The Orpheus: Landmark Relationship Receives "Super Partner" Award
The Orpheus: Landmark Relationship Receives "Super Partner" Award
The Orpheus: Landmark Relationship Receives "Super Partner" Award
In this edition
Landmark Relationship receives “Super Partner” Award
R12 Project Goes Live With TCS’ PSLV (Projects, Procurement, Sourcing & Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Rajesh Garg, CFO,
TATA Sons. Ltd. Launching VAT) project team has recently received Landmark Group, thanked TCS team for their
‘Super Partner Award’ from Landmark Group. This Knowledge, Dedication, innovation and relentless
BSE Project receives is in recognition of TCS’ significant contribution support in executing the project successfully within the
“Certificate of towards automation of the Sourcing & Procurement stipulated timelines. He mentioned that “in a multi-
Appreciation” Process and VAT Returns Filing for the customer vendor environment one vendor who stands out far
across 2 countries, 26 Legal Entities, 900 Stores and ahead of others, and dependable is TCS and they
5000 + POS Systems. deserve a special award from Landmark.”
AVAYA Network Business
Migration successfully The PSLV project was undertaken by Landmark Group
completed at Extreme to ensure Non-Trade Spend Control, Process
Networks Compliance, Streamlining of Retail Projects and VAT
enablement. The TCS team partnered with the customer
in establishing a Centralized Sourcing Hub, which
Landmark Relationship helped in the automation of the Sourcing & Procurement
receives “Super Partner” process, facilitation of Straight-Through-Processing
Award of Quotes and establishing a Unified system for
managing Projects using Oracle Cloud. Additionally,
McGraw-Hill Education Oracle EBS, Cloud ERP, Oracle Retail Management &
Abdul Alim, Program Manager for the TCS - Landmark
Team receives Client POS systems were configured successfully for VAT
relationship, receiving the award from Rajesh Garg, Group CFO,
Appreciation for Successful Landmark Group
Exadata X6-2 migration
The award was presented by Mr. Rajesh Garg, Group With the implementation of the PSLV project,
CFO of Landmark Group, at a business meet held at Landmark Group was able to file their first ever
Ubiquitous Digital Connect– automated VAT Return successfully and make
the Le Meridien, Fujairah, UAE, on 15th March 2018.
By Riju Saha significant savings in Non-Trade spend.
An inspiring routine of your day: assignment, I played various roles working in style. I get great family support that keeps me
GE Group. I joined CRM Practice in Mumbai worry free while I am travelling or away from
Most of my days start pretty early. I am an in the year 2006. I became a part of the ISU at home for a longer period of time. My family
early riser and I start my day at 6:30 AM. The the time of its formation, performing various is source of my strength. I love taking short
first thing I do is check my mails while roles until 2010, subsequent to which I moved breaks with my family few times in a year.
drinking a glass of warm water with lemon in into a new role within Enterprise Application
it. In spite of an overwhelming desire to attend Services (erstwhile Enterprise Solutions). I How do you prioritize your time in your
urgent work immediately, I ensure 20 minutes played various roles within Enterprise hectic schedule to strike a balance between
of exercise for 4-5 days every week. I utilize Application Services during this time while work and family?
this time in prioritizing my day’s work and set taking up the latest role in 2017.
target. The definition of work life balance depends
I work from TCS Powai office @ Mumbai Tell us something about your family… upon an individual’s perspective. I prefer to
when I am in town. By the time normal segregate my professional and personal life in
business hours are underway, I like to stay on There are six members in my family including a manner so that I can provide undivided
course with prioritization and segregation myself. My parents continue to inspire all of attention to both. While at work, I am
despite the pressure of a bursting Inbox. I like us with their disciplined life. My spouse is a completely focused on the same and I try to
to meet and greet associates while in office. working professional and we have two lovely ensure quality time with my family. The key
Taking occasional break is a crucial part of kids, a son and a daughter. is to plan well to have best of both worlds.
my routine and I make it a point to go for
lunch with colleagues. If you had not been what you are today...
what would have been your alternate
What core leadership value do you believe career choice?
Mathematics & Physics have been two of my
People are source of strength for any favorite subjects. IT was not on my radar in
organization while process & technology act Engineering College, till I got an offer from
as enablers. We should focus on our strengths TCS in the campus recruitment drive.
rather than worrying too much about our However, post completion of my Engineering
weaknesses. Life is full of uncertainties and project with TATA Motors, I aspired to join
there is risk involved in everything, so no one of the companies from the TATA group.
point hesitating in trying something new.
How would you want to be remembered?
What was your journey like to get where
How your family has been your source of Someone not afraid of trying, Someone not
you are today?
afraid of learning, Someone not afraid of
I started my journey with ILP in failure, Someone not afraid of giving,
Having spent my childhood in a joint family,
Thiruvananthapuram which was a memorable someone not afraid of being knocked down
I have inherited many values and lessons of
experience. My first project was assigned in a (get up in ten seconds or less, like a boxer)
co-existence, something which I have also
domestic banking product development and last but not the least someone not afraid
inculcated in my urban & professional life
group. After completion of my first of living!!
MUMBAI Kolkata
TCS R12 Project Gone Live McGraw-Hill Education Team receives Client
With TATA Sons. Ltd. Appreciation for Successful Exadata X6-2 migration
On 8th March 2018, Tata Sons Limited celebrated As a part of Exadata Hardware Refresh Project, TCS received appreciations from several
the Go-live of Oracle Financial Applications MHE's EDW environments were migrated MHE executives including Lori Welsh
R12.2.5, with GST Engine, hosted on TCS cloud. from Exadata X2-2 to X6-2. This was an end- (Director, Enterprise Application Support,
This new Oracle R12 application platform to-end TCS led initiative driven by the DBA Governance & Planning) after the successful
provides the following: team, with TCS application teams (EDW, ` Go-Live - "Sending out a
• Seamless payment integration with banks OTC, Integration and Prod Control) engaged in ‘CONGRATULATIONS’ to the team as we
• Automatic upload of stock and mutual fund laying out the foundation for Testing, Job have crossed the 1-week mark after having
rates from Stock Markets Setups and ensuring optimum performance gone live last weekend (weekend of April
• Smart Dashboard for Treasury functions through iterative PT (Performance Testing) 13th)!! Your teamwork, drive and dedication
• Tracking Budgets cycles. Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) is to delivering quality work has not gone
one of the most critical environments for unnoticed!! Thank you for exemplifying the
Business Reporting, at McGraw-Hill type of team we all strive to be part of!"
Education (MHE).
Mr. Kobus Moolman, CAO, External
AVAYA Network Business Migration Reporting, MA’ADEN thanked TCS team for
On 1st January, 2018, VAT applicability and their innovation and relentless support in
at Extreme Networks – Go Live Returns Filing solution was successfully executing the project successfully within the
On April 09, 2018 Extreme Networks implemented for MA’ADEN as per the reporting stipulated time.
successfully migrated the Network Business of requirements in Saudi Arabia. The solution
AVAYA to its own. The TCS Team delivered the leverages Oracle E-Business Tax module and MA'ADEN is a Saudi Arabia based mining
project within rigid timelines and received encompasses all business transactions under the company head quartered in Riyadh.
multiple customer appreciations. 9 affiliates of MA’ADEN.
TCS is the sole partner to Extreme Networks in The First Oracle Cloud Implementation in
this strategic initiative and was involved right University of Johannesburg
from assessment, budgeting, process re-design to
Customers acknowledged that this to be the TCS created history by successfully UJ, a public university located in
seamless Go-Live ever in Extreme Networks. The implementing Oracle Goal and Performance Johannesburg, South Africa had decided to
EVP, Finance of Extreme Networks, Drew Davis, Management Cloud at University of implement its Goal and Performance
congratulated the team on the successful go live Johannesburg (UJ). This exciting initiative is a management system in Oracle Cloud. TCS was
and commented, “Great work everyone. Thank key stepping stone for digital footprint at UJ and selected as an implementation through a
you all for contributing to this project. This the experience has helped customer define their lengthy and fiercely competed RFP process.
integration is absolutely transformational for roadmap for cloud technologies. With this The program was executed in 4 months from
Extreme Networks. Our success with this implementation, UJ has successfully taken its Johannesburg and Bhubaneswar.
integration makes us a much stronger company first steps on this journey.
for the future.”
Please follow us @
Pristine Portugal – A jaunt to the land of
ceramics and codfish
~ Suman Bhattacharya
EAS Oracle Primavera Unit artifacts of the first human settlements in Lisbon dating back to the 7 th
century B.C.
Our next and final stop in Portugal was the vibrant city of Porto, Portugal’s
second largest metropolis, after Lisbon. A three hour drive by cab from
Lisbon to Porto took us through some of the most enthralling sights of the
Portuguese countryside. Lush green mountains, sometimes beaded with
tiny villages, daubed in early morning mist, left us mesmerized all
throughout the journey.