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Troop Hint Cards For DBA

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DBA Troop Type Hint Cards

These cards were designed as a player aid for those who are familiar with DBA but would like some help with the
nuanced, element-specific rules. The inspiration came whilst watching the fabulous YouTube videos of Tony Aguilar
and friends and noticing how many rules I didn’t appreciate regarding some of the rarer troop types. I thought that
these would help players when using unfamiliar armies or troops. They may also help teach new players by focusing
their attention on the elements in their army. What they won’t do is let you play DBA without the purchased rules.
That was a non-negotiable design strategy.

So, after putting together a (very) rough draft, I approached Stephen Andrews (“stevie” from Fanaticus) to proof
read the project. Well he did that and then some! Proof read, corrected, formatted and illustrated all in quick time.

Each card has been laid out in the following way:-

Green is for good things, red is for bad things, and black is for neutral things.
This makes it easier to understand and helps to visually break-up solid chunks of data.

These cards are supposed to provide hints and reminders. They do not replace or explain the published rules.
Please provide any feedback or corrections via the Fanaticus website.

I plan on printing mine out, gluing onto card and then laminating. You may also be able to double-side print them if
wish, though they may not line up exactly. Each of you can use them for your personal use as you see fit. Please do
not use them for any commercial venture. DBA belongs to Wargames Research Group (WRG) and authors Phil
Barker and Sue Laflin-Barker.

Stevie says that most these have come from DBAOL, and he can make specific sets such as Middle Eastern Moslem
Arabs, sub-continental Indians, Chinese, and even Mesoamericans if there is a demand for them.

I hope that these cards make your battles faster and more enjoyable, letting you concentrate on what’s important,
pushing little men around a table and cursing the dice-gods! I would like to hear feedback from new players or
veteran players that have been inspired to take on new armies or expand existing armies (Druids and screaming
women 5Hd anyone?). Again, feedback can be provided through Fanaticus.


Jim Koukounaras (a.k.a. jim1973)

Notes for Troop Hint Cards for DBA 3.0 (Medieval Edition)

The original hint cards used illustrations from the ancient period. However, it is the very nature of wargamers to be
“in-period” regarding their gaming. Ancient images of Medieval troops just wouldn’t cut it. Therefore, stevie has
created a medieval edition of the original cards.

Of course, there are no chariots in the Middle Ages. Nonetheless some extra chariot pictures have been included for
completeness. The Light Chariot is more appropriate for Middle Eastern biblical armies than the Celtic barbarian one
in the Ancient set, and the new Heavy Chariot is of an indeterminate nation so is suitable from the Middle East to

No Scythed Chariots were used in the Medieval period, so a..er...’substitute’ with similar capabilities is included.

As the Chariots are found together on the final page, you can use your own discretion whether you will print them.
Elephants El (mounted)
Littoral Landings are not allowed
Combat Factors: 5 v foot, 4 v mounted +1 PIP cost to move after the 1st bound
City/Fort: assault only at gates; destroyed if recoiled
Can pass through friendly Ps when moving or fleeing
Pursues 1 BW
Cannot be pushed back
Recoiling destroys any troops not in a BUA or Camp
Recoiling into a 2nd Elephant destroys both elements
If fleeing is prevented, both elements are destroyed
Can Quick-Kill: Hd in Good Going, and SCh,
Kn, HCh, Bw, Mtd, WWg, Art
and civilians in any going
Quick-Killed by: shooting Art, LH, LCm, Ax, Ps
Speed in Good Going: 3 BW Makes these flee: other Elephants and Cm
Speed in Rough/Bad Going: 1 BW Cannot destroy: Ps, who just recoil instead

Knights Kn (mounted)
Combat Factors: 3 v foot, 4 v mounted Can pass through friendly Ps when moving
6Kn in close combat in Good Going: +1 v foot 3Kn recoils 4Kn on an equal score
3Kn and 6Kn pursues 1 BW (4Kn does not pursue)
Recoils through any friends (except El, Pk, Hd)
Flees through Ps
Victory: the 1st double base lost counts as 2 elements

Can Quick-Kill: Pk, Sp, Bd, Wb, Ax, Hd, Ps in

Good Going, and SCh, Bw, Mtd,
Art and civilians in any going
Quick-Killed by: Lb, Cb and Bds in close combat
Speed in Good Going: 3 BW on an equal score, and by
Speed in Rough/Bad Going: 1 BW SCh, El, Cm, LH and LCm

Camelry Cm (mounted)
Combat Factors: 3 v foot, 3 v mounted May deploy at least 2 BW from the table side-edges
Dunes and Oasis counts as Good Going
Can pass through friendly Ps when moving or fleeing
Recoils through any friends (except El, Pk, Hd)

Can Quick-Kill: Ps in Good Going, and SCh, Kn,

HCh, Bw, Mtd, Art and civilians
in any going
Quick-Killed by: Lb, Cb and Bds in close combat
on an equal score, and by SCh
Speed in Good Going: 3 BW in any going, or if in Bad Going
Speed in Rough/Bad Going: 1 BW Will flee from: Elephants
Cavalry Cv (mounted)
Combat Factors: 3 v foot, 3 v mounted May deploy at least 2 BW from the table side-edges
6Cv in close combat in Good Going: +1 v foot Battlefield edge overlap does not affect Cv
Can pass through friendly Ps when moving
Recoils through any friends (except El, Pk, Hd)
Flees through Ps
Victory: 1st double base lost counts as 2 elements

Can Quick-Kill: Ps in Good Going, and SCh, Bw

Mtd, Art, civilians in any going
Will flee from: SCh, or from any in Bad Going
Speed in Good Going: 4 BW Flee if doubled by: Pk, Sp and Hd in Good Going,
Speed in Rough/Bad Going: 1 BW and close combat Art

Light Horse LH (mounted)

Combat Factors: 2 v foot, 2 v mounted May deploy at least 2 BW from the table side-edges
Rear Support in close combat in Good Going: +1 Battlefield edge overlap does not affect LH
Command range is 20 BW (even if out of sight)
Can make a 2nd or 3rd move in Good Going
Can pass through friendly Ps when moving
Recoils through any friends (except El, Pk, Hd)
Flees through Ps
Fleeing is not halted by Bad Going

Can Quick-Kill: SCh, El, Kn, HCh, Bw, Mtd, Art

and civilians in any going
Eligible for subsequent off-road moves Will flee from: SCh, shooting Art, & Bad Going
Speed in Good Going: 4 BW Flee if doubled by: Pk, Sp, Bd, Wb, Ax, Hd, WWg,
Speed in Rough/Bad Going: 1 BW civilians, and close combat Art

Light Camels LCm (mounted)

Combat Factors: 2 v foot, 2 v mounted May deploy at least 2 BW from the side-edges
Rear Support in close combat in Good Going: +1 Battlefield edge overlap does not affect LH
Command range is 20 BW (even if out of sight)
Can make a 2nd or 3rd move in Good Going
Dunes and Oasis counts as Good Going
Can pass through friendly Ps when moving
Recoils through any friends (except El, Pk, Hd)
Flees through Ps
Fleeing is not halted by Bad Going
Can Quick-Kill: SCh, El, Kn, HCh, Bw, Mtd, Art
and civilians in any going
Eligible for subsequent off-road moves Will flee from: SCh, shooting Art, & Bad Going
Speed in Good Going: 4 BW Flee if doubled by: Pk, Sp, Bd, Wb, Ax, Hd, WWg,
Speed in Rough/Bad Going: 1 BW civilians, and close combat Art
Pikes Pk (solid or fast foot)
Combat Factors: 3 v foot, 4 v mounted Pursues foot (other than Ps) ½ BW
Rear Support in close combat in Good Going: Recoils through friendly Bds (including CP/Lit/CWg)
+3 v foot (not Ps), +1 v El, SCh, Kn, HCh Mounted cannot recoil or flee through Pk

Can Quick-Kill: SCh, Art and civilians

Quick-Killed by: SCh, Kn and HCh in Good Going,
and by Wb in any going
Cannot destroy: Cv & LCh, who will flee if in
Good Going, nor LH & LCm,
Speed in Good Going: solid 2 BW, fast 3 BW who flee in any but Bad Going,
Speed in Rough/Bad Going: solid 1 BW, fast 3 BW nor Ps, who just flee instead

Spears Sp (solid foot)

Combat Factors: 4 v foot, 4 v mounted Side supported by Sp and solid Bds in Good Going
Side Support in close combat in Good Going: +1 v foot Victory: 1st double base lost counts as 2 elements
8Sp in close combat in Good Going: +1 v foot

Can Quick-Kill: SCh, Art and civilians

Quick-Killed by: SCh, Kn and HCh in Good Going,
and by Wb in any going
Cannot destroy: Cv & LCh, who will flee if in
Good Going, nor LH & LCm,
Speed in Good Going: 2 BW who flee in any but Bad Going,
Speed in Rough/Bad Going: 1 BW nor Ps, who just flee instead

Blades Bd (solid or fast foot)

Combat Factors: 5 v foot, 3 v mounted 4Bd adds side support to solid Bw/Sp in Good Going
Combat Factor: 4 if shot at Pursues foot (other than Ps) ½ BW
6Bd in close combat in Good Going: +1 v foot Bd may recoil through friendly Sp
Bd, Pk and Bw may recoil through friendly Bds
Victory: 1st double base lost counts as 2 elements

Can Quick-Kill: Kn, HCh & Cm on an equal score

and SCh, Art and civilians
Quick-Killed by: SCh, Kn and HCh in Good Going,
and by Wb in any going
Cannot destroy: LH & LCm, who will flee in any
Speed in Good Going: solid 2 BW, fast 3 BW but Bad Going,
Speed in Rough/Bad Going: solid 1 BW, fast 3 BW nor Ps, who just flee instead
Command Posts, Litters, CP, Lit, CWg (solid foot)
and Command Wagons Cannot contact an enemy (even corner-to-corner)
Combat Factors: 5 v foot, 3 v mounted Adds side support to Sp and solid Bw in Good Going
Combat Factor: 4 if shot at Fights as if solid Bd (but is not quick-killed like Bd)
Does not pursue like Blades
Never recoils
Friendly Bd, Pk, Bw may recoil through these troops
Can Quick-Kill: Kn, HCh & Cm on an equal score
and SCh, Art and civilians
Only killed by: foot on an equal score if 2 enemy
front edges are in contact,
or when doubled by anyone
Cannot destroy: LH & LCm, who will flee in any
Speed in Good Going: 2 BW but Bad Going,
Speed in Rough/Bad Going: 1 BW nor Ps, who just flee instead

Warbands Wb (solid or fast foot)

Combat Factors: 3 v foot, 2 v mounted Bad Going does not affect combat or speed
Rear Support in close combat in Good Going: Pursues foot (other than Ps) ½ BW
+1 v foot (other than Ps)

Can Quick-Kill: SCh, Pk, Sp, Bd, Hd, Art and

civilians in any going
Quick-Killed by: SCh, Kn and HCh in Good Going
(and avoid Elephants)
Cannot destroy: LH & LCm, who will flee in any
Speed in Good Going: solid 2 BW, fast 3 BW but Bad Going,
Speed in Rough/Bad Going: solid 2 BW, fast 3 BW nor Ps, who just flee instead

Auxilia Ax (solid or fast foot)

Combat Factors: 3 v foot, 3 v mounted May deploy at least 2 BW from the side-edges
Bad Going does not affect combat or speed

Can Quick-Kill: SCh, El, Art, and civilians

Quick-Killed by: Kn and HCh in Good Going
Speed in Good Going: solid 2 BW, fast 3 BW (and avoid Pk or Sp in Good Going,
Speed in Rough/Bad Going: solid 2 BW, fast 3 BW and Bds in Rough or Good Going)
Hordes Hd (solid or fast foot)
Combat Factors: 3 v foot, 2 v mounted +1 PIP cost to move after the 1st bound
Pursues 1 BW against any enemy
Hard to recoil (especially 7Hd), unless shot at
Mounted cannot recoil or flee through Hd
Victory: Lost Hd do not count

Can Quick-Kill: SCh, Art and civilians

Quick-Killed by: El, Kn and HCh in Good Going,
and by Wb in any going
Cannot destroy: Cv & LCh, who will flee if in
Good Going, nor LH & LCm,
Speed in Good Going: solid 2 BW, fast 3 BW who flee in any but Bad Going,
Speed in Rough/Bad Going: solid 1 BW, fast 3 BW nor Ps, who just flee instead

Psiloi Ps (fast foot)

Combat Factors: 2 v foot, 2 v mounted May deploy at least 2 BW from the side-edges
Can make a 2nd move in the 1st bound, or into terrain
Can pass through any friends when moving or fleeing
Group moves not limited by Bad Going
Corner overlaps are ignored (flank contacts are not)
Recoils through any friends (except other Ps)
Fleeing is not halted by Bad Going
Can Quick-Kill: SCh, El, Art and civilians
Quick-Killed by: Kn, HCh, Cv, LCh and Cm
in Good Going
Not destroyed by: El and SCh, only recoiled
Eligible for subsequent off-road moves Flee if doubled by: other mounted in Rough/Bad
Speed in Good Going: 3 BW Going, and by all foot (except
Speed in Rough/Bad Going: 3 BW (as a group) Ax, Ps, and close combat Bw)

Camp Followers and City Denizens Civilians (fast foot)

Combat Factors: 2 v foot, 0 v mounted +1 PIP cost to move after the 1st bound
Moves as if solid foot, but fights as fast foot
Victory: Lost civilians do not count

Camp Followers may leave their Camp but not return

City Denizens only sally if there is no garrison, and

both enemy and friends are within 2 BW of their City.
They cannot move more than 3 BW from their City.

Speed in Good Going: 2 BW Can Quick-Kill: SCh, Art and civilians

Speed in Rough/Bad Going: 1 BW Quick-Killed by: everyone
Bows Bw (solid or fast foot)
Combat Factors: 2 v foot, 4 v mounted Range is 3 BW, unless they moved more than 1 BW
Side Support in close combat in Good Going: +1 v foot Must prioritize targeting enemy in their Threat Zone
8Bw in close combat in Good Going: +1 v foot Solid Bw is side supported by solid Bds in Good Going
Bad Going does not affect combat, only solid speed
Can recoil through friendly Bds (including CP/Lit/CWg)
Victory: 1st double base lost counts as 2 elements

All Bow Quick-Kill: Art and civilians

Lb & Cb Quick-Kill: Kn, HCh and Cm in close
combat on an equal score
Speed in Good Going: solid 2 BW, fast 3 BW Quick-Killed by: any mounted enemy
Speed in Rough/Bad Going: solid 1 BW, fast 3 BW Makes these flee: SCh (rear shots destroy them)

Mounted Infantry Mtd (solid or fast foot)

Combat Factors: 2 v foot, 4 v mounted May deploy at least 2 BW from the side-edges
Side Support in close combat in Good Going: +1 v foot Can make a 2nd or 3rd move in Good Going
Range is 3 BW, unless they moved more than 1 BW
Must prioritize targeting enemy in their Threat Zone
Solid Bw is side supported by solid Bds in Good Going
Bad Going does not affect combat, only solid speed
Can recoil through friendly Bd (including CP/Lit/CWg)

All Bow Quick-Kill: Art and civilians

Lb & Cb Quick-Kill: Kn, HCh and Cm in close
combat on an equal score
Eligible for subsequent off-road moves Quick-Killed by: any mounted enemy, or by
Speed in Good Going: solid 3 BW, fast 3 BW any enemy if in Bad Going
Speed in Rough/Bad Going: solid 1 BW, fast 3 BW Makes these flee: SCh (rear shots destroy them)

War Wagons WWg (solid foot)

Combat Factors: 3 v foot, 4 v mounted A Camp is not needed if you have more than 2 WWg
Littoral Landings are not allowed
+1 PIP cost to move after the 1st bound
Cannot contact an enemy (even corner-to-corner)
Threat Zone and shooting extends from all edges
Range is 3 BW, unless they moved more than 1 BW
Must prioritize targeting enemy in their Threat Zone
Never recoils, and cannot be pushed back
Can Quick-Kill: Art and civilians
Quick-Killed by: Elephants and shooting Art
Makes flee: SCh (but rear shots destroy them)
Speed in Good Going: 2 BW Cannot kill: LH & LCm, who will flee in any
Speed in Rough: 1 BW but Bad Going,
Cannot deploy or move off-road in Bad Going nor Ps, who just flee instead
Artillery Art (solid foot)
Combat Factors: 4 v foot, 4 v mounted Littoral Landings are not allowed
(in a City or Fort: 2 v foot, 2 v mounted) +1 PIP cost to move after the 1st bound
Cannot contact an enemy (even corner-to-corner)
Range is 5 BW, but only shoots if it does not move
Only shoots in its own bound, but shoots back at Art
May pick any target; can shoot through enemy Ps
Can cause a City to surrender
Can Quick-Kill: Elephants and WWg when
shooting, and Art and civilians
Quick-Killed by: everyone
Makes these flee: shooting at SCh, LH and LCm
Speed in Good Going: 2 BW Cannot destroy: close combat Cv, LCh, LH and
Speed in Rough: 1 BW LCm, who will all flee,
Cannot deploy or move off-road in Bad Going nor Ps, who just flee instead

Temporary Encampments Camps

Defence Factor: +2 to foot or civilians Can be guarded by a non-allied element or civilians
Elephants and SCh cannot be used to guard Camps
Troops can enter or leave through any edge
A Threat Zone extends from all sides of a Camp

3 enemy (except SCh) can be in front edge contact

Each fights in turn, using their foot combat factors
No overlaps, side or rear supports are allowed
Double base troops cannot use their +1
Defenders suffer -1 for each 2nd or 3rd still in contact

A victorious element must pursue into the Camp

Deploy touching the rear table edge or Waterway Mounted pursue 1 BW, and foot pursue ½ BW
of their own deployment area (i.e. at least 4 BW Captured Camps are removed (except Edifice Camps)
from the table sides) in Good Going (not Plough). Victory: a captured enemy Camp is worth 1 element

Permanent Forts and Cities A City can, a Fort must, be garrisoned by foot troops
Defence Factors: +4 to garrisoned foot Only foot (other than WWg) can become a garrison
+2 to defending civilians Only enter or leave through gates (unless assaulting)
If enemy partially in a non-paltry River: +1 Threat Zones extend from a City and garrisoned Fort
It costs 1 PIP to move from one City gate to another
3 enemy (except SCh) can be in front edge contact
Each fights in turn, using their foot combat factors
No overlaps, side or rear supports are allowed
Double base troops cannot use their +1
Defenders suffer -1 for each 2nd or 3rd still in contact
One victorious element (not El or tower) will enter
These sack a City and cannot use the City defences
Nor can they move, shoot or be shot at while sacking
Sacking ceases on a PIP roll of 5 or 6 by their owner
Place so that all of a City or Fort is within 6 BW of 2 Victory: Cities are 1 element, or 2 if used as a Camp
battlefield edges. May touch any battlefield edge. (Cities can surrender to Art - see page 7 of the rules)
Heavy Chariots HCh (mounted)
Combat Factors: 3 v foot, 4 v mounted Can pass through friendly Ps when moving
Pursues 1 BW
Recoils through any friends (except El, Pk, Hd)
Flees through Ps

Can Quick-Kill: Pk, Sp, Bd, Wb, Ax, Hd, Ps in

Good Going, and SCh, Bw, Mtd,
Art and civilians in any going
Quick-Killed by: Lb, Cb and Bds in close combat
Speed in Good Going: 3 BW on an equal score, and by
Speed in Rough/Bad Going: 1 BW SCh, El, Cm, LH and LCm

Light Chariots LCh (mounted)

Combat Factors: 3 v foot, 3 v mounted May deploy at least 2 BW from the table side-edges
Battlefield edge overlap does not affect LCh
Can pass through friendly Ps when moving
Recoils through any friends (except El, Pk, Hd)
Flees through Ps

Can Quick-Kill: Ps in Good Going, and SCh, Bw

Mtd, Art, civilians in any going
Will flee from: SCh, or from any in Bad Going
Speed in Good Going: 4 BW Flee if doubled by: Pk, Sp and Hd in Good Going,
Speed in Rough/Bad Going: 1 BW and close combat Art

Stampeding Cattle Herd SCh (mounted)

Combat Factors: 3 v foot, 4 v mounted +1 PIP cost after the 1st bound unless making contact
Cannot contact a City, Fort or Camp with front-edge
Can pass through friendly Ps when moving or fleeing
Corner overlaps are ignored (flank contacts are not)
Pursues 1 BW
If fleeing is prevented, both elements are destroyed
Victory: Lost SCh do not count
Can Quick-Kill: Pk, Sp, Bd, Wb in Good Going,
& SCh, Kn, HCh, Cm, Bw, Mtd,
Art and civilians in any going
Quick-Killed by: everyone
Makes these flee: Cv, LCh, LH and LCm
Speed in Good Going: 4 BW Will flee from: shooting enemy
Speed in Rough/Bad Going: 1 BW Cannot destroy: Ps, who just recoil instead

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