QRS AdG English V3 PDF
QRS AdG English V3 PDF
QRS AdG English V3 PDF
+1 vs. Mounted, LI, LMI, MI, Levies never applies if foot charge mounted or if
Medium cavalry mounted have impact (unless if impact of the
+1 vs. HI if attacking flank or rear.
Light chariots Cv 0 3 mounted is canceled by spearmen). Impact
Add +1 in first phase vs. MI except
Medium camelry (1)
ability never applies against elephants.
if cavalry already has impact
Heavy Cavalry Cv 1 3 Same as medium cavalry + armour Impetuous : The unit is unmanoeuvrable and
+2 vs. LMI and Mounted except El likely to make an uncontrolled charge. It has
Medium Knight Kn 1 3 +1 vs. El and foot except WWg impact ability unless it charges the front edge of
Armour a medium or heavy swordsmen.
Heavy Knight Kn 2 3 Same as medium Kn+heavy armour Javelin : The unit has a +1 bonus for the 1st
+2 vs. LMI and LH phase of a melee if it charges or receives a
Cataphract charge on its front edge. This bonus is cancelled
Kn 2 3 +1 vs. all except WWg
Cataphract camelry (1)
if opponent has impact ability or if it is
Impact vs foot, heavy armour
+2 vs. LMI, LH and Cv impetuous but is applied against El and SCh.
Heavy Chariots Kn 1 3 Pavise : +1 bonus to protection unless shot at
+1 vs. all except WWg, armour
+2 vs. Mounted and +1 vs. Foot by artillery. Cannot be added to a cover bonus.
Elephant (1) El 0 3 Impact except vs LI, LH and Stakes : Cancel the impact and furious charge
Javelinmen abilities of all mounted. All mounted (except El)
Enemy factor is set to 0 except LI, have a -2 penalty in melee.
LH, LMI, WWg or El which keep Missile support : In the 1st phase, if the unit
Scyted Chariot SCh 0 1 loses the melee on its front edge, add +1 to die
their factors. Cancels enemy’s
support in the 1st phase. result. Canceled if enemy has heavy armour.
Mixed Unit : Downgraded one level in quality
MOVEMENT AND TERRAIN (P 27) (e.g, Ordinary to Mediocre) when unit is in
melee. No change if unit shoots or is shot at.
Troop type Distance move (UD)
Open Rough Difficult
Light Infantry 3 3 3
Medium Infantry 3 3 2 Missile weapon Range
Heavy Infantry 2 2 1 LI or LH with javelins, Javelinmen 1
Light Cavalry 5 4 2 MI with atlatls
Medium and Heavy Cavalry 4 3 1 LI or LH with slings, bows, crossbows 2
Knights 3 2 1 or firearms
Light Chariots, Scythed Chariots 4 2 - Cv with bows, crossbows or firearms 2
Heavy Chariots, Cataphracts 3 1 - LMI, MI or HI with bows or crossbows 4
Elephant 3 3 1 War wagon, Light artillery 4
War Wagon, mobile Artillery 2 1 - Medium artillery 6
Add one UD for units in a column moving along a road. Heavy artillery 8
Reproduction authorized for personnal use L’Art de la Guerre - © Onyx Editions 2014
MOVEMENT (P 27) RALLYING (P 45) – Forbidden for elephants and expendables
Types of movements (P 28) : 3+ if unit is at more than 4 UD of all enemy (O CP)
One forward move which can include pivots (90° max) 4+ if unit is at 4 UD or less of an enemy (1 CP *)
and/or one slide with an advance of one UD before or after. 5+ if unit is in melee (2 CP *)
One half-turn or quarter-turn (cost 1 UD or 2 UD if un- +1 if commander is included in or attached in the unit
manoeuverable, pikemen or cataphract) and one advance. * +1 PC if unit is outside command range
Stationary extension or a contraction with advance :
o 2 UD (HI) 1 unit SHOOTING (P 46)
o 3 UD (LMI, MI, Kn, El, LI) 2 units Shooting priority (P 46) :
o 4 UD and more (Cv, LH, SCh) 3 units Nearest target situated directly in front of the shooter
Second and third movement (P 32) : Nearest target situated in the arc of fire of the shooter
The unit must never be less than 4 UD from enemy Shooting resolution (P 47) :
3rd mvt forbidden if unmanoeuverable (unless Cv) Each player rolls 1D6 and the target add its protection. If the
3rd mvt permitted only if commander accompanies the unit shooter has the higher result, the target loses 1 cohesion point.
3rd mvt is difficult unless LI, LH and non impetuous Cv. LI or LH shooting -1
Unmanoeuverable units (P 32) : Target in cover or behind a fortification -1
Impetuous, Elephant, Levy, WWg, Art, SCh Shooter is disordered -1
Difficult manoeuvres for the units above are : Shooter from cover or in difficult terrain except if LI -1
Advance of less than the maximum movement distance LMI, MI, HI with bow/crossbow shooting at mounted +1
unless the unit ends its move in contact with enemy. For each supporting unit (max +3, LI/LH count as ½) +1
Quarter or half-turn (also for Pikemen and Cataphract) Protection modifiers (P 48) :
Extension or contraction. Forbidden for SCh, Art and WWg Crossbows, firearms or WWg : Protection equals 1 for all
Light troops (P 33) : except if El (protection =0) or WWg (protection =2).
Can make a free quarter or half-turn at start or end of move Longbows : -1 to protection (cannot be less than zero)
Can move backwards in front of enemy (mvt minus 1 UD) against all except Art, WWg, LI and LH.
Artillery : Protection equals 0 for all except LI and LH.
ZONE OF CONTROL (P 33-35) Pavise : +1 to protection except against artillery.
Area of one UD in front of the unit. Authorized movements are:
Stay in place. CONTACT RESTRICTIONS (P 51)
Advance, pivot/slide or make a ¼ or ½ turn to align with Bowmen, crossbowmen and LH can only charge the camp,
the most threatening enemy, to move closer or to charge it Art, LI and LH or if the contact is made on the flank or on
Perform an extension or contraction without leaving ZoC. the rear or against a foot unit supporting a friend in melee.
Units capable of evading orient their rear toward enemy LH can also charge an enemy frontally if LH has impact
and make a straight move. LH/LI can retain original facing. ability or if the enemy is disordered.
Others units can retreat a straight move backward of 1 UD Mixed unit can charge foot unit. They can contact mounted
(2 UD if mounted) for 2 CP. Unit is disordered. that are in melee or charge them in the flank/rear.
LH and LI exerts a Zoc only for others LH and LI. LI can only charge LI, Art, SCh, El and the camp. Can also
Camp, artillery and WWg do not exert any ZoC. charge an enemy in a rough/difficult terrain only if enemy
is penalized in melee or on the flank/rear or disordered.
WWg and Art cannot contact enemy.
Evade move (P 37) :
Only LI, LH, Javelinmen or Cv with no impact or impetuous. MELEE (P 55)
Forbidden if in melee or if an obstacle is within 1 UD behind 1D6 + modifier, highest result wins the melee.
Orient unit if necessary and advance straight forward the Loser - 1 cohesion point
adjusted distance (1D6) : 1-2 = -1 UD or 5-6 = +1 UD Difference of 3 or 4 - 2 cohesion points
Slides or pivots are authorized to avoid obstacles. Difference of 5 or 6 - 3 cohesion points
Charging unit must advance at least 1 UD if foot or 2 UD if Difference of 7 or + Routed
mounted. Impetuous units must advance maximum distance. Modifiers (P 55) :
Uncontrolled charge (P 40) : -1 if unit is disordered
Impetuous unit at charge range must uses 3 CP to do other Foot : -1 in rough if HI or WWg (-2 if Heavy spearmen or
manoeuvre than charging or supporting a friendly unit, unless : pikemen). -2 in difficult terrain if HI or -1 if LMI or MI.
It is already supporting a friendly unit in melee. Mounted : -2 in rough or –3 in difficult terrain (except
The unit is restricted by an enemy ZoC. camels in sand dunes/brush or El in brush/fields)
The target is an elephant or a WWg. +1 for each unit in support except against SCh on 1st round
A mounted unit may contact an elephant. +1 if higher, on river bank, edge of a gully or fortification
The target is LI/LH and unit have to interpenetrate friends. +1 if unit is attacking a flank or the rear
It is foot unit charging frontally mounted. -2 if mounted attack fortifications or stakes
It is Cv charging frontally HI (unless Levy) non-disordered. +1 if commander is engaged in melee
It may enter a terrain that inflict a combat penalty on it. Attacked on flank/rear and multiple opponents (56 & 59) :
It is behind fortification, river, village or in ambush. Basic factor equals to zero. Loss impact, javelin, 2HW and
Burst through (P 42) : Unit which is burst through is missile support abilities and furious charge.
disordered. Elephant, Pikemen or a friendly unit in melee or Armour, heavy armour & panic remain valid.
giving melee support cannot be burst through. Loses 1 cohesion in melee except if contacted by LI/LH.
Interpenetration (P 43) : Furious charge (P 58) : +1 cohesion point loss on 1st phase if:
LI through all units in all orientations and vice versa. Impetuous foot against all foot.
All mounted through LH if oriented in the same or opposite Cv or Kn with impetuous or impact abilities against all foot.
direction and vice versa. Other Cv and Kn against LMI. LH against LI.
Heavy and medium infantrymen non impetuous through El and SCh against foot except Javelinmen and LI.
bowmen/crossbowmen if in the same or opposite direction. Commander in melee (P 24) :
Foot through Artillery or WWg by the long side only. Killed with 1 on 1D6 if loses the melee or with 1, 2, 3 if routed
Disengage (P 44) : A move straight backwards of move distance
minus one UD until meeting an obstacle. ROUT AND PURSUIT (P 61 & 62)
LI facing foot, El or mounted penalized in a terrain. Rout : Loss of 1 cohesion point for friends (LI only affect LI)
Javelinmen facing HI or Elephant. less than 1 UD behind unit (except if routed is Art/WWg).
Mounted (except El and SCh) facing slower foot/mounted. Pursuit : Only phasing player’s units can advance up to
All facing Art, WWg, fortifications or if attacking flank/rear. one UD. Impetuous units must pursue one UD (see p 62).
Reproduction authorized for personnal use L’Art de la Guerre - © Onyx Editions 2014