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Visual Testing: - Underwater Inspections of Nuclear Reactor Vessels and Internals

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Advanced NDT Global

Visual Testing
– Underwater inspections of nuclear reactor vessels and internals

Visual inspection of a core grid in a reactor vessel Visual inspection of a level measuring nozzle

Fast, cost effective and flexible method for planned or urgently required under water inspections
of otherwise difficult accessible welds and components.

Introduction Inspection system

Visual inspection of reactor pressure vessel internals can be The signal is transmitted to a control container via a com-
performed with special cameras. bined shielded cable, one for the colour signal and another
for the intensity signal. This ensures maintenance of a high
Our cameras are of a type with a colour CCD camera en- quality image signal.
closed in a water tight and radiation resistant house and
have been qualified for visual inspection of reactor vessel in- In the control container, information such as item designa-
ternals at the Swedish Nuclear Power Plants. The cameras tion and the actual camera position can be added to the
can be mounted on a manipulator arm in order to give the image before it is displayed on a monitor and possibly re-
best possible position or they can hang from the service corded on DVD recording media.
bridge and thereby enable parallel inspections. The cameras
have a remote controlled pan, tilt and zoom lens. At the beginning of an inspection the operator supplies the
item designation, and the position of the camera is continu-
About Visual Inspection ally supplied by the control system, if required.
Every time an inspection is performed on a weld or a com-
ponent, some kind of visual inspection is performed as well. Single image frames of special interest (including the infor-
mation added to the image) can be stored in a digital format
In most cases the inspection includes checking that it is on hard-disk for documentation and print-out purposes.
welded, location of welds and/or limitations and access. In
some cases, the visual inspection is more difficult, i.e. when Storage of images to hard-disk and DVDs are carried out
the inspection is performed under water in areas inacces- as a real-time function. More than 55 hours recording are
sible to man. Such components can be the internals of the easily stored on hard-disks.
reactor pressure vessel.
In spite that this is an advanced inspection method, it is still Typical areas of application are as follows:
fast and relatively easy to perform. It can be mobilised in • All components in the reactor pressure vessel and the
short time for urgent inspections. Furthermore, it is flexible surrounding pools
and the cameras can be attached to different tools in order • Welds
to inspect components that are hidden. • Surfaces
This makes it a very cost effective and attractive inspection
Visual Inspection of a component with a crack in the weld.

Access study and theoretical testing of tools. Prior to an inspection

it is very advantageous to look at models of the component in order
to look at access and make estimations for possible helping tools.

Large camera (K1) Small camera (K2)

Optical zoom: 18 x Optical zoom: 10 x
Digital zoom: 4x Digital zoom: 4x
Total magnification ratio: 72 x Total magnification ratio: 40 x
Width: 145 mm Width: 48 mm
Pan: 360° (±180°) Pan: With a Pan unit attached to the camera 360°
Tilt: 270° (±135°) Tilt: (mirror angle) Mirror inside camera gives a tilt of 0° - 59°

Set-up of the VT system Preparation of Visual Inspection

FORCE Technologys two types of cameras have been quali- Visual inspections in the reactor vessel should be prepared
fied for visual inspection of reactor vessel internals at the for well ahead of the actual inspection. Access studies can
Swedish Nuclear Power Plants. The VT equipment is manu- ease the inspection, as no surprises arise during the in-service
ally manipulated and controlled from the customer’s service inspection.
bridge, but the cameras can be mounted on a mini-subma-
rine or other automatically controlled manipulators. Therefore drawings, pictures from previous inspections or
The VT system is a chain of components, containing a ra- other available information about the component to be in-
diation resistant camera with built in halogen light and the spected are necessary to ensure a good quality result.
necessary auxiliary steering and fixing tools. The camera is
connected to a camera control unit. The operator on the ser- Component reference list
vice bridge has a small video monitor for orientation means. • Control rod guide tubes • Welds in pump deck
• Nozzle to shell welds • Core shroud welds
Special tools for inspection • Welds in core grid • Core shroud support welds
If special tools are necessary in order to get access to a com- • Level measuring nozzles • Feed water nozzles
ponents, they can be manufactured prior to the inspection. • Welds in steam separator • Moisture separator welds
FORCE Technology
Head Quarters
Park Allé 345
DK-2605 Brøndby
For further information please contact Tlf. +45 43 25 00 00
Zlate Nesevski, Business Manager: Phone: +45 22 69 70 07 / E-mail: zn@force.dk Fax +45 43 25 00 10

4556-2-da-en - Subject to change without notice

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