Company Name-Shri Ganesh Enterprises, Sangli Title - The Study of Quality of Raw Material of Used and Consumer Support of SG Foods in Sangli
Company Name-Shri Ganesh Enterprises, Sangli Title - The Study of Quality of Raw Material of Used and Consumer Support of SG Foods in Sangli
Company Name-Shri Ganesh Enterprises, Sangli Title - The Study of Quality of Raw Material of Used and Consumer Support of SG Foods in Sangli
broadly classified into Food Crops and Commercial Crops. However, this
classification is not specific as many crops are both commercial and food
crops, for example - Sugarcane, Tea, Coffee, Cardamom and other spices.
as they are primarily cultivated for earning money income and not for
indispensable in the culinary art. They also play a significant role in our
condiment". '
According to International Organisation for Standardization (ISO) the
beverages. Spices are the common dietary adjuncts that contribute to the
taste and flavor of foods. Besides, spices are also known to exert several
heal various physical, mental and emotional problems has widely been
commonly used herbs and spices such as garlic, black cumin, cloves,
yellow colored spice; tea, either green or black, ginger, and flaxseed do
There are above 70 spices grown in different parts of the world. Many of
the parts of the plants fiom which they are obtained, namely (i) rhizomes
and root spices, (ii) bark spices, (iii) leaf spices, (iv) flower spices
(v) fruit spices and (vi) seed spices. Thus spices can come f?om
almost any part of a plant including seeds, leaves, barks, rhizomes, latex,
such as Floral parts (Cloves, Saffron etc), or Fruits (Cardamom, Chillies etc),
Spices are well known as appetizers and are considered essential in the
culinary art all over the world. They add a tang and flavor to otherwise
others are used as preservatives in some foods like pickles and chutneys
etc. Some
Spices also posses strong anti microbial and antibiotic properties. Many of
health, since they assist many hctional processes. For instance, Spices
Hexosamines. They facilitate the cleansing of the oral cavity fiom food
adhesion and bacteria. They may help to check infection and carries, and
facilitates starch digestion in the stomach, rendering the meals which are
further thorough probe. They are used as additives and for the propitiation
Spices grown in India. The major Spices grown are Pepper, Cardamom,
Ginger, Turmeric and Chillies. The important minor Spices grown in India
are Ajowan, Aniseed, Caraway, Celery, Coriander, Curnin, Dill Seed, Fennel,
Pepper is the most important spice of India rightly termed the 'King of
Spices' and is also known as 'Black Gold of India'. Cardamom comes next,
and is called the 'Queen of Spices'. Though Spice crops are cultivated in
The history of Spices in India was not started in a day, month or year. It
was, perhaps, with the beginning of civilization of this great country. The
oldest literary record in India is found in Rig Veda dating around 6000 BC
and three other Vedas, namely, Yajur, Sarna and Atharva. During the Veda
period, there was no writing available but with the help of human memory
information was transferred in the form of hymns from generation to
Horseradish, which is a near relative of Mustard and Turnip The Yajur Veda,
mentions the use of Black Pepper and the Atharva Veda of Turmeric.
Manu, the first Law Exponent, who lived around 4000 B.C, was aware
There are some references, about Spices in Rarnayana. Valmiki, the great
Rishi, who wrote this epic, mentioned a dish called Meat Pilaf, in whch
meat, rice, vegetables and spices were boiled and cooked together. King
Dasaratha's body was preserved with Spices oils and balms, similar to
around 3000 BC. The Bible, particularly the Old Testament gives many
the erstwhile princely state of Travancore forming the southern part of the
present day Kerala. The Travancore part comprises an area of 7,662 square
Travancore may be classified into three divisions, via, the low land division
bordering the Arabian Sea in the West, the Mid Land division and the High
Land division touching the Western Ghats in the East. The Low Land
division has roughly an area of 1371 square miles consisting of flat alluvial
and sandy tracts along the seacoast. A line of backwaters runs through this
region fiom North to South. The Midland Land Division lies east of the Low
Land Division and has an area of about 2700-sqare miles Low hill and
hillocks of varying sizes and heights fiom the topography of the Mid Land
that paved the way to the concentration of Spice Crops on the Midland
and High Range areas of the State. The availability of cheap labour, both
skilled and unskilled, especially belonging to lower income groups was yet
another compelling force for local people to start Spice Plantations. The
Land policy of the 1865 granting full ownership rights to the holder of
maturing within six months, Annual Crops giving yield within twelve
Crops may be further sub divided into two types namely, Garden Land
Crops (Coconut, Arecanut, Pepper, Cashew etc) and Plantation and Spice
the plantation sector as raw material and this leads to the importance of
Kerala's cash crop economy. The brunt of this was borne by the small and
agricultural producers. To help them manage the crisis and respond to the
pressures on the State's agricultural trade arising from the new global
parties and the media, andothers. Task forces were set up under the
the Chief Minister, with the Minister for Agriculture as the co-chair. The
Rights (IPR) literacy, and generate ideas and action to promote agricultural
the crisis in the plantation economy, the Commission, in one of its first
income support to small and marginal farmers. They are given in Appendix
the barest minimum of goods are produced for the purpose of local
global trade regime that is unfavourably weighed against it. The impact of
this has been particularly hard on producers in Kerala and it will perhaps
require a
nationalist movement of a different kind to set right the iniquities of the
Spices industry is an ago - based industry. But rapid strides could not be
made on this industrial front of Kerala. Almost all economic experts and
fortunate in
progress and their contribution to the state and national economy seems
Cardamom, the second important Spice Crop in Kerala was under the
Cardamom Act, 1965 and Rules 1966 and now it is included under Spices,
whlch comes under the Spices Board Act, 1986, and Rules 1987. So it
needs clarification on the constitution, working, powers and functions
and the schemes extended to Cardamom growers in the past and the
The Cardamom Act, 1965 whch extents to the whole of India came into
force in that year. It is an Act to provide for the development (under the
called Cardamom Board was established under section 4 of the said Act.
consisted of:
A Chairman
Agriculture; and
Such members of other members not exceeding 15 as the central
by notification in the Official Gazette fiom among persons who are in its
trade Interest
(b), (c) and (d) of sub section 3 of Section 4 and 15 other Members
One representing each of the States of Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Kamataka
Of these Six, 1 not less than Three shall represent the Registered Owners
owning land planted with Cardamom plants the area of which is less than
Two Members shall represent the Cardamom Trade Interest of which one
One Member shall represent such other persons or class of persons in the
of the Parliament via the Cardamom Act, 1965. It shall be the duty of the
of Cardamom
Every Owner of land planted with Cardamom Plants, whether such land is
comprised in one Estate or more than one Estate shall before the
expiration of one month fiom the date on which he first became owner of
such estate or estates or before the expiration of three months fiom the
date of coming into force of this Section, whichever is later, apply to the
overseas markets. It starts from the farm gate itself. The SEPC had no
control over farming and processing activities. So the situation called for
called the Spices Board Act, 1986. It is an Act to provide for the
Cardamom and matters connected there with. This Act came into force
the Cardamom Board and the Spices Export Promotion Council shall vest
The Head Office of the Board is located at Cochin. Board has Regional
research wing of the Spices Board has its main station at Myladumpara
between India and Great Britain. In the history of Indian Spices, thus there
image of India.'
The fame of Indian Spices is older than recorded history. Centuries before
Greece and Rome had their birth; sailing ships were carrying to
was the lure of these that brought many seafarers to the shores of India.
Long before the Christian era, the Greek merchants thronged the markets
of South India, buying Spices among other precious things. Epicurean was
spending a fortune on Indian Spices, Silks, Brocades and Cloth of Gold etc.
The Parthian wars are believed to have been fought by Rome largely to
keep open the trade route to India. It is also said that there might have
been no crusades and no expeditions to the East without the lure of Indian
once a royal luxury and those men were willing to risk their lives in quest
of them. Like Colurnbus, Vas CO Da Garna too was searching for a new
route to