IARE HVDC Lecture Notes
IARE HVDC Lecture Notes
IARE HVDC Lecture Notes
Prepared by
Ms. B. Manogna
Assistant Professor
1.1 Historical Background
A high-voltage, direct current (HVDC) electric power transmission system (also
called a power super highway or an electrical super highway) uses direct current for
the bulk transmission of electrical power, in contrast with the more common
alternating current (AC) systems.[5] For long-distance transmission, HVDC systems
may be less expensive and suffer lower electrical losses. For underwater power cables,
HVDC avoids the heavy currents required to charge and discharge the cable
capacitance each cycle. For shorter distances, the higher cost of DC conversion
equipment compared to an AC system may still be justified, due to other benefits of
direct current links.
HVDC allows power transmission between unsynchronized AC transmission
systems. Since the power flow through an HVDC link can be controlled independently
of the phase angle between source and load, it can stabilize a network against
disturbances due to rapid changes in power. HVDC also allows transfer of power
between grid systems running at different frequencies, such as 50 Hz and 60 Hz. This
improves the stability and economy of each grid, by allowing exchange of power
between incompatible networks.
Power Transmission was initially carried out in the early 1880s using Direct
Current (DC). With the availability of transformers (for stepping up the voltage for
transmission over long distances and for stepping down the voltage for safe use), the
development of robust induction motor (to serve the users of rotary power), the
availability of the superior synchronous generator, and the facilities of converting AC
to DC when required, AC gradually replaced DC. However in 1928, arising out of the
introduction of grid control to the mercury vapour rectifier around 1903, electronic
devices began to show real prospects for high voltage direct current (HVDC)
transmission, because of the ability of these devices for rectification and inversion. The
most significant contribution to HVDC came when the Gotland Scheme in Sweden
was commissioned in 1954 to be the World's first commercial HVDC transmission
system. This was capable of transmitting 20 MW of power at a voltage of -100 kV and
consisted of a single 96 km cable with sea return.
1.2 Comparison of AC and DC transmission:
1.2.1 Advantages of HVDC over AC:
1) Technical Merits of HVDC:
The advantages of a DC link over an AC link are:
• A DC link allows power transmission between AC networks with different
frequencies or networks, which cannot be synchronized, for other reasons.
• Inductive and capacitive parameters do not limit the transmission capacity or
the maximum length of a DC overhead line or cable. The conductor cross
section is fully utilized because there is no skin effect.
For a long cable connection, e.g. beyond 40 km, HVDC will in most cases offer the
only technical solution because of the high charging current of an AC cable. This is
of particular interest for transmission across open sea or into large cities where a
DC cable may provide the only possible solution.
1 A digital control system provides accurate and fast control of the active power flow.
2 Fast modulation of DC transmission power can be used to damp power oscillations
in an AC grid and thus improve the system stability.
2) Economic considerations:
For a given transmission task, feasibility studies are carried out before the final
decision on implementation of an HVAC or HVDC system can be taken. Fig.1 shows
a typical cost comparison curve between AC and DC transmission considering:
• AC vs. DC station terminal costs
• AC vs. DC line costs
• AC vs. DC capitalized value of losses
The DC curve is not as steep as the AC curve because of considerably lower line
costs per kilometer. For long AC lines the cost of intermediate reactive power
compensation has to be taken into account. The break-even distance is in the
range of 500 to 800 km depending on a number of other factors, like country-
specific cost elements, interest rates for project financing, loss evaluation, cost
of right of way etc.
3) During bad weather conditions, the corona loss and radio interference are lower
for a HVDC line compared to that in an AC line of same voltage and same
conductor size.
4) Due to the absence of inductance in DC, an HVDC line offers better voltage
regulation. Also, HVDC offers greater controllability compared to HVAC.
5) AC power grids are standardized for 50 Hz in some countries and 60 Hz in
other. It is impossible to interconnect two power grids working at different
frequencies with the help of an AC interconnection. An HVDC link makes this
6) Interference with nearby communication lines is lesser in the case of HVDC
overhead line than that for an HVAC line.
7) In longer distance HVAC transmission, short circuit current level in the
receiving system is high. An HVDC system does not contribute to the short
circuit current of the interconnected AC system.
8) Power flow control is easy in HVDC link.
9) High reliability.
• During short-circuits in the AC power systems close to connected
HVDC substations, power faults also occur in the HVDC transmission
system for the duration of the short-circuit.
• The number of substations within a modern multi-terminal
HVDC transmission system can be no larger than six to eight, and large
differences in their capacities are not allowed. The larger the number of
substations, the smaller may be the differences in their capacities.
• The high-frequency constituents found in direct current transmission
systems can cause radio noise in communications lines that are situated near
the HVDC transmission line.
• Grounding HVDC transmission involves a complex and difficult
installation, as it is necessary to construct a reliable and permanent contact to
the Earth for proper operation and to eliminate the possible creation of a
dangerous “step voltage.”
Connecting offshore wind
Wind parks are often placed far out at sea, because the wind conditions are more
advantageous there. If the distance to the grid on land exceeds a certain stretch,
the only possible solution is HVDC - due to the technology’s low losses.
Power from shore
Traditionally, oil and gas platforms use local generation to supply the electricity
needed to run the drilling equipment and for the daily need of often hundreds of
persons working on the platform. If the power is instead supplied from shore, via
an hvdc link, costs go down, emissions are lower and the working conditions on
the platform are improved.
Dc links in ac grids
HVDC links within an ac grid can be successfully utilized to strengthen the
entire transmission grid, especially under demanding load conditions and during
system disturbances. Transmission capacity will improve and bottlenecks be
City-center in feed
HVDC systems are ideal for feeding electricity into densely populated urban
centers. Because it is possible to use land cables, the transmission is invisible,
thus avoiding the opposition and uncertain approval of overhead lines.
Connecting remote loads
Islands and remotely located mines often have the disadvantage of a weak
surrounding ac grid. Feeding power into the grid with an HVDC link, improves
the stability and even prevents black-outs.
1.4 Types of DC link:
For connecting two networks or system, various types of HVDC links are used.
HVDC links are classified into three types. These links are explained below:
1) Monopolar link:
It has a single conductor of negative polarity and uses earth or sea for the
return path of current. Sometimes the metallic return is also used. In the
Monopolar link, two converters are placed at the end of each pole. Earthling
of poles is done by earth electrodes placed about 15 to 55 km away from the
respective terminal stations. But this link has several disadvantages because it
uses earth as a return path. The monopolar link is not much in use nowadays.
The Bipolar link has two conductors one is positive, and the other one is
negative to the earth. The link has converter station at each end. The
midpoints of the converter stations are earthed through electrodes. The
voltage of the earthed electrodes is just half the voltage of the conductor used
for transmission the HVDC.
The most significant advantage of the bipolar link is that if any of their links
stop operating, the link is converted into Monopolar mode because of the
ground return system. The half of the system continues supplies the power.
Such types of links are commonly used in the HVDC systems.
3) Homopolar link:
It has two conductors of the same polarity usually negative polarity, and
always operates with earth or metallic return. In the homopolar link, poles are
operated in parallel, which reduces the insulation cost. The homopolar system
is not used presently.
Fig 3: homopolar DC link
1.5 Typical layout of HVDC system:
• Converter Station
• Converter Unit
• Converter Valves
• Converter Transformers
• Filters
o AC filter
o DC filter
o High-frequency filter
• Reactive Power Source
• Smoothing Reactor
• HVDC System Pole
1.5.1 Converter Station:
The conversion from AC to DC and vice versa is done in HVDC converter stations by
using three-phase bridge converters. This bridge circuit is also called Graetz circuit. In
HVDC transmission a 12-pulse bridge converter is used. The converter obtains by
connecting two or 6-pulse bridge in series.
The AC side windings of the two, three phase transformer are connected in stars with
their neutrals grounded. The valve side transformer winding is designed to withstand
alternating voltage stress and direct voltage stress from Valve Bridge. There are
increases in eddy current losses due to the harmonics current. The magnetization in the
core of the converter transformer is because of the following reasons.
1.5.4 Filters:
The AC and DC harmonics are generated in HVDC converters. The AC harmonics are
injected into the AC system, and the DC harmonics are injected into DC lines. The
harmonics have the following advantages.
• Due to the harmonics, the power losses in machines and capacitors are
connected in the system.
• The harmonics produced resonance in an AC circuit resulting in over
• Instability of converter controls.
The harmonics are minimized by using the AC, DC and high-frequency filters. The
types of filter are explained below in details.
• AC Filters – The AC filters are RLC circuit connected between phase and earth.
They offered low impedances to the harmonic frequencies. Thus, the AC
harmonic currents are passed to earth. Both tuned and damped filters are used.
The AC harmonic filter also provided a reactive power required for satisfactory
operation of converters.
• DC Filters – The DC filter is connected between the pole bus and neutral bus. It
diverts the DC harmonics to earth and prevents them from entering DC lines.
Such a filter does not require reactive power as DC line does not require DC
• High-Frequency Filters – The HVDC converter may produce electrical noise in
the carrier frequency band from 20 kHz to 490 kHz. They also generate radio
interference noise in the megahertz range frequencies. High-frequency filters are
used to minimise noise and interference with power line carrier communication.
Such filters are placed between the converter transformer and the station AC
The modern HVDC converters use 12-pulse converter units. The total number of
a valve in each unit is 12. The valve is made up of series connected thyristor modules.
The number of thyristor valve depends on the required voltage across the valve. The
valves are installed in valve halls, and they are cooled by air, oil, water or Freon.
1.5.6 Reactive power source:
Reactive power is required for the operations of the converters. The AC harmonic
filters provide reactive power partly. The additional supply may also be obtained from
shunt capacitors synchronous phase modifiers and static VAR systems. The choice
depends on the speed of control desired.
Smoothing reactor is an oil filled oil cooled reactor having a large inductance. It is
connected in series with the converter before the DC filter. It can be located either on
the line side or on the neutral side. Smoothing reactors serve the following purposes.
The HVDC system pole is the part of an HVDC system consisting of all the
equipment in the HVDC substation. It also interconnects the transmission lines
which during normal operating condition exhibit a common direct polarity with
respect to earth. Thus the word pole refers to the path of DC which has the same
polarity with respect to earth. The total pole includes substation pole and
transmission line pole.
1.6.1 Control angle (Delay angle):
The control angle for rectification (also known as the ignition angle) is the angle by
which firing is delayed beyond the natural take over for the next thyristor. The
transition could be delayed using grid control. Grid control is obtained by
superposing a positive pulse on a permanent negative bias to make the grid positive.
Once the thyristor fires, the grid loses control.
Assuming no commutation (2 thyristors on same side conducting simultaneously
during transfer), the voltage waveforms across the thyristors as shown in figure:
1.6.2 Commutation angle (overlap angle):
The commutation period between two thyristors on the same side of the bridge is the
angle by which one thyristor commutates to the next. During this period γ 2 conducting
thyristors on the same side. This is shown in figure.
With both the delay angle and commutation being present, the magnitude of the direct
voltage may be determined from equation
d.c. output = average value of waveform
In this integral, in graphical form, area A1 can be replaced by area B1. Similarly, area
A2 can be replaced by area B2 and area A3 by area B3. The integral equation then
reduces to the form shown below.
Where √2 E is the peak value of the line voltage. Simplification gives the desired
result as in equation
1.6.3 Current Waveforms:
If Commutation is not considered, the current waveforms through each thyristor
(assuming a very high value of inductance Ld in the DC circuit to give complete
smoothing) is a rectangular pulse lasting exactly one-third of a cycle. This is shown in
figure for the cases without delay and with delay.
Since each phase has 2 thyristors on the opposite half cycles, the a.c. current waveform
on the secondary side of the transformer has a non-sinusoidal waveform as shown in
If commutation angle is not considered, we can easily calculate the r.m.s. value of the
AC current on the transformer secondary Is as in equation.
Usually harmonic filters are provided on the AC system, so that only the fundamental
component need to be supplied/absorbed from the AC system. From Fourier analysis,
it can be shown that the fundamental component is given as follows, resulting in
If filters were not provided, it can be shown, using the Fourier series analysis, that the
RMS ripple on the AC system would be 0.242 Id (or 31 % of the fundamental)
Note: For normal operation neglecting the commutation angle, in the above
calculations of the alternating current, gives rise to an error only of the order of 1%.
As can be seen from the voltage and current waveforms on the AC side, the current
lags the voltage due to the presence of the delay angle α and commutation angle γ.
1.6.4 Inversion:
Because the thyristors conduct only in one direction, the current in a convertor cannot
be reversed. Power reversal can only be obtained by the reversal of the direct voltage
(average value) Vd.
For inversion to be possible, a high value of inductance must be present, and the delay
angle α>900 since Vd changes polarity at this angle. The theoretical maximum delay for
inversion would occur at α=1800.
Thus it is common practice to define a period of advance from this point rather than a
delay from the previous cross-over as defined for rectification. Thus we define β=π-α
as the ignition angle for inversion or angle of advance. Similarly extinction angle is
defined as δ =π-w. The definition of the commutation angle γ is unchanged. Thus β=
Thus we have the practical relationship δ0 < β < π/2.
During inversion, each thyristor conducts during the negative half cycle, so that the
direct voltage waveform and the corresponding current have the form shown in
The equations derived earlier for the convertor are valid. However, they are usually
written in terms of the variables β and δ instead of α and ω.
Since the direct voltage is always negative during inversion, it is common practice
to omit the negative sign from the expression. It can also be shown that
The power factor of the inverter can be shown to be given by the equation
Converter and HVDC system Control
2.1 Principle of DC link control:
A DC link is a connection which connects a rectifier and an inverter. These
links are found in converter circuits and in VFD circuits. The AC supply of a specific
frequency is converted into DC. This DC, in turn, is converted into AC voltage.
2.2.1 Natural Voltage Characteristic (NV) and the Constant Ignition Angle (CIA)
The Natural Voltage Characteristic corresponds to zero delay angle α=0. This
has characteristic equation given by Vd V0 (3wLc / ) I d . The Constant Ignition Angle
control is a similar characteristic which is parallel to the NV characteristic with a
controllable intercept V0cosα.
varying the voltage. There is an allowed range of current settings within which the
current varies.
The margin setting Idm between the current setting Ids for the invertor and for the
rectifier is usually kept at about 10% to 20% of the current setting. The setting of the
convertor operating as rectifier is kept higher than the setting of that as invertor by the
margin setting Idm.
The usual operating point for power transfer is the intersection of the CC control of the
rectifier and the CEA control of the inverter. (For comparison, the characteristics of
convertor B have been drawn inverted). It must also be ensured by proper tap changing
that the N.V. characteristic of the convertor operating in the rectification mode is
higher than the C.E.A. characteristic of the inverter, as Vo of the two ends are not
necessarily equal.
With convertor A operating as rectifier, and convertor B operating as inverter, the
steady state current under all circumstances will remain within the upper limit (I ds +
Idm) and the lower limit Ids. That is, the system direct current will not change by more
than Idm under all operating conditions. By reversing the margin setting Idm, that is
making the setting of convertor B to exceed that of A, power flow can be automatically
reversed. Convertor B will then operate as a rectifier and A as an inverter. The reversal
of power occurs as a result of the reversal of polarity of the voltage.
It is useful to draw the convertor chart in per unit. For this purpose the natural selection
for the base voltage is the maximum direct voltage output Vdo. There is no such
natural current base. Thus it is convenient to select the constant appearing in equation
for current as the base quantity.
The filter arrangements on the AC side of an HVDC converter station have two
main duties:
• to absorb harmonic currents generated by the HVDC converter and thus to
reduce the impact of the harmonics on the connected AC systems, like AC
voltage distortion and telephone interference
• to supply reactive power for compensating the demand of the converter
3.1.1 Design Criteria for AC Filters: Reactive Power Requirements:
The reactive power consumption of an HVDC converter depends on the active
power, the transformer reactance and the control angle. It increases with increasing
active power. A common requirement to a converter station is full compensation or
overcompensation at rated load. In addition, a reactive band for the load and voltage
range and the permitted voltage step during bank switching must be determined. These
factors will determine the size and number of filter and shunt capacitor banks. Harmonic Performance Requirements:
HVDC converter stations generate characteristic and non-characteristic
harmonic currents. For a twelve-pulse converter, the characteristic harmonics are of the
order n = (12 * k) ± 1 (k = 1,2,3...). These are the harmonic components that are
generated even during ideal conditions, i.e. ideal smoothing of the direct current,
symmetrical AC voltages, transformer impedance and firing angles. The characteristic
harmonic components are the ones with the highest current level, but other components
may also be of importance. The third harmonic, which is mainly caused by the
negative sequence component of the AC system, will in many cases require filtering.
The purpose of the filter circuit is to provide sufficiently low impedances for the
relevant harmonic components in order to reduce the harmonic voltages to an
acceptable level. The acceptance criteria for the harmonic distortion depend on local
conditions and regulations. A commonly used criterion for all harmonic components
up to the 49th order is as follows: Dn individual harmonic voltage distortion of order n
in percent of the fundamental AC busbar voltage (typical limit 1%) Drms total
geometric sum of individual voltage distortion Dn (typical limit 2%) Network Impedance:
The distortion level on the AC busbar depends on the grid impedance as well as
the filter impedance. An open circuit model of the grid for all harmonics is not on the
safe side. Parallel resonance between the filter impedance and the grid impedance may
create unacceptable amplification of harmonic components for which the filters are not
tuned. For this reason, an adequate impedance model of the grid for all relevant
harmonics is required in order to optimize the filter design.
There are basically two methods to include the network impedance in the filter
• to calculate impedance vectors for all relevant harmonics and grid conditions
• to assume locus area for the impedance vectors
The modelling of a complete AC network with all its components is very complex and
time-consuming. For this reason, the locus method is very often used. It is based on a
limited number of measurements or calculations. Different locus areas for different
harmonics or bands are often determined to give a more precise base for the harmonic
performance calculation.
3.1.2 Requirements to Ratings: Steady state calculation:
The voltage and current stresses of AC filters consist of the fundamental
frequency and harmonic components. Their magnitudes depend on the AC system
voltage, harmonic currents, operating conditions and AC system impedances. The
rating calculations are carried out in the whole range of operation to determine the
highest steady-state current and voltage stresses for each individual filter component.
32 Filter Energization:
The AC filter is assumed to be energized at the moment for the maximum AC
bus peak voltage. This case is decisive for the inrush currents of AC filters.
The equivalent disturbing current combines all harmonic currents with the aid of
weighting factors to a single interference current. With respect to telephone
interference, it is the equivalent to the sum of all harmonic currents. It
also encompasses the factors which determine the coupling between the HVDC and
telephone lines:
• Operating mode of the HVDC system (bipolar or monopolar with metallic or
ground return)
• Specific ground resistance at point x the intensity of interference currents is
strongly dependent on the operating condition of the HVDC. In monopolar
operation, telephone interference is significantly stronger than in bipolar
Unit –IV
Introduction to FACTS:
FACTS ie., Flexible AC transmission system incorporate power electronic based
static controllers to control power (both active and reactive power needed ) and
enhance power transfer capability of the AC lines . Let Bus 1and Bus 2shown in fig 1:
represent two AC systems where in power is to be transmitted from 1 to 2through a
line of impedance r+jx.
By changing the effective value of ‘x’ ,the power transmitted can be increased or
decreased .Further it modifies reactive power needed.
• Increase or decrease of ‘x’ will change value.
• Maximum power that can be transmitted is obtained when δ= (provided are
Consider power flow through two parallel paths from a surplus generation area
to a defect generation area on right as shown in fig
With out any control ,power flow is based on the inverse of various transmission line
A part from ownership and contractual issues, lines carry how much power. It is likely
that lower impedance line may become overloaded and there by limit the loading on
both paths even though the higher impedance path is not fully loaded. Fig: shows the
same to paths, but one of these has HVDC transmission.
With HVDC, power flows as ordered by the operator because with HVDC power
electronic converters power is electronically controlled.
An HVDC line can also help the parallel AC transmission line to maintain stability.
However, HVDC is expensive for general use ,and is considered when long distances
are involved .
Fig 3: and Fig 4: show one of the parallel transmission lines with different types of
series type FACTS controllers.
• These lines have energy ratings of twice those numbers for a sufficient
time to allow rescheduling of incase of loss of one of these lines.
• If one of the generators is generating 2000MW and the other 1000MW, a
total of 3000 MW would be delivered to the load centre.
• For impedances shown three lines would carry 600,1600 and 1400 MW
respectively as shown in fig:(a);
• If a capacitor of reactance -5Ω at synchronous frequency is inserted in one
line as shown in fig: (b).It reduces the line’s impedance from 10Ω to5Ω.
Fig : (b) Power of flow in a mesh network with thyristor controlled from the figure ,it
is clear that
Power flow through AB will be 250 MW
BC will be 1250 MW
• By increasing the impedance of one of the lines in the same meshed
configuration the power flow can be controlled.
• Series controllers
• Shunt controllers
• Shunt controller inject current into the line (system) at the point of
➢ The real power transfer capability of unified series controller ,referred to as
“Inter Line Power Flow controller”, makes it possible to balance both real &
reactive power flow in the lines and there by maximize the utilization of
transmission system.
Note: The term “Unified” means that the DC terminals of all controller converters are
all connected together for real power transfer.
Figures shows combinations of series and shunt controllers ,which are controlled in a
co-ordinate manner .
➢ The combined shunt and series controllers inject current into the system with
the shunt part of the controller and voltage in series in the line with series part
of controller.
When shunt and series controllers are unified .there can be a real power
exchange between the series and shunt controllers via the power link.
Figure 1(a) shows a simple one-line diagram of STATCOM based on a voltage
sourced converter and a current sourced converter.STATCOM can be designed to also
act as an active filter to absorb system harmonics.
(ii) Static Var Compensator (SVC): A shunt connected static var generator or absorber
subset of SVC in which conduction time and hence, current in a shunt reactor is
controlled by a thyristor based ac switch with firing angle control.
(vi) Static VAR System (SVS): A combination of different static and mechanically-
(i) Interline Power Flow Controller (IPFC):The combination of two or more Static
order to provide a smoothly variable series capacitive reactance.
The TCSC is based on thyristors without the gate turn-off capability. It is an
alternative to SSSC above and like an SSSC, it is a very important FACTS Controller.
A variable reactor such as a Thyristor- Controlled Reactor (TCR) is connected across
a series capacitor.
(iii) Thyristor-Switched Series Capacitor (TSSC): A capacitive reactance compensator