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Olympus IX81
Introductory comments 1
Installation 1
Olympus IX81
Index 37
Introductory comments
Introductory comments
This documentation This documentation describes the IX software Add-In - the software control
for the motorized microscopes of the Olympus IX product line. This Add-In
is fully integrated with image-analysis software. It is assumed that the micro-
scope, including the camera, has already been assembled and that the soft-
ware has been installed on your PC.
Other documentation For detailed information on all microscope components, hints on assembly,
and technical specifications, please see the Olympus IX users’ manuals. To
familiarize yourself with the broad range of possibilities of the image analysis
software, please have a look at the "Step by Step" manual.
The explanations and examples in this documentation refer to a IX81 micro-
scope type. IX Add-In can also be used with the IX51/71 microscope. Thus,
you can control all motorized components.
With or without a PC All controllable microscope components are connected to the control box via
cable. A single serial cable connects the control box to the PC. You may also
run your microscope without the PC. In this case, the functions concerning
digital image acquisition, image processing, analysis, database archiving
and report generation will not be available. The frame keys and handswitch
keys for controlling the microscope will have the default settings.
System requirements When operating the microscope via PC, you need to have a display with a
minimum of 65536 colors (16 bits) and a minimum size of 1024x768 pixels.
The description of the installation process only refers to the IX Add-In The
general procedure is the same than with a "normal" analySIS-installation. As
a precondition, the dongle must be set on a serial port of your PC and you
must be logged in with administrator rights. For the installation of additional
software or hardware (e.g. a digital camera), please refer to the correspond-
ing manual.
For the installation of the software proceed as follows:
1) Insert the analySIS-CD into the CD-ROM drive of your PC.
" Normally, the Setup dialog box will open automatically. Should that
not be the case or if you have closed it, you can open it again by
clicking on the Setup.exe on the CD-ROM.
2) Select the menu entry analySIS 3.2 for the installation of the software.
3) Follow the instructions of the Setup Wizard. As refers to the IX Add-In
you must pay special interest to two settings (see below).
4) When asked for the microscope, select the Olympus manufacturer and
the option IX2 Remote and Control.
Olympus IX81 • Installation
5) When asked for the stage, select the Olympus manufacturer and the
option IX81 Z-Stage.
5) Click the Set COM port... button and in the Set Remote COM port dia-
log box select the port used for the RS232 serial cable that connects
your PC with the control box of the microscope.
6) In the Remote group select the On check box.
" This enables the remote control.
7) If you want to read out the magnification currently set at the micro-
scope, click the Read button.
" Once these settings are done, you can start the IX Add-In as
described on page 8.
Olympus IX81 • Software control of the IX81
Configuration via The IX software interface must be configured prior to remote operation. Con-
dialog boxes figuration is done via dialog boxes onscreen (of your PC). You will be auto-
matically prompted through the configuration process to select all the micro-
scope components and key assignments from picklists.
Control via dialog You may use dialog boxes, softkeys, frame keys and/or handswitch keys on
boxes, handswitch the microscope (all user-definable) to control the lamp voltage and all motor-
keys, frame keys and ized parts including the built-in Z-drive and filter wheels. You can also mon-
softkeys itor the status of your microscope. The integrated user-administration dialog
enables multiple users to save their configurations according to their own
particular needs and reload them as needed.
Note You may only redefine how keys are to be used if the PC is on, the software
has been started and the user is logged on.
The IX Add-In
Log On This button is used to identify the current user and for password verification.
As soon as the user has logged on, the other buttons will become active.
The password for the administrator for the initial log-on is: a .
User Settings This button enables you to determine the standard microscope and key con-
figurations which the user utilizes. You can select from all existing configu-
rations. If an administrator is logged on, this dialog also contains options to
create users and assign user’s rights.
Microscope This button is used to define a hardware configuration. To do this, simply
Configuration select the existing microscope components from picklists.
Key Configuration This button is used to assign functions or observation methods of your
microscope to keys on the frame or handswitch.
Microscope Control This button is used to monitor the status of the microscope, to control the Z-
drive and motorized parts of the microscope (if present) and to select an
observation method.
Softkeys This button is only active if softkeys have been defined by the logged-in
user. In this case, clicking on the button will open the IX softkey button bar:
Example of a Softkey button
bar. The name of a softkey
can be freely defined.
Olympus IX81 • User administration in the IX Add-In
on the key configuration button for the first time, the user has to create a new
key configuration (except users with the Trainee rights, who cannot make up
a key configuration of their own and will use either the Default key configu-
ration or one assigned to them by the administrator).
Olympus IX81 • Workflow for the first configuration
11) Once you have completed the configuration, you may click the Micro-
scope Control button to begin using the microscope.
" For additional explanations, see the chapter entitled "Working with
the microscope" on page 28.
12) You should change your password now to make sure that data is only
accessible by you. Keep in mind that upper and lower case are relevant
when you enter your password.
13) If you want to create new users, see "Creating new users" on page 7.
Note If you have altered any component on your microscope, always remember
to change your microscope configuration or make up a new one.
frame keys
Warning When defining microscope components, be very careful! The entries you
make within the dialog boxes must correspond exactly to the actual micro-
scope components installed. If they do not, it could result in damage to
your device or even damage to your health (e.g., when object illumination
is too intense or unfiltered!).
Remember to redefine your configuration or to select a new configuration
if you make changes to the microscope hardware!
• Click the New... button to enter an appropriate name for the new con-
" You may select whether fields are to remain empty or be filled out
with the data of the previously-active configuration in the Hardware
Configuration dialog box.
" The name of the new configuration will be added to theName-field
picklist and become available for selection.
• Select the picklist entries corresponding exactly to your microscope as-
sembly in this dialog box and all others following. Explanations to indi-
vidual options can be found on the next pages.
• Simply continue clicking on the Next button to move on to the next dia-
log box.
Entering microscope components
Heat protection of optical Select this check box (only available for fluorescence microscopy) to close
components the shutters after 10 minutes of inactivity and, if available, to move the filter
wheel to a free position.
Motorized Prism The prism directs the light path either to the binocular or to the side port cam-
era. If your microscope has a motorized prism, you can control it via analy-
SIS. In this case, select this check box. The control panel then shows the
buttons illustrated to the left to redirect the light path (see page 30).
Shutter IX81 can control two shutters: one for reflected light and the other for trans-
mitted light. This is where you set with which shutter your microscope is
equipped. The position of the shutter (open/closed) can be controlled using
the control panel (see page 28).
Bottom Port Bottom Port Cameras are attached to the lower part of the microscope and
use the most effective light path. They do, however, require a special stage.
A motorized mirror directs the light path either to the binocular or to the cam-
Select the Motorized Bottom port check box if a bottom port camera is
attached to your IX81-microscope. The buttons illustrated to the left are then
at your disposal in the control panel to redirect the light path.
Three buttons are available in the control panel, if, apart from a side port
camera, you also have attached a bottom port camera.
N.A. The abbreviation N.A. stands for numeric aperture. Here you can enter the
objective's numerical aperture. These fields are only for your information
and do not influence the analySIS functions.
Cap Here you can enter whether or not you use caps for your objective (i.e. sam-
ples in petri dishes). These fields are only for your information and do not
influence the analySIS functions.
Focus speed analySIS automatically enters the preset focus speed when you select an
objective. You normally do not have to change this. Should it be necessary,
however, select a new value from the picklist.
Magnification changer This is where you select the type of magnification changer you have, should
your microscope be equipped with one. The current position of the magnifi-
cation changer can be set in the control panel.(see page 30)
Olympus IX81 • Entering microscope components
Stage Limits Set the correct stage limits here in order to protect the samples and objec-
tives. Once these values are set, you only have to confirm them when asked
for them during other operations with the IX Add-In.
How to... Set the Stage Limits:
1) Make sure the stage is sufficiently far away from the biggest objective.
2) Switch to the highest magnification.
3) Focus the sample (at the microscope).
4) Should the Stage limits dialog box not appear, click the Limits... button
to access it.
5) Bring the sample a little closer to the objective and read out the upper
limit by clicking Read.
6) This fixes the upper stage limit for the Z-drive.
7) Now select the smallest magnification.
8) Focus the sample (at the microscope).
9) Move the sample a little bit away from the objective and read out the
lower limit by clicking Read.
10) This fixes the bottom limit for the Z-drive.
Entering microscope components
The default value for the
optical components is Skip
position. However, one of
the positions should always
be defined as free, in order
to keep the light path free
from any optical elements.
The default value for the
optical components is Skip
position. However, one of
the positions should always
be defined as free, in order
to keep the light path free
from any optical elements.
Olympus IX81 • Entering microscope components
The default value for the
optical components is Skip
position. However, one of
the positions should always
be defined as free, in order
to keep the light path free
from any optical elements.
Filter wheels Each of the three possible filter wheels has its own separate dialog box.
Click the Move the Wheel button to be able to identify the active filter wheel
(simply listen for the sound of its motor).
Simply continue clicking on the Next button to move on to the next filter
Note The filter wheels, the motorized condenser (LWUCDA), and the motorized
mirror unit (RFACA) use the same plugs located at the back of the UCB con-
trol box. Since only three plugs are available, you can only use one filter
wheel if your microscope uses a motorized condenser and motorized mirror
The plugs for the filter
wheel, condenser, and mir-
ror unit located at the back
of the UCB control box.
• Click the Finish button in the final dialog box to conclude definition of
the microscope components.
Olympus IX81 • Setting up a new key configuration
User Miller
uses microscope configuration
„Brightfield“ with the personal key
configuration „Brightfield-Miller“
User Smith
uses microscope configuration
„Brightfield“ with the personal key
configuration „Brightfield-Smith“
" If key configurations have already been defined for other users (for
the current microscope configuration) and you wish to use one of
these as a template for your own new key configuration, then select
the one desired in the Name picklist. The entry "[Personal]" indi-
cates that the original configuration cannot be altered by you.
4) Click the New... button and enter an appropriate name into the New
Key Configuration dialog box.
" You may select whether the new configuration is to be based on the
default setting or, if applicable, on the most recently active existing
" If you did not select an existing key configuration, you will be asked
if you would like to use predefined observation methods. If you click
Yes, a new dialog box opens, in which you select the observation
methods you want to use (several selections are possible):
Olympus IX81 • Setting up a new key configuration
5) After clicking on OK, the Stage Limits dialog box will be opened. You
will see the Z-values as defined during the microscope configuration.
You will only have to apply any changes here if you did not define the
Z-limits properly during microscope configuration (see "Stage Limits"
on page 12).
6) The Key Configuration dialog box will open. Here you can define your
personal key settings.
" From now on, this dialog box will open right away when you click
the Key Configuration button.
Transmitted light Shutter Open/Close
Select (or create new) Key Configuration
Print Key Configuration
Delete active Key definition
Olympus IX81 • The key configuration dialog box
The Delete active Key definition button deletes the setting of the selected
key. If you click this button while pressing [Shift], the settings for all the keys
of this mode will be deleted.
If you want to delete an entire key configuration, see page 18.
Clicking on the Save button will save the settings for the selected key or
observation method (shown in yellow).
The Print Key Configuration button prints the key configuration of the active
mode as a sheet for reference purposes.
Default settings of the frame keys
(when IX-Add-In is running)
1 Toggle binocular / camera (LED Display)
2 Stage step 100.00 µm
3 Stage step -100.00 µm
4 Toggle Focus step Fine/Coarse (LED display)
5 Lamp voltage Up
6 Lamp voltage Down
7 Toggle Active Lamp On/Off
8 Stage Escape/Return
9 Snapshot
Olympus IX81 • Defining frame keys and handswitch keys
Note Please note that during key configuration, the default frame and handswitch
functions are active. Newly defined functions only become active after clos-
ing the dialog. They can first be tested, however, by positioning the cursor
on the desired button and then clicking the right mouse key.
Defining Softkeys
After having assigned your most important microscope functions (or macros or observation methods) to
the buttons on the frame or on the handswitch, you have the possibility of assigning them to a softkey.
You can then utilize these via the software, instead of having to go over to the microscope.
Besides, the use of softkeys enables a change of the microscope configuration without any need to make
adjustments in dialog boxes. Just select another softkey. The image window can remain open. Only a
minimal part of the user interface is needed for the softkey command bar. You can define up to 24 soft-
keys. The procedure is exactly the same as with the definition of frame or handswitch keys.
Olympus IX81 • Defining Softkeys
The defined softkeys are added to a command bar which you call up via the
IX button bar. To hide the softkey command bar, click the button again.
You can place the command bar freely within the software interface:
The IX softkey command
bar can be a separate com-
mand bar or can be docked
to the other button bars
Defining observation methods
6) If you want to load the newly defined observation method, just mark the
corresponding key and press the right mouse button.
Additional Information:
ND filters Note that it is possible to set ND filters to balance brightness differences for
various fluorescence and brightfield modes.
DIC and PH Differential Interference Contrast (DIC) and Phase Contrast (PH) observa-
tion methods permit setting the contrast insert individually for each objective
on separate tabs (only for transmitted light).
4) Click Save.
Completing the key definition
5) For loading the newly defined observation method, see page 30.
Olympus IX81 • Working with the microscope
• Click the Microscope Control button to open the IX Control Panel dialog
Mouseover function The IX Control Panel dialog box is dynamically adjusted to reflect the com-
ponents and options present on your microscope. The illustration at the top
of the dialog box is a control element using a mouseover function. If you
guide the mouse over the image, you can select the motorized parts of the
microscope. The selected component turns blue.
Example How to change the position of the shutter with the mouseover function:
This example assumes that your microscope is equipped with 2 shutters.
Momentarily, the transmitted light shutter is open and the reflected light
shutter is closed. Accordingly, the position of your shutters will be displayed
as follows:
Working with the microscope
In order to close the transmitted light shutter, move the mouse to the trans-
mitted light shutter so that it is shown in blue. Click the left mouse key to
close the shutter. The display now shows that the light path to the sample
has been interrupted.
The position of the shutter
has been altered with the
help of the mouseover func-
The same functional principle enables you to use the control panel to turn-
on or turn-off lamps, or change objectives. When turning-on or turning-off
components, it does not matter if you alter the settings by clicking with the
left or right mouse key. Please mind the following when working with com-
ponents with numerous settings: a click with the left mouse key moves the
preferences ahead by one, whereas rightclicking moves the part one step in
the reverse direction.
Z drive For a frame with a built-in Z drive, the values of the Z drive are displayed
together with a slider control for adjusting the Z value. By clicking on the
arrows of the slider control, you can move the stage in 1-micron increments.
By clicking the center portion of the slider between the two arrows, you can
move the stage in 10-micron increments. The relative position box allows a
basic height measurement. Simply set the value to zero by clicking Reset.
Upon moving the Z drive, the distance traveled will be indicated.
Note If the Z-slider in the dialog box has been selected (the slider is flashing in
this case), you have alternative options to change the Z-values:
• Use the wheel (on a wheel mouse) to move the Z-drive slider by turning
the wheel.
• Use the Page Up and Page Down keys on the keyboard to move the Z-
slider in steps of 10 microns.
• The up and down arrows of the keyboard represent steps of 1 micron.
Limits... The Limits... button permits the setting of stage limits. If the upper limit of the
Z-drive is set too low, the sample cannot be moved into focus. In this case,
you will have to increase the upper stage limit see page 12.
The tabs The Observation tab allows you to alternate between the defined observa-
tion methods and the objectives.
Olympus IX81 • Selecting observation methods with the IX control panel
Warning The magnification changer in IX81 is neither motorized nor equipped with
a sensor. analySIS therefore cannot know the position of the magnifica-
tion changer. In order to still have your images correctly calibrated, you
must inform analySIS about the current position. Do not forget to update
these settings if you change the position of the magnification changer on
the microscope!
On the Filters tab, you can select the filters to be loaded for every existing
filter wheel.
Should your microscope be equipped with a motorized condenser, you can
change the contrast inserts on the Other tab. If your microscope is equipped
with a motorized mirror unit, you can change the mirror cubes here.
In the Control Panel you can select the observation methods which you have
defined in the Key Configuration: Observation Methods (page 26) dialog
box. An observation method is loaded by simply clicking the corresponding
button. The button will have a depressed appearance as long as the obser-
vation method is active.
Only the
method Bright-
field Reflected is
The observation
method Brightfield
Transmitted is selec-
ted in combination
with a Fluorescence
observation method.
Note If the Observation tab is not present, no observation methods have been
defined yet. Simply return to the Key Configuration dialog box and define
observation methods there.
Termination of an observation method
You can end an active observation method by either turning it off or selecting
another observation method, or by selecting another mirror cube or contrast
Changing the objectives, the filters or the lamp voltage does not terminate
the observation method. However, these settings are not saved and the next
time the observation method is loaded, the original settings (i.e. those
defined in the Key Configuration dialog box) will be activated.
Olympus IX81 • The IX image information
File formats The image information is only saved along with the image if you save your
image in the tif format. With other file formats, this image information will not
be available.
How to open the image information window.
Apply this configura- You can even set your current microscope configuration to the configuration
tion to the microscope which was true during the image acquisition - provided that all the required
components are named identically and still available. To do so, click the but-
ton Apply this configuration to the microscope.
An orange RMT light signifies control by the PC. The RMT light blinks
orange when a PC connection cannot be established.
Interruption in power to any component (e.g. removing the reflected light fil-
ter cube turret) while logged on to the software will also result in a red ERR
How to... Please check the status on the light panel in case of software problems for
an appropriate diagnosis.
1) Close down the software and shut off the control box.
2) Switch on the control box ONLY.
3) Check the status of the light panel.
" One or more blinking lights indicate problems with the microscope
itself. Please refer to the respective Olympus manuals to trouble-
shoot such microscope problems (see manual Olympus IX-UCB).
4) If the light panel displays no errors, then start up the software.
5) Click the Log On button in the IX button bar.
6) Check the microscope configuration and compare the entries with the
components present on the microscope; adjust the configuration if nec-
7) Check the definition of the key configuration; adjust where necessary.
8) Now you may continue with your work at the microscope via software
Olympus IX81 • Saving Configuration Files
3) Select the location where you have saved your configuration files and
click OK. (You can only import all demo configuration files, there is no
option to select a special one.)
" Your configurations will now be imported. Open the list in the Micro-
scope configuration field to view them.
4) To load one of the configurations, select the configuration in the field
Microscope configuration. Also select the corresponding key configura-
tion in the Key configuration field.
5) Click Save and Close.
6) From now on, your selected configurations will be loaded when you
access the IX Control Panel. If need be, check again to see if this con-
figuration is still completely in agreement with the currently available
microscope components.
Olympus IX81 • Saving Configuration Files
Administrator rights 8 Error
Apply this configuration to the microscope 33 all buttons of the IX Add-In are disabled 7
Assign a microscope configuration 6 falsely calibrated images 30
Assigning a macro to a key 19, 23
Available filter wheels 14
First configuration of the microscope 8
B Focus speed 11
BF 18, 26 Frame
Bottom Port Camera 11 key configuration 21
Button bar IX 5 Free position 14
Button bar IX Softkey 5
Button Get Microscope Status 20
Button Set COM port... 3 G
General Tab 30
Get Factory Values 20
C Get Microscope Status button 20
Cap 11
Change password 8
Changing the microscope hardware 10 H
Changing the settings for existing users 7
Close shutter 11 Handswitch, key configuration 21, 22
Configuration files Heat protection of optical components 11
import 35
save 34
Configure input channel for IX remote control 3 I
Correctly calibrated images 30 Image calibration 30
Create new users 6 Image information 32
Installation 1
intX (intelligent exposure) 15
D IX button bar 5
Default password for new users 7 IX info 32
Default settings IX Softkey button bar 5
Handswitch keys 22 IX2 Remote and Control 1
Default settings frame keys 21 IX51/71 microscope 1
Default user’s right 7 IX81 Z-Stage 2
Define microscope configuration 5 IX-UCB light panel 33
Defining combined observation methods 26
Defining Softkeys 23
Delete the settings for all keys 20 K
Deleting a single key definition 20 Key Configuration
DF 18 assign 6, 7
DIC 18, 26 define 21
Dongle 1 delete 18
select 19
test 22 Read Z 15
RS232-cable 8
Log On 5 S
Set COM port... button 3
Set remote COM Port 3
M Set stage limits 12
Set Z >> 15
Magnification changer 11, 30 Shutter position 11
Microscope Control 5, 9 Shutter, close automatically 11
Motorized mirror 11 Side Port-Camera 11
Motorized Prism 11 Skip position 14
Mouseover function 28 Stage limits 12
ND filters 26 Template for key configurations 16
New user password 7 tif-format 32
New users 6
UCB control box plugs 14
Observation method User Settings 6
combined 26 User’s rights 6
define 25, 26
end 31
predefined 17
Parfocality correction 12
case-sensivity 7
for new users 7
forgotten 7
Personal entry 17, 18
PH 18, 26
Plugs 14
Plus-sign 30
PO 18
Predefined observation methods 17
Prism 11
Read 3