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IS 8008 (Part 1) :2003



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Indian Standard

(First Revision)

ICS 83.140.30; 91.140.60

Q BIS 2003


NEW DELHI 110002

December 2003 Price Group 2

Plastic Piping System Sectional Committee, CED 50


This Indian Standard (Part 1) (First Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft
finalized by the Plastic Piping System Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division

This standard covers general requirements for injection moulded/machined HDPE fittings which are used for
connection by welding process to HDPE pipes covered by 1S 4984: 1995 ‘High density polyethylene pipe for
water supply (@rth revision)’.

This standard was first published in 1976. Keeping in view the developments in this field and considering
revision of 1S 4984 this standard has been revised.

The requirements of injection moulded/machined HDPE fittings are covered in nine parts. The other parts in this
series are:

(Part 2): 2003 Specific requirements for 90° bends

(Part 3) :2003 Specific requirements for 90° tees
(Part 4) :2003 Specific requirements for reducers
(Part 5) :2003 Specific requirements for ferrule reducers
(Part 6) :2003 Specific requirements for pipe ends
(Part 7) :2003 Specific requirements for sandwich tlanges
(Part S): 2003 Specific requirements for reducing tees
(Part 9) :2003 Specific requirements for end caps

All rev ised parts have been aligned with IS 4984 with respect to grade of material, dimensional requirements,
testing procedures and sampling methodology.

Provisions has been made for rewelding, in case any weld gets rejected. Weld length had been kept constant with
a uniform tolerance.

Drawings have been revised from short neck pipe ends to long neck pipe ends. The range of diameter of fittings,
weld length and clarity of the dimensions in the drawings had been incorporated in-each part of the standard,
wherever applicable.

This standard covers general requirements for materials, manufacture, methods of test and inspection and marking
of all types of injection moulded and machined HDPE fittings. Specific requirement of different types of fittings
are covered in separate parts of this standard.

Fittings from 20 mm to 315 mm are manufactured by the injection moulding methods and machined, wherever
so required and fittings of 355 mm and above shall be manufactured by machining process from thick walled
extruded pipes or compression moulded slabs.

For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with
IS 2: 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)’. The number of significant places retained in the
rounded off value should be the same as that of.the specified value in this standard.
1S 8008 (Part 1) :2003

Indian Standard

(First Revision)

1 SCOPE 3.2 The specified density shall be between

940.5 kg/m3 and 946.4 kg/m3 (both inclusive) when
1.1 This standard (Part l) covers general requirements
for materials, manufacture, methods of test and determined at 27°C in accordance with procedure
inspection and marking of all types of injection prescribed in Annex A of IS 7328. The value of density
moulded and machined HDPE fittings intended for shall also not differ from the nominal value by more
connection to HDPE pipes covered by IS 4984 for than 3 kg/m3 as per 5.2 of IS 7328.
potable water supplies. 3.3 The material used for the manufacture of fittings
1.2 For technical reasons the fittings may be welded shou Id not constitute toxic hazard and should not give
to pipes of same pressure rating. Deviations from this rise to unpleasant taste or odour, cloudiness or
requirement is allowed if the wall thicknesses are equal discoloration of water.
in the welding zone.
3.4 The MFR of the material shall be between 0.41
2 REFERENCES and 1.10 (both inclusive) when tested at 190”C with
nom inal load of 5 kgf as determined by prescribed
The following standards contain provisions which, method in 7 of IS 2530.
through reference in this text, constitute provisions of
this standard. At the time of publication the editions 3.5 The resin shall be compounded with carbon black.
indicated were valid. All standards are subject to The carbon black content in the material shall be within
revision and parties to agreements based on this 2.5 * 0.5 percent.
standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility
3.6 Anti-oxidant
of applying the most recent editions of the standards
indicated below : The percentage of anti-oxidant shall not be more than
IS No. Title 0.3 percent by mass of finished resin. The anti-oxidant
2530:1963 Methods of test for polyethylene shall be physiologically harmless and shall be selected
materials for moulding materials and from the list given in IS 10141.
polyethylene compounds 3.7 The compound (resin) supplier shall provide the
4984:1995 High density polyethylene pipes for certified test results for PE compound classification
water supply Vourth revision) and other characteristics as per 3.1 to 3.6 for each
7328:1992 High density polyethylene materials individual lot of batch of material received by the
for moulding and extrusion (first fittings manufacturer.
10141:1982 Positive list of constituents of 4 REWORK MATERIAL
polyethylene in contact with
The addition of not more than 10 percent of the
foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals and
drinking water manufacturer’s own rework material resulting from the
manufacture of fittings to this standard is permissible.
3 COMPOS1TION No other rework material shall be used.
3.1 The fitting shall be made from a compound
consisting of virgin polyethylene grades of fibre
PE 63/PE 80/PE 100, whichever is applicable. The colour of the fitting shall be black.
IS 8008 (Part 1) :2003

6 SIZES OF FITTINGS Table 1 Length of Pipe for Welding Test

6.1 The nominal diameter of the fittings covered in (Clause 9.1)

this standard are 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 63, 75, 90, 110, All dimensions in millimetres.
125, 140, 160, 180,200,225,250,280, 315,355,400, S1No. Pipe Outside Diameter Length of Pipe Section
450, 500, 560, 630, 710, 800, 900 and 1000 mm. (1) (2) (3)

6.2 The sizes of fittings shall be designated by their O up to 75 200

outside diameters at the free ends and grade of material. ii) 90 to 225 300
iii) 250 or more 500
The outside diameters at the free ends of the fittings
shall correspond to the outside diameters of the pipes
9.3 Ovality
given in IS 4984.
Ovality of the fittings shall conform to Table 2 of
7 WELD LENGTHS (WHEREVER APPLICABLE) IS 4984 when measured according to 6.3.2 of IS 4984.
Since 3 to 5 mm length goes in welding it is difficult
9.4 Carbon Black Content and Dispersion
to reweld the bendltee, if any weld gets rejected. Hence
a minimum weld length of 15 mm is specified, to make When tested the fittings as per 8.6 of IS 4984 and as
provision for rewelding and to avoid wastage of whole per IS 2530 the carbon black content shall be within
fitting due to shortage of weld length. 2.5 + 0.5 percent and the dispersion shall be uniform.


The outside diameters and the corresponding wall
thickness of fittings at the free ends for weld shall 10.1 Type Tests
comply with those given in IS 4984, depending on the
10.1.1 Type tests are intended to prove the suitability
grade of material. However, the wall thickness of the
fittings (with the exception and reducers sandwich and performance of a new technique or a new size of
fitting. Even, if no change is envisaged, type test shall
flange) shall be a minimum of PN6 rated pipe material
grade PE 80 as per IS 4984. The outside diameter shall be done at last once in one year on each pressure rating
and grade of fitting of the highest size manufactured
be the average of two measurements taken at right
during the period.
angles. The wall thickness shall be measured with a
bail ended micro-meter or dial caliper. Resulting 10.1.2 Three samples of the same size, same pressure
dimensions shall be expressed to O.Imm. rating and same grade selected at random shall be tested
for compliance with requirements of the type test
(see 9.1 and Table 6 of IS 4984).
9.1 Hydraulic Characteristics 10.1.3 If all the samples pass the requirements of the
type test, the type of the fitting under consideration
A fitting (except sandwich flange) duly welded on all
shall be considered eligible for type approval.
sides to straight length of a pipe of pressure rating to
which the fitting corresponds, when -subjected to However, failure on the weld joint shall not be
internal creep rupture testing in accordance with the considered as a failure of the type test. In such a case
procedure given in Annex B of IS 4984, and test the test shall be repeated.
assembly as given in Table 1, shall show no signs of 10.1.4 In case any sample fails in the type test, the
localized swelling, leakage or weeping and shall not testing authority, at it’s discretion, may call fresh
burst during the prescribed test duration. The samples not exceeding the original number and subject
temperature, duration of test and stresses for the test them to the type test again. In repeat test, no single
shall conform to the requirements given in Table 6 of failure occurs, the type of fittings under consideration
IS 4984 according to the grade of material. Although shall be eligible for type approval.
the performance of welded joints is not the object .of
10.1.5 At”the end of the validity period (normally two
this test, the joints shall be such that they are not the
years) or earlier as may be necessary, the testing
cause of the system failure. However, in case of failure
authority may call for fresh samples for type test for
of the weld the test shall be repeated.
the type approval.
9.2 Sandwich Flange Hydraulic Testing
10.2 Acceptance Tests
Sandwich flange shall be.tested as per 9.1 by slipping
10.2.1 Lot
onto the pipe duly welded with pipe end as per standard
practice. All fittings of the same size, same pressure rating and

IS 8008 (Part 1) :2003

same grade and also manufactured under similar shall be tested for compliance in the requirements for
conditions shall constitute For ascertaining
a lot. hydraulic characteristics (see 9.1). The lot shall be
conformity of the lot to the .requirements of this considered to have met the requirements of the above
standard sample shal I be selected in accordance with test, if none of the samples test fails.
the provisions as mentioned under 10.2.2 and 10.2.3
and tested for compliance. Table 2 Scale of Sampling for
Hydraulic Characteristics
10.2.2 Dimensional Requirements
(Clause The number of test samples shall be in
S1 No. No. of Fittings in a Lot Sample Size
accordance with Table 7 of IS 4984.
(1) (2) (3)
102.2.2 The fittings shall be selected random from
i) UP to 25 2
the lot and in order to ensure the randomness of ii) 26 to 150 3
selection a random number table shall be used. [n the iii) 151to 1200 5
absence of the random number table the following iv) >1200 6
procedure may be adopted:
Starting from any fitting in the lot count them as
1, 2, 3 up to r and so on, where ‘r’ is integral part 11.1 All fittings shall be clearly marked at a prominent
of N/n, N being the number of fittings in the place, with the following information:
lot and n is the number of fittings in the sample.
a) Identification of source of manufacture, and
Every r fitting so counted shall be drawn so as to
b) The size of the fittings, grade of material and
constitute the required sample size.
appropriate working pressure. The scale of sampling shall be as per
of IS 4984. 11.2 BIS Certification Marking

10.2.3 Hydraulic Characteristics Each HDPE fittings may also be marked with the
Standard Mark. The lot having satisfied dimensional
requirements shall be tested for hydraulic 11.2.1 The use of the Standard Mark is governed by
characteristics. the provisions of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act,
1986 and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. A separate sample size for-the test shall be The details of conditions under which a Iicence for the
taken as stipulated in Table 2 and selected at random use of the Standard Mark may be granted to the
from the sample already examined for dimensional manufacturers or the producers may be obtained from
inspection. All the fittings in each of the sample size the Bureau of Indian Standards.

Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Zndian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country.


BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in.possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
‘BIS Catalogue’ and ‘Standards: Monthly Additions’.

This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc : No. CED 50 (5918).

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected


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