Les and Regulations 29-5-2014
Les and Regulations 29-5-2014
Les and Regulations 29-5-2014
engaged in professional work in the discipline in which admission is sought. No financial assistance
will be provided by the Institute to such students. A No Objection Certificate from the Head of the
Department must be enclosed at the time of applying. This candidate would pay regular fees of the
institute under full/part time student category and no concession in institute fees can be allowed.
This category refers to all the Foreign Nationals, who are eligible for Admission to the M.Tech
program and who have a certification from the Pune University Foreign Students Cell about their
admissions to M.Tech. These students will submit a certificate from the Pune University certifying
their Equivalence of Courses at undergraduate levels. These students will have to appear for the
institute entrance examination and also a English language test, conducted by the institute. If these
students fail in the English language test their applications will be rejected even though they pass in
the institute admission test. No financial assistance of any sort will be available for these students.
Before admission, these students will have to get a clearance about their background check by the
Department of Home, Government of India. A candidate in this category will be admitted on a full
time basis subject to compliance of various norms laid down by the competent authority from time
to time.
Students for admission to the M. Tech. Program in Engineering Departments must satisfy one of
the following criteria:
(i) Bachelors degree in Engineering/Technology or equivalent in an appropriate area, with a
minimum of First Class/60% marks or CGPA of 6.5 on a scale of 10 or equivalent (CGPA of 6.00 or
equivalent in case of SC / ST).
(ii) Valid GATE score for Regular (full-time) students.
Departments may specify additional requirements over and above these minimum requirements. All
the Non-GATE candidates will have to undergo an entrance test conducted by department in which
he/she is applying. Passing in this test will be mandatory for admission.
For the Foreign Students the criteria as in para 2(V) above will be applicable. For these students
Institute Admission Test as well as English Test will be mandatory.
4.1 Admission to the M. Tech. Program of the Institute will normally be in the months of June/July
every year. For admission an advertisement will be issued in the month of April/May in National
level English news paper, State level Marathi News papers as well as on the Institute website.
4.2 Admission to all the category of students is granted on the basis of GATE scores and / or an
interview / admission test held usually during the month of June or July every year. It will be
mandatory for every candidate to appear for the Entrance Test and Interview. No absentia of any
sort would be allowed.
4.3 The applicants who have completed or are likely to complete all the examinations including the
thesis oral examination, viva etc. of the qualifying degree by the date of admission to the program
may be considered for admission; however, if admitted, they must produce the evidence of their
having passed the qualifying degree examination with the specified minimum marks/CPI (as
specified in clause 3) within 8 weeks of the beginning of the semester, failing which their admission
is liable to be cancelled. In case of any dispute or discrepancy decision of the Director COEP and Exofficio Chairman of the Senate will be final and shall be binding on the candidate.
4.4 Candidates seeking admission for the M.Tech course other than the area in which candidate has
completed his/her bachelors degree will be eligible to apply provided they have a valid GATE score
in the area in which they wish to pursue their M.Tech. These candidate will not be eligible for the
scholarships from the external funding agencies. These students will have to under go Institute
Entrance Test/Interview conducted by the concerned department.
Students admitted to the M. Tech. Programs will be considered for assistantships, fellowships etc.
subject to the following norms:
5.1 A student must have a valid GATE score at the time of admission.
5.2 Students receiving assistantship from the Institute or from any other funding agencies will be
required to perform academic duties assigned to them by the departments as per rules in force from
time to time.
5.3 The continuation of the assistantship/fellowship will be subject to satisfactory performance of
the duties assigned by the department and satisfactory progress in the postgraduate program.
Financial assistance of the candidates failing to secure minimum grades in the semester examination
would be stopped without any prior notice.
5.4 Financial assistance will normally be for a maximum period of two years. In no case, it will be
extended beyond 2 years.
5.5 No financial assistance from the Institute will be available to foreign students. Project staff will
get funding from project as per rules but will not get any additional assistance from the Institute.
5.6 Only those students who are currently registered in the postgraduate program shall be entitled
to scholarships. The students on leave longer than that specified under the leave rules, and those
who are not registered are not entitled to scholarship.
6.1 An M Tech student is eligible for maximum 30 days of leave in a calendar year.
6.1.1 The leave of 30 days includes medical and all other leaves, in an academic year. If any
Saturday, Sunday or Holiday falls during the leave, they will be counted towards the leave except
for such holidays prefixed or suffixed with the leave. The accumulated leave can be availed
during vacation only.
6.1.2 Out of the 30 days of leave per annum, an M. Tech. Student will be permitted to avail
maximum 15 days of leave on completion of each semester. However, any leave not availed at the
end of any semester can be carried over to the next semester and the cumulative can be availed
together, subject to a maximum of 30 days at a time.
6.1.3 During the semester period, (i.e. July November and January May), a student will be
allowed only a maximum of 5 days of leave .
6.2 Absence without obtaining prior sanction of leave will be considered as an act of indiscipline and
shall entail reduction of scholarship on a prorata basis, besides any other action that may be
decided by the Institute.
6.3 Any absence over and above the prescribed limit of admissible leave shall entail deduction from
the scholarship, besides other actions as may be decided by the Institute.
6.4 If a student remains absent or discontinues from the course for a period of more than 3 months
his/her admission to the course will be automatically cancelled.
6.5 If a student is unable to complete his/her M.Tech within a period of two years, he/she must
apply for permission for the extension of time by six months immediately after completion of two
years, with recommendations of the concerned guide and head of the department to Dean
Academics. Dean academics will seek the approval of the Director COEP and the Chairman, Senate
for granting such extensions on case to case basis. Maximum two extensions of six months duration
would be permissible for M.Tech student from any category of students as stipulated in Section(2)
above. This extension period will not exceed the total period of three years from the date of
admission of the candidate in the institute. Candidate will have to pay institute fees prevailing
during this extension period.
6.6 If a student fails to complete his/her M.Tech within a period of four years from the date of
admission for the course he/she will automatically cease to be a student of the institute and his/her
admission would be automatically cancelled.
7.1 Rules and regulations
All the rules and regulations pertaining to academics, academic calendar, semesters, discipline etc.
will be same as that of B.Tech. regulations.
7.2 Admission
Candidates whose selection is approved by the Chairman, Senate will be admitted to the M. Tech.
program of the Institute after payment of the prescribed fees prevailing at the time of admission.
BOG reserves the right to modify the Institute fees time to time.
7.3 Academic requirements
7.3.1 Semester load and course units
A semester load would be as per the Syllabus structure in force and as recommended/modified by
the Senate from time to time. The minimum credit requirements for the successful completion of
M.Tech. would be as specified in the syllabus structure prevailing at the time of admission for the
course. The current minimum credits for the completion of M. Tech is 80 credits as specified in the
syllabus structure. Any changes subsequently made by the Senate in the minimum credit
requirements or syllabus structure will be applicable to only the new/fresh students and not
applicable to the old candidates.
7.3.2 The residence requirements for students registered in M Tech. is four semesters. They will be
required to complete a minimum credits of load as specified in the course structure in force. Every
M Tech student must complete prescribed courses as specified in the syllabi structure. SGPA and
CGPA will be calculated on the basis of all the courses taken by the student. No regular
student/sponsored student/Research Staff/Institute Faculty/ Foreign student registered for the M
Tech program shall continue in the program for more than 3 years after the first registration. The
course and research requirements in individual departments/program may be over and above the
minimum stated here. The departments/program shall obtain prior approval of the Senate of such
requirements and will also inform the students in their postgraduate program at the time of their
7.3.3 Grades and points
(a) The performance of the students in their course work will be evaluated in terms of letter grades:
AA, AB, BB, BC, CC, CD, DD & F. These grades are equivalent to the following points/ratings on a 10
point scale representing the quality of performance.
AA = 10, AB = 9, BB = 8, BC = 7, CC = 6, CD = 5, DD = 4, FF = 0.
(b) If a student has done a part of the course work, but has for a genuine reason not been able to
do the remaining part, the instructor may send the grade I (incomplete). In this case the student
must contact the Instructor soon after the examination and if the Instructor is convinced that the
reasons for missing a part of the course/examinations are genuine he may let the student make up
for the portion missed. The I Grade can be converted into a regular grade by the Instructor within
two weeks of the last date of the End Semester Examination. Otherwise, this will automatically be
converted into F Grade.
7.3.4. Academic performance requirements
(a) The SGPA (Semester Grade Point Average) or CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) of a
student in any particular semester is calculated as follows:
(i) The points equivalent to the grade awarded in each course for which the student has registered
is multiplied by its unit rating.
(ii) These products are added and sum is divided by the total number of units. The ratio is the
SGPA or CGPA depending on whether the number of units refer to those in that particular semester
or to those in the total period of students postgraduate program.
(b) The minimum CGPA requirement for continuing in the M. Tech. program is 5.0.
However, M Tech student securing a CGPA between 4.5 and 5.0 may be allowed to continue in the
following semester on the recommendation of the DPPC (Departmental Postgraduate Program
Committee) and with approval of the Senate.
Students who secure a CGPA below 5.0 in two consecutive semesters will not be allowed to
continue in the postgraduate program. Students must obtain a minimum CGPA of 5.0 in order to
graduate. In the first semester in which the student registers the minimum CGPA (SGPA)
requirement can be relaxed to 4.5.
7.3.5 Thesis/Project
(a) Project duration shall be one year or two semesters. Thesis supervisor(s) for a student will be
appointed from amongst the faculty members of the College of Engineering, Pune. Departments will
evolve modalities for appointing of supervisors keeping in view the students aspirations and faculty
interest. The DPPC will co-ordinate this activity and will formally communicate the appointment of
thesis supervisor(s) of a student to the COE. No change/addition of Supervisor(s) is allowed after
the thesis has been submitted to the academic section. In case there has been a change/addition in
the Supervisor(s) the thesis will be submitted not earlier than three months from the date of
communication of such change/addition to the academic section.
No student once registered for thesis/project units will be allowed to continue the program without
a Thesis Supervisor having been appointed by the DPPC. No student will have more than two
supervisors. No change in thesis supervisor(s) will be allowed without the consent of the Chairman,
DPPC. In exceptional cases, with prior approval of the Chairman, Senate on the recommendation of
the DPPC and COE a student may be allowed to have a co-supervisor from outside the institute.
(b) Project evaluation:
Project evaluation shall be done in two phases in both the semesters. First phase of evaluation shall
be in the middle of the semester and second phase of the examination shall be after the endsemester theory examination of the semester.
There will be separate grades awarded for the project course in two semesters. The credits in the
first semester shall be relatively less and evaluation shall be based on the literature survey, problem
definition, problem formulation, fabrication or software development and preliminary results.
A brief report is required to be submitted at the end of semester. The evaluation and grading will
depend on the candidates performance in the two phases of evaluation in the semester.
The second semester of the project shall carry relatively more weightage and the evaluation shall
involve external examiners. The details are provided in the following sub-section.
(c) Thesis/Project Oral Examination Committee :
The thesis/project will be examined by an oral examination committee consisting of the
supervisor(s) or in his/her absence the program co-ordinator with prior consent of the supervisor
and at least two but not more than four other faculty members of the institute proposed by the
thesis supervisor(s)/program co-ordinator in consultation with Head of the Department,
recommended by the convener, DPPC and approved by the Dean Academics and COE. The thesis
supervisor/program co-ordinator will act as the convener of the committee and one of the members
of the committee will be an External Examiner as a part of the panel of examiners.
(d) The Convenor, DPPC will submit to the academic section for approval of the Chairman, DPPC the
names of the thesis/project examiners on the prescribed form, at least two weeks before the
submission of the thesis. Unbound typed copies of thesis/project one for each examiner prepared
according to the prescribed format available in the academic section will be submitted at least one
week before the probable date of the oral examination. The oral
examination will be held within two months from the date of submission of the thesis/project. If
however the student does not make available for the examination, his/her program will be deemed
to have been terminated. Request for revival of the program by such a student should be addressed
to the Chairman, Senate.
The Department will record the date of submission of the thesis/project and arrange to send the
thesis to the examiners. The supervisor/program co-ordinator will inform the examiners of the date
of the oral examination and send a copy to the academic section. The thesis/project will be
evaluated and the Oral Examination conducted by the Committee on the scheduled date. The report
will be communicated by the Convener, DPPC to the academic section for record and necessary
The grade to be awarded to a student shall be evolved by the committee by consensus. The report
of the oral examination committee including the grade shall be submitted to the Convenor, DPPC by
the committee.
(e) Acceptance/Rejection of the Thesis/Project
A thesis/project will be considered to have been accepted if all members of the committee
recommend its acceptance. Otherwise thesis/project will be considered to have been rejected. If a
thesis/project is rejected along with a recommendation by the Committee for resubmission after
incorporating and modification/correction suggested by the Committee, oral examination for the resubmitted thesis/project will be conducted by the same Committee unless otherwise approved by
the Chairman Senate. If the resubmitted thesis/project is rejected, the matter will be reported to
the Senate for appropriate action. Acceptance of thesis/project will be reported by the COE to the
Senate for approval.
Format of Certificate by the Employer/Management for Sponsored Candidates