Feng Shui Secrets
Feng Shui Secrets
Feng Shui Secrets
Feng Shui is the art of living in harmony with the land, such that
one derives the greatest benefits, peace and prosperity from
being in perfect equilibrium with Nature. Feng Shui holds out the
promise of a life of meaningful abundance to those who follow
its principles and precepts when building their homes and
Feng Shui has been practiced in China at least since the Tang
Dynasty. The most ancient master in this art is generally
believed to be Yang Yun Sang who is universally acknowledged
as the Founder of Feng Shui.
By the late 19th and early 20th centuries, however, the two
schools had merged completely. Theories of the Form School
including beliefs in Dragon symbolism gained wider acceptability
and practice amongst followers of the Compass School. Today,
Feng Shui practitioners in Hong Kong and Taiwan customarily
practice a hazy combination of both schools.
Between the two schools, the Form School, with its heavy
emphasis on the natural landscape, requires a greater amount
of intuitive insight. It is therefore considered harder to practice
even though the Green Dragon/White Tiger symbolisms are
relatively easy to comprehend. The Compass School method is
harder to learn and its formulae more difficult to grasp, but once
mastered, is considered easier to practice due to its more
precise methodologies.
Poison Arrows
Feng Shui also warns against Shar Chi or the killing breath. This
brings misfortune and a great deal of bad luck, and is caused by
the presence of secret Poison Arrows.
When one's main door or sitting and sleeping positions lie in the
path of such energy forces, the consequences are believed to
be extremely negative, and sometimes even disastrous, causing
grave misfortune to the residents or individuals affected. The
sharper and more threatening the poison Arrow, the more dire
are the repercussions of being "hit" by these Poison Arrows.
Avoid sitting with your back facing the door. This position
leaves you vulnerable to “back stabbing” and betrayal by your
colleague. If this is not practical, then position a mirror that will
give you a view of what’s behind you.
Sharp edges send out “poison arrows” and tend to make you
feel “edgy”. The ideal workspace should have flowing rounded
corners. Soften any sharps corners with plants or a coat rack
with garments hanging from it.
Put a Turtle on your side.
Clocks measure the time that has passed and does not have
good connotations. Placing a clock directly opposite of you
entrance door drives away good fortune. Position a small clock
on your desk where only you can readily see it.
Grays and blacks, off set with a bright white shirts coveys
trustworthiness and leadership qualities. Rounded patterns
and metal jewelry will help instill a sense of authority.
Dress natural to social engagements.
Wear natural earth colors such as; browns, yellows, off white to
generate charisma and likeability. Clothes should be loose
fitting and made out of natural material such as cotton or wool.
Designs that use dots or circles will make you more
Try to dim or redirect any bright lights that are directly behind
you. Bright lights symbolize fire and discourage strong support
behind you. It creates an environment that makes it
uncomfortable for others to look directly at you.
Money colors, such as; gold, silver, and green attract wealth.
For maximum effectiveness, these money colors should be
combined with complimentary Ying colors. Powerful color
combinations are; blue / green, gold / red, and purple / silver.
Avoid using Antique Furniture