D3H2 2.1 Export
D3H2 2.1 Export
D3H2 2.1 Export
The following set of additional rules allows players to add elements of Hordes of the Things to DBA 3.0. Most
rules are exactly the same as DBA 3.0 as indicated below, just substitute those sections of the rules from the DBA
3.0 rule book. Areas that require changes (some quite minor) are set out in full. You must purchase the DBA 3.0
rule book to use these rules.
Troops are defined by battlefield behaviour instead of the usual formation, armour, weapons and morale classes.
Aerials troop types are: Gods, Dragons, Airboats, Flyers or Aerial Heroes.
Mounted troop types are: Knights, Cavalry, Light Horse, Scythed Chariots, Camels, Heroes, Paladins,
Behemoths or Beasts.
Foot troop types are: Spears, Pikes, Blades, Auxilia, Bows, Psiloi, Warband, Hordes, Artillery, War Wagons,
Shooters, Sneakers, Mages, Command Post or Clerics.
In addition, any troop type (except Artillery, Camels, Heroes, Paladins, Clerics, Mages, 4Kn, 6Cv, 6Kn, 8Bow,
8Spear, Scythed Chariots and Aerials) may be fielded as “Fast” gaining increased movement at the cost of some
staying power. Psiloi are already considered Fast and so do not gain increased speed.
A few army lists permit some of their Mounted elements to “dismount” i.e. be exchanged for a related Foot
element during the game by using a complete single element tactical move to dismount, but cannot remount.
More armies have Mounted elements that can be deployed either mounted or dismounted at the start of a game.
A very few have Mounted Infantry (prefixed by “Mtd”). Though based on larger bases with their mounts, they
fight as their Foot type, but have a Movement Allowance of 3BW and can move more than once during a bound.
Following the rules are tables for both Combat Factors and Combat Outcomes that use only the traditional
HOTT elements with a few exceptions. Use these tables if you do not wish to include all the historical element
types from DBA.
Large Base Depth (25mm+: 60-120mm; all others: 40-80mm)
Troop Type: List Code #Figures
Dragon/God Dg/Gd 1 model
Airboat Ab 1 model
Behemoth Bh 1-3
Knight Wedge/Beasts 6Kn/Bs 3-6 (recommend 3 for Bs)
Chariots HCh/LCh/SCh 1 model
Artillery Art 1-2 models
War Wagon WWg 1 model
Command Post CP 1 Model + 2-4 figures
The general's element must be recognisable by his figure, standard or conventional white charger, or rarely by
being in a litter or command wagon. Fast Troop Types can be based on deeper bases to help distinguish them.
For example, if you base normal Foot on 20mm deep bases you can base the Fast equivalent on 30mm deep
First decide on how many Army Points (AP) each side receives then use the table above to construct an Army by
spending these AP on elements. Generally, 24 AP per player will produce a DBA sized battle of around 12
elements. Up to half an army’s AP can be spent on 6 or 4 Point elements; the rest must be spent on 3, 2 or 1
point elements. All armies receive a free General. Some armies can expend up to 6 AP to buy elements of
another army listed as Allies. Most element types can be fielded as “Fast” at no additional point cost.
Players must be able to provide a battlefield in case they become the defender.
Unless a competition organiser provides pre-set terrain, the battlefield is produced by the defending player
placing separate terrain features on a flat board or cloth representing flat good going such as pasture, open
fields, steppe grassland or smooth desert. The defender bisects the battlefield twice at right angles to its edge to
produce 4 equal quarters and numbers these 1-4 clockwise from the left.
Same as DBA 3.0 but players may select any general terrain type as their home terrain.
If terrain is: Compulsory Optional Linear Optional Rough Optional Bad Going Optional Others
ARABLE 1 BUA River (1 only) Enclosures Difficult Hills Gentle Hills
or Road Scrub Woods Plough
2 Plough Waterway (1 only) Boggy
FOREST 1-2 Woods River (1 only) Marsh Gentle Hills
Woods BUA (1 only)
If a BUA (Built-Up Area) is chosen, it must be a Stronghold or Hamlet.
(a) STRONGHOLD has defensive walls (both magical and mundane), high economic or prestige value
and a built in garrison that defends it. It must be in good going (except Plough) on the rear edge of its
side’s deployment area or on a waterway or beach. The defender may declare a Stronghold to be their
Camp. A Stronghold must fit inside an imaginary rectangle 6BW X 6BW and can be no smaller than an
imaginary square 2BW X 2BW and must have a gate. It is placed like other area features, except that all
of a Fort must be within 6BW of each of 2 battlefield edges and can be on a hill.
(b) HAMLET - either a small inhabited area of scattered or grouped houses among small enclosed fields, or
a larger village or town with denser housing, but no perimeter defences except fences to keep out
animals. It has insignificant economic or defensive value and its inhabitants fled when troops
approached. It is placed as an area terrain feature and functions only as rough going.
A Stronghold may be garrisoned by 1 (non-allied) element [except Aerials, Sneakers, Behemoths or Scythed
Chariots], placed near its centre but representing defenders manning its perimeter. If the garrison is Artillery, its
shooting effect is reduced because the artillery is distributed around the perimeter.
A garrison or other occupying element can vacate a Stronghold voluntarily by a tactical move, but does not
pursue defeated attackers. Occupiers of a Stronghold beside any but a paltry river count as defending the bank
against enemy elements assaulting it and still partly in that river. Occupiers of a Stronghold/Fort cannot count
as uphill of attackers or assaulters as fighting in bad going, since a hill counts as part of its defences. Denizens
are not used in D3H2 (if you want a “Denizen” buy a Horde and put it in the Stronghold).
The Camp is the logistical heart of the army. An Army must have one unless it has a Stronghold or more than 2
War Wagons. It must be in good going (except Plough) on the rear edge of its side’s deployment area or on a
waterway or beach. A defender may declare a Stronghold to be their Camp.
A Camp must be at least 1 BW long and fit into a rectangle the length plus width of which totals no more than 4
BW. A camp can be hollow with an interior space that can be occupied by a single removable defending troop or
permanently occupied by fixed camp followers with tents, fires and similar.
Your Camp can be occupied either (a) by 1 only non-allied troop element [except Aerials, Sneakers, Behemoths
or Scythed Chariots], which can vacate it or be replaced by another such element, or (b) by camp followers
(represented by figures within the Camp). A Camp that has been entered by any enemy element either as a
tactical or outcome move is immediately sacked and ceases to have any defensive or other value.
Note: Camp Followers as a separate element are not used in D3H2 (if you want a mobile Camp Follower buy
a Horde and put it in the Camp).
Both sides now place their Camps (if needed), the defender first. The defender now deploys its troop elements,
and then the invader deploys its elements. 1 element of Foot may be deployed as the garrison of a friendly
Stronghold. All other troops must deploy at least 3 BW from the battlefield centre line and 1 BW from any enemy
Stronghold. Aerials, Beasts, Sneakers, Cavalry, Light Horse, Auxilia or Psiloi must deploy at least 2 BW away
from battlefield side edges and others at least 4 BW away. Gods, Dragons and Psiloi optionally held off as
Lurkers cannot be deployed and are summoned using PIPs instead.
The defender takes first bound, then the two sides alternate bounds. During each player's bound:
(1) The player dices for Player Initiative Points (PIPs).
(2) The player can use PIPS to deploy Gods, Dragons or Lurker Psiloi, desorcell a Hero or Mage or replace
Inexhaustible Hordes.
(3) The player can use any remaining PIPs to make tactical moves.
(4) The player’s Mages can bespell (using remaining PIPs). Artillery, War Wagons, Shooter or Bows
elements of both sides that are eligible to do so, must shoot once each (in case of dispute in the order the
moving player decides) and make or inflict outcome moves.
(5) Any elements of both sides whose front edges are in suitable contact with enemy fight in close combat
in the order the moving player decides and make or inflict outcome moves.
(a) If the element or group to be moved includes any Mages, Aerials, Scythed Chariots, Behemoths,
Hordes, War Wagons, Artillery, or is an element currently garrisoning a Stronghold or Camp.
(b) If its general’s element has been lost or is entirely in a BUA, Camp, Wood, Oasis, Marsh or Gully; or if
the element or group to be moved starts more than command distance from its general. Command
distance is 20 BW if entirely Light Horse. Otherwise, it is 8 BW, except that this is reduced to 4 BW if
entirely either beyond the crest of a Hill, beyond a BUA or a camp, on or beyond a Difficult Hill, or in or
beyond a Wood, Oasis or Dunes.
Same as DBA 3.0 except that Aerials can only make a group move with other Aerials. Allied elements can only
make a group move with elements of their contingent.
Tactical Move Distances
The following table gives the maximum distance between the starting point of the furthest moving front corner
of any element and that corner’s final position or between either of these and any intermediate position
measured along the path of movement.
The area 1 BW deep in front of any edge of a War Wagon, or front edge of any other element or the area within 1
BW of any point of a Camp or Stronghold is its Threat Zone (TZ). An element or group which is at least partly
within or whose front edge enters an enemy TZ or touches its front edge (but not side edge) can move only:
(a) to line up its front edge with the enemy generating the TZ or
(b) to advance into or towards contact with the enemy generating the TZ, or
(c) to pass through, over or under it if allowed to do so. The move must clear the enemy base.
(d) if a single element, to move straight back to its own rear for its entire move (it does not have to expend
its entire MA).
TZs do not affect outcome moves.
In Shooting Phase, a Mage element can attempt to bespell one enemy element if:
(a) The Mage is not in close combat contact with an enemy element
(b) The Mage is within 5BW of the target measured from nearest point to nearest point
(c) The Mage expends 2 PIPs.
Up to 2 additional Mage elements can bespell the same target at a cost of 1 PIP per additional element. The
additional Mages aid the original Mage and do not resolve their attacks separately.
Mages scry their targets by magical means so can ignore intervening elements and terrain. Mages may target
any enemy element in range even those in close combat.
Only these element types can use distance shooting:
(a) Shooters
(b) Bows
(c) Artillery
(d) and War Wagons
Maximum range is:
(a) 5 BW if Artillery
(b) 3 BW for all others.
Measure range between the closest points of the shooting edge and the target edge.
The Shooting Edge is:
The Target Edge is:
(a) the entire side edge if smaller than ½ BW, or any ½ BW portion, if larger
(b) any ½ BW portion of an element front edge or Stronghold or Camp.
Shooting Arc
The entire target edge must be within 1BW of directly in front of one corner of the shooter’s front edge see diagram
below. A target edge in contact with the front edge of the Shooting Arc is considered in the Arc but a target edge
in contact with only the side edges of the Shooting Arc is not in the Arc
In the diagram Bow element LF cannot shoot element Stand A because it does not have ½ BW in the Shooting Arc.
Element LF cannot shoot element Stand B because it is out of range. It can shoot element Stand C because it is in
range and arc.
Shooting is blocked if uncrossed lines joining the ends of the shooting and target edges have part of any element
between them. A hill’s crest, a Stronghold, Camp or Stronghold, or a ½ BW depth of difficult hills, woods, oasis,
dunes, hamlet or edifice blocks shooting from and at an element base edge entirely beyond it. An element that is
at least partly in a river or a marsh cannot shoot. An element entirely in a gully cannot shoot or be shot at.
Stand A Stand
A shooting line that passes between two adjacent Stand corners or edges is blocked. In the diagram above, Bow1
cannot shoot diagonally past Stand A and Stand B at Target1, because the shooting lines pass between two
adjacent Stand corners. Bow2 can draw a shooting line from its left front corner to the right front corner of
Target1 diagonally just missing the right front corner of Stand B. (If there was a Stand C to the right of Stand B
and adjacent it would block this diagonal line since it then would have to pass two adjacent Stand corners.)
Elements in close combat or providing rear support cannot shoot or be shot. Elements that are overlapping and
not in close combat can shoot. Targets exposed by outcome moves can be shot at.
Shooters, Bows and WWg must shoot at a target in their TZ. If there is none, they must shoot at a target that can
shoot at them during this Shooting Phase. Once selected as a target, target elements must shoot back at the
element shooting at them if possible. Additional elements able to shoot at a selected target element may aid
shooting or select a different target. If no enemy element is in the shooter’s TZ and no element can shoot at the
shooting element, it can choose any eligible target. Shooters, Bows and War Wagons that move more than 1 BW
cannot shoot. Third party shooting uses the standard DBA 3.0 rules.
Artillery always chooses its target and can shoot through or over enemy Psiloi, Lurkers or Sneakers. Artillery
can shoot only (a) in their own bound if they did not move, or (b) to shoot back at enemy artillery shooting at
Extra Elements Shooting
Same as DBA 3.0.
Same as DBA 3.0 except that:
An element (except Dragons) not in frontal close combat but in mutual right-to-right or left-to-left front or rear
corner contact with any enemy element except Psiloi and Sneakers overlaps it; even when the enemy element is
exposed by its frontal opponent having recoiled, fled or been destroyed that bound. Any enemies in any mutual
flank edge contact overlap each other whether in close combat or not. An element can overlap 2 enemy elements
on opposite flanks. A Foot element that did not move this bound and has its nearest front corner less than 1 BW
from a battlefield edge counts as overlapped on that corner. Only 1 overlap or flank contact is counted per flank.
Close combat against a Stronghold or Camp:
Same as DBA 3.0 except that Behemoths can assault a Stronghold only at a gate. Strongholds or unoccupied
Camps use their base Combat Factor (see below).
Whether in contact, Bespelling, shooting or only shot at, each player dices for their element, and adds its Combat
Factor (CF) below and any rear support, flank support and tactical factors to the score.
Flank support factors:
Some elements add +1 when in frontal close combat in good going against Foot if at least 1 flank edge is in
mutual side edge and mutual front corner contact with a friendly element. Fast elements neither give nor receive
flank support.
Spears adds +1 if supported by Blades or Spears.
Shooters or Bows add +1 if supported by Blades.
Tactical factors for Bespelling:
Add to or subtract from scores for each of the following tactical factors that applies:
+2 If bespelled and the shortest line from the main bespeller crosses a river or passes within 5BW
of any Paladin or Cleric or if being bespelled while in a Wood, Stronghold or Hamlet
+1 If the General's element and being bespelled (but not bespelling).
-1 For each 2nd or 3rd enemy Mage aiding bespelling Mage.
-2 If bespelling an enemy Mage who is within 5BW of his/her own Stronghold.
Tactical factors for Shooting:
Add to or subtract from scores for each of the following tactical factors that applies:
+4 If occupying a Stronghold and being shot at.
+2 If occupying a Camp and being shot at.
+1 If the General's element and being shot at.
-1 For each 2nd or 3rd enemy element aiding opposing element’s shooting.
Tactical factors for Close Combat:
Add to or subtract from scores for each of the following tactical factors that applies:
+4 If occupying a Stronghold.
+2 If occupying a Camp.
+1 If the General's element.
+1 If uphill or defending any but a paltry river’s bank off-road unless either element is an Aerial.
-1 For each enemy element either overlapping or in front edge and front corner-to-front corner
contact with flank.
–1 If an enemy element is in full front edge contact with rear.
-2 If any troops except Auxilia, Bows, Warband, Beasts, Shooters or Psiloi and in Bad (not Rough)
An element whose total is equal to or less than that of its opponent may need to make an immediate outcome
move, which depends on its own type and that of the opponent in close combat with its front edge or shooting at
it. Elements shooting or Bespelling without being shot at or Bespelled disregard an unfavourable outcome.
(Exception: elements Bespelling Gods do not disregard unfavourable outcomes). Elements (other than a
General, Stronghold or other Sneakers) in Close Combat with Sneakers disregard unfavourable outcomes.
Elements in close combat against an enemy element’s flank or rear Recoil if a friendly element in combat with its
front Recoils, Flees or is Destroyed or Ensorcelled.
If its total is equal to that of its opponent:
No effect if attacking or defending a Stronghold or Camp. If not:
Hero v. Hero Both destroyed if both totals are odd. Otherwise no effect.
Paladin v. Mage Both destroyed if in close combat and both totals are odd. Otherwise no effect.
Scythed Chariots Destroyed.
Fast Knights Destroyed in close combat by Blades or Shooters. If not Destroyed, Recoiled in close
combat unless opponent also Fast and from shooting. Otherwise no effect.
Other Knights & Camelry Destroyed in close combat by Blades or Shooters. If not Destroyed, Recoiled in close
combat unless opponent Fast and from all shooting. 4Kn Recoiled by 3Kn. Otherwise
no effect.
Other Fast. Recoiled in close combat unless opponent also Fast and from all shooting. Otherwise
no effect.
Other Mounted (not Fast) Recoiled by Foot (except Fast) in close combat. Otherwise no effect.
Other Foot (not Fast) Destroyed by Foot if a Command Post in contact on 2 or more edges by enemy front
edges. Otherwise no effect.
If its total is less than that of its opponent but more than half:
Destroyed if Mounted Infantry in bad going. No effect if Command Post. Otherwise:
Behemoths Unless Fast, Destroyed by Psiloi, Auxilia or Light Horse. Flee from Mage, Dragon or
Artillery shooting. Otherwise Recoil.
Airboats, Flyers Flee from Mage. Otherwise Recoil.
Dragons Destroyed by Hero or Paladin. If not Flee.
Gods Flee from God, Mage or Cleric. If not no effect.
Paladins Destroyed if in close combat. If not no effect.
Hero Ensorcelled by Mage. Destroyed by Hero, Paladin or Artillery shooting. Flee from
Stronghold. Otherwise Recoil.
Mage Ensorcelled by Mage. Destroyed by Hero, Paladin, Dragon or God. Otherwise
Scythed Chariots Flee if shot at unless at least partly on their rear edge. If not, destroyed.
Knights Destroyed by Behemoths, Scythed Chariots, Camelry or Light Horse. Otherwise
Camelry Destroyed by Scythed Chariots or if themselves in bad going. Flee from Behemoths,
otherwise Recoil.
Cavalry Flee from Scythed Chariots, or if in bad going. Otherwise Recoil.
Light Horse Flee from Scythed Chariots, Artillery shooting, or if in bad going. Otherwise Recoil.
Spears, Pikes, or Blades Destroyed by Knights or Scythed Chariots if in good going or by Warband. Otherwise
Cleric Destroyed by Knights or Scythed Chariots if in good going or by Warband. Otherwise
Auxilia Destroyed by Knights if in good going. Otherwise Recoil.
Bows, Beasts, Shooters Destroyed by any mounted. Otherwise Recoil.
Psiloi, Lurkers Destroyed by Knights, Cavalry or Camelry in going which to the opponent is good.
Otherwise Recoil.
Sneakers Flee.
Warband Destroyed by Knights, Fast Behemoths or Scythed Chariots if in good going.
Otherwise Recoil.
Hordes Destroyed by Knights or Behemoths in good going, or by Warband. Recoil if shot at.
If not, no effect.
War Wagons Destroyed by Artillery shooting or by Behemoths. If not, no effect.
Camp, Stronghold Captured if any ground troops in contact. If not, no effect.
Artillery Destroyed.
If its total is half or less than half that of its opponent:
Destroyed if defenders of a Stronghold or Camp. If not:
Cavalry Flee from Pikes, Spears or Hordes if in good going or Artillery in close combat. If not,
Light Horse Destroyed by any mounted, Artillery shooting, Bows, Shooters or Psiloi, or if in bad
going. If not, flee.
Psiloi Flee from shooting. Recoil from Behemoths or Scythed Chariots. Destroyed by other
Mounted or Aerials if in going these count as good. Destroyed in close combat
against Auxilia, Bows, Shooters or Psiloi. Flee from other Foot.
Flyers Destroyed by Hero, Mage, Aerials, Shooters or Bow. If not, Flee.
All others Destroyed.
A Hero or Mage Ensorcelled by a hostile Mage is temporally removed until desorcelled by expenditure of 6 PIPs
or the destruction, Ensorcellement or Fleeing of the bespeller.
A Mage who scores an unmodified “1” with a Bespelling dice for the second time in a game is self-Ensorcelled.
(This does not affect Mages aiding the Bespellment.) A self-Ensorcelled Mage can only be desorcelled by the
expenditure of 6 PIPs. However Ensorcelled, replace the base of an Ensorcelled Mage with a flat maker of the
same size showing facing. This marker has no effect on game play except to mark where a de-Ensorcelled Mage
will reappear. Any friendly or enemy element covering any part of this maker will prevent the desorcelling of
that Mage.
Same as the rules for DBA 3.0 – see that section in the DBA 3.0 rules.
This represents troops falling back a short distance under enemy pressure while continuing to maintain
formation and fight. A Recoiling element moves straight back without turning:
A Foot element always moves its own base depth or ½ BW if this is less than its base depth.
A Mounted or Aerial element can choose to either to move 1 BW or to move its own base depth if this is
less than 1 BW.
An element with a Recoil outcome to shooting at least partially on its rear edge, turns to face its rear before
Recoilers can pass through friends facing in exactly the same direction to a clear space immediately behind the
first element met, but only if:
(a) Mounted troops Recoiling into any friends except Pikes, Hordes, or Behemoths,
(b) Blades Recoiling into Blades or Spears,
(c) Pike, Shooters or Bows Recoiling into Blades, or
(d) Psiloi Recoiling into any friends except Psiloi.
If the Recoiling element is not Behemoths, friends facing in the same direction are passed through if allowed as
above. If pass through is not allowed, friends facing in exactly the same direction (except War-Wagons and
Behemoths) are pushed back far enough to make room for the Recoil. Pushed back elements cannot pass
through or push back others and therefore prevent Recoil.
If the Recoiling element is a Behemoth, all friends or enemy Recoiled into (not just touching) except Strongholds
or Camps are destroyed. Behemoths Recoiling from close combat against the defenders of a Stronghold are
destroyed. If a Behemoth is Recoiled into, both are destroyed. Surviving Behemoths finish their recoil.
A Recoiling or pushed back element whose rear edge or rear corner meets terrain it cannot enter, a battlefield
edge, friends it cannot pass through or push back, enemy or a Stronghold or Camp ends its move there. A
Recoiling or pushed back element that is already in such contact with any of these or that starts with enemy in
front edge contact with its flank, rear or rear corner cannot Recoil and is destroyed instead.
This represents a panic individual rush to the rear. A Fleeing element turns 180 degrees in place; and then moves
straight forward without turning for its full tactical move distance for the going it starts in. It then halts until
making a tactical move or conforming to further contact by enemy. If it contacts a side battlefield edge, it pivots
and continues the move along that edge towards its rear battlefield edge. If any part of it crosses any other
battlefield edge it is removed as lost. Exception: an element with a Flee outcome to shooting at least partially on
its rear edge, does not turn 180 degrees before moving but just Flees straight forward.
It stops before completing its move and lines up if its front edge (or front corner only) contacts any of: (a) enemy
(whom it will fight next bound), (b) friends it cannot pass through (c) a Stronghold or Camp, (d) a waterway, or
(e) for troops other than Psiloi or Light Horse, any bad going except marsh it is not already at least partly in.
It is destroyed if it starts with an enemy front edge in contact with its flank or rear edges, or if after turning it
cannot move at all, or if it enters any river. If a friendly or enemy element prevents further movement by fleeing
Behemoths or Scythed Chariots, both elements are destroyed.
This represents following up a retiring close combat opponent or panicked survivors of a destroyed element
with the intention of continuing to kill them. An element (and all elements in column behind it) whose close
combat opponents recoil (from either close combat or bespelling), flee or are destroyed must immediately
pursue, if:
(a) It destroyed the defenders of a Stronghold or Camp in close combat. It immediately moves into that
(b) It is Knights (other than 4Kn or fighting Lurker/Ps), Scythed Chariots, Behemoths, Beasts or Hordes.
It pursues 1 BW straight ahead.
(c) It is Pikes, Blades or Warband that fought against Foot (other than Lurker/Psiloi). It pursues ½ BW
straight ahead.
Exception: An element of any type does not pursue if it is in a Stronghold or Camp, or if its potential pursuit
move would cross a battlefield edge or enter going it counts as Bad other than Marsh or Gully.
If a pursuing element’s front edge contacts enemy or its front corner contacts an enemy front edge, it or they line
up immediately as if contact was by a tactical move, but the resulting combat is resolved next bound.
Rules written by Phil Barker
Edited and compiled by Thomas J. Thomas
Send playtest comments to: TomAndKate@aol.com
Spelling correction, re-setting, and spacing modified by Jason Abels (no rights requested, assumed, or implied) –
Type Against Foot, Camp, Stronghold Against Mounted & Aerials Movement Bad Going
Generally Recoil if More; Destroyed if Doubled Recoil if More; Kill if Doubled Good Going Rough & Bad
All Kill Art on More in CC Kill Paladins on More in CC
Unless Fast Recoil Fast on Equal Unless Fast Recoil All on Equal
Flee Sneakers on More (Exception: Shooters & Blade Destroy Kn)
Artillery +4; Shooting Range 5BW +4; Shooting Range 5BW 2 -- No Go
Flee Doubled Psiloi Flee Light Horse & Flyers on More if Shooting
Destroy War Wagon on More if Shooting Destroy Behemoth & Hero on More if Shooting
Flee Doubled Cav, Light Horse & Flyers in CC
AIRBOAT +5 +3 5 5 Cannot land in Woods/BUA
Auxilia +3 +3 2/Fast 3 2/Fast 3 --
Beasts +3; Pursue; Destory Bow & Shooters on More +4 Pursue 4 4 --
Behemoth +5; Pursue; Destroy Bows, Shooters & Hordes on +4; Pursue; Kill Knight & Beasts on More 3/Fast 4 1 -2
More; Recoil Doubled Psiloi Recoil Doubled Flyers
Blade +5 (+4 v. Shooting, bespelling); Pursue (not Psiloi) +3; Kill Kn on Equals 2/Fast 3 1/Fast 3 -2
Flee Doubled Psiloi Flee Doubled Light Horse & Flyers
Bow +2; Shooting Range 3BW +4; Shooting Range 3BW 2/Fast 3 1/Fast 3 No Side Support
+3 with Blade Side Support (not Fast) in CC
Flee Doubled Psiloi if shooting
Camels +3; Destroy Psiloi on More in Good +3; Kill Kn & Beasts on More 3 1 Killed on More by All
Destroy Bow & Shooters on More Flee Behemoth (not Fast) on More Dune & Oasis = Good Going
Cavalry (Cav) +3; Kill all Bow & Shooters on More +3; Kill Beasts on More 4/Fast 5 1 -2; Flee on More by All
Cleric +4 +4; Flee Gods on More 2 1 -2
Command Post +5 (+4 v. Shooting, bespelling); No Recoil +3; No Recoil 2 -- No Go
DRAGON +6; Kill Mage on More +6; Flee Behemoths on More 10 10 Cannot land in Woods/BUA
FLYER +2 +2 10 10 Cannot land in Woods/BUA
GOD +6; No Recoil; Kill Mage on More +6; No Recoil; Flee Gods on More 10 10 Cannot land in Woods/BUA
Hero +5; Kill Bows, Mage & Shooters on More +5; Kill Hero, Dragons & Beasts on More 5 (10 if Flyer) 1 (10 if Flyer) -2 Flyer cannot land as above
Hordes +3 (No Recoil in CC); Pursue +2 (No Recoil); Pursue 2/Fast 3 1/Fast 3 -2
Flee Doubled Psiloi Flee Doubled Cav, Light Horse & Flyers
Knight +3; Pursue; Destroy Bows & Shooters on More +4; Pursue 3 1 -2
Kill all other Foot (not War Wagon) on More in Good Destroy Beasts on More Killed on More by All
Light Horse +2; +3 Rear Support from Light Horse ; Kill Bow & +2; +3 Rear Support from Light Horse 4 (March) 1 -2
Shooters on More Kill Kn on More
Mage +4; Spell Cast 5BW +4; Spell Cast 5BW; Ensorcell Hero on More 5 1 -2
Ensorcell Mage on More Flee Behemoths, Gods & Flyers on More
Paladin +6; Kill Bows, Mage & Shooters on More +6; Kill Hero on More 5 1 -2
Pike +3; +6 with Rear Support in CC; Pursue (not Psiloi) +4; +5 with Rear Support in CC; 2/Fast 3 1/Fast 3 -2 & No Rear Support
Flee Doubled Psiloi Flee Doubled Cav, Light horse & Flyers in Good
Psiloi +2 +2; Kill Behemoth (not Fast) on More Fast 3 Fast 3
Shooters +3; Shooting Range 3BW +4; Shooting Range 3BW 2/Fast 3 1 /Fast 3 No Side Support
+4 in CC with Blade Side Support (not Fast) Kill Kn on Equal in CC
Flee Doubled Ps if shooting
Sneaker +5 (Effect only Gen, Stronghold, Camp or Sneeker) +3 (Effect only Gen) Fast 3 Fast 3
Spear +4; +5 with Side Support from Spear or Blade in CC +4; Flee Doubled Cav, Light Horse & Flyers in 2 1 -2 & No Side Support
Flee Doubled Psiloi Good
Warband +3; +4 with Rear Support in CC +2; Flee Doubled Cav, Light Horse & Flyers in 2/Fast 3 1/Fast 3 No Rear Support
Kill Blades, Hordes, Pikes & Spears on More Good
Flee Doubled Psiloi; Pursue (only foot not Psiloi )
War Wagon +3; Shooting Range 3BW; No Recoil +4; Shooting Range 3BW; No Recoil 2/Fast 3 -- No Go
Terrain and Set Up
If terrain is: Compulsory Optional Linear Optional Rough Optional Bad Going Optional Others
ARABLE 1 BUA River (1 only) Enclosures Difficult Hills Gentle Hills
or Road Scrub Woods Plough
2 Plough Waterway (1 only) Boggy
FOREST 1-2 Woods River (1 only) Marsh Gentle Hills
Woods BUA (1 only)
Tactical Factors
Tactical factors for Bespelling: Tactical factors for Shooting: Tactical factors for Close Combat:
Add to or subtract from scores for each of the Add to or subtract from scores for each of the Add to or subtract from scores for each of the
following tactical factors that applies: following tactical factors that applies: following tactical factors that applies:
+2 If bespelled and the shortest line from the +4 If occupying a Stronghold and being shot at. +4 If occupying a Stronghold.
main bespeller crosses a River. +2 If occupying a Camp and being shot at. +2 If occupying a Camp.
OR If bespelled and the shortest line from the +1 If the general's element and being shot at. +1 If the general's element.
main bespeller passes within 5BW of any -1 For each 2nd or 3rd enemy element aiding +1 If uphill or defending any but a paltry river’s
Paladin or Cleric. opposing element’s shooting. bank off-road unless either element is an
OR If being bespelled while in a Wood, Aerial.
Stronghold or Hamlet. -1 For each enemy element either Overlapping
+1 If the general's element and being bespelled or in front edge and front corner-to-front
(but not bespelling). corner contact with flank.
-1 For each 2nd or 3rd enemy Mage aiding -1 Enemy Element in front edge contact w/rear.
bespelling Mage. -2 If any troops but Auxilia, Bows, Warband,
-2 If bespelling an enemy Mage within 5BW of Lurkers, Beasts, Shooters or Psiloi and in Bad
their own Stronghold.
COMBAT OUTCOME (Traditional HOTT only)
An element whose total is equal to or less than that of its opponent may need to make an immediate outcome move, which depends
on its own type and that of the opponent in close combat with its front edge or shooting at it. Elements shooting or Bespelling without
being shot at or Bespelled disregard an unfavourable outcome. (Exception: elements Bespelling Gods do not disregard unfavourable
outcomes). Elements (other than a General, Stronghold or other Sneakers) in Close Combat with Sneakers disregard unfavourable
outcomes. Elements in close combat against an enemy element’s flank or rear Recoil if a friendly element in combat with its front
Recoils, Flees or is Destroyed or Ensorcelled.
If its total is equal to that of its opponent:
No effect if attacking or defending a Stronghold or Camp. If not:
Hero v. Hero Both destroyed if both totals are odd. Otherwise no effect.
Paladin v. Mage Both destroyed if in close combat and both totals are odd. Otherwise no effect.
Fast Knights Destroyed in close combat by Blades (except Fast) or Shooters (except Fast). If not Destroyed, Recoiled
in close combat unless opponent also Fast and from all shooting. Otherwise no effect.
Other Knights Destroyed in close combat by Blades or Shooters. If not Destroyed, Recoiled by Foot (except Fast).
Otherwise no effect.
Other Fast Recoiled in close combat unless opponent also Fast and from all shooting. Otherwise no effect.
Other Mounted (not Fast) Recoiled by Foot (except Fast) in close combat. Otherwise no effect.
Other Foot (not Fast) No effect.
If its total is less than that of its opponent but more than half:
Stronghold, Camp Destoryed if any ground troops in contact. If not, no effect.
Behemoths. Flee from Mage, Dragon or Artillery shooting. Otherwise Recoil.
Airboats, Flyers Flee from Mage. Otherwise Recoil.
Dragons Destroyed by Hero or Paladin. If not Flee.
Gods Flee from God, Mage or Cleric. If not no effect.
Paladins Destroyed if in close combat. If not no effect.
Hero Ensorcelled by Mage. Destroyed by Hero, Paladin or Artillery shooting. Flee from Stronghold.
Otherwise Recoil.
Mage Ensorcelled by Mage. Destroyed by Hero, Paladin, Dragon or God. Otherwise Recoil.
Knights Destroyed by Behemoths. Otherwise Recoil.
Cavalry Flee if in bad going. Otherwise Recoil.
Spears or Blades Destroyed by Knights or Scythed Chariots if in good going or by Warband. Otherwise Recoil.
Cleric Destroyed by Knights or Scythed Chariots if in good going or by Warband. Otherwise Recoil.
Beasts, Shooters Destroyed by any mounted. Otherwise Recoil.
Sneakers Flee.
Warband Destroyed by Knights, Fast Behemoths if in good going. Otherwise Recoil.
Hordes Destroyed by Knights or Behemoths in good going, or by Warband. Recoil if shot at. If not, no effect.
Artillery Destroyed.
If its total is half or less than half that of its opponent:
Destroyed if defenders of a Stronghold or Camp. If not:
Cavalry Flee from Pikes, Spears or Hordes if in good going or Artillery in close combat. If not, destroyed.
Flyers Destroyed by Hero, Mage, Aerials, Shooters. If not, Flee.
Psiloi Flee from shooting. Recoil from Behemoths. Destroyed by other Mounted or Aerials if in going these
count as good. Destroyed in close combat against Shooters or Psiloi. Flee from other Foot.
All others Destroyed.
Whether in contact, bespelling, shooting or only shot at, each player dices for their element, and adds its Combat Factor (CF) below
and any rear support, flank support and tactical factors to the score.