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Basf Masterflow 950 Tds

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MasterFlow® 950

High strength, non-shrink cementitious grout

DESCRIPTION Technical Services Department.

MasterFlow 950 is a ready to use product in Water addition rate can be extended up to a
powder form, which requires only the on-site maximum of 3.75 litres when additional
addition of water to produce a high strength MasterEmaco FL 100 aggregates are used.
(compressive strength >90N/mm²) non-shrink Site trials MUST always be conducted to verify
grout of predictable performance. the achievable compressive strength.

MasterFlow 950 is formulated for use at any MasterFlow 950 is supplied in 25kg moisture-
consistency from fluid to plastic, and may be used resistant bags.
with confidence for bedding, grouting and
precision bearing operations such as: APPLICATION PROCEDURE
 Gas or steam turbines The surface onto which the grout is to be applied
 Generators should be scabbled to remove laitance and
 Presses expose aggregate. Do not use bush hammers or
 Crane rails similar preparation equipment that can crush the
 Milling machines aggregate but leave it in place. The surface must
 Precast elements be free of oil, dust, dirt, paint, curing compounds,
etc. Soak area to be grouted with water for 24
 Anchor bolts
hours prior to grouting to minimise localised
 For use as a high strength plastic pack repair
absorption and to assist in the free flow of the
mortar for minor structural repairs from
grout. Surfaces should be damp but free of
35-75mm thickness.
standing water.
 Can be used as a high-strength castable
“micro-concrete” for large scale structural Particular attention should be paid to bolt holes to
repairs to core walls, columns, beams etc. ensure that these are water-free. Use oil free
where high strength and fluidity are required. compressed air to blow out bolt holes and pockets
as necessary.
 Non shrink. Base plate, bolts, etc. must be clean and free of
 Adjustable consistency. oil, grease and paint etc. Set and align
 Proven and predictable performance. equipment. If shims are to be removed after the
 Excellent workability retention even at high grout has set; lightly grease them for easy
ambient temperatures. removal.
 High bond strength to steel and concrete.
 High early strength development even at fluid Ensure formwork is secure and watertight to
consistency. prevent movement and leaking during the placing
 Good fatigue and impact resistance. and curing of the grout. The area should be free
of excessive vibration. Shut down adjacent
 Impermeable.
machinery until the grout has hardened.
 High compressive strength
 Can be bulked out with MasterEmaco FL 100 In hot weather, base plates and foundations must
aggregates when repair thicknesses etc. be shaded from direct sunlight. Bags of grout
exceed ±150mm or when large volume void should be stored in the shade prior to use.
filling is required - MasterEmaco FL 100
aggregate supplied in 20kg bags, subject to In cold weather, the temperature of base plates
approval by BASF Construction Chemicals, and foundations should be raised to >10°C.
MasterFlow® 950
In hot weather use cool water to bring the mixed If shoulders are required they should be firmly
grout temperature to <30°C. anchored with reinforcing to the substrate to
In cold weather use warm water to raise the mixed prevent debonding.
grout temperature to >10°C.
Damp down the inside of the grout mixer with
water prior to mixing the initial batch of STRENGTH DEVELOPMENT
MasterFlow 950. Ensure the mixer is damp but The strength of grout is dependent on many
free of standing water. Add the pre-measured factors which include mixing, water addition,
quantity of water. Slowly add the curing, temperature and humidity. The table
MasterFlow 950, mixing continuously. Mix for at below gives typical average strengths of
least five minutes until a smooth, uniform, lump MasterFlow 950 at 25°C, when mixed with 3.75
free consistency is achieved. litres of water.

PLACING Water addition 3.75 litres / 25kg

Lengths of metal strapping laid in the formwork Compressive Strength
prior to placing may be necessary to assist grout BS 1881 Part 116
flow over large areas and in compacting and 1 day >35N/mm²
eliminating air pockets. Pour the grout 7 day >70N/mm²
continuously. Maintain a constant hydrostatic 28 day >90N/mm²
head, preferably of at least 15 cm. Water penetration <10mm @ 5 bar
BS EN 12390 Part 8 penetration
Rapid chloride permeability Very low
On the side where the grout has been poured,
ASTM C1202 / AASHTO 277
allow 10 cm clearance between the side of the
Flexural Strength @ 28 days 11N/mm²
form and the base plate of the machine. BS 4551 Part 1 1998
On the opposite side allow 5-10 cm clearance
between the formwork and the base plate.
MasterFlow grouts are suitable for use with most No bleed water is apparent (ASTM C-232) at
types of pumping equipment. recommended water addition rates.

Immediately after MasterFlow 950 grout is STORAGE

placed, cover all exposed grout with clean damp Store out of direct sunlight, clear of the ground on
hessian, and keep moist until grout is firm enough pallets protected from rainfall. Avoid excessive
to accept a curing membrane. compaction. Storage life is approximately 12
Should the grout shoulders require finishing work, months when stored as above in original sealed
this should be carried out prior to application of bags.
the curing membrane. We recommend the use of
a curing membrane from our MasterKure range. Failure to comply with the recommended storage
conditions may result in premature deterioration of
SHOULDERS the product or packaging. For specific storage
Due to differences in temperature between the advice consult BASF's Technical Services
grout under the base plate, and exposed Department.
shoulders that are subject to more rapid
temperature changes, debonding and / or
cracking can occur. Avoid shoulders wherever
MasterFlow® 950
The temperature of both the grout and elements All products originating from BASF’s Dubai, UAE
coming into contact with the grout should be in the facility are manufactured under a management
range of >10°C to >35°C. Do not use water in an system independently certified to conform to the
amount or at a temperature that will produce a requirements of the quality, environmental and
consistency more than fluid or cause mixed grout occupational health & safety standards ISO 9001,
to bleed or segregate. ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001.

MasterFlow 950 should be laid at a minimum Request and refer to recommended installation procedures
for MasterFlow grouts prior to use
thickness of 20mm and to a maximum depth of
150mm. * Properties listed are based on laboratory controlled tests.

To simulate on-site conditions it is necessary to ® = Registered trademark of the BASF-Group in many countries.
restrain cubes for the first 24 hours immediately
after casting.





It is essential that a mechanically powered grout

mixer is used to obtain the optimum properties.

12.5 litres / 25kg bag at 3.75 litres water addition.
80 x 25kg bags / m³

As with other products containing Portland
cement, the cementitious material in
MasterFlow 950 grout may cause irritation. Avoid
contact with eyes and prolonged irritation. In case
of contact with eyes, immediately flush with plenty
of water for at least 15 minutes. Call a physician.
In case of contact with skin, wash skin thoroughly.

The technical information and application advice given in this BASF publication are based on the present state of
STATEMENT OF our best scientific and practical knowledge. As the information herein is of a general nature, no assumption can be
RESPONSIBILITY made as to a product's suitability for a particular use or application and no warranty as to its accuracy, reliability or
completeness either expressed or implied is given other than those required by law. The user is responsible for
checking the suitability of products for their intended use.

Field service where provided does not constitute supervisory responsibility. Suggestions made by BASF either
NOTE orally or in writing may be followed, modified or rejected by the owner, engineer or contractor since they, and not
BASF, are responsible for carrying out procedures appropriate to a specific application.

BASF Construction Chemicals UAE LLC

Disclaimer: the LRQA mark relates
P.O. Box 37127, Dubai, UAE to certified management system and
Tel: +971 4 8090800, Fax: +971 4 8851002 not to the product mentioned on this
www.master-builders-solutions.basf.ae datasheet

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