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ICT Lesson Plan

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Detailed lesson plan in MAPEH

Grade 10 – Health

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:

A) to define what is the Global health

B) to identify what is the Global Health Issues, Concerns and Trends
C) give importance of Global Health Programs

II. Subject Matter

 Topic: Issues, Concerns, and Trends
 Reference:
 Materials:
-Slide Presentation

III. Lesson Proper

A. Preliminary Activities

Good Morning class Good morning sir

Secretary did you check the attendance? Yes sir

How many are absent? ...........

Yesterday sir Clarence discussed about MDG Eradicate Extreme poverty and hunger, Achieve universal
(Millennium Development Goals) Now Let us primary education, promote gender equality and empower
enumerate the 8 Goals that united nations want. women, reduce child mortality, improve maternal health,
Combat HIV/Aids Malaria and other diseases, and ensure
environmental sustainability.
Very Good class! Now we have done Millennium
Development Goals Let us proceed to our next
Lesson. But Before that let us have a short

Activity! World Box

Write in each box the different health issues,

concerns and trends encountered around the

Global Health
Issues, Concerns &

Sir i think that is our topic today

Good! Now what do you think why did you write
that issues, concerns and trends?

Very good! Let us start from the communicable

Rollback malaria is a global effort to reduce
________ can you read the slide? the number of deaths from malaria infection
through heightened prevention tools, rapid
response to outbreaks, development of new
anti malarial products and effective
treatment of the infection.

Stop TB- is a global effort to prevent further

Thank you take your seat. this is an example of transmission of tuberculosis or tb around the
government projects according united world one of the programs for stop tb is the
nation(explanation) can you read the other implementation of the tb-DOTS.
Global alliance for vaccines and
immunization- is a global strategy which
Thank you(explanation) now the next slide aims to strengthen children’s immunization
programs and introduce new generation of
licensed vaccines into use in developing
countries across the globe

The global fund to fight Aids, TB, and

Malaria- is funding project rather than an
(explanation)Ok and the last one
initiative. Nevertheless it helps in the
prevention, reduction, and mitigation of the
negative impacts of the three diseases to
humanity which contributes to the fulfilment
of the millennium development goals

Sexual harassment ,Child abuse, Verbal

Now that you know the concerns of our
abuse, HIV?/Aids, Discrimination sir.
government let us proceed to the issues and
trends can you give an examples what issues are
confronting of our world?
Because they are drunk and other are under
Very good! So what is the main cause of of drug influence sir.

The following summarizes the WHO FCTC

So that is United Nations want to decrease this provisions:
cases they have a Program called Global
prevention and control of tobacco and alcohol 1) Price tax measures to reduce the
use. Kindly read the slide demand for tobacco, and
2) Non price measures to reduce
the demand for tobacco.

thank you may take your seat (explanation)

Now we will proceed to prevention and control of The Global Strategy for prevention and
non communicable diseases. Read the slide. control of non communicable disease is a
global action plan to prevent and control
the non communicable diseases.
Thank you(explanation)
Lastly the mental health kindly read Comprehensive Mental health action plan

Is the result of extensive research and

consultations by stake holders
membernations, academic and non
government centers across the globe.

The mental health action plan should be

impartial, life based, and preventive in
(Explanation of objectives)


Activity(The more the merrier)

The class will be divided into 2

in five minutes as many as they can in 2 whole
sheet of pad paper
they will give an issues, concerns, trends in whole
pad and the other pad
they will give the importance of Global Health

the group who will have a bigger number of

example will get 5 points in the quiz.

After the activity

Will have a little conversation with their answers


Ok you learned a lot bring out ¼ piece of paper

Answer the ff
1-7 give programs of world health organization
7-10 do you think their projects are effective in
our country?


Okay for your assignment

Construct an essay
What is your reaction and what can you say
about the programs of united nations

None sir
Okay if none goodbye!
Goodbye sir!

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