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Iot Based Smart Irrigation System Using Nodemcu: G. Neeraja Reddy, B.Nandini Mrs.R.Thriveni

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International Journal of Innovations & Advancement in Computer Science

ISSN 2347 – 8616
Volume 7, Issue 3
March 2018

IoT based Smart Irrigation System Using Nodemcu

G. Neeraja Reddy,
Assoc. Professor
Mrs. Sanjeeda Syed
Assistant Professor
Aditya college of Engineering

Automation of farm actions can convert farming area as of presence labor-intensive and still to smart and lively
principal to developed production with lesser human regulation. This paper proposes an automated irrigation system
which maintains and monitors the chosen soil moisture content through automatic watering. Nodemcu is used as
controller unit. The format uses soil moisture sensors which measure the exact moisture level in soil. This value allows
the system to use suitable amount of water which sidesteps over/under irrigation. IOT is used to keep the farmers
updated about the grade of motor. Information from the soil moisture sensor, dht11 sensor is frequently updated on the
Thingspeak page through which a farmer can check whether the water motor is ON/OFF at any given time. Also, the
sensor readings are transmitted to a Thing speak channel to generate graphs for analysis.
KEYWORDS: Automation, Thingspeak, IOT, Nodemcu

Irrigation is applying water to the land artificially. Water is one of the precious resource and important factor
for farming. General problems in farming is under watering or over watering.
The problems are best explained by answering the simple question that when the water cycle started and how
long watered..?? under watering is starting the water cycle too late and running it for not sufficient period due
to this the crop may be damaged and it affects the production. Overwatering is starting the water cycle too
early and running it for longer period than what it is necessary by doing this practice the crop will be damaged
and production reduces. If human intervention is more then this under and over watering takes place because
of small human errors. The main object of this paper is to reduce human intervention and increase the
irrigation efficiency by automating the irrigation system using sensors (moisture and dht11) and monitoring
through thingspeak web page. India owns agrarian economy with 70% of population depending upon
agriculture directly or in – directly. In such a developing country where digitization is given high priority,
technology is showing its optimization in various fields whereas it still requires footprints into irrigation so
modern smart move in the field is greatly recommended. The problem with current irrigation system are
(a)Scarcity in water and electricity actually required for plant growth (b)Traditional methods of farming are
followed requiring-much man-power (c)No remunerative for the farmer as the cost of production is increased.
So there is a need to make some changes in current system.

II. Proposed Work:

Smart irrigation solutions are the evolving trend in day to day lives. The technology has completed a full
circle by giving back to irrigation the latest trends and techniques that have been developed. Connectivity
using existing wifi networks using the available hardwares is one major advantage for Smart agriculture.

223 G. Neeraja Reddy, B.Nandini, Mrs.R.Thriveni, Mrs. Sanjeeda Syed

International Journal of Innovations & Advancement in Computer Science
ISSN 2347 – 8616
Volume 7, Issue 3
March 2018



Node Mcu


Smart irrigation solutions and thus would lead to the successful growth of Internet of Things implementation
in the field of Agriculture. That evolution is that which overcomes the existing traditional mobile computing
scenario of smart phones and their apps and innovate into connecting of the devices in the surrounding to help
with a solution for the realistic problem that had to be dealt with. Sensors are the real need of the world that
helps to sense their surroundings and thus help humans to control the surroundings without their presence.
Given their utility, they are the most complicated devices that are being used more frequently everywhere.
Agriculture sensors need to be more sensitive to weather changes and also robust in nature of the exposure
they are ought to confront. Many commercial sensors are available in the market and we just need to select the
appropriate one that will suit the need of the day. Many factors affect the selection of sensors. Few of them
that need to be mentioned are quality, the surroundings in which they will be applied, the measurability range
of the sensor, readings that are observed by the sensor, sensitivity response time, identification of the reading
that varies in a static environment and last but not the least the cost of the detector. In this method we used soil
moisture and dht11 sensor.DHT11 sensor is used for temperature and humidity. Soil moisture sensor is used
to sense the moisture content in the soil. Dht11 sensor is used for both the temperature and humidity sensing
moisture sensor is analog and dht11 sensor is digital.

transformer filter regulator

Fig. Power Supply module

The power supply of 5v is generated using the above schematic. Step down transformer is used for 12v supply
and bridge rectifier regulator and filter are used to produce 5v supply which is used in the circuit. Internet of
Things (IoT) is widely used in connecting devices and collecting data information. Internet of Things is used
with IoT frameworks to handle and interact with data and information. In the system users can register their
sensors, create streams of data and process information. IoT are applicable in various methodologies of
agriculture. Applications of IoT are Smart Cities, Smart Environment, Smart Water, Smart Metering, Security
and Emergency, Industrial Control, Smart Agriculture, Home Automation, e-Health etc. ‘Internet of Things’ is
based on device which is capable of analyzing the sensed information and then transmitting it to the user. In
this method we are using Thingspeak cloud page for monitoring the sensors data. The data is collected from
the sensors and displayed graphically on the thingspeak cloud page so that it is easy to monitor. Water motor
is used to pump the water automatically to the plant which requires by using the sensors data.

224 G. Neeraja Reddy, B.Nandini, Mrs.R.Thriveni, Mrs. Sanjeeda Syed

International Journal of Innovations & Advancement in Computer Science
ISSN 2347 – 8616
Volume 7, Issue 3
March 2018

Iot based smart irrigation system which is capable of automating the irrigation process by analyzing the
moisture of soil and the climate condition. Also the data of sensors will be displayed in graphical form on
Thingspeak cloud page. When the power supply is on the microcontroller checks the soil moisture content. If
the moisture content is not up to the threshold then it makes the motor to get on automatically and turns off
automatically if reaches the threshold level. When the weather condition is such that it is raining then the
microcontroller puts off the motor till then raining. After the raining it checks for threshold and makes the
necessary action. If the power supply is off suddenly then after the power is on microcontroller turns on
automatically there is no need of manually turn on and off the motor. All the data from the sensors and water
is graphically shown in the thingspeak iot cloudpage which is used for monitoring Advantages of these
method is that it is a cost effective irrigation controller, increase efficiency and decrease wastage, easy to
monitor, reduces man cost, reduced runoff water and nutrients.


The Objective of the project was to implement the modern technologies in required fields like agriculture.
Usage of IoT concept makes the whole process of cropping easy. Here some level of automation is achieved
in terms irrigating automatically.
The advantages as mentioned like water-saving and laborsaving are required the most in current agricultural
scenario. hence it is proved using the sensor networks again making smart irrigation. The data from IoT is
sent to the client using Cloud.
Thus, any variations in the crop can be identified easily and early diagnosis is done as such.
The data is in graphical form so we can easily monitor

225 G. Neeraja Reddy, B.Nandini, Mrs.R.Thriveni, Mrs. Sanjeeda Syed

International Journal of Innovations & Advancement in Computer Science
ISSN 2347 – 8616
Volume 7, Issue 3
March 2018

Thus, the paper proposes an idea of combining the latest technology into the agricultural field to turn the
traditional methods of irrigation to modern methods thus making easy productive and economical cropping.
Some extent of automation is introduced enabling the concept of monitoring the field and the crop conditions
within some long-distance ranges using cloud services. The advantages like water saving and labor-saving are
initiated using sensors that work automatically as they are programmed. This concept of modernization of
agriculture is simple, affordable and operable. Thus, the paper proposes an idea of combining the latest
technology into the agricultural field to turn the traditional methods of irrigation to modern methods thus
making easy productive, and economical cropping. Some extent of automation is introduced enabling the
concept of monitoring the field and the crop conditions within some long-distance ranges using cloud
services. The advantages like water saving and labor-saving are initiated using sensors that work
automatically as they are programmed. This concept of modernization of agriculture is simple, affordable and

Large potential of our Indian agriculture is yet untapped and we still have miles to travel in this arena of
research as we have different soil textures in different regions of our state. Farmers can be benefitted by the
actual implementation of this projected program. Real challenges that were faced and that are yet to be
overcome in reality are the inter-networking of the nodes in an agricultural field and in designing a user
friendly application that is easily understandable for the farmers.

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