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The "Dendrite Arm Spacing Measurement" Add-In
Measurement results 11
The DAS value of the whole structure is defined as the mean value of all of
these distances.
whole structure, and each intercept line should intercept numerous neigh-
boring dendrite arms at a right angle. The system calculates the correspond-
ing measured distance from each intercept line. For the system, the mea-
sured distance begins where the intercept line intercepts the first dendrite
arm. It ends where the intercept line leaves the last dendrite arm.
This example shows the
intercept line conveniently
placed through the four Intercept line
neighboring dendrite arms. 2
The "Dendrite Arm Spacing Measurement" Add-In
DAS button bar Both of the commands required for preparing and executing a dendrite arm
spacing measurement can be found in the DAS button bar.
DAS Thresholds (page 6)
DAS Measurement (page 9)
The "Dendrite Arm Spacing Measurement" Add-In
4) Use the histogram to directly define the intensity range for the particles.
• To do this, move the mouse pointer over the blue or red threshold
value line. Keep the left mouse button depressed and drag the
threshold value to the desired value.
The "Dendrite Arm Spacing Measurement" Add-In
• Move the mouse pointer over the colored bar located beneath the
histogram and keep the mouse button depressed to move the
entire intensity range as a whole.
The threshold values are
adequate for the dendrite
arm spacing measurement
when the colored areas and
the particles to be measured
overlap optimally.
3) Activate the Auto Settings tab located in the Set Thresholds - DAS di-
alog box.
" The system uses the image's histogram to automatically calculate
threshold values for the dendrite arm spacing measurement.
These values are suggestions that you can apply.
The "Dendrite Arm Spacing Measurement" Add-In
Executing a dendrite arm spacing measurement
1) Load the image into an image buffer.
2) Should the image have not yet been calibrated, use the Image > Cali-
brate Image... command to perform an X/Y-calibration.
3) If you still have not set appropriate threshold values for the image or if
you want to check the current threshold values, click the DAS Thresh-
olds button.
" As long as the Set Thresholds - DAS dialog box is opened and the
Manual tab has been activated, the intensity range between the
two current threshold values is displayed in the image in color. A
requirement is that the Current or All option has been selected in
the Preview group.
• The current threshold values are adequate for the dendrite arm
spacing measurement when the colored areas and the particles to
be measured optimally overlap.
The "Dendrite Arm Spacing Measurement" Add-In
8) Use the File > Save command to save the results sheet to your hard
Measurement results
The image overlay and the results sheet are the results of a dendrite arm
spacing measurement. The intercept lines you defined can be seen in the
image overlay. The measurement results have been entered into the sheet.
Interactive measure- Your image analysis program offers you a special measurement button bar
ments and DAS that can be used for interactive measurements. The results of the measure-
ments that have been made using this measurement button bar appear in
the image manager's measurement display. Please note that the measure-
ment functions of the "Dendrite Arm Spacing Measurement" add-in do not
belong to these interactive measurements. Therefore, your results will not
appear in the image manager's measurement display, but rather in an own
results sheet entitled "DAS Results".
The results of a DAS mea-
surement using five inter- End result of the whole structure
cept lines.
Results Sheet The measurement results for all of the considered intercept lines can be
found in the results sheet starting with line 3: the length of the measured dis-
tance, the dendrite count, and the resulting DAS value of the intercept line.
You can find the end result in line 2: the entire length of the measured dis-
tances, the total count of the dissected dendrites and the total DAS value.
The total DAS value is the measurement's end result. It is calculated as the
quotient of the entire length of the measured distances and the entire count
of dissected dendrites. This is the numerical value that describes the fine-
ness of the dendritic structure in the image.
The "Dendrite Arm Spacing Measurement" Add-In
Image Overlay All of the considered intercept lines can be seen in the image overlay. They
are marked red in the sections where your system has identified a dendrite
arm. Sections located outside of the dendrite arms are colored blue.
Length of
Intercept line
Length of
Measured distance
Warning Please note that the measured distances are shorter than the intercept lines
you defined. The system interprets the start of the measured distance as the
point where the intercept line meets the first dendrite arm. It ends where the
intercept line leaves the last dendrite arm. You can see the measured dis-
tance in the image overlay by ignoring the two blue partial distances located
at the beginning and end of the intercept line.