Rainwater Harvesting
Rainwater Harvesting
Rainwater Harvesting
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Rainwater Harvesting and Reuse
through Farm Ponds
Experiences, Issues and Strategies
Proceedings of National
Workshop-cum-Brain Storming
The editors:
K.V. Rao, B.Venkateswarlu, P.K. Mishra, S.Dixit, K. Srinivasa Reddy, Manoranjan Kumar and
U.S. Saikia are from CRIDA, Hyderabad. K.L. Sahrawath and S.P. Wani are from ICRISAT,
K.V. Rao, B.Venkateswarlu, K.L. Sahrawath, S.P. Wani, P.K. Mishra, S.Dixit, K. Srinivasa Reddy,
Manoranjan Kumar and U.S. Saikia, (Eds) 2010. Proceedings of National Workshop-
cum-Brain Storming on Rainwater Harvesting and Reuse through Farm Ponds: Experiences,
Issues and Strategies. Pages : 242
rainwater/ water harvesting/ farm pond/ ponds/ tank/ lining material/ harvestable surplus/
runoff/ supplemental irrigation/ livelihoods/ water storage structures/ on-farm reservoir/
optimum size/ networking/ reuse/ economic analysis/ rainfed region/ vetisols/ alfisols/
shivaliks/ malwa/ hill region/ north east region
Dr B Venkateswarlu
Rainfed farming will remain the main stay for the livelihood support of millions of small
and marginal farmers across the country even after realizing the complete irrigation
potential. Rainwater management is the most critical component of rainfed farming.
The successful production of rainfed crops largely depends on how efficiently soil
moisture is conserved in situ or the surplus runoff is harvested, stored and recycled
for supplemental irrigation.
Research by ICAR and State Agricultural Universities has resulted in designing of ef-
ficient water harvesting structures for different rainfall regions and soil types, effective
storage of harvested water and methods of its efficient use. Outside the main stream
research system also, several non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have come up
with models of simple and low cost water harvesting structures, evolved water sharing
methods, community regulation of water use, which helped in up-scaling the models
to certain extent. Different state governments (Maharastra, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat
etc) have initiated special programmes on farm ponds/small storage structures in order
to ensure the sustainability and to improve the livelihoods of people.
Despite these experiences, the adoption of farm ponds at the individual farm level has
been very low, particularly for drought proofing through life saving irrigation of kharif
crops. A number of technological and socio-economic constraints are cited for this poor
adoption and up-scaling. With climate change posing a major challenge for rainfed
agriculture and the constraints in further expansion of irrigated area in the country,
rainwater harvesting and efficient water use are inevitable options to sustain rainfed
agriculture in future. The rainfall extremes and high intensity rain events witnessed
in recent years are likely to cause large spatial and temporal variations in the amount
of surplus runoff available for harvesting. In some areas, there could be increased
runoff and more potential for harvesting, while in other areas it might decrease.
Considering these issues, a two-day National Workshop-cum-Brain storming session
on farm pond technology was organized at CRIDA during 21-22 April,20009 with
the objectives of (a) Sharing of experiences on water harvesting and reuse through
farm ponds and related issues, among scientific institutions, Govt. departments, NGOs,
civil society organizations and progressive farmers. (b) to Understand the biophysical,
technological and social constraints in adoption and up-scaling. and (c)Identify criti-
cal research gaps and policy initiatives for wider adoption of farm pond technology
in the country.
Sl.No. Pg. No.
Rainwater Harvesting through Farm pond and Well
Recharging Structures to Support Rainfed Agriculture
Sandeep Khanwalkar
Madhya Pradesh Rural Livelihoods Project (MPRLP), Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
along with the rural poor through bottom- The project is working on water conserva-
up approach. The rural poor could be the tion in all the project villages. National Rural
real agents of economic change if given op- Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS)
portunities to realise their inner strengths provided an opportunity to work on these
and build confidence among them to rise issues. The project being an implement-
above the poverty. The decision for the dis- ing agency for the NREGS is involved in
posal of untied funds by the gram sabha constructing farm ponds, open wells with
stems from this philosophy. recharging structures, field bunding, and
undertaking plantation by adopting water-
With the area-specific strategies and flex- shed approach. Since 2006, the project is
ible approaches to rural livelihoods options, working as the implementing agency for
the MPRLP helps the poor to explore and the NREGS in project districts. Concept of
harness local opportunities of livelihoods, Technical Support Team was introduced to
sharpen skills to avail such opportunities take watershed programme to the project
and march on with self-motivated entrepre- districts. Apart from this, the project is
neurship. The fulcrum of all development also implementing various sub-schemes
activities and capacity building is the gram developed under NREGS by the Depart-
sabha or the village assembly. ment of Panchayat & Rural Development,
MPRLP is operating in 4000 villages of 9 Government of Madhya Pradesh. These
tribal districts of Madhya Pradesh (Figure sub-schemes were mainly conceptualised
1) namely Anuppur, Dindori, Mandla, and to support and strengthen natural resource
Shahdol in the eastern parts, Aalirajpur, Bar- base activities at the village level.
wani, Dhar, and Jhabua in the south-western A total of 64 farm ponds and 1001 open wells
parts and Sheopur is in the northern part were constructed spending Rs. 442.81 lakhs
of Madhya Pradesh. under the Kapildhara sub-scheme of NREGS
in the project districts by December 2008.
Farm Ponds and Open well construction in
the Mandla district was taken up at a large
scale. For implementation of these activities,
the project also involved two of its partner
organisations as Technical Facilitation Team
at the cluster level. This concept showed
good results to undertake focused activities
at a large scale. In this paper, experiences
from the Mandla district are shared. The
project also conducted detailed outcome
Figure 1. MPRLP districts in Madhya Pradesh analysis of the activities with respect to
The project strengthens the programmes water availability to support rainfed agri-
like watershed management and joint for- cultural production.
est management and attempts to create
livelihoods through the creation of micro- Brief Profile of Mandla District
enterprises, drawing on the agricultural,
The district Mandla is situated in the catch-
forest and livestock resource base and skill
ments of river Narmada and its tributaries.
endowments of the people.
Mandla is richly endowed with dense forests. etc., with a rainfall of 1200-1600 mm make
The world famous Kanha National Park is the district rich in terms of natural resources,
the pride of Mandla and of the state. The which provide opportunity for better man-
majestic tigers add to the beauty of Kanha agement and use of these resources. District
forests. The geographic area is 8771 km2 is also rich in bio-diversity. These all are
spanned over and the length of the district potential sectors, which contribute to the
is about 133 km from north to south and overall growth including livelihoods of the
182 km east to west and the population is tribal families. There is a need to manage
8,94,236. There are 9 blocks, 4 Tehsils and these resources involving the community.
1247 villages. Mandla district is part of the
Deccan trap, which forms the most important Poverty, irregular cash flow, low production,
aquifers. The weathered, fractured, jointed lack of infrastructure, lack of market sup-
and vesicular units of basalts in Deccan traps port, no updated information on improved
form moderate to good aquifers. practices of crops production, livestock rear-
ing, fish production etc are the most com-
Table 1. Land use classification of mon constraints for the overall growth and
Mandla (in ’000 ha) development of the tribal region. Within
Forest 593 district also, the impact of these constraints
Fallow Land 62 varies in different areas (Table 3).
Cultivable Waste Land 20
Land not Available for Cultivation 53 Water Conservation and
Other Uncultivated Land Excluding 20
both Fallow Land and Cultivable
Rainfed Agriculture
Waste Land Livelihoods of the tribal families mainly de-
Net Sown Area 218 pend on agriculture & allied sector, Non-
Timber Forest Produce (NTFP) and labour.
Groundwater situation in Mandla district Entire market system and cultural practices
comes under safe zone. With good rainfall, are framed around agriculture, allied activi-
the Mandla district is known for its wild ties and forestry activities. One needs to
life, the forest cover and Kanha Tiger Safari. understand it from the tribal perspective
Paddy is the main crop in the kharif season. to address the issues logically.
Rainfall ranges between 1200 to 1600 mm
annually (Table 2). Mandla’s eastern region Sustainable agriculture can be possible
receives about 157.00 cm rainfall. Even with when management of the natural resources
good rainfall, water conservation is needed is done on a sustainable basis. Agriculture
across the district. requires good quality and improved seed,
healthy and productive soil and water. The
results in Table 4 help in assessment of the
Potential and Constraints relationship between availability of water,
Good forests cover on upper ridge, black soils and crop factors on crop production.
cotton soil in the plains, perennial streams
Table 3.
Particulars Constraint Opportunity
Production Low and low rate of adoption of Good soil, improved crop varieties
improved practices
Rainfall Short duration, high intensity Overall quantum is good, availability
of moisture for longer duration,
area available for water harvesting
Soil depth High rate of top soil erosion Traditional conservation practice and
good soil depth in plains
Soil type Good quality soil, traditional
conservation practices
Market support No or poor market support, market Linkages can be developed if
not poor sensitive organic farming is promoted
Information No proper information dissemination Various government programme
mechanism according to farmer which provides information in
demand, Low literacy rate. different mode/mediums.
Dependency only on traditional
Cash flow Irregular, high debt, limited cash SHG movement, NREGS,
crops, no banking services Government schemes
Infrastructure Remote location BRGF, PMGSY, NREGS
Table 4.
Water availability Soil Crop
Quantity per day Texture Type of root system
Rotation or turn period Structure Life-span
System and method of irrigation Depth up to the water-table Consumptive water needs in
relation to climate
Water quality class Infiltration and permeability Critical periods with respect to
Slope of land Yield response in relation to
The process of creating sustainable liveli- District groundwater user map (Figure
hood starts with livelihood analysis. The 2) proved clear picture of availability of
focus should be on the following: water and groundwater status of Mandla
district. If activities are planned according to
• A good quality land this map entire groundwater scenario will
• Good quality seed improve within district. It clearly explains
that dark green zone are appropriate for
• Knowledge on crop management prac- open well and bore well, light green area
tices of a crop and are suitable for open well and orange colour
area is suitable for conservation activities
1 MPRLP Phase II project document
Hilly area is covered Upland Upland Mid up Land Medium land Low land
with good forest in
some part and some
Rainwater Harvesting and Reuse through Farm Ponds
Sand Pip
Farm Pond
Sr.No. Details Length Width Depth Quantity
1 Excavation work 15X15+6X6 3.00 meter 391.5 M3
2 Hard soil (50%) 391.5X1/2 196.75 M3
3 Hard Murram (50%) 391.5X1/2 196.75 M3
4. Inlet - outlet
material. Grasses were sown in the inner created awareness within these villages to
side of the pond and on top bund pigeon conserve water adopting soil and water
pea crop is planted. This way overall pigeon- management practices to enhance agricul-
pea production in the area increased, which tural production.
provides farmers additional income.
• The most important learning is how to
In most of the open wells, farmers were convince community in the high rainfall
provided water lifting devices like low lift areas to adopt conservation measures.
pump, diesel pump with pipe line. As part Second thing we need to immediately
of the strategy we are linking all farmers work on is to enhancing awareness on
in our project villages that have any water the conservation of surface water during
resource to provide them support to have good or bad rainfall years.
water lifting devices. This is now changing
• Need-based and available resource-
the cropping patterns in these villages.
based planning to improve livelihoods
All farmers, who got support through these enhanced community participation and
interventions, are now taking two crops sustainability.
with assured irrigation. This is not only sus- • Short-duration crops like papaya,
taining their livelihoods but contributing to vegetables, flowers, onion, garlic, etc.
overall production of the state. The initiative are grown as intercrops for additional
taken under NREGS produced varied de- income.
gree of outcomes mainly increased areas for
water conservation and harvesting which • All the activities related to conservation
can be used for agriculture production. should be done on a cluster basis for
preparing logical plans as per require-
ment of the area.
Lessons Learnt
It was a good experience in implementing • All resource development should be
these activities in a cluster. Entire approach linked with production activities which
regards natural water supplies, the runoff supplying runoff water. But, unfortunately,
available from rainfall precipitation and the amount of virgin catchment left out in
groundwater recharge from a unit land water-scarce regions of India is very small.
area in such regions is generally low. This It varies from 58.6% in case of Pennar basin
is because runoff is the amount in excess to 28% in case of Sabarmati basin.
of the soil moisture storage and infiltra-
tion. Since evaporation rates are high, soil The increasing cropping intensity of crop
moisture generated from precipitation gets production in the rich upper catchments of
depleted during the rainy season fall itself, river basins and watersheds has two ma-
increasing infiltration of water which fulfills jor negative impacts on available renewable
the soil moisture deficit. This leaves much water resources. Firstly, First: it captures a
less chance for water to runoff. share of the runoff generated from the area,
and therefore reduces the available surface
As regards the demand for water, crop water supplies. Secondly, Second: increase in
evapo-transpiration mainly determines cultivated land increases the water require-
the requirement of water for agriculture, ment for irrigation. This way, large regions
as agriculture is the largest source of water in India are facing shortage of water to meet
demand for human uses in all major river the existing demands.
basins in India.
a few large reservoirs, which were located voir had significantly reduced after inten-
downstream, and were not getting sufficient sive water harvesting work was undertaken
flows even in normal rainfall years to supply in the upper catchment. The total number
for irrigation and drinking. The dependable of structures in the upper catchment area
runoff of the entire Saurashtra peninsula, of 59.57 sq. km is around 100. A close look
generated from 91 small river basins, is 3613 at the catchment rainfall and runoff in
MCM. Whereas all the major and medium Ghelo-Somnath shows that after 1995, the
reservoirs in the region have sufficient stor- year which saw intensive water harvesting
age capacity to capture up to 5458 MCM work, the reservoir overflowed only in 2005
water annually. This clearly shows that dug when the rainfall recorded was 789 mm.
well recharging if carried out in the upper Regressions of rainfall and runoff, carried
catchments of these basins, would only help out for two time periods i.e., 1969-1995 and
reduce the inflows into these reservoirs. 1995-2005, clearly show that the relationship
between rainfall and runoff had changed
But, the general belief is that because these after water harvesting (WH) interventions.
structures are too small that they are be- The amount of rainfall required for filling
nign (Batchelor et al., 2002) though present the reservoir had now increased from 320
in large numbers in most cases. The pri- mm to 800 mm. Though the curves intersect
mary reason for such an outlook is that the at higher rainfall magnitudes, this is not a
agencies which are concerned with small problem as such as high rainfall does not
water harvesting (in the upper catchment) occur in the basin.
and those which are concerned with major
head- works are different and they do not Many large and important river basins in
act in a coordinated fashion at the basin India, which are also facing water scarcity,
level of the basin. Building of small water are now “closed” or do not have uncommit-
harvesting systems such as tanks, check ted flows that are utilizable through con-
dams is often the responsibility of minor ventional engineering interventions. Some
irrigation circles of irrigation department of them are Pennar, Cauvery and Vaigai in
or district arms of the rural development the South (based on GOI 1999: pp 472-477),
departments of the states concerned. This and Sabarmati, Banas in the west, which are
ad hoc approach to planning often leads to “closed”. In addition to these, all the west-
over-appropriation of the basin water, with flowing rivers in Saurashtra and Kachchh
negative consequences for large reservoir in Gujarat are also “closed”. While Krishna
schemes downstream (Kumar et al., 2000). basin is on the verge of closure, one basin
As regards the quality of implementation which is still “open” is Godavari in the east
of the programme, it came under severe (based on GOI 1999: pp 466-469).
attack from Public Accounts Committee,
which found poor quality of construction, In nutshell, water harvesting interventions
and mis-appropriation of funds. While the in the “closed basins” located in the natu-
work was expected to be carried out by rally water-scarce regions would have ad-
Panchayats, the entire construction work was verse impacts on stream-flow availability
awarded to a few big contractors. for downstream uses. One could always
argue that in wet years, the runoff would
Data collected from Ghelo river basin shows be much higher than the normal rainfall.
that the inflows into Ghelo-Somnath reser- While harvesting this water would mean
huge investments for the structures, the in drought years, when the actual water
aquifers in hard rock areas lack the stor- demand for irrigation increases, the amount
age capacity to absorb the runoff diverted of runoff that can be captured becomes al-
into the system. On the other hand, in most negligible. Hence, the systems become
low rainfall years, the downstream impact unreliable. Though what can occurs at the
of intensive water harvesting systems in sub-basin level may not be representative
the upper catchments would be severe as of that in small upper catchments, the dif-
evident from the analysis of runoff data of ference cannot be drastic.
Ghelo river basin in Saurashtra.
When there is a high inter-annual variability
in the runoff a catchment generates, a major
Rainfall-Runoff Variability planning question which arises is “for what
and their Implications for capacity the water harvesting system should
Reliability of Water Supplies be designed”. When scarcity is acute, high-
est consideration is given to capturing all
and Economic Viability the water that is available. If all the runoff
Regions with semi arid and arid climate ex- which occurs in a high rainfall year is to be
perience extreme hydrological events (Hurd captured, then the cost of building the stor-
et al., 1999). Regions with high variability in age system would be many hundred times
rainfall in India coincide with those with low more than what is required to capture the
magnitudes of rainfall and high PE, which one which occurs during the lowest rain-
also have high dryness ratio (Kumar et al., fall. But, the system would receive water
2006). In such areas, a slight variation in to fill only a small fraction of its storage
precipitation or PE can substantially mag- capacity in the rest of the years. This could
nify the water stress on biological systems make it cost-ineffective. The issue of vari-
as compared to humid regions (Hurd et al., ability is applicable to the design of large
1999). Rainfall variability induces higher de- head works as well. But, in large systems,
gree of variability in runoff. We take the the water in excess of the storage capacity
example of the catchments of Banas basin could be diverted for irrigation and other
in North Gujarat of western India to illus- uses to areas which face water shortages
trate this. during the same season, thereby increasing
the effective storage.
In Palanpur area of Banaskantha district
in north Gujarat, which has semi arid to In order to illustrate this point, we use the
arid climatic conditions, the rainfall records data generated from Ghelo river basin in
show a variation from a lowest of 56 mm Saurashtra. The basin has a total catchment
in 1987 to 1584 mm in 1907. The runoff es- area of 59. 20 sq. km. It had a medium ir-
timated on the basis of regression equation rigation reservoir with a storage capacity of
developed for a sub-basin, named, Hathmati 5.68 MCM and has been functional since
of Sabarmati basin in north Gujarat, which 1966. On the basis of inflow data of the
is physiographically quite similar to Palan- reservoir for the period 1969-95, showed
pur area of Banaskantha, shows that the that the total runoff generated in the basin
runoff can vary from a lowest of 0.6 mm to varied from zero in the year correspond-
541 mm. Thus the lowest runoff is close to ing to a rainfall of 39 mm to a maximum
1/1000th of the highest runoff. This means, of 17.78 MCM in the year corresponding
to a rainfall of 1270 mm. Today, the total fall, soil infiltration rates, catchment slopes,
capacity of water harvesting systems built land cover and PET which determine the
in the upstream of Ghelo reservoir is 0.15 potential inflows; and evaporation rates that
MCM. During the period from 1969 to 2005, determine the potential outflows. Further
the reservoir showed overflow for 13 years for small water harvesting project, imple-
with a total quantum of 60.936 MCM. If one mented by local agencies and NGOs with
million cubic metres of runoff had to be small budgets, the cost of hydrological in-
captured in addition to the 5.89 MCM that vestigations and planning is hard to justify.
would be captured by the medium irrigation Often, provision for such items is not made
reservoir, it would cost around 0.09 X/m3 of in small water harvesting projects.
water, while capturing 3 MCM would cost
0.11 X/m3 of water. If the maximum runoff That said, the amount of runoff which a
observed in the basin, i.e., 17.785 MCM has water harvesting structure could capture,
to be captured, the total volume of water depends on not only the total quantum of
captured would be only 60.91 MCM, in runoff, but also how it occurs. A total annual
which case the unit cost of water harvest- runoff of 20 cm occurring over a catchment
ing would be around 0.21 X/m3 of water. of one sq. km. can generate a surface flow
Here, “X” is the cost of storage structures of 0.20 MCM. But the amount that could be
for creating an effective storage space of one captured depends on the rainfall pattern.
MCM. Here, again, we are not considering The low rainfall, semi arid and arid regions
the incremental financial cost of .the special of India, which experience extreme hydro-
structures for capturing high magnitudes of logical events, have annual rains occurring
runoff, which cause flash flood. in a fewer number of days as compared to
sub-humid and humid regions with high
rainfalls regions (Kumar et al., 2006). As a re-
Economics of Water Harvesting sult, in these regions, high intensity rainfalls
In the planning of large water resource of short duration are quite common. These
systems, cost and economics are impor- runoffs generate flash flood. If the entire
tant considerations in evaluating different runoff occurs in a major rainfall event, the
options. But unfortunately, the same does runoff collection efficiency would reduce
not seem to be applicable in the case of with reducing capacity of the structures
small systems. built. If large structures are built to cap-
ture high intensity runoff thereby increasing
Part of the reason for the lack of empha- the runoff collection efficiency, that would
sis on “cost” is the lack of scientific under- mean inflating cost per unit volume of water
standing of the hydrological aspects of small captured. In fact, authors such as Oweis,
scale interventions, such as the amount of Hachum and Kijne (1999) have argued that
stream flows that are available at the point runoff harvesting should be encouraged in
of impoundment, its pattern, the amount arid area only if the harvested water is di-
that could be impounded or recharged and rectly diverted to the crops for use.
the influence area of the recharge system.
Even though simulation models are avail- Given the data on inflows and runoff collec-
able for analyzing catchment hydrology, tion efficiencies, predicting the impacts on
there are great difficulties in generating the local hydrological regime is also extremely
vital data at the micro level on daily rain- complex, requiring accurate data on geo-
logical and geo-hydrological profiles, and Rs.13.49/m3 for various crops in Hoshang-
variables. In lieu of the above described dif- abad; Rs. 1.9/m3 to Rs. 10.93/m3 for various
ficulties in assessing the effective storage, crops in Jabalpur; Rs. 2.59/m3 to Rs. 12.58/m3
unit costs are worked out on the basis of for crops in Narsingpur; Rs. 1.33/m3 to Rs.
the design storage capacity of the struc- 17/m3 for crops in Dhar; and Rs. 3.01/m3 to
tures and thumb rules about the number Rs. 17.91/m3 for crops in Raisen (Kumar and
of fillings. In order to get projects through, Singh, 2006). The lower values of gross re-
proponents show them as low cost technol- turn per cubic metre of water were found for
ogy, under-estimating the costs and inflating cereals, and high values were for low water
the recharge benefits. consuming pulses, and cotton. This means
that the net returns would be negative if
The government of India report (GOI, 2007) recharge water is used for irrigating such
bases its arguments for rainwater harvesting crops. Contrary to this, the report argues
on the pilot experiments conducted by CGWB that the costs are comparable with that of
in different parts of India using five different surface irrigation schemes (GOI, 2007: pp
types of structures (see GOI, 2007: pp 13-15 13). Such an inference has essentially come
for details). While the estimated costs per cu- from over-estimation of productive life of
bic metre of water were one-time costs (see the structures.
Column 6 of Table 3), the report assumes that
the structures would have a uniform life of Now, scale considerations are extremely im-
25 years. Two things in these figures are very portant in evaluating the cost and economics
striking. First: the costs widely vary from loca- of water harvesting/groundwater recharge
tion to location and from system to system, structures because of the hydrological in-
and the range is wide, which the report duly tegration of catchments at the level of wa-
acknowledges. Second: even for a life of 25 tershed and river basins. The economics of
years, the upper values would be extremely water harvesting systems cannot be per-
high, touching Rs.7.7/m3 of water for percola- formed for individual systems in isolation,
tion tank and Rs. 18.2/m3 for sub-surface dyke. when the amount of surplus water available
But, such a long life for recharge system is in a basin is limited, as interventions in the
highly unrealistic. Considering an active life upper catchments reduce the potential hy-
of 10 years for a percolation tank, 5 years for drological benefits from the lower systems
check dam and sub-surface dyke, and 3 years (Kumar et al., 2006; Ray and Bijarnia, 2006).
for recharge shaft, we have worked out the In the case of Arwari basin it was found
unit cost of recharging using these systems. that while the irrigated area in the upper
catchment villages increased (where struc-
The results show that the costs are prohibi- tures were built), that in the lower catch-
tively high for sub-surface dyke and check ment village significantly reduced (Ray and
dam, and very high for percolation tanks. Bijarnia, 2006). What is therefore important
Added to the cost of recharging, would be is the incremental hydrological benefit due
the cost of pumping out the water from to the new structure.
wells. The size of returns from crop produc-
tion should justify such high investments. In any basin, the marginal benefit from a
A recent study in nine agro-climatic loca- new water harvesting structure would be
tions in Narmada river basin showed that smaller at higher degrees of basin develop-
the gross return ranged from Rs. 2.94/m3 to ment, while the marginal cost higher. The
reason being: 1] higher the degree of basin from agriculture production. As per official
development, lower would be the chances estimates, the total storage capacity created
for getting socially and economically viable in the river basins of South and Central
sites for building water impounding struc- India, viz., Cauvery, Pennar, Krishna, Nar-
tures, increasing the economic and financial mada, east flowing rivers between Pennar
cost of harvesting every unit of water; and and Cauvery, and east flowing rivers south
2] with higher degree of development, the of Cauvery is 57.11 BCM, against utilizable
social and environmental costs of harvest- water resources of 100.32 BCM (GOI, 1999:
ing every unit of water increases (Frederick, pp 37, Table 3.5 and 3.6). Now, the actual
1993), reducing the net economic value of volume of water being effectively diverted
benefits. Therefore, the cost and economic by the reservoirs/diversion systems in these
evaluation should move from watershed to basins would be much higher due to diver-
basin level. The level at which basin de- sion during the monsoon, and additional
velopment can be carried out depends on water stored in the dead storage. This apart,
whether we consider the flows in a wet the traditional minor irrigation schemes
year or dry year or a normal year. Nev- such as tanks are also likely to receive in-
ertheless, there is a stage of development flows during monsoon. It is estimated that
beyond which the negative social, economic South India Peninsula had nearly 135000
and environmental benefits starts accruing, tanks, which cater to various human needs
reducing the overall benefits. of water, including irrigation. Thus, the ex-
isting storage and diversion capacities in
But, it is important to keep in mind that the region would be close to the utilizable
the negative social and environmental ef- flows. Hence, the livelihoods of farmers,
fects of over-appropriation of basin’s water who do not have access to groundwater,
resources may be borne by a community will be at stake at least in normal rainfall
living in one part of the basin, while the years and drought year.
benefits are accrued to a community living
in another part. Ideally, water development To improve the economics of RWH, it is criti-
projects in a basin should meet the needs cal to divert the new water to high-valued
and interests of all stakeholders. There- uses. Yield losses due to moisture stress are
fore, optimum level of water development extremely high in arid and semi-arid re-
should not aim at maximizing the net basin gions and that providing a few protective
level benefits, but rather optimizing the net irrigations could enhance yield and water
hydrological and socio-economic benefits productivity of rainfed crops remarkably,
for different stakeholders and communities especially during drought years (Rockström
across the basin. et al., 2003). The available extra water har-
vested from monsoon rains should therefore
The potential impacts of the water har- be diverted to supplementary irrigation in
vesting projects of the government have drought years.
to be seen from this perspective. Even if
recharging of millions of wells and tanks
and ponds in the region becomes successful Key Learning
in creating an additional recharge in the As detailed analysis provided in Kumar et
order of magnitude, it is unlikely to cre- al., (2006) and Kumar et al. (2008) show,
ate equivalent additional economic benefits in high rainfall, and medium evaporation
regions which experience high reliability in extra water harvested from monsoon rains
rainfall such as parts of Orissa, Jharkhand, should therefore be diverted to supplemen-
Chattisgarh, the north eastern hill region, tary irrigation in drought years.
and the western Ghat, the overall potential
and reliability of water supplies from RWHS
would be high. The naturally water-scarce Practical Suggestions for
regions in India, which are characterized Efficient Water Harvesting
by low and low to medium rainfalls and
Enhancing Knowledge of Catchment Hy-
high evaporation, are facing physical scar-
drology: in water harvesting, what is least
city of water. The renewable water resources
availability falls far short of the total water understood is the catchment hydrology.
demand from agriculture alone. Most small rivers in India are not gauged
for stream flows and siltation. Example is
The poor water supplies from the catch- Narmada river basin. It has a total of 56
ments, and the high inter-annual variability, gauging sites of which 25 collect data on
and the high evaporation rates increase the siltation load. Data on siltation rates are
cost of individual water harvesting systems often available for large reservoirs from
in the naturally water-scarce regions. siltation studies done by Central Board of
The scale considerations are extremely im- Irrigation and Power (CBIP). But applying
portant in evaluating the cost and economics this to small catchments can lead to ei-
of water harvesting structures because of ther under-estimation of siltation rates as
the hydrological integration of catchments siltation rates are generally high for hilly
at the level of watershed and river basins. upper catchments. On the other hand,
This is particularly important for basins in applying rainfall-runoff relationships of
the naturally water-scarce regions of South large basins for small upper catchments
Indian peninsula, Western India, North- would result in under-estimation of run-
western India and parts of Central India, off, as small upper catchments would
that are either closed or on the verge of normally have steeper slopes. The scale
closure. problems in water harvesting are well-
documented (Sivapalan and Kalma, 1995;
In closed basins, the net economic value of
Wood et al., 1990).
the benefits from water harvesting would
be either too low or negative, due to the Though runoff data can be generated for
very low or zero net incremental hydrologi- streams which otherwise are not gauged,
cal gain at the basin level, and the high through runoff modeling, scientific data
incremental cost. on hydrological parameters such as soil
infiltration rates, land use characteristics,
To improve the economics of RWH, it is criti-
catchment slopes are essential to arrive at
cal to divert the new water to high-valued
reliable results (Jakeman et al., 1994). Manag-
uses. Yield losses due to moisture stress are
ing hydrological data for small catchments
extremely high in arid and semi-arid re-
is a major challenge in India.
gions and that providing a few protective
irrigations could enhance yield and water Research to Focus on Green as well as Blue
productivity of rainfed crops remarkably, es- Water: The central focus of any rainwa-
pecially during drought years. The available ter harvesting project in India is about
capturing the excess water which flows cal inputs to basin-wide water resource
out of the domain of interest, storing and planning for optimal water harvesting to
subsequently diverting it for beneficial ensure sound economic viability.
uses. But, green water is an important
component of the hydrological system Wet Water Saving: In river basin which ex-
and the harvested water in tanks and perience high aridity during the summer
ponds. The focus has never been on im- months, the water stored in tanks, pond
proving the efficiency of utilization of this and other small reservoirs can lead to
green water. For any basin, it is crucial to heavy losses through evaporation. If this
know how much of the total precipitation is prevented, it can lead to wet water sav-
falling on the basin is available as green ing, through increase in output per unit of
water and how much of it gets used up evaporated water. Directly diverting the
in crop production; how much of it is harvested water from the RWH system
lost in non-beneficial evaporation from to the crop land is critical to maximiz-
the soil. ing the net hydrological gain, especially
in areas with poor groundwater storage
In high rainfall regions like Kerala, the utiliz- or areas experiencing high inter-annual
able surface water resources are much less variability in runoff (Oweis, Huchum and
in comparison to the runoff generated. Here, Kijne, 2002). Allocation of blue water har-
effective strategies to capture runoff in situ nessed to rainfed crops to avoid moisture
for crop production through proper land use stress during critical stages of crop growth
planning--including increasing area under would increase the yield of crops remark-
paddy-, would help improve green as well ably (Seckler, 1996), thereby increasing
as blue water use, and alter the hydrology the productivity of green as well as blue
water. In the case of Sub-saharan Africa,
Basin Water Accounting and Water Balance: Rockström et al. (2002) showed that yield
For any water scarce river basin in India, could be doubled in certain cases through
water accounting is the first and the most hydro-climatic alterations.
important step to begin with before plan-
ning any water harvesting and recharge References
project. It is important to know whether
the basin has any surplus flows, which Batchelor C, Ashok Singh, Rama Mohan
Rao MS and Johan Butterworth. (2002)
goes into the natural sink, or significant
Mitigating the Potential Unintended Im-
amount of water that is lost in evaporation
pacts of Water Harvesting, paper pre-
from natural depressions. This can be fol-
sented at the IWRA International Re-
lowed by water balance studies to exam- gional Symposium ‘Water for Human
ine what percentage of the water could be Survival’, 26-29 November, 2002, Hotel
captured without causing negative effects Taj Palace, New Delhi.
on the downstream uses. Needless to say,
both water accounting and water balance Evans JP and Jakeman AJ (undated) De-
studies should be carried out for typical velopment of a Simple, Catchment-Scale,
Rainfall - Evaporation - Runoff Model,
rainfall years so as to capture hydrological
Centre for Resource and Environmental
variability. Such studies can provide criti-
Studies, The Australian National Uni- in India: Some critical issues for basin
versity, Canberra ACT 0200: http:// planning and research, Land Use and
earth.geology.yale.edu/~je84/mystuff/ Water Resources Research, 6 (2006):
research/ems_paper.pdf. 1-17.
Frederick KD. (1993) Balancing Water De- Kumar M, Dinesh M, Ankit Patel, Ravin-
mand with Supplies: The Role of Man- dranath R and Singh OP. (2008) Chasing
agement in a World of Increasing Scar- a Mirage: Water Harvesting and Artifi-
city, Technical Paper 189, Washington cial Recharge in Naturally Water Scarce
D. C: World Bank. Regions, Economic and Political Weekly,
43 (35): 61-71.
Government of India (1999) Integrated
Water Resource Development: A Plan Oweis T, Hachum A and Kijne J. (1999)
for Development, Report of the National Water Harvesting and Supplementary
Commission for Integrated Water Re- Irrigation for Improved Water Use Ef-
sources Development Vol. I, Ministry of ficiency in Dry Areas. SWIM Paper, Co-
Water Resources, Government of India, lombo, Sri Lanka.
New Delhi.
Rockström J, Jennie Barron and Patrick
Government of India (2007) Report of the Fox. (2002) Rainwater management for
Expert Group on “Groundwater Man- improving productivity among small
agement and Ownership,” Planning holder farmers in drought prone envi-
Commission, Yojana Bhawan, New ronments, Physics and Chemistry of the
Delhi. Earth, 27 (2002): 949-959.
Hurd B, Neil Leary, Russell Jones and Joel Seckler, David J. (1996) The New Era of Wa-
Smith (1999) Relative Regional Vulner- ter Resources Management: From Dry to
ability of Water Resources to Climate Wet Water Savings, Research Report #
Change, Journal of the American Wa- 1, International Irrigation Management
ter Resources Association, 35 (6): 1399- Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Sivapalan M and Kalma JD. (1995) Scale
Jakeman AJ, David A, Post and Beck MB. problems in hydrology: Contributions of
(1994) From data and theory to envi- the Robertson Workshop, Hydrological
ronmental models, Environmetrics, 5, Processes, 9 (3-4): 1995.
Wood EF, Sivapalan M and Beven K. (1990)
Kumar M, Dinesh M, Shantanu Ghosh, Similarity and scale in catchment storm
Ankit Patel, Singh OP and Ravin- response. Rev. Geophysics, 28, 1-18.
dranath R. (2006) Rainwater harvesting
tiles, soil etc. Geomembranes(1) are plastic • HDPE sheets are typically used in the
sheet/film material, being highly extensible; thickness range of 1.5 to 2 mm to achieve
these sheets readily adjust to the sub grade suitable puncture resistance and thus
settlement. These sheets are highly imper- have very low ductility. Thus, the con-
meable to water and have lifespan of 30+ formability of these sheets to the sub
years. The existing method of lining canals, grade is very limited and this in turn
ponds using 150-200 micron low density requires very smooth sub grade. Thick-
poly ethylene (LDPE) sheet with/without a nesses lower than 1.5 mm for HDPE
cement/concrete cover is quite outdated, as sheets are not recommended due to low
these sheets are punctured and damaged puncture resistance.
during installation itself.
• Low ductility of these sheets also re-
The first applications of polymeric and quires elaborate arrangements for trans-
rubber-like sheets, as linings of canals and portation and installation. Further, these
ponds, were introduced about forty years sheets must remain flat over the soil
ago. Since then these materials have played without folds.
an increasingly important role in civil engi- • HDPE and similar polyethylene based
neering and especially in water conserva- geomembranes are available in limited
tion, agricultural and industrial water pol- widths of 5m to 9 m and thus requires
lution control. A large number of various extensive field sealing. This adds on the
types of linings have been experimented time for implementation of the project.
with a growing number of applications, for These materials are sensitive to tempera-
large covered surfaces, as well as in some ture of weld and thus trained manpower
new fields of use such as earthen dams. is needed for the field sealing.
• The deformation of HDPE beyond yield
High Density Poly Ethylene point is through yielding as shown in Fig.
(HDPE) Geomembranes 1. In case of uncontrolled deformation
The most common types of geomembranes in actual field conditions, the thinning
are HDPE sheet materials(2-3). HDPE is well- may not be uniform across the width of
understood geomembranes in terms of ap- the sheet and may have areas of stress
plications and lifetime predictions. How- concentration leading to failure.
ever, there are a lot of limitations of these • Another factor of relevance is the effect of
sheets as given below: tangential stress combined with in planer
• Due to its susceptibility to stress crack- stresses. For tangential stress, if the mate-
ing, it requires well-compacted smooth rial deforms beyond yield then it continues
sub grade and with minimal differential to reduce in thickness till failure. This is a
settlement. It may not be easy to meet typical deformation in a puncture test. The
these requirements in a large number useful deformation is thus limited to the
of cases as this could lead to signifi- yield point i.e. around 5%, although the
cant cost escalations. In many cases, and elongation at break may be 500%. This is
particularly in expansive soils, it may a significant limitation of these sheets. The
not be easy to predict the differential yield point for other polyethylene based
settlement. sheets like LLDPE extends to around
All these limitations of HDPE sheets lead ability is limited to 10-6 cm/day. Advantages
to substantial costs and to the fact that a of these sheets are given below:
large number of lining projects are not taken
• As the thickness of these sheets is low, it
up at all.
is very ductile and has good conformabil-
Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) geomembranes ity with soil. A comparison of bending
are increasingly being banned, especially in rigidity of sheets of thickness of 1.5mm
the critical applications of water conserva- (say HDPE) to 0.6 mm will give a very
tion. This is demonstrated by a set of experi- high multiplier factor of approximately
ments. The commercial PVC geomembrane 6.25.
samples were field tested by placing them • Being very low thickness, these sheets
in a pond at Port Blair for around eight could be suitably folded for transporta-
months. A very significant level of algae wais tion.
generated in a pond having these sheets,
which could be related to leaching out of • Further, these sheets could be folded
plasticizer. The question of release of plas- during the placement to take care of the
ticizers is vital for PVC as it containments contours in the sub grade and could be
water, and also changes its property. There maintained in the fold shape indefinitely.
are issues related to limited UV stability and This fact is particularly helpful in making
thus life limited life to a few years. a pond from a flat sheet. The situation
is helped by the fact that these sheets
have excellent stress crack resistance.
• These sheets could also be factory welded to
fairly large dimensions (say 100x50 meters)
thus reducing the field welding and with
a consequence of superior performance.
Additional requirements of field welding
of these sheets could be met by standard
heat wedge method. Further, this reduces
the time for implantation of the project.
• The installation is possible even if there
Figure 1. Typical Stress-strain curve of HDPE is some water on the bottom of the pond,
as these sheets are not affected by the
IITD Sheet Materials as presence of water.
Geomembranes • The project implementation time is sig-
We report development of a range of nificantly reduced due to easy of handing
geomembranes sheet materials. These are the sheets.
poly (olefin) based sheets and are typically • The sheets could simply be used on the
stabilised for UV radiations. These sheets water face to make a barrier using an
have thickness in range of 0.6 mm and have earthen dam, which could be executed
puncture strength in the range of around in a short duration. The stability of the
500N (ASTM4833). The extension to break structure is enhanced due to water seep-
is in the range of 40-80%. The yield strains age control.
are approximately 15%. The water perme-
IIT Delhi
ately harvested, it can be a reliable source area. By taking appropriate units of R, P and
of potable water for domestic purposes. A and selecting suitable runoff coefficient
Rainwater harvesting is an ancient practice ‘C’, runoff can be estimated.
and has been practiced for more than 4000
years in many parts of the world. Rainwater A. Rainfall
harvesting is collection and storage of rain The mean annual rainfall over the Indian
from runoff areas such as roofs and other arid region varies from more than 500 mm
surfaces is has necessary in areas lacking in the southeastern parts to less than 100
any kind of conventional, centralized gov- mm in the northwestern and western part
ernment supply system, and also in areas of the arid region (Figure. 1). More than
where good quality fresh surface water or 85% of the total annual rainfall is received
groundwater is lacking. If collection and during the southwest monsoon season (July
storage are designed carefully, it is possible to September). The withdrawal phase of
for a family to live for a year in areas with monsoon starts in the extreme western part
rainfall as little as 100 mm per year. Central by middle of September and retreats by the
Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur with end of September. The rainy season var-
over four decades of research, has perfected ies from 50 days in the western part to 80
the technology of rainwater harvesting for days in the eastern part of arid Rajasthan.
different users and purposes. A small quantum of rainfall of about 7-10
per cent of the annual is received during
Rainwater Harvesting the winter season under the influence of
western disturbances.
Rainfall is the principal source of water,
which augments soil moisture, ground- Rainfall is low and erratic and the coeffi-
water and surface flows. Agriculture and cient of variation of annual rainfall varies
several of the other economic activities in from 42 per cent to more than 64 per cent.
the arid areas depend on rain. Rainfall in Long term statistical analysis of the rainfall
the arid areas is of convective nature and
usually occurs at a very high intensity for
shorter duration, generating high runoff
in response of even with small event little
rainfall. Runoff could be very high particu-
larly in urban areas where buildings and
roads haves high runoff coefficient. The
runoff depends upon rainfall intensity and
catchment characteristics particularly area,
surface roughness, water absorbing capac-
ity and slope, etc. Runoff can be estimated
using equation 1.
R = P*C*A……………………………… (1)
data of the region indicates an asymmetric dent on the inherent physical and chemical
average storm intensity profile for storms of characteristics of the catchment. Physical
short duration, with the highest intensities characteristics like surface roughness and
falling in the first part of the storm. The sta- slope determine the flow of runoff while its
tistical characteristics of high intensity and textural constituents i.e. proportion of sand,
short duration are essentially independent silt and clay determine the water absorbing
of location within the region. A detailed holding and capacity of catchment. Certain
statistical analysis of long- term rainfall chemical characteristics of catchment like
data of all districts of western Rajasthan presence of fertilizers, pesticides on natural
has been done to arrive at probable rain- surface determine the quality of runoff. The
fall at three levels of probability i.e. 50, 60 ratio of rainfall to runoff is denoted by the
and 70% and presented in (Table 1). As the runoff coefficient (C) and is dependent on
probability (or the level of surety) increases, rainfall characteristics like intensity and&
the rainfall decreases. Therefore, a balance duration and physical and chemical char-
between the probability and certainty of acteristics of the catchment, as mentioned
rainfall is must for planning any rainwater above. The shape of any given catchment
harvesting system (RWHS). Rainfall at 60% area also has a considerable influence on
probability is generally considered safe for runoff. Roof surfaces of building form the
designing any RWHS. best catchment to generate runoff during
rainy season. Studies conducted by CAZRI
B. Catchment revealed that roof made of different mate-
Catchment area is a place where raindrop rials can generate runoff ranging from 50
first strikes. After striking the catchment to 80% of the annual rainfall. Of the most,
the subsequent process is entirely depen- common roof types, the single pitch roof
is the most appropriate for rainwater har- others to estimate the runoff percentage.
vesting, since the entire roof area can be These studies shows that the average runoff
drained into a single gutter on the lower generation from arid Rajasthan is between
side and one or two down pipes can be 1 and 15 per cent of rainfall, as much of
provided depending on the area. Based on the terrain is sandy. However, due to the
three levels of probable rainfall and three spatial variations in rainfall and terrain type,
catchment characteristics represented by deviations from this average value are ex-
runoff coefficient (C), catchment area (A) pected. In the less than 200 mm rainfall
needed for generation of 1000 liters (1 m3) zone, the dominantly interdune areas can
of runoff (R) is calculated for all districts generate 10 to 15 per cent of rainfall as
of western Rajasthan (Table 2). For desired runoff, if these are in undisturbed condition
quantum of runoff and existing catchment and have adequate vegetation cover. The
characteristics, the required catchment area rocky/gravelly surfaces, on the other hand,
can be calculated or with known catchment, can generate between 20 and 25 per cent. In
expected runoff can be calculated. the 200 to 400 mm rainfall zone, the micro-
catchments in the plains with sandy loam
C. Runoff Coefficient to loamy sand can generate as much as 30
The runoff coefficient (C) as mentioned to 40 per cent as runoff, although the larger
above is ratio of runoff to rainfall for a catchments can generate between 15 and
given catchment and is dependent on rain- 20 per cent. The rocky/gravel1y surfaces in
fall and catchment characteristics. Various this zone can generate between 20 and 30
studies have been conducted by CAZRI and per cent of rainfall as runoff. In the more
than 400 mm rainfall zone, the hills and Chemical treatments like wax, asphalt,
rocky uplands are able to generate 40 to 60 bitumen and bentonite prevent down-
per cent as runoff, while the all1uvial and ward movement of water, which aug-
other sandy plains can generate between ments runoff.
20 and 30 per cent.
Collection/Storage of
Techniques for Enhancing Harvested Rainwater
Runoff from Catchments Harvested rainwater can be stored in any
Catchment characteristics can be modified structures on the surface or below the sur-
to a certain extent for higher runoff genera- face. Traditionally, people in the region have
tion. The extent of modification depends on been are known to harvest rainwater and
the investment available and the expected store it in efficient ways for crop production
use of runoff water. Where no source of and drinking purposes. Based on the local
water exists and in area with inaccessibility wisdom, communities have designed effec-
of other water sources, higher initial invest- tive and efficient methods for storing the
ment is justified on long terms. rainwater. Some of the novel systems preva-
lent in the region are baori and jhalara (step
Simple earth smoothing and compaction
wells), nadi (village pond), tanka (cistern),
helps increasing runoff from the catch-
khadin (runoff farming system) and roof
ment areas. Success is generally greater
water harvesting system. Baori and jhalara
on loam or clay loam soils. Care must
are largely to benefit the urban and semi-
be taken to reduce the slope and/or the
urban population whereas nadi, tanka and
length of the slope to lessen runoff ve-
khadin are well suited for the rural popula-
locity and thereby reducing runoff.
tion. The demand for community- based
Small amounts of sodium salts - par- water harvesting systems, which are the
ticularly NaCl, NaHCO3 applied to des- main sources of water for large population,
ert soils where vegetation has been re- became associated with progress in the rural
moved- causes dispersion of the surface areas. At present, the dependency of drink-
soil, reducing infiltration and increases ing water in villages in western Rajasthan
runoff. However, this type of treatment is 42.4% on nadi, 34.7% on tanka, 15.0% on
requires a minimum amount of expand- wells and tube wells and on 7.8% on other
ing clays in the soil. sources. This suggests that rainwater har-
Removal of stones and boulders and vesting is the backbone of drinking water
unproductive vegetation from the catch- supply in rural areas.
ment helps in uninterrupted flow, en- Storage of rainwater in underground cis-
hances runoff to collection site. tern, locally known as Tanka is a common
Land shaping into roads and collection practice in this region. Various types of tanka
of water in channels. from rectangular to circular, in capacity from
as small as 1000 liters to 500,000 liters are
Sandy soils have low water holding ca-
prevalent in this region. The construction
pacity. Spreading of clay blanket ton the
of these tanka also varies from simple mud
soil surface reduces the infiltration and
plaster to lime mortar, cement concrete, fer-
consequently accelerates runoff.
ro-cement, fiberglass and PVC. The most
common construction material for the stor- requirement of individual families. A big-
age tank in this region is lime mortar and ger tanka of 50 m3 can be constructed for
cement concrete; however prefabricated domestic and livestock requirement of 6-7
PVC tanks are also used in some modern animals or a small nursery of 200 plants
buildings in urban areas. Central Arid Zone for round the years. A community tanka
Research Institute, Jodhpur has perfected of 100 m3 or 200 m3 capacity can be con-
the technology of tanka construction for structed to cater the demand of a group
various types of users. of 5-6 families.
of tanka, nadi, khadin and roof water har- tanka located near the settlement. Construc-
vesting system (RWHS) for efficient man- tion of tankas for raising orchards at a few
agement and judicious use of rainwater. locations have significantly improved the
The improved designs of these structures economic condition of the farmers.
have been replicated in large numbers in
Western Rajasthan, which have remarkably Under ex-situ rainwater management, CA-
improved water availability on a sustainable ZRI, has prepared a design package and
basis in the region. This is a clear testimony guidelines for the construction of khadins
that water, food and fodder security may (Khan, 1998). Khadin is a unique practice of
be obtained with large scale replication of water harvesting and moisture conservation
the improved designs of rainwater harvest- in suitable deep soil plots surrounded by
ing structures developed by CAZRI at all some sort of natural catchment (Fig.2). The
potential locations in the region (Narain system is very effective even in hyper arid
& Goyal, 2005). Looking to the financial region of Western Rajasthan where annual
implications, the work may be taken in a average rainfall is less than 150 mm. Re-
phased manner. cently, CAZRI under NATP has developed
Khadin of 20 ha areas in Baorali-Bambore
For rainwater management, the institute watershed with surplussing arrangements.
has designed underground tanka of 10 m3 Before construction of Khadin, uncontrolled
to 600 m3 capacities for different rainfall runoff from upper catchment used to wash
and catchment conditions. These tankas away seeds, fertilizers, and standing crops,
were successfully constructed in Jhanwar, besides the loss of valuable water. After
Sar, and Baorali-Bambore watersheds. Har- construction of Khadin, farmer could take
vested water of these tankas was used to excellent Kharif and Rabi crops.
provide life saving irrigation to plants. The
Benefit cost ratio of tanka ranged from 1.25 Large-scale development of khadin farms at
to 1.40 under different uses (Goyal et al. suitable locations in western Rajasthan can
1995, Goyal & Sharma, 2000). The improved enhance the land productivity to meet the
tanka designs developed and demonstrated food and fodder requirement of the local
by CAZRI have got wide acceptability in the population.
region. The designs have been replicated in Another common rainwater harvesting
a large number by different developmental structure in this region is nadi. Nadi is a
agencies. The number of improved tanka dugout pond used for storing runoff water
in different capacity ranges constructed in available from adjoining natural catchment
the region are 11,469 with a total storage during the rainy season. Generally, nadis
capacity of 4,75,200 cubic meters and are have the limitation of high evaporation
sufficient to meet the drinking and cook- losses due large exposed surface area, high
ing water requirements for a population seepage losses through porous sides and
of 1,32,000 throughout the year (Khan & bottom, heavy sedimentation due to biotic
Venkateswarlu, 1993). Tanka is highly eco- degradation in the catchment and water
nomical compared to hauling of water contamination causing health hazards. To
from long distances. Hauling water in the overcome these problems, CAZRI has devel-
villages cost 75 paisa per liter, which is oped improved design of nadis with LDPE
very expensive high compared to only 2 to lining to provide safe drinking water to hu-
5 paisa per liter of water available from a man and livestock population. In improved
design, the surface to volume ratio had been Rajasthan. The possible water yield from a
kept 0.28. Provision of silt trap at inlet point roof catchment system is directly proportion-
has been made to prevent sediment load al to the catchment surface area, its runoff
entering the nadi whereas provision of LDPE efficiencies and the amount of rainfall. The
lining of sides and bottom is to control the highest runoff efficiency of 94% was achieved
seepage losses. Fencing of water point has from when the surface was covered with
been recommended for protecting the wa- plastic sheet, followed by roof made of
ter from being contaminated. Renovation corrugated GI sheet (85%), stone slab roof
of nadi should be taken on large scale to (81%), paved surface (68%), clay tile roof (56%)
improve the storage capacity and conserva- and metal road (52%). At institute level, the
tion of water for a longer duration. entire CAZRI building roof area (1500 m2)
has been used for roof water harvesting.
For farm water management, a farm pond
The water outlet opening on the roof were
of 20,000 m3 capacity was constructed at
connected with 100 mm conduit pipes to
Kukma watershed at Bhuj in Gujarat. Con-
collect and divert roof water in a semi-circular
struction of this farm pond resulted in as-
open channel having 450 mm inner diameter
sured availability of 20,000 m3 water even in
and 525 mm depth and guided to a 300 m3
the region with as small as 150 mm rainfall
tanka. The average annual water yield from
region. The collected water was used to pro-
the roof surface was 88%. As small as 225 mm
vide irrigation to date palm, ber, aonla and
rainfall is sufficient to fill this tanka, which is
other fruits plants in the nearby area.
enough for a drinking water consumption of
Harvesting of roof water is an age-old 30,000 person days at 10 liters per capita per
practice to obtain safe drinking water in arid day (lpcd).
It has been demonstrated in India that land
and water resource development on a wa-
tershed basis offers sustainable approach
to rainwater harvesting and resources con-
servation. Though watershed development
programmes in the country started in the
late 80’s to develop semi-arid areas, it be-
came the focal point for rural development
by the late 90’s with an annual budget of
over $450 million (Kerr, 2002).
methodology is proposed for the design of simulation and depends upon many factors
watershed-based tank systems on the con- like tank size, water use, climate etc., DSR
cept of Integrated Water Storage System may or may not match with the input DSR.
(IWSS) in the watershed. If DSR criterion is not met, tank capacity
is increased (or decreased) and simulation
performed again. The procedure is repeated
Methodology till the DSR criterion is met. When the DSR
A comprehensive methodology has been criterion is met, the project economics for the
developed for the optimum design of tank tank strategy is performed. In this way all
system for the watershed. The methodology tank management strategies are simulated.
is based on three important water balances The conceptual flowchart of the methodol-
in the watershed i.e. field water balance, ogy is shown in Fig 2.
tank water balance and groundwater bal-
ance. The tank system for the watershed is
optimized for maximum net benefits. First,
fields are allocated to ‘stream points’. Stream
point is defined here as a point on the
stream at which tank location is preferred.
Tank strategies are generated based on the
number of stream points. Tank strategy is
a unique combination of number of tanks,
their locations and tank type. Tank type
is defined based on the orientation of the
command area around the tank. Catchment
and command field allocation is performed
for each tank strategy. Initial tank capacity
is determined with the design runoff depth
(DRD). Simulation then starts from the first
(or selected) tank strategy. A downstream
release (DSR) criterion is given before the
simulation. The DSR criterion in this re-
search is the annual volume of water that
passes the watershed outlet as per cent of
annual volume of runoff generated in the
watershed. For example, a DSR of 30%
means tanks will harvest 70% of the runoff
generated in the watershed and remaining Figure 2. Conceptual flowchart of the methodology
30% will go downstream out of the water- for finding optimum tank strategy
shed. Tank system is designed for this DSR.
In a simulation field, tank and groundwater The SOFTANK Model
balances are simulated simultaneously on a The comprehensive methodology for an
daily basis. At the end of simulation, out- optimum design of tank system is converted
put DSR is obtained. This DSR is compared into computer code in C language, which re-
with the input DSR ± deviation (e.g. 30 ± sulted into computer model SOFTANK. This
10). Since the output DSR is the result of model provides an analytical tool for studying
different aspects of tank system design in the The climate of the region is usually hot and
watershed. The model can be operated in the potential annual evaporation is about 1800
four different modes i.e. calibration, evalua- mm. The mean annual rainfall for the region
tion, simulation and optimization. is 642 mm, most of which falls in four months
of monsoon i.e. from July to October. Rainfall
Results starts in late June to early July.
The SOFTANK model was applied to the
Pimpalgaon Ujjaini watershed in Ahmed- Data
nagar district of Maharashtra state to evalu- The daily values of climatic parameters
ate the existing percolation tank system for available at Rahuri from 1975 to 2004 were
water harvesting potential. used for the calibration and application of
the SOFTANK model for Pimpalgaon Uj-
jaini watershed. Watershed data included
Pimpalgaon Ujjaini Watershed data on stream points, fields, crops, soils,
Pimpalgaon Ujjaini watershed with an area tanks, and groundwater. The watershed is
of 1326 ha is located 15 km northeast from comprised of 447 fields. These fields were
Ahmednagar (latitude 74º 05’ east and longi- allocated to different stream points based
tude 18° 15’ north). There are two percolation on their z-coordinates. The soils in the wa-
tanks on two streams in the watershed. Water tershed ranged from very shallow to very
is not used directly from the tanks for irri- deep and from sandy loam to clay in tex-
gation purpose. Common cereal, pulses and ture. Hydrologic soil groups in the water-
oilseed crops are grown in the command of shed belonged to hydrologic soil group B,
the percolation tanks in the watershed with C and D. There are two percolation tanks
irrigation by groundwater. The location of the one each on the two streams in the water-
watershed is shown in Fig 3. shed. These tanks are used for recharging
the groundwater only. Water is not used
from storage of the tanks for irrigation. The
details of the percolation tanks are given
in Table 1. These tanks are of embankment
type with irregular shape of the reservoir.
This shape was approximated to the square
prism shape in the analysis. Seepage rate
for both the tanks was considered as 24
mm/day. There are number of wells in the
watershed. Data on groundwater levels of
nine wells were used for the calibration of
the model for the watershed.
Table 1. Details of percolation tanks in
Pimpalgaon Ujjaini watershed
Water Storage
t spread area capacity
area (ha)
(ha) (ha-m)
Tank I 20.5 69.6 297.41
Figure 3. Location of Pimpalgaon Ujjaini watershed Tank II 11.5 21.6 279.40
Figure 5. Tank system water balance components for Pimpalgaon Ujjaini watershed
of this inflow was lost as seepage, from the storage. In addition, water from
which accounted for 83.6% of the total adjoining area may join this storage volume
outflow from the tank. Other loses were and water may flow outside the storage
evaporation (13.6%) and overflow (2.6%). volume as groundwater flow. In the PU wa-
There was no carry over storage from tershed, irrigation was scheduled at 28 days
the tanks. Though the overflow from in rainy season and 21 days in post rainy
the tanks was less, average DSR from season with an irrigation application depth
the watershed was 58.5% since the tanks of 55 mm. Irrigation application efficiency
were at the middle of the watershed was taken as 70%. Source of irrigation were
open dug wells. There were 85 open dug
and area of watershed downstream of
wells in the watershed. Other use was esti-
tanks contributed directly to the DSR.
mated from the number of household units
There was no irrigation from the tanks
in the watershed. Field recharge and tank
since tanks were used for groundwater recharge were found to be 71% and 29%,
recharge only. respectively. Groundwater flow was 33.26%
of the total groundwater outflow, whereas
Tank Water Balance irrigation and other use contributed 65.53%
Tank water balance components of indi- and 1.21%, respectively. The contributions
vidual tanks are given in Table 2. Tank of groundwater recharge and withdrawal
capacities were 69.60 and 21.70 ha-m. In components are shown in Fig 6.
Tank No. 1 annual inflow was less than the
tank capacity whereas in Tank No. 2 annual
inflow exceeded tank capacity. Of the total
inflow, evaporation was about 15% in both
the tanks whereas seepage was 85% in Tank
No.1 and 74% in Tank No. 2. There was no
overflow from Tank No.1.
Figure 6. Contributions of groundwater recharge
Groundwater Balance and withdrawal components for Pimpalgaon
In estimating the groundwater balance, it Ujjaini watershed
was assumed that the underground storage The water balance of watershed provided
volume is available below the watershed analysis of all the inflows to and outflows
confined by bedrock at the lower boundary from the watershed. The two percolation
and ground surface as the upper boundary. tanks harvested 42% of the runoff and
Deep percolation from fields, seepage from 58% went out of the watershed. Runoff
tanks recharge this storage volume and wa- was 21.5% of the rainfall and 20.5% of the
ter is withdrawn for irrigation and other use rainfall contributed to the groundwater
recharge. Major portion (83.6%) of the in- showed that 42% runoff is harvested by
flow to the tanks contributed to groundwa- the tanks and 58% went out of the water-
ter recharge, but major recharge to ground- shed. The tanks were economical but over
water was through fields (71%) as compared designed and therefore any treatment in
to tanks (29%). Due to groundwater irriga- the catchments of these tanks, which will
tion, groundwater withdrawal formed the reduce the inflow to the tanks, should be
major outflow (65.5%) from the ground- discouraged.
water storage. Though the investment in
tanks was found economical (BC ratio 1.34), Strategies for Upscaling
the tanks were over designed when the The SOFTANK model can be used for de-
inflow/capacity ratio was 0.82. Hence any signing the water harvesting tanks for pre-
treatment (like CCTs) in the catchments of paring plan for developing a watershed.
these tanks should be discouraged. There is thus scope for the use of the model
Soils in the watershed vary in depth, colour for watershed projects. The model needs
and other morphological characteristics. user friendly for that purpose.
Common crops grown in the watershed
are sorghum, pearl millet, wheat, gram and References
fodder. Fields are used for a single kharif Kerr JM. (2002) Watershed development,
or rabi cropping or double cropping. Most environmental services and poverty al-
of the area downstream of the percolation leviation in India. World Development,
tanks comes under double cropping system. 30(8), 1387-1400.
The area in the catchment of the tanks is
mostly under shrubs. Palmer WL, Barfield BJ and Haan CT.
(1982) Sizing farm reservoirs for supple-
mental irrigation of corn. Part I: Mod-
Lessons Learnt eling reservoir size yield relationship.
The SOFTANK model offers a comprehen- Transactions of American Society of Agri-
sive analytical tool for studying the detail cultural Engineers: 372-76.
water balance of watershed-based water Panigrahi B and Panda SN. (2003) Optimal
harvesting tanks. It incorporates many new sizing of on farm reservoir for supple-
features, which are unique to the watershed- mental irrigation. Journal of Irrigation and
based tank system. The model can be used Drainage Engineering, 129(2): 117-128.
to evaluate the existing tank system. The
existing tank system can be improved by Samra JS, Sharda VN and Sikka AK. (2002)
running alternate management scenarios Water Harvesting and Recycling, Indian Ex-
with the help of simulation utility of the periences, Central Soil and Water Conser-
model. An optimum tank system can be vation Research and Training Institute,
suggested for new watershed projects with Dehradun, India.
the help of optimization utility of the model. Srivastava RC. (1996) Design of runoff re-
In this paper only the evaluation utility of cycling irrigation system for rice culti-
the model is discussed. The model gave the vation. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage
detail water balance of the watershed and Engineering, 122 (6): 331-335.
the country. Watershed development has istry of Rural Development and an area
been conceived basically as a strategy for of 0.82 million hectares with an outlay
protecting the livelihoods of the people of Rs. 813.73 crores under Ministry of
inhabiting the fragile eco-systems expe- Environment and Forest were spent. A
riencing soil erosion and moisture stress. total of 45.58 million hectares has been
Different types of treatment activities are treated through various programs with an
carried out in a watershed. They include investment of Rs. 17,037 crores. Average
soil and moisture conservation measures in expenditure per annum during the Xth
agricultural lands (contour/field bunding Five Year Plan is around Rs. 2300 crores
and summer ploughing), drainage line treat-
(Department of Land Resources, 2006).
ment measures (loose boulder check dam,
As millions of rupees have been spent
minor check dam, major check dam, and
on watershed development programs,
retaining walls), water resource develop-
ment/management (percolation pond, farm
it is essential that the programs become
pond, and drip and sprinkler irrigation), successful.
crop demonstration, horticulture Plantation With the programs so large and varied, it
and afforestation (Palanisami and Suresh is important to understand how well they
Kumar, 2006). Training in watershed tech- function overall and which aspects should
nologies and related skills is also given be promoted and which will be dropped.
periodically to farmers in watersheds. In However, despite this importance, little
addition, members are also taken to other work has been done to assess their im-
successful watershed models and research pacts. This paper partially fills this gap by
institutes for exposure. These efforts appear examining both social and environmental
to be contributing to groundwater recharge. outcomes. In particular, it tries to answer
The aim has been to ensure the availabil- the questions: (i) what impacts the water-
ity of drinking water, fuel wood and fod- shed development activities bring to rural
der and raise income and employment for areas, (ii) how do watershed development
farmers and landless labourers through im- activities impact on groundwater resources,
provement in agricultural production and soil and moisture conservation, agricultur-
productivity (Rao, 2000). Today watershed al production and socio-economic condi-
development has become the main inter- tions?. This will help the policy makers in
vention for natural resource management. up-scaling and mainstreaming watershed
Watershed development programs not only development programs in the country.
protect and conserve the environment, but
also contribute to livelihood security. Hence, it is important to apply relevant
methodologies for the evaluation of the wa-
As an important development program, tershed programs so that future programs
watershed development received much will be planned in an efficient manner.
attention from both the Central and state Most evaluators use conventional finan-
governments. Up to Xth Five Year Plan cial analysis to assess the impact of wa-
(till March 2005), an area of 17.24 million tershed development programs. However,
hectares was treated with a total budget the question is whether the conventional
of Rs. 9368.03 crores under Ministry of financial analysis captures the impacts in a
Agriculture, 27.52 million hectares with holistic manner? Should we have a better
an outlay of Rs. 6855.66 crores under Min- methodology to assess the impacts of water-
costs are based on several assumptions. More specifically, major challenges include
Impact Analysis of an area based program (i) the choice of methodologies, (ii) selection
like watershed development has inherent of indicators, and (iii) choice of discount
difficulties. Apart from the benefits accrued rate, (iv) quantifying benefits in upstream
from different technologies, the impact of and downstream, (v) defining the zone of
watershed development should be looked influence and (vi) extent of natural and
into three major dimensions viz., scale artificial recharge (Palanisami and Suresh
(household level, farm level and watershed Kumar, 2006).
level) temporal and spatial. The dimensions
of impact of watershed technologies further
complicate the impact assessment. Methodology
Economic Surplus Approach (ES)
Different studies have developed a variety
Economic Surplus (ES) is widely used for
of indicators for the impact assessment. The
evaluating the impact of a technology on
indicators of impact will cover watershed
the economic welfare of households (Joseph
development activities covering soil ero-
and Quddus, 1998; Moore et al, 2000; Wan-
sion, groundwater recharge and water re-
der et al, 2004; Maredia et al, 2000; Swinton,
sources potential, agricultural production,
2002). The economic surplus method’s goal
socio-economic conditions and overall im-
is to measure the aggregated social benefits
pact including the extent of green cover.
of a research project. With this method, it
These indicators were compared with before
is possible to estimate the return of invest-
and after the watershed treatment activi-
ments by calculating a variation of consumer
ties, and also with that of the control vil-
and producer surplus through a techno-
lage where watershed treatment activities
logical change originated by research. Af-
is not taken up. The other methodologies
terwards, the economic surplus is utilized
such as Total Economic Valuation (Logesh,
together with the research costs to calculate
2004) and bio-economic modeling were also
the net present value (NPV), the internal
employed by the researchers. However, still
rate of return (IRR), or the benefit-cost-ratio
the researchers face challenges in quantify-
(BCR) (Maredia et al., 2000). The model can
ing the impacts of watershed development
be applied to the small/large open/closed
economy within the target domain of pro-
The problem of impact assessment of wa- duction environment. The term surplus is
tershed development project lies on the used in economics for several related quan-
following: (i) Developing a framework to tities. The consumer surplus is the amount
identify what impacts to assess, where to that consumers benefit by being able to pur-
look for these impacts and selecting ap- chase a product for a price that is less than
propriate indicators to assess the impacts, they would be willing to pay. The producer
and (ii) Developing a framework to look at surplus is the amount that producers benefit
the indicators together and assessing the by selling at a market price mechanism that
overall impact of the project. The nature is higher than they would be willing to sell
of watershed technologies and its impact for. In the case of watershed programs, the
on different sectors pose challenges to Proj- producers are mainly the farm households
ect Monitoring and Evaluating Agencies, who produce the goods using the benefits of
economists, researchers and policy makers. the watershed interventions such as soil and
moisture conservation, water table increase consumer surplus. The watershed develop-
and livestock improvement activities and ment intervention affects agricultural pro-
consumers are mainly the other stakehold- ducers in two ways: (i) Lower marginal
ers in the region viz., non-farm households costs (according to the theory, the supply
representing the labourers, business people curve corresponds to the curve of marginal
and people employed in non-agricultural costs as of the minimum value of the curve
activities. of average variable costs), and (ii) Lower
market price (P0 reduced to P1). Thus, the
Theoretical Framework producers’ surplus is defined as the area
The model is based on the Marshallian P1bl1-area P0al0.
theory of economic surplus that stems from The mathematical model used is based on
shifts over time of the supply and demand the scheme proposed by Pachico et al. (1987),
curves. In Fig.1, the rightward shift (S ) of in which supply and demand functions are
the original supply curve (S0) generates eco- nonlinear with constant elasticity i.e. log-
nomic surplus for producers and consum- linear. The supply function for a product
ers. Such a shift can stem from the changes market is assumed that supply curves of
in the production technology, in the present the following functional form:
case watershed development intervention.
Given that the demand function remains
constant, the original market equilibrium a s 0 = c(P0 − Plo ) d ......................................(1)
(P0, Q0) is transferred by the effect of tech-
where: s0 = Initial supply before water-
nological change to b (P1,Q1).
shed intervention
Consumers gain because they are able to c,d = Constants
consume a greater amount (Q1) at a lower
P0 = Price of product, and
price (P1). The area P0abP1 represents this
Plo = Minimum price that
producers are willing to
Typically, the watershed development pro-
grams involving the entire community and
natural resources influence different aspects
such as agricultural production system, en-
vironment and socio-economic conditions
of the watershed villages. By virtue of its
nature, watershed is an area based technol-
ogy cutting across villages comprising both
private and public lands. Thus, the benefits
from the watershed developmental activi-
ties are not only limited to the users/ben-
eficiaries but also to the non-participating
farmers. For instance, the watershed devel-
opment technologies expected to have posi-
Figure 1. Graphical representation of Economic
tive impacts on groundwater recharge, soil
Surplus Method
and water conservation, maintaining eco- livestock and fodder production. There is
logical balance, increased fodder availabil- also change in the cost of production of the
ity, increased crop yield, etc. Similarly, the commodities in the watershed. Over years,
increased agricultural production favours there is an increase in technology adoption
the non-farming community like labourers, due to watershed programs. In the case of
rural artisans and other rural households. consumers, the increased crop production in
Thus, the watershed development brings the watershed results in the availability of
benefits not only to the producers (farmers) produce at comparatively lower prices. The
but also to the consumers (farmers, labour consumption levels also increased among
households and other households in the the consumers. The labour employment
watershed village). In this context, the eco- also increased due to increased land and
nomic surplus approach captures the total crop production and processing activities
benefits accrued due to watershed develop- in the watershed. Evidences show that the
ment intervention in the rural areas. production levels increased as a result of
watershed interventions and the consum-
The advantage of the ES approach lies in ers started enjoying the benefits of local-
the fact that the distribution of benefits to ized production in the regions. Hence, for
different segments of the society could be the purpose of the analysis, it is assumed
estimated. The watershed development that, the output supply curve shifts gradu-
could be treated as a ‘public good’ and ally over time when the benefits from the
covers both the private and public lands. watershed developmental activities started
Moreover, the benefits due to watershed benefiting the agricultural sector through
developmental activities are not restricted water resource enhancement. The supply
to the producers alone. Increased supply shift factor due to technological change, in
and hence changes in the price of the ag- this case watershed intervention, is known
ricultural products also benefit the consum- as K. This factor varies in time depend-
ers positively. In this context, the economic ing on the dynamics of the rainfall, adop-
surplus approach captures the impact of tion, dissemination of soil and moisture
watershed development activities in a ho- conservation technologies and maintenance
listic manner. activities undertaken in the watershed. The
supply shift factor (K) can be interpreted as a
Application of Economic reduction of absolute costs for each produc-
tion level, or as an increase in production for
Surplus Method in Watershed each price level (Libardo et al., 1999).
Watershed programs play a dual role by Micro economic theory defines consumer
safeguarding the interest of the producers surplus (individual or aggregated) as the
as well as consumers, as the implementation area under the (individual or aggregated)
of drought proofing aspects of the water- demand curve and above a horizontal line
shed programs are easily felt (Palanisami at the actual price (in the aggregated case:
and Suresh Kumar, 2007). Producers can the equilibrium price). Following IEG, the
change the crop pattern due to increased demand curve is assumed to be log-linear
water levels in their wells, moisture con- with constant elasticity. Thus, the demand
servation in the soil, increase water use for equation for this demand function can be
the existing crops, increase the number of written as:
...............(3) P0, A0, and Y0 represent prices of output,
area and yield of different crops in the
Combined, the consumer surplus and the watershed before implementation of wa-
producer surplus make up the total sur- tershed development program. If we use
plus. the with and without approach, then these
represent area, yield and price of crops in
Estimation of Benefits control village.
Following the theory of demand and supply
equilibrium, economic surplus (benefits) as a Cost of the Project
result of watershed development interven- The analysis considered cost towards water-
tion is measured as follows: shed development investment during the
project period and maintenance expendi-
..(4) ture incurred in the project. For watershed
development projects with multiple tech-
Where, K = Supply shift due to watershed nologies or crops, incremental benefits from
intervention. The supply shift due to wa- each technology and crop were added to
tershed intervention can be mathematically compile the total benefits. The worthiness
represented as: of the watershed development projects was
then evaluated at 10 per cent discount rate.
.................................(5) Using above estimates of returns and costs,
net present value (NPV), benefit cost ratio
K represents the vertical shift of supply due (BCR), and internal rate of return (IRR)
to intervention of watershed development were computed.
technologies and expressed as a proportion
of initial price. ∀ is net cost change, which Study Area and Data
is defined as the difference between reduc- Our study was conducted in the Coimbatore
tion in marginal cost and reduction in unit district of Tamil Nadu, India. The predomi-
cost. The reduction in marginal cost is de- nant soil types are red soil, laterite, clay
fined as the ratio of relative change in yield loam, sandy clay loam, and black cotton soil.
to price elasticity of supply (es). Reduction Differences in soil type have differential im-
in unit cost is defined as the ratio of pact on the water resources and agricultural
change in cost of inputs per hectare to production and productivity. The success
(1+change in yield). ρ is the probability of of the watershed development programs
success in watershed development imple- critically depends upon the rainfall in the
mentation. ψ represents adoption rate of region. The major crops grown are sorghum,
cent. The higher labour force participation Information related to the duration of
is due to better scope for agricultural pro- pumping hours before well goes dry (or
duction, livestock activities and other off- water level depressed to a certain level)
farm and non-farm economic activities. It is and time it takes to recuperate to the same
evidenced from the analysis that the labour level were collected for the sample farmers
force participation rate among the farmers across villages. Due to watershed treatment
in the watershed villages is higher implying activities such as construction of percola-
that the enhanced agricultural production is tion ponds, checkdams etc., the ground-
due to watershed treatment activities. Con- water recuperation in the near by wells
struction of new percolation ponds, major increased. The increase in recuperation rate
and minor check dams and rejuvenation varied from 0.1 M3 to 0.3 M3/hour. It was
of the existing ponds/tanks enhanced the also observed that the recharge to the wells
available storage capacity in the watersheds decreased with the distance of wells away
to store runoff water for surface water use from the percolation ponds and check dams
and groundwater recharge. and the distance generally was 500 to 600
meters in the case of percolation ponds.
Construction of new percolation ponds,
major and minor check dams and rejuve- The impact of watershed treatment activities
nation of existing ponds/tanks enhanced the on area irrigated by groundwater revealed
available storage capacity in the watersheds that the area irrigated in watershed villages
to store runoff water for surface water use registered a moderate increase after the wa-
and groundwater recharge. The additional tershed development activities in most of
surface water storage capacity created in the the watersheds. When compared to water-
watersheds ranged from 9299 M3 to 12943 shed villages, the area irrigated in the control
M3. This additional storage capacity further village declined slightly over the period.
helped in improving groundwater recharge It is evidenced that the irrigation intensity
and water availability for livestock and other is higher in the watershed treated village
non-domestic uses in the village as a result than in the untreated village. This shows
of watershed treatment activities. On the that the watershed developmental activities
basis of the data collected from the sample helped increase the water resource potential
farmers, it was found that the water level in of a region through enhanced groundwater
the open dug wells has risen in the range resources coupled with soil and moisture
of 0.5 to 1.0 meter in watershed villages. conservation activities. In the case of con-
The depth of the water column in a few trol villages, the water table in the wells
sample wells were collected both in water- declined due to continuous pumping with
shed and control villages for comparison. out making any interventions in recharg-
The depth of the water column in the wells ing the aquifers. This is one of the reasons
of the watershed villages was found to be why farmers in most of the villages demand
higher than those in the control villages. For watershed programs in their villages.
instance, the depth of the water column in
the wells in Kattampatti watershed village The analysis of impact of watershed treat-
was 3.53 meters compared to 2.16 meters ment activities on the increase in cropped
in the control village with a difference of area indicated that the increase in net cropped
63.43 per cent. area, gross cropped area and thereby cropping
intensity is realized in both the watersheds.
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A summary of the proceedings of the
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Challenges in Impact Assessment of
Workshop, ICRISAT, Patancheru, India,
Watershed Development in Impact As-
6-7 December 2002
sessment of Watershed Development:
Methodological Issues and Experiences Wander, Alcido Elenor, Marilia Castelo
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mar, (New Delhi: Associated Publishing Espedito Cezario Martins (2004). Using
Company Ltd.,), 2006. the Economic Surplus Method to As-
sess Economic Impacts of New Tech-
Palanisami K and Suresh Kumar D. (2007).
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Watershed Development and Aug-
“Rural Poverty Reduction through Re-
mentation of Groundwater Resources:
search for Development” Conference
Evidence from Southern India”. Third
on International Agricultural Research
International Groundwater Conference,
for Development, Deutscher Tropentag,
February 7-10, 2007, Tamil Nadu Agri-
October 5-7, 2004, Berlin.
cultural University, Coimbatore, India.
Wani SP, Joshi PK, Raju KV, Sreedevi
Rao CH. (2000). “Watershed Develop-
TK, Wilson JM, Shah Amita, Diwakar
ment in India: Recent Experiences and
PG, Palanisami K, Marimuthu S, Jha
Emerging Issues”, Economic and Politi-
AK, Ramakrishna YS, Meenakshi Sun-
cal Weekly, 35 (45):3943-3947
daram SS and D’Souza Marcella. (2008).
Reddy RV. (2000). Land Degradation in Community Watershed as a Growth En-
India: Extent, Costs, Determinants and gine for Development of Dryland Areas.
Trends, (Mimeo), Centre for Economic A Comprehensive Assessment of Water-
and Social Studies, Hyderabad. shed Programs in India. Global Theme
Swinton SM. (2002). Integrating sustain- on Agroecosystems Report no. 47, Pa-
ability indicators into the economic sur- tancheru 502 324, Andhra Pradesh, India
plus approach for NRM impact assess- : International Crops Research Institute
ment. In (eds) Shiferaw, B., Freeman, H. for the Semi-Arid Tropics. 36 pp.
Crop Diversification Index (CDI) was worked out by employing Composite Entropy Index (CEI) based on the pro-
portion of different crops in the farm. The Composite Entropy Index for crop diversification was worked out as:
CEI = Composite Entropy Index
Pi = Acreage proportion of ith crop in total cropped area
N = Total number of crops
the OFR including the irrigation demand pute daily inflow-outflow components dur-
of crops seems to be a correct approach, for ing the growing season. They are i) single
making a decision on the size of the OFR soil layer water balance approach; and ii)
for a particular period of rainfall events. double soil layer water balance approach. In
Economic evaluation of the OFR system for a single-layer system, the whole root zone
a series of time-steps are required to arrive has been considered as one-layer from the
at an optimum size. day of germination of the crop, whereas
in double-layer system, the active layer ex-
Cropping Pattern based on tends from the soil surface to the position
Hydrological Events of the root on the day of prediction and it
keeps on moving down, till the maximum
The onset and withdrawal of monsoon is root zone depth is attained. The degree of
the basic information to decide the time error in predicting the events by the later
of sowing, selection of crop variety, and seems to be less as compared to the first
appropriate cropping pattern for the re- one.
gion. Analysis of the occurrence of such
hydrological events along with dry spells Water Harvesting Potential of the
during the rainy season is carried out using
rainfall data of 22 years. Methods suggested
Upland Crop Fields
by Verma and Sarma (1990) were used to Water harvesting potential (WHP = SI/
analyze the onset and withdrawal of the Runoff) indicates the rainfall adequacy to
monsoon. For the prediction of these events meet the supplemental irrigation (SI) re-
at certain probability of exceedance, selec- quirement of crops and also establishes
tion of transformations and best-fit prob- the feasibility of the OFR system in the
ability distribution functions is essential problem area. WHP less than one suggest
(Panigrahi et al., 2002; and Panigrahi and the infeasibility of the OFR system in the
Panda, 2001 b). area (Guerra et al., 1990; Oweis et al., 1999).
When it is nearer to one or greater than
one, a green signal is indicated to go for
Water Management
the OFR system. When it is nearer to 1, the
Using the mass balance approach, daily root deficiency can be met by the direct rainfall
zone soil moisture balance of the crop field collected in the OFR.
lying in the upland topo-sequence is carried
out to assess the probable surplus and deficit The water balance model will be added with
moisture periods within the crop-growing another two components such as surface
season (Panigrahi et al., 2001). The inflow runoff (SR) and SI to assess the amount
components to the crop field are rainfall and of SR generated from the crop field, which
supplemental irrigation and the outflow com- will match with the amount of SI require-
ponents are seepage, percolation, and actual ment of the crops. The time and quantity
evapotranspiration. This study will highlight of SI requirement has to be decided earlier
the necessity of a water source for sustaining based on the type and sensitive stages of
rice in the rainy non-rice in the post-monsoon the crops grown in the command of the
seasons in rainfed uplands. OFR. For many crops grown in the rainy
season in the region, flowering to end of
Two kinds of soil layers for the effective grain filling stage is assumed to be the most
root zone depth have been used to com- sensitive to moisture stress. So, it’s been
decided to apply SI during this period if soil water during the post-monsoon period that
moisture in the root zone depletes below can be used to irrigate a larger command
management allowable depletion (MAD) or for growing a second and third crop in
level of the crop. succession.
exceedances (Panigrahi and Panda, 2003). growth stage of rice. It was also found
Based on the present worth analysis, the that the residual soil moisture at the
economic parameters like net profit (NP), time of sowing of light duty crop in
benefit cost ratio (BCR), internal rate of re- the post-monsoon period is inadequate
turn (IRR) and pay back period (PBP) are for germination of seeds in 45% of the
used in the study. The parameters are com- years and thus, requires pre-sowing ir-
puted by using all the cost factors involved rigation (Panigrahi and Panda, 2001a).
in the system such as initial investment, • When the rice crop is completely substi-
maintenance cost, land lease cost, irrigation tuted by maize crop in the rainy season
cost, cost of production, and cost of return and soil moisture status is simulated, it
in excess of a rainfed system. is found that in none of the years dur-
ing 1977 to 2006, the crop needs any
Summary and Conclusions supplemental irrigation. It indicates that
a plenty of harvested water will be avail-
• At 50% probability of exceedance (PE), able to meet the irrigation demand of the
power transformation gives the onset winter crops as well as pre-sowing ir-
and withdrawal of monsoon in the re- rigation to a third crop in succession.
gion as June 16 and October 3, respec-
tively. Thus, the monsoon is effective in • Study on the water harvesting potential
the region for 110 days. So, short duration reveals that 85% of the supplemental
rice of 100-110 days should be grown irrigation requirement of the rainfed
under rainfed farming system (Panigrahi upland rice during the critical growth
and Panda, 2001b). stage can be met from the surface runoff
generated from the rice lands at 50% PE
• At least two long dry spells, both are level. The rest can be met from the direct
of 13 days duration, are likely to occur rainfall collected in the OFR (Panigrahi
every year in the region during rainy and Panda, 2003). The average seasonal
season, out of which one comes on July, surface runoff from the short duration
18 and the other on August, 22 at 50% rice field and irrigation requirement of
PE. Hence, the biasi operation in case rice crop was 133.1 mm and 144 mm,
of direct sown paddy and transplanting respectively (Panigrahi et al., 2001). So,
operation in case of transplanted rice are the irrigation requirement can be sup-
to be completed before July, 18 to achieve plemented by recycling the harvested
an effective physiological growth of rice. runoff from the OFR and thus, there is
The second dry spell coincides with the a scope for rainwater harvesting in the
critical growth stage of rice, which fa- OFR. Moreover, the rainwater harvested
cilitate creation of water source to pro- during maturity stage of rice and end of
vide supplemental irrigation to rice for turn-in period was found adequate to
its sustenance in the rainfed uplands. meet the pre-sowing irrigation require-
• Simulation of ponding depth and soil ment of the winter (rabi) crop. Hence,
moisture status of rainfed uplands re- the chance of double cropping is very
veals that there is a need for drainage much possible in rainfed uplands with
of ponded water during initial crop es- the intervention of the OFR technol-
tablishment and late season stage and ogy.
supplemental irrigation during critical • On the other hand, the water harvesting
potential under partial crop substitution and pre-sowing irrigation to the mustard
(non-rice: rice::1.5:1) is more than 3 times crop except with a few limitations like
the irrigation demand of rainy season larger OFR size and quick depletion of
crops. It widens the scope of full irriga- the harvested water after recession of
tion practice during the critical growth southwest monsoon as compared to the
stage of the rice as well as at least two lined OFR. Second irrigation to the rabi
irrigations to the second crop in the crop is hardly possible in case of unlined
winter season. OFR. The optimum size of the unlined
OFR for crop-fish integration having 1:1
• Economic analysis indicates that 12%
side slope was estimated to be 15% of the
of the farm area is optimum for the
farm area for a return period of 5 year
construction of lined OFR (Fig. 1) that
(Pandey et al., 2006) and the size of the
can meet on an average 93 and 33 mm
OFR becomes larger with the increase
of supplemental irrigation to rice dur-
in side slope.
ing critical growth stage in wet season
and pre-sowing irrigation/SI demand to • The BCR, IRR, and PBP of the optimum
mustard in post-monsoon period. The (12%) size of the OFR were found to be
average increase in yield of rice and 1.22, 16.1% and 13 years, respectively
mustard yield due to supplemental ir- (Panigrahi et al., 2005). BCR value of
rigation from the OFR is found to be 29.2 more than 1 indicates that the invest-
% and 22.3% more over the average yield ment on the OFR irrigation system is
of corresponding crops under rainfed justified.
condition (Panigrahi and Panda, 2003).
• When fish is integrated with the OFR
The depth of the OFR and side slope is
system (lined and unlined) in rainfed
maintained at 2 m and 1:1, respectively,
uplands along with rice-mustard crop-
through out the simulation process.
ping sequence, the net return to the
• The unlined OFR is also equally capable beneficiary increased leading to a re-
to meet the SI requirement of the rice markable increase in benefit cost ratio
of the system (Pandey et al., 2006; Sethi Pandey PK, Panda SN and Panigrahi
et al., 2005; and Pandey et al., 2005). The B. (2006) Sizing on-farm reservoir for
BCR value of lined and unlined OFRs crop-fish integration in rainfed farming
occupying 10% of the farm area becomes system in eastern India. Biosystems En-
1.65 and 2.70, respectively (Sethi et al., gineering (Elsevier Science), Vol. 93(4):
2005). Pay back period of unlined OFR 475-489.
is found to be 13 years where as that
Pandey PK, Panda SN and Pholane LP.
of lined OFR is 20 years. In both lined
(2005) Economic evaluation of rain-
and unlined OFRs, the depth of water
water harvesting in on-farm reservoir
has been maintained at 2.4m.
for the integrated farming system - A
• A user friendly software using Visual Ba- sustainable approach to small farmers,
sic 6.0 programme has been developed to Environment and Ecology, Vol. 23 (3):
find optimum sizing of the OFR in terms 671-675.
of percentage of the farm area in rainfed
Panigrahi B and Panda SN and Agrawal
farming system (Roy et al., 2009). It is
A. (2005) Water balance simulation and
a menu driven system, flexible enough
economic analysis for optimal size of on-
to simulate the OFR sizes for various
farm reservoir, Water Resources Man-
combinations of OFR geometry, field
agement (Springer, The Netherlands)
sizes and cropping patterns. The user
Vol.19 (3): 233-250.
has to specify the crops to be grown,
irrigation management practices, types Panigrahi B and Panda SN. (2003) Optimal
of OFR (lined or unlined), side slope sizing of on-farm reservoirs for supple-
and depth of OFR and the farm area. mental irrigation. Jr. of Irrigation and
Drainage Engineering (ASCE). Vol. 129
(2): 117-128.
Panigrahi B, and SN and Mull R. (2002)
Agrawal MK, Panda SN and Panigrahi B. Prediction of hydrological events for
(2004) Modeling water balance param- planning rainfed rice. Hydrological
eters for rainfed rice. Jr. of Irrigation and Science Journal (IAHS, England), Vol.
Drainage Engineering, (ASCE), Vol. 130 47(3): 435-448.
Panigrahi B, Panda SN and Mull R. (2001)
Guerra LC, Watson PG and Bhuiyan SI. Simulation of water harvesting potential
(1990) Hydrological analysis of farm res- in rainfed rice lands using water balance
ervoirs in rainfed areas. Agricultural Wa- models. Agricultural Systems, (Elsevier
ter Management, Vol. 17(4): 351-366. Science), Vol. 69 (3): 165-182.
Oweis T, Hachum A and Kijne J. (1999). Panigrahi B, Panda SN. (2001a) Simula-
Water harvesting and supplemental irri- tion of ponding and soil moisture status
gation for improved water use efficiency through water balance model for rainfed
in dry areas. SWIM paper No.7, Inter- upland rice. International Agricultural
national Water Management Institute, Engineering Journal, (AAAE, Bangkok),
Colombo, Sri Lanka. Vol. 10 (1 & 2): 39-56.
rigation through water harvesting for kharif Rajasthan, Haryana, Gujarat, Punjab,
(rainy season) crop. The assessment involves Bihar, West Bengal and Uttaranchal).
estimation of available (surplus) rainfall run-
2. The area is limited to AESR 3-13
off during second half of to September.
covering semi-arid region in full and
marginal areas from arid and sub-
Methodology humid regions within the states. The
coastal, sub-mountain and cold arid
regions were not included.
Identification of dominant rainfed dis-
3. Districts in the descending order of area
tricts for different crops.
coverage limiting to cumulative 85%
Assessment of surplus/runoff for water
of total rainfed area for each crop is
harvesting and supplemental irrigation considered for the study purpose.
at a district level.
4. Crops covered are sunflower, soybean,
rapeseed mustard, groundnut, castor,
Identification of Dominant Rainfed cotton, sorghum, pearl millet, maize,
Districts for Different Crops pigeon pea, rice in kharif and linseed
For the present analysis, the dominant and chickpea in rabi. Even though
rainfed districts, which occupy a significant chickpea and linseed are rabi season
amount of area from national perspective, crops, consideration was given as they
are identified for different crops since the follow mostly a fallow in kharif. The
proposed water harvesting mechanisms can focus is primarily on the utilization of
be justified based on their potential utili- runoff from southwest monsoon in the
zation. Thus, we retain this definition i.e. present context.
districts in the descending order of area
coverage limiting to cumulative 85% of total Spatial distribution of selected
rainfed area for each crop in the country. rainfed crops across India
With the adoption of this definition, it is pos-
The five-year average of irrigated area, pro-
sible to identify districts for various crops,
duction and total cropped area were pre-
which are predominantly rainfed covering a
pared on district basis. Based on the area
large area. Developmental activities related
under each crop, districts contributing to
to a specific rainfed crop should be taken
85% of the area under the crop were identi-
up first in these districts, which would sig-
fied. This was done to identify the major
nificantly increase the total production.
region in the crop as almost all the crops
Following process for the identification of a are grown in most of the districts except
dominant rainfed crop district is adopted: for a very few crops which have specific
agro climatic requirements like soybeans
1. States covering semi-arid regions in and linseed.
full and margins from dry arid and
sub-humid were identified. There
Assessment of Surplus/Runoff
are sixteen states (Andhra Pradesh,
Tamilnadu, Karnataka, Orissa,
for Water Harvesting and Supple-
Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, mental Irrigation at District Level
Jharkhand, Chattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh, In India, normal period of southwest mon-
soon is from June to September/October. availability for harvesting and thus making
About 70% of annual rainfall is received use of the same for supplemental irrigation
through southwest monsoon. Parts of south during the crop-growing season.
India covering Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh
and Karnataka are in the transient zones For each of the districts both crop-wise and
of both southwest and northeast monsoon annual water balance analyses were done
(October to December). As total rainfall is following the FAO procedure. The climatic
spread over a few rainy days with high water balance for the whole year provides
intensity, it results in surface runoff and information on the possible surplus and deficit
erosion or causes temporary water stag- period during the year. Proper management
nation on agricultural fields, resulting in plans can be arrived at to augment the re-
higher evaporation. In either of these cases, sources with in the year based on the surplus
rainfall is not available for plant growth to availability for meeting not only the needs
complete the plant cycle. In order to raise of agriculture but also for other sectors. The
better crops, it is necessary to convert a water balance analysis was carried out for
part of the lost water (evaporation, excessive the entire year as well as for the cropping
runoff) into a more productive use i.e. for season for assessing the surplus and/or deficit
supplemental irrigation during dry spells. during the year to estimate the changes in
Supplemental irrigation cuts the yield losses available water through rainfall and atmo-
that result from dry spells, provides farmers spheric requirements of through evaporation
the confidence to invest in other produc- and changes in temporal availability of rain-
tion inputs (fertilizers, improved varieties) fall and plant water requirement, respectively.
and allows farmers to grow higher value Actual rainfall, normal rainfall, and normal
crops and diversify the enterprise. Objec- potential evapo-transpiration were taken
tive of this analysis is to assess the water from the available database.
Crop water balance based the rainfed area in 16 states) under study
surplus/deficit assessment for for various crops and estimated surplus and
on-farm water harvesting in deficit across rainfed region.
different rainfed crops across • An estimated amount of 11.5 M ha- m
dominant rainfed districts runoff is generated through 39 M ha of
rainfed area covering major crops.
Surplus runoff available from crop water
balance analysis was considered for on- • Out of the surplus of 11.5 M ha- m, 4.1
farm water harvesting. Total surplus from M ha- m is generated by about 6.5 M
a district is obtained by multiplication of ha of rainfed rice.
seasonal surplus with rainfed area under a
• Another 1.32 and 1.30 M ha of runoff
crop. Total surplus available from a cropped
is generated from soyabeans (2.8 M ha)
region is obtained by adding the surplus
and chickpea (3.35M ha), respectively.
from individual dominant districts identi-
fied for each crop. • Total rainfed coarse cereals (10.7 M ha)
generate about 2.1M ha-m of runoff.
Data under Table 2 presents a summary of
total rainfed cropped area (covering 85% of • Spatial distribution of runoff on agro
ecological sub region and river basin
Table 2. Available surplus runoff from the dominant rainfed districts/ regions for
the important dryland crops of India (based on Crop Water Balance Analysis)
Rainfed crop
Crop group Crop Surplus (ha-m) Deficit (ha-m)
area (‘000 ha)
Cereals Rice 6442 4123673 0
Coarse cereals Finger millet 607 158897 50
Maize 2591 778397 0
Pearl millet 3921 374664 11390
Sorghum 3537 784167 1489
Total (Coarse cereals) 10656 2096125 12929
Fiber Cotton 4143 759143 111069
Oilseeds Castor 351 19729 388
Groundnut 4457 357602 121694
Linseed 652 307276 1369
Sesame 1354 421694 458
Soya beans 2843 1329251 0
Sunflower 902 13327 10891
Total (Oilseeds) 10559 2448879 134800
Pulses Chickpea 3344 1307276 13020
Green gram 1279 91883 1330
Pigeon pea 2615 671848 4766
Total (Pulses) 7238 2071007 19116
Grand total 39038 11498827 277914
wise is shown in Fig 7a. Spatial dis- fied after deleting districts with runoff
tribution of surplus generation for all surplus of less than or equal to 50 mm
major rainfed districts and crops within and those districts with runoff less than
a district and for rainfed rice, cotton, 10% of seasonal rainfall. Following table
soybean, groundnut and maize growing (Table 3) gives summary of surplus and
districts is shown in Fig 8, 9.1 to 9.6. deficit for various crops after deletion of
districts which generate either less than
• Based on practical field experiences it
50 mm of runoff or less than 10 % of
was assumed that harvestable runoff is
seasonal rainfall.
practically available only with greater
than 50 mm of runoff surplus or greater • About 10.5 M ha of rainfed area gener-
than 10% of seasonal rainfall as runoff ates runoff of less than 50 mm (10.25
which otherwise can be made use of M ha) and 10% of seasonal rainfall
through in-situ conservation methods (0.25M ha) during the cropping period.
(Annual report, 2001). Thus, surplus Majority of 10.5 M ha is contributed
runoff generating districts were identi- by areas under groundnut, pearl mil-
let, sorghum, castor, and finger millet Based on this available surplus, irrigable
crops. area was estimated for single supplemen-
tal irrigation of 100 mm at reproductive
• Thus, the total estimated runoff surplus
stage of crop. This was estimated for both
for various rainfed crops is about 11.4
normal rainfall and drought years. Runoff
million ha-m (114.02 billion cubic meters)
during drought year is assumed to be 50%
from about 28.5 million ha which could
of runoff/ surplus during normal rainfall
be considered for water harvesting.
year (based on author’s estimates for se-
• Among individual crops, rainfed rice lected districts and rainfed crops in Andhra
contributes higher surplus (4.12 M ha-m Pradesh). Based on the experience during
from an area of 6.33 M ha) followed by drought years, more area can be brought
soybeans (1.30 M ha-m from 2.8 M ha). under supplemental irrigation as farmers
Deficit of rainfall for meeting crop water tend to apply water more economically on
requirement is also visible for crops like individual plant/ row basis. The estimated
groundnut, cotton, chickpea and pigeon irrigable area for both scenarios is given
pea. below (Table 4).
Surplus remaining
Surplus remaining
after supplemental
Rainfed crop after supplemental
Crop group Crop irrigation during
area (‘000 ha) irrigation in normal
drought season (M
season (M ha-m)
Oilseeds Castor 28 11647 4722
Groundnut 1663 193860 61922
Linseed 590 247440 95343
Sesame 1052 313593 116441
Soya beans 2843 1045003 380355
Sunflower 98 2183 0
Total (Oilseeds) 6273 1813727 658783
Pulses Chickpea 3006 1005564 359956
Green gram 458 39989 11695
Pigeon pea 1823 478544 158771
Total (Pulses) 5288 1524096 530423
Grand total 28568 8593778 3107950
Impact of Water Harvesting Structures on
Water Availability - A Case Study of Kokarda
Watershed, Nagpur District of Maharashtra
V Ramamurthy, NG Patil and Dipak Sarkar
National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land use Planning (NBSSLUP), Nagpur
sis through PRA (Conway, 1985). Transact reducing the seepage through the embank-
walk was conducted to identify the points ment base and increased the opportunity
for construction of nallah bunds. Kokarda time for the vertical movement of water.
watershed (280 ha) is a typical agricultural In 2003, recharge pond dugout near a well
watershed. In the watershed main stream to recharge the well through runoff water.
(nallah) originates at top of hillock that The runoff water from a catchment measur-
runs (north-south) through middle of wa- ing 5.6 ha was harvested in to a recharge
tershed. There are several small streams pond measuring top length and breadth
having width of 1-2 m originating from 6m and bottom length and breadth 4 m
crop fields and joining the main 4th order and height 1.5 m. The rainfall, water level
stream. The width of the mainstream mea- in the wells, time taken to recuperation,
sured about 3-6 m with depth varying 2-3 m period of water availability in the wells
in the middle and lower reach while length and area under irrigation before and after
of the stream was measured 1.5 km. After water conservation practices was monitored
intensive discussions with farmers along in 30 farmers’ fields and also in another
with resource mapping, participatory plan five farmers’ fields without the conservation
was finalized to implement nallah bunding practices as control.
(Modified gabion structure), renovate the
existing percolation tanks and construc- Location and Agro-climate of
tion of recharge pond near well. During
2001 summer months, construction of five the Study Area
modified gabions on the mainstream and The watershed, where the impact of water
the renovation of two percolation tanks conservation practices was evaluated is situat-
was taken up through participatory mode ed at 210 20’ N Latitude and 780 51’ E longitude
in the watershed. Farmers (30 in number) on an altitude ranging from 340m to 360m
around nallah and percolation tank partici- above MSL (Fig 1). The soils are dominated
pated in the programme. Nallah bunds were by Vertisols (deep black soils) and associated
constructed by using low cost method that soils (70%). Moderate deep-to-deep soils are
uses sand filled bags stacked into a cov- found in the valley, while shallow to medium
ering of iron wire net. On the upstream deep soils are on the escarpments. The shallow
and down stream sides of the embankment, soils are severely degraded, while the deep
boulders (locally available material) were soils have drainage problems. The dominant
used for protecting the structure. All the kharif (monsoon season) crops are sorghum,
bunds were designed to impound water cotton and soybean. Chickpea is the main
so as to facilitate increased percolation, as crop grown on residual soil moisture in the
well as to reduce downstream flow veloc- rabi (winter) season.
ity. A series of boulder bunds (16 numbers)
without masonry were constructed across Results
the nallah to check the gradient.
Increased Water Levels in Wells
Heavy seepage through the embankments On the basis of the data collected from ob-
of the percolation tanks was arrested servation wells and perception of farmers, it
through low cost stone pitching. A small was found that the water levels rose to the
impervious wall of 50 cm depth, 20 cm top tune of 3 to 8 m in the vicinity of percolation
width and 1:4 upstream slope helped in tanks and 6 to 10 m in the vicinity of nallah
bunds. Maximum rise in the water level of protective irrigation was provided at the
wells was observed near WHS 3 as compared early boll development stage.
to others. A total of 23 wells (50 %) were found
to be partly or fully influenced by the water Increased Duration of Water
conservation measures in the watershed. The Availability in Wells
data presented in Table 1 clearly indicate that The duration of water availability was taken
response was quick in showing its effect on as a measure to examine as to how the water
recharge within 10-15 days rainfall. conservation measures helped in improv-
The runoff collected for well recharge from ing the groundwater. Data on the duration
an area of 5.6 ha catchment was 5423 m3 . of water availability in a number of wells
Well-recharged water was used for giving i.e., number of months in a year was col-
protective irrigations to the cotton crop. The lected before and after the interventions.
data presented in Table 2 indicate that the Fig. 1 clearly illustrates that the duration of
protective irrigation significantly influenced water availability in the wells was limited
seed cotton yield over the control. Protec- to 3-4 months earlier. After the water con-
tive irrigation at the early boll development servation interventions, it increased to 8-9
stage recorded significantly higher seed cot- months. Due to increased period of water
ton yield compared to furrow irrigation at availability in the wells, the farmers could
0.6 or 0.8 IW/CPE but the yield on par with afford a greater number of irrigations to
two protective irrigations at early flowering crops, especially to the orange crop (Table
and boll development stage. WUE was the 3) than control fields.
maximum in the treatment where only one
• The effects of the structures was seen in • Farmers voluntarily look after the
the 2002 and 2003 as the farmers reported maintenance and contribute physical
satisfactory water levels in the wells. labour.
ous selfish exploitation of natural resources water harvesting and recycling. The state
degraded the lands, dwindled the avail- is having shallow and medium black soils
ability of water resources and erased the on 3.06 m.ha (6.91%), deep medium black
greenery. The gloomy status coupled with soils on 16.21 m.ha (36.53%) and mixed red
drought conditions, have their interactive, and black soils area 8.11 m.ha (18.30%).The
negative influence on the environment. The water harvesting technology developed at
crisis in India is more due to the misuse of CIAE, Bhopal is suitable for deep medium
natural resources like soil, water and forests, black soils of Madhya Pradesh. However
than due to industrialization. Present pace soil and water conservation technology
in progress, especially in growing greenery is highly location specific and a guideline
with watershed concept is insufficient to based on detailed needs to be carried out
yield enough corrective results as the an- region-wise in the state.
nual area brought under greening is less
than the area eroded. It is definitely high
time to stall the impending famine with Soils
determination. The blackish clayed soils of CIAE farm are
dark coloured Vertisols silty clay to clay in
Immediate hastening of the efforts is war- texture with depth greater than one m.
ranted for preserving the meager dense Three soil series namely, Nabi Bagh - 1
greens, maintaining good lands, improving (49.1 ha) Nabi Bagh-2 (4.4 ha) and Lam-
bad conditions and restoring green foliage bakheda (10.5 ha) have been identified and
through scientific, integrated management. physico-chemical properties of these soils
Watershed management concept, imple- have been studied.
mented on war footing, should help the
country in not only reversing the trends, As per the textural analysis, soils have 7%
but also reviving the good environment gravel, 15% sand, 2% coarse, 13% fine, 31%
through modern but simple, technical, silt and 55% clay. The structural class of the
appropriate, economical and feasible mea- soils is sub angular blocky. Bulk density is
sures. 1.84g/cc and bearing capacity of soil is 11
t/m2. Soil depth is 2.4 m. Field capacity is
A major part of the Indian agriculture 30.86% and wilting point 19.22%. The avail-
mainly depends upon rainfall, which is able water is 21 cm/100 cm of soil depth.
both inadequate and uncertain. The agro- Average infiltration rate on prolonged wet-
climatic regions and crop zones in Madhya ting is 10 mm/h. The hydraulic conductivity
Pradesh including Chhatisgarh (Table-1) of soil is 23 cm/day at 0 to 40 cm depth
indicate that the rainfall varies from 800 and its value is 1.27 cm/day at 0 to 180 cm
to1600mm per annum and there is very depth. Drainable porosity is 7%. The pecu-
good potential for rainwater harvesting and liar trend of hydraulic conductivity and low
recycling for stable agricultural production. value of drainable porosity poses drainage
However, the total food grain production problems in these soils. The pH of soil is 8.0
is 1097kg ha-1 as compared to all India pro- (slightly alkaline). Organic carbon is 0.48%.
duction of 1620 kg ha-1 (1999-2000). Madhya Exchangeable cations of Ca, Mg, Na, and
Pradesh being blessed with very good land K are 31.23, 8.39, 0.864 and 0.511 Meq/100
and water resources, has potential for in- gm of soil respectively and cation exchange
creasing the productivity of land through capacity of soil is 49 meq/100 gm.
tion was given to kharif crop (rice) and rabi cent when irrigated once at CRI, twice at
crop (wheat and chickpea) in the vicinity pre-sowing + CRI and thrice at per-sowing
of pond. The loss through evaporation and + CRI+ flowering stage. Similarly, grain
seepage varied from 38 to 68 per cent of yields of chickpea, linseed and safflower
stored water depending on storage time of were increased by 90, 56 and 51 per cent
3.5 to 6.5 months. Water which was utilized with two irrigations at pre-sowing start,
in kharif for transplanting of rice was refilled which is most essential to rabi crops in the
(36.16 to 8.4 per cent of stored water) de- event of early withdrawal of monsoon and
pending on rains. Water utilized was 69 per insufficient storage of residual moisture in
cent of the stored water. About 1.5 ha was the soil after the harvest of kharif crops and
irrigated during kharif and 6 to 7 ha during delayed winter rains.
rabi from the pond (2.54 ha m). Based on
this study, the area of submergence as af- It was further observed that the applica-
fected by watershed area and pond depth tion of nitrogen fertilizer along with the
is given in Fig. 2 and command area of life saving irrigation to crops like chickpea,
pond is given in Fig 3. linseed and safflower (Table 6 & 7) gave a
good boost to crop productivity in this area.
The Results of the Studies on The mean increment in grain yield of the
irrigated chickpea with 10 and 20kg.N/ha
Water Recycling
was 5.0 and 6.6 q/ha over no N. In linseed
The results of the studies on recycling of the the response to N in the presence of irri-
runoff water for the kharif and rabi (Table gation at 40 and 80 kg. N/ha over control
5) showed that one and two irrigations at was 2.0 and 3.0 q/ha. For same N levels,
transplanting and grain filling stages to the response for safflower was 2.6, 4.4 and
rainfed rice increased the grain yield by 6.4 q/ha with 30, 60 and 90 kg N/ha, re-
44 and 90 per cent, respectively over no spectively over control. This showed that
irrigation. For soybean, one life saving ir- for harvesting maximum benefit from the
rigation at grain filling stage in the years limited irrigation potential, the N fertiliza-
of early withdrawal of the monsoon could tion should be increased at matching rate
raise the yield by 45 per cent, and for wheat in order to meet the increased nutritional
the yield was raised by 43, 78 and 100 per demand of the crop.
at the outlet. For this purpose, various obser- 2. Gabion structures should be
vations were made on the performance of constructed in a fairly reasonable
various structures constructed under vari- uniform section of gully instead of
ous schemes in the region. narrow section.
It was observed that the gabions serving 3. In the black soil region, the gabion
as outlet (in the tanks constructed in the structure can be provided in the form
village Hingonia and Pipliyatapha during of outlet in water harvesting tank very
1990-91 constructed under Operational Re- safely.
search Project on Dry Land Agriculture, 4. Thus gabions are cheaper and very
College of Agriculture, Indore) are working effective structure, which can be
quite satisfactorily. The outlets are retain- adopted in this region.
ing water on upstream side and draining
only excess water from the crest portion Thus, in the present study, the use of ma-
even after fifteen years. Similarly the gabion sonary structure was discouraged and a
outlet of water harvesting tank constructed suitable flexible, cheaper and effective alter-
at College of Agriculture, Indore campus native gabion structure was constructed by
during the year 2000, has been observed the farmers themselves under the technical
to be working satisfactorily without any guidance of project team.
structural/ hydraulic failure. On the other
hand, it has been observed that at many a Site Selections for the
places, the concrete structures left the posi- Construction of Various Tanks
tions and allowed the water to run down under the Scheme
in the other direction. In most of the cases,
Before the start of actual project work in
structural and mechanical failures in these
2005, a few probable sites particularly in the
concrete structures have been observed.
farmers cultivated fields for the construc-
tion of excavated water harvesting tanks,
Results and Discussions were selected after assessing various hydro-
This shows that rather than concrete struc- geo-morphological characteristics of the each
tures gabion can withstand the swelling and micro-watershed. Reconnaissance survey and
shrinkage of black clay soil. Therefore, suffi- transect walk of the watersheds was carried
cient evidences are available through which out for this purpose. Based on the survey and
it can be recommended that in black soil the observations made, a few suitable sites
region gabion structure can be provided were identified keeping in view the probable
in the form of outlet in water harvesting size, shape, catchment area, command area
tank. Thus gabions are cheaper and very and provision of inlet/outlet.
effective structure, which can be adopted Similarly, one extra suitable site for the con-
in this region. struction of excavated cum embankment
From the above studies, it is emerged that type water harvesting tank with suitable
outlet was also selected. The following
1. Rather than concrete structures, points were considered while selecting the
gabion can withstand the swelling gullies for the studies:
and shrinkage nature of black clay
• No abrupt change in the bed slope;
It is clear from the data Tables 1 and 2 that ter conservation but also they are sharing
during 2005-06, eight tanks of varying sizes even their cultivated portions of the land.
and shapes have been constructed. For the This is certainly an evidence of change in
construction of tanks waste portion as well their mindset and attitude otherwise earlier
as cultivated portion/land have been uti- they (villagers) were ready to provide only
lized. It is very clear that farmers are not community land /government land for the
only convinced with the technology for wa- creation of water bodies.
Out of these eight tanks, one was construct- 1 cum of water worked out to be Rs. 35/- in
ed in a gullied portion using bulldozers and case of excavated cum embankment type
JCB machines. Bulldozer was engaged to tank. On the other hand the cost of 1 cum
make the tank boundary, shaping of tank water varies from Rs. 35/- to 73/- depend-
area, construction of earthen /embankment ing upon the soil type and location of the
tanks. JCB machines are taking for the tank excavated type tanks. It is also observed
area. At the same time a huge gabion struc- that the highest cost involvement was in
ture in form of outlet was constructed at the the Abhayankar tank. This is mainly due
foot of these gully where it runs on to stable to involvement of bulldozer machine for
gradient. However, no separate outlets were deciding the boundary in this tank area.
made in the remaining seven tanks, as these However in this type of tanks, bulldozers
tanks are excavated tanks constructed on are not required as only JCB machines can
natural drainage lines, thus providing safe create storage area. Thus, it is recommended
disposal of the excess runoff. The cost of that for the construction of water harvesting
creating 1 ha-cm of storage capacity for each tanks in the Malwa region, priority should
tank has also been worked out. It is evident be given to the gullied portion where tanks
that the cost of construction of excavated can be created with suitable gabion outlet
cum embankment type tank is lower than as the initial cost of the tank remains lower
that of the excavated tanks. Thus the cost of than the excavated tank. Similarly, for the
Table 1. Impact of farm pond on net returns accrued from production of tomatoes
(in 0.5 acre land) during 2008
S. No. Particulars Amount (Rs.)
1 Gross returns 1,30,450
2 Total cost of cultivation of crop (a) 23,600
Cost of digging of pond (b) 35000
3 Net returns accrued from production of tomatoes (1-2a) 107,350
Net returns accrued after recovering cost of farm pond [1-2 (a+b)] 72,350
4 BCR based on total cost of cultivation of crop 5.53
BCR based on total cost of cultivation including cost of pond 2.23t
ing and the technology has been up-scaled with NREG within the Gram Panchayat and
to 30 more farmers through participatory also it is being up-scaled by the line depart-
demand-driven approach and convergence ment in the district.
c. Dimensions
Side slopes: The side slopes are decided by
the angle repose for the sub-soil. Where
the soils are very deep (more than 90 cm),
the angle of repose for the deep black soils
may also have to be considered. The con-
stant action of standing water may require
relatively flatter side slopes to avoid slip- NB: For square section X = Y
page due to saturation. Generally, the side
Table 2. Dimensions of best section (square) of dugout farm ponds for different design
capacities (V) and depths (D) in black soil with a recommended side slope (Z) of 1.5:1
Design For 2.0 m depth For 2.5 m depth
Capacity Bottom side of Top side of Bottom side of Top side of
(V) square section square section square section square section
cum (X), m (X1), m (X), m (X1), m
500 12.5 18.5 9.9 17.4
750 16.1 22.1 13.2 20.7
1000 19.2 25.2 15.9 23.4
1250 21.8 27.8 18.3 25.8
1500 24.2 30.2 20.5 28.0
1750 26.4 32.4 22.4 29.9
2000 28.5 34.5 24.3 31.8
2250 30.4 36.4 26.0 33.5
2500 32.2 38.2 27.6 35.1
e. Outlet
It is economical and advantageous to go in
Farm pond – Grassed waterway leading to farm for an inlet-outlet structure where possible.
pond (inlet, gauging scale seen) When it becomes necessary to separate the
two, the outlet is constructed as a rectan-
d. Inlet gular or square channel, this outlet posi-
The inlet is designed as a chute spillway tion will be a little lower than the elevation
for diverting the runoff into the pond in of the inlet to avoid backwater effect. The
discharge capacity of the outlet can be as- v) Stepping method of constructions: Since it
sumed to be half that of the inlet capacity will not be possible to have the cutting
at peak rate of runoff. exactly to the trapezoidal shape, a
segment wise construction known as
stepping method is adopted during the
Construction of Farm Pond time of actual excavation. These steps like
Construction of an Excavated formation can be subsequently cased out
Farm Pond involves the Following to get the required shape and designed
Works: side slopes. By doing so calculation of
earthwork and payment of wages for the
i) Site clearing: The area, where the pond is day’s work becomes easy. While using
to be finally dug out should be cleared earthmovers care should be taken to
to an extent of about 20 m from all sides maintain the side slope.
after demarcation. All bushes, shrubs,
stumps, thorns and other unwanted
materials like roots; etc. should be Formation of Spoil Bank
removed. Since considerable quantity of spoil would
ii) Leveling: As there will be depressions be obtained from such dug out ponds, the
and undulation, it may be necessary disposal of the same should be done sys-
to plough the area and harrow it to tematically and in a proper manner. Though
get a more or less even topography. it was estimated that 40% of the cost of
This will facilitate easy calculation construction could be obtained by disposing
of earthwork quantities. If more murrum obtained from such dug out ponds
precise data on earthwork is required (for the utilization of forming rural roads)
and if there are many big humps/ this proposition is not gaining popularity
mules and depressions which can with different agencies. Hence it is desir-
not be eliminated by ploughing and able to spread murrum in a proper way to
harrowing them levels at 5 m or 10 keep the loss of area to a minimum and to
m grids may be taken to find cut the avoid the wastage of the layout on spreading
actual lay of the area where the pond it. Hence, the existing bunds and internal
is to be constructed. farm roads can be strengthened using the
excavated murrum. The excess soil can be
iii) Demarcating pond area: The farm pond placed on the field after making a bund
site is demarcated by driving pegs around the pond.
to indicate the four corners and if
necessary the sides can be extended
beyond the actual site of the pond.
iv) Establishing reference level: Spot level at
the corners and at the mid point is taken
with reference to a nearby temporary
B.M. The average of these levels is
transferred on to a permanent/semi
permanent object at an approximate
distance of about 15 to 20 m from the Farm pond at Joladarasi watershed showing inlet,
pond site. outlet and spoil bank
Shoulder Bund and Toe Drain A firm murrum base may be provided
The rainwater falling on the spoil bank before the actual construction of any
and the berm is likely to enter the pond, such structures like inlet and outlet in
which creates rills around. To prevent such black soils.
riling the shoulder bund with a small toe iii) Maintenance of shoulder bunds: toe
drain, which should run along with soil drains and spoil bank: Breaches and
bank, may be provided; allow the water rill formations in the spoil bank and
thus collected into the pond or take it out shoulder bunds should be attended
through earthenware pipes. to and plugged promptly. Toe drains
should be free of earthen boulder or
Silt Trap humps to permit easy passage of water
A silt trap of suitable dimension is created flowing through the toe drain.
in the watercourse just near the entrance iv) Clearing silt trap: The silt accumulated
of the inlet to check the bed load entering in the silt trap should be removed
the pond. The length of such silt trap can periodically, and preferably as and
be slightly greater than the width of the when it gets filled up after a few runoff
watercourse and the depth may be about events.
0.75 to 1 m with side slopes of 1:1.
v) Fencing of the farm pond: Barbed wire
Cost: The average cost of construction of fencing of 4 to 5 strands barbed wire
storage works out to Rs.90=00/cum and this may be provided around the farm pond
includes formation of spoil bank, inlet, out to prevent human beings and animals
let and silt trap as per the present rates. from slipping or falling into the pond.
Provide wicket gate with bamboo/
wooden sticks wherever required. Bio-
Maintenance of Farm Ponds fencing with local materials is another
i) Desiltation: The farm ponds constructed alternative.
in deep black soils get silted up @ 5 to 6
vi) Maintenance of depth gauges: In order to
t/ha per year. Hence, periodic desilting
know the depth of water and thereby
to restore the original storage capacity is
volume of water stored in the pond,
required. In the case of drinking water
depth gauges are installed. Repainting
ponds, desilting may be necessary once
and rewriting the scales should be done
in 2 years, where as in the case of ponds
periodically to maintain them.
meant for supplemental irrigation,
desilting may be done once in 5 to 10 vii) Control of water pollution: Drinking water
years, depending upon the volume of ponds should be chlorinated periodically
silt accumulation and decrease in the to prevent waterborne communicable
storage capacity. diseases. The water should be periodi-
cally tested for quality.
ii) Maintenance of inlet and outlet:
Construction of any structure in the viii) Control of aquatic weed growth: With the
black soil requires specific attention and deposition of silt/sediment from the
care, owing to the excessive swelling runoff some aquatic weeds like reeds
and shrinkage properties that develop and other obnoxious weeds do come up
and ultimately the structure collapses. and thrive well under such conditions.
ix) Efforts should be made to remove them, also be developed for growing horticultural
or else these weeds/plants not only and vegetable crops, which would further
transpire large quantities of water but make the system more viable. Thus, water
also induce decaying, thereby affecting harvesting and runoff recycling helps to
quality of water in the pond. stabilize and support a large proportion
of agriculture in the semi arid tropics. It
further brings awareness in the farmers on
Brief Results the benefit of conserving the twin natural
Recycling of Pond Water resources soil and rainwater.
Rabi crops are, in general, grown on residual
moisture conditions, as there is practically
Strategies for Up-scaling
little or no rainfall after sowings. The success
or failure of early sown rabi crops depend on Water is the most attractive part for dryland
October rains. Experience shows that crops agriculture. Farmers are accepting this water
suffer from moisture stress right from 30th harvesting technology. However, the Imple-
day of crop growth. The potential of stored mentation of farm pond on watershed basis
water as a source of supplemental irrigation must be done through farmers watershed
to save the crops was, therefore, studied committee/watershed societies. Because it
since 1972 and its economics evaluated. The involves huge cost, it must be financed by
results show that providing protective ir- state, central agencies NGOs, etc. Poor farm-
rigation to sorghum in small quantities of ers of the dryland areas cannot afford the
5 cm over large areas at the start of mild cost of construction. Once implementation
stress is more paying than at higher levels is made in one watershed successfully then
of irrigation. The cost benefit ratio varied this technology may be adopted swiftly in
between 2.5 to 3.4 for sorghum crop in this other watersheds.
region. This means, harvested water should
be given as a life saving practice to tide References
over moisture stress during critical stages
namely, at or between grand growth period Chittaranjan S, Ram Mohan Rao MS and
and boot leaf in case of sorghum. Selvarajan S. (1980). Runoff Harvesting
and Recycling on Black Soils for Increas-
ing Crop Production. Bellary Extension
Lessons Learnt Bulletin No.3 CS&WCR&TI, RC, Bellary.
The areas around the farm pond could (Karnataka).
T3-concrete plaster (8:4:1) of 4 cm thickness the soil-cement (6cm) lined tank (Rs. 1950/-)
and T4- with no lining. The seepage loss was nearly 21 per cent cheaper than that
was measured immediately after a heavy of soil-cement (8cm) lined tank (Rs. 2362/-).
rainfall. The method adapted for measuring The economic loss due to seepage was the
the seepage loss was, volume of water lost lowest (Rs. 2.03 /day) in soil cement (6:1)
daily from the pond. mortar of 8 cm thickness.
Potential Storage Capacity is 140.40 MCFT, Farm pond is generally constructed at the
providing direct recharge to 440 wells. tapering end of the field to reduce soil ero-
sion and conserve water for recharge or
A total of 3047 households and net 2379 irrigation purpose.
households have been benefited by the
interventions. Dimension of the structure
The average size of the structure is 20 m x
Focusing on Farm Ponds 20m x 1.5 m. However, it may vary based
The demand for farm ponds has been in- on the landholding and farmer’s capacity
creasing as it has emerged as a low cost to invest.
viable option to harvest rainwater in the
drought-prone areas. Along with increased Cost of the structure
recharge, it also provides support irrigation. In 2003, the cost was Rs 15000 and increased
After excess rain, it also copes with the prob- to Rs 20,000 in 2009.
lem of excessive waterlogging in the fields.
It is more so beneficial in this area because Subsidy
even if the first spell of the rainfall is de-
AKRSP (I) provides 45% subsidy and now
cent, then the water storage is sufficient to
reduced it to 35 % grant to better off farm-
irrigate crops and can cope with the late
ers and reduced from 90% to 70 % for the
second spell of the rainfall. The late and
poor farmers. This classification is based on
lower second spell of rainfall is normally
a village PRA exercise. The definition of the
the trend in Surendranagar. Hence, farm
term vary from village to village based on
ponds act as source of support irrigation
the local conditions.
for crops, thus assuring for farmers of a
decent livelihood.
Factors Augmenting the Cause
416 structures have been constructed in the a. Shift from Community based
programme area benefiting 416 household Intervention to Individual based
& farmers in 46 villages. Of these, 101 struc- Intervention
tures have been constructed in one par-
To address the scarcity Issue of water, es-
ticular village.
pecially for agriculture, the geographical
condition of the area, most of the times his land. As the monsoon arrived he had
does not provide better options for big struc- to wait for at least 20 days for recharging
tures. This opens the option of individual of his well after one of the ponds in the
based structures in the villages. Navagam village was filled.
Bavadiaya was a classic case.
Season after season this continued for
In village Navagam Bavadiya, big structures him and then in year 2005 AKRSPI staff
were not feasible on public land hence the discussed with the villager about the
VDC members (100% women) decided to construction of farm pond (a pond con-
focus on the individual basis. Hence farm structed in the direction of slope were all
ponds on individual lands were planned the rainwater from that catchment area
and constructed. Now 101 farm ponds have gets collected, and directly results in quick
been completed in the village. The demand recharge of the well). Following this dis-
is for more such structures because of the cussion, around 25 people were taken on
benefits. an exposure visit to another programme
village to see the farm pond and talk to
1. The farmers whose crops were affected farmers. After the exposure visit, farmer
during harvesting time due to lack of constructed the farm pond on his land
water now get good production. The and from there on there is no looking
farmers who had not taken any winter back for him.
crop during his entire life now have
started taking crops in the winter. The intervention has brought many fold
changes for Deva bhai, i.e.
2. 50% of the soil excavated from the pond
is used in the bund and the remaining is • The command area of the well has in-
spread in the fields. Hence due to good creased from 2 acres to 7 acres, as water
soil there was increase in production. level has gone up by 20 feet
3. The damage to the crop due to the • The timely availability of irrigation facil-
problem of waterlogging has been ity has increased the productivity and
tackled. the cultivation of cotton in majority of
b. Sharing the Impact of the Farm pond • The fertile soil which used to runoff is
deposited in the farm pond will be used
Impact of the benefits when shared and as fertilizer in the coming years.
analyzed by the beneficiary himself has a
greater impact on others. Here is one such These three changes had a positive impact
case study. It’s also known as “the spread in the net income of Deva bhai as shown in
effect“. the table containing comparative analysis of
income and expenditure in the context of ag-
A Case Study: Deva bhai ghusa bhai Jamph- riculture before and after the intervention.
adia is a resident of Khintla village in Sayla
taluka of Surendranagar district. He has a The net profit in 2004 was Rs. 8450 (41000-
land holding of 17.5 bighas and owned a 32550) and in 2005, it was Rs. 33510 (79700-
well to irrigate the land. But due to irregular 46190). Thus, there was a four fold increase
monsoons and drought every third year in the net profit in one year due to avail-
he could not take a very good yield from ability of water to irrigate the land.
This increase in the net profit has given construction of house can wait for year
confidence to Deva bhai to further invest or so as it is unproductive expenditure,
in the agricultural infrastructure, which right now investing in agriculture will be
will increase the efficiency and reduce productive and increase the income. I will
the cost. He has already invested his first think what can be done with the income
year ’s profit in the maintenance of his in the coming years.)
well. As he says “Ghar banavva ma paisa
nakhva thi koi aavak thavani nahi ghar c. Special focus on Training and capacity
to be varah pachhi pan bani sake aatyare building of the villagers and village
kheti ma paisa nakhis to aavak vadhse leaders
aane pacchi aa paisa ma thi vichari ne This was undertaken through various types
baddhu karsu.” (Investing the money in of project training, institutional training,
mass awareness programmes, internal & the developmental activities in the village.
external exposure The farmers were interested in undertak-
ing a farm pond, and put their demand to
In this particular village, the following ac- their VDC. The VDC approved the demand
tivities were undertaken: and sent it to AKRSP (I) for implementa-
• Project training was provided to 40 mem- tion through the E.V. (Extension Volunteer).
bers A strong VDC can plan and bring in pro-
• Institutional Training was provided to grammes from various agencies.
• Mass awareness programmes were un- F. Focusing / promoting Gender
dertaken. In all the Village Development Committee
• Internal exposure was provided to 48 (VDC), there are women members. It’s man-
members datory to have 1/3rd female members. The
point worth noting is that the VDC of the
• External exposure was provided to 54 village Navagam Bavadiya was not able to
members resolve the problem of drinking water in
• Total villagers trained was 182, of these the village. After rounds of debates and dis-
net household covered were 111, of these cussions the women of the villages decided
34 are poor, 76 medium and 1 rich. to take the responsibility of village devel-
opment in their hands. Today the Village
D. Special Focus on Poor Development Committee (VDC) comprises
In all the development programmes despite of all female members.
subsidy, the real poor or the needy are al-
ways left out. The condition becomes even Secondly, priority for the construction of
more serious when the member is from the farm ponds or other WRD structures or
lower segment of the society (SC, ST, and SWC activities are given to those women
OBC). Special subsidy amount was paid who are owners of agricultural land / farm
for the poor who are identified based on over male beneficiaries. 32% of all the farm
a village wealth ranking PRA exercise. The pond beneficiaries across the programme
definition of the terms varies from village area are women.
to village based on the local conditions.
Thirdly, the payment in case of all WRM
Secondly, the time spent in motivating the & SWC activities are made in the name of
poorest especially from the weaker section women members of the family to empha-
is four times greater than the normal ben- size that along with the labour work she
eficiaries. According to the field staff “If we does on the farm, she also has a say in its
construct 50 farm ponds a year in the general planning and future development.
category, with same resources, we can construct
12 to 15 ponds from the poor category , as they G. Specific benefits perceived by the
require more follow-up and more support / confi- people based on the local conditions
dence in undertaking the particular activity. ” particular to the area
“The rain pattern in Sayla area is very pe-
E. Role of community Institutions culiar, the gap between the first spell and
In every village there is a Village Develop- second spell of rain are often more. The
ment Committee (VDC), which looks into second spell is low and spread over in few
days. So we lose. But with the construction Increase in the water holding capacity of
of this farm pond I have been able to manage the well: The duration of water availability
the situation and saved my crop from being in the well has also increased. People who
a failure. I have 3 acres of land and could had never taken a second crop have started
take only cotton crop as the water in my 60 getting a second crop.
feet well would dry up. Earlier, the water in
the well would come at the end of the mon- Despite the success in the construction of
soon and would last only 2 months. Now individual farm ponds in village Navagam
with the construction of the farm pond, the Bavadiya, we have not had the same suc-
water in the well comes within a week of cess in other villages (> 50%) even with
the rains and last for more than 4 months. focused efforts in training & support. The
The production is almost doubled. Further, reasons for this are –
I could grow wheat for first time. This year • Non availability of proper geographical
I have taken an additional 4 acres of land conditions likes –
on lease for agriculture.”
- Availability of hard rock in excava-
- Devabhai Laxman bhai, village - tion. Ex. Gadh, Kotada, Dhandhalpur,
Pipaliya taluka - Kamlapur. Vatavachh, etc.
Excessive waterlogging: Excessive water - Non availability of recharge strata.
causes waterlogging in the farms, which
- Availability of saline soil, which
causes extensive damage to the crop. With
increases the salinity of the water,
the construction of the farm pond, water
stored in the farm pond and even
diverted to the pond.
seeps into the well. Example villages,
Late and Low second spell: Seeds of cotton Dhamarasara, Mota Sukhpar, Sukhda
are costly and farmers sow them after the etc.
first spell of rain. If the second spell of rain • Small Land holding: Farmers having
is delayed, the young crop dries up. With
small land holding are skeptical of
the construction of farm ponds, water can
giving away 400sq mts of their land.
provide the life- saving dose.
It’s really tough convincing people
Use of 50 % excavated soil in field: People that “something is better than noth-
use 50% of the excavated earth on the bund ing”. People are moving towards it.
and the remaining 50% are spread out in but the process is slow.
the field. This new layer of soil in their field
has helped in increasing the productivity
of the land. Conclusion
For scaling–up the adoption of the farm
Increase in the rate of percolation in the well: pond we need to be flexible and have
With the construction of the well, the per- a supportive programme with a degree
colation of the recharged water in the well of commitment from the implementers.
is fast. The water is available within a week, Focus on capacity building, exposure and
which earlier took nearly a month. gender.
productivity (Mishra et al., 1998). Further, the rabi and growing of horticultural crops
this region is prone to frequent occurrences on the embankment of the farm pond.
of natural calamities such as flood, drought
and cyclone, which repeatedly weaken the
financial backbone of the farming commu- Methodology
nity. Therefore, to ensure continuous flow of The study was carried out in five farm-
income throughout the year and minimize ers’ fields, located in the medium lands at
the risks associated with natural calamities Sadeiberini village of Dhenkanal district,
affecting mono-cropping system, rice-based Orissa (Lat. 20o58/ N and Long. 83o51/ E) for
farming system through multiple/cascading three consecutive years (2001-02 to 2003-04).
use of water seems to be promising and In the mid lands, each rice plot was provided
viable technological option. Rice-based in- with a brick masonry broad-crested rectan-
tegrated farming systems are less risky due gular weir at the partition dike between the
to their efficiency, derived from synergism farm pond and the rice field. The length
among other components, their diversity of the weir was kept at about 1 to 1.5 m.
of produce and environmental soundness. Three weir heights of 15 cm; 20 cm and 25
Although various combinations of integrat- cm were considered as treatments with two
ed farming systems have been introduced replications each (total six plots) for in-situ
worldwide, integrated rice-fish system has conservation of rainwater in the rice fields.
shown greater potential, feasibility and ef- In this process, a portion of rainwater was
ficiency to improve the use of agricultural conserved in the rice field up to the weir
resources (Mishra and Mohanty, 2004). crest level (weir height). The excess rain-
water above the crest level, was allowed to
In the backdrop of this, the research effort spill over the weir for further conservation
focused here on the conservation of rain- in the farm pond. Though the design area
water and adoption of integrated rice-based of the farm pond was kept at 10% area of
farming systems in the mid lands. The objec- the rice field, farmers initially did not spare
tive of the intervention was to enhance the that much area for farm pond. Therefore,
land and water productivity and cropping at the downstream end of each plot, a farm
intensity through multiple use management pond was constructed, approximately oc-
of the harvested rainwater. The rainwater cupying 5-8% of the individual plot size to
immediately falling over the rice field is harvest the excess rainwater during heavy
conserved through strengthening of bund downpour. The average depth of the farm
height around the rice field and providing pond was kept at 1.75 m with a side slope
a surplus weir at the down stream bund of 1:1. The top width of the embankment
of the rice field at an optimal height. The of the farm pond was kept 1 m. The excess
excess rainwater spilling over the weir is water from the farm pond was drained out
further harvested through the provision of through a hume pipe (fixed at weir crest
a small farm pond constructed in the rice level) with fine-meshed net to prevent es-
field at its downstream portion. The har- cape of fish (Mishra et al., 2003). Schematic
vested water in the farm pond is utilized diagram of the farm pond with rice field
for providing supplemental irrigation in dry and surplus weir is shown in Fig. 1.
spells to the kharif rice, rearing of a short
duration fish culture of about four to six During the rainy season, ‘Saruchinamali’
months, cultivation of light duty crops in (farmer’s choice, a traditional local variety),
Table 1. Average depth of standing water (m) in the farm ponds in different years
Weir Year August Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb
15 2001-02 1.70 1.70 1.71 1.69 1.66 1.62 1.63
2002-03 1.10 1.08 1.07 1.05 1.02 1.03 1.02
2003-04 1.21 1.20 1.20 1.19 1.16 1.17 1.15
Average 1.34 1.33 1.33 1.31 1.28 1.27 1.27
20 2001-02 1.58 1.43 1.45 1.31 1.24 1.17 1.18
2002-03 1.28 1.24 1.09 0.89 0.79 0.74 0.65
2003-04 1.62 1.57 1.54 1.53 1.43 1.40 1.36
Average 1.49 1.41 1.36 1.24 1.15 1.10 1.06
25 2001-02 1.62 1.61 1.59 1.54 1.47 1.39 1.38
2002-03 1.22 1.16 1.05 0.93 0.87 0.81 0.74
2003-04 1.60 1.59 1.58 1.56 1.48 1.40 1.38
Average 1.48 1.45 1.41 1.34 1.27 1.20 1.17
year, the farmers could grow paddy during Kharif crop Growth and Yield
the monsoon using the stored water from Table 2 presents the treatment wise and
the farm ponds as life saving irrigations. variety wise average yields and yield attri-
They could also successfully carryout fish butes of the rainy season’s rice crop. Highest
culture in the farm ponds. In this drought grain yield of 5.3 t/ha was obtained in 20
year, the stored water depths in all the farm cm weir height plots. Highest panicle/m2
ponds and pond were lower in comparison was observed in 15 cm weir height plots,
to other two experimental years. followed by 20 cm weir height. Similarly,
Table 2. Average yield attributes and yield of kharif rice (2001-02 to 2003-04)
Weir height No of filled grains/
Panicles/ m2 Grain yield (t/ha)
(treatment) panicle
15 cm 272.1 140.8 4.59
20 cm 267.6 143.9 5.30
25 cm 257.9 150.3 4.83
CD (0.05) NS NS 0.556
Rice variety
Saruchinamali 238.4 131.2 4.12
Moti 272.3 147.4 4.7
Jagannath 286.8 156.4 5.91
CD (0.05) NS NS 0.382
49.03% and 82.52%, respectively. Thus, the harvested water have been successfully
highest water productivity in rice + fish demonstrated in the farmers’ fields. Supple-
+ embankment horticulture + rabi crop mental irrigation to the kharif rice during
combination indicates the most efficient and dry spells, short-duration pisciculture in
multiple use of conserved rainwater, which the farm ponds, horticulture on the farm
has almost doubled the water productivity pond embankment and cultivation of light
over mono-cropped rice. duty rabi crops have been successfully tried
in the farmers’ field. This has resulted in
Economics significant increase in the crop yield, crop-
The highest gross returns of Rs. 46,238 and ping intensity and net return. The dual pro-
net returns of Rs. 29,617 were recorded with duction system (rice and fish) in the kharif,
20 cm weir height, followed by 25 cm weir perennial horticulture and light duty rabi
height (Table 5). The highest benefit cost crops generate additional income, employ-
ratio of 2.78 was obtained with 20 cm weir ment opportunity and nutritional security.
height, followed by a ratio of 2.70 with 25 In addition, this also minimizes the risks
cm weir height. The cost difference between due to natural calamities. The system is eco-
different weir heights was not significant; friendly and promotes synergism between
hence it was not taken into consideration. different components.
The gross returns were calculated by add- This technology can be successfully imple-
ing the returns generated from kharif rice, mented in large areas. Selection of the ap-
fish and rabi crops. The returns from ba- propriate area (medium and shallow low
nana and papaya were also included. The land) for its implementation is extremely
above cost benefit was calculated for the important. Sporadic application of this tech-
base year of 2004. nology will lead to problems like cattle graz-
ing in the rabi season and poaching of fish
Lessons Learnt from farm ponds. Hence, it is recommended
In the rainfed medium land, in-situ and to adopt this technology in relatively large
ex-situ conservation of rainwater through patches to avoid these problems. Further,
provision of optimum dike height and if high duty crops are to be grown in the
farm pond, respectively observed to be a rabi, then more area needs to be put under
viable solution in harvesting the rainwa- farm pond.
ter in diked rice fields. Individual farmers
can make this intervention (construction) in
their own field with a little training. This Strategies for up scaling
is suitable for small and marginal farmers. Individual farmers can implement this
Efficient and multiple use management of technique of rainwater harvesting in their
Table 5. Benefit cost ratio of the farming system (three year’s average)
Weir height Gross returns Cost of cultivation Net returns (Rs./ B:C ratio
(Rs./ha) (Rs./ha) ha)
15 cm 43,990 16,620 27,370 2.65
20 cm 46,240 16,620 29,620 2.78
25 cm 44,830 16,620 28,210 2.70
own field. In the state of Orissa, this tech- servation technique”. Agricultural Water
nology has been given to the Watershed Management, 67:119-131.
Mission, Government of Orissa which is
Mishra A, Mohanty RK, Kannan K, James
implementing it in large scale through vari-
BK and Nanda P. (2003) “Rainwater
ous watershed development schemes. This
conservation and management for in-
has become one of the very popular water
tegrated rice (Oryza sativa)-fish farming
conservation measures in the watershed
in the rainfed medium and low land eco-
development schemes. Other states having
systems”. Indian Journal of Agricultural
similar areas can implement it through vari-
Sciences (ICAR), 73(11): 605-608.
ous watershed development schemes.
Pal AR, Rathore AL and Pandey VK. (1994)
“On-farm rainwater storage systems for
References improving riceland productivity in east-
Bhuiyan SI and Goonasekera K. (1988) ern India: opportunities and challenges”.
“Rainwater management for increasing In: On-farm Reservoir Systems for Rain-
production of rice and upland crops.” fed Ricelands (S.I. Bhuiyan eds.), IRRI,
Paper presented at the International Rice Los Banos, Philippines, 105-125.
Research Conference, IRRI, Los Banos, Pisharoty PR. (1990) “Indian rainfall and
Philippines. water conservation. Proc. of the All In-
Mishra A, Ghorai AK and Singh SR (1998) dia seminar on modern techniques of
“Rainwater, soil and nutrient conserva- rainwater harvesting, water conserva-
tion in rainfed rice lands in Eastern In- tion and artificial recharge for drink-
dia.” Agricultural Water Management. 38: ing water, aforestation, horticulture and
45-57. agriculture”. Directorate of Groundwa-
ter Surveys and Development Agency.
Mishra A and Mohanty RK. (2004) “Pro- Rural Development Department, Govt.
ductivity enhancement through rice-fish of Maharashtra, India, 55-53.
farming using a two-stage rainwater con-
Table 1. The district wise annual rainfall, seasonal rainfall, annual rainy days and
seasonal rainy days in Bastar
Station Annual CV (%) Seasonal Annual rainy Seasonal CV (%)
name rainfall (mm) rainfall (mm) days rainy days
Kanker 1371 28.6 1061 68 53 12.6
Bastar 1570 20.4 1218 83 63 13.8
Dantewara 1412 23.5 1172 76 62 17.8
Table 2. Dates of beginning of water surplus, water deficit period and annual
amount of AET, surplus and deficit in Bastar region
Water surplus Water deficit
District AET (mm) Starting Starting
(mm) Amount Amount
period period
Kanker 1371.0 739.4 586.7 17 July 733.2 15 Oct.
Bastar 1570.4 823.6 652.3 21 July 649.0 20 Oct.
Dantewara 1412.2 754.1 577.0 19 July 718.5 12 Oct.
the region like Bastar where rainfall and surplus water and outlet for discharging
surplus water is high it is not possible to of excess water. The embankments of the
determine the pond size only on the basis excavated farm ponds were maintained at
of water availability. Series of 8 ponds were 1:4 side slopes and were neatly dressed.
constructed following the natural drain line
and covering a command area of 50.0 ha. The dug wells were used in between and
The total cost of excavation was Rs 6.317 near the ponds so as to tap the seepage water
lakh with the support from National Rural from the excavated farm ponds (Fig 4). The
Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) dur- farmers were given paddle operated low lift
ing the financial year 2007-08. Shallow dug pumps for use in ponds and dug wells. This
wells were also constructed to harvest the tool is very economic and can be afforded
seepage water from the ponds and thus by most of the farmers. The cost of low lift
trying to conserve and utilize the maximum pump is Rs 1929/- only with appropriate sub-
amount of rainwater in the harvested form. sidy from the government under different
The average depth of shallow dug wells schemes. The water harvesting techniques are
was kept 15 feet. The total volume of water adopted by various developmental agencies
stored in 7 ponds of 30X35X3 M3 size and through watershed and other panchayat ac-
one pond of 65X60X3 M3 with total water tivities but without the proper implementa-
harvesting capacity of 33750 cum. The ponds tion of reuse technologies of this harvested
were scientifically constructed with proper water, it is treated as waste of precious land.
designing of inlet opening for tapping the So for encouraging double cropping system
Figure 4. Shallow dug wells and Farm ponds following the natural drain line
by promoting low cost irrigation system in paddle operated low lift pump is a low cost,
the rainfed areas like Bastar, paddle-operated maintenance free, manually operated pump
low lift pump was distributed among the with a discharge capacity of about 3000-4000
farmers. After decline in the water level of liters/hr from a suction depth of 10-12 ft.
pond an innovative idea of two-stage lifting The pump is very lightweight and easy to
was also tested. The farmer lifted water from install and operate. One woman or even a
dug well to pond in first and in second stage child of above 14 yrs of age can operate this
the water is lifted from pond for irrigating pump for more than 2 ½ hrs/day, leading
vegetable crop. to a supply of about 0.7 acre-cm of water
per day for eight hours of working.
Results and Discussion With farm pond and low lift pump, the
Runoff from cropped and fallow lands is farmer is able to grow crops in the rabi sea-
harvested in small farm ponds in the low son, which was otherwise left fallow. He
lands of a marginal farmer, Sh. Sampat of could cultivate 1.5 acre of land to grow cau-
village Tahkapal, Post- Chhaparbhanpuri, liflower, tomato (Pusa ruby), onion (Royal
Tehsil-Tokapal, District-Bastar (C.G.). A Selection), radish, coriander (Selection-81),
pond of 30 X 30 X 3 m size was dug in spinach palaksag and lalbhaji) in the rabi
the field of Sh. Sampat with water storing season after the crop of paddy. A yield of
capacity of About 3150 m3 in one season 22274 Kg/ha of cauliflower, 12302 kg/ha of
from the runoff collected from the upper tomato, 12129 kg/ha of onion, 6738.5 kg/ha of
side of the farmland followed by a exist- radish, 1752 kg/ha of spinach palaksag, 1617
ing shallow dug well near to the pond for kg/ha of lalbhaji and 1887 kg/ha of corian-
tapping the seepage lose from the farm der were obtained. Growing of vegetables
pond. Paddle operated low lift pump was in the rabi season could give returns of Rs
provided to him for encouraging to take 65765/- from 1.5 ac of land by efficiently
up second crop cultivation by reusing the utilizing harvested water through paddle
stored water from the farm pond (Fig 5). The operated low lift pump. A 12.5% increase in
the yield of paddy (2.25 q/ha) is also expe-
rienced due to better moisture availability.
The net returns obtained by adoption of
this technology are 10.44 times higher.
Lessons Learnt
The technologies used in this case like farm
ponds, dug wells, low lift pumps and veg-
etable cultivation are already available and
are not new. However, it is important how
these technologies are linked in an area into
a successful model. Further, water harvest-
ing structures require initial capital invest-
ment and hence farmers are reluctant to
adopt. The government has started several
Figure 5. Irrigation from Pond-Low lift pump schemes but most of the farmers do not
Table 5. Yield data of different crops at the project site (0.55 ha cultivated area)
Crop Yield (kg) Yield (kg) With Income (Rs)
Without farm farm pond- Before using low After using low
pond-Low lift Low lift pump lift pump lift pump
pump Technique
Paddy (Kharif) 964 1102 8194 9367
Cauliflower -- 5230 -- 41840
Tomato -- 155 -- 775
Onion -- 1800 -- 23400
Radish -- 250 -- 2000
Spinach --- 70 --- 1750
Lalbhaji -- 65 -- 520
Coriander -- 60 -- 480
Total Output -- 8194 80132
Cost of -- 1000 5000
Net income -- 7194 75132
Additional income -- 67938
* Excluding labor cost since family labor is involved.
know about these schemes. It is observed area is mono cropping of rice, millets and
that the financial institutions (zilla panchayat) maize, the Rabi season being fallow. There
have funds but do not have technical ex- are perennial streams and good soil mois-
pertise for program planning. Similarly, ture availability in lowlands. The lowlands
the extension departments are not able to have great potential of water harvesting and
mobilize communities for large-scale adop- utilization. However, due to lack of suitable
tion of technologies as an area action plan. technology and awareness farmers are not
Establishment of synergy between financial able to take advantage.
institution, extension agencies and research
organization is very essential.
The financial support from NREGA was to have a large impact on net income of
used with the help from zilla panchayat, tribal farmers.
Bastar, for digging the ponds. It was en-
sured that human resource from the village References
itself is employed. This helped in mobilizing Bhuiyen SI and Ziegler RS. (1994) On-farm
the village community towards adoption rainwater storage and conservation sys-
of water harvesting structures. The low lift tem for drought alleviation: issues and
pumps are available on subsidy from the challenges, in S.I. Bhuiyan (ed), On-farm
department of agriculture. If these funds Reservoir Systems for Rainfed Ricelands,
are properly tapped and social communi- IRRI, Los Banos.
ties are made aware of such facilities, water
harvesting and reuse can be given consid- Garrity DP. (1992) On-Farm research
erable boost. methods in the uplands: selecting an
experimental approach in Rice Farming
This technology is suitable for lowland, Systems Technical Exchange 2(3), Asian
which is 20% (182800 ha) of cultivated Rice Farming Systems Network (IRRI)
area in Bastar region. If this technology and Farming Systems and Soil Resources
is up-scaled even to 5% area, it is likely Institute (UPLB).
Farm ponds for a Viable and Profitable Dry Land
Agriculture – Experiences in Alfisols of Karnataka
GN Dhanapal, MR Umesh, H Mariraju, MH Manjunatha and
BK Ramachandrappa
University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS), Bangalore, Karnataka
Abstract Introduction
The arable lands in the micro-watersheds Soil and water are the two important critical
in Alfisols are more prone to runoff and inputs in dry land agriculture. Land is fixed
nutrient losses leads to the degradation of in supply, which can not multiply but can
resources and land becoming barren in a be managed properly for optimum utiliza-
few years. Harvesting and recycling of rain- tion. Water is another scarce input owing
water in dry lands is important in order to to erratic and poor distribution of rainfall,
improve water use efficiency. Restoration which limits the production of crops. In this
and maintenance of resources in the long- direction, there is a need to emphasize the
run in micro-watershed requires holistic conservation of these limited resources with
and continuous management strategies. appropriate practices. Harvesting and recy-
Dry land Research Center, University of cling of rainwater in dry lands is important in
Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore evaluated order to improve water use efficiency (Shan-
the alternate use of harvested rainwater for kar and Shivakumar, 2005). Farm ponds are
soil and moisture conservation, crop pro- small storage structures used for collecting
duction, and fish farming in predominant and storing runoff water. The research cum
Alfisols of dry lands. The technology has demonstration plots were maintained at Dry
great influence on the local farmers leading land Research Center, University of Agri-
to swift adoption by many of them. cultural Sciences, Bangalore to evaluate the
alternate use of harvested rainwater for soil was 927 mm of which 18.1 per cent (166.7
and moisture conservation, crop production, mm), 55.6 per cent (513.1 mm) and 24.9
and fish farming. per cent (229mm) was received during
pre rainy (March- May), rainy (June- Sep-
Restoration and maintenance of resources tember) and post rainy seasons (October-
in the long-run in micro-watershed requires December), respectively. The rainfall was
holistic and continuous management strate- fairly well distributed from March to Octo-
gies. In watershed areas, natural resources ber with two peaks one in May (97.5 mm)
were conserved through soil and water and another in September (203.9 mm). The
conservation methods, compatible crops average number of rainy days is about 62
and cropping systems, inter-terrace man- days in a year.
agement practices and agro-forestry etc.
The arable lands in the micro-watersheds The experimental results (mean of eight
in Alfisols are more prone to runoff and years) indicated that the biomass yield of
nutrient losses leads to the degradation of horse gram was higher in the lower reach
resources and land becoming barren in a as compared to the upper reach in both
few years. Keeping these facts in view, a the live barrier blocks. However, Nase grass
long-term research cum demonstration ex- proved as effective live barrier in reducing
periment was planned at the Land Center, runoff and soil loss than compared to Khus
GKVK, Bangalore grass (Table 1).
Results indicated that the soil + cement the combined seepage and evapora-
(8:1) lining with 5 cm thickness was tion losses were of the order of 28.5-26.2
found to be better in reducing seepage mm/day for 0-1 m head of water, 63.6
loss even though initial cost was high- mm/day in 1.0 to 2.0 m head of water
er (Somashekara et al., 2003). Further, (Table 3).
Double Cropping System with protective irrigation during the dry spells
Protective Irrigation improved the system productivity under
rainfed eco-system.
Alfisols in the dry lands of Karnataka are
‘thirsty and hungry’ for natural resources A field experiment to study enhanced crop-
and suffer from intermittent drought. The ping intensity was conducted from 2000
rainfall received in two peaks is maximum to 2007 during Kharif at Dry Land Center,
during south-west monsoon (Aug-Sept) GKVK, Eastern Dry Zone of Karnataka. The
with an average annual rainfall of 927 mm experiment was laid out in split plot de-
distributed in 62 rainy days. The number of sign involving three forage crops and two
rainfall events, which cause runoff, varied chilli varieties at two fertility levels. The
from 25-30, depending upon the intensity results showed a high palatability of sweet
and duration of continuous rainy days. The sorghum as compared to other fodder
runoff water collected in farm pond could species. Chilli crop was transplanted soon
be utilized for protective irrigation during after the harvest of forage crops (65-70
the dry spells. We found that early sowing days old) during last week of July or first
of the fodder crops, followed by chilli with week of August. Two protective irrigations
ponds is from both arable and non arable and width, fish weight were recorded at
land. The different lining material tried in different intervals.
small farm ponds are stone slabs, bricks,
cement + soil (1:8) and frame work. A successful fish rearing is possible up to
three months in the big farm ponds (35 m
Application of lime, organic and inorganic x 33 m). Further, the runoff water use ef-
fertilizers is essential to improve the soil ficiency is possible to enhance by adopting
condition and supplement the nutrients in drip irrigation and other improved irriga-
the soil and water to ensure adequate and tion methods to add value to the harvested
continued supply of fish food organisms. water. Results indicated that the growth
Rate of lime application depends on the soil and development of all types of fishes was
status. For normal soils lime was applied at normal and each weighed 40-110g during
40 kg in 2-3 days before fingerlings released 2007-08 but was harvested before attain-
for both the ponds. Initial dose of 120 kg ing physiological maturity due to recession
cow dung, 5 kg of super phosphate and 5 in water level in the pond (Table 6). By
kg of urea were applied about 8-10 days adopting scientific method of fish produc-
before stocking the fingerlings. Thereafter, tion, about 50-60 kg in small farm pond (180
10 kg of cow dung, one kg of single super m3) and whereas, 400 kg in big farm pond
phosphate and one kg of urea were applied (3200 m3) fully matured fishes (6-8 months)
every month to maintain good growth of depending upon the maintenance of pond
plankton. Every day, ground nut cake and water could be harvested. So that, on an
rice bran were applied at the rate of 4 % average Rs. 2400/- would be the additional
of the body weight of fishes (Basavaraju, income from the activity (Table 7).
2002). For crop production activity, corn
was grown with two protective irrigations During 2007-08, as the water level in the
from harvested farm pond water during pond depleted earlier, fishes were harvested
the dry spells. Observations on fish length before attaining maturity. (Seenappa and
Khadar Khan, 2008)
talaparige in the nearby Soolekere tank, Talapariges are considered as holy places
recalls he, has kept all the villagers alive too. People don’t walk in that area with
during severe droughts of early part of the chappals on, nor do they spit or throw
last century. Fresh in his memory is the wastage in the vicinity. Ancestors who have
drought of the seventies, which saw 6 to developed these water bodies have made
7 successive scarce rain years. Even now it strict rules as to who can use this water
provides water for irrigation. “At one time, and what is their collective responsibility
when our villagers tried to dry the talaparige towards that. Each talaparige has a gamkaara
for cleaning, it required 6-7 kerosene engines (water distributor) who decides and keeps
to pump out the water”, he recalls. The track of the water allowed to individual
Karnataka Irrigation Act, 1957 has reference properties.
to talapariges that were providing water for
less than hundred acres. K.M.Shankarappa At Hosapalya, Marammana jathra is con-
(80), a farmer from Siddapura was growing ducted once in every three years. During
paddy in hundreds of acres by using water the festival, Maramma, the goddess is taken
from talaparige. in procession for a ritual called ‘going to
jaladhi.’ The procession goes to the local
talaparige and elaborate pooja is conducted
The Foothill Spring
there. Devotees take this theerth before re-
Talapariges are situation specific and found turning from the holy water body.
in the areas of shallow topsoil beneath which
there is a rocky stratum. The rainwater that
falls on the land and the nearby hills slowly Three Types of Locations
gets percolated in the topsoil. The rocky Depending upon the location where tala-
stratum doesn’t allow water to go very deep. parige is found, it can be classified into three
As such, it finds out a lateral route. This types. The first one is situated in the floor
low-pressure flow of water comes up in of the tank. In the Tumkur district, con-
some points where soil is pretty sandy. siderable number of tanks has talapariges.
Second category is in the command area of
Our wise elders used to identify such
a tank. Third type is found on the banks
marshy spots and develop it into a water
of large streams or rivers.
body. To avoid the surrounding soil collaps-
ing into the pond, stonewall was built. The For the talapariges located in the tank floor,
pond with round-shaped retaining wall is rain percolated in tank’s catchments and the
called gerandi bavi and the ones with square nearby hill is the main source. For those in
walls as chowka bavi. Protection wall serves the command areas of the tanks, tank itself
another purpose too. It prevents the ‘eye is the source. For the third category, nearby
of water’ getting buried when the tank is river or stream is the feeder.
filled with water.
In a few cases, talapariges are dug in the
The retaining wall served two purposes – riverbed itself. For example, a big stream
one is protecting the spring. Secondly, it flows in Roppa village of Pavagada. About
provided clean water as the cattle and other three decades ago, farmers used to dig three
livestock didn’t have access to water. The talapariges in a gap of five kilometers. Re-
oozing water was taken in a channel to the calls Maruthi Prakash of Roppa. “They used
lands below for irrigation. to identify points where water still oozed
in the stream in summer. From this water ments, diminishing community spirit – all
body, they used to take water to the lower have contributed in their own way. Near
fields through a long channel. After a certain Koratagere town, a talaparige has been en-
distance, another talaparige was dug.” croached by an influential person who has
had a bore-well dug there. Madhugiri town
According to G.P. Choudhury who hails also has a similar example.
from Pavagada, “except for the talapariges
situated in the floor of tanks, a lot of plant Sand plays an important role in the func-
diversity also co-exists. Since sufficient mois- tioning of this water body. Rampant sand
ture is available in talapariges and on both mining that is going unabated from the
sides of its water channel, a good number rivers, tanks and even fields of late is also
of various trees like tamarind, pongamia, posing big threat. Latest addition to the list
jamun, etc., can be found there. As grass of threats is granite and blue metal–jally-
grows in their vicinity, sheep and cattle come mining. Mining activities are systematically
there for grazing. That area also attracts damaging the hills which are the main water
birds and wildlife”. feeders for talapariges. The recent crisis in
farming front seems to be the proverbial
These water bodies were maintained under last straw on the camel’s back.
community ownership. Maintenance, regu-
lar desilting of channels, etc., was carried
out by the local beneficiaries. Very rarely Slow Realization
talapariges are kept under individual own- A ray of hope is the slow realization of
ership. importance of talapariges is creeping in
the mind of communities. Pavagada and
Most interesting aspect of talapariges is that
Madhugirui taluks in Tumkur have very
they can provide water after the normal
high rate of fluoride in bore-well water that
tanks dry off. As such, it comes in very
goes around thousand feet deep. Quite in
handy and useful during summer when
contrast, the talaparige water is sweet and
whole village experiences water shortage.
safe without high fluoride content.
This is why, it can be termed as a ‘back-up
tank’ or ‘reserve bank for water.’ Nature Recently, there was an interesting develop-
plays a very contrasting role in the case ment in Basavanahalli village of Madhugiri
of talapariges located in the tank floors. As taluk. Jalasamvardhana Yojana Sangha (JSYS)
and when the tanks get filled with water, it drew a master-plan for the rejuvenation of
heaps upon silt on the tummy of talaparige. the local tank. Though the womenfolk had
If and only when this silt is cleared off, the demanded repair of talaparige too along
‘tank-in-tank’ provides clean water for the with the tank, it was not included in the
rest of the year! draft plan. Women weren’t ready to leave
the matter there. They tried to convince
Total ‘Death’ the District Collector as to how important
this water body is to them. An impressed
Unfortunately, most of the talapariges are
DC endorsed their views. Finally, two ta-
in a pathetic state today. Only a few are
lapariges that were buried under the tank
in good condition. Reasons for the de-
got a new lease of life. The channels were
cline are many. Introduction of bore-well
also desilted. This summer, the villagers took
technology, successive droughts, encroach-
this water to their fields and protected their cash incentives, it might work. Compared
sixteen hectare paddy crop. to the tank desilting work that’s massive,
talaparige desilting is easy and within the
Till date, JSYS has rejuvenated more than local communities reach. If JCB – is used,
19 talapariges. Community demand at Kar- it might cost around Rs. 25,000.
ekyathanahalli, Tumakunte, Koththooru,
Devalakere, Magadalabetta, and Byalya Mahanthesh recalls a very interesting
have resulted in the rejuvenation of their happening at CK Pura three years ago.
talapariges. As there was severe water shortage else-
where, people started using talaparige
Madurai based NGO, DHAN Foundation water. Many of them were surprised to
has rejuvenated 8 talapariges in Tumkur realize that the leg and joint pains have
district and one in Kolar in the last five subsided after they had shifted to this
years, according to their Project Executive water. This was because the bore-well
Mahanthesh H.K. “We realized the impor- water they were using earlier had high
tance of these structures during the drought fluoride content and this water was safe.
periods, amidst the PRA sessions, the villag- Water shortage in the summer is acute and
ers took us and narrated the importance of a pot of sweet water sells for two rupees.
talapariges”, he reveals. Following their own If not for any other purpose, to provided
realization and rejuvenation programmes, safe cooking & drinking water in the heavy
DHAN Foundation had included talaparige fluoride areas, talapariges can be main-
in their awareness agenda. tained and water distribution can be
Mahanthesh has an interesting experience entrusted to local committees.
to narrate. At Kannamedi in Pavagada, a
farmer maintained a talaparige and used the People’s Initiative towards
water by lift irrigation. When DHAN Foun-
dation went to the village, he was happy
and offered that he too would contribute, if Dhanya, a Tumkur-based NGO has now
they are taking up the rejuvenation work. taken interest in sensitizing the communi-
He paid Rs. 5,000 as his contribution out ties about the need for rejuvenating tala-
of Rs. 67,000 total expenses. pariges. Latest issue of Jalasiri, the NGO’s
water newsletter has carried features with
Instead of going on digging bore wells, regard to this. As a first step towards this
why can’t Karnataka government rejuve- objective, they did a one day workshop,
nate selected talapariges wherever there ‘Come, Let us save talapariges’ at Madhugiri
is water scarcity? Notable is the fact that on August 10th 2008. For the first time, a 130-
talapariges give safe water that doesn’t have page book containing articles from grass-
harmful fluoride levels. If only the near- roots writers were released on that day. Re-
by villagers can be inspired to rejuvenate source persons from different areas shared
their talapariges with the provision of some their experiences and observations.
rainfall distribution is primarily uni-modal Although there was reluctance in the begin-
and results in heavy rains in a short period, ning, many farmers adopted farm ponds
causing high runoff and soil loss. Prolonged during the course of the project and used
dry spells between two rains during the them successfully for supplemental irriga-
monsoon occurs often, resulting in drying of tion. Two types of farm ponds were ad-
the sown crops. The soils are also poor and vocated and adopted by the farmers for
degraded. Farmers report that groundwater harvesting the runoff in the farmers’ field
is over exploited, resulting in the drying viz., farm ponds with lining and farm ponds
of open wells (PRA Findings, DFID-NRSP without lining. The unlined ponds are dual
(U.K) Project R8192). Crop cultivation is purpose, serving both as percolation ponds
restricted to a single season. This situation for groundwater recharge and as an irri-
called for strategies for harvesting and gation source. This case study pertains to
storage of rainwater for later use as well the success story of Mr. Govindu Naik of
as in situ conservation of the rainfall and Pampanur Thanda in whose field 2 farm
moisture. ponds were excavated during this project in
2003. By observing this success, the interest
The major crop in this area is groundnut of farmers in construction of farm ponds
and the productivity of groundnut is as has increased.
low as 400 kg/ha under rainfed condition
due to frequent dry spells during the
critical growth stages. Often, the economic Case Study
yields are not realized. It has been reported 1. Name of the farmer : Mr. P. Govindu
that increase in yield to the tune of 33% S/O. Meetya Naik
could be achieved with 1 supplemen-
tal sprinkler irrigation of 10 mm at pod 2. Total land holding : 8 acres (3.24 ha)
development stage (AICRPDA, 2003). 3. No of farm ponds : 2 (1 with lining +
Critical irrigation can be given to crops 1 without lining)
by harvesting and storage of runoff water
in dug out ponds and trench cum bunds 4. Dimensions : 10m x 10m x 3m
at suitable locations. 5. Type of lining: Gravel based with
cement and sand lining
Methodology 6. Cost of pond:
The intervention choices for cluster villages a. Pond without lining : Rs. 8000
to address water scarcity in agriculture were b. Pond with lining : Rs. 12000
construction of trench cum bunds, farm
ponds, water diversion structures, mini per- 7. Water storage capacity: 300 m3
colation tanks, check dams and gully plugs. The ponds were excavated in a partici-
During this project, a number of farm ponds patory cost sharing basis where in the
were excavated in the selected locations of farmer contributed 10% of the total cost.
the farmers’ field with 10% contribution by The ponds filled up by rainfall of 90 mm
farmers as labour or cash. The number of in 2 consecutive days. The unlined farm
ponds excavated in Pampanur was 7 +1 pond dried up in 4-10 days due to the
(lined) and 19+1 (lined) in Kothapalli. porous nature of the soil, indicating that
the potential for recharging the ground- The farmer has made use of the stored
water is good, but the water holding ca- water for life saving irrigation of mango
pacity is poor. This was clearly indicated plants and has established a 2-acre mango
by the increasing groundwater table. The plantation by pot watering with water from
groundwater depth prior to the excava- the lined farm pond. This way, farmer has
tion of farm pond was 90-150 feet. The managed to plant 150/200 mango saplings.
water level measuring device was used The water from the lined farm pond is be-
in a participatory way to sensitize the ing exclusively used for mango cultivation
farmers about groundwater table. After using drip irrigation.
the farm ponds were excavated (total
6 farm ponds in and around area), the
groundwater level has reached an average
depth of 35 feet. The unlined pond was
not much useful for supplementary irriga-
tion during the dry spells, but it helped
in recharging the groundwater (Currently
at 28 feet). The farm pond with lining
retained water from June to January.
farm ponds were executed and water table monitoring groundwater level in the
improved, he was able to cultivate ground- presence of/with the involvement of
nut in 2 seasons. The groundnut produc- the farmers.
tivity was also enhanced to 7.9 q/ha be-
2. Sensitization makes the farmer more
cause the farm ponds provided water for
willing to adopt the farm ponds
irrigation during dry spells and his income
and other groundwater conservation
from groundnut was almost doubled. The
recharging of the existing defunct well has
enabled him to cultivate groundnut in the 3. Water for critical irrigation can be made
Rabi, producing 10 q/ha. available by excavating farm ponds to
harvest the rainwater.
Seeing the rise in the groundwater table,
(current level of groundwater at 28 ft.), the 4. Productivity can be enhanced by
farmer has drilled a bore-well in his field adopting farm ponds for soil and water
during 2006. Now he has started cultivating conservation
bananas, sweet orange, vegetable (tomato) 5. Crop diversification and cultivation
and paddy in addition to groundnut from of perennial crops – promoting agro
2007 onwards. Mango plantation started forestry can be effectively done by
yielding fruits from 2007. In 2007-08, the introducing farm ponds with lining.
farmer earned Rs. 1000/- from the sale of
6. Nutritional needs of the rural poor
mango and in 2008-09 he is expecting an
can be addressed by enabling them to
income of Rs. 8000-10000 through selling
cultivate vegetables through irrigation
of mango. Income from the other crops
from farm ponds.
namely banana, sweet orange, groundnut,
vegetable, paddy during 2007-08 is given 7. Farm ponds are means to achieve
below: increased income by farmers with low
Lessons Learnt A need for upscaling the success of farm
1. Farmers can be sensitized about the ponds is very essential, to bring about sus-
need and importance of rainwater tainable rural development. The strategies
harvesting using farm ponds through needed to be adopted for upscaling the
participatory learning approach by success of farm ponds are:
source of irrigation in the hamlet. Majority of tective irrigation in times of delayed mon-
the population belong to SC community. soons in a small area. Here is a case study
of Mr. Ramaiah, who belongs to Penchu-
Environment palle, a small village in Punganur mandal
Red loamy, red sandy and white sandy soils of Chittoor district in Andhra Pradesh. He
coexist in the village. Just before the inter- excavated a small farm pond as a part of
vention, groundnut, ragi and samulu were tank based watershed development pro-
the major crops grown in the drylands. Dry gram implemented by DHAN Foundation
paddy and sugarcane were grown under the during 2001–02. This project was funded
tank ayacuts. Due to severe drought for the by DWMA (Erstwhile DPAP), Rural Devel-
past four years, most of the bore wells and opment Department, and Government of
open wells dried up (Table 1). Agriculture Andhra Pradesh. After excavating the pond
was fully dependent upon the monsoons, and subsequent developments changed his
which often fail. The farmers with bore- lifestyle drastically and he has got good rec-
well mostly used to grow paddy and sug- ognition in the society. The cropping pat-
arcane. Migration was predominant among tern on agriculture land underwent suitable
the landless, marginal and small farmers. changes and he is happy with the crops
Though land is available, it was kept fallow growing in his farm.
due to the fear of loss of investment on
agriculture. Hence, the marginal and small History and Family Background
farmers also leave their lands fallow and Ramaiah (51 years old) is a native of a
join the labour force. small hamlet called Penchupalle in Kum-
maranatham panchayat of Punganur mandal
Rainfall in Chittoor district, Andhra Pradesh. He be-
During the last five years, annual rainfall longs to scheduled caste community and is
was significantly higher only in 2001 as com- a marginal farmer with a land holding of
pared to the average rainfall during last 10 5.06 acres without any water source. He
years (Table 2). But late arrival of monsoon is living with his wife and two children.
in August, instead of June-July, was of little 30 years back, former Prime Minister, late
use to farming community. Either late ar- Smt. Indira Gandhi declared that those who
rival of monsoon or long dry spells during belong to scheduled castes could take hold
the cropping season made agriculture more of the land, which they are cultivating or
vulnerable in the mandal for the last five willing to cultivate. At that time, Ramaiah
years, where cropping season starts in June- cleared some wasteland near his village,
July and ends in November- December. which was around 9.5 acres. At the same
time, he also got a colony house. After tak-
Farm Pond: A Means of Poverty ing hold on that land he has struggled for
more than twenty years to get the registra-
tion. He had given four acres of land to his
Farm pond is a small scale water harvest- brother. It is a rainfed land with a slopy
ing structure constructed across the slope topography (2-6%slope).
of the land to hold rainwater for livestock,
groundwater recharge through infiltration During the year 2000, he approached
and life saving irrigation of the crops or pro- DHAN Foundation, Punganur, a volun-
tary Developmental Organisation working he came forward to excavate the farm pond
towards bringing significant changes in the existing small dugout pond.
among poor farming communities in Chit-
toor district of Andhra Pradesh to excavate Implementation (Land Treatment)
a farm pond in that field through tank The pond was excavated with manual la-
based watershed development programme bour and the sectioning work was done.
and showed his field. The staff visited the In no time quarter of the pond was filled
site and advised him to excavate the exist- up with seepage water and it became the
ing pond and increase the pondage. The turning point of his destiny. He did bunding
Penchupalle Dryland Farmers Association work for his entire field under ‘Food For
(D.F.A.), a user group promoted by DHAN Work Programme’ to harvest the maximum
Foundation for the benefit of the villagers water with in his fields and received 280
asked him to deposit the Rs.1,000/- as contri- kgs. of rice and Rs. 1,560/- cash.
bution for an estimated cost of Rs. 4,000/- but
when he couldn’t pay that amount, it was Then, he came forward to excavate a small
reduced to Rs. 500/- as cash and remaining farm pond on upstream side of the existing
through kind. pond under ‘Food For Work Programme’ at
an estimated cost of Rs. 5,000/- and got 662
Only Ramaiah and his wife used to work kgs. of rice and Rs. 1,247/- as cash. He also
on the land because of fewer returns while realized that the harvested rain water, could
his other family members were engaged as be used to cultivate mulberry or paddy.
daily wage labourers in neighbouring vil-
lages. To cultivate the lands, he brought Rs. Agriculture Pattern Before the
5,000/- credit from private money lenders
Farm Pond
and purchased a pair of cows. Some amount
of money was engaged in silkworm rearing Before excavation of the farm pond, he used
and he got some income from there too. to cultivate the land once in a year on his
With this money he completed registration own without engagement of any labour-
of his lands, but he had to stop silkworm ers. Ramaiah used to grow Byrodlu (local
rearing as mulberry trees dried up because traditional variety of paddy) by broadcast-
of lack of rains. And it was the reason that ing method.
First crop
Area under
Crop Expenditure (Rs.) Yield in kgs. Returns (Rs.)
cultivation (ac)
Groundnut 2.50 4000.00 2000 5000.00
Paddy IR-64 0.50 1000.00 900 4050.00
Paddy-Byrodlu 0.25 - 400 2000.00
Horse gram 1.00 500.00 200 2000.00
Different crops were grown in patches all over his land around the farm pond are as
follows. He used common sense to grow multiple crops making good use of land and
also water available in that farm pond.
Strategies for Up-scaling this inputs for the farm ponds purpose. The
Initiative existing projects under NABARD, CAPART,
Rural Development projects can be fine
The stakeholders need to involve in the
tuned towards this end and new projects
activity from the planning stage itself. In
in the relevant departments like National
order to make the farmers/beneficiaries un-
Rainfed Areas Authority (NRAA), etc., can
derstand, we need to make them aware
be developed towards fulfilling the require-
about the activity through capacity build-
ment of the farmers in rainfed and drought-
ing events or by organizing exposure visits.
prone areas. In the existing programmes
The respective farmer needs to contribute
like National Rural Employment Guarantee
at least a part of the total cost in the total
Scheme (NREGS), farmers can plan where
amount of work without fail in order to get
to take up the activity and involve in the
the stake. In addition, the farmers needs to
activity throughout the implementation pe-
get the financial assistance through some
riod. The will help in the asset creation in
mechanism (in this case, it was facilitated
the farmer’s field. But, we need to ensure
through micro finance group formed for the
the involvement by the respective farmer.
purpose) for agricultural activities. The tech-
nical support regarding agriculture and its
allied activities also need to support through Conclusion
the agri clinics. In the field of Mr. Ramaiah, after excavating
the pond, it changed his lifestyle drastically
Innovations in Financing and he got good recognition in the society.
The farmers can be provided incubation The cropping pattern on his agriculture land
fund with interest free loan / with mini- changed. All in all, he is a happy man with
mum interest to those who are interested to the crops grown in his farm.
take up the activity with more technological
Climate of the region is classified as arid different types of material. Each farm pond
tropics with decennial rainfall of 550 mm, was filled with 1000 liters of water. Evapo-
mainly received from June to October. The ration and seepage losses were measured
mean annual open pan evaporation is 2050 regularly until end of the experiment.
mm. The soils are shallow in depth (20 cm),
low in available N, medium in available A farm pond of size 11 m x 11 m x 2.5 m was
phosphorus (32 kg/ha) and available potas- constructed and lined with Cuddapah slabs
sium (20 kg/ha) and have a pH of 6.5. (locally available slabs with a size of 1 m x 1
m with thickness of 5 cm). The fields were
Small farm ponds of size 1.0x1.0x1.0 m (trap- provided with graded bunds and runoff
ezoidal shape) were dug and lined with water was collected in the farm pond. The
catchment area for the farm pond was 5 ha, Results and Discussion
which was being cultivated with groundnut
Lining of Farm Ponds
during the rainy season (kharif).
The results clearly indicated that the farm
The crop was sown on 20.5.2004 with rain- pond lined with cement + murrum pro-
fall received on 17.5.2004 and harvested duced better results compared to other lin-
on 7.9.2004. The widely grown variety of ing materials. The length of cracks (2 mm
groundnut TMV 2 was used as the test size) developed in the cement + murrum
variety. lined farm pond was minimum as compared
with cement +soil, cement + soil+ murrum, Only two farm ponds at field No. 4 and
sodic soil + cement and sodic lined farm 33 were lined with Kadapa slab and the
ponds. In the sodic soil, farm pond lined rest ponds were left unlined. During 2004,
material continuously depleted and settle four farm ponds at the station were lined
down at bottom. Seepage losses were more with different materials like sodic soil, ce-
due to the dissolution of lined material from ment bricks, cement + soil (1:8) and brick
sides of the pond. material. These farm ponds were filled with
runoff water four times on 17-05-04 (43.4
Farm pond lined with cement + sodic soil mm), 25-05-04 (53 mm), 13-07-04 (41 mm)
recorded low seepage losses and cracks com- and 04-09-04 (42 mm) during the kharif,
pared to sodic soil lined material. The farm 2004. The quantity of runoff water filled
ponds were filled up thrice on 29-09-03 (43 in the farm pond in each rainfall event is
mm), 20-10-03 (42.4 mm), and 24-10-03 (18 presented in the Table 3.
mm) and runoff collected during rainfall
events are presented in the Table 2.
Table1. Length of cracks and evaporation losses in farm pond (1m x 1m x 1m)
lined with different types of materials.
Treat- Length of crack Evaporation
Lined material
ments size 2 mm, (cm) losses (cm/ day)
T1 Cement + murrum 115 460 396 12.5 6.0 5.0 3.5 3.2 3.0
T2 Cement + soil 332 592 520 5.5 5.0 4.0 4.5 4.0 3.5
T3 Cement + soil + murrum 200 502 212 4.3 5.5 6.0 5.0 4.7 4.5
T4 Sodic soil 571 638 550 35.4 36.0 ----
T5 Sodic soil+ cement 487 442 429 8.5 11.0 10.5 8.5 6.8 5.7
T6 Control NA NA NA 56.0 ----
Table 2. Farm pond capacity, lining material and quantity of runoff water
collected during kharif 2003.
Shape of Storage No. of times Amount of runoff
S. Lining
Location the farm capacity farm pond collected at each
No material
pond (lit) filled rainfall (lit)
1 Field No.4 Trapezoidal Kadapa 1,75,000 2 i) 50400 ii)29000
slabs iii)1489 iv)6827
2 Field No.12 Trapezoidal -------- 244163 1 i)not dug ii)154000
iii)----- iv)------
3 Field No.16 Square -------- 1,50,000 2 i) 150000 ii)4217
iii)---- iv)682
4 Field No.18 Trapezoidal -------- 429333 1 i)not dug ii)25200
iii)----- iv)------
5 Field No.33 Trapezoidal Kadapa 6,50,000 1 i) no source ii)13663
slabs iii)------- iv)26848
Table 3. Farm pond capacity, lining material and quantity of runoff water
collected during kharif 2004.
Shape of Storage No. of Amount of runoff
S. Lining
Location the farm capacity times farm collected at each
No material
pond (lit) pond filled rainfall (lit)
1 Field No.4 Trapezoidal Kadapa 1,75,000 4 i) 1,75000 ii) 1,75000
slabs iii) 39928 iv) 1,75000
2 Field No.12 Trapezoidal Sodic soil 244163 2 i) ------- ii) 162753
iii) ------- iv) 244163
3 Field No.16 Square Cement 1,50,000 2 i) ------- ii) 1,50,000
bricks iii) ------- iv) 1,50,000
4 Field No.17 Trapezoidal Unlined 123050 1 i) Not dug ii) 85211
iii) ------- iv) --------
5 Field No.18 Trapezoidal Unlined 429333 2 i)------- ii) 247000
iii)------- iv)85000
6 Field No.19 Square Cement 2,25,500 2 i) Not dug ii) Under
+Soil construction
iii) 2,25,500 iv) 2,25,500
7 Field No.21 Trapezoidal Bricks 4,13,300 i) ------- ii) -------
iii) ------- iv) -------
8 Field No.33 Trapezoidal Kadapa 6,50,000 3 i) 228708 ii) 6,50,000
slabs iii)------ iv) 17257
During the year 2005, some farm ponds were not given to the crop during kharif 2006 at
lined with different types of materials i.e. the station.
sodic soil; cement + sodic soil (1: 10); ce-
ment + soil (1: 8); cement + murrum (1: 6);
cement + soil + murrum (1: 3: 5); cement
Supplemental Irrigation
+ cement bricks; cement + sand + bricks The experiment was conducted on large sized
and Kadapa slabs. plots of one hectare each treatment. The two
treatments tested were rainfed and irrigat-
During 2006, three farm ponds were con- ed. Supplemental irrigation was given with
structed at the station and another three sprinklers to a depth of 10 mm whenever
farm ponds were constructed at on-farm water was available in the farm pond and
sites in the villages namely Pathacheruvu, when the dry spell was more than 25 days
Siva Puram and West Narasapuram. All the during the vegetative stage and more than
above farm ponds were lined with cement 8 days during the pod development stage.
+ murrum (1:6). Four mild runoff events The supplemental irrigation was given on
were recorded during the crop season. Farm 21.6.2004 and 20.7.2004. Data was collected
ponds were not sufficiently filled due to on water levels in farm ponds, plant height,
low intensity and less amount of rainfall. number of flowers, number of pegs, number
Because of this, supplemental irrigation was of pods, pod and haulm yield.
The total amount of rainfall received during ing the dry spell of 38 and 34 days during
the crop season was 348.6 mm in 2004. There vegetative and pod development stages, re-
were four rainfall events of more than 40 spectively. Similarly, the haulm yield was
mm, which resulted in runoff and filling of increased by 36 per cent. The cost of the
farm pond took place during those events. construction of cement + murrum farm
There were two prolonged dry spells of 43 pond was reduced to 60 per cent as com-
and 37 days duration during the vegetative pared to cement + cement bricks; cement
and pod development stages respectively + sand + bricks and Kadapa slabs.
and one mild dry spell of 11 days during
pod initiation stage. The soil moisture just In Sivapuram and Venkatapuram villages,
before the first supplemental irrigation was two supplemental irrigations of 10 mm each
2.67% in 0-15 cm of soil depth, which is less were given to groundnut crop using stored
than that at the permanent wilting point water in farm pond during 2006. The yield
of the soil. increase was 35 % in both of the villages
as compared to no supplemental irrigation.
Four runoff events were recorded during The groundnut yields recorded are 722 kg/
the 2005 crop season and crop yields were ha and 756 kg/ha, respectively.
increased by 33 per cent with two supple-
mental irrigation of 10 mm each for break- During kharif 2007, one supplemental
Water harvesting (farm pond) and supplemental irrigation through sprinkler system
(1250 kg/ha). The higher growth and yield regions. Pod yield of groundnut can be
of the crop with supplemental irrigation was substantially increased in drought-prone
due to availability of more soil moisture areas with dugout ponds and supplemen-
for plant growth and development. Plants tal irrigation.
with irrigation had longer leaflets exposed
to sunlight, resulting in longer period of
photosynthesis. In the present study, the References
increase in yield with 2 supplemental irriga- Reddy TY, Reddy VR and Anbumo-
tions was 121 % with 10 mm of irrigation zhi V. (2003) Physiological responses
water during each irrigation. of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) to
drought stress and its amelioration: a
From these results, it can be concluded that review. Acta Agronomica Hungarica, 51
water can be harvested and supplemental (2) pp 205 – 227.
irrigation could be given even in the arid
Where, X, Y = Two sides of the dug out pond (rectangular) at the bottom and C = Y/X
For a square section (C=1, i.e. X=Y) the above equation is simplified as follows:
For a square bottom section having side slope 1:1 (Z=1) the Eq.2 can be further simpli-
fied as:
Considering the actual runoff from 4 ha much more from the seepage problem as
micro-watershed as discussed earlier, a trap- time passed. Only the brick lined pond
ezoidal farm pond of 540 m3 (Top: 17mx17m, with cement plaster withstood well in the
bottom: 12mx12m, depth: 2.5m, side slope: field situation and proved to be most cost
1:1) capacity was constructed at the outlet effective in storing water for reuse. Hence
point. The pond was lined with brick ma- brick lining is recommended for Telengana
sonry. By accounting for the annual silt load, region of Andhra Pradesh
the effective storage capacity of the pond
was taken as 500 m3 for the analysis. Use of pond water and economics
The pond water was utilized for growing
Pond Lining vegetable crops during the post rainy and
Loss of water due to seepage from water summer season. Mishra et al. (1993) observed
harvesting structures on Alfisols of the semi- that with stored water from 500m3 pond
arid tracts is a major problem. The evalu- vegetable crops of 4 months duration (No-
ation study by Mishra et al. (1994) shows vember- February) can be grown on 0.1 ha by
that the HDPE (black containment liner, 150 irrigating at 50 per cent evaporative demand
micron) lined pond though initially effec- (open pan evaporation) for achieving the
tive, proved to be ineffective in the fourth maximum water use efficiency. The typical
year of laying and permitted heavy seep- water budgeting of farm pond (in research
age. Other materials like soil-cement and farm) in Telengana area of Andhra Pradesh
asphalt lining were worse: they suffered (Table 3) is as follows (Mishra et al., 1993).
The experience at farm level has shown Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR) and Internal Rate
enough potential of farm pond (brick lined) of Return (IRR) were worked out to as-
technology in growing vegetables in the sess the economic viability of the pond.
off-season by satisfying water requirement The figures on the profitability measures
at 50% of weekly evaporation. Economic are presented in Table 4.
analysis was carried out by cultivating to-
mato in 0.1 ha during post rainy season An economic analysis of the above pond
(Mishra et al. 1998). It is unlikely that the with tomato as test crop shows a pay back
pond would get filled every year before period of 10 years with BCR 1.5 and IRR
and during the season. Hence, supplemen- 19%. This technology will be more viable
tal irrigation to cereal crop for additional and economical in vertisols where lining
returns from the use of pond water may not is not essential. The BCR will certainly be
be always feasible during the rainy season. higher if intangible benefits are quantified
But, the results of the experiment show that and the use of water during the season (if
the pond was always full by the end of any) is also considered.
the rainy season. Hence, in arriving at the
regular benefit flow, the assured net returns Constraint and up-scaling
only from 0.1 ha of vegetable crops was The poor farmers find it difficult to go for
considered in the post rainy season. Both high initial investment to adopt this technol-
the costs and output prices were assumed ogy for which institutional subsidized credit
to increase from the original cost by 10 per support is needed. This program can be
cent every year for 20 years, the expected linked to watershed project and NREAGA.
life of pond. Thus, a cost and benefit flow The banks can come forward for providing
for 20 years was generated for economic loan to the interested farmers for adopting
analysis. The conventional measures of proj- this technology. The policy of the Govern-
ect evaluation on Pay Back Period (PBP), ment should also be favorable for making a
bankable scheme with liberal subsidy com- • Government intervention for popular-
ponent for up scaling of the technology. ization of small-scale water harvesting
structures and for supporting mechani-
cal measures.
In a watershed, series of ponds may be con-
structed along the water courses/drainage References
channels to intercept runoff, reduce peak Mishra PK, Manjunath BL, Rao JV and
flow, control erosion and store water for Subba Reddy G. (1993). Farm pond- A
supplemental irrigation/groundwater re- potential source for vegetable produc-
charge. This case study generates the fol- tion. Indian J. Dryland Agric. Res. &
lowing issues on water harvesting and use. Dev., 8(2): 171- 72.
This case study generates the following is-
sues on water harvesting and uses in dry- Mishra PK and Sharma S. (1994). Theo-
lands for their generic solution in future retical considerations in design of farm
R&D efforts. ponds for minimising evaporation and
seepage losses Indian J. Dryland Agric.
• Runoff yield potential of the catchment
Res. & Dev., 9(2): 114 –120.
should be carefully studied for designing
small-scale water harvesting structures Mishra PK, Padmanabhan MV and
and for determining catchment- com- Sivaprasad S. (1994). Effectiveness of
mand ratio, ponds may be made lined different lining materials in farm pond
in light soils. J. Water Management, 2(1&2): 55 – 58.
• Prioritization of crops and cropping Mishra PK, Rama Rao CA and Sivaprasad
systems that can efficiently utilize the S. (1998). Economic evaluation of farm
limited water to improve the water pro- pond in a micro-watershed in semiarid
ductivity. alfisol deccan plateau Indian J. Soil Cons.,
• Modern methods of irrigation for utiliza- 26 (1): 59 – 60.
tion of harvested water.
As per the Indian Rainwater Budget, an On the other hand, cultivable area is get-
amount of 400 Mha-m of water through ting reduced with time due to urbanization,
precipitation is received every year with colonization, industrialization, etc. With re-
an average rainfall of 1194 mm on 328 Mha duction in cultivable area available for food
area. grain production and the loss of rainwater
(29 per cent) eroding enormous quantity of
With all this, ‘Monsoon’ is a blessing to fertile top soil (on an average 42 t/ha/yr),
Indian agriculture, providing enough wa- the targeted food/crop production in the
ter to harvest two good crops, at present. limited available area, which is mandatory,
However, uncertain rainfall having uneven is difficult to achieve. Hence, the pressure
distribution and varied intensity with re- on demand for water for this and to meet
spect to time and space always cause floods, the domestic, industrial and other require-
droughts and waterlogging at one or the ments is greatly increased. This is resulting
other place. in extensive, continuous and indiscriminate
overexploitation of groundwater resource
Various technologies, for improving the effi- through increased number and depth of
ciency of rainwater and runoff management bore wells. Easiness in bore well digging,
and their use on-farm, are developed to suit due to advanced bore well engineering tech-
different agro-climatic situations, with par- nology, has made an indirect impact on fast
ticular reference to dryland crop cultivation, depletion of groundwater resource avail-
considering rainfall, cropping pattern, soil ability and alarmingly dropping the water
type, topography (Verma, 2005b). Such re- table depth from surface (Verma, 2005a). It
search technologies mainly included terrace is very evident from the number of failing
level practices like contour bunds, graded bore wells/open wells and it is unsustain-
bunds, zingg terraces, border strips; inter able to pump out water from wells without
terrace level practices like compartment recharging the same from the rainwater. To
bunding, scooping, tied ridges/furrows reverse the trend or to reduce the effect of
and runoff storage technologies/practices over exploitation, the groundwater recharge
is essential at large scale at agricultural, resi- water level increased from 3.42 m (2000) to
dential and institutional premises. But the more than 45 m (2004). Such situations are
efforts made towards the replenishment or creating socio-economic problems to pub-
augmentation of groundwater resource, are lic, government and other institutions like
very meager (Anon. 2006). corporations and municipalities (Report of
CGWB and PHE Dept.2005). At the same
time, in some sites of the command area
Target Domain like UKP, M & G, TBP etc., the cultivable
On account of frequent / continuous area is waterlogged with very shallow water
drought situations, acute shortage of water table due to inefficient irrigation manage-
for both agricultural and domestic/indus- ment (CADA, 2008). Hence, it is impera-
trial purpose is being experienced. Faulty tive on the part of researchers, extension
soil and water management practices in- workers, farming community, in particular
cluding excess use of irrigation water, crop and public at large, to harvest efficiently
production practices of high water require- rainwater for in situ conservation and store
ment like use of HYV’s inorganics, etc., in it under ground effectively by employing
agriculture, man-made disturbances such as suitable technologies for the future sustain-
encroachments in natural pockets of runoff able water availability. Hence it is high time
storage structures like tanks, non availabil- now, for suitable scientific interventions to
ity of open soil surface due to pavement recharge underground reservoirs through
in 80-100 per cent unbuilt compound area, bore wells / open wells, by artificial methods,
road metalling, drilling of large number of at economic cost using the surplus runoff
new bore wells without maintaining statu- for storage of groundwater. The sub-surface
tory minimum distance of 240 m between geological formations may be considered as
two successive points, etc., particularly, in “warehouse” for storing water that come
urban localities due to increase in area under from sources located on the land surface and
housing and buildings are some of the rea- the sub-surface reservoirs. They are very at-
sons for over exploitation of groundwater tractive and technically feasible alternatives
by increasing population. for storing surplus monsoon run off. These
reservoirs can store substantial quantity of
The groundwater availability is declining
water. The deeper water levels in many parts
very fast. Survey of 3 lakh wells in 72 ta-
of the country may be substantially raised,
luks (17 districts) of Karnataka from 1982
resulting in reduction in the lifting costs
– 2001, indicated that more than 50% of
and energy saving (CGWB 2000).
the wells were dried and in the rest, water
table had declined by 5 m to 8m due to It is, therefore, inevitable at the present to
20 – 59 per cent less rainfall, accompanied enhance the natural phenomenon of rain-
by high temperature up to 430 C during water infiltration into the aquifers through
the period. Average depth to GW level of techno economical artificial techniques. Sur-
the wells/bore wells at various locations in face runoff and roof top water are impor-
Bangalore city was 15.59 m in May 2003 as tant and amply available water sources for
against 10.88m observed in May 2001. Simi- groundwater recharge. With such points in
larly, in Hubli-Dharwar city, out of 17000 view, efforts were made to adopt the project
bore wells, the average depth to ground- with the following objectives:
Table 3. Quantities and cost Estimates (in Rs.) for Groundwater Recharge though
Extension of farm / percolation ponds
II. Proposed Extension of pond at UAS Campus, Dharwad.
1) Proposed top dimension 40 m
Existing top dimension 15 m
Extension top dimension 25 m
Proposed bottom dimension 15 m
Existing bottom dimension 15 m
Extension top size 25m x 15 m
Extension bottom size 20m x 10.m
Av. dimension 22.5 mx12.5 m
Depth 2.5 m
Side slope 1:1
Av. Area / Av. Capacity/volume 218.25 Sq.m /703.12 Cub m
2) Volume of earthwork excavation: (Average) Rs. 53.23/Cub.m
Rate of excavation for varying depth from 0-30 m
3) Cost of earth work (703.12 x 53.23) Rs. 37427.08
4) Cost on Inlet-outlet silt trap & other charges Rs. 8000-00
5) Total Cost Rs. 45427-08
R/O Rs.45430/-
fected 3.2 million people & 40 million cattle. drought are enormous. The small and the
70 % of the population are deprived of drink- marginal farmers are the most affected seg-
ing water. Groundwater level has dropped ment. These segments of farmers also don’t
down by 15-20 meters. have the potential of having life saving ir-
rigation facilities. For them, the initiative of
Water crisis in Rajasthan: The state has farm ponds has been a boon.
limited water resources 1.15 of the coun-
try. Surface water resource is very meager. Farm ponds have been found to be the best
Groundwater resource is highly depleted way of coping with the distress condition
and the state has 50% of fluoride-affected in the region. Farm ponds are not only cost
villages in the country are in Rajasthan. effective for small and marginal farmers,
Groundwater is saline to highly saline in but have also provided the support of life
most western districts. saving irrigation. Farm ponds though look
like a very simple structure, the intrinsic
In the state, the average annual rainfall is value of farm pond is multifaceted.
557 mm and with a total area of 342239 sq.
km, with valuable source of water. Rains are Farm Ponds: Farm ponds are rainwater
the main source of fresh water but gener- storing structures made by constructing a
ally stored runoff water and groundwater dam or an embankment or by excavating
are considered as major sources of water a pit or dugout. Generally, the size of the
for agriculture. farm ponds constructed is of 10X10X2 m3.
The soil extracted from farm pond during
There has been a number of initiatives un- the digging process is used to strengthen the
dertaken by the state government as well embankment of the farm field. The water
as NGOs in the rainwater conservation and stored in the farm pond is used as critical
management in the state. life saving irrigation. Due to farm ponds,
This case on the initiative of farm pond in the moisture content in the field also gets
Rainfed area is being put forward for the enhanced. The water table in the near by
District of Ajmer: wells also increases due to farm ponds. This
also ensures the availability of drinking
Under drought relief operation in the year
water for animals.
2006, there were major initiatives being
taken which are as follows:
• A successful attempt has been made to
Process Facilitation
ensure life saving irrigations for rainfed One of ARAVALI partner organization,
crops. Gramin evam Samajik vikas Sansthan, (GSVS)
Ajmer, initiated the process of dialogue with
• The activity were chosen and executed District Agriculture Department where in
on individual farm fields on a pilot ba- there was a scheme for constructing 10
sis to reduce the risk of crop failure, farm ponds in a village panchayat. GSVS
especially for the small and marginal mobilized the community to participate
farmers. in the scheme. Wherever construction of
The persistent drought condition indicates farm ponds was taken up with individu-
the fragile nature of the rural economy. al farmers, two members of the farmer’s
The financial implications of each year of family and 6 additional labour were de-
ployed for work. Total cost of the farm mation stages of the crop. Terminal drought
ponds was 8000 /- Rs which was given as reduces production of food grains by 80%
labour cost. This also helped in providing and fodder by 20 to 25 %. Farm ponds pro-
employment opportunity. vide critical irrigation facility to the crops
during the terminal drought phase.
Objectives of constructing Farm ponds were
as follows: - There has been increased demand by farm-
ers for the construction of farm ponds in the
To harvest rainwater.
region and our partner organization, GSVS
Recharging of wells. is working in many of the villages.
Increase moisture content in the field. The impact of farm ponds have yielded
several benefits such as:
Ensuring the availability of drinking
water for Livestock. • Crop production even under terminal
The primary objectives of farm pond con-
structions were to ensure life-saving irri- • Checks soil erosion and retains silt,
gation. In the absence of monsoon rain, • Increased moisture content in the
water from the farm pond could be used field,
to save the crop. Farm ponds also main-
• Prevents excess runoff from the field,
tain micro humid conditions during the
dry spells, replenishes groundwater and • Availability of drinking water for the
most importantly availability of water for livestock.
human consumption as well as for livestock.
Farm ponds also provide opportunity for Major conclusions can be drawn from the
undertaking orchards & agro-forestry and initiative of farm ponds are as follows:
the sprinkler system can be easily run with • Reintroduction of traditional farm ponds
farm pond water. should be included in the regular gov-
ernment schemes
Terminal drought is defined as the inad-
equacy of the rainfall when required i.e. • Farm ponds construction should be in-
during flowering, pollination and seed for- corporated and converged with Swarn-
Critical irrigation with water from the farm pond during the terminal drought
Water Actual Water available Additionally Available water
Crops Requirement Rainfall in Farm Pond in Farm Pond for Drinking /
(mm) (mm) (mm) Plantation (mm)
Maize 550 350 200 200 0
Jowar 450 350 100 200 100
Bajra 350 350 0 200 200
Water Harvesting in Hilly Areas of Uttarakhand:
Opportunities and Challenges
Anil Kumar
G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology
Pantnagar, Uttarakhand (India)
curity and sustainable livelihood due to crops, and subsequent planting of spring
various topographical and socio-economical crops due to the lack of soil moisture. This
constraints. situation forces the farmers to risk their
winter (rabi) crops at the germination and
Since generations, the inhabitants of Hima- ripening stages of growth. Frequent and
layan region have been depending on the long dry spells retard the growth, size and
natural water springs and streams to meet yield of important fruit crops like apple,
their daily water needs for drinking and do- plum, peach, apricot, etc. If proper irriga-
mestic uses, irrigation, animal consumption, tion facilities are assured, vegetable crop
etc. During recent times, most of the peren- production has a great potential to raise
nial springs and streams have become sea- the economic standard of the hill farmers.
sonal or have dried-up for want of adequate Off-season vegetables (pea, potato, cauli-
recharge due to various natural and man- flower, cabbage, etc.,) can be produced on
made hazards. Women have to walk several a large scale and can be sold at high prices
kilometers daily to fetch a head-load of wa- in the plain areas. Assured irrigation can
ter for drinking and domestic uses. Though also promise cultivation of pea and potato
about 90% of population in the hilly areas crops twice a year.
of Uttarakhand earns their livelihood from
agriculture and animal husbandry, they are Considering all these points, there remains
still in the subsistence class, characterized no option but to appropriately harvest the
by extremely limited capital resources and available water resources at suitable loca-
consistent use of traditional means of crop tions. In the hilly areas, water is available
production. Various climatic, geographical in three forms namely, direct surface run-
and socio-economical constraints have led off, runoff through roof-tops of houses, and
to a dismal low agricultural productivity the discharge from natural water-springs.
from unconsolidated, small and scattered Several authors have emphasized runoff
land holdings in the region. About 90%of harvesting to eliminate the ill-effects of
agricultural lands, mostly in mid and high droughts and low productivity in the arid
hills, are rainfed and vulnerable to severe semi- arid and foothill areas in the country
soil erosion and degradation due to erratic (Chitranjan and Rao, 1986; Grewal et al.1989
rainfall, cloud-bursts and large dry spells and Oswal, 1994). The studies conducted
during the crop growth period. Ever in- by Kumar (1992) suggested the feasibility
creasing population of humans and cattle of cost-effective low density poly ethylene
has resulted into inappropriate cultivation (LDPE) lined dugout small ponds for irri-
practices on the marginal lands and intense gation purpose in mid-Himalayan region.
use of water resources, which cause con- In order to minimize the adverse effects of
siderable surface runoff and soil erosion water stress, particularly at the productive
on one hand, and reduce the infiltration stages of crop growth, the conservation of
and discharge of natural water springs on rainfall in soil profiles and providing irriga-
the other. tion through runoff/spring flow harvesting
in ponds or tanks at suitable locations, are
Though most areas receive good annual the only ways out to solve the drinking
rainfall, its intensity and distribution is quite water problems as well as to enhance pro-
erratic and causes severe drought spells to ductivity of rainfed agriculture on high and
hamper the growth of timely sown winter medium hills in Uttarakhand. This study
also analyses socio-economic aspects of wa- system. The probability analysis of rainfall
ter resources planning and management in data reveals that at 80% probability (assured
terms of resource sharing and maintenance level), the expected rainfall during pre- and
of storage structures. post-monsoon periods is almost negligible
for the germination of rabi (winter) crops
creating large moisture stress at the germi-
Study Area nation and reproductive stages of rabi crops
The study was conducted at the Hill Campus and timely sowing of summer crops. Under
of G. B. Pant University of Agriculture & these circumstances, rainfall and/or runoff
Technology, Ranichauri located at the longi- harvesting during rainy season along with
tude of 780 2’ E and latitude 300 15’ N with an spring-water harvesting at suitable locations
altitude of about 1900 m above the mean sea seems to be the only way out.
level. The mean annual rainfall of this region
is about 1176 mm, of which about 75% is Though water requirements of the farmers
received during the monsoon months, from are greater, the size of storage structures has
June to September. The soil of the region to be restricted according to water avail-
is generally sandy-loam type. The surface ability and topography of the location. The
runoff tends to be high due to high slopes capacity of the storage structures depends
and low water holding capacity of the soils. mainly on the availability of relatively flat-
Coarse soil texture and high seepage losses ter land on which these structures could
through the soil do not permit sufficient be made, and the runoff passing through
moisture retention in the surface soil and that point. The small and scattered land
upper horizons of the sub-soil. Because of holdings on different terrains permit the
this phenomenon, the crops suffer badly construction of small water storage tanks
due to moisture stresses at different criti- at the upstream end of a cluster of fields
cal stages of crop growth during pre- and to facilitate irrigation through gravity flow.
post-monsoon periods and long dry spells The experiments were conducted at the re-
during the rainy season. search station and nearby areas to evaluate
the technical feasibility and economic viabil-
ity of lining materials. Out of the existing
Hydrologic Analysis options viz. cement-concrete, brick/stone
The surface runoff, which can be estimated masonry, and LDPE sheet, for lining the
using various methods on the basis of past dugout pond, the LDPE lining has proved
rainfall data and land use, is mostly suitable to be technically feasible and economically
for irrigation. Runoff through roof-tops can viable for the hill farmers. This technique
be estimated using a reasonable value of is the most appropriate for poor farmers,
runoff coefficient for different type of roofs, as it can be implemented and maintained
and this water can be utilized for domestic by the farmers themselves using their own
uses after proper filtration. The flows from labour and locally available resources.
water-springs can also be estimated using
past records and this water can be used
for drinking purpose. The optimum size Design of the Pond
of a lined pond depends on the amount The construction of dugout pond includes
of runoff expected, crops to be irrigated digging of a truncated reverse-pyramid
and benefit-cost ratio for the harvesting shaped pit with 1:1 side slopes. The depth
of the pond was restricted to 1 to 1.5 m LDPE lined pond is that this system can be
only to avoid upward movement of the constructed, repaired and maintained by
bottom soil due to buoyant force of water. the farmers themselves at a reasonably low
At the locations where stones are available cost, as the only material to be purchased
near the site, the depth of pond may be is the LDPE sheet, which may be available
increased to 2 m by doing the stone pitch- from local markets. As a precautionary mea-
ing all around the surface of the pond. As sure, the LDPE sheet should not be exposed
shown in Fig. 1, a single piece LDPE sheet to the sun light for longer duration as sun’s
(0.25 mm thick) of required size is placed ultra-violet rays can damage the sheet. The
with properly folded corners and buried useful life of such ponds is normally 20 years,
ends on all sides. Before placing the sheet, which can be further extended if special care
the inner surfaces of the pond were plas- and maintenance is ensured. Water from
tered with 5 cm thick mud plaster so that these tanks is taken by siphoning through
the sheet is properly stuck to the surfaces. rubber pipes to irrigate the crops at lower
Another 10 cm layer of mud mixture of elevations through gravity.
soil and wheat straw or chopped dry pine-
needles (4:1) is placed on the sides, and a As an integrated approach, all the available
15 cm thick layer is placed at the bottom. water resources can be combined in such a
In case of harvesting the surface runoff, a way that a cemented tank is used to store
small silt retention trench of 1x 0.5 x 0.5 m spring-water and runoff from roof-tops
size is dug at the entry point to the main for drinking and domestic uses, while the
pond so that debris and suspended par- over flow of this tank and overland surface
ticles along with overland runoff could set- runoff may be stored in the LDPE-lined
tle down and relatively clean runoff water dugout ponds at lower elevations (Fig. 2).
may enter the main pond. The silt retention In this way, the water resources are utilized
trench is not required while harvesting the to the maximum extent and all the needs
runoff through roof-tops or water-springs. of the farming communities are also met
Evaporation losses from the pond can be simultaneously.
minimized by spreading a small quantity of
burnt engine oil or by broadcasting polyeth- Utilization of Water
ylene granules of about 3 mm size on water
The harvested water must be judiciously
surface. Being relatively free from dust or
and efficiently used for irrigating the high
foreign materials, the runoff from roof-tops
value cash crops in the region. It has been
and the flows from water-springs can be
found that the off-season vegetable produc-
stored in closed brick-cemented tanks for
tion is one such option where farmers can
drinking, domestic uses and cattle feeding
fetch high returns for their investments.
after proper treatment or filtration.
Important vegetables like potato, pea, cab-
The cost analysis of the pond is shown in bage, capsicum, etc. along with ginger, gar-
Appendix 1. The construction cost of this lic etc. have shown significant increase in
pond comes out to be Rs. 150 per cubic meter their productivity with the application of
storage of water, which is much less than life saving irrigation at the right and the
the brick-masonry cement plastered tanks earliest opportunity. This water has also
of the same capacity costing more than Rs. been successfully and beneficially used in
1000 per cubic meter. Another advantage of raising other crops such as medicinal and
aromatic plants, orchards, and forest nurser- water has to be judiciously utilized for
ies, which are the major sources of income the cultivation of high value off-seasonal
for hill farmers. Efforts have also been made vegetables, medicinal and aromatic plants,
to use this water through more advanced forest nurseries and orchards using the
and efficient methods of irrigation such as most efficient methods of irrigation like
drip and sprinkler in the orchards and other drip and sprinkler irrigation. Dissemina-
cash crops. tion of this technological approach to the
far-off places is being carried out through
Experiments were conducted to utilize the government agencies and the NGOs. Since
stored water for supplemental irrigation the number of available resources (natural
of wheat crop at the critical stages (pre- water-springs and streams) is limited, shar-
sowing, crown-root-initiation, and flower- ing and maintenance of these resources/
ing) and their combinations. The results schemes by local communities pose some
indicate that a supplemental irrigation of 2 difficulties. As drinking water is the most
cm at CRI stage alone increased the wheat vital requirement of all the people of an
yield by 44%; whereas, two irrigations at area, development, conservation and man-
pre-sowing and CRI stages increased the agement of spring water gets the top prior-
yield by 53% as compared to the control. ity, followed by water needs for house hold
Therefore, it is very clear that proper plan- activities, which can be met by roof water
ning and management of available water harvesting. The irrigation requirements can
resources can solve the problem of drink- be met by surface water harvesting as per
ing water shortage and greatly enhance the needs and availability of runoff at a
the crop productivity of large rainfed areas location. Since the farmers of the area are
of the Uttarakhand. poor, some incentives from the government
in terms of supply of raw materials (LDPE
Summary and Conclusions sheet, tin sheet, etc.,) at subsidized rates will
ensure quick acceptance of the technology.
The farmers of Uttarakhand, being mostly
Also, the overall water resource planning on
dependent on rainfed agriculture for their
small watershed basis has to be done by the
livelihood, face a great difficulty due to
scientists, planners and managers together
lack of water availability for drinking and
with the beneficiaries and governmental/
domestic uses and for irrigation at crucial
non-governmental organizations.
times of crop growth. Though the region
receives good rainfall, the farmer’s still face
serious problem of moisture stress during References
pre- and post-monsoon periods. As the
Chittaranjan S and Rama Mohan Rao
farm holdings are small and scattered on
MS. (1986) Runoff Harvesting and Re-
different terrains, the storage of runoff from
cycling on Vertisols for Increasing Crop
land surface and roof-tops, and flows from
Production. In Soil Conservation in In-
natural water-springs in the cemented and/
dia. R.K. Gupta and M.L.Khybri (eds.).
or LDPE-lined dugout ponds is a viable and
Jugal Kishore and Co. Dehradun, pp.
feasible option to stabilize the rainfed farm-
ing in the hilly areas. Such ponds can be
constructed and maintained by the farmers Grewal SS, Mittal SP, Agnihotri Y and
themselves at affordable costs. The stored Dubey LN. (1989). Rainwater Harvest-
Appendix 1
Cost of construction of LDPE lined pond at Hill Campus (G. B .Pant University),
Ranichauri, Tehri Garhwal (Uttaranchal) in the year 1996.
A. Excavation of pit
Total earth work = 20 .30 m3
Rate of excavation = Rs. 25 per m3
Cost of digging = Rs. 507.50
of water supply and it is considered as an aged. After completing the earth work, the
economical and useful method. In most of sides of the pit has to be lined with paddy
the places in Goa, the soil type is laterite in straw or any other grass materials to offer
nature with high infiltration rate and low cushioning effect to avoid possible physical
water holding capacity. Hence, it is sug- damages to the plastic sheets. To place and
gested to construct small to large size farm fixation of the cushion materials, wooden
ponds, depending on the situation, with nails and threads can be used. Termite con-
plastic lining, which can serve the purpose trol powder should also be applied over
of irrigation during the summer months for the paddy straw or cushion materials to
plantation crops. avoid damages caused by termites to the
plastic sheets. Over the cushioning materials
the plastic silpaulin sheets should be laid
Smaller Farm Ponds from one end to the other end. One should
Smaller farm ponds are designed to har- make sure that it does not have any folds
vest the rainwater from the self-catchments left with. The excess portion of the plastic
area of pond during the rainy season. The sheet should be buried in to the trench exca-
harvested water can be used to irrigate the vated along the border. Various thicknesses
mango, cashew and any other similar type of of silpaulin sheets were evaluated and the
plants for their initial establishment. Smaller results revealed that Silpaulin 200 GSM thick
size ponds having the dimension of 2m (L) plastic material was the best lining material
x 2m (W) x 1m (D) or 4m (L) x 1m (W) to store rainwater. Hence, 200 GSM Silpaulin
x 1m (D) can be excavated in the center poly film is recommended for lining the
of the area having about 8 to 10 plants at smaller farm ponds and these sheets are
the field. The dimensions can be decided available in Goa itself. These smaller farm
based on the soil depth. If the soil is deep ponds store water about 4 cu. m or 4000
and enables to excavate up to 2m deep, liters per season and can be used to irrigate
the ponds dimensions having 2m X 2m X 8 to 10 horticultural plants. The number of
1m may be adopted. If the soil is shallow ponds to be dug can be decided based on
and the soil above one-meter depth is too the number of plants in the field.
hard, it is better to go for 4m X 2m X 1m
size pond.
Cost of the Farm Pond
The total cost for construction of each pond
Method of Construction varies from Rs. 1,923/- to Rs. 2,924/- and
After deciding the site and dimension of the depends on the dimensions and type of the
pond, the pit has to be excavated in proper soil. The construction cost under various
shape. Any sharp corners of the pit should types of soil and different dimensions is
be removed and surface of the sides should furnished in Table 1. Item-wise expenditure
be smoothened. The excavated soils should to construct a pond in ordinary soil with
be distributed uniformly around the pit and the dimension of 4m X 1m X 1m, is given
to make bund having the width of 0.3 m below:
for a height of 0.3 m to avoid any surface
flow and silting. Then dig 20 cm width and 1. Cost for earthwork
20 cm deep pit around the bund to hold excavation for 4 Cu. M
the plastic sheet so that it will not get dam- @ Rs. 48.75/- per Cu. M - Rs. 195/-
Application of termite control powder before Paddy straw is used as cushion material
placing the cushion material
Lining of a smaller farm pond with 200 GSM Direct rainwater harvesting in
Silpaulin poly film smaller farm ponds
ponds to farmers by the State or General rate, the farmers may adopt this technology
Governments. With further rise in subsidy at a larger scale.
View of a larger farm pond lined with 300 GSM silpaulin poly films
The water harvesting in the state has been
undertaken from two main natural resourc-
es i.e., rainfall and low discharge water
springs and rivulets (discharge as low as
Figure 1 : Location map of Himachal Pradesh 1-30L/mt). About 60% of the total rainfall,
is lost as surface runoff. Water harvesting brick lining that has water storage capacity
from these resource were realized using lin- of 4 lacs and 1.3 lacs liters.
ear low-density polyethylene lined (LLDPE)
farm ponds (Figure 1 and 2). The water storage cost ranges from Rs. 0.75
to Rs.1.0 per litre. The harvested water ful-
A number of other treatments to minimize filled the water requirement of different se-
surface infiltration including treatment of lected crop under research trials during the
surface soil by sodium salts, bentonite & kao- water scarcity period, which commonly oc-
linite clay minerals were also tried during cur after the receding of the monsoons (Sept-
R&D approach. For harvesting water using December) & after winter rains,( March to
LDPE sheet at the Departmental Research June). In order to use the water efficiently,
Farm of Soil Science & Water Management, water were applied through micro irrigation
a series of trapezoidal shaped water harvest- system under gravity head. Realizing the
ing farm ponds were constructed in the year benefits of water storage, two more water
1995-96 using 250 micron (0.25mm thick) harvesting ponds having storage capacity
black colour LDPE sheet along with loose of 6 lac liters were constructed in the year
Figure 1 and 2. LDPE sheet water storage pond at UHF Nauni, Solan.
2007 for fulfilling the water requirement the Ministry of Water Resources, Govern-
of additional research trials conducted by ment of India, has sanctioned a project
the Precision Farming Development Centre entitled “Farmers Participatory Action Re-
(PFDC) of this department. search Programme” demonstration of effi-
cient techniques under rainfed condition
This technology was demonstrated at KVK’s in Himachal Pradesh, which also aims at
and Regional Research Stations of the uni- the demonstration of same technology all
versity. These water harvesting structure over the state at 100 different sites covering
sites are visited by the progressive farm- subtropical to dry temperate climate having
ers/officers of the state as well as by visi- average rainfall between 900 mm to 2650
tors from other parts of the country and mm, including some sites where the pre-
foreign delegates. The farmers who got the cipitation through snow is only 250mm.
inspiration from the university scientists ad-
opted this low cost technology in their fields. The same technology is being adopted by
The farmers realized the benefits of water different developmental departments as
harvesting in the LDPE storage ponds as a part of their programs. Encouraged the
they were able to save their crops by us- demonstrations of ponds, the farmers have
ing life saving irrigation during the water started thinking of replicating the technol-
scarcity period and increased production of ogy with their own efforts and money. A
fruits and vegetables, etc. This technology visit of farmers interested in learning more
has been replicated in 560 ha of land by about plasticulture applications and adopt-
increasing storage capacity 40 times at the ing the technology, on water harvesting and
farm of the university. its improvement was arranged by the Pre-
cision Farming Development Centre with
Keeping in view the success story of the financial support of National Committee
LDPE lined farm ponds at Dr. Y.S. Parmar on Plasticulture Applications in Horticul-
University of Horticulture & Forestry, Solan, ture, New Delhi during 1.2.09 to 6.2.09 to
Significant Findings
The project resulted in an increase in
Multi purpose check dam for harvesting surface cropped area to the tune of 27.4 percent
and sub-surface water and diverting to main pond during the kharif and 46.8 % during the rabi
season. The wheat crop which was taken
rainfall events (>25 mm) occurred during under rainfed condition earlier, got supple-
2003, which caused maximum runoff. Even mentary irrigation after the project from
overflow through spillway was noticed dur- the harvested rainwater in the renovated
ing 2003. Number of rainfall events greater pond. Yield of wheat and maize shot up
than 25 mm was 14 in case of 2005 and to 29.8 q/ha and 30.0 q/ha, respectively as
2006. Whereas, in 2004 only 10 events caused compared to the earlier level of 8.8 q/ha
runoff to WHS. It could be stated that the and 9.5 q/ha, respectively.
threshold limit of rainfall event that caused
Economics of growing wheat crop was
runoff in Mandhala was 25 mm and the
worked out under the four situations. It
number of high rainfall events was found
is seen that farmers got the maximum net
to be more important as compared to that
returns from the pond-irrigated crop (Rs.
of the total amount of rainfall causing run-
9231/ha). Next in sequence were the crop
off. This is reflected in the years 2004 and
irrigated through government. tubewell (Rs
2005. In these years, the total amount of
8714/ha) and the that irrigated by private
rainfall was almost the same, but the year
tubewell (Rs. 8471/ha) respectively. Rainfed
2005 yielded more runoff as it received 14
wheat was found to have negative net re-
rainfall events (>25 mm) as compared to
turns (- Rs. 837/ha). Since the major com-
10 in 2004.
ponent (55.2%) in the input cost was that
of family labour and the entrepreneur does
not have to pay for the same in cash, rainfed
farming is done at the subsistence level.
increased income, working of the water us- iii. Channelization of the rainwater to
er’s society, redressal of the gender issues the pond.
and soil conservation measures. Thus the
3. Refinement in water harvesting tech-
research project was highly favoured by the
nique by:
stakeholders in the village.
i. Runoff inducement through diver-
The project demonstrates the techniques of sion from other potential catch-
water harvesting in this region for surface ments.
and sub-surface flow and increasing water ii. Channelization to increase the ex-
yield through diversion from other adja- isting catchment area to have a sus-
cent catchments. The water management in tained water yield.
the crop fields from WHS had been quite
effective as no water is wasted and also 4. Water market governance by the society
only 4-5 cm of each irrigation is given in has to be effective to force the benefi-
the rabi season for wheat corp. Crop yields ciaries to utilize the water judiciously.
have gone up by 3-5 times of the original 5. Increase in water conveyance efficiency
yield, and people have been benefited by by underground pipelines and suitable
the project. Only 60% of water was used valves and improved irrigation technol-
for irrigation rest was left for fisheries and ogy is required for proper water man-
animal and unavoidable losses. The project agement.
has been highly acclaimed by the media.
6. Treatment of the catchment area of the
WHS with appropriate soil conservation
Recommendations Arising Out measures should ideally start before
of the Project Work their construction, in order to reduce
erosion from the degraded hilly areas.
The project presents a proper design for
water harvesting and further refinements in 7. Villagers should be the actors to man-
water harvesting techniques for the region. age the water harvesting systems and
Effective utilization of the stored water for the government, department should be
increasing productivity is the only answer only facilitators. Thus, a village level so-
to combat the low economy of the rainfed ciety is a prerequisite for the effective
areas of the Shivaliks region. Following rec- utilization of harvested water resources,
ommendations arise from the study for the proper maintenance and operation of the
rainfed areas of Shivaliks. system including catchment protection
and common area development.
1. Project is to be taken up in participatory
mode to get the desired impacts of devel- 8. Research investigations are needed for
opment of water harvesting structures developing design procedures/specifi-
and effective water management. cation for surface and sub-surface water
harvesting structures in such areas.
2. Old ponds in the region should be reno-
vated in the following manner. 9. Efforts should be made to generate social
i. Desilting of old pond. funds to the maximum by introduction
of fishery etc, sale of harvested water
ii. Retaining upper layer of the pond by
and by adopting alternative use systems
desilting and spreading at the bottom
in common land/Panchayat land.
after completion of the work.
It is the recommended that without com- Tiwari AK, Singh P, Aggarwal RK, Agni-
munity involvement and creation of self hotri Y, Sharma Pawan, Ram Prasad and
sustaining local level institution, the aims Bhattacharya P. (2005) Integrated land
of self sufficiency and enhanced productiv- and water management for sustainable
ity in the rainfed areas through water har- production in Shivalik foothills in Mand-
vesting and water management programme hala village, Distt. Solan, H.P. Annual
cannot be achieved. Report, CSWCRTI, Dehradun.
Verma HN (2000) Rainwater harvesting
References and its recycling for crops and fish pro-
duction in Shivaliks. In: Fifty years of
Agnihotri Y, Bhattacharya P, Sharda VN Research on Sustainable Resource Man-
and Tiwari AK. (2006) Weather trends agement in Shivaliks (Eds. S.P.Mittal,
at Chandigarh Bulletin No. T-52/C-12. R.K.Aggarwal, and J.S.Samra). CSW-
CSWCRTI, Research Centre, Chandi- CRTI, Research Centre, Chandigarh pp.
garh. India. pp.8-9. 327 – 334.
variety of typical water management tech- the Phek district of Nagaland. The system
niques based on local skill and resources is a combination of agriculture, forestry
are prevalent in the region. Based on long and animal husbandry with well-founded
experience under existing soil and climatic conservation base for soil control, water
conditions as well as the availability of large resource development and water manage-
number of hill streams, farmers in certain ment as well as for the protection of envi-
areas have developed typical systems of wa- ronment. The rainwater is collected from
ter management, which are very effective the catchment of protected hilltops of above
under the existing condition of topography 100% slopes in a pond with seepage control.
and terrain. Some of these practices, mostly Silt retention tanks are constructed at sev-
confined to the places of their origin are: eral points before the runoff water enters
into the pond (Fig 1). The cultivation fully
Continuous Flow Irrigation in depends on the amount of water stored in
Bench Terraces the pond. (Sonowal et al., 1989).
In this system the hill streams are tapped
at or near the source of emergence and Bamboo Drip Irrigation
the water is channalised to irrigate a series This system is practiced by the farmers in
of terraces in such a manner that water Jaintia hill district of Meghalaya to irrigate
continuously flows from the upper terraces arecanut and betelvine grown on steep hill
to the lower ones without soil erosion and slopes with rocky soils. In this system small
maintaining a desired level of water in the hill streams from upper reaches are diverted
terraces. In some pockets of Nagaland such into bamboo fitted about 1 to 2 m above the
irrigated bench terraces are seen even on a ground surface with the support of bamboo
very poor land having hardly 10 to 15 cm stands (Fig. 2). The water brought to the
of soil depth, 5 to 8 cm of water is continu- field by these channels gravitationally and
ously maintained in the sources. distributed through secondary, tertiary or
more branches of pipe line with a typical
Zabo System water diversion system at the joint of each
Zabo system of farming is practiced by branch, ultimately drips to the individual
Chakhachang tribe of Mikruma village in plants enabling the system to deliver 15 to
25 lit/min at the terminal of these branches and channels are made in such a way that
(Singh 1989). entire plateau functions as a watercourse.
Bamboo and wooden log pipes of various
Water Management Practices of size used are as pre-fabricated water man-
Apatani Valley agement structures for use as conduit for
This is unique land use and water man- water inlets and outlets, waste weirs and
agement technique is adopted by Apatani energy dissipaters (Sharma, 1991).
tribe in the Subansiri district of Arunachal
Pradesh to irrigate gently sloping lands at Alternative Land Use Model
the foothills by diverting hill streams from The multi-disciplinary research programme
upper reaches. Earth, boulder, brushwood of ICAR aimed at developing alternative
dams are used for the diversion work. The land management practices has identified
stream water brought through the micro several viable land use models for the region
watershed channel is diverted to a network following their evaluation in terms of their
of sub channels to serve as irrigation cum long term runoff, production potentials, soil
drainage channels. The lay out of fields and nutrient losses, yield behaviour, biotic
and abiotic changes and so on. Watershed • Subsidiary income from rearing of live-
based farming system, appropriate soil stock by feeding on the by-products of
conservation measures, mixed land use of crops and cultivated fodders, trees raised
agri-horti-silvipastoral system, subsidiary on the terrace risers, bund surface and
source of income through livestock rear- very steep slopes unfit for cultivation.
ing, creation of water harvesting and silt
• Construction of small earthen dams for
retention structure at low reaches-these are
water storage and slit retention at lower
the important distinguishing features of the
reaches of the watershed by utilizing lo-
suggested agricultural strategy on this hill
cal resources-earth, stones and human
slopes (Singh et al ., 1996 and Satapathy,
labour to utilize the stored water for fish
2003). The model developed is based on
production or to recycle back for life
the following distinct approaches:
saving irrigation.
• The watershed, a natural drainage unit,
• By these technologies the crop produc-
should form the basis for planning vari-
tion has increased 3 times and moni-
ous land uses to optimise the use of soil
tory returns has increased 9 times. The
and water resources for sustained pro-
analysis of the hydrological data indi-
duction. This watershed-based farming
cated that the runoff production and silt
system coupled with mechanical soil
yield has reduced substantially from the
conservation measure contour bunds,
bench terrace, half moon terrace; grassed
waterway, etc., at appropriate locations
In-situ Retention of Rainfall
can retain maximum rainfall within the
slope, safely disposing off the excess run- Land uses practiced in micro watersheds
off from the slopes to foot hills with non with appropriate soil and water conser-
erosive velocity. vation measures were found effective in
retention of rainfall. Mixed land use sys-
• Application of Improved production tems with appropriate soil conservation
technology and Increase of cropping measures namely bench terraces; contour
intensity by growing atleast two high trenches etc. were most effective in check-
yielding crops have the possibility to In- ing erosion and retaining 80-100% annual
crease the productivity of rainfed bench rainfall in situ and simulate the effects of
terraces 3 to 5 times more than that of the natural forest. From the observations on
sloppy land with no detrimental effect on annual runoff and, soil it is apparent that use
natural resources. The trials conducted of conservation measures developed from
by ICAR have demonstrated that with local resources (soil, vegetation, manpower)
intensive crop production, one hectare as reinforcement to the desired land use
of terraced land can sustain a family of is capable to perform functions as that of
five, with 60-70 percent of yield meeting forest (or natural vegetation). The water re-
the food requirements and marketing the tained in slopes within the watersheds was
remaining for other needs. Introduction thus made available for use by the crops/
of remunerative horticultural crops can plants and recharge of streams, springs and
instill in the Jhumias’ long term interest groundwater. The contributions to stream
in the land to tie them down to settled flow in the watersheds with substantial area
agriculture. under natural forest is primarily by subsur-
face flow (base flow). Subsurface flow from to tens of cubic meters per hour, giving
the upper slopes often was a significant pro- rise to numerous stream and rivulets, the
portion of total flow from the catchments. discharge being the highest during mon-
Pipe networks are formed at various depths soons that gets reduced during autumn and
below the surface due to biological activities. reaches at their lowest in summer (Fig. 4).
Rainwater infiltrating into the soil is carried These natural springs continue to be the
laterally by these pipes and delivered into main source of water supply to bulk of
the stream. Where pipes are close to the the tribal population living in the hills for
surface they lead to saturation of soil and meeting their domestic and irrigation needs.
overland flow occurs. Land uses namely Springs water can be used through several
forest, agro-forestry and pine afforestation techniques such as diversion into channels,
during their first 6 years of establishment storage in tanks or even through the de-
yielded 72 to 93%, 76 to 92% of total wa- velopment of artificial spring by excavating,
ter yield as base flow respectively. Annual long sub-terranean galleries. However in
water yield through base flow works out spite of difficult terrains and rugged soil
to be 0.27, 0.28 and 1.76 m ha respectively conditions, there are a number of indig-
against the annual rainfall of 2.58 m. There enous technologies prevalent for the con-
was consistent reduction in peak discharge. veyance and management of such water. Six
In another experiment, water yield potential such springs having water yield potential
of hill slopes was found to vary between of 0.99 to 7.72 ha m /yr. (Table 1) are be-
0.21 and 0.73 ha.m of catchments for ag- ing currently pooled for water supply at
ricultural and agri-horticultural watershed ICAR Complex at Barapani. Construction
(Satapathy, 1996; Rao and Satapathy, 2005 of suitably lined storage tanks of adequate
a, b, 2008). Besides rainfall management, size with protection measure for possible
the approach proved highly effective in pollution by humans and animal is essen-
conserving soil as the loss were negligible tial for effective utilization of these water
in almost all the watersheds, particularly at resources.
Barapani, which received high rainfall.
Dugout-Cum Embankment
Harnessing Hill Springs Type Pond
The rugged hilly terrain supports a large
number of springs, perennial as well ephem- Small earth dams can be used in large scale
eral with yields varying from a few litres for water storage in the North Eastern Hills
wall (cement concrete 1:3;6) extending of 7-8 years. Water harvesting structures can
from the surface to the impervious (rock) be designed on the basis of inter flow. It is
layer is essential along the central axis possible to estimate the inter flow into the
of the dam. The stone masonery core- pond on the basis of a certain probability
wall, built on the cutoff wall, provides level of annual rainfall. For any desired
a perfect barrier to the seepage water probability, runoff volume can be obtained
passing from the upstream side to the as the product of runoff depth and catch-
downstream of the dam. ments size. In general, the capacity of the
tanks increases as the probability of assured
• Removing loose and potentially unstable
inter flow decreases. Further, the volume
materials from the foundation, thorough
of available water per unit tank capacity
compaction of all embankment zones,
increases as this probability level increase
impervious core and cut of walls ad-
for various sizes of tank (Satapathy, 1996).
equate drainage provisions- all the mea-
Fig. 7 presents a monogram, which gives
sures would check the seepage from the
a direct relationship between catchments
water harvesting structures effectively.
size and runoff volume. This graphical form
• As per the experience, generous allow- could be used to estimate the availability
ance of 10% of the designed height is of runoff for water harvesting projects in
essential to be added to the dam top of small hilly watersheds, if annual rainfall
the fill to neutralize the settlement. To records are available.
prevent sagging of the dam top, maxi-
mum fill should be on the natural wa-
ter course with crown sloping at either
irrigation provides ample scope for water cations by constructing small reservoirs
resources development in the NE Hills at and recycling it in the same area.
a relatively low cost. This type of ponds
• Stream flow lift irrigation.
generally have a high rate of seepage and
percolation and cannot hold water during • Conjunctive use of surface and ground-
the crucial dry season. Two small ponds with water on a rotational basis.
storage capacity of 0.3 ham (AE pond) and • Adoption of scientific on-farm water use
1.0 ham (FSRP pond) were created in the and management technology.
ICAR Research Farm at Barapani (Megha-
laya). The pond were subsequently lined • Drainage of areas with high water ta-
with LDPE Agri Film of 250 micron and ble.
covered with 30 cm soil on the bed as well • Tackling flood and irrigation in an in-
as sides. The effect of lining and hydrologi- tegrated manner.
cal behaviour of ponds was studied. The
maximum percolation rate through the
AE pond under unlined condition was to References
be tune of 0.040 m3/m2 wetted perimeter/ Rao BK, Satapathy KK. (2005a) Hill slope
day. The percolation rate was remarkably runoff estimation by using Curve Num-
reduced to 0.0029 m3/m2 wetted perimeter/ ber method Indian Journal of Hill Farm-
day after lining pf the pond with Agri Film, ing, Vol. 19. No. (1 & 2).
showing average reduction of about 93% in
the seepage loss (Rao and Satapathy 2005). Rao BK, Satapathy KK. (2005b) The effect
Storage hydrographs of the pond after and of plastic lining on preventing seepage
before lining clearly show an increase in the losses in water harvesting ponds Pro-
water saving efficiency of the pond after ceedings of International Conference of
lining in terms of both quantity and dura- Plasticulture & Precision Farming.
tion of storage
Satapathy KK. (1996) Hill slope runoff
under conservation practices. Research
Some Important Issues bulletin. No. 40, ICAR Research Complex
Some of the important aspects of rainwa- for NEH Region, Barapani.
ter management and the major scope for
enhancing Irrigation facilities in the terrain Satapathy KK. (1996) Hydrological aspects
can be envisaged as follows: of water harvesting tanks in hills. Re-
search Bulletin. ICAR Research Complex
• Management of runoff on slopping land for NEH Region, Barapani4 (2, 3 &4):
use and in situ retention of rainfall by 171 –179.
adoption of appropriate soil conserva-
tion measures and land use practices. Satapathy KK. (2000) Development and
management of watershed: Concept
• Ensuring safe disposal of surplus water
and approach. Journal of North Eastern
from higher to lower level.
Council 20 (2): 1-8.
• Increased utilization of stream flow
Satapathy KK. (2003) Land use plan-
through diversion works in suitable
ning for sustainable development in
North Eastern Hills Region. Processing
• Storing surplus water at appropriate lo-
• The ponds are not lined with any im- planted on the mound, which help to
pervious material. Instead the ponds harvest substantial quantities of fruits
are regularly desilted for encouraging and vegetables to meet the family re-
maximum percolation. quirements.
• Some of the ponds that retain water for
Perceptible Impact more than six months, are also used for
rearing fish. Each pond can hold up to
• It is estimated that in one rainy season 100 fingerlings of Common Carp variety.
up to 15 crore liters of water percolate Average fish yield could be around 50
from all the ponds put together. kg per pond per year.
• Good quantity of water also gets evapo-
rated. The effect of evaporation from 340
water bodies in an area of 700 ha creates
very congenial microclimate and helps The watershed development programmes
to reduce the aridity in the area. being implemented in vast tracts of the
country can to some extent help to aug-
• The horizontal connection of ponds ment the groundwater level with scientific
helps to retain water for maximum time planning and execution.
in the upper reaches of the watershed.
However, it is noticed that for various rea-
• The water seeping in to the soil helps to
sons the meaning of watershed treatment
maintain good moisture regime in the soil,
gets narrowed down to mean only the
which feeds the crops, and other vegeta-
construction of a few structures here and
tion in the watershed for longer periods
there. Systematic treatment of catchment is
even after the rainy season is over.
as crucial as the drainage line treatment. This
• The area is characterized by coconut paper discusses such an attempt in one of
plantations in the valleys. The effect of the watersheds and the results obtained.
percolation of substantial quantity of
water in the upper reaches of the wa-
tershed results in very good moisture Location
regimen in the valleys due to seepage and The project is located in Arsikere taluk of
subsoil flow. Hence the need for irrigat- Hassan district in southern Karnataka The
ing the coconut orchards is reduced. area is characterized by an annual rainfall
of 550 to 700mm/ The rainfall is received in
• The farmers are already reporting longer
two peaks. The soils are red, shallow and
duration of flow of water in the drain-
sandy with high porosity.
age line even after the rains have sub-
• The mound formed around the ponds Crops
due to the excavated soil is also very Coconut is cultivated traditionally in the
fruitfully utilized for the plantation of valleys as a cash crop. Ragi (finger millet)
medicinal plants such as Aloe vera and is staple food crop. In addition, pulses such
Witania somnifera, which give a return as redgram, horse gram and dolichos are
of up to Rs. 2000/- per year per pond. also cultivated to some extent. Sorghum
Many vegetable and fruit species are also is a major fodder crop. Sesame and green
Rainfall Data
FROM: 1995 - 2008
1995 - - - 21.30 105.80 14.00 78.60 140.90 109.60 107.60 91.40 - 669.20
1996 - - - 127.80 56.80 81.90 42.00 119.60 176.80 100.40 - 15.80 721.10
1997 - - 37.50 12.00 177.00 70.00 53.40 76.30 60.70 218.00 126.00 6.80 837.70
1998 - - 3.00 100.50 74.50 52.00 189.00 270.30 156.30 89.30 28.30 3.50 966.70
1999 - 23.00 14.00 56.70 109.00 24.00 75.50 17.00 129.50 389.00 34.50 2.00 874.20
2000 - 16.00 36.50 45.00 23.00 48.00 180.00 283.00 227.00 4.00 2.00 864.50
2001 - - - 92.00 45.80 31.00 95.20 48.50 292.00 51.30 57.80 11.00 724.60
2002 - 40.5 11 9.2 67.9 116.7 48.4 26 83.2 191.7 41.5 - 636.1
2003 - - 35 55.5 - 44.6 15.8 62.1 13.9 241.9 4.2 - 473.0
2004 - - 11.7 99 234 17.1 145 33.8 110.1 93.2 31 - 774.9
2005 43 11 - 69 148.7 49.6 115.5 71 73.3 184.9 21 - 787.0
2006 - - 35 49.5 111.5 112 8.8 35 25.5 44.5 91 - 512.8
2007 - - - 19.5 158 46.0 23.5 156.5 120.5 259.5 3 10 796.5
2008 - 130 143 36 70.5 27 101 201 30.5 153.5 65 - 957.5
• Horticultural species such as mango, type ponds or as deep cut ponds. Step-
cashew and tamarind were planted in well type ponds are of lower capacity.
the fields at a spacing of 30 X 30. As- • Each pond is provided with a silt trap
sistance for horticulture was restricted just before the inlet. This silt trap is nor-
to 1 ha per family. mally a pit measuring 4 X 4 X 3 ft.
• Regular traditional food crops are • The inlets and outlets of the ponds are
cultivated in between horticulture lined with stone pitching.
• 10 to 15 ponds located on a contour are
linked in a chain. The field trench cum
Water Harvesting bunds act as conducting channels for
A series of farm ponds were excavated and carrying water from one pond to another.
they were located on contour lines. The last pond discharges in to a check
dam through horizontal flow of water
• For every 2 ha of catchment there was from one pond to another. The vertical
one pond. flow of water from the ridge to the val-
• The capacity of these ponds varied de- ley, with erosive velocity, is avoided.
pending on the location. Minimum size • Check dams are constructed in the nala
of the pond was 25 X 25 X 10 ft. i.e. 6250 where the farm pond chains on either
cft, with a capacity to hold 175000 liters side can discharge. Thus, the water com-
of water at a time. Average cost of a ing into the check dam will be almost
pond was Rs 5000/-. This works out Rs devoid of any silt. Silt gets arrested at
0.30 per liter capacity of the pond. These the farm pond level itself. Thus, the life
ponds are not lined with any impervious of the check dams can be enhanced by
material to facilitate percolation. several times.
• The ponds occupy approx. 0.5% of the • As enormous amount of water gets
land area. percolated in the upper reaches of the
• 340 ponds have been excavated. Each watershed, regular seepage occurs in the
pond with a capacity of 1.75 lakh liters, valley portion. This seepage is seen for
can harvest approximately 5 crore liters extended periods even after the farm
of water with one filling. Most of this ponds dry out water continues to ac-
water gets percolated down. In a normal cumulate in the check dams.
rain fall year, we can expect these ponds • The number of check dams can also be
to over flow at least three times during minimized to a bare minimum expendi-
the rain season. ture as most of the water gets arrested
• These ponds help in harvesting run off in the upper catchment.
during a stray rains in the summer. With • In addition to the traditional masonry
the first peak of monsoon in June – July, check dams, which are not very cost
all the ponds overflow. With subsequent effective, earthen check dams with
rains the ponds get topped up. With the ferro – cement core wall were experi-
second peak of rains in Aug-Sept, when mented. These can be executed at
maximum rainfall is received in the area, approximately 1/3rd of the cost of the
the ponds overflow more than once.
masonry structures.
• The ponds are shaped either as step-well
A comparison of the traditional water harvesting structure with the farm ponds is as
Comparison between farm pond and other structures
Sl. Other structure (check dam, earthen
Farm pond
No. bunding etc.)
1. Occupies less area & less submergence of Occupies less area, more submergence of
land, small exposed water surface land, more exposed water surfaces
2. Deep-water column, less evaporation and Water column is less exposed area is more &
greater percolation into surrounding areas. more evaporation and less recharge
3. Sub surface flow is more Sub surface flow is less
4. Generates more employment for the families Less employment opportunities, since it
of watershed area requires skilled labour
5. Major portion of money goes to local people Major portion goes to materials, which is not
available to the local people.
6. Easily manageable by local people Requires skilled labour & heavy investment
7. It protects & increases the rest of the Without ponds at the upper reaches danger of
structures of the drainage line because of in- breaching & siltation of structures
situ conservation of soil
8 Benefits more people especially poor and Benefits less number of peoples and merely
marginal rich people
9 Equity in water distribution Unequal water distribution in the watershed
10 Very effective microclimate management Little effect on the microclimate
11 energy efficient structure Loss of energy, requires additional energy to
bring back water to upper reaches
ual farmers maintain the ponds located on system, taking shape slowly but surely.
individual farmer’s lands, though treated as
community assets. The silt trap is regularly The ponds attract birds of diverse mature.
desilted after each rain. The silt accumulated This further stimulates the on set of a se-
in the pond also provides a valuable silt for ries of developments, which collectively
bund application, which does not require can be termed as pond ecology. Ponds lo-
much effort for transportation. cated relatively on the lower reaches of the
catchment tend to retain water for a longer
Energy Issues time (say beyond six months). These ponds
can very effectively be used for small-scale
Water from the catchment normally flows fisheries.
down to the valley with considerable speed
carrying silt. If this water is to be lifted for The effect of 340 farm ponds in an area of
watering plants/crops in the upper reaches, about 700 ha can itself bring about a relative
either manually, using bullock power, or by change in the humidity levels, reducing the
pumping, the energy required to be spent intensity of aridity in the microclimate.
will be enormous. This gravitational energy
can very well be utilized to make water
percolate in the upper reaches itself. By pro- Critical Observations
viding a very slight gradient in locating the The effect of farm ponds is regularly moni-
ponds in the same contour we can conduct tored using three important indicators.
the water across the watershed horizontally. o Water level in the open well on a
This can ensure that water stays in the up- monthly basis
per reaches for a longer time. ° Water level in selected ponds on a
daily basis.
Ecological issues
° Yield of coconuts in the valley portion
Maintenance of good subsoil moisture for in 20 selected gardens – done as and
longer time can stimulate and promote liv- when the coconuts are harvested.
ing organisms in the soil. The mound of soils
formed around the pond is planted with • The farmers have started reporting better
diverse plants to meet the farmer’s day-to- performance of their coconut gardens
day requirements. The mound formed is since the last summer. The need for ir-
utilized for plantation of medicinal herbs rigating these gardens has been reduced.
such as Aloe vera and witania somnifer, The effect of percolation of substantial
which can give a return of upto Rs 2000/- quantity of water in the upper reaches
per year. Vegetables and fruit plants are of the watershed helps to maintain good
planted on the mounds, which helps to moisture regime in the valleys. However,
harvest substantial quantity of fruits and it is too early to conclude on the actual
vegetables for the family requirements. The coconut yields as the data collection is to
water available within a farmer’s land brings be continued at least a couple of years
about a change in the behavioral aspects of more.
the farmer. He tends to stay longer time • The farmers are reporting longer dura-
in his fields with his livestock doing some tion of flow of water in the drainage
thing or the other. This binding of man to line even after the rains have subsided.
his land will result in an improved farming This seepage continues to feed the check
dam in the valley with clean water with large amount of water overflows of all
out seepage. the ponds.
• The farm pond technology can be uti- • Though 0.5 to 1 % of the land area is
lized very fruitfully in all watersheds not available for cultivation, the benefits
with suitable modifications depending accumulated over a period of time will
on the soil types and slopes. The check far out weigh the loss. In fact, the in-
dams where water is stored against a creased direct benefits can be perceived
head are costly, cost ranging between Rs. from the very second year.
50000/- and Rs 200000/-. A combination
of check dams and farm ponds can be
Scope for Further Research
designed for maximum efficiency. This
will reduce the number of check dams • Cost benefit analysis of investments over
required in a catchment. a longer period of time.
• The water stored in big check dams is • Ecological impact of in-situ soil moisture
normally used by a few rich farmers in conservation with the run off reaching
the valleys and hence is not a democratic the valleys.
way of water distribution. • Issues related with the riparian rights
• The cost of lifting water to the upper of farmers in the down stream and the
reaches of watershed from the check related social issues.
dams is high and hence is not feasi- • Cost sharing mechanisms between vari-
ble. ous stakeholder groups. It is noticed at
• The farm pond network with approxi- least in this particular case study the
mately one pond for every 2 ha is gross- farmers in the down stream with coconut
ly under designed. Hence during peak gardens tend to get maximum benefit in
downpour (2 or 3 times in a year), a spite of the runoff reaching the valley
through seepage.
• Long-term impact in terms of water log- The number of check dams in a watershed
ging in the low– lying areas. can be reduced and supplemented with
• Pond designs for different soil types, farm ponds. Decentralized farm ponds are
(ponds in black soils tend to cave in). scattered all over the catchment and hence
Several methods of stabilizing the ponds water is made available to maximum area
can be thought off. with least cost. The life of a pond is also
longer and is maintained by the farmer in
whose land the pond is located. The silt
Conclusions harvested regularly from the ponds can be
The farm pond technology can be used a good addition to the fields for improving
very fruitfully in all watershed areas. This fertility.
is very good low cost supplement to check
dams. Each farm pond costs around Rs. Understanding a dryland agro-eco-system
5000 for excavation. Check dams cost any- in all its entirety is very crucial for making
where between Rs. 50000 and Rs. 200000. any meaningful intervention for achieving
The cost of water storing against a head sustainable development in the vast tracts
in check dams is substantially higher of the country. Depleting forest cover, ir-
compared to dug out ponds. The water regular rainfall and increased exploitation
stored in big check dams is normally used of groundwater have aggravated the situ-
only by the down stream farmers and hence ation of groundwater table. There are no
is not a democratic way of water distribu- systematic efforts to regulate the ground-
tion. Lifting water from the check dams to water exploitation or any such meaningful
upper reaches of the catchment will also be regulatory system can be thought off in the
very costly and will not be energy efficient. near future.
This brain storming was held with the fol- one which empowers the farmer in water
lowing objectives: management in rainfed areas. He stressed
the need for looking at the issue as a pack-
• Sharing of experiences on water harvest-
age from the point of harvesting, lifting and
ing and reuse through farm ponds and
making proper reuse for suitable crop and
related issues, among scientific institu-
profitability rather than water harvesting
tions, Govt. Departments, NGOs, civil
alone, which is more prevalent now. Further,
society organizations and progressive
it has been mentioned that the program
should be demand driven with contribution
• Understand the biophysical, technologi- and effective participation from farmers in
cal and social constraints in adoption and the whole process. In his opening remarks
upscaling of farm pond technology Director, CRIDA informed that though the
• Identify critical research gaps and policy farm pond technology is in existence for
initiatives for wider adoption of farm many years, adoption of the same by the
pond technology in the country. developmental agencies is not to the desired
level. He also pointed out that water harvest-
The brain storming was attended by about ing systems are taken up vigorously in many
80 participants representing various ICAR watershed programmes but the utilization
research institutes (CRIDA, CAZRI, NBSS- of harvested water is not tied up in many
LUP, CSWCRTI, CICR etc), Agricultural Uni- cases (in terms of area that can be covered
versities (ANGRAU, UAS Bangalore, UAS, with critical irrigation, timing of irrigation
Dharwad, GBPUAT, YS Parmar University etc). He stated that in order to make the
etc), NGOs (WASSAN, AKRSP, Aravali, farm pond technology viable for small and
Foundation for Ecological Security etc), marginal farmers, the technology need to
officials from central (Ministry of Agricul- be developed as package with proper mea-
ture) and state government ministries of sures for seepage control in farm ponds,
Agriculture (AP, Karnataka, Tamilnadu, Gu- suitable lifting devices and identification of
jarat, Madhya Pradesh (MPRLP)) and Rural appropriate locations with in farmer fields.
development and NABARD. The list of par- He further emphasized that rainfed crops
ticipants is given in Annexure I. Instead of to be provided with one critical/supplemen-
regular academic seminar, it was organized tal irrigation with harvested water so as to
mainly to share experiences, lessons learnt increase the productivity and income from
and identify critical issues needing future these areas. The inaugural session was fol-
attention. lowed by four technical sessions.
The papers presented in session I covered Following the presentations, the recom-
generic issues like perspectives of farm pond mendations were finalized based on group
technology in the livelihood programmes, discussions. The following three groups
design methodologies, implications of water were constituted to discuss various issues
harvesting at different scales of operation in the light of the presentations made and
(up stream –downstream ), opportunity of identify specific research gaps. The issues
water harvesting and technologies for water listed are as follows:
harvesting in arid regions, improved sheet
1. Determination of the harvestable runoff
material for control of seepage losses. In
potential in various agro ecological
session II, case studies from vertisol regions
were presented covering aspects like de-
sign methodologies, identification of suit- 2. Optimization of the size of the farm
able sites, successful utilization of harvested ponds for different agroecological
water for enhancing the income, involve- zones
ment of local institutions for up scaling 3. Identification of the cost effective lining
farm ponds through training and capacity material and efficient water lifting
building programme. Similarly in session III device
and IV, case studies related to Alfisols and
related regions and high rainfall hill and 4. Choice of crops and method of
mountain regions were presented. These irrigation for increasing water
papers discussed issues related to technical productivity
aspects of farm ponds for making them a 5. Policy support to individual farmers for
success with location specific technologies, adopting the farm pond technology
research studies being carried out at vari-
ous institutions, upscaling the technologies 6. Strategies for integration of farm
through convergence with rural develop- pond technology into the existing
ment programmes. watershed/ NREGA programs.
28 Mudkavi DH Dr 35 Palaniswami K Dr
Scientist (Agril. Engg.), UAS, Dharwad Director, IWMI-Tata Program, IWMI
Directorate of Research, IWMI, South Asia Regional Office, 401/5,
Krishinagar, UAS, Dharwad C/o. ICRISAT, Patancheru-502 324
0836-2745903, 0836-2446690 (O) 91-41-3071-3732 (O)
09449643558 (M) k.palanisami@cgiar.org
0836-2748377 (Fax) 91-40-3074/75 (Fax)
36 Panda SN Dr
29 Nagaraju PK Prof. & Head, IIT, Kharagpur
Civil Engineer, Actionfraterna, RDT, School of Water Resources, IIT, Kharagpur
RDT Ecology Centre, Upparapalli Road, 03222-283140 (O), 282212 (Fax)
Anantapur 03222-283141 (R)
08554-244222 (R) 09434009156 (M)
09441185511 (M) snp@agfe.iitkgp.ac.in
30 Narsimlu B 37 Rajesh Kumar
Technical Officer, CRIDA Program Manager
Central Research Institute for Dryland People’s Science Institute
Agriculture, Santoshnagar, Hyderabad 252, Vasant Vihar Phase-I,
040-24530161 (O), 24531802 (Fax) Dehradun-248006, Uttarakhand
09441600152 (M) 0135-2763649, 2773849 (O)
0135-2130031 (R)
31 Neelesh
09412155323 (M)
Regional Coordinator, ARAVALI
Patel Bhawan, HCM-RIIA (OTS),
Jawaharlal Nehru marg, Jaipur-302017 38 Raju A Dr
0141-2701941 (O) Pr.Scientist (Agronomy)
0941069506 (M), 2710556 (Fax) Central Institute for Cotton Research
ambuj@aravali.org.in CICR, P.B. No. 2,
32 Nema AK Dr
NAGPUR – 440 010
Reader, BHU, Varanasi
91-07103-275538/275549 (O)
Department of Farm Engineering,
91-07103-275529 (Fax)
Institute of Agricultural Sciences
0542-6702435 (O) 39 Ramakrishna YS Dr
09889549171 (M) Former Director, CRIDA
Central Research Institute for Dryland
33 Osman M Dr
Agriculture, Santoshnagar, Hyderabad
Principal Scientist, CRIDA
Central Research Institute for Dryland
040-24530161 (O)
Agriculture, Santoshnagar, Hyderabad
040-24531802 (Fax)
040-24530161 (O)
09440763100 (M)
040-24531802 (Fax) 40 Ramamurthy V Dr
mdosman@crida.ernet.in Sr. Scientist, NBSS&LUP
Regional Centre, Bangalore-560024
34 Padmanabhan MV Dr
080-23512641 (O)
09480315146 (M)
Central Research Institute for Dryland
Agriculture, Santoshnagar, Hyderabad
040-24530161 (O) 41 Ranade DH Dr
09440234265 (M) Sr. Scientist, ORP on Dryland Agriculture,
040-24531802 (Fax) College of Agriculture, Indore
mvp@crida.ernet.in 0731-2701254 (O), 2496989 (Fax)
Day 1 (21-04-2009)
10.00 – 10.45 hrs. Inaugural Session
Welcome Dr.B.Venkateswarlu, Director, CRIDA
Importance of the theme in NAIP Comp.3 Dr.A.P.Srivastava, NC,
Comp-3, NAIP
Water harvesting as key priority in NRM research Dr. P.D. Sharma, ADG (Soils)
Importance of water harvesting in Watershed Dr S.P. Wani, ICRISAT
Remarks by Chief Guest Dr.S. M. Ilyas, Director, NAARM
Vote of thanks Dr.P.K.Mishra, PC, AICRPDA
10.45 – 11.00 hrs. Tea
11.00 – 13.30 hrs. Technical Session I : Rainwater harvesting and recycling: current status and issues
Chair : Dr.S.M. Virmani, Co-Chair : Dr.A.P.Srivastava,
Rapporteur: Dr D. H. Ranade
1. Rain Water Harvesting through Farm Ponds and Sandeep Khanwalkar, State Co-
Well Recharging Structures- Experiences from MP ordinator MPRLP, Indore.
2. Water Harvesting Structures in Naturally Water Dinesh Kumar, Institute for Resource
Scarce Regions: Hydrological Assessment and Analysis and Policy, Hyderabad
Economic Viability
3. Seepage Control through a New Class of Sheet B L Deopura, IIT Delhi
4. Rainwater Harvesting: A Key To Survival in Hot R K Goyal, CAZRI , Jodhpur
Arid Zone of Rajasthan
5. Optimum Design of Watershed based Tank Mukund Shinde, MPKVV, Rahuri
System for Semiarid and Sub Humid Tropics
6. Evaluation of Watershed Development K.Palanisami, IWMI Tata Program,
Programmes in India using The Economic Patancheruvu
Surplus Method.
7. Optimizing On-Farm Reservoir size for various S.N.Panda, IIT, Kharagpur
Cropping Systems in Rainfed Uplands of Eastern
13.30 – 14.15 hrs. Lunch
9. Farm Pond Initiative in Rainfed Areas in Rajasthan Ambuj Kishore, Aravali, Jaipur
10. Rain Water Harvest and its reuse for Ground Dilip Mudkavi, UAS, Dharwad
Water Recharge – A Case Study in Karnataka
18.30 hrs. Cultural Programme
20.30 hrs. Dinner (Sponsored by ICRISAT)
Day 2 (22.04.2009)
09.30 – 11.00 hrs. Technical Session IV : Experiences of water harvesting through farm ponds in high
rainfall hill, and mountain and tribal regions
Chair : Dr.K.Palanisami, Co-Chair : Dr.P.K.Mishra,
Rapporteur: Dr. Sidhpuria
1. Water Harvesting in Hilly Areas of Uttarakhand: Anil Kumar, GBPUAT, Pant Nagar
Opportunities and Challenges
2. Farm Ponds for Supplementary Irrigation to S.Manivannan, ICAR Complex, Goa
Plantation Crops in Goa
3. Rainwater Harvesting through Cost Effective I.P.Sharma, Dr YSPUHF, Solan,
Water Storage Structures in Mid Hills of Himachal Himachal Pradesh.
Pradesh-A Success Story
4. Water Harvesting for Supplemental Irrigation- A.K. Tiwari , CSWCRTI, Chandigarh
Case Study from Shivalik Hill Region
5. Rain Water Harvesting and Recycling for B.Krishna Rao, CTRI, Rajahmundry
Sustainable Agricultural Production in North
Eastern Hill Region
6. Integration of farm ponds into the dryland farming Venkatraj Dedya, Foundation for
systems – A Case Study from A.P. Ecological Security
7. Rainwater harvesting through farm ponds & D.S.Thakur, AICRPDA, Bastar
shallow dug wells; reuse through peddle operated
low lift pump in Bastar Region of Chattisgarh
8. Water Harvesting Potential Assessment in Rainfed KV Rao, CRIDA,Hyd
Regions of India
11.00 – 11.30 hrs. Technical Session V : Issues, Strategies and research gaps: Brainstorming
Chair: Dr. P.D. Sharma, ADG (soils)
Co-Chair: Dr. G.R. Korwar
• Key issues and research gaps – Dr.P.K.Mishra
• Moderators : Dr. K.V.Rao and Dr. Sreenath Dixit
11.30 – 13.15 hrs. Group activity
13.15 – 14.00 hrs. Lunch
14.00 – 16.00 hrs. Plenary Session, open discussion and wrap-up
Chair : Dr.B.Venkateswarlu, Co-Chair : Dr.P.K.Mishra,
Rapporteur: Dr Ch. Srinivasa Rao
16.30 hrs. Close
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