Zeiss Pentero 900
Zeiss Pentero 900
Zeiss Pentero 900
The Next Generation
Evolution in Excellence
OPMI® PENTERO® 900 represents the next generation visualization system. Building on the
groundbreaking innovations introduced in 2004, it combines unique design concepts and new
functionalities in a proven, fully-integrated platform. Key functions have been enhanced and
new visualization methods integrated, raising OPMI PENTERO 900 to a new level of perfor-
mance. OPMI PENTERO 900 continues the evolutionary process, turning technological progress
into medical innovations effectively advancing what is possible in modern microsurgery.
• Brilliant Visualization
Experience optical immersion with state-of-the-art apochromatic optics, razor-sharp
video images in full HD quality and innovative fluorescence methods.
• Superior Performance
Smooth, intuitive system handling and superior functionality ensure efficient surgery
and fast system set-up.
• Beyond Visualization
OPMI PENTERO 900 interacts with current and emerging workplace technologies
and workflow based solutions to create a better OR experience.
A new dimension
in surgical moment
1993 First microscope
1976 microscopes:
1953 First microscope integrated
Contraves® OPMI Pentero
First surgical integrated fluorescence:
microscope: suspension:
navigation system: OPMI Neuro FL
OPMI 1 OPMI 1 / NC 1
// B rilliant Visualization
Made By Carl Zeiss
Uniquely Designed Fully Integrated HD Video Brilliant High Definition High-quality Data Injection
Apochromatic Optics The fully integrated HD video camera, Video Display The advanced MultiVision™ display
The distinctive design concept recorder and editor enable surgeons The large touchscreen display significantly enhances image quality
with ZEISS apochromatic optics to capture razor-sharp images for delivers impressively, crisp images and enables efficient data injection
throughout the entire optical teaching, documentation and in HD quality. The extendable during procedures. Higher resolution,
pathway allows the system to deliver presentation purposes. All video suspension arm allows the display enhanced contrast and better color
unmatched optical clarity, detail functions can be centrally controlled to be rotated, tilted or moved into rendition ensure outstanding quality
resolution and color reproduction, from the intuitive graphical user different viewing positions. leading to improved outcomes.
both through the eyepieces and interface.
the video image.
Advancing Fluorescence – Continuation of Scientific Progress
Carl Zeiss has partnered with visionary thought leaders in the development of innovative intraoperative fluorescence
technologies. The first fluorescence modules – BLUE 400™ and INFRARED 800™ – successfully established intraoperative
fluorescence as key visualization technologies for enhanced visualization of diseased tissue and vascular applications respectively.
FLOW® 800 is a unique tool enabling the visual analysis of blood flow dynamics, further establishing Carl Zeiss as a leader in
intraoperative fluorescence. The introduction of YELLOW 560™ further extends the boundaries of applications for fluorescence
in clinical visualization. With its intuitive workflow, automated functions and unmatched performance, the OPMI PENTERO 900
platform supports fluorescence-based surgeries like no other system.
INFRARED 800 and FLOW 800 have FDA 510 (k) clearance.
Stummer W, Pichlmeier U, Meinel T et al: Fluorescence-guided surgery with 5-aminolevulinic acid for resection of malignant glioma:
a randomised controlled multicentre phase III trial. Lancet Oncol 7: 392-401, 2006
// Superior Performance
Made By Carl Zeiss
Maximum Efficiency
OPMI PENTERO 900 is a unique surgical visualization platform specifically conceived and designed for even the most demanding
microsurgical applications. Extended system ergonomics and functions provide increased convenience, streamlining the surgical
workflow. All relevant functions are combined into a cohesive system that can be controlled from the intuitive touchscreen
user interface. Smooth system handling and superior performance are delivered through proven functions like mouth switch
control, a unique depth of field, AutoFocus™ and many more. The Foldable Tube f170/f260 and wireless foot control panel
enhance ergonomics, improving surgeon comfort and performance.
Dynamic Foldable Tube Unparalleled Depth of Field Efficient Light Settings Wireless Foot Control
The highly flexible Foldable Tube Depending on preference or The patented, two-channel The wireless foot control, designed
f170/f260 offers increased position- application, the integrated, illumination design reduces shadow- to manage multiple microscope
ing capability, magnification and electronically controlled double-iris ing in deep cavities. The Automatic functions, can be freely positioned
user comfort. With a quick dial diaphragm enables surgeons to Iris Control™ limits illumination to the for rapid set-up and user convenience
turn, the integrated PROMAG™ choose between maximum light field of interest and the new during surgery. The intelligent power
functionality provides an additional and resolution or depth of field. Focus Light Link™ automatically management function ensures
50 percent magnification gain. limits brightness, both in the aim of superior long‑lasting operability.
preventing inadvertent light
OR Turn-Around Simplified
Designed as much for the OR staff as for the surgeon, OPMI PENTERO 900 incorporates workflow-conducive features that
reduce prep time for the nursing staff before each surgical case. AutoBalance™ quickly balances the microscope at the touch of
a button, AutoDrape® facilitates a quick and easy draping process, and the unique FlexiTrak™ enables the OR staff to easily
maneuver the system in the clinical environment. Additionally, the intuitive user interface allows for easy access to all microscope
functions through a large, HD touchscreen monitor including patient data, pre-configured surgeon settings and video recording.
More than any other surgical microscope system, OPMI PENTERO 900 streamlines the surgical workflow and maximizes OR
// B eyond Visualization
Made By Carl Zeiss
Workplace Innovations
Close cooperation with leading surgeons across the globe led to the development of a ground-breaking visualization platform.
OPMI PENTERO 900 offers advanced functionality in an elegantly designed workplace. The thoughtfully designed workflow based
solutions, specifically tailored to meet the demands of clinical applications, differentiate this system from any other.
The complete integration of workplace components as well as the ability to adapt emerging technologies present the surgeon
with a wide variety of product solutions to meet their individual requirements. Now more than ever, OPMI PENTERO 900 provides
an experience that goes far beyond visualization.
Technical Data
Rated Voltage (115V): 100 V – 125 V
(230V): 220 V – 240 V
Current max. 1.200 VA
Rated Frequency 50 Hz – 60 Hz
Electrical Standard Complying with IEC 60601-1:2005;
UL 60601-1; CAN/CSA-C22.2
No. 601.1-M90
Protection class I, degree of protection IP20
Type B equipment
Class 2 laser product as per
EN 60 825-1:2002
Weight Weight approx. 358 kg
Weight of system incl. transport container:
approx. 610 kg
Standard and Optional Features
Standard Configuration Options
Apochromatic Motorized focus; Varioskop® with working Video Integrated 3-CMOS HD video camera
Optics distance 200 – 500 mm Integrated SD or HD video
Motorized zoom; 1:6 zoom ratio recording and editing
10x magnetic widefield eyepieces with Adaptation of consumer (SLR) photo/video
integrated eyecups camera
Autofocus with 2 visible laser dots, Intraoperative BLUE 400
automatic mode with magnetic brakes Fluorescence INFRARED 800
Illumination Superlux® 330 light source with INFRARED 800 with FLOW 800
2 x 300 W xenon YELLOW 560
Automatic Iris Control for adjusting the Connectivity / DICOM module for patient data transfer
illumination to the field of view Data Management from/to PACS
Individual light threshold setting 12.5x magnetic widefield
Focus Light Link: working distance Accessories
eyepieces with integrated eyecups
controlled light intensity Straight tube, focal length f = 170mm
Display of remaining lamp life time Stereo co-observation tube
System Operation Multifunctional programmable handgrips Foldable Tube f170/f260,
Magnetic clutches for all system axes including the PROMAG function
Central user interface for additional 50% magnification and
XY robotic movement in 3 axes integrated rotate function
(variable speed) Wired foot control panel
System Setup AutoBalance Wireless foot control panel
AutoDrape – air evacuation system
Mouthswitch fine balance
Video 22" HD video touchscreen
on extendable arm
Integrated 3-CMOS SD video camera
Integrated video still image capturing on
HDD and USB-media
Connectivity / Video-in for external SD video sources
Data Management Navigation interface
Interface for micromanipulator
Remote diagnosis via internet/VPN
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