Windchill Deployment Planning Check List
Windchill Deployment Planning Check List
Windchill Deployment Planning Check List
Technical Brief
This document intended for managers, system administrators, and solution
architects. It assumes that the reader has some working knowledge of the
technology and concepts associated with the following:
• Information technology
• Enterprise systems
• System testing and validation
• Project management
• Operating systems, relational databases, LDAP, web servers, application
servers, platforms, servers, storage, networking
• Windchill architecture, capabilities, and system administration
Should you need consulting help with this document, you may be able to engage
the PTC Global Services organization or a PTC services partner who can assist
your company with its deployment of Windchill. If you require such assistance,
contact your PTC sales representative or authorized reseller.
If you would like to provide feedback to PTC on this document or have a specific
technical question about this document or about a PTC product, contact PTC
Technical Support for assistance. Support for this document is provided in
English. PTC Technical Support will endeavor to reply within two business days
to requests for support of this document.
Use this document when planning Windchill customer deployments where PTC
Global Services are not fully engaged. The document provides a checklist of
activities that are critical to achieving a successful Windchill deployment but are
often missed or simplified by customers. The objective of this document is not to
define the required in-depth technical details but rather to highlight the overall
activities and general methods that should be carefully planned and
To help eliminate deployment mistakes that are often observed, PTC highly
recommends that you enlist the expertise of PTC Global Services or certified
deployment partners. If this is not an option, carefully consider and include the
items listed in the Windchill Deployment Planning Checklist in the Solution
section that follows.
The following checklist of activities should be considered and included in your
Windchill deployment project plan. Additional planning activities can apply and
should be added based on individual circumstances.
Windchill Deployment Planning Checklist
14. Gain final user acceptance and meet “go live” criteria
The PTC Customer Support website provides important technical information and
access to materials that will help in deployment planning, implementation, and
post “go live” support activities. It is important to navigate and become familiar
with the resources that exist on this site and learn how to use them most
effectively. Many of the materials linked in this technical brief can be accessed
from this site, including the PTC Customer Service Guide that provides an
overview of PTC technical support services and communications channels.
When new corporate IT policies or collaborative partners and sites are added,
you should re-evaluate your system architecture components and footprint. If
applicable, review the Windchill Architecture Overview Technical Brief for
guidance in this area.
____ 4. Determine if server hardware sizing or client sizing changes are required
New major releases of Windchill can call for a need to increase hardware
resources. Additional hardware can also be required with a growing user base or
increased utilization of heavier applications and data (for example, CAD data
management). Refer to the applicable Hardware Sizing Guide to ensure proper
calculations relating to server hardware needs. Additionally, refer to the latest
client hardware and web browser recommendations.
____ 8. Identify fixes made and problems found in the new release
Access the new PTC Update Advisor to understand what fixes and known issues
are in the new target release. Having this latest information is critical in
determining the value and impact in making the move. To be sure to have the
latest information, you can subscribe to Technical Support solution updates that
are emailed to subscribers upon any change in status.
____ 9. Identify relevant Best Practices and Technical Support Solutions in the new release
At any time, you can access the PTC Knowledge Base to view the most recent
and up-to-date information on any topic or area of interest. A powerful search
engine enables you to filter out extraneous information and drill down to the exact
level of detail required. Best Practice and TAN/TPI references are notable
____ 10.Execute solution deployment installation, configuration, and tuning
In addition to the targeted production system, you must plan and make
arrangements to support separate development, upgrade, and test environments.
The Windchill Rehosting Guide can be used to help create these environments.
____ 12.Perform all aspects of required testing
Write and maintain a formal test plan and production “go live” criteria that include
the following:
1. Once configured, the system is baseline tested to ensure that all modules are
operational and well-performing.
2. Rigorously inspect and exercise the system that contains a full set of
production data to ensure the state, correctness, and usability of the data.
3. Perform functional testing that involves critical product scenarios and data to
ensure that all business processes can be accomplished. Test for regression
in areas where fixes or modifications are significant.
6. Begin to take measurements that can confirm the defined value that you set
out to achieve. Release criteria metrics must also be collected and shared as
you converge on the planned “go live” event.
____ 13.Deliver user training to ensure a smooth “go live” activity
Consider using classroom or web-based end user training for the overall project.
____ 14.Gain final user acceptance and meet “go live” criteria
Schedule one or more user acceptance test (UAT) sessions that are performed
by the business user champions who have been involved in the project. In this
final phase of testing, perform end-to-end scenarios using production scale data.
This is also the time to formally verify that the final “go live” criteria, including key
stakeholder sign-off, is met.
Windchill deployment planning involves many interrelated activities that must be
well-coordinated and thoroughly defined. This document provides a checklist of
activities that are critical to achieving a successful Windchill deployment but are
often missed or simplified by customers. If you are so inclined, PTC strongly
suggests that PTC Global Services or certified deployment partners be engaged
to help ensure your success.
Reference List
• Administration Guides 10.0 & Administration Guides 10.1
• Customization Guides 10.0 & Customization Guides 10.1
• Hardware Sizing Guidelines - HP-UX Platform
• Hardware Sizing Guidelines - IBM AIX Platform
• Hardware Sizing Guidelines - Linux Platform with Oracle Database
• Hardware Sizing Guidelines - Microsoft Windows Platform with Oracle Database
• Hardware Sizing Guidelines - Microsoft Windows Platform with SQL Server
• Hardware Sizing Guidelines - Sun Solaris Platform
• PTC Customer Support
• PTC Customer Service Guide
• PTC Knowledge Base
• PTC University
• PTC Update Advisor
• Upgrade Guides 10.0 & Upgrade Guides 10.1
• User Guides 10.0 & User Guides 10.1
• Technical Support Subscriptions
• What’s New 10.0 & What’s New 10.1
• Windchill Admin – Configuring Your Windchill Environment Guide 10.0
• Windchill Admin – Configuring Your Windchill Environment Guide 10.1
• Windchill Architecture Overview
• Windchill Client Requirements 10.x
• Windchill Client Inspector Deployment and Administration Guide
• Windchill Creo Performance Benchmark
• Windchill Installation and Configuration Guide 10.0
• Windchill Installation and Configuration Guide 10.1
• Windchill Rehosting Guide
• Windchill Software Matrices 10.0 & Windchill Software Matrices 10.1
• Windchill Web Browser Comparison
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informational use and is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for PTC products and
services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services
and nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. PTC shall not be liable
for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. For important Copyright, Trademark,
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PTC software.