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Network Topology: Graph of a network, Concept of tree and co-tree, incidence matrix,
tie-set, tie-set and cut-set schedules, Formulation of equilibrium equations in matrix form,
Solution of resistive networks, Principle of duality.

Network Topology

Importance of the topological approach for solving the electric circuits

Node: Its the point in the network to which two or more electric elements are connected

Branch: Its the line segment, which represents the network elements or a combination
of network elements connected between the two nodes

Path: Its the group of elements of the property that they can be traversed in such a way
that no node again passing possible

Loop: Its the closed path in the network

Mesh: Its an independent loop, which dont any other loop in it.

a branch b R R C
a c b
a b
a R b C a R c L b

a b
a L b R

a b a branch c branch b
a C b L


a b
L L a branch b
a b

Graph of a network
Its the geometric figure, in which all the passive elements are represented by the
line segments, all the ideal voltage sources are represented by the short circuits, and all
the ideal current sources are represented by the open circuits, retaining all the nodes
Graph=Nodes(named by letters)+Branch(named by numbers)

V1 L C V2



Oriented Graphs:
Its the graph in which all the nodes are named by letters, all the branches are
named by numbers, with arbitrary assignment of directions are mentioned for each

Procedure of oriented graph formation from the circuit

1. Name the nodes of the graph by letters
2. Name the branches by using numbers
3. Arbitrarily, take the direction of branch currents over the branches
R a R b R a 2 b

1 2 3
V1 L 4 C 5 V2

Concept of Tree and a Co-tree

Tree: Its the sub-graph of the graph, in which no loops are present, formed by the
removal of some number of branches of the graph. Tree can have different number of
trees in the graph.

Twig(Tree branches): Its the branch present in the tree of a graph

Chord(Links): Its the branch of trees to be removed to form a tree

Number of Trees in a graph: |AAT| = |ArArT|

Twig, and Links relation in a tree:

Number of twigs: t=(n-1)
Number of links: l=b-t=b-(n-1)=b-n+1

Co-tree: Co-tree of a given tree is the sub-graph of the graph, formed by the branches of
the graph, that are not in the given tree
a 1 b 2 c a 1 b 2 c a 1 b 2 c

7 5 3 7 5

6 4 6 4 6 4
f d f e d f e d
a 1 b 2 c
a b 2 c a b c

5 3
7 5 3 7 5 3

6 6 4
f e d e
f d f d

Network Variable
Its the independent variable on which values of all other elements depends on
Its the assumed variable, specific to the method of analysis using for the analysis of the

Types of Network Variables

1. Current Variables:
1. Branch Currents : Currents in the branches of the circuit
2. Loop Currents : Currents in the loops of the circuit
Method providing the current variables: Mesh-current method of network analysis

2. Voltage Variables:
1. Node-to-Datum Voltages : Its the voltage between the node and the reference
node(assumed of zero potential) in the circuit
2. Node-pair Voltages : Its the voltage between two nodes in circuit
Ex.: Branch voltages
Concept of Incidence matrix
Its the (nxb) matrix, which provides the complete information regarding the
branch connections and branch orientations to all nodes

All-incidence matrix: Alternate name for the incidence matrix

Procedure of constructing incidence matrix

1. Form the oriented graph of the graph
2. Arbitrarily, take the direction of branch currents over the branches
3. Take the branches along the rows, and take the nodes along the column
4. Arbitrarily, take the incoming branch currents to the named nodes as ve (+ve),
and the outgoing branch currents from the node as the +ve(-ve)

Importance of Incidence Matrix

1. Provides the branch node connection information(i.e., nodes between which the
branch is connected- information) in the circuit
2. Provides the orientation of branch currents in the circuit
3. Provides the direction of branch currents, since determinant of A is zero, and sum
of elements in each column of A is zero
4. Oriented graph, can be constructed using A or reduced incidence matrix Ar
5. Provides KCL expressions, at each node (from its each row)

Reduced Incidence Matrix, Ar

Its the incidence matrix, in which the information of any one node is completely
not present. Usually, in the reduced incidence matrix, the reference node information is
going to be omitted

Importance of Reduced Incidence Matrix, Ar

1. Incidence matrix can be constructed from Ar
2. Oriented graph can be constructed from Ar
Provides the number of trees (i.e., |AAT| = |ArArT| possible in the graph
Formulation of equilibrium equations in matrix form Incidence
Node to datum voltages and Matrix, A
Columns of A: Provides the relation between the branch voltages
e1 = -Va
e2 = Va-Vb
e3 = Va-Vc
e4 = Vc-Vb
e5 = Vb
e6 = Vc
So, Eb=ATVn

Node Transformation Equation: Eb=ATVn

Eb: Column matrix(bx1), of the branch voltages
AT: Transpose of A
Vn: Column matrix{(n-1)x1}, of the datum voltages

e1 -1 0 0
e2 1 -1 0
e3 1 0 -1 Va
e4 0 -1 1 Vb
e5 0 1 0 Vc
e6 0 0 1

KCL and Matrix, A:

Rows of A: provides the relations between the branch currents
Example: -i1+i2+i3=0
So, AIb=0 , Ib: Column matrix(bx1), of the branch currents
-1 1 1 0 0 0 i3
0 -1 0 -1 1 0 i4 = 0
0 0 -1 1 0 1 i5

Basic Equtions: Eb=ATVn, and AIb=0

Equilibrium equations with node to datum voltages as variables:

Consider the general branch of the network:


ib ib


vg= Total series voltage in the branch

ig = Total current source across the branch
Zb= Total impedance of the branch
ib=Branch current
Yb= Total admittance of the branch
Voltage and current relations in the general branch diagram:

For the network, with more number of branches:

Eb: (bx1) matrix of branch voltages
Vg: (bx1) matrix of source voltages in the branches (Includes the initial capacitor voltages
in loop analysis)
Ig: (bx1) matrix of the source currents in the branches (Includes the initial inductor
currents in the nodal analysis)
Zb: (bxb) matrix of the branch impedances
Yb: (bxb) matrix of the branch admittances
Yn: {(n-1)x(n-1)} matrix of the node admittances
Vn: Column matrix {(n-1)x1}, of the node to datum voltages
In: Column matrix {(n-1}x1}, of the source currents

Consider, AIb=0
A[Ig+Yb(Eb-Vg)]=0 Substituting for Ib,
AIg+AYb(ATVn)-AYbVg=0 Substituting for Eb=ATVn
AIg+AYbA Vn-AYbVg=0
AYbAT = Yn and AYbVg-AIg=In ---------------------1
So, In=YnVn or Vn=Yn I-1n ---------------------2

Eq 1 or 2: Set of (n-1) equilibrium equations. Solving the equilibrium equations, gives the
node to datum voltages, and from them the branch voltages and branch currents can be
found out

Number of Possible Trees in a graph: N = AAT, A: Incidence matrix

Concept of cut-set and cut-set schedule

Cut-Set: Its a set of branches of a connected graph, whose removal causes the graph to
become unconnected into exactly two connected sub-graphs. Any of the branches of the
cutest, if restored destroys the separation property of the two sub-graphs

Consider the Oriented graph, of the network. (1,2,3) group of branches forms the
cut-set A. By removing these branches these branches, the graph becomes unconnected
and two sub-graphs are formed. One sub-graph is node a and branches (1,2,3). The other
sub-graph contains nodes b, c, d and branches (4,5, 6).
Single isolated node : It is also considered as a connected sub-graph
By replacing any one of the branches of the cut-set, the two sub-graphs gets
connected. Other cut-sets in the graph: B(1,5,6), C(3,4,6), D(2,4,5)

Fundamental Cut-sets: These are the cut-sets, which are minimum in number required
to be identified for the network solution. These can be identified, by the possible tree for
the graph
Example: A(1,2,3), B(1,5,6), C(3,4,6) : Because, each contains only one (the mandatory
requirement to become a fundamental cut-set) tree twig, present in the tree considered for
writing the fundamental cut-sets (In the example: considered tree: (3,4,5)Number of
Fundamental Cut-sets = Number of branches in the tree (Considered for writing the cut-
setts) = (n-1), where n is the number of nodes present in the graph

Orientation of the Cut-set: Its the same direction as the direction of the tree branch,
which is present within it.

Cut-set Schedule: It provides the relation between the tree-branch voltages and all the
other branch voltages. Elements in the cut-set schedule, are filled using the orientation of
the particular cut-set
Example: Cut-set A( 1,2, 3): Branch 1 has orientation opposite to the orientation of cut-
set A, so the element in the cut-set schedule is written as -1.
Orientation of the branch 2: same as that of the cut-set A(1,2,3) the element in the cut-
set schedule is +1 and similarly for all other branches
Branches like, 4, 5, and 6 are not present, in the cut-set: so entries will be 0s in their place

Fundamental Cut-set Matrix, Q

Cut-set elements can be written in the form of the matrix called the fundamental cut-set

Tree: Its written by removing sufficient number of branches from the graph, so that the
graph does not contain any loops within it. Links are the removed branches. Twigs are
the branches of tree
Formulation of equilibrium equations in matrix form Cut-set matrix

Twig voltages and Q matrix

Columns of Q: gives the relationship between the twig voltages and the branch voltages
So, e1=v2-v1, e2=v1, e3=v1-v3, e4=v3, e5=v2, e6=v3-v2

Node Transformation Equation: Eb=QTVt

Eb: Column matrix(bX1), of branch voltages
Vt: Column matrix{(n-1)X1}, of twig voltages
QT: Transpose matrix of Q

e1 -1 1 0
e2 1 0 0
e3 1 0 -1 V1
e4 0 0 1 V2
e5 0 1 0 V3
e6 0 -1 1

KCL and Matrix, Q

Rows of Q: gives the relation between the branch currents ( satisfying the KCL)
Therefore, QIb=0, Ib: Column matrix(nx1), of branch currents
-1 1 1 0 0 0 i3
1 0 0 0 1 -1 i4 = 0
0 0 -1 1 0 1 i5
Basic Equations: Eb=QTVt, and QIb=0
Equilibrium equations with tree twig voltages as variables:

ib ib


QIb=0, and Eb=QT Vt

QIb = Q[Ig+Yb(Eb-Vg)], (By multiplying both sides by Q)
0 = QIg+QYbEb-QYbVg
0=QIg+QYb(QTVt)-QYbVg, Substituting for Eb
QYbVg-QIg=In, and QYbQT=Yn ----------------- 1
QYbQTVt=In, and YnVt=In ----------------2
Eq 1 or 2 : Set of (n-1) equilibrium equations with tree twig voltages as variables
If Vt is known, Vbs can find out. Branch currents can be find out, if the elements in the
network are known

Concept of tie-set and tie-set schedule

Tie-Set: Its the collection of branches forming a loop.

Fundamental Tie-sets: Minimal number of tie-sets needed to identify the network, can
be written by selecting one possible tree of the graph ( with the condition that each tie-set
branches must form a close loop and contain at least one tree twig, and can be more than
one also)
By adding one link to the tree, a loop is formed and by adding other links to the
graph, remaining loops are formed, then such a loop is the fundamental loop.
Number of fundamental loops = Number of links
So, the branches of the fundamental loop: forms the fundamental tie-set
Number of fundamental tie-sets = Number of links

Tie-set Matrix(Loop Incidence Matrix), B (or M): Provides the relationship between
the loop currents and the branch currents

Tie-set Schedule: Its the schedule, which gives the relationship between the loop
currents and the branch currents

Direction of tie-set loop current: Same as that of the link present within it

Elements in the Tie-set schedule and Tie-set matrix:

If branch is not present in the tie-set: 0
If the branch is present and the direction is same as that of the loop current: 1
If the branch is present and the direction is opposite to that of the loop current: -1

Example: Tree considered for writing the tie-set: (5,6,7,8)

Dotted lines represents the links
Thick lines represents the twigs
Branch currents: i1, i2, i3, i4
Loop currents: il1, il2, il3, il4
Tie-set schedule and the tie-set matrix is as below:

Formulation of equilibrium equations in matrix form Tie-set matrix

KCL and Matrix, B
Columns of B: provides the relation between the branch current and the loop current
So, i1=il1
So, Ib=BTIl
Ib: Column matrix(bx1), of branch currents
BT: Transpose of B
Il: Column matrix(mx1), of loop currents
m: Number of independent loops
i1 1 0 0 0
i2 0 1 0 0
i3 0 0 1 0
i4 0 0 0 1 il1
i5 -1 1 0 0 il2
i6 0 -1 1 0 il3
i7 0 0 -1 1 il4
i8 1 0 0 -1

Branch Voltage and Matrix B:

Rows of B: provides the branch voltage relation in the graph
So, BEb=0, Eb: Column matrix(bx1), of branch voltages
Basic equations: Ib=BTIl, and BEb=0

Equilibrium equations with loop currents as variables


ib ib


Eb=Vg+Zb(Ib-Ig), Ib=BTIl, and BEb=0

BVg+BZbBTIl-BZbIg=0, (Substituting Ib=BTIl)
Vl=BZbIg-BVg and Zl=BZbBT -----------------1
So , Zl Il=Vl or Il=Zl-1Vl ------------ ----2
Eq 1 and 2: Set of Equilibrium equations with loop currents as the independent variables
Solving, equilibrium equtions, loop currents are obtained and from that branch currents
can be find out. If the elements of the branches are known, then the branch currents can
be find out

E shift and I shift


Normal nodal analysis, can not be applied if any one branch in the circuit,
contains an ideal voltage source, since the source current due to this branch to the
particular node is indeterminate.
At that time, the ideal voltage has to be shifted to the other branches that are
connected in series with it, without changing the characteristic of the network

Loop analysis can not be applied, when an ideal current source is present in any
branch of the network, since the voltage drop in the branch containing the ideal current
source is indeterminate.
At that time, the ideal current source is to be shifted to the parallel lines with each
of the branches forming the close loop with the branch having the ideal current source

Principle of Duality

Duality: Its the similarity between the two quantities

Dual networks: Two networks are said to be the dual networks, if the mesh current
equations of one network are similar to the node voltage equations of the other network
R=1/G, L=C, C=R , and V(t)=i(t) : When LHS are of one network and RHS are of
another network - the networks are said to be dual to each other
Duality diagrams

Quantity Dual Quanity
Current Voltage
Branch current Branch voltage
Mesh Node
Loop Node pair
Loop current Node pair voltage
Mesh current Node voltage
Number of loops Link Number of nodes
Twig Twig
Tie-set Cut-set
Short circuit Open circuit
Series circuit Parallel circuit
Inductance Capacitance
Resistance Conductance
Thevenins Theorem Nortons Theorem
Closing switch Open switch
Dual Networks

1. Place a node, inside each loop of the given network, and name it by a letter like a,
b and others. Place one extra node o, outside the network and call as the datum
2. Draw lines from node to node through the elements in the original network
traversing only one element at a time
3. Arrange the nodes marked in the original network on a separate space in the
paper, for drawing dual network
4. To each element, traversed in the original network, connect its dual element
between the corresponding nodes


Dual Graph
Dual graph: Graphs are the dual, when the equations written for one by using the mesh-
current analysis method, identical to the equations written for another by using the node-
voltage analysis method
Number of brnches: Same in the original network and its dual network
Number of twigs: Number of twigs in the original network is equal to the number of
links in its dual network
Number of independent loops in the graph = Number of node-pairs in its dual graph
1. Mark 5 node-pairs or 6 nodes on the paper. Sixth node is datum node or the
reference node. Nodes: a, b, c, d, and e Datum node: o

2. Assign each of the 5 nodes to teach of the meshes in the graph

3. For each mesh, note the tie-set and draw the corresponding cut-set in the dual
Example: For loop a, the branches forming the tie-set are 1 and 4. So, in the dual
graph, at node a, draw two branches, one between a and b and the other between a
and o. Similarly, the other branches are connected in the dual graph

4. Orientations of the branches in the dual graph: When the mesh a is tranced in
clockwise direction, the orientation of branch 1 is divergent from node a and the
orientation of the branch 4 is convergent towards node a and hence, the orientations
of branches 1 and 4, are marked on the dual graph. Similarly, the orientations of the
other branches are marked


Eb=Vg+Zb(Ib-Ig) Eb=ATVn AIb=0 and AYbATVn=AYbVg-AIg
Ib=Ig+Yb(Eb-Vg) Eb=QTVt QIb=0 and QYbQTVt=QYbVg-QIg
Ib=BTIl BEb=0 and BZbBTIl=BZbIg-BVg

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