Triglyceride Profile in Dyslipidaemia of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Triglyceride Profile in Dyslipidaemia of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Triglyceride Profile in Dyslipidaemia of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Objective: To evaluate ratios of serum triglycerides and cholesterol levels which may indicate postprandial lipid handling
and to assess their role as prospective markers of dyslipidaemia in type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Study Design: Comparative, observational study.
Place and Duration of Study: Bismillah Taqee Hospital, Karachi from July 2002 till December 2003.
Patients and Methods: The study comprised 160 subjects, including 83 known type 2 diabetics (45 males, 38 females)
and 77 age-matched controls (45 males, 32 females). Fasting blood samples were analysed for serum triglycerides and
total cholesterol, using automated chemistry analyzer. HDL-C was determined by precipitation method and LDL-C and
VLDL-C were estimated by Friedewalds formula. LDL/HDL ratio and TG/HDL ratios were also calculated. The mean
values for male and female diabetics were compared with that for the male and female non-diabetics respectively and
tested for significance by paired t-test.
Results: Serum triglycerides and VLDL were raised in both male and female diabetics. No significant differences were
observed in levels of serum total cholesterol, LDL, HDL and the LDL/HDL ratio. The mean value of the TG/HDL ratio for
male diabetics was higher than that for the male non-diabetics (p=0.39). A statistically significant difference was found in
the TG/HDL ratios for the female diabetics and non-diabetics (p<0.05).
Conclusion: In this study, type 2 diabetics showed marked hypertriglyceridaemia and raised TG/HDL ratio. The
dyslipidaemia of diabetes predisposes to development of coronary heart disease and, therefore, evaluation of the
TG:HDL ratio may provide a good tool to monitor and manage the lipid abnormalities in diabetics.
Key words: Type 2 diabetes. Serum triglycerides. High density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C).
Low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL). Atherogenic index. Triglyceride high density lipoprotein ratio (TG:HDL ratio).
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Triglyceride profile in dyslipidaemia of type 2 diabetes mellitus
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