Chapter 20: Coating Defects: Objectives
Chapter 20: Coating Defects: Objectives
Chapter 20: Coating Defects: Objectives
20.6 Chalking
Chalking is a powdery, friable layer on the
surface of a coating normally caused by
Figure 20.4 Wrinkling exposure to UV light (Figure 20.6). It can
also be due to exposure to other forms of
See if the applicator can fix a run or drip
radiation including nuclear radiation.
right away by lifting or spreading the coat-
ing with a brush or roller. However, if the The UV light or radiation break down the
run or drip is already hard, report the prob- bond between molecules in the coating film.
lem to the owner. In some cases, the run or It is most common in epoxy coatings but can
sag is acceptable. Otherwise, ensure the be seen in almost all coatings left exposed to
crew sands it down and reapplies the new causative conditions for a long enough
material at the correct thickness, based on period of time.
the specification and the manufacturers’ rec-
ommendations for repair.
20.7 Cratering
Figure 20.5 Discontinuity, Skip, Holiday or Missed Cratering is the formation of small bowl-
Area shaped depressions in the coating caused by
• Dirt
• Dust
• Soluble pigments
• Retained solvents
In immersion or buried service, blistering
can also be caused by electro-endosmosis
due to:
• An overactive cathodic protection system
• Stray currents
Figure 20.10 Discoloration/Staining
• Osmosis caused by trapped soluble salts
20.11 Heat-Related Damage
Heat-related damage can occur during any
project because it is very common for some-
one to weld over new paint. The repair
should, just like any other repair, follow the
specification or the manufacturer’s recom-
20.12 Blistering
Blistering is dome- or circular-shaped pro-
jections of the coating film held away from
Figure 20.11 Blistering
the substrate (Figure 20.11). Blisters can
have irregular shapes, depending on the Do not to break blisters unless it is to test
cause. They may be filled with pure water, them or their contents to determine cause.
solvent, caustic, gas, oxygen, crystals, or Remember that blisters may be protecting
rust. The basic cause is a loss of adhesion in the surface. The only reasonable repair, if
localized areas. They can be any size and repair is necessary, is to remove the coating
distribution, which is typically classified by system, clean the area, fix whatever caused
using ASTM D 714, Standard Test Method the blisters, then replace the coating system.
for Evaluating Degree of Blistering of
Paints. 20.13 Cracking and Detachment
These defects are visible cracks in a coating
Numerous factors can lead to blistering, but
that may either penetrate down to the sub-
the most common is a contaminant of some
strate, or just penetrate through a single coat
kind left on the surface after cleaning. In
in a multi-coat system (Figure 20.12).
atmospheric service, the blisters may be
caused by coating over: The main cause is stress related, either due
to movement in the substrate or internal
• Oil
stress in the coating as it ages. Chemically
• Moisture cured coatings that are applied too heavily
• Grease are prone to cracking. Two other causes are
20.15 Alligatoring
Alligatoring occurs where a hard, tough
coating is applied over a softer extensible
coating. Some thickly applied coatings can
alligator when exposed to sunlight.
Figure 20.12 Cracking and Detachment
Coatings that cure by oxidization-polymer-
Once a coating has cracked, remove and ization may alligator if the coating is heated,
replace it, preferably with a more flexible i.e., the surface cures rapidly relative to the
coating. underlying coating.
20.14 Checking
Checking appears as line cracks in the coat-
ing surface (Figure 20.13). Normally, this
appears only in the topcoat and the cracks
rarely go through to the substrate. Some-
times, magnification is needed to fully see
them. The fundamental cause is stress in the
coating film. The stress can occur because of
incorrect formulation (a manufacturers’
issue), or a poorly written specification
which requires a coating that is not meant Figure 20.14 Alligatoring
for the service or is incompatible with the
underlying coating. 20.16 Adhesion Failures: Flaking,
Delamination, Detachment,
Remove the checked coating and replace and Peeling
with the proper coating material.
These defects are due to loss of adhesion
between coating layers or the substrate,
caused by (Figure 20.15):
• Coating applied to a contaminated surface is the case, the coating inspector cannot
• Wrong surface preparation specified require stripe coating. The addition of a
• Failure to inspect surface preparation stripe coat adds additional material on the
edge, with the goal of having a coating sys-
• Insufficient surface profile
tem with the same DFT on edges as on the
• Exceeding the topcoat window flats surfaces. The International Maritime
• Application of incompatible coatings Organization (IMO) performance standard
(e.g., alkyd over IOZ) for protective coatings (PSPC) requires
• Applying a coating to a glossy surface rounding edges to a 2 mm (0.078 in.) radius
or performing a three-pass grinding. There
are special DFT gauges available that mea-
sure DFT on edges. Typical gauges will not
accurately measure closer to an edge than 25
mm (1 in.).
20.19 Cissing
Cissing (also known as ‘fisheyes’ or ‘crawl-
ing’) is the term for surface breaks in the
film that reveal the substrate. It is often a
result of grease or oil contamination on the
___________________________________________________________________________ Repeatability
Given all conditions are equal, repeatability
When checking the output voltage
from the probe, use of a high of results is very high. Results are dependent
input impedance voltmeter is on the operator’s technique and speed while
required to prevent a flow of the test is performed.
current and a subsequent voltage Sensitivity
drop from the power supply.
Some high-voltage holiday detectors allow
Most high-voltage holiday detectors have a the sensitivity of the alarm to be adjusted so
wide range of electrodes available for differ- that it does not sound the audible alarm
ent uses, including: when a steady flow of current from the
probe to charge the surface of the coating is
• Flat-section rolling springs are used to test
present, or when the coating is partially con-
pipeline coatings
ductive (due to conductive pigments such as
• Smooth neoprene flaps (impregnated with carbon black). When the sensitivity is set to
conductive carbon) are used for thin-film
coatings such as fusion-bonded epoxy
a low value, the audible alarm will sound
only when a high current spark is present.
• Copper-bronze-bristle brushes are com-
When the sensitivity is set to a high value,
monly used on glass-reinforced plastic
(GRP) coatings all current flows from the probe will cause
the alarm to sound.
High-voltage pulse-type DC holiday detec-
tors are not intrinsically safe and may lead to When To Question Readings
an explosion if used in an explosive atmo- Make occasional checks to see if the detec-
sphere. tor is operating properly, particularly if no
holidays are being found (i.e., question
results if a known discontinuity is checked
and the instrument does not respond). Once
the instrument is functioning properly, retest
any areas in question.
ing, or certain types of coatings which The Elcometer 266® model is equipped
hold electrical charge on the surface caus- with a safety release switch that is part of the
ing current flow as the probe passes across handle. When the operator releases the han-
the surface.
dle, the voltage output is cut off immedi-
• No alarm on fault: on conductive sub- ately. This feature serves to increase jobsite
strates could be due to too-low voltage
safety since the instrument cannot be left
sensitivity setting, or a bad ground con-
nection. On concrete substrate, no alarm energized while unattended.
on fault could be due to insufficient con- The PCWI DC30 is equipped with a
ductivity. (The conductivity of the con-
“momentary on switch” which allows auto
crete is due to its moisture content; less
than 5% can mean insufficient conductiv- shut-off. This instrument also offers an
ity). optional on/off switch in the handle.
• No spark at the probe tip: due to lead or Older models of high-voltage holiday detec-
connection failure. tors may not be equipped with many of the
safety or convenience features of newer
21.3.2 High-Voltage Constant Test
Current DC Holiday Detectors models.
High-voltage constant current DC holiday As with all instruments, refer to the manu-
detectors are used to detect holidays in facturer’s model-specific operating instruc-
dielectric (insulation type) coatings on con- tions for detailed use instructions.
ductive substrates (Figure 21.9). This detec-
Use and operating procedures for the con-
tor can be used on many substrates and
stant current DC holiday detectors are the
provides excellent results on concrete.
same as those for the pulse-type DC holiday
Set the voltage according to both the thick-
ness of the coating and the specified stan-
dard (see Section, immediately
following). Once this is done, pass the elec-
trode over the surface. Any holidays, voids,
or discontinuities cause a spark to arc
through the air gap or coating to the sub-
strate. At the same instant the detector emits
an audible sound to alert the operator.
Figure 21.9 High-Voltage Constant Current DC Connect the signal return wire (or ground
Holiday Detectors
wire) directly to the metal structure. Pro- Proper Use of Instrument vided the structure to be tested is also elec-
There are a number of manufacturers mak- trically connected to the ground in some way
ing a variety of models, with manufacturer- (establish this connection by fixing a ground
and model-specific safety and/or operational wire and spike at some point between the
differences that operators must know. ground and the structure), connect the
ground wire to the earth. Use this with cau- Calibration and Frequency is a general rule and does not always
The instrument comes calibrated from the apply)
manufacturer and cannot be calibrated by • Specification requirements. Some specifi-
the user. Check the voltage output periodi- cations may require special procedures or
cally, following manufacturer’s suggested recommend a specific type of holiday
detector to be used.
method. If there is ever a question about the
accuracy of the holiday detector, take it out Example: The specification may call for a
low-voltage detector on a film thickness
of service and return to the manufacturer or
over 500 μm (20 mils), which contradicts
supplier for service. the general rule. Operating Parameters • Standards to follow. Depending on some
of the other factors listed above, there are
Use AC-type holiday testers to test noncon-
specific standards that should be referred
ductive linings on steel substrates (e.g., rub- to in order to ensure proper procedures are
ber, glass, or sheet linings). AC testers have followed.
a variety of voltages but typical use is for
very thick coatings, with test voltages in the 21.5 Inspector’s Checklist
range of 25,000–60,000 V. Before testing for holidays, check the fol-
lowing items:
21.4 Inspection Considerations • Are non-intrinsically safe instruments
There are many factors inspectors must con- allowed in the work environment?
sider before performing holiday detection. • What are the grounding and safety issues
Some factors affect what instrument and/or • Have the specification and standards that
procedure are chosen to perform the test. govern how to conduct the testing been
Some of the factors include: thoroughly reviewed and understood?
• Work Environment. The high-voltage AC • Is the proper instrument for the anticipated
holiday detectors are not intrinsically safe DFT at hand?
and cannot therefore be used in a hazard- • Is the battery charged and in satisfactory
ous environment. Any instrument that can working condition?
generating a spark when a flaw is detected
is not intrinsically safe. • Has the operations manual for the holiday
detector been thoroughly reviewed and
• Type of Substrate and/or Type of Coating. understood?
Although all the instruments are designed
to locate holidays in nonconductive coat- • Has the voltage output been checked to
ings applied over a conductive substrate, a ensure accurate readings?
particular type of holiday detector may • Have the signal return cable and electrode
achieve better results on certain substrates connections been checked to ensure there
or with certain coating types. is no electrical resistance in the circuit?
• Anticipated coating thickness. As men-
tioned earlier, use low-voltage (sponge)
holiday detectors on coatings up to 500
μm (20 mils) thick and the high-voltage
detectors on higher film thicknesses. (This
authority and responsibilities. Please The key to success in the midst of such
remember: once the coating inspector’s change is tolerance, coupled with the knowl-
authority and responsibility are defined and edge that contractors and supervisors with a
clarified, do not step outside those bound- good grasp of the requirements go a long
aries. That is the best way to avoid prob- way to create a more harmonious and more
lems. stress free project.
notify the owner/specifier and contractor The components of a good inspection plan
immediately about any changes. should include the following:
We have discussed the inspector’s responsi- • A list of the required tests to be per-
bility as far as the coating specification is formed.
concerned. We noted that the inspector • The standards referenced in the specifica-
should read and understand the specifica- tion that affect the inspection tasks.
tion. The specification is our guide for • The instruments to be used for the tests to
inspection of the project work. Often the be performed.
inspection section of a specification is not • A complete contact list of everyone
very detailed and may state only that “All involved in the project including all
surface preparation and coating work cov- backup personnel.
ered by this specification is subject to • A tentative schedule of dates for the
inspection.” Obviously, as inspectors, we inspections that will be performed.
would need more information than this to • Access to the areas during surface prepa-
determine what tests to perform, what ration and application of the coatings.
instruments to use, what reports to submit, • The reporting hierarchy and time sched-
etc. Conversely, some specifications are ule.
very detailed and spell out every test to be • Safety considerations.
performed, every instrument to use, and
• Individual assignments if more than one
other information to cover the inspections inspector is working the project.
required for the project. The more detailed
• Accommodations in the schedule for
the inspection section of the specification is,
remedial work and the inspection thereof.
the easier our job as inspectors will be.
• A check list of all items that must be com-
In either case, as inspectors, an important pleted on the project.
part of our preparation for the project is to Formats for inspection plans will vary
prepare an inspection plan. An inspection depending upon the work to be done. Gener-
plan is the inspectors guide for his or her ally the various components may be pre-
specific tasks that will be required during the sented in the form of a table with columns
course of the project. The successful bidder for the various inspection tasks, test meth-
for the painting contract submits a work ods, instruments to be used, and pass/fail cri-
schedule which is his or her plan as to how teria. An example is shown here:
they intend to perform and complete the
coating work called for by the specification.
The inspector needs the contractor’s sched-
ule to plan his or her schedule for the hold
points and inspections to be performed. As
with all coating projects things may change
as the project progresses so inspectors need
to have good communication with the con-
tractor and the project manager.
25.9 Application
Figure 25.4 Surface Preparation Do not fall in the trap of some inspectors
who seem to believe that once application
25.8 Mixing and Thinning begins, their work comes to an end (Figure
Another critical aspect of an inspector’s job 25.6).S This philosophy and practice is trou-
is to monitor the mixing and thinning of bling. Coatings inspectors must work to
coatings (Figure 25.5). Most coatings come change these attitudes. Most applicators
to the job site unassembled and require want to do a good job, but many factors
assembly before application. This is usually influence the quality of their work. Applica-
easy with single component coatings, but tion supervisors tend to put extreme pres-
multi-component coatings can create serious sures on the applicators, who then respond
problems, particularly if the crew is very by rushing the process, thus resulting in
inexperienced. inferior work.
Ensure that coatings are mixed exactly to the An astute inspector can avert mistakes dur-
manufacturer’s guidelines. When solvents ing application such as:
are added, ensure that the right solvent is • Insufficient WFT that leads to low DFT
used and in the correct quantity. readings
• Lapping
• Incorrect wet edge time
• Runs and sags
• Excessive overspray and dry spray
• Holidays
Final Inspection
Figure 25.7 Final Inspection
A well written specification should have a
section dedicated to the final inspection pro-
25.10 Documentation
cess (Figure 25.7).S This should include an
outline of acceptance and rejection criteria, As discussed previously, a coatings inspec-
particularly when specialty coatings are tion job is not complete until the project doc-
being applied. The final inspection section umentation is delivered to the owner.
should also detail what equipment to use and Deliver the documentation as soon as possi-
which standards to follow during the pro- ble after the acceptance of the work. While
cess. Ensure the application and inspection most inspectors do not keep copies of their
are done correctly. reports for future reference, it is wiser to
keep them. Keep copies of all records,
The fact is, a good visual inspection can
unless prevented by contractual clauses or
yield valuable clues to the overall condition
otherwise. It is a wiser course of action.
of the applied protective coatings. A certifi-
cate of completion signed by the inspector
and applicator is sometimes required, so
once the inspection and recommended
repairs are complete, ensure the certificate
of completion is signed by both parties and
is part of the final project documentation.