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A Prospective Observational Study of Dengue Fever With Thrombocytopenia With Reference To Treatment

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International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences

Shashidhara KC et al. Int J Res Med Sci. 2016 Mar;4(3):902-907

www.msjonline.org pISSN 2320-6071 | eISSN 2320-6012

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18203/2320-6012.ijrms20160540
Research Article

A prospective observational study of dengue fever with

thrombocytopenia with reference to treatment
Shashidhara Kuppegala Chikkaveeraiah*, Rajashekar Reddy, Arun Kumar

Department of Medicine, J.S.S Medical College, JSS University, Ramanuja Road, Mysore-570004, Karnataka, India

Received: 23 January 2016

Revised: 16 February 2016
Accepted: 17 February 2016

Dr. Shashidhara Kuppegala Chikkaveeraiah,
E-mail: kcshashidhara@gmail.com

Copyright: © the author(s), publisher and licensee Medip Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Background: Dengue fever is treated according to the WHO guidelines worldwide but due to the unavailability of
blood products and economic constraints treating physicians often modify according to the patients requirements and
try to give best available treatment for the patients. So we did an observational study of dengue fever and evaluated
the clinical profiles and prognosis of dengue fever with reference to the treatment in JSS Medical College, Mysore in
south India, a tertiary medical centre.
Methods: This two year prospective, observational study was conducted in JSS Medical College. A total of 128
patients were evaluated and were divided into three groups like group 1-mild risk, group 2-moderate risk and group 3-
high risk depending on the platelet count levels and bleeding diathesis. Group 1 received supportive treatment, group
2 received supportive treatment and steroids (Inj dexamethasone 4mg IV q8h) and group 3 received supportive
treatment with steroids and platelet transfusion. Clinical evaluation and relevant investigations like blood culture;
malarial parasites and febrile serology (acute and convalescent) were performed.
Results: This observational study revealed that dengue fever can be managed symptomatically according WHO
guidelines and platelet transfusion is done only when platelet count is less than 10000/cumm or in bleeding diathesis
irrespective of platelet count.
Conclusions: Steroid usage alone or along with platelet transfusion had no effect on the platelet count or on the
overall outcome of the patient.

Keywords: Dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF), Dengue shock syndrome (DSS), Thrombocytopenia, Fever

INTRODUCTION to a megakaryocytic condition and increased destruction

of platelets by the reticuloendothelial system.2,3
Dengue infection is the most common mosquito-borne
viral disease in the world and around 50 million dengue Dengue fever causes thrombocytopenia commonly which
infections occur each year.1 In South-East Asian region often leads to life threatening complications like dengue
the case fatality rates are 1%, but in Myanmar, India and hemorrhagic fever (DHF) and dengue shock syndrome
Indonesia reported rates of 3%-5%.1 (DSS). Both are fatal complications leading to
hemorrhagic diathesis and circulatory collapse.4,5 Global
In dengue fever (DF) the pathogenesis of attempts have been made to develop new treatment
Thrombocytopenia is poorly understood. The possible strategies to combat these fatal complications of dengue.6
mechanism explained is an enhanced peripheral There are limited studies in the literature assessing
destruction of antibody coated platelets. Other benefits and risk of different modalities of therapy in
mechanisms are acute bone marrow suppression leading thrombocytopenia in dengue infection. Various regimens

International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences | March 2016 | Vol 4 | Issue 3 Page 902
Shashidhara KC et al. Int J Res Med Sci. 2016 Mar;4(3):902-907

have been used and some of them have shown beneficial transfusion, the platelet count, prothrombin time ratio
effects and some without benefits. (PTR), PTT returned to pre transfusion level within 5
hours. This indicates lack of clinical marker for
One of the studies has revealed that World Health intervention which happens to target platelet count. This
Organization (WHO) guidelines were followed by only nurtures suspicion that platelet counts alone may not be a
16 (45%) physicians and 6 (40%) pediatricians in the cause for bleeding diathesis in dengue fever.19
management of DF and DHF and steroids and platelets
are used empirically in anticipation of bleeding diathesis.5 The incidence of hemorrhage was same in prophylactic
platelet transfusions and no platelet transfusion group as
In acute dengue fever with thrombocytopenia platelet shown Lum LC study20 and in other studies there was any
transfusion were given empirically in the anticipation of difference in bleeding incidents between transfused and
bleeding diathesis leading to treatment with over use of non-transfused patients.21 In spite of increasing platelet
corticosteroids, intravenous immunoglobulin7,8 and count due to platelet transfusion in half of the patients, it
platelet transfusion.9,10 In hospitalized patients with is neither prevented severe bleeding (WHO Grade 3) nor
dengue in Taiwan.10. shortens the time to terminate the bleeding.22

Around 50.3% and in Singapore around 12.6% patients So our objective of the study was to observe different
received Platelet transfusion.9 modalities of treatment in dengue fever in our hospital
and observe the overall response for 4-5 days with
Corticosteroids have got wide range of effects on reference to rise in platelet count.
immunological processes including their potent anti-
inflammatory effects. In WHO guidelines corticosteroids METHODS
are not mentioned in the management of dengue but
clinicians in south East Asian countries empirically use Study design
corticosteroids based on the possible immunological basis
of the complications of dengue.5 It is a prospective observational study.

Corticosteroids are effective for stabilizing capillary The study was carried out at the medical wards in JSS
permeability and have been used in addition to fluid Medical college hospital, Mysore, Karnataka, India, a
replacement.5 Many trials compared intravenous tertiary medical care centre from June 2010 to June 2011.
hydrocortisone hemisuccinate with no corticosteroids or
placebo6,11,12 and one compared methyl prednisolone with Ethical approval
Prior approval was obtained from ethical committee of
Futrakul et al showed a positive response with high dose the JSS Medical college Hospital, Mysore and informed
of methyl prednisolone with mannitol in severe DSS consent was obtained by the study participants.
unresponsive to fluid replacement.14 In spite of these
uncertainties steroids are still used in dengue infection by Inclusion criteria
local clinicians in Srilanka.5 However cochrane reviews
concluded that there is insufficient evidence for the use of At admission all suspected patients with dengue fever and
steroid in DSS and DHF and advised for large above 18 years of age were assessed by the consultant
randomized trials.7 (chief investigator). A detailed history was elicited and a
thorough clinical examination was done. Data was
Platelet transfusion carries a variety of risks including collected in a prewritten proforma. Patients were
viral, bacterial and parasitic infections, allergic reactions, screened with dengue NS1Ag, IgG ELISA, IgM ELISA,
and febrile non-hemolytic reactions alloimmunisation using DENGUE COMBO EZ DX AG AB Test,
with resulting refractoriness; transfusion associated acute quantitative buffy coat for malaria parasite, serology for
lung injury. enteric fever, scrub typhus, leptospirosis; hemoglobin,
total leukocyte count, differential leukocyte count,
There are data in various institutions for the indications platelet count, hematocrit, peripheral blood smear, LFT,
for platelet transfusion. Kumar et al in his study has and a chest radiograph were done in all patients.
shown 56.2% inappropriate platelet transfusion during
dengue Delhi epidemic in 1999. In dengue fever with Exclusion criteria
thrombocytopenia platelet transfusion is given because of
the patient relative’s social pressure on treating physician Conditions which cause thrombocytopenia like HIV,
rather than the medical indication.15-18 autoimmune diseases, connective tissue disorder and
vasculitis, ITP, malignancy were excluded by thorough
In dengue fever prophylactic platelet transfusions clinical examination and relevant investigations
increases platelets and other coagulation parameters whenever it was indicated. Diabetes mellitus,
temporarily. In DSS and DHF the prophylactic platelet hypertension and patients with history of peptic ulcer

International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences | March 2016 | Vol 4 | Issue 3 Page 903
Shashidhara KC et al. Int J Res Med Sci. 2016 Mar;4(3):902-907

disease or hypersensitivity to corticosteroids and total monsoon seasons. The mean age was 28.59±15 year; 15
leukocyte count more than 11,000/cumm was excluded (7.7%) were older than 60 year. Overall, the proportion of
from the study. male and female were (2:1). Mean duration of fever was
4 days (range 2-6 days). The most frequent symptom was
Sample size fever 128 (100%) followed by vomiting 52 (40.6%),
headache (16.4%), diarrhoea and vomiting (14.68%),
For the purpose of the study dengue fever was suspected fatigue 54 (42%) and arthralgia 26 (20%), 28 (22%) had
and screened and finally 128 patients were included into hepatomegaly and 6 (5%) had splenomegaly. The mean
the study. duration between onset of fever and sampling for initial
investigation was 5 days (range 3-9 days). Thirty seven
The daily measurement of platelet count was carried out (28.9%) had leucopoenia defined as total count (TC)
in all patients from the day of enrolment to the fourth day <4000 per/l; 23 (18%) had a platelet count of less than
of post treatment. Only serologically confirmed cases by 20, 000 per/l and none had a platelet count of less than
dengue IgM ELISA were included, when their platelet 10,000 per /l as mentioned in the Figure 1.
count dropped below 100,000/cumm during the acute
stage of the illness and were divided into three groups
based on the platelet count at the time of admission.24

Group 1-mild risk: Those patients whose platelet count 60

>40,000/cumm but < 100,000/cumm for the age and sex

are observed and monitored carefully with supportive
treatment without receiving platelet transfusion or
No. of patients 40
Group 2-moderate risk: Patients whose platelet count is
in between 20-40,000/cumm belong to moderate risk 20

category received only steroids i.e. inj Dexamethasone

4mg q8h for 4 days. If patient develops bleeding diathesis 10

irrespective of platelet counts or fall in platelet levels less

than 21000/cumm during the course of treatment were
included into the high risk group and received both
platelet and Inj. Dexamethasone 4mg IV q8h.

Group 3-severe risk: The patients belonging to this group

had platelet count <20,000/cumm and they are at high Figure 1: Different types of symptoms in dengue
risk of bleeding. Such patients received prophylactic fever.
platelet transfusion along with steroids i.e. Inj
dexamethasone 4mg q8h for 3-4 days till the platelet There were a total of 57 patients in group-1, 40 (70%)
levels reached above 100,000/cumm without bleeding males and 17 (30%) females of these group the patient
diathesis. had predominantly having complaints of vomiting 15
(3.8%) followed by joint pains 12 (2.1%), headache 11
The patients who were diagnosed with dengue fever were (1.9%), one patient had episode of hemoptysis, there
divided into three groups as mentioned above before were 3 diabetics and 2 hypertensive’s . In this group there
observation and followed till they are discharged. was no evidence of bleeding skin manifestations like
petechiae or purpura,11 patients had leucopenia, 57 of
RESULTS them were IGM positive and 30 were IGG positive . NS1
antigen was positive in 16 patients and abnormal LFT
Continuous variables were expressed as mean±SD and was found in 10 patients, the lowest platelet count
categorical variables were expressed as number (%). observed in this group was 4000, 4 patients had evidence
Association between patient factors (age, sex, co- of polyserositis, and 4 patients had dual infection along
morbidities, gastrointestinal bleeding, haematocrit, with dengue fever, where 3 patients had positivity for
platelet count, albumin, prothrombin time, renal failure, leptospirosis and one patient was positive for QBC MP.
shock and dual infection) and mortality was studied using
chi-square test or Fisher exact test for categorical There were 34 patients in group B, 25 males and 9
variables and Mann-Whitney U test for continuous females, the most commonest symptom was vomiting 21,
variables. P<0.05 was considered to be statistically there was no evidence of bleeding in these patients one of
significant them were hypertensive 10 patients had evidence of
leucopoenia, 34 of them were IGM positive, 16 of them
A total of 128 patients were admitted with features of DF were IgG positive and 14 were NS1 positive. The lowest
during the study period; 109 (85%) were admitted during platelet count in this group was 1000 and 9 patients had

International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences | March 2016 | Vol 4 | Issue 3 Page 904
Shashidhara KC et al. Int J Res Med Sci. 2016 Mar;4(3):902-907

evidence of abnormal LFTs and one patient had evidence avoid hemorrhagic complications which results in good
of polyserositis. clinical outcomes.

There were 37 patients in group C out of which 19 were Platelet transfusion in spite of increasing platelet count in
males and 18 were females, the commonest symptom in half of the patients neither prevented a severe bleeding
this group is vomiting 16, 1 patient had hematemesis, (WHO grade 3) nor shortens the time to terminate the
there were 4 hypertensive’s in this group, 13 patients had bleeding.22 Platelet transfusion is associated with a risk of
leucopenia 37 of them were IGM positive, 20 of them severe adverse reactions as shown in one study, where
were IGG positive and 6 were NS1 positive. The lowest 2% of the platelet transfusions were linked with a severe
platelet count in this group was 2000 and 12 patients had unfavorable reaction.22 In another study, deaths occurred
evidence of abnormal LFTs and 3 patients had evidence due to platelet transfusion were 0.015% (20 of 1,712
of polyserositis. transfusions).30 However, there was no reported death
attributable to platelet transfusion in our study. The
DISCUSSION possible pathogenesis of thrombocytopenia in dengue
fever are enhanced peripheral destruction of antibody
Dengue infection causes significant morbidity and coated platelets, acute bone marrow suppression leading
mortality throughout the world. The recommended to a megakaryocytic condition and increased destruction
treatment is only supportive care with careful fluid of platelets by the reticuloendothelial system which helps
replacement, without specific treatment available at to plan for the future research in severe complications of
present.5 The common objective in treating dengue dengue fever.2,3
patients with severe thrombocytopenia is to stabilize the
platelet count which will avoid the major risk of Our study demonstrated that the all three groups are
bleeding.23 similar in the increasing platelet count in dengue fever
with thrombocytopenia patients (Figure 2). The rise in
Corticosteroid has wide range of effects on mean platelet count remained similar in all the groups. So
immunological processes including their potent anti- the results of our study are in concordance with the
inflammatory actions. Cochrane database of systematic conclusion opined by the Cochrane review.7
reviews 2006 accomplished that there is not enough
evidence to validate the use of corticosteroids in DHF
and DSS and advised the need for large randomized 120000
controlled trials.6 100000

In our study a gradual raise in platelet count was 80000 no inter

observed over four days in all the three groups which 60000
were in concordance with the natural history of recovery
40000 steroids
of platelet count in dengue infection. Surprisingly the
increase of platelet count was seen in no intervention 20000
group. Similar observation of recovery of platelet count
0 ste +Plt
after a maximum drop with increasing platelet count initial plt avg plt avg plt avg plt
gradually over three days without any intervention was count count 24 count 48 count 72
hours later hours later hours later
observed in Sri Lankan study.5
Platelets counts in thousands
The use of steroids without excluding the inter current
infection in dengue fever may worsen the illness leading
to increased morbidity and mortality due its Figure 2: Comparison of effect of treatment on
immunosuppressant effect.24,25-29 platelet count in three different groups.

Prophylactic platelet transfusion can be avoided without However the lowest level of platelet count in dengue
compromising patient wellbeing; in stable dengue fever fever without bleeding is still controversial. This was
patients without bleeding diathesis. Prophylactic platelet supported in our study where bleeding was not seen in
transfusion in dengue patients may be avoided till the three patients with platelet count less than 5000/cumm.
platelet count reaches below 10 x 109/l in the absence of
bleeding diathesis. Our study has several limitations. It is an observational
study and lacks of randomization which might have
Increase of platelet counts through transfusion in the resulted in treatment bias, there were less number of
nonexistence of major bleeding has not given any subjects in the study and number of cases and base line
protective benefits from bleeding in dengue fever. Timely platelet count were different in all three groups.
recognition of dengue with rapid correction of
hemodynamic parameters remains the important entity to

International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences | March 2016 | Vol 4 | Issue 3 Page 905
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International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences | March 2016 | Vol 4 | Issue 3 Page 907

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