Function of Liver in Human Body: Liver Physiology, Larry Frolich, Yavapai College, March 10, 2006
Function of Liver in Human Body: Liver Physiology, Larry Frolich, Yavapai College, March 10, 2006
Function of Liver in Human Body: Liver Physiology, Larry Frolich, Yavapai College, March 10, 2006
Dual blood supply to liver:
1. Hepatic portal system (review)
• Main drainage of
blood from gut—why
to liver?
• Why does liver need
another blood supply?
What does this blood
NOT have that liver
(and any organ)
Kuppfer cell
immune function
What is bile?
• Bile composed of water, ions, bile
acids, organic molecules (including
cholesterol, phospholipids, bilirubin)
• Gallstones are mostly cholesterol
• Acids and salts emulsify fats for
absorption across wall of small
intestines into lacteal lymph capillaries
• Contains waste products from RBC
breakdown and other metabolic
processing (color of feces from
bilirubin in bile)(review)
• Ions buffer chyme from stomach
Bile processing and recycling
• Hepatocytes initially secrete
bile into canaliculi, carried to
gall bladder via hepatic ducts
• Gall bladder stores bile until
needed in gut when secreted
out cystic duct to common
bile duct to duodenum
• 95% of the bile produced by
the liver is “recycled”…often
2 or 3 times during the
digestion of a single meal
Cholesterol—one example of liver processing