Experimental Study On Strength and Durability Characteristics of Concrete With Partial Replacement of Nano-Silica, Nano-Vanadium Mixture
Experimental Study On Strength and Durability Characteristics of Concrete With Partial Replacement of Nano-Silica, Nano-Vanadium Mixture
Experimental Study On Strength and Durability Characteristics of Concrete With Partial Replacement of Nano-Silica, Nano-Vanadium Mixture
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- In the present work an attempt has been Nano silica is outstanding amongst other Nano-
made to evaluate the effect of Nano-Silica (NS) Nano- material to enhance the distinctive quality, physical, and
Vanadium mixture on strength and durability mechanical properties of cement than the other Nano
characteristics of concrete. Different mixes were made material. Nano silica is adequately high Pozzolanic
by replacing OPC with different percentages of NS and material. The measure of Nano-silica is multiple times
NV and hydrated for 3, 7 and 28 days. Compressive littler than the normal size of concrete molecule.
strength and split tensile strength were determined and Expansion of Nano-Silica (NS) in bond glue and in cement
test results obtained were confirmed by SEM can prompt totally extraordinary impacts. One is estimate
techniques. For 1% of NS and 0.1% of NV replacing impact, i.e. essentially dependent on their molecule nature,
OPC by weight, an improvement in compressive which makes it helpful as filler material and second is the
strength and split tensile strength was observed and trade Pozzolanic action (ability of responding with calcium
loss of weight and compressive strength is less for both hydroxide and water) of the group mixes. There are
acidity and alkalinity test when compared with normal numerous approaches to blend nano silicon dioxide they
concrete. are unit Sol-gel technique, Electric-Arc-strategy, organic
procedure, precipitation philosophy and different creation
Keywords:- Ordinary Portland Cement; Nano-Silica; systems. Nano SiO2 might be specifically arranged from
Nano-Vanadium; Compressive Strength; Split Tensile bio squander like Rice, Husk, powder. Nano SiO2 has a to
Strength. a great degree nebulous nature. Nano silicon dioxide in
cement can expand the thickness, lessens porosity, and
I. INTRODUCTION enhances the bond between concrete lattice and totals with
higher compressive and flexural quality. Nano-SiO2 have
Nanotechnology is the building at nano-scale to been found to help solid usefulness and quality, to expand
create materials with novel properties that can't be protection from water infiltration, and to help control the
accomplished utilizing conventional materials. For filtering of calcium, which is firmly identified with
heterogeneous composite, for example, solid, expansion of different sorts of solid debasement.
nano molecule makes it a perfect contender for the
utilization of nanotechnology. The mechanical conduct of Transition– metal oxides are an intriguing class of
cement relies upon the wonders that happen at small scale materials as far as the electronic, mechanical and optical
or nano scale. Hydrated bond glue which is the fastener in properties related with their auxiliary stage changes. The
cement is shaped by a synthetic response with water and nano-scale scopes of these metals have demonstrated better
has structure on scales that extend from nanometers to properties in numerous fields because of its upgraded
millimeters. Subsequently, its structure can be adjusted and surface to volume proportion. Vanadium being the third
the hydration responses can be controlled and changed. component of 3d progress bunch component is outstanding
for its quality and oxidation reactant property. By and by
Nanomaterials can be characterized as those physical Nano-Vanadium is utilized in carbon dioxide adsorption (J.
substances with no less than one measurement between Am. Chem. Soc., 2004, 126 (11), 3616-3626), hydrogen
1… 150 nm (1 nm = 10– 9 m). Presently, the utilization of stockpiling (December 2011, Volume 13, Issue 12, pp
nanomaterials in development is decreased, mostly for the 6333– 6338) decrease of NO by NH3. Electrochemical and
accompanying reasons: the absence of learning concerning photochemical properties nano zymes, tranquilize
the appropriate nanomaterials for development and their conveyance framework and its antifungal, bacterial
conduct; the absence of explicit measures for plan and exercises. In this undertaking work we have dissected the
execution of the development components utilizing synergist conduct of vanadium pentoxide nanoparticle in
nanomaterials; the diminished offer of nanoproducts; the the arrangement of tri-calcium silicates. The fulfillment of
absence of itemized informations in regards to the the different quality of cement inside the normal days
nanoproducts content; surprising expenses; the unknows of demonstrates the early arrangement of tri-calcium silicate.
wellbeing dangers related with nanomaterials. The combination of nano vanadium pentoxide is completed
by sol-gel auto-combustion.
A. Materials
Portland cement is the most common type of cement
in general usage. It is a basic ingredient of concrete, mortar
and plaster. In the present work, OPC 43 grade cement
with a specific gravity of 3.16; fineness of 9.22%; standard
consistency of 32%; initial setting time of 40min; final
setting time of 285min.
Fig 2:- XRD of nano-silica.
% % Int. %
OK 43.78 49.53
249.5 7.53 0.2465
SiK 39.72 25.60 260.5 3.60 0.3485
Table 2: Chemical properties of Nano-Silica obtained by
XRD+EDS test
Fig 3:- SEM Photographs of Nano-Vanadium
B. Methods
NanoSilica used in the present work is purchased
from Astra Chemicals Chennai. Based on the literature
survey NanoVanadium is synthesized by sol-gel auto-
combustion method. The obtained nanoparticles were
characterized through using UV, SEM, EDS and XRD.
Basic tests i.e., specific gravity, fineness, standard
consistency, initial setting and final setting is conducted for
cement; specific gravity, fineness modulus and bulk Graph 2:- Split tensile strength of concrete with varying
density is conducted for fine aggregate and coarse percentages of Nano-Silica and Nano-Vanadium
aggregate based IS code specifications.
The above graph indicates the split tensile strength of
Concrete mix proportion is calculated for M20 grade concrete for 7 mixes varies by 7.12%, 12.43%, 10.78%,
concrete based on IS 10262:2009 code provisions for 7 15.35%, 14.8% and 12.61% of normal conventional
mixes i.e., NC (Normal Concrete), NC+1%NS, concrete after 28 days of curing.
NC+2%NS, NC+3%NS, NC+1%NS+0.1%NV,
NC+2%NS+0.1%NV and NC+3%NS+0.1%NV and for
each mix concrete is casted into 9 cubes and 9 cylindrical
moulds. The cubes and cylinders are tested to determine
the compressive and split tensile strength after 3, 7 and 28
days of curing. Out of 7 mixes optimum mix which
exhibits higher strength is again casted into 6 cubes and
cured for 28days. After 28 days of curing, cubes are taken
out and allowed to dry for 1 day and then out of 6, 3 cubes
are immersed in bucket of water containing 5% of H2SO4
by weight of water and another 3 cubes are immersed in
bucket of water containing 5% of NaOH by weight of
water for acidity and alkalinity test. Before immersing the
cubes dry weight of cubes are taken and after 28 days of
immersion, cubes are tested for 3, 7 and 28 days to Graph 3:- Percentage loss of weight and Compressive
determine the loss of weight and compressive strength and strength of concrete with varying percentages of Nano-
results are tabulated. Silica and Nano-Vanadium