DentaPure Sell Sheet
DentaPure Sell Sheet
DentaPure Sell Sheet
Biofilm parasites
With the DentaPure® Cartridge, Ensuring
Dental Unit Waterline Safety Has Never Been Easier
The DentaPure® cartridge for bottle and municipal dental unit waterlines,
uses the same proven technology developed for NASA to ensure water consumed
in space is safe from harmful levels of bacteria and many other harmful organisms.
The DentaPure cartridge is EPA registered as a microbiological dental unit water purifier
Crosstex®, DentaPure® and Clean Water. Clear Choice.™ are registered trademarks and trademarks of Crosstex International, Inc.
providing safe and compliant dental unit water for 365 days (or 240L of water, if usage records
are kept), ensuring that your practice meets or exceeds water quality having a maximum of
200 CFU/mL3. Actual
biofilm images
How Does the DentaPure Cartridge Work? (enlarged to show detail)
Iodine Facts
© 2017 Crosstex 3/17/2017 CTX5008 Rev. 2
Ordering Information:
Description Ref#
Independent Water Bottle Cartridge DP365B
All claims made when used with potable water. Municipal Cartridge DP365M
*Or 204L of water if usage records are kept
Wa t e r l i n e Tr e a t m e n t
1 DentaPure®
cartridge = 365 Days of safe,
compliant dental
unit water*
Visit to see how simple installation is and for Choose the DentaPure® Municipal Cartridge
more information on simplifying your DUWL maintenance protocols. cartridgee that’s right for DP365M
your office.
get 1 CEU
Crosstex offers a free Waterline Treatment course:
Children Hospitalized from Contaminated Dental Unit Water:
Could This Happen in Your Office?
Register Today at
Data on file.
Schabelman E1, Witting M. The relationship of radiocontrast, iodine, and seafood allergies: a medical myth exposed, J Emerg Med. 2010 Nov;39(5):701-7. doi: 10.1016/
Batchu H., Chou H, Rakowski D., Fan P.L. The effect of disinfectants and line cleaners on the release of mercury from amalgam.: JADA 2006 Oct:1419-1425
Puttaiah R. Effects of Low Grade Iodine in Dental Unit Waterlines On Shear Bond Strength of a Dentin Bonding Agent, Baylor College of Dentistry All claims made when used with potable water.
A Laboratory Evaluation of Dental Unit Water Treatment Systems. ADA Professional Product Review - 2014: Vol 9, Iss 2: 9-17 *or 240L of water if usage records are kept