Jurnal 13812
Jurnal 13812
Jurnal 13812
Shita Anindyta
The completeness of medical record document highly affects information
that is generated that medical record document. We often find the
incompleteness of medical record fulfillment and the inaccuracies of patient
disease diagnosis, in RSUD Kota Semarang. The purpose of this research is to
identify the completeness of medical record document fulfillment in quantitative
and qualitative ways, the accuracy of patient diagnosis, calculate obstinacy
amount of medical record document hospitalization, and also the relationship
between the incompleteness of medical record document and the accuracy of
diabetes melitus patient code diagnosis in the first quarterly period of 2014 in
RSUD Kota Semarang.
This research uses descriptive method with cross sectional approach and
collect data by observation, checklist, analyzing hospitalization medical record
document on diabetes patient that has been filled. The sample of this research is
79 hospitalization medical recors documents. The result of incompleteness in
quantitative way in each reviews show that identification review 97%, reporting
review 99%, recording review 77%, authentification review 97%. In qualitative
way in each review show that completeness and diagnosis consistency review
8%, completeness and consistency reporting diagnosis review 5%, reporting on
things are done during treatment and healing review 24%, informed consent
review 33%, method or practical recording review 20%, things that potentially
cause claim of compensation review 33%, inaccuracy patient diagnosis code 8%,
and calculating of medical record document obstinacy 98,7%.
The conclusion of calculating result, there are still a lot medical record
documents have incompleteness of their fulfillment. As suggestion, management
and medical record unit refinement are needed, in order to make medical
personnel write data recording completely and continuously.
Keywords : quantitative analysis, qualitative analysis, medical record
document of diabetes melitus patient
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