Oracle Public Sector Financials User Guide
Oracle Public Sector Financials User Guide
Oracle Public Sector Financials User Guide
Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Setup Overview
This chapter describes the setup steps that are required for Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features. The following sections
are in this chapter:
Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Setup Checklist
Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Setup Steps
This chapter provides a setup checklist for Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features and describes the setup steps.
Complete all required setup steps for the following applications before beginning the Advanced Features setup steps:
Oracle Applications System Administration
Oracle Assets
Oracle General Ledger
Oracle Payables
Oracle Public Sector Purchasing
Oracle Receivables
Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Setup Checklist
All required steps in this checklist must be completed. Specific information for each setup step is described in the following
section, Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Setup Steps.
Note: The sequence indicated for the setup checklist applies to the Advanced Features setup process only. For each
application installed, consult the manuals for that application to determine the sequence of setup steps.
Table 1 shows the Advanced Features setup checklist.
Table 1: Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Setup Checklist
GASB 34/35 Asset
GASB 34/35 Asset
Accounting 1/11
1/15/2017 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Setup Overview
GASB 34/35 Asset
GASB 34/35 Asset
Funds Available Detail
GASB 34/35 Asset
Accounting 2/11
1/15/2017 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Setup Overview
Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Setup Steps
To set up Advanced Features, perform the following setup steps in the order listed.
1. Define a Set of Books
This step applies to encumbrance reconciliation reports and GASB 34/35 asset accounting.
Encumbrance Reconciliation Reports
To use the full capabilities of encumbrance accounting and run encumbrance reconciliation reports, users must enable
budgetary control for a set of books.
Note: If budgetary control is disabled, users can still enter manual encumbrances by journal entry, but encumbrances cannot
be automatically generated from requisitions, purchase orders, and invoice transactions.
To enable budgetary control for a set of books, see Enabling and Disabling Budgetary Control , Oracle General Ledger User
GASB 34/35 Asset Accounting
To enable asset accounting in compliance with GASB 34/35, set up a second, accrualbased General Ledger set of books
that uses the same chart of accounts, calendar, and currency as the primary modified accrual General Ledger set of books.
To define a new set of books, see Defining Sets of Books , Oracle General Ledger User Guide.
2. Create New Responsibilities
This step applies to multifund accounts receivable and GASB 34/35 asset accounting.
Determine the responsibilities that will use multifund accounts receivable. If required, create new responsibilities. A separate
responsibility must be assigned to each organization and set of books where multifund accounts receivable is enabled.
Set up a GASB reporting responsibility that is tied to the accrual General Ledger set of books through the GL: Set of Books
profile option. Assign this responsibility to users who prepare or run GASB reports.
To create new responsibilities, see Defining a Responsibility , Responsibilities Window , and Users Window , Oracle
Applications System Administrator's Guide.
3. Assign Responsibilities to Users
Assign new responsibilities for multifund accounts receivable and GASB 34/35 reporting to users.
Note: Users must be assigned to the PSA Administrator responsibility to implement multifund accounts receivable.
To create new users or assign access to Advanced Features for existing users, see Overview of Oracle Applications
Security and Users Window , Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide.
4. Specify SiteLevel and Application Level Profile Options 3/11
1/15/2017 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Setup Overview
This step applies to multifund accounts receivable and GASB 34/35.
This section includes the following parts:
Set Up Profile Option Levels
Set Up Profile Option Values
Set Up Profile Option Levels
The common user profile options for Oracle Applications must be specified as part of System Administration setup. There
are a maximum of four levels at which a profile can be set: Site, Application, Responsibility, and User. Most profiles are
seeded with default values at the site level that serve as the defaults until they are overridden at other levels.
If users are using single organization, the profile options are set at the site level. If multiple organizations is implemented,
Advanced Features profile values should be set at the responsibility level.
Table 2 describes the profile option levels.
Table 2: Profile Option Levels
GASB 34/35 Asset Accounting
MultiFund Accounts MO: Operating Unit x x
MultiFund Accounts AR: Use Invoice Accounting For Credit x
Receivable Memos
Set Up Profile Option Values
Table 3 describes the profile option values.
Table 3: Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Profile Option Values
Verify the set of books that is using multifund accounts receivable or GASB 34/35
Note: If multiple organizations is implemented, a set of books is linked to a specific
Advanced Features responsibility. 4/11
1/15/2017 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Setup Overview
Note: Each organization linked to a particular responsibility appears on the
Responsibilities menu. When logging in, users select the responsibility that corresponds
to the appropriate organization. Each unique organization identifier must be associated
with a responsibility.
5. Enable MultiFund Accounts Receivable Implementation
Enable a multifund accounts receivable implementation to set up multifund transaction types and use the multifund
accounts receivable feature.
Note: Enable a multifund accounts receivable implementation for a particular responsibility and organization. The
implementation must be enabled for each organization using multifund accounts receivable.
To enable a multifund accounts receivable implementation, see MultiFund Accounts Receivable Setup .
6. Implement Function Security
Add multifund accounts receivable functions to the Receivables top menu.
Note: The functions for multifund accounts receivable are predefined.
Table 4 shows the functions added to the AR_NAVIGATE_GUI menu.
Table 4: Menu, Submenu, and Function Names
To implement function security, see Overview of Function Security and Menus Window , Oracle Applications System
Administrator's Guide.
7. Define Request Groups
This step applies to multifund accounts receivable, the Funds Available Detail Report, and GASB 34/35 asset accounting.
For reporting purposes, the PSA Administrator responsibility can only be assigned one organization. 5/11
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To enable multiple organizations to access multifund accounts receivable reports, add the reports to the following request
groups owned by Receivables:
Receivables All
To enable the Funds Available Detail Report within a General Ledger responsibility, add the report to the GL Concurrent
Program request group in General Ledger. The report is accessible to any General Ledger responsibility which uses this
request group.
For GASB 34/35 asset accounting, add processes to the All Reports request group in Payables.
Table 5 shows the reports and programs added to the request groups in Receivables and Payables.
Table 5: Request Groups
PSA Aging 4 Buckets Report
PSA Applied Receipts Register
PSA Create Multiple Fund Distributions
PSA Multiple Fund Distributions Error Report
PSA Receipt Register
PSA Sales Journal by Customer
PSA Sales Journal by GL Account
PSA Transaction Register
PSA Aging 4 Buckets Report
PSA Applied Receipts Register
PSA Create Multiple Fund Distributions
PSA Multiple Fund Distributions Error Report
PSA Receipt Register
PSA Sales Journal by Customer
PSA Sales Journal by GL Account
PSA Transaction Register
Update Asset Type 6/11
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To add reports and programs to request groups, see Organizing Programs into Request Groups and Request Groups Window
, Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide.
8. Define Chart of Accounts
This step applies to GASB 34/35 asset accounting.
Define the following accounting flexfield segment values:
Fixed Assets and Asset Expenditures
Net Assets
To define accounting flexfield segment values see Defining Your Chart of Accounts , Oracle General Ledger User Guide and
Defining Segment Values , Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide.
Fixed Assets and Asset Expenditures
Set up a mirror range of natural account segment values, minimally at the major asset category level, for asset accounts
and expense accounts.
Table 6 shows an example of a onetoone relationship between the asset accounts and expense accounts.
Table 6: Sample OnetoOne Relationship for Asset Accounts and Expense Accounts
Table 7 shows an example of a manytoone relationship between an asset account and expense accounts.
Table 7: Sample ManytoOne Relationship for Asset Account and Expense Accounts
Set up Depreciation Expense and Accumulated Depreciation accounts.
Set up separate Bonds Payable or other debt accounts to record liabilities related to financing the acquisition, construction,
or improvement of fixed assets.
Net Assets 7/11
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Set up an account called Invested in Capital Assets, Net of Related Debt, as a component of Net Assets. This represents
the value of such assets, less accumulated depreciation, and less outstanding debt related to their acquisition.
9. Define Transaction Types
Define transaction types for multifund accounts receivable.
Use a naming convention to identify the transaction types that are for multifund accounts receivable. For example, create
transaction types for MultiFund Invoice and MultiFund Debit Memo.
Select a transaction type class of invoice or debit memo. A transaction type with a class other than invoice or debit memo
cannot be flagged as multifund transaction type for multifund accounts receivable.
Note: A transaction type cannot be used for both multifund accounts receivable transactions and nonmultifund accounts
receivable transactions. If a transaction type is intended for multifund accounts receivable, then all transactions that use
this transaction type are treated as multifund accounts receivable. Users must define transaction types for nonmultifund
accounts receivable if these are needed.
Note: Do not select the Allow Overapplication check box for transaction types that are used for multifund accounts
Note: Credit memo transaction types are not flagged as multifund accounts receivable transaction types because credit
memos follow the invoice accounting. Users must set the AR: Use Invoice Accounting For Credit Memos profile option to
Yes. Users can create a standard Receivables transaction type for direct credit memos and another transaction type for on
account credit memos.
To define transaction types, see Transaction Types , Oracle Receivables User Guide.
10. Define Receivables Activities
This step applies to multifund accounts receivable.
Define receivables activities to default accounting information for miscellaneous cash, discounts, finance charges, and
To define receivables activities, see Receivables Activities .
11. Define Book Controls
Define a second asset book for GASB 34/35 asset accounting.
Set up the depreciation asset book as a tax asset book. Associate the book with the accrual General Ledger set of books.
Designate the expenditure asset book as the associated corporate asset book and ensure that Mass Copy is allowed.
Note: Set up the expenditure asset book as a corporate asset book. Associate the book with the modified accrual General
Ledger set of books. Ensure that the Payables installation, from which the Mass Additions process will be used to add
assets automatically to this asset book, is associated with the same General Ledger set of books.
To define book controls, see Define Your Book Controls , Oracle Assets User's Guide.
12. Define Payables Options
This step applies to GASB 34/35 asset accounting.
Select the Allow Override at Program Submission option in the Transfer to GL tab of the Payables Options window. This is
required to allow users to define parameters for the Payables Transfer to General Ledger process as part of a request set.
To define Payables options, see Defining Payables Options and Payables Options Window Reference , Oracle Payables
User Guide.
13. Define Request Set
This step applies to GASB 34/35 asset accounting.
Define a request set for GASB 34/35 asset accounting as follows: 8/11
1/15/2017 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Setup Overview
Select Concurrent Processes
Define Parameters
Set Print Options
Schedule Request Set
To define request sets, see GASB 34/35 Asset Accounting Setup.
Select Concurrent Processes
In System Administration, set up a request set to run concurrent processes required for GASB 34/35 asset accounting in the
following sequence:
Payables Approval
Payables Accounting Process
Note: It is possible to run the Payables Transfer to General Ledger process as part of the Payables Accounting
process. However, for GASB 34/35 asset accounting, the Payables Transfer to General Ledger process must be run
Update Assets Tracking Flag
Payables Transfer to General Ledger
Mass Additions Create
Update Asset Type
This request set replaces the Mass Additions process in all cases and adds new public sector processes for GASB 34/35
asset accounting.
Note: If the concurrent processes are run individually, the processes must still be run in the correct sequence.
Define Parameters
Define the parameters for each of the processes in the request set.
Set Print Options
Optionally, set print options to automatically print output reports.
Schedule Request Set
Schedule the request to run overnight so that the previous day's asset acquisitions are available in the Mass Additions table
the following morning.
14. Define Journal Reversal Criteria
This step applies to GASB 34/35 asset accounting.
Define journal reversal criteria to reverse asset addition journal entries in the second General Ledger set of books. Specify
the reversal method and period.
The Create Journal Entries process creates depreciation, as well as adjustment, transfer, and retirement journals for the
second General Ledger set of books. However, this process also creates addition entries that are not needed by GASB
34/35 asset accounting. Use AutoReverse to automatically generate and post journal reversals.
To define journal reversal criteria, see Automatic Journal Reversal Overview , Oracle General Ledger User Guide.
15. Set Up the Global Consolidation System (GCS)
This step applies to GASB 34/35 asset accounting. 9/11
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Define consolidation mapping with the modified accrual General Ledger set of books as the subsidiary set of books and the
accrual General Ledger set of books as the parent.
Using segment rules, set up each segment in the parent General Ledger set of books to copy values from the same
segment in the subsidiary set of books. For the initial copy, select Balances, not Transactions, as the consolidation method.
To define a consolidation mapping, see Mapping Subsidiaries to Your Parent , Oracle General Ledger User Guide.
16. Set Up MassAllocation Batches
This step applies to GASB 34/35 asset accounting.
Set up the following MassAllocation batches to reclassify the following:
capital expenditures to fixed assets
unrestricted net assets to invested in capital assets, net of related debt
Set up a MassAllocation batch with formulas to automatically reclassify the balances of all capital expenditures to the
appropriate fixed asset or CIP accounts in the mirror range of accounts that were set up in the assets section of the balance
Set up a MassAllocation batch with formulas to automatically reclassify, for all funds, that portion of net assets that
represents net investment in capital assets.
To set up MassAllocation batches, see Creating MassAllocation Batches , Oracle General Ledger User Guide.
17. Define Financial Reports with Financial Statement Generator (FSG)
This step applies to GASB 34/35 asset accounting.
At a minimum, the following reports should be set up.
In the modified accrual General Ledger set of books, set up the following reports for fund reporting:
Balance Sheet
Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance
In the accrual General Ledger set of books, set up the following reports for government or universitywide reporting:
Statement of Net Assets
Statement of Activities
To define a financial report using the Financial Statement Generator (FSG), see Defining Financial Reports , Oracle General
Ledger User Guide.
18. Enable Dynamic Insertion
This step applies to multifund accounts receivable, and is required.
To enable dynamic insertion, perform the following steps.
1. In General Ledger, navigate to the Key Flexfield Segments window as follows:
Setup Financials Flexfields Key Segments
2. Select the Allow Dynamic Inserts check box.
3. Save or save and continue as follows:
File Save or Save and Proceed
4. Close the window.
For information on dynamic insertion, see Dynamic Insertion . 10/11
1/15/2017 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Setup Overview
19. Define MultiFund Accounts Receivable Allocation Methods
Define allocation methods for each operating unit in multifund accounts receivable.
To define multifund accounts receivable allocation methods, see MultiFund Accounts Receivable Setup .
20. Define MultiFund Accounts Receivable Transaction Types
Define transaction types that are used for multifund accounts receivable.
To define multifund accounts receivable transaction types, see MultiFund Accounts Receivable Setup .
21. Define MultiFund Accounts Receivable Receivables Activities
Define receivables activities for multifund accounts receivable.
To define multifund accounts receivable receivables activities, see MultiFund Accounts Receivable Setup .
22. Define MultiFund Accounts Receivable Account Pairs
Define corresponding account pairs for multifund accounts receivable.
To define multifund accounts receivable account pairs, see MultiFund Accounts Receivable Setup .
23. Schedule MultiFund Accounts Receivable Distributions
Schedule multifund accounts receivable distributions to run periodically as needed.
Note: Distributions must be scheduled for each organization.
To schedule multifund accounts receivable distributions, see MultiFund Accounts Receivable Setup . 11/11