pre-Course Modules Selections:

Click on the pre-course module image and all of the pre-course modules will appear. When all are
completed, students will click on the ‘Mark as Viewed’ button at the bottom of the page. The
downloadable documents are available for reference but are not required viewing.

Skills Station Scores:

As skills station scores are entered by the Course Director, the first bar will turn green indicating that
the student has passed the skill testing with a score of 70% or higher. Once the bar is green, the
student has access to the required course evaluation. This evaluation must be completed before the
exam can be accessed.


After the live in-person or virtual course, the student must complete a course evaluation. When the
required evaluation has been completed, the second half of the bar will also turn green indicating that
the exam can now be accessed. The names of the course instructors will automatically populate for
the students to evaluate. After completing the evaluation, the learner will have access to their CE


The student has two attempts to pass the exam. The two halves of the exam bar represent each
attempt. The exam bar is color coded. Red indicates that the exam was failed. Green indicates that
the exam was passed with a score of 80% or higher.

Failed Exam, Next Steps:

If the student fails their first attempt, they will be able to view their Remediation Report. They will
then have access to the 2nd attempt or ‘make-up exam’. This 2nd attempt needs to be completed
within the seven-day exam window. If the student fails their 2nd attempt, they will need to enroll in a
new provider course if they require the verification.

Passed Exam, Next Steps:

Once the student has passed the exam, they will again be able to view their Remediation Report. At
this time, they will also have access to their provider card.

Accessing CE Certification and Provider Card:

Students can access their CE Certification and Provider Card at any time. Click ‘Transcript’ on the left
side toolbar and all past certificates and provider cards will be available for download.

Please contact ENA’s Course Management Team at ENAU@ENA.org or 847-460-4120 if you have any


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