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Chapter # 1
1. Physics can be defined as the study of:
(a) Chemical Properties of matter (b) Physical properties of matter
(b) Relation between matter and energy (d) Both (b) and (c)
2. Physics can be defined as a branch of science based on a:
(a) Aberration and analysis of facts
(b) Experimental observation and quantitative measurement.
(c) Mathematical calculation and interpretation.
(d) Replication and verification of known facts.
3. The branch of physics deals with the study if production propagation and properties:
(a) Magnetics (b) Optics (c) Statics (d) Acoustics
4. High energy physics deal with the:

(a) Study of electron behavior (b) Study of electronic charges
(c) Study of mechanics of energetic bodies.

(d) Study of properties and behavior of elementary particles.
5. The ancient Greeks originated the idea that:
(a) Matter and energy are the same thing
(b) Perpetual motion is not possible.
(c) Matter is discontinues

(d) Matter does not exist in different forms.
6. Archimedes the Greek physicist has made significant contributions in the field of.
(a) High energy physics and electronics

(b) Nuclear and atomic Physics
(c) Mechanics hydraulics and hydrostatics
(d) Special theory of relativity
7. Al-Beruni is famous for finding out the
(a) Distance of moon from earth (b) Mass of the earth
(b) Diameter of earth’s orbit (d) Circumference of the earth
8. The book “Kitab-ul-Qanoon-ul-Masoodi” was written by
(a) Iben-e-Sina (b) Al-Razi
(c) Abu-Rehan Al-Beruni (d) Ibn-al-Haitham
9. Dr. Asalam was awarded noble Prize for has work on.

(a) Electronics (b) Radiations

(c) Optics (d) Grand unification theory
10. The first book on analytical “Hisab-ul-jabrwai-Moqab” was written by:

(a) Al-Khawarzmi (b) Al-Beruni

(c) Al-Razi (d) Ibn-e-sina
11. “Kitab-ul-Manazir” the famous book on optical is written by
(a) Ibn-e-Sina (b) Al-Khawrzmi
(c) Jabir-bin-Hayan (d) Ibn-ul-Hailham

12. In international system of units, the length mass time electric current temperature, intensity of light
and quantity of light and quantity are called

(a) Derived (b) basic

(c) Fundamental (d) only (b) and (c)

13. Written of the flowing physical quantity will be different units as compared to that of others:
(a) Weight (b) Tension
(c) Buoyant Force (d) Electromotive Force

14. Which one of the following is not of the same quantity?

(a) Horse (b) Calorie (c) Joules (d) BTU
15. The S.I unit of current is:
(a) one volt (b) One
(c) One ampere (d) One ohm-m
16. The famous mathematical and the founder of algebra was.
(a). Al Kindi (b) AL Khwarizmi
(c). Al Beruni (d) Naserudin tusi
17. Light year is a unit of
(a). Distance (b) Light (c) Time (d) Pressure
18. Some of the basic S.I. units are:
(a) Second Ampere mole (b) Kelvin Ampere watt
(c) Candela Mole volt (d) Meter Second watt
19. 10-9 second are equivalent to:
(a) Deci Second (b) Nano Second
(c) Milli second (d) Micro second
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20. The S. I unit of temperature is:

(a) Fahrenheit (b) Kelvin (c) Centigrade (d) Farad
21. One Angstrom equal
(a) 10-8 cm (b) 108 m (c) 10-6 (d) 108 mm
22. In Physics the term “dimension” represent the:
(a) mechanical nature of a quantity (b) chemical nature of quantity
(c) Physical nature of quantity (d) electric nature of quantity

23. Dimension of pressure is:

(a) ML-1 T-2 (b) ML-2 T-3 (c) ML-2 T-4 (d) ML T-1
24. Which one of the following represents the dimension of power
(a) L2 T2 (b) MLT2 (c) ML2 T-3 (d) ML-2 T
25. Which one of the following represent dimension for the unit of torque.
(a) M2 LT2 (b) ML2 T2 (c) M2 LT2. (d) MLT2
26. 0.0084 has ____________ significant figure.
(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 1
27. The dimension of angular momentum similar to that of.

(a) energy (b) heat (c) Plank’s constant (d) work


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
d b d d a c d C d a
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d d d a c b a A b b
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
a c a c b a c
i cs

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Chapter # 2
1. Which of the following is a vector quantity?
(a) Mass (b) Speed (c) Temperature (d) Acceleration
2. Which one of the following is scalar?
(a) Acceleration (b) Velocity (c) Force (d) Work
3. In contrast to a scalar a vector must have a.
(a) Direction (b) Weight (c) Quantity (d) None of the above
4. Which is the following group of quantities represent the vectors:
(a) Acceleration, Force, .Mass (b) Mass .Displacement, velocity
(c) Acceleration, Electric flux force (d) Velocity, Electric field momentum
5. The following physical are called vectors:
(a) Time and mass (b) Temperature and density

(c) Force and Displacement (d) Length and volume

6. Vectors are physical quantities which are completely specified by:
(a) Magnitude-only (b) Direction only
(c) Magnitude and direction only (d) A&B
7. Scalar quantities have:
(a) Only magnitudes (b) Only directions

(c) Both magnitude and direction (d) None of these
8. A unit of a vector A is given by:

A − − A − −

(a) a= (b) a = Ax A (c) a= (d) a=A
9. A vector in space has _____________ components.
(a) one (b) Two (c) Three (d) Four
10. When a vector is multiplied by a negative number its direction.
(a) is reversed (b) remains unchanged
(c) make and angle of 60o (d) may be changed or not
11. A vector which can be changed by display parallel to itself and applied at any point is known as:
(a) Parallel vector (b) Null vector
(c) Free vector (d) position

12. A vector in any given direction whose magnitude is unity is called:

(a) Normal vector (b) parallel vector
(c) Free vector (d) unit vector

13. The position vector of a point p is a vector that represents its position with respect to:
(a) Another vector (b) Center of the earth
(c) Any point in space (d) origin of the coordinate system
14. Negative of a vector has a direction _________that of the original vector.
(a) Same as (b). Perpendicular to

(c) Opposite to (d) Inclined to

15. The sum and different of two vector are equal in magnitude. The angle between the vectors is:

(a) 0o (b) 90 o (c) 120 o (d) 180 o

16. Two forces act together on an object The magnitude of their resultant is least when the angle between
the forces is:

(a) 0° (b) 45° (c) 60 o (d) 180 o

17. The dot product of I and J is.

(a) more (b) 1 (c) 0 (d) any value

18. Scalar product obtains when.
(a) A Scalar is multiplied by a scalar. (b) A scalar is multiplied by a vector
(c) Two vectors are multiplied to give a scalar
(d) Sum of two scalars is taken
19. If dot product of two vectors which are not perpendicular to each other is zero then either of the vector
is obtain by adding two or more vectors is called:
(a) A unit vector (b) Opposite to the other
(c) A null vector (d) Position vector
20. The vector obtain by adding two or more vectors is called:
(a) Product Vector (b) Sum vector (c) Resultant vector (d) Final vector

21. Scalar product of two vectors obeys.

(a) Commutative Law (b) Associate Law
(c) Both "a" and "b" (d) None of the above
22. If the dot product of two non-zero vectors A and B is zero. Their cross product will be of magnitude.

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(a) AB Sin θ (b) B cos θ (c) AB Sin 6 θ (d) AB

23. If the angle between the two vectors is zero degree then their
(a) Dot product is zero (b) Cross product is zero
(c) Either dot or cross product is zero (d) Both dot & cross product is zero
24. k x i = _____________.
(a) j (b) -j (c) k (d) -k

25. If a x h = 0 and also a x h = 0 then

(a) a and h are parallel to each other (b) a and h are perpendicular to each
(c) a and h is a null vector (d) Either a or h is a null vector
26. The magnitude of product vector i.e. A × B = C
(a) Sum of the adjacent side (b) Area of the parallelogram
(c) Product of the parallelogram (d) Parameter of the parallelogram
27. If two vectors lie in xy-plan then their cross product lies.
(a) In the same plane (b) Adjacent plane

(c) Alone parallel to that plan (d) Parallel to the plane
28. Two focus of 8N and 6N are acting simultaneously at right angle the resultant force will be:

(a) 14N (b) 2N (c) 10N (d) 12N
29. Two forces each of magnitude F act perpendicular to each other. The-angle made by the resultant
force with the horizontal will be.
(a) 30° (b) 2N (c) 60° (d) 90°
30. When two equal forces F and F makes an angle 180° with each other the

magnitude of their resultant is.
(a) F (b) 0 (c) 2F (d) 0.5F
31. The resultant of a 3N and 4N force acting simultaneously on an at right angles to each other is in

(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 3.5 (d) 5
32. (6i + 4j – k)(4i +2j – 2k) = >
(a) 24i +8j + 2k (b) 30 (c) 34 (d) 40
33. The diagram shows four acting on a block
3N 4N

2N 7N
34. What is the resultant force?

(a) Zero (b) 5 N to left

(c) 6 N to right (d) 11 N to right

Chapter # 2
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d d a d c c a A c a

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a d d b b d c C C c
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c d b a d b c C b b

31 32 33
d c c

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Chapter # 3
1. If an object is moving towards, its acceleration pointed towards.
(a) North (b) East (c) West (d) May be any direction
2. If the velocity of a body changes it may be termed as:
(a) Instantaneous velocity (b) speed of the body
(c) Magnitude of displacement (d) Deceleration
3. Acceleration is a physical quantity that can be specified completely by:
(a) Both magnitude and direction (b) Only magnitude
(c) Only direction (d) None of the above
4. The shortest distance between two .points in a specific direction is called:
(a) Distance (b) Acceleration (c) Speed (d) Displacement
5. Change in velocity per unit time same is equal to:

(a) Distance / time (b) displacement / time

(c) Acceleration (d) Force / mass
6. Inertia of a body is measured in terms of
(a) its weight (b) its applied force
(c) its reaction (d) its mass
7. A body moving with constant velocity be:

(a) Changing its direction of motion (b) in equilibrium
(c) Accelerating (d) Traveling in circle
8. A car is moving with uniform velocity then its acceleration is.
(a) Zero (b) constant (c) Increased (d) Decreased

9. The area between a velocity time graph and the time axis is equal to the
(a) Velocity (b) Distance (c) Displacement (d) Acceleration
10. Terminal velocity is usually defined as the
(a) Velocity of shock waves (b) Velocity of light in water
(c) Velocity at which air resistance balance gravity (d) All of the above
11. The laws of motion deal with:
(a) Force and acceleration (b) Width and length
(c) Vertical and horizontal (d) Viscosity and density
12. Swimming is possible on account of:

(a) First law of motion (b) Second law of motion

(c) Third law of motion (d) Newton's law of gravitation
13. The statement “to every action there is always equal and opposite reaction.” Is the statement of:
(a) Newton's first law (b) Newton's second law

(c) Newton's third law (d) Newton's gravitational fired

14. F = ma, is the mathematical expression of ____________.
(a) Newton's 1st law of motion (b) Newton's 2nd law of motion
(c) Newton's 3 law of motion (d) Newton's law of gravitation.
15. Newton's first law of motion gives definition of.

(a) Force (b) Inertia (c) Both(a) & (b) (d) None
16. During free fall, of air friction is negligible then acceleration of bodies of different masses is:

(a) The same for all the masses (b) Different for different masses
(c) Different for different vertical positions. (d) Both A & B

17. If the resultant force on an object is zero the object will move with:
(a) Constant speed . (b) Constant velocity
(c) Constant deceleration (d) Constant deceleration

18. The force of friction, generated to resist the motion, occurs between connecting media in,
(a) Liquids (b) Solids (c) Gases (d) All of these
19. The concept of force might, best be described as:
(a) The push or pull
(b) A quantity, tending to change body state of rest or state of motion of a body
(c) Energy in motion
(d) Power transmitted from one place to another
20. Stoke’s law holds for
(a) bodies of all shapes (b) Motion through free space
(c) horizontal motion of particles (d) motion through a viscous medium
21. When the body is stationary
(a) There is no force acting on it
(b) The force acting on it are not in contact each other
(c) The forces acting on it are balanced with it
(d) The body is in vacuum
22. The coefficient of frictional force between two surfaces in contact does NOT depends upon.
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(a) The normal force passing one against the other

(b) The area of surfaces
(c) Whether the surfaces are stationary or in relative motion
(d) whether a lubricant is used or not.
23. The frictional resistance between its various layers of fluids is called
(a) Viscous drag (b) Viscosity (c) Friction (d) Up thrust
24. If there is no external force applied to a system then the total momentum of that system:
(a) Turn to zero (b) remains constant
(c) is maximum (d) is minimum
25. If two bodies of equal mass collide elastically then
(a) their velocities are added to each other
(b) their velocities are subtracted
(c) their velocities do not changed
(d) they exchange their velocities
26. If the rate of change momentum with respect to time is zero then.
(a) The momentum is a function of time (b) The momentum is not conserved
(c) The momentum is constant (d) Some force acts

27. If linear momentum of a particle in doubled, its kinetic energy will.
(a) be double (b) be halved

(c) be quadrupled (d) Remains unchanged
28. A collision in which momentum conserved but K.E is not conserved is called
(a) Elastic collision (b) In elastic collision
(c) Both A & B (d) either A or B

29. Momentum of a moving mass is the amount of:
(a) Energy possessed by body (b) Inertia possessed by a body
(c) work possessed by a body (d) Motion possessed by a body.
30. The time rate of change of linear momentum of a body is equal to

(a) The applied torque (b) The applied force
(c) Impulse (d) None of the above
31. ______________ is also called to quantity of motion:
(a) Acceleration (b) Momentum (c) Force (d) Energy
32. The net force acting on the body of 10 kg moving with uniform velocity of S-1 is:
(a) 40 N (b) 4N (c) 4N (d) zero.
33. The velocity of the body is increase to 100% then linear momentum of the body increase to:
(a) 50 % (b) 100 % (c) 10 % (d) 35 %

Chapter # 3

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d d a d c d b A c c
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a c c b c a b D B d
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c b b b d c c B d b
31 32 33

b d b

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Chapter # 4
1. A. Maximum range attained by a projectile can be found by the formula:
Vo SinO 2Vo SinO 2Vo2 Sin2O 2Vo2 Sin2O
(a) (b) (c) (d)
g g g 2g
2. In the absence of air friction projectile has maximum range when fired at an angle.
(a) 30° with the horizontal (b) 45° with the vertical
(c) 30° with the vertical (d) 60° with the horizontal
3. During the projectile motion, the horizontal component of velocity
(a) Change with time (b) Becomes zero
(c) Does not change but remains constant. (d) Increases with time

4. The maximum height of a projectile is directly proportional to.
(a) The initial velocity (b) Launch angle

(c) Square of the initial velocity
(d) The friction between the tyres of cycle and road vanished.
5. A body is moving in a circle at a constant speed which of the following statements about the body is true?
(a) There is no acceleration. (b) There is no force acting on it
(c) There is force acting at a tangent to the circle

(d) There is force acting towards the centre of the circle
6. The rate at which a body rotates about an axis expressed
(a) Velocity (b) Angular acceleration
(c) Angular momentum (d) None of these

7. The rate of charge of angular displacement is.
(a) Angular momentum (b) angular acceleration
(c) Angular velocity (d) velocity
8. The acceleration in uniform circular motion.
(a) Varies inversely with the velocity of the particle.
(b) Varies inversely with the radius of the orbit.
(c) Varies directly with the square of the velocity.
(d) is both (b) and (c)
9. If a body is rotating in a circle with variable linear speed, it must have:

(a) Only centripetal acceleration. (b) Only tangential acceleration

(c) Both centripetal and tangent acceleration (d) None of these
10. The direction of angular velocity can be find out by ____________.

(a) Left hand rule (b) Angular displacement

(c) Direction of movement (d) Right hand rule
11. If a particle moves in a circle describing equal angles in equal intervals, then
(a) Angular velocity change and linear velocity constant.
(b) Angular velocity constant and linear velocity constant
(c) Angular velocity constant and linear velocity changes.

(d) None of these


12. The rate of change of angular displacement with time is called:

(a) Angular acceleration. (b) Linear velocity
(c) Angular velocity (d) None of these

13. The centripetal acceleration produced in a rotating body is commonly due to the change in ___________ of the
(a) Magnitude (b) Direction (c) Value (d) None of these

14. An object is hunched in an arbitrary direction in space with a certain initial velocity and of moves freely under
gravity. Its path will be a.
(a) Straight line (b) circle (c) parabola (d) hyperbola
15. The velocity component with which a projectile covers certain vertical distance is minimum at the moment of:
(a) Projection (b) Hitting the ground
(c) Highest point (d) None pf these
16. A projectile has its speed maximum at the moment of
(a) Projection (b) Hitting the ground (c) Both of these (d) None of these
17. The horizontal range of a projectile depend upon.
(a) The angle of projection (b) The velocity of projection
(c) Both of these (d) None of these
18. If a projectile is projected at an angle of 35o, it hits certain target. It will have the same range if it is projected
at an angle of
(a) 45o (b) 55 o (c) 90 o (d) 70 o
19. The linear and angular velocity of a particle, moving about the centre of a circle of radius r, are related by

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(a) v=ωxr (b) v=rxω (c) ω=vxr (d) ω=rxv

20. A ball is thrown at 40 m/s with the angle of projection of 30o with the horizontal, the vertical velocity, of the
projectile after 1 sec.
(a) A. 20 m/s (b) 15 m/s (c) 10 m/s (d) Zero
21. A car moving at a constant speed of 20 ms-1 on a circular path of radius 100m what is the acceleration?
(a) 0.4 ms2 (b) 6 sec (c) 4.0 ms3 (d) 33 ms2
22. The missile is fired at 20 m/s at 60 with respect to the horizontal, the horizontal and vertical component of the
velocity at the maximum height is respectively :
(a) 10 m/s, 10 m/s (b) 10 m/s, 5 m/s
(c) 10 m/s, 0 (d) 0, 10 m/s
23. A 100 kg body is rotating in circular path of radius 200m, at 50 m/sec. find the centripetal force acting on the
(a) 225 N (b) 125 N (c) 525 N (d) 500 N
24. If a body covers 5 rotations in 2 seconds, around a path of radius 2m the linear velocity of body is
(a) π m/s (b) 10 π m/s (c) 5 πm/s (d) 20 π m/s
25. The angular speed of an hour's hand of a watch in radian / minute is
(a) π/6 (b) π/30 (c) π/180 (d) π/360

Chapter # 4
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c b c c d d c D c d
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c c b c c c d B b c
21 22 23 24 25

c C b b d cs

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Chapter # 5
1. Torque is synonymous of:
(a) A. Angular speed (b) Angular momentum
(c) Moment of inertia (d) Moment of force
2. The rate of change of angular momentum is called.
(a) Force (b) Torque (c) Momentum (d) Alt of these
3. The product of force and moment am is equal to the magnitude
(a) Momentum (b) Torque
(c) centripetal force (d) Angular momentum
4. Torque is zero, if angle θ between force and momentum arm is

(a) 0° (b) 60° (c) C. 90° (d) 180o
5. The motion of the body can describe by the motion of it’s

(a) Center of gravity (b) Origin
(c) Center of mass (d) None of these
6. If a body is rotating clock-wise direction, the torque:
(a) Positive (b) Negative (c) Maximum (d) Minimum
7. The two forces constitute couple are.

(a) Equal in magnitude (b) Opposite in direction
(c) Not acting along the same line (d) All of these
8. The centre of gravity of a body of irregular shape lies:

(a) At its centre (b) At its intersection of medians
(c) At the intersection of diagonals (d) At the surface of the body
9. The point at which whole weight of the body is concentrated is called.
(a) Centre of mass (b) Centre of gravity
(c) Origin (d) Centre of action
10. Torque equals to:
(a) Mass xf acceleration (b) Force x momentum arm
(c) Force x centre of gravity (d) Mass x mass arm
11. Physical quantity not directly involved in rotational motion is:
(a) Moment of inertia (b) Mass

(c) Angular velocity (d) Torque

12. The centre of mass coincides with centre of gravity of body, if it is placed:
(a) In a non-uniform gravitation field. (b) In a uniform gravitation field

(c) At the centre of earth (d) At the poles

13. The magnitude of the angular momentum is given by:
(a) A. 1 =m sin θ (b) i = rp/sin θ
(c) L = rp sin θ (d) only A & B
14. The angular momentum of a particle is conserved it the net torque is

(a) Infinity (b) Zero

(c) Constant (d) None of these

15. If the not torque acting on a body is zero then the ___ of the body is conserved.
(a) Force (b) Liner momentum

(c) Torque (d) Angular momentum

16. According to law of conservation of angular momentum.
(a) Γ = dl (b) Γ = dt/dl (c) Γ = dt x dl (d) Γ =dl/dt.

17. A body acted is said to be in equilibrium when it:

(a) Move with a variable velocity (b) Moves with a uniform velocity
(c) Moves very fast in space (d) Moves very slow in space
18. A body is said to be in ______ if it is at rest or is moving with uniform velocity.
(a) Period motion (b) Rotator motion
(c) Arbitrary motion (d) Equilibrium
19. A body will be in translation equilibrium if the vector sum of external forces acting on a body is
(a) Maximum (b) Minimum (c) Square (d) Zero
20. If the axis of rotation passes through the body itself the corresponding rotator motion is called the:
(a) Spin –motion (b) Orbital motion
(c) Vibratory motion (d) To-and for motion
21. The object in equilibrium may not have any:
(a) Force acting (b) Acceleration
(c) Velocity (d) Torque acting upon it

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Chapter # 5
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d B b a c b d B b b
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b B d b d d b D d a

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Chapter # 6
1. The force of attraction acts along the.
(a) axis of rotation. (b) Line joining the interacting bodies.
(c) Line perpendicular to the interacting (d) None of these
2. The range through which the gravitation force acts is:
(a) Limited to 1 x 10-10 m (b) Limited to 1 x 10-2 m
(c) Extremely long (d) About 1 x 106 m
3. According to the law of universal Gravitation.
(a) Every body in the universes attracts every body.
(b) The force of attraction is directly proportional to the product of their masses
(c) The force of attraction is inversely proportional to the squire of their distance.
(d) All of the above

4. Force of gravitational attraction of earth on other bodies is given by:

MFm M 1m
(a) F =G (b) F =G
M m M m
(c) F = R12 1 (d) F = R12 1

G m
5. The force of attraction or repulsion between two bodies is:
(a) Inversely proportional to the distance
(b) Directly proportional to the distance

(c) Inversely proportional to the square of the distance
(d) None of the above
7. The acceleration due to gravity on moon is 1/6th of that on earth, what will be the mass of the body on moon, if
its mass on earth is m:
(a) m/6 (b) 6m (c) m (d) m/3
8. The value of ‘g’ at the centre of earth is:
(a) Maximum (b) Minimum (c) Zero (d) None of them
9. The value of g at a certain height above the earth is;
(a) Nearly the same as an the surface of earth

(b) Nearly the same as an the center of earth

(c) Estimated to decreases with altitude
(d) Estimated to depend on the variation of the earth radius
10. The value of 'g' is maximum at:

(a) Centre of the earth. (b) Poles of the earth

(c) Equator of the earth. (d) Surface of the earth
11. If the mass of the earth becomes four times large, the value of g will
(a) remain unchanged (b) Becomes four times larger
(c) Be double (d) sixteen times larger

12. The value of ‘g’ is maximum:


(a) At the surface of earth (b) An infinite distance from the earth
(c) At the centre of earth (d) Below the surface of earth
13. When a lift is moving upward with a uniform velocity, the apparent weight of a body inside the lift will be.

(a) Equal to its actual weight (b) Less than the actual weight
(c) More than the actual weight (d) Zero
14. The source of electric energy in an artificial satellite is:

(a) A mini nuclear reactor (b) A dynamo

(c) A thermo pile (d) Solar cells
15. Artificial gravity can be created in the space craft by:
(a) Revolving it around the earth (b) Spinning it around its own axis
(c) Increasing its velocity (d) decreasing its velocity'

Chapter # 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
b c d b c d c C c b
11 12 13 14 15
b a a d b

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Chapter # 7
1. The example of negative work is:
(a) Work done under a conservative force
(b) Work done perpendicular to a conservation force
(c) Work done against friction,
(d) Work done against gravity
2. The work done by centripetal force is:
(a) Equal to that of centrifugal force. (b) Greater than that of centrifugal force
(c) Variable in different cases. (d) Zero
3. Work is defined as
(a) Scalar product of force and displacement.
(b) Vector product of force and displacement

(c) Scalar product of force and velocity

(d) Vector product of force and velocity

4. The work done on a body under going a certain displacement is given by:
(a) The area under a force vs. time curve

(b) The area under a force vs. distance curve
(c) The area under a velocity vs time curve
(d) The area under an acceleration vs time curve
5. Work is always done in a body when

(a) A force action on it
(b) It covers some displacement.
(c) Force moves it in its direction or in opposite directions
(d) The resultant force on its is zero.
6. The work given to the machine is called:
(a) Input (b) Output
(c) Velocity ratio (d) Mechanical advantage
7. All of them are true accept:
(a) Work is defined as the product of force and distance.

(b) Joule is the unit of work.

(c) Force moves in its direction or in opposite directions.
(d) The resultant force on it is zero.
8. Work done will be zero when force and displacement are

(a) In the same direction (b) In opposite direction

(c) Perpendicular to each other (d) Not zero
9. The energy due the motion of a mass is known as.
(a) A. Potential energy (b) Motion energy
(c) Mobile energy (d) Kinetic energy

10. The amount of work required to stop a moving object is equal to the:
(a) Velocity of the object (b) Kinetic energy of the object

(c) Mass of the object times its acceleration

(d) Mass of the object times its velocity

11. Power is the dot product of.

(a) Mass & velocity (b) Force & velocity
(c) Force & Energy (d) Force & mass

12. The sum of kinetic and potential energies of a falling body

(a) Is constant at all points. (b) Is maximum in the beging
(c) Is minimum in the beginning (d) Is maximum in the middle of the path
13. Potential energy is increased when the work is done,
(a) Along the field (b) Against the field
(c) By the field (d) All of the above in different cases
14. If the velocity of the moving particle is double the factor by, which the K. E is increased is.
(a) 4 (b) ½ (c) 2 (d) 6
15. The heat energy is transferred to a body, it is converted into:
(a) Internal energy of the body (b) work done by the body
(c) Mass of the molecules (d) Potential energy of the body
16. The tidal energy is due to:
(a) The rotation of earth about sun (b) The rotation of earth relative moon
(c) The radio active decay inside earth (d) Attraction of sun and moon
17. Energy is:
(a) Work divided by time (b) The ability to do work
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(c) Measurable in Horse Power (d) Force divided by distance

18. The work done in moving a object along a vector=3i + 2j – 5k. If the applied force is F = 2i–j - k:
(a) 10j (b) 6i – 2j – 5k (c) 0j (d) 9j
19. The power required to lift a 40 kg. weight up to the height of 5 m in 10 sec will be
(a) 80 watts (b) 200 watts (c) 28 watts (d) 14000 watts
20. The K. E of a 1000 kg car moving at a speed of 80 km/hr will be.
(a) 2.47x108 J (b) 2.47x105 J (c) 24.7x107 J (d) 24.7x103 J

Chapter # 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
c D a b c a d C d b
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
b A b a a d b D b B

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Chapter # 8 - A
1. The oscillatory motion in which the instantaneous acceleration is proportional to the displacement of the
displacement of the oscillating bodies is called:
(a) Elastic motion (b) Translating motion
(c) Transverse motion (d) Harmonic motion
2. Total energy of a particle performing SHM is directly proportional to:
(a) The amplitude (b) The square root of amplitude
(c) Square of amplitude (d) The reciprocal of amplitude
3. When a particle is executing SHM it is found that.
(a) The frequency depends upon the amplitude
(b) The periods depend on the amplitude.
(c) The period and frequency depend upon the amplitude

(d) The period and frequency are independent of the amplitude.

4. When a stone is thrown in water, any circle draw with its centre as the stone is a.
(a) Longitudinal wave (b) Stationary wave
(c) Circular wave (d) Wave front
5. Which one of the following undergoing a simple harmonic motion?
(a) Motion of a pendulum (b) vibration of a violen string.

(c) Motion of body in a rectilinear (d) Oscillation of mass on a string
6. Mechanical wave are produced disturbance in
(a) Vacuum (b) Space (c) Materiel (d) No of these
7. If a second pendulum is taken up on the moon, in order to have its time period same:

(a) The length of the pendulum must be increased
(b) The length of the pendulum must be decreases
(c) The length of the pendulum must be kept the same
(d) None of the above
8. An ordinary clock loses time in summer this is because:
(a) The length of the pendulum increases
(b) The length of the pendulum decreases
(c) The length of the pendulum decreases and time period increases.
(d) The length the pendulum decreases and time period increases.

9. Which is the true for gamma - rays?

(a) They move with half the speed of light.
(b) They are stopped by a thick sheet of paper.
(c) The have no mass

(d) The can not pass through a sheet of Aluminum.

10. Which one of the following contains a pair of transverse and longitudinal wave?
(a) Radio & X - rays (b) Infra - red & ultra- violet
(c) Sound & radio wave (d) Wave in a ripple tank & light
11. The velocity of a particle moving with a frequency ‘f’ and wave length ‘λ’ is:

(a) fλ (b) f/λ (c) λ/f (d) λ2f

12. The one which has the longest wave length in the following is?

(a) Red light (b) X - rays

(c) Infra – red (d) radio waves

13. Which of the following has the shortest wavelength?

(a) Gamma rays (b) Ultraviolet
(c) Microwaves (d) Radio waves

14. All the points on a wave front, formed by throw a stone in water will:
(a) Be in the same phase (b) Have the same phase & displacement
(c) Have the same displacement only (d) None of these
15. It is common characteristics of all types of wave motion that without the transport of particles.
(a) Particles (b) Down
(c) Energy transferred (d) Mass decrease
16. The wave length of a radio wave when transmitted as a frequency of 150 MHz, will be:
(a) 20 m (b) 2m (c) 10 m (d) 0.75 m
17. A simple pendulum completes one vibration in one second. If g = 981 sm/s2 its length will be:
(a) 24.8 m (b) 24.8 (c) 2.48 cm (d) 2.48 cm
18. When two waves traveling through the same medium arrive at the same medium arrive at the same point 180o
out of phase, they give rise to.
(a) Polarization (b) Destructive
(c) Diffraction (d) Constructive interferes
19. When a string which is tied at both the ends is plucked from the centre the wave produced is:
(a) Transverse wave (b) Longitudinal wave
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(c) Standing wave (d) Electromagnetic wave

20. The wave phenomenon that definitely classifies light as a transverse wave is.
(a) Polarization (b) Diffraction
(c) Interference (d) Scattering of electrons
21. Which of the following is not a transverse waves?
(a) x-rays (b) sound (c) γ-rays (d) infrared
22. The distance between adjacent nodes or antinodes is.
(a) λ (b) λ/2 (c) λ/4 (d) 2λ
23. Transverse waves can propagate:
(a) Both in gas and a metal (b) In a gas but not in metal
(c) not in gas but in a meta! (d) neither in any of these
24. The traveling wave in which particle of the disturbed medium move perpendicular to the direction of
propagation of the wave is called.
(a) Longitudinal wave (b) Transverse wave
(c) Standing wave (d) Stationery wave
25. The direction travel by the transverse wave to the direction of the associated disturbance will be
(a) parallel (b) Angular (c) Perpendicular (d) Opposite

26. In a stretched string, if the length and speed of the wave is double, the tension will be _____ times the original.
(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 8 (d) 6

27. Frequency of a stretched string is proportional to the
(a) Tension (b) linear density
(c) reciprocal of the length (d) Square of the tension
28. For a stationary wave in a string the points at which the particle is at maximum displacement from the mean

position are called.
(a) Nodes (b) Anti nodes (c) Compression (d) Rare friction

29. A string fixed at two ends vibrates in two whole segment. The standing wave pattern set up is called.
(a) First overtone (b) Second overtone
(c) Fundamental (d) Second harmonics
30. When a wave is reflected from rigid support, the phase change will be equal to.
(a) λ/2 (b) λ (c) λ/4 (d) .2λ
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Chapter # 8 - B
1. Sound waves are:
(a) Transverse waves (b) Electro-magnetic waves
(c) Longitudinal wave (d) Standing waves
2. The difference between a noise and a musical note is that a noise is:
(a) Louder (b) Of higher pitch
(c) Louder and usually lower pitch (d) Formed by irregular vib
3. Which of the following properties of sound is affected by change
(a) Frequency (b) Amplitude
(c) Wave length (d) Intensity
4. The bodies travel at velocities greater than velocity of sound in air are called.
(a) Ultrasonic (b) Infrasonic
(c) Supersonic (d) Revelberator
5. Two sounds of the same frequency in air must have the same:

(a) Amplitude (b) Intensity

(c) Loudness (d) Wavelength
6. In order to emit sound a body must.
(a) Absorb sound waves (b) Vibrate
(c) Reflect sound waves (d) Move towards the hearer
7. Which of the following phenomenon cannot take place with sound wave:

(a) Refection (b) Interference
(c) Diffraction (d) Polarization
8. Velocity of sound in a gas is proportional to:
(a) Square root of proportional elasticity (b) Adiabatic elasticity

(c) Square root of adiabatic elasticity (d) Isothermal elasticity
9. Which of the following factor(s) effect(s) the velocity of sound in air?
1. Frequency of the source 2. Loudness of the sound
3. The temperature of the air.
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only (c) 3 only (d) 1 and 3 only
10. Presence of moisture in air.
(a) increases the velocity of sound (b) decreases the velocity of sound
(c) may increases or decreases the velocity (d) does not have any effect
Speed of sound at 0o in the air is:

(a) 33.13 m/s (b) 3.313 m/s (c) 331.3 m/s (d) 3313 cm/s
12. The speed of sound in a compressible medium which has a bulk modulus B, and density p,
(a) p= B (b) V= B/P (c) P= P (d) V= P/B

13. Space of sound is ________ speed of light
(a) greater then (b) les than (c) equal to (d) nothing can be said
14. In which of the following is the speed of sound greatest?
(a) Air (b) Water (c) Vacuum (d) Steel

15. The velocity of sound in air is not affected by changes in the;

(a) Moisture content of the air (b) Temperature of the air

(c) Atmospheric pressure (d) Compression of the air

16. Which one of the following is correct?
(a) The louder the sound, the greater is the amplitude.

(b) The louder the-sound, the greater is the velocity

(c) The louder the sound, the greater is the frequency

(d) The louder the sound, greater is the wavelength

17. The intensity level of faintest audible sound is:
(a) 0 db (b) 10 bd (c) 20 bd (d) 20 db
18. The term loudness of a sound is most intimately with the:
(a) Wave amplitude (b) wave intensity
(c) intensity level of the sound (d) sound pitch
19. Pitch is a sensation produced by sound that depends upon its:
(a) velocity (b) intensity (c) amplitude (d) Frequency
20. The pitch of the sound depends on its
(a) Frequency (b) Speed (c) Amplitude (d) Period
21. The sweetness or harshness of a sound depends on its.
(a) Wavelength (b) Frequency (c) Wave amplitude (d) Irregularity
22. The human ear is most sensitive sound in the frequency range from..
(a) 2 to 4 hertz (b) 20 to 40 hertz
(c) 200 to 400 hertz (d) 2000 to 4000/hertz

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23. The term which bears the same relationship to light as pitch bears to sound.
(a) Wave length (b) Frequency (c) Colour (d) Shade.
24. The study of generation production and propagation sound is called:
(a) Photometry (b) Acoustics (c) Mechanics (d) Series
25. Quality is the difference in sounds having.
(a) Same pitch (b) Same loudness
(c) Different natural frequencies (d) All of the above.
26. Number of beats produced is equal to:
(a) Difference of frequencies of superimposing waves.
(b) Sum of frequencies of superimposing waves.
(c) Product of frequencies of superimposing waves.
(d) Ratio of frequencies of superimposing waves.
27. If the two sound waves produced beats, it is necessary that the two have.
(a) The same frequencies (b) Slightly different frequencies
(c) Slightly different amplitudes (d) The same time period
28. Beats are the result of:
(a) Diffraction (b) constructive interference

(c) Constructive and destructive interference (d) None of these
29. The sound waves give rise to the phenomenon of beats due to their.

(a) Reflection (b) Refraction
(c) Interference (d) Polarization
30. At the end of the open pipe
(a) Always a node is produced (b) Always an antinode is produced

(c) Both can be produced (d) none of the above
31. If a body is set to be in resonance with another body its natural frequency must be:
(a) half of that of the other body (b) vibrates in greatest amplitude
(c) Double of that of the other body (d) equal to that of the other body

32. A regiment of soldiers is crossing a suspension bridge. They are ordered to:
(a) A. March in steps (b) Break the Steps
(c) Twist their bodies (d) Lie flat and craw!
33. Listener moves towards stationary source. Pitch of sound heard.
(a) Increases (b) Decreases (c) Remains constant (d) zero
34. Doppler's move measures the change in ___________ of wave due to the relative motion of source & observer.
(a) Intensity (b) Frequency (c) Velocity (d) Energy
35. Mark the false statement:
(a) Doppler effect is used in measuring the speed of automobile

(b) Doppler effect provides a method for tracking satellite

(c) Each proton has total energy E = hv (where h = plank’s, v = frequency of the electromagnetic
(d) X - rays are electromagnetic waves with long wavelength.

Chapter # 8 – A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

d C d d c C b A c c
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

a D a a c B b B c a
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
b B c b c C b D b b

Chapter # 8 – B
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
c D b c c D b D c a
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
c A b d c a a C d a
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
b d b b d A b C c b
31 32 33 34 35
d b a b d

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Chapter # 9
1. The wave theory of light was proposed by.
(a) Galileo (b) Huygens (c) Kepler (d) Hewton
2. Electromagnetic theory of light was proposed by;
(a) Faraday (b) Maxwell (c) Ampere (d) De
3. Yellow light of a single wavelength can't be:
(a) Reflected (b) Refracted (c) Dispersed (d) Red
4. The characteristic property of light wave which does not vary with the medium is:
(a) Frequency (b) Amplitude (c) Velocity (d) Wave
5. When light is incident on a substance it can be:
(a) Absorbed (b) Reflected (c) Transmitted (d) All of above
6. Color of light is determined by its.

(a) Frequency (b) Amplitude (c) Speed (d) Wavelength

7. A monochromatic red light appears to be.
(a) Blue (b) Red (c) Black (d) White
8. The locus of all points in the same phase of vibration is:
(a) Wave front (b) Interference (c) Diffraction (d) Polarization
9. Huygens theory of light says that light consists of:

(a) Wave fronts (b) Discvek particle (c) Photons (d) dual nature
10. A thin layer of oil on the surface of water looks coloured due to:
(a) Polansation of light. (b) different elements presenting the oil
(c) Interference of light (d) The transmission of light

11. In Newton's rings experiment the piano convex lens used should be of.
(a) Small focal length (b) Large focal length
(c) Neither of the two (d) None of the above
12. In Newton's rings seen throughout reflected light:
(a) The central spot is dark (b) The central spot is dark
(c) Both of above (d) None of the above
13. The phenomenon of interference come out because wave obey:
(a) The impulse moment theorem (b) The 1st law of thermodynamics
(c) The inverse square law (d) The principle of superposition

14. The air between the lens and glass plak the in Newton’s rings experiment is replaced by water. The ring
(a) Contracts (b) Expands

(c) Remains the same (d) None of the above

15. Newton’s ring are produced by.
(a) A lighted cigarette falling non uniform acceleration.
(b) A lighted cigarette subject force of several g's interference of light
(c) Interference of light (d) Polarization of light

16. Which of the following phenomenon produce the colors in soap bubble?
(a) Interference (b) Polarization (c) Diffraction (d) Dispersion

17. The path difference in destructive interference must be:

(a) d = 0, 2 λ, 3 λ (b) d = λ/2, 3λ /2 , 5λ/2

(c) d = 0, λ/6, 3λ/6, 5λ/6 (d) d = 0, 3λ/4, 5λ/4

18. One condition for interference is that the two sources should be coherent and.
(a) Close together (b) at a far off distance

(c) Opposite to each other (d) Coinciding

19. Width of the interference fringes in young's double slit experiment increase
(a) Slit separation (b) Wave length
(c) order of the fringes (d) frequency of the source
20. The property which enables waves to bend around the edge of an opening or obstacle in its path is called:
(a) Dispersion (b) Diffraction (c) Super position (d) Interference
21. Which of the following are types of diffraction?
(a) Interfering and non interfering (b) Transparent – semi transparent
(c) Fresnel - Fraun hoffer diffraction (d) Gratingy- element attraction
22. Diffraction when source and screen are very near the slit then diffraction is said to be ________ diffraction.
(a) Fresnel (b) Fraunhoffer (c) Maxwell (d) Huygens
23. Which of the following is used to plane polarize light?
(a) A sheet with small opening (b) A thick glass sheet
(c) A plano-convex lens (d) A paper sheet

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Chapter # 9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
b B c a d a b A a c
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
b b d a c a b A b b
21 22 23
c a a

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Chapter # 10
1. When light passes from air to glass it:
(a) Bends towards the normal without changing speed.
(b) Bends towards the normal and slows down
(c) Bends towards the normal and speed up
(d) Bends away from the normal and slows down
2. The refractive index is.
(a) Directly proportional to the wave length of light.
(b) Inversely proportional to the wave length of light
(c) Directly proportional to the square of the wave length of light
(d) Inversely proportional to the square of the wave length of light.
3. When light enters from a rarer to a denser medium its

(a) Velocity increases (b) Wave length increases

(c) Its velocity remains same (d) Its frequency remains same
4. Light from the sun reaches us in nearly
(a) 8 min (b) 16 min (c) 8 sec (d) 16 sec
5. A lens that is thicker at the edge thin it is in the middle is:
(a) Converging lens (b) Diverging lens

(c) Angular lens (d) Plain lens
6. The sign convention for virtual images is:
(a) Positive (b) Negative
(c) Sometimes positive and sometimes – Negative (d) All of these

7. "Mirage" is based on the phenomenon of.
(a) Reflection (b) Diffraction (c) Refraction (d) Total internal reflection
8. In a convex lens when the object lies at infinity, the image formed is:
(a) Real (b) Inverted (c) Extremely small in size (d) All of the above
9. Image formed by a concave lens is:
(a) Real, inverted magnified (b) Virtual , erect, magnified
(c) Virtual, erect, diminished. (d) Real, erect, diminished
10. Two convex lens of same focal length ‘F’ are placed in contact: The focal length of this lens combination is:
(a) F (b) 2r (c) F/2 (d) F/4

11. Power of a lens is equal to

(a) Focal length in meters (b) Reciprocal of focal length
(c) Dobbin of focal length (d) Half of focal length
12. The poorer or converging lens is.

(a) Positive (b) Negative (c) Natural (d) None of these

13. The focal length of a lens depends upon.
(a) The radius of curvature of its surface (b) The material of the lens
(c) The refractive index of the medium in which it placed. (d) All of these
14. A terrestrial telescope can be made by adding an erecting lens to a

(a) Prism spectroscope (b) Reflecting telescope

(c) Field telescope- (d) Astronautically telescope

15. In an astronomical telescope objective is a:

(a) Concave lens of large focal length

(b) Convex lens of large focal length

(c) Concave lens of small focal length.
(d) Convex lens of small focal length.

16. The length of a simple astronomical telescope is:

(a) The difference of the focal length of two lenses.
(b) The sum of the focal length of two lenses.
(c) Half the sum of the focal length
(d) Equal to the focal length of the objective lens
17. A Galilean telescope consists of.
(a) A converging objective and a converging eye-piece
(b) A converging objective and a diverging eye piece
(c) A diverging objective and a diverging eye piece
(d) A diverging objective and a converging eye-piece
18. The magnifying power of a compound microscope is given by (where f1 = focal length of objective f2= focal
length of eyepiece}
(a) M = L/f2(d/f2 +1) (b) M = Lf2(d/f2 +1)
(c) Both have the same meaning (d) None of the above
19. In compound microscope, normally the intermediate image is.

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(a) Virtual erect and magnified (b) Virtual erect enlarged

(c) Real inverted enlarged (d) Virtual inverted and enlarged
20. How can the spherical aberration be, corrected.
(a) By using a Plano-convex tens (b) By using a cylindrical lens
(c) By using a thin les (d) All of the above
21. The final image of Astronomical telescope is:
(a) Real erect enlarged (b) Virtual erect enlarged
(c) Real inverted enlarged (d) Virtual inverted enlarged
22. The refraction of different wavelength of light at different angles through a convex lens produce a defected
(a) Astigmatism (b) Chromatic aberration
(c) Spherical aberration (d) Short sightedness
23. In a compound microscope the lenses used are.
(a) Objective of Small focal length and eye-piece of large focal length
(b) Objective of small focal length and eye-piece of small focal length
(c) Objective of large focal length and eye-piece of small focal length
(d) Objective of large focal length and eye-piece of large focal length.

24. Chromatic aberration can be removed by combining.
(a) A convex lens and concave lens of same type of glass.

(b) Two convex lenses or different types of glass
(c) Two concave lenses of different types of glass.
(d) A concave lens of one type of glass and a convex lens of another types of glass
25. Long sightedness can be cured by.

(a) Convex lens (b) Concave lens
(c) Cylindrical lens (d) Bifocal lens
26. The fact that energy point on any advancing wave front may be considered as a source of secondary wave
which move forward s spherical wavelets is a principle attributed to,

(a) Faraday (b) Michelson (c) Huygen (d) Galileo

Chapter # 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
b B d d b b d D c c
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

b a d d b b b A d d
21 22 23 24 25 26
d b a d a c

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