Settings: Settings P63X/Uk St/A54 Micom P631, P632, P633, P634
Settings: Settings P63X/Uk St/A54 Micom P631, P632, P633, P634
Settings: Settings P63X/Uk St/A54 Micom P631, P632, P633, P634
Settings P63x/UK ST/A54
(ST) 4-
1.1 Device ID 5
1.2 Configuration 9
1.3.1 Global 52
P63x/UK ST/A54 Settings
Settings P63x/UK ST/A54
1.1 Device ID
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Settings\Device ID
DVICE: Device Type As per relay 631 762 1
000 000 Read only
The device type is displayed.
DVICE: 655.35/
As per relay Measured/ 0.01
Software Version Overflow
002 120 Read only
Firmware version of the device. ST
DVICE: SW Date As per relay 01.01.97 -
002 122 Read only
Release date of the firmware.
DVICE: SW Version 655.35/
As per relay Measured/ 0.01
Communic. Overflow
002 103 Read only
Firmware version of the communication module.
As per relay 0.0 899.9 0.1
Language Version
002 123 Read only
Language version of the device.
DVICE: Text Vers
As per relay 0 255 1
Data Model
002 121 Read only
Using the text replacement feature of S&R-103, the user can change the setting names
and descriptions contained within the data model and download them into the device. The
customized data models have a numeric “Text Version” field that can be updated to
indicate a customized data model. Standard data models have a factory-set default value
of 0.
As per relay 0.000000.0 - -
Serial Number
002 124 Read only
Serial number of the device.
DVICE: Order No. As per relay 00000000 - -
000 001 Read only
Order number of the device
P63x/UK ST/A54 Settings
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
DVICE: Order ext.
0 0 999 1
No. 1 (… 27)
See table below for setting addresses.
Order extension numbers of the device. These settings can be modified by sending each
value to the device individually or via the front panel display.
Setting Address Setting Address Setting Address
Order ext. No. 1 000 003 Order ext. No. 10 000 012 Order ext. No. 19 000 021
Order ext. No. 2 000 004 Order ext. No. 11 000 013 Order ext. No. 20 000 022
Order ext. No. 3 000 005 Order ext. No. 12 000 014 Order ext. No. 21 000 023
Order ext. No. 4 000 006 Order ext. No. 13 000 015 Order ext. No. 22 000 024
Order ext. No. 5 000 007 Order ext. No. 14 000 016 Order ext. No. 23 000 025
Order ext. No. 6 000 008 Order ext. No. 15 000 017 Order ext. No. 24 000 026
Order ext. No. 7 000 009 Order ext. No. 16 000 018 Order ext. No. 25 000 027
ST Order ext. No. 8 000 010 Order ext. No. 17 000 019 Order ext. No. 26 000 028
Order ext. No. 9 000 011 Order ext. No. 18 000 020 Order ext. No. 27 000 029
Module A:
Module B:
Module L:
Module N:
DVICE: Module var. slot 1 Module P:
As per relay -
(… 21) Module T:
Module V:
Module X:
Module Y:
Not fitted
See table below for setting addresses. Read only
Stock number of the module fitted in the respective slot.
Setting Address Setting Address Setting Address
Module var. slot 1 086 050 Module var. slot 8 086 057 Module var. slot 15 086 064
Module var. slot 2 086 051 Module var. slot 9 086 058 Module var. slot 16 086 065
Module var. slot 3 086 052 Module var. slot 10 086 059 Module var. slot 17 086 066
Module var. slot 4 086 053 Module var. slot 11 086 060 Module var. slot 18 086 067
Module var. slot 5 086 054 Module var. slot 12 086 061 Module var. slot 19 086 068
Module var. slot 6 086 055 Module var. slot 13 086 062 Module var. slot 20 086 069
Module var. slot 7 086 056 Module var. slot 14 086 063 Module var. slot 21 086 070
Settings P63x/UK ST/A54
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Version A
DVICE: Module vers. …
As per relay -
Slot 1 (… 21) Version Z
Not Fitted
See table below for setting addresses. Read only
Index letter specifying the version of the module fitted in the respective slot.
Setting Address Setting Address Setting Address
Module vers. Slot 1 086 193 Module vers. Slot 8 086 200 Module vers. Slot 15 086 207
Module vers. Slot 2 086 194 Module vers. Slot 9 086 201 Module vers. Slot 16 086 208
Module vers. Slot 3 086 195 Module vers. Slot 10 086 202 Module vers. Slot 17 086 209
Module vers. Slot 4 086 196 Module vers. Slot 11 086 203 Module vers. Slot 18 086 210
Module vers. Slot 5 086 197 Module vers. Slot 12 086 204 Module vers. Slot 19 086 211
Module vers. Slot 6 086 198 Module vers. Slot 13 086 205 Module vers. Slot 20 086 212
Module vers. Slot 7 086 199 Module vers. Slot 14 086 206 Module vers. Slot 21 086 213
As per relay Not fitted Module A: -
Variant of Module A
086 047 Read only
Stock number of Module A in this design version.
As per relay Not fitted Module L: -
Variant of Module L
086 048 Read only
Stock number of Module L in this design version.
Version A
As per relay -
Version of Module A Version Z
Not Fitted
086 190 Read only
Index letter specifying the version of Module A.
Version A
As per relay -
Version of Module L Version Z
Not Fitted
086 191 Read only
Index letter specifying the version of Module L.
As per relay Not fitted Module B: -
Variant of Module B
086 049 Read only
Item number of digital bus Module B in this design version.
Version A
As per relay -
Version of Module B Version Z
Not Fitted
086 192 Read only
Index letter specifying the version of the digital bus Module B.
P63x/UK ST/A54 Settings
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
DVICE: Variant of
As per relay Not fitted Module B: -
Module B (a)
086 046 Read only
Stock number of the analog bus Module B in this design version.
Version A
DVICE: Version of …
As per relay -
Module B (a) Version Z
Not Fitted
086 189 Read only
Index letter specifying the version of the analog bus Module B.
As per relay -
Address Module A
104 061 Read only
MAC address for Ethernet module, where fitted.
ST DVICE: Customer ID
0.00 0.00 99.99 0.01
Data 1 (… 8)
See table below for setting addresses.
Customer configurable fields.
Setting Address Setting Address Setting Address
Customer ID Data 1 000 040 Customer ID Data 4 000 043 Customer ID Data 7 000 046
Customer ID Data 2 000 041 Customer ID Data 5 000 044 Customer ID Data 8 000 047
Customer ID Data 3 000 042 Customer ID Data 6 000 045
1.2 Configuration
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Reference English
HMI: Language -
Language Reference Language
003 020
Language in which texts will be displayed on the local control panel.
Note: This Technical Manual is based on the 2nd Language or English setting of
this field. Relays with this data model will have a -800 order code in the
model number.
HMI: Decimal Point
Decimal Point -
Decimal Separator Comma
003 021
Character to be used as decimal delimiter on the HMI.
HMI: Password - -
003 035 Displayed on HMI only (not in setting file).
The password to be used for changing settings from the HMI can be defined here. Refer to
Getting Started - GS for more information on entering/changing the password from the
Signals from selection table
HMI: Read Key
Disabled dependent upon relay -
080 110
Selection of the event recording to be displayed when the read c key is pressed.
Signals from selection table
Disabled dependent upon relay -
Operation Panel fct
053 007 OP Fig. 83
Definition of the values to be displayed on the Measured Value Panel referred to as the
Operation Panel. This panel will be displayed during normal operation i.e. during normal
load conditions.
Signals from selection table
Disabled dependent upon relay -
Overload Panel fct
053 005 OP Fig. 85
Definition of the values to be displayed on the Overload Panel. This panel will be
displayed during overload conditions.
Signals from selection table
HMI: Fault Panel fct Disabled dependent upon relay -
053 003 OP Fig. 84
Definition of the values to be displayed on the Fault Panel. This panel will be displayed
during and after fault conditions.
P63x/UK ST/A54 Settings
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
5s 1s 10 s 1s
Panel Hold-Time
031 075 OP Fig. 83
Setting for the time period for which a panel is displayed before the unit switches to the
next panel. This setting is only relevant if more values are selected for display than can be
shown on the LCD display at one time.
60 s 60 s 60000 s 1s
Auto Return Time
003 014 OP Fig. 83
If the user does not press a key on the HMI during this set time period, the
change-enabling function is deactivated and the Operation Panel is called up provided that
values have been assigned to the Operation Panel and that there is no other event.
HMI: Backlight Time 60 s 60000 s 1s
60 s
ST 003 023
If the user does not press a key on the local control panel during this set time period, then
the backlighting of the LCD display is switched off.
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
PC: Manufacturer ALSTOM D AEG -
003 183 OP Fig. 86
Setting for the name of the device manufacturer.
Note: This setting can be changed to ensure compatibility.
PC: Bay Address 1 0 254 1
003 068 OP Fig. 86
Bay and device addresses are used to address the device in communication via the PC
(local front EIA(RS)232 port) interface. An identical setting must be selected for both
PC: Relay Address 1 0 255 1
003 069 OP Fig. 86
Bay and device addresses are used to address the device in communication via the PC
(local front EIA(RS)232 port) interface. An identical setting must be selected for both
300 Baud
600 Baud
1200 Baud
2400 Baud
4800 Baud
PC: Baud Rate 19.2 kBaud -
9600 Baud
19.2 kBaud
38.4 kBaud
57.6 kBaud
115.2 kBaud
Settings P63x/UK ST/A54
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
003 081 OP Fig. 86
Baud rate of the PC (local front EIA(RS)232 port) interface.
PC: Parity Bit Even -
003 181 OP Fig. 86
Set the same parity that is set at the interface of the PC connected to the P63x.
None -
Spontan. Sig. Enable VDEW + Selected Sig.
003 187 OP Fig. 86
Enable for the transmission of spontaneous signals via the PC interface.
Signals from selection table
Disabled dependent upon relay -
Select. Spontan.Sig.
configuration. ST
003 189 OP Fig. 86
Selection of the spontaneous signals to be transmitted via the PC interface.
ASDU 3.1 per IEC
ASDU 3.2 per IEC
ASDU 3.3 per IEC
ASDU 3.4 per IEC
PC: Transm Enab ASDU 9 per IEC
Disabled -
Cycl Dat ILS Message
ASDU 3.1 & 3.4 IEC
ASDU 3.2 & 3.4 IEC
ASDU 3.3 & 3.4 IEC
ASDU 9 & 3.4 per IEC
ASDU 9 & ILS telegr.
003 084 OP Fig. 86
Enable for the cyclic transmission of measured values via the PC interface.
Disabled -
Cycl. Data ILS Tel.
003 185 OP Fig. 86
Selection of the measured values that are transmitted in a user-defined message via the
PC interface.
PC: Delta V 3.0 %Vn 0.0 %Vn 15.0 %Vn 0.1 %Vn
003 055 OP Fig. 86
A measured voltage value is transmitted via the PC interface if it differs by the set delta
quantity from the last measured value transmitted.
PC: Delta I 3.0 %In 0.0 %In 15.0 %In 0.1 %In
003 056 OP Fig. 86
A measured current value is transmitted via the PC interface if it differs by the set delta
quantity from the last measured value transmitted.
P63x/UK ST/A54 Settings
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
PC: Delta f 2.0 %fn 0.0 %fn 2.0 %fn 0.1 %fn
003 057 OP Fig. 86
The measured frequency value is transmitted via the PC interface if it differs by the set
delta from the last measured value transmitted.
3.0 0.0 15.0 0.1
Delta Meas.v.ILS Tel
003 155 OP Fig. 86
The message is transmitted if a measured value differs by the set delta quantity from the
last measured value transmitted.
PC: Delta t 1 min 0 min 15 min 1 min
003 058 OP Fig. 86
All measured data are transmitted again through the PC interface after this time period has
elapsed - provided that transmission has not been triggered by the other delta conditions.
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
COMM1: Remote
Disabled Disabled Enabled -
Comms Port1
056 026
Enabling the COMM1 function or disabling it in the configuration. If the function is
disabled, then all associated settings and signals are hidden, with the exception of this
COMM1: General
No No Yes -
Enable USER
OP Fig. 88,
003 170 89, 90, 91,
Disabling or enabling the communication interface.
No No Yes -
IEC870-5 Enabled
003 215 OP Fig. 87
Common settings for enabling all protocols based on IEC 870-5-xxx.
No No Yes -
Addit. -101 Enable
003 216 OP Fig. 87
Enabling additional settings that are relevant for the protocol based on IEC 870-5-101.
No No Yes -
Addit. ILS Enable
003 217 OP Fig. 87
Enabling additional settings that are relevant for the ILS protocol.
Settings P63x/UK ST/A54
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
No No Yes -
003 220 OP Fig. 87
Enabling settings relevant for the MODBUS protocol.
No No Yes -
DNP3 Enable
003 231 OP Fig. 87
Enabling settings relevant for the DNP 3.0 protocol.
No No Yes -
103 040 OP Fig. 87
Enabling settings relevant for the Courier protocol.
Signals from selection table
Communicat Protocol
Disabled dependent upon relay
- ST
003 167 OP Fig. 87
Select the communication protocol that shall be used for the communication interface.
MODBUS protocol only OP Fig. 91
Select between the ALSTOM D and the ALSTOM variant of the MODBUS protocol.
COMM1: Light Off / Low
Light On / High -
Line Idle State Light On / High
003 165 OP Fig. 88,
89, 90, 91,
Setting for the line idle state indication.
300 Baud
600 Baud
1200 Baud
2400 Baud
4800 Baud
COMM1: Baud Rate 19.2 kBaud -
9600 Baud
19.2 kBaud
38.4 kBaud
57.6 kBaud
64.0 kBaud
OP Fig. 88,
003 071 89, 90, 91,
Baud rate of the communication interface.
COMM1: Parity Bit Even Odd -
003 171 OP Fig. 88,
89, 90, 91,
Set the same parity that is set at the interface of the control unit connected to the P63x.
P63x/UK ST/A54 Settings
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
COMM1: Dead Time
Yes No Yes -
003 176 OP Fig. 88,
89, 90, 91,
The P63x monitors message transmission to make sure that no pause within a message
exceeds 33 bits. This monitoring function can be disabled if it is not required. This setting
is only necessary for modem transmission.
COMM1: Blocked/
25 s 254 s 1s
Mon. Time Polling 3s
003 202 OP Fig. 88,
89, 90, 91,
The time between two polling calls from the communication master must be less than the
time set here.
ST COMM1: Octet
Comm. Address
1 0 254 1
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
003 177 IEC 870-5 protocol only OP Fig. 88,
89, 90
Enable for the transmission of spontaneous signals via the communication interface.
Signals from selection table
Disabled dependent upon relay -
Select. Spontan.Sig.
003 179 IEC 870-5 protocol only OP Fig. 88
Selection of the spontaneous signals to be transmitted via the COMM1 interface.
COMM1: Transm Disabled
Disabled -
Enab Cycl Dat ILS Message
003 074 IEC 870-5 protocol only OP Fig. 88,
89, 90
Enabling of cyclic transmission of measured values via the communication interface.
Signals from selection table
Cycl. Data ILS Tel.
Disabled dependent upon relay - ST
003 175 IEC 870-5 protocol only OP Fig. 88,
89, 90
Selection of the measured values transmitted in a user-defined message via the
communication interface.
COMM1: Delta V 3.0 %Vn 0.0 %Vn 15.0 %Vn 0.1 %Vn
003 050 IEC 870-5 protocol only OP Fig. 88,
89, 90
A measured voltage value is transmitted via the communication interface if it differs by the
set delta quantity from the last measured value transmitted.
COMM1: Delta I 3.0 %In 0.0 %In 15.0 %In 0.1 %In
003 051 IEC 870-5 protocol only OP Fig. 88,
89, 90
A measured current value is transmitted via the communication interface if it differs by the
set delta quantity from the last measured value transmitted.
COMM1: Delta f 2.0 %fn 0.0 %fn 2.0 %fn 0.1 %fn
003 052 IEC 870-5 protocol only OP Fig. 88,
89, 90
The measured frequency is transmitted via the communication interface if it differs by the
set delta quantity from the last measured value transmitted.
3.0 0.0 15.0 0.1
Delta Meas.v.ILS Tel
003 150 IEC 870-5 protocol only OP Fig. 88,
89, 90
The message is transmitted if a measured value differs by the set delta quantity from the
last measured value transmitted.
COMM1: Delta t 1 min 0 min 15 min 1 min
003 053 IEC 870-5 protocol only OP Fig. 88,
89, 90
All measured data are transmitted again through the communication interface after this
time period has elapsed - provided that transmission has not been triggered by the other
delta conditions.
P63x/UK ST/A54 Settings
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
COMM1: Blocked/
Blocked 9000 s 1s
Contin. General Scan 10 s
003 077 IEC 870-5 protocol only OP Fig. 88,
89, 90
A continuous or background general scan means that the P63x transmits all settings,
signals, and monitoring signals through the communication interface during slow periods
when there is not much activity. This ensures that there will be data consistency with a
connected control system. The time to be set defines the minimum time difference
between two messages.
COMM1: Comm.
1 Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 1 Byte
Address Length
003 201 IEC 870-5-101 protocol only OP Fig. 89
Setting for the communication address length.
0 0 255 1
Octet 2 Comm. Addr.
ST 003 200 IEC 870-5-101 protocol only OP Fig. 89
Setting for the length of the higher-order communication address.
COMM1: Cause W/o Source Address
W/o Source Address -
Transm. Length With Source Address
003 192 IEC 870-5-101 protocol only OP Fig. 89
Setting for the length of the cause of transmission.
COMM1: Address
1 Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 1 Byte
Length ASDU
003 193 IEC 870-5-101 protocol only OP Fig. 89
Setting for the length of the common address for identification of message structures.
0 0 255 1
Octet 2 Addr. ASDU
003 194 IEC 870-5-101 protocol only OP Fig. 89
Setting for the length of the common higher-order address for identification of message
2 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 1 Byte
Addr. Length Inf.Obj
003 196 IEC 870-5-101 protocol only OP Fig. 89
Setting for the length of the address for information objects.
0 0 255 1
Oct.3 Addr. Inf.Obj.
003 197 IEC 870-5-101 protocol only OP Fig. 89
Setting for the length of the higher-order address for information objects.
No No Yes -
Inf.No.<-> Funct.Type
003 195 IEC 870-5-101 protocol only OP Fig. 89
Setting specifying whether information numbers and function type shall be reversed in the
object address.
Settings P63x/UK ST/A54
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
3 Byte 3 Byte 7 Byte 1 Byte
Time Tag Length
003 198 IEC 870-5-101 protocol only OP Fig. 89
Setting for the time tag length.
Single Channel
ASDU1/ASDU20 Single Channel -
Dual Channel
003 190 IEC 870-5-101 protocol only OP Fig. 89
Setting specifying whether message structure 1 or 20 shall be converted as a single signal
or double signal.
Single Channel
Single Channel Dual Channel -
ASDU2 Conversion
Protection Event
003 191 IEC 870-5-101 protocol only OP Fig. 89
Setting specifying whether message structure 2 shall be converted as a single signal or ST
double signal.
Yes No Yes -
Initializ Signal
003 199 IEC 870-5-101 protocol only OP Fig. 89
Setting specifying whether an initialization signal shall be issued.
No No Yes -
Balanced Operation
003 226 IEC 870-5-101 protocol only OP Fig. 89
Setting specifying whether communication shall be operated in full duplex mode
(simultaneous transmission and reception).
COMM1: Direction Bit 0 0 1 1
003 227 IEC 870-5-101 protocol only OP Fig. 89
Setting for the control direction. As a rule, this value should be set to ‘1’ in the control
center and to ‘0’ in the substation.
0.40 s 0.10 s 2.55 s 0.01 s
Time-out Interval
003 228 IEC 870-5-101 protocol only OP Fig. 89
Setting for the maximum time before the status signal is issued for the acknowledge
Signals from selection table
COMM1: Reg.asg.
Disabled dependent upon relay -
Selec. Cmds
003 210 MODBUS protocol only OP Fig. 91
MODBUS registers in the range 00301 to 00400 are assigned to the selected commands.
Assignment is made in the order of selection. This means that the first command is given
the register no. 00301, the second the register no. 00302, etc.
P63x/UK ST/A54 Settings
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Signals from selection table
Disabled dependent upon relay -
Reg.asg. Selec. Sig.
003 211 MODBUS protocol only OP Fig. 91
MODBUS registers in the range 10301 to 10400 are assigned to the selected signals.
Assignment is made in the order of selection. This means that the first signal is given the
register no. 10301, the second the register no. 10302, etc.
Signals from selection table
Disabled dependent upon relay -
Reg.asg. Sel. m.val.
003 212 MODBUS protocol only OP Fig. 91
MODBUS registers in the range 30301 to 30400 are assigned to the selected measured
values. Assignment is made in the order of selection. This means that the first measured
value is given the register no. 30301, the second the register no. 30302, etc.
Signals from selection table
Reg.asg. Sel. Param.
Disabled dependent upon relay -
003 213 MODBUS protocol only OP Fig. 91
MODBUS registers in the range 40301 to 40400 are assigned to the selected parameters.
Assignment is made in the order of selection. This means that the first measured value is
given the register no. 40301, the second the register no. 40302, etc.
5s 1s 120 s 1s
Delta t (MODBUS)
003 152 MODBUS protocol only OP Fig. 91
All MODBUS registers are transmitted again through the communication interface after this
time has elapsed.
COMM1: Autom
Disabled Disabled Enabled -
Event Confirm.
003 249 MODBUS protocol only OP Fig. 91
Setting as to whether an event confirmation by the master is necessary to delete an event
from the “event queue“.
0 Bit 0 Bit 254 Bit 1 Bit
Phys. Charact. Delay
003 241 DNP3 protocol only OP Fig. 92
Number of bits to be awaited from receiving the "Requests" to sending the "Response".
40 Bit 0 Bit 254 Bit 1 Bit
Phys. Char. Timeout
003 242 DNP3 protocol only OP Fig. 92
Number of bits that can be missing in the message without receive interrupt.
COMM1: Multi-Frame
Multi-Frame Fragment -
Link Confirm. Mode Fragment
All Frames
003 243 DNP3 protocol only OP Fig. 92
Setting for the acknowledgement mode for confirmation within the link layer.
Settings P63x/UK ST/A54
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
0.10 s 0.05 s 2.54 s 0.01 s
Link Confirm.Timeout
003 244 DNP3 protocol only OP Fig. 92
Setting for the link layer timeout period. Within the link layer, the master needs to
acknowledge (confirm) within this period.
2 1 10 1
Link Max. Retries
003 245 DNP3 protocol only OP Fig. 92
Number of repetitions performed within the link layer after the occurrence of errors during
transmission (such as failure to acknowledge).
5.0 s 0.5 s 25.4 s 0.1 s
Appl Confirm.Timeout
003 246 DNP3 protocol only OP Fig. 92
Setting for the application layer timeout period. Within the application layer, the master
needs to acknowledge (confirm) within this period. ST
60 s 5s 254 s 1s
Appl Need Time Del.
003 247 DNP3 protocol only OP Fig. 92
Within the time interval set here, the slave cyclically issues a clock synchronization request
to the master.
Signals from selection table
Disabled dependent upon relay -
Ind./cl. bin. Inputs
003 232 DNP3 protocol only OP Fig. 92
Selection of data points and data classes for object 1 - binary inputs. Indices are assigned
in the sequence of the selection and beginning with 0.
Signals from selection table
Disabled dependent upon relay -
Ind./cl. bin.Outputs
003 233 DNP3 protocol only OP Fig. 92
Selection of data points and data classes for object 10 - binary outputs. Indices are
assigned in the sequence of the selection and beginning with 0.
Signals from selection table
Disabled dependent upon relay -
Ind./cl. Analog Inp.
003 235 DNP3 protocol only OP Fig. 92
Selection of data points and data classes for object 30 - analog inputs. Indices are
assigned in the sequence of the selection and beginning with 0.
Signals from selection table
Disabled dependent upon relay -
Ind./cl. Analog Outp
003 236 DNP3 protocol only OP Fig. 92
Selection of data points and data classes for object 40 - analog outputs. Indices are
assigned in the sequence of the selection and beginning with 0.
P63x/UK ST/A54 Settings
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
COMM1: Ph-Ph
16 0 255 1
Meas v. (DNP3)
003 250 DNP3 protocol only OP Fig. 92
Initialization value of the thresholds for the transmission of measured data in object 30.
The threshold values may be changed separately by the master for each measured value
by writing to object 34, "Analog Input Reporting Deadband".
COMM1: Phase
5s 1s 120 s 1s
Phase t (DNP3)
003 248 DNP3 protocol only OP Fig. 92
Cycle time of updating the DNP objects 30 (analog inputs).
Signals from selection table
Disabled dependent upon relay -
Command Selection
103 042 Courier protocol only OP Fig. 93
ST This setting is used to select from an “m out of n” selection table all the binary commands
(read/write) which are to be made available to the Courier master (e.g. ’Device online’).
Signals from selection table
Disabled dependent upon relay -
Signal Selection
103 043 Courier protocol only OP Fig. 93
This setting is used to select from an “m out of n” selection table all the binary signals (read
only) which are to be made available to the Courier master (e.g. ’Starting I>’).
Signals from selection table
Disabled dependent upon relay -
Meas. val. Selection
103 044 Courier protocol only OP Fig. 93
This setting is used to select from an “m out of n” selection table all the analog
measurements (read only) which are to be made available to the Courier master (e.g.
’Running time’).
Signals from selection table
Disabled dependent upon relay -
Parameter Selection
103 045 Courier protocol only OP Fig. 93
This setting is used to select from an “m out of n” selection table all the analog settings
(read/write) which are to be made available to the Courier master (e.g. ’tI>’).
5s 1s 120 s 1s
Delta t (COURIER)
103 046 Courier protocol only OP Fig. 93
All Courier registers are transmitted again through the communication interface after this
time has elapsed.
Settings P63x/UK ST/A54
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
COMM2: Remote
Disabled Disabled Enabled -
Comms Port2
056 057
Enabling the COMM2 function or disabling it in the configuration. If the function is
disabled, then all associated settings and signals are hidden, with the exception of this
COMM2: General
No No Yes -
Enable USER
103 170 OP Fig. 95
Disabling or enabling the communication interface.
COMM2: Light Off/Low
Light On/High -
Line Idle State Light On/High ST
103 165 OP Fig. 95
Setting for the line idle state indication.
300 Baud
600 Baud
1200 Baud
2400 Baud
COMM2: Baud Rate 19.2 kBaud 4800 Baud -
9600 Baud
19.2 kBaud
38.4 kBaud
57.6 kBaud
103 071 OP Fig. 95
Baud rate of the communication interface.
COMM2: Parity Bit Even Odd -
103 171 OP Fig. 95
Set the same parity that is set at the interface of the control unit connected to the P63x.
COMM2: Dead Time
Yes No Yes -
103 176 OP Fig. 95
The P63x monitors message transmission to make sure that no pause within a message
exceeds 33 bits. This monitoring function can be disabled if it is not required. This setting
is only necessary for modem transmission.
25 s Blocked/3 s 254 s 1s
Mon. Time Polling
103 202 OP Fig. 95
The time between two polling calls from the communication master must be less than the
time set here.
P63x/UK ST/A54 Settings
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
COMM2: Octet
1 0 254 1
Comm. Address
103 072 OP Fig. 95
The communication address and the ASDU address are used to identify the device in
communication via the interface. An identical setting must be selected for both addresses.
103 161 OP Fig. 95
Setting for the name of the device manufacturer.
1 0 255 1
Octet Address ASDU
103 073 OP Fig. 95
The communication address and the ASDU address are used to identify the device in
ST communication via the interface. An identical setting must be selected for both addresses.
All -
Spontan. Sig. Enable VDEW + Selected Sig.
103 177 OP Fig. 95
Enable for the transmission of spontaneous signals via the communication interface.
Signals from selection table
Disabled dependent upon relay -
Select. Spontan.Sig.
103 179 OP Fig. 95
Selection of the spontaneous signals to be transmitted via the COMM1 interface.
ASDU 3.1 per IEC
ASDU 3.2 per IEC
ASDU 3.3 per IEC
ASDU 3.4 per IEC
COMM2: Transm ASDU 9 per IEC
Disabled -
Enab Cycl Dat ILS Message
ASDU 3.1 & 3.4 IEC
ASDU 3.2 & 3.4 IEC
ASDU 3.3 & 3.4 IEC
ASDU 9 & 3.4 per IEC
ASDU 9 & ILS telegr.
103 074 OP Fig. 95
Enable for the cyclic transmission of measured values via the COMM2 interface.
Signals from selection table
Disabled dependent upon relay -
Cycl. Data ILS Tel.
103 175 OP Fig. 95
Selection of the measured values that are transmitted in a user-defined message via the
COMM2 interface.
Settings P63x/UK ST/A54
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
COMM2: Delta V 3.0 %Vn 0.0 %Vn 15.0 %Vn 0.1 %Vn
103 050 OP Fig. 95
A measured voltage value is transmitted via the COMM2 interface if it differs by the set
delta quantity from the last measured value transmitted.
COMM2: Delta I 3.0 %In 0.0 %In 15.0 %In 0.1 %In
103 051 OP Fig. 95
A measured current value is transmitted via the COMM2 interface if it differs by the set
delta quantity from the last measured value transmitted.
COMM2: Delta f 2.0 %fn 0.0 %fn 2.0 %fn 0.1 %fn
103 052 OP Fig. 95
The measured frequency value is transmitted via the COMM2 interface if it differs by the
set delta from the last measured value transmitted.
3.0 0.0 15.0 0.1
Delta Meas.v.ILS Tel ST
103 150 OP Fig. 95
The message is transmitted if a measured value differs by the set delta quantity from the
last measured value transmitted.
COMM2: Delta t 1 min 0 min 15 min 1 min
103 053 OP Fig. 95
All measured data are transmitted again through the COMM2 interface after this time
period has elapsed - provided that transmission has not been triggered by the other delta
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Disabled Disabled Enabled -
056 059
Enabling or disabling Ethernet IEC 61850 communication. If the function is disabled, then
all associated settings and signals are hidden, with the exception of this setting.
IEC: General Enable
No No Yes -
104 000
Enabling and disabling IEC 61850.
IEC: Don’t Execute
Don’t Execute -
Enable Configuration Execute
104 058
This setting can only be sent individually. In order to maintain consistency of all settings in
the function groups IEC, GSSE and GOOSE, they are all enabled mutually by this
P63x/UK ST/A54 Settings
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
IEC: Inactivity Timer 15 min 1 min 30 min 1 min
104 050
Additional communication monitor for Ethernet. Should a logged-on client issue no further
request message, after this time period has elapsed that client will automatically be
logged-off, i.e. no further reports will be issued to it. To re-establish communication the
client is required to perform a new log-on procedure with the device (IED).
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
IEC: 255.255.255 -
Router Address 2 .255
104 019
IP address of network router # 2.
IEC: 255.255.255 -
Target Network 2 .255
104 023
IP address of target network # 2.
IEC: 255.255.255 -
Router Address 3 .255
104 027
IP address of network router # 3.
IEC: 255.255.255 -
Target Network 3 .255 ST
104 031
IP address of target network # 3.
IEC: 255.255.255 -
Router Address 4 .255
104 035
IP address of network router # 4.
IEC: 255.255.255 -
Target Network 4 .255
104 039
IP address of target network # 4.
IEC: SNTP Operating Request from Request from Server
Mode Server Broadcast
104 200
Operating mode for the time synchronization telegram. When set to Broadcast
synchronization occurs cyclically with the clock server transmitting a broadcast signal and,
when set to Request from Server each device (IED has client function) individually
requests a synchronization signal after its own cycle time.
IEC: SNTP Poll Cycle
60 s 20 s 600 s 1s
104 201
Device (IED) poll cycle time for time synchronization when operating mode is set to
Request from Server.
IEC: 255.255.255 -
SNTP Server 1 IP .255
104 202
IP address of the first synchronizing clock server.
IEC: 255.255.255 -
SNTP Server 2 IP .255
104 202
IP address of the second synchronizing clock server.
P63x/UK ST/A54 Settings
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
IEC: Diff. Local Time 0 -1440 min + 1440 min 1 min
104 206
Time difference between UTC (Coordinated Universal Time/GMT) and local time at
installation site.
60 min -1440 min + 1440 min 1 min
Diff. Dayl. Sav. Time
104 207
Time difference when changing to daylight saving time.
IEC: Deadband Value 100 0 10000 1
104 051
Setting to calculate the filter value for all measured value Report Control Blocks (RCB)
except the measured value for energy. Should a change occur in one of the measured
values, which is greater than the filter value, the RCB is again sent to all clients.
Update Cycle Energy
Blocked 10 3600 1
104 060
Cycle time to send energy value by Report Control Block (RCB). No RCB transmission
with setting to blocked!
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Disabled Enabled/Disabled -
056 068
The parameters of this function group are only active if function group IEC has been
configured and is activated, and if the parameters of this function group have been
activated through the parameter IEC: Enable configuration or by switching the device
GOOSE: General
No No/Yes -
Enable USER
106 001
Enabling and disabling function group GOOSE.
01-0C-CD-01-00-00 - -
Multic. MAC Address
106 003
Multicast MAC address to provide identification of GOOSE to the receiving clients (IED).
The default MAC address entered is suggested as a standard according to IEC 61850.
The multicast MAC address entered in GOOSE may be modified so as to increase
transmission security or to reduce the number of "GOOSE Messages" to be read by
receiving clients (IED).
12288 0…16383 1
Application ID
106 004
Application ID of GOOSE being sent by this device (IED).
Settings P63x/UK ST/A54
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
106 002
GOOSE ID being sent by this device (IED). GOOSE includes a Dataset with 32 binary and
configurable virtual outputs and 10 two-pole states to the maximum of 10 monitored
external devices.
0 0…4094 1
VLAN Identifier
106 006
VLAN identifier of GOOSE being sent by this device (IED). The VLAN identifier makes it
possible to have switches in the network filter messages, if the switches support such a
function. Because so-called multicast MAC addresses are applied, switches are unable to
filter messages in the network if they do not include a VLAN identifier.
4 0…7 1
VLAN Priority
106 007
VLAN priority of GOOSE being sent by this device (IED). The VLAN priority makes it
possible to have switches in the network filter messages, if the switches support such a
GOOSE: GOOSE Signals from selection table
Out 1 (… 32) Disabled dependent upon relay -
fct.assig. configuration.
See table below for setting addresses.
Function assignment of a binary logical state signal to the virtual GOOSE outputs. The
signal configured here is sent with the permanently configured Dataset of GOOSE.
Setting Address Setting Address Setting Address
GOOSE Out 1 GOOSE Out 12 GOOSE Out 23
106 011 106 033 106 055
Fct.assig. Fct.assig. Fct.assig.
GOOSE Out 2 GOOSE Out 13 GOOSE Out 24
106 013 106 035 106 057
Fct.assig. Fct.assig. Fct.assig.
GOOSE Out 3 GOOSE Out 14 GOOSE Out 25
106 015 106 037 106 059
Fct.assig. Fct.assig. Fct.assig.
GOOSE Out 4 GOOSE Out 15 GOOSE Out 26
106 017 106 039 106 061
Fct.assig. Fct.assig. Fct.assig.
GOOSE Out 5 GOOSE Out 16 GOOSE Out 27
106 019 106 041 106 063
Fct.assig. Fct.assig. Fct.assig.
GOOSE Out 6 GOOSE Out 17 GOOSE Out 28
106 021 106 043 106 065
Fct.assig. Fct.assig. Fct.assig.
GOOSE Out 7 GOOSE Out 18 GOOSE Out 29
106 023 106 045 106 067
Fct.assig. Fct.assig. Fct.assig.
GOOSE Out 8 GOOSE Out 19 GOOSE Out 30
106 025 106 047 106 069
Fct.assig. Fct.assig. Fct.assig.
GOOSE Out 9 GOOSE Out 20 GOOSE Out 31
106 027 106 049 106 071
Fct.assig. Fct.assig. Fct.assig.
GOOSE Out 10 GOOSE Out 21 GOOSE Out 32
106 029 106 051 106 073
Fct.assig. Fct.assig. Fct.assig.
GOOSE Out 11 GOOSE Out 22
106 031 106 053
Fct.assig. Fct.assig.
P63x/UK ST/A54 Settings
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Signals from selection table
Blocked dependent upon relay -
1 (… 16) Applic. ID
See table below for setting addresses.
Application ID for GOOSE, which is to be received by this device (IED) for the virtual binary
GOOSE input.
Setting Address Setting Address
GOOSE Inp 1 Applic. ID 107 000 GOOSE Inp 12Applic. ID 107 110
GOOSE Inp 2 Applic. ID 107 010 GOOSE Inp 13Applic. ID 107 120
GOOSE Inp 3 Applic. ID 107 020 GOOSE Inp 14 Applic. ID 107 130
GOOSE Inp 4 Applic. ID 107 030 GOOSE Inp 15 Applic. ID 107 140
GOOSE Inp 5 Applic. ID 107 040 GOOSE Inp 16 Applic. ID 107 150
GOOSE Inp 6 Applic. ID 107 050
GOOSE Inp 7 Applic. ID 107 060
ST GOOSE Inp 8 Applic. ID 107 070
GOOSE Inp 9 Applic. ID 107 080
GOOSE Inp 10 Applic. ID 107 090
GOOSE Inp 11 Applic. ID 107 100
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Signals from selection table
Disabled dependent upon relay -
1 (… 16) DataSetRef
See table below for setting addresses.
'DataSetReference' for GOOSE, which is to be received by this device (IED) for the virtual
binary GOOSE input. 'DataSetReference' consists of a chain of characters including the
full path of the state value from the device (IED) with which the P63x corresponds with the
logical device/logical node/data object/data attribute. If a path is made up of more than 20
characters, then only the first 20 characters are to be entered.
Setting Address Setting Address
GOOSE Inp 1 DataSetRef 107 002 GOOSE Inp 12 DataSetRef 107 112
GOOSE Inp 2 DataSetRef 107 012 GOOSE Inp 13 DataSetRef 107 122
GOOSE Inp 3 DataSetRef 107 022 GOOSE Inp 14 DataSetRef 107 132
GOOSE Inp 4 DataSetRef 107 032 GOOSE Inp 15 DataSetRef 107 142
GOOSE Inp 5 DataSetRef 107 042 GOOSE Inp 16 DataSetRef 107 152
GOOSE Inp 6 DataSetRef 107 052
GOOSE Inp 7 DataSetRef 107 062
GOOSE Inp 8 DataSetRef 107 072
GOOSE Inp 9 DataSetRef 107 082
GOOSE Inp 10 DataSetRef 107 092
GOOSE Inp 11 DataSetRef 107 102
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Signals from selection table
Disabled dependent upon relay -
1 (… 16) DatAttr Ind
See table below for setting addresses.
Data attribute index of a Dataset for GOOSE, which is to be received by this device (IED)
for the virtual binary GOOSE input. A data attribute index indicates which data attribute
element in the data object is to be evaluated.
Setting Address Setting Address
GOOSE Inp 1 DatAttr Ind 107 004 GOOSE Inp 12 DatAttr Ind 107 114
GOOSE Inp 2 DatAttr Ind 107 014 GOOSE Inp 13 DatAttr Ind 107 124
GOOSE Inp 3 DatAttr Ind 107 024 GOOSE Inp 14 DatAttr Ind 107 134
GOOSE Inp 4 DatAttr Ind 107 034 GOOSE Inp 15 DatAttr Ind 107 144
GOOSE Inp 5 DatAttr Ind 107 044 GOOSE Inp 16 DatAttr Ind 107 154
GOOSE Inp 6 DatAttr Ind 107 054
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Signals from selection table
Disabled dependent upon relay -
1 (… 16) fct.assig.
See table below for setting addresses.
Function assignment of the virtual binary GOOSE input to a binary logical state signal on
the device (IED) so that it can be processed further by the protection, control or logic
functions. The signal configured at this point will receive the state of the data attribute, as
configured above, and which was received with the Dataset of GOOSE.
Setting Address Setting Address
GOOSE Inp 1 fct.assig. 107 006 GOOSE Inp 12 fct.assig. 107 116
GOOSE Inp 2 fct.assig. 107 016 GOOSE Inp 13 fct.assig. 107 126
GOOSE Inp 3 fct.assig. 107 026 GOOSE Inp 14 fct.assig. 107 136
GOOSE Inp 4 fct.assig. 107 036 GOOSE Inp 15 fct.assig. 107 146
GOOSE Inp 5 fct.assig. 107 046 GOOSE Inp 16 fct.assig. 107 156
GOOSE Inp 6 fct.assig. 107 056
GOOSE Inp 7 fct.assig. 107 066
GOOSE Inp 8 fct.assig. 107 076
GOOSE Inp 9 fct.assig. 107 086
GOOSE Inp 10 fct.assig. 107 096
GOOSE Inp 11 fct.assig. 107 106
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Disabled Enabled/Disabled -
056 060
No No/Yes -
General Enable User
104 049
10 ms 1 ms 60 ms 1 ms
GSSE Min. Cycle
104 052
1s 1s 60 s 1s
GSSE Max. Cycle
104 053
900 0 999 1
GSSE Increment
104 054
GSSE: Promiscuous
Promiscuous -
GSSE Startup Broadcast
104 055
P63x/UK ST/A54 Settings
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
No selection/
IED 0 -
IED 32
104 057
No selection/
GSSE: GSSE Out 1 User Bit Pair 01
No selection -
(… 32) BitPair …
User Bit Pair 96
See table below for setting addresses.
Setting Address Setting Address Setting Address
GSSE Out 1 BitPair 104 101 GSSE Out 12 BitPair 104 134 GSSE Out 23 BitPair 104 167
GSSE Out 2 BitPair 104 104 GSSE Out 13 BitPair 104 137 GSSE Out 24 BitPair 104 170
GSSE Out 3 BitPair 104 107 GSSE Out 14 BitPair 104 140 GSSE Out 25 BitPair 104 173
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
No selection
(… 32) bit pair
See table below for setting addresses.
Setting Address Setting Address Setting Address
GSSE Inp 1 bit pair 105 001 GSSE Inp 12 bit pair 105 056 GSSE Inp 23 bit pair 105 111
GSSE Inp 2 bit pair 105 006 GSSE Inp 13 bit pair 105 061 GSSE Inp 24 bit pair 105 116
GSSE Inp 3 bit pair 105 011 GSSE Inp 14 bit pair 105 066 GSSE Inp 25 bit pair 105 121
GSSE Inp 4 bit pair 105 016 GSSE Inp 15 bit pair 105 071 GSSE Inp 26 bit pair 105 126
GSSE Inp 5 bit pair 105 021 GSSE Inp 16 bit pair 105 076 GSSE Inp 27 bit pair 105 131
GSSE Inp 6 bit pair 105 026 GSSE Inp 17 bit pair 105 081 GSSE Inp 28 bit pair 105 136
GSSE Inp 7 bit pair 105 031 GSSE Inp 18 bit pair 105 086 GSSE Inp 29 bit pair 105 141
GSSE Inp 8 bit pair 105 036 GSSE Inp 19 bit pair 105 091 GSSE Inp 30 bit pair 105 146
GSSE Inp 9 bit pair 105 041 GSSE Inp 20 bit pair 105 096 GSSE Inp 31 bit pair 105 151
GSSE Inp 10 bit pair 105 046 GSSE Inp 21 bit pair 105 101 GSSE Inp 32 bit pair 105 156
GSSE Inp 11 bit pair 105 051 GSSE Inp 22 bit pair 105 106
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
(… 32) default
See table below for setting addresses.
Setting Address Setting Address Setting Address
GSSE Inp 1 default 105 003 GSSE Inp 12 default 105 058 GSSE Inp 23 default 105 113
GSSE Inp 2 default 105 008 GSSE Inp 13 default 105 063 GSSE Inp 24 default 105 118
GSSE Inp 3 default 105 013 GSSE Inp 14 default 105 068 GSSE Inp 25 default 105 123
GSSE Inp 4 default 105 018 GSSE Inp 15 default 105 073 GSSE Inp 26 default 105 128
GSSE Inp 5 default 105 023 GSSE Inp 16 default 105 078 GSSE Inp 27 default 105 133
GSSE Inp 6 default 105 028 GSSE Inp 17 default 105 083 GSSE Inp 28 default 105 138
GSSE Inp 7 default 105 033 GSSE Inp 18 default 105 088 GSSE Inp 29 default 105 143
GSSE Inp 8 default 105 038 GSSE Inp 19 default 105 093 GSSE Inp 30 default 105 148
GSSE Inp 9 default 105 043 GSSE Inp 20 default 105 098 GSSE Inp 31 default 105 153
ST GSSE Inp 10 default 105 048 GSSE Inp 21 default 105 103 GSSE Inp 32 default 105 158
GSSE Inp 11 default 105 053 GSSE Inp 22 default 105 108
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Disabled Disabled Enabled -
IRIG-B Time Synch
056 072
Enabling the IRIGB function or disabling it in the configuration. If the function is disabled,
then all associated settings and signals are hidden, with the exception of this setting.
IRIGB: General
No No Yes -
Enable USER
023 200 OP Fig. 97
Disabling and enabling the IRIG-B interface function.
Settings P63x/UK ST/A54
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting
Min. Max.
Step Size ST
Signals from selection table
INP: Fct. U 701
Disabled dependent upon relay -
(… 2004) Assign
See table below for setting addresses. OP Fig. 98
Assignment of opto inputs to internal relay signals. Any of the available signals can be
configured to any of the opto inputs. The addresses for opto input function assignment are
displayed in the following table:
Setting Address Setting Address Setting Address
Fct. U 701 Assign 152 109 Fct. U 821 Assign 184 082 Fct. U 1409 Assign 190 034
Fct. U 702 Assign 152 112 Fct. U 822 Assign 184 086 Fct. U 1410 Assign 190 038
Fct. U 703 Assign 152 115 Fct. U 823 Assign 184 090 Fct. U 1411 Assign 190 042
Fct. U 704 Assign 152 118 Fct. U 824 Assign 184 094 Fct. U 1412 Assign 190 046
Fct. U 705 Assign 152 121 Fct. U 901 Assign 152 145 Fct. U 1413 Assign 190 050
Fct. U 706 Assign 152 124 Fct. U 902 Assign 152 148 Fct. U 1414 Assign 190 054
Fct. U 801 Assign 184 002 Fct. U 903 Assign 152 151 Fct. U 1415 Assign 190 058
Fct. U 802 Assign 184 006 Fct. U 904 Assign 152 154 Fct. U 1416 Assign 190 062
Fct. U 803 Assign 184 010 Fct. U 1001 Assign 152 163 Fct. U 1417 Assign 190 066
Fct. U 804 Assign 184 014 Fct. U 1002 Assign 152 166 Fct. U 1418 Assign 190 070
Fct. U 805 Assign 184 018 Fct. U 1003 Assign 152 169 Fct. U 1419 Assign 190 074
Fct. U 806 Assign 184 022 Fct. U 1004 Assign 152 172 Fct. U 1420 Assign 190 078
Fct. U 807 Assign 184 026 Fct. U 1005 Assign 152 175 Fct. U 1421 Assign 190 082
Fct. U 808 Assign 184 030 Fct. U 1006 Assign 152 178 Fct. U 1422 Assign 190 086
Fct. U 809 Assign 184 034 Fct. U 1201 Assign 152 199 Fct. U 1423 Assign 190 090
Fct. U 810 Assign 184 038 Fct. U 1202 Assign 152 202 Fct. U 1424 Assign 190 094
Fct. U 811 Assign 184 042 Fct. U 1203 Assign 152 205 Fct. U 1601 Assign 192 002
Fct. U 812 Assign 184 046 Fct. U 1204 Assign 152 208 Fct. U 1602 Assign 192 006
Fct. U 813 Assign 184 050 Fct. U 1401 Assign 190 002 Fct. U 1603 Assign 192 010
Fct. U 814 Assign 184 054 Fct. U 1402 Assign 190 006 Fct. U 1604 Assign 192 014
Fct. U 815 Assign 184 058 Fct. U 1403 Assign 190 010 Fct. U 1605 Assign 192 018
P63x/UK ST/A54 Settings
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Fct. U 816 Assign 184 062 Fct. U 1404 Assign 190 014 Fct. U 1606 Assign 192 022
Fct. U 817 Assign 184 066 Fct. U 1405 Assign 190 018 Fct. U 2001 Assign 153 087
Fct. U 818 Assign 184 070 Fct. U 1406 Assign 190 022 Fct. U 2002 Assign 153 090
Fct. U 819 Assign 184 074 Fct. U 1407 Assign 190 026 Fct. U 2003 Assign 153 093
Fct. U 820 Assign 184 078 Fct. U 1408 Assign 190 030 Fct. U 2004 Assign 153 096
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
RTDmA: RTD, Curr.
Disabled Disabled Enabled -
Loop mA IN
056 030
Enabling the RTDmA function or disabling it in the configuration. If the function is disabled,
then all associated settings and signals are hidden, with the exception of this setting.
RTDmA: General
No No Yes -
Enable USER
011 100 OP Fig. 99
Disabling or enabling temperature and DC monitoring inputs.
RTDmA: 0.000 IDC, 0.200 IDC, 0.001 IDC,
0.000 IDC, nom
Enable IDC p.u. nom nom nom
037 190 OP Fig. ST
101, 102
Setting for the minimum current that must flow in order for the P63x to display a measured
value > 0 (zero suppression).
RTDmA: Blocked/
3.0mA 10.0 mA 0.1 mA
IDC< Open Circuit 0.0 mA
037 191 OP Fig.
If the input current falls below the set threshold, the P63x will issue an ‘open circuit’ signal.
IDC 1 =
0.000 IDC, nom
RTDmA: IDC 1 IDC 2 … 19 = 0.200 IDC, 0.001 IDC,
0.000 IDC,
(… 20) Blocked nom nom
IDC 20 =
1.200 IDC, nom
See table below for setting addresses. OP Fig.
100, 101,
Setting for the input currents IDC xx that will pair up with the linearized values IDC, lin xx to
form the interpolation points of the characteristic for the linearization of direct current
Note: IDC 1 and IDC 20 are the two end points of the characteristic and can not
be blocked.
Setting Address Setting Address Setting Address
RTDmA: IDC 1 037 150 RTDmA: IDC 8 037 164 RTDmA: IDC 15 037 178
RTDmA: IDC 2 037 152 RTDmA: IDC 9 037 166 RTDmA: IDC 16 037 180
RTDmA: IDC 3 037 154 RTDmA: IDC 10 037 168 RTDmA: IDC 17 037 182
RTDmA: IDC 4 037 156 RTDmA: IDC 11 037 170 RTDmA: IDC 18 037 184
RTDmA: IDC 5 037 158 RTDmA: IDC 12 037 172 RTDmA: IDC 19 037 186
RTDmA: IDC 6 037 160 RTDmA: IDC 13 037 174 RTDmA: IDC 20 037 188
RTDmA: IDC 7 037 162 RTDmA: IDC 14 037 176
P63x/UK ST/A54 Settings
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
IDC, lin 1 =
0.000 IDC, nom
RTDmA: IDC, lin 1 IDC, lin 2 … 19 = 0.200 0.001
(… 20) Blocked IDC, nom IDC, nom
IDC, nom
IDC, lin 20 =
1.200 IDC, nom
See table below for setting addresses. OP Fig.
100, 101,
Setting for the input currents IDC, lin xx that will pair up with the linearized values IDC xx to
form the interpolation points of the characteristic for the linearization of direct current
Note: IDC, lin 1 and IDC, lin 20 are the two end points of the characteristic and
can not be blocked.
Setting Address Setting Address Setting Address
RTDmA: IDC, lin 1 037 151 RTDmA: IDC, lin 8 037 165 RTDmA: IDC, lin 15 037 179
ST RTDmA: IDC, lin 2 037 153 RTDmA: IDC, lin 9 037 167 RTDmA: IDC, lin 16 037 181
RTDmA: IDC, lin 3 037 155 RTDmA: IDC, lin 10 037 169 RTDmA: IDC, lin 17 037 183
RTDmA: IDC, lin 4 037 157 RTDmA: IDC, lin 11 037 171 RTDmA: IDC, lin 18 037 185
RTDmA: IDC, lin 5 037 159 RTDmA: IDC, lin 12 037 173 RTDmA: IDC, lin 19 037 187
RTDmA: IDC, lin 6 037 161 RTDmA: IDC, lin 13 037 175 RTDmA: IDC, lin 20 037 189
RTDmA: IDC, lin 7 037 163 RTDmA: IDC, lin 14 037 177
0 -32768 32767 1
Scaled val. IDC, lin1
037 192 OP Fig.
102, 103
Setting for the scaled value of IDC, lin 1.
1200 -32768 32767 1
Scaled val. IDC, lin20
037 193 OP Fig.
102, 103
Setting for the scaled value of IDC, lin 20.
Note: For relays with make contacts, the “Follower” mode corresponds to
normally-open operation. The “Inverted” mode means that the polarity
of the driving signal is inverted, such that a logic "0" maintains the
relay normally-closed. For relays with changeover contacts, these
more common descriptions are not applicable.
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Signals from selection table
OUTP: Fct. Assignm.
Disabled dependent upon relay -
K 701 (… 2008)
See table below for setting addresses. OP Fig.
Assignment of functions to output relays.
Setting Address Setting Address Setting Address
Fct. Assignm. K 701 150 145 Fct. Assignm. K 908 150 214 Fct. Assignm. K 1607 171 026
Fct. Assignm. K 702 150 148 Fct. Assignm. K 1001 150 217 Fct. Assignm. K 1608 171 030 ST
Fct. Assignm. K 703 150 151 Fct. Assignm. K 1002 150 220 Fct. Assignm. K 1801 173 002
Fct. Assignm. K 704 150 154 Fct. Assignm. K 1003 150 223 Fct. Assignm. K 1802 173 006
Fct. Assignm. K 705 150 157 Fct. Assignm. K 1004 150 226 Fct. Assignm. K 1803 173 010
Fct. Assignm. K 706 150 160 Fct. Assignm. K 1005 150 229 Fct. Assignm. K 1804 173 014
Fct. Assignm. K 707 150 163 Fct. Assignm. K 1006 150 232 Fct. Assignm. K 1805 173 018
Fct. Assignm. K 708 150 166 Fct. Assignm. K 1007 150 235 Fct. Assignm. K 1806 173 022
Fct. Assignm. K 801 150 169 Fct. Assignm. K 1008 150 238 Fct. Assignm. K 2001 151 201
Fct. Assignm. K 802 150 172 Fct. Assignm. K 1201 151 009 Fct. Assignm. K 2002 151 204
Fct. Assignm. K 901 150 193 Fct. Assignm. K 1202 151 012 Fct. Assignm. K 2003 151 207
Fct. Assignm. K 902 150 196 Fct. Assignm. K 1601 171 002 Fct. Assignm. K 2004 151 210
Fct. Assignm. K 903 150 199 Fct. Assignm. K 1602 171 006 Fct. Assignm. K 2005 151 213
Fct. Assignm. K 904 150 202 Fct. Assignm. K 1603 171 010 Fct. Assignm. K 2006 151 216
Fct. Assignm. K 905 150 205 Fct. Assignm. K 1604 171 014 Fct. Assignm. K 2007 151 219
Fct. Assignm. K 906 150 208 Fct. Assignm. K 1605 171 018 Fct. Assignm. K 2008 151 222
Fct. Assignm. K 907 150 211 Fct. Assignm. K 1606 171 022
Follower Latching
OUTP: Oper. Mode Follower Rst on Flt
Follower -
K 701 (… 2008) Follower Rst onStart
Inverted Latching
See table below for setting addresses. OP Fig.
Selection of operating mode for output relays.
Setting Address Setting Address Setting Address
Oper. Mode K 701 150 146 Oper. Mode K 908 150 215 Oper. Mode K 1607 171 027
Oper. Mode K 702 150 149 Oper. Mode K 1001 150 218 Oper. Mode K 1608 171 031
Oper. Mode K 703 150 152 Oper. Mode K 1002 150 221 Oper. Mode K 1801 173 003
Oper. Mode K 704 150 155 Oper. Mode K 1003 150 224 Oper. Mode K 1802 173 007
Oper. Mode K 705 150 158 Oper. Mode K 1004 150 227 Oper. Mode K 1803 173 011
Oper. Mode K 706 150 161 Oper. Mode K 1005 150 230 Oper. Mode K 1804 173 015
P63x/UK ST/A54 Settings
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Oper. Mode K 707 150 164 Oper. Mode K 1006 150 233 Oper. Mode K 1805 173 019
Oper. Mode K 708 150 167 Oper. Mode K 1007 150 236 Oper. Mode K 1806 173 023
Oper. Mode K 801 150 170 Oper. Mode K 1008 150 239 Oper. Mode K 2001 151 202
Oper. Mode K 802 150 173 Oper. Mode K 1201 151 010 Oper. Mode K 2002 151 205
Oper. Mode K 901 150 194 Oper. Mode K 1202 151 013 Oper. Mode K 2003 151 208
Oper. Mode K 902 150 197 Oper. Mode K 1601 171 003 Oper. Mode K 2004 151 211
Oper. Mode K 903 150 200 Oper. Mode K 1602 171 007 Oper. Mode K 2005 151 214
Oper. Mode K 904 150 203 Oper. Mode K 1603 171 011 Oper. Mode K 2006 151 217
Oper. Mode K 905 150 206 Oper. Mode K 1604 171 015 Oper. Mode K 2007 151 220
Oper. Mode K 906 150 209 Oper. Mode K 1605 171 019 Oper. Mode K 2008 151 223
Oper. Mode K 907 150 212 Oper. Mode K 1606 171 023
Setting Range
ST Menu Text Default Setting
Min. Max.
Step Size
mA_OP: Current
Disabled Disabled Enabled -
Loop mA outp
056 020
Enabling the mA_OP function or disabling it in the configuration. If the function is disabled,
then all associated settings and signals are hidden, with the exception of this setting.
mA_OP: General
No No Yes -
Enable USER
031 074 OP Fig.
Disabling and enabling the measured data output function.
Signals from selection table
Disabled dependent upon relay -
Fct. Assignm. BCD
053 002 OP Fig.
Selection of the measured value to be transmitted in BCD-coded form.
mA_OP: Hold Time Blocked/
0.10 s 10.00 s 0.01 s
Output BCD 0.10 s
010 010 OP Fig.
Setting for the time period for transmission of the selected measured value in BCD-coded
mA_OP: Scale BCD 1.00 0.01 100.00 0.01
016 082 OP Fig.
Settings P63x/UK ST/A54
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Scaling factor setting for the measured value to be transmitted in BCD-coded form. The
scaling factor is calculated according to the following formula:
M x,max
scaling factor =
M x,scal
M x,scal : Scaled measured value
M x,max : Maximum transmitted value for the selected measured value
mA_OP: Blocked/
Blocked 1.000 0.001
Scaled Knee val. A-1 0.000
037 105 OP Fig.
P63x/UK ST/A54 Settings
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
mA_OP: Blocked/
Blocked 1.000 0.001
Scaled Knee val. A-2 0.000
037 111 OP Fig.
Setting for the scaled measured value for output that defines the knee point of the
characteristic. The value to be set is calculated according to the following formula:
M x,knee
M x,scal,knee =
M x,RL
M x,knee : Knee point value to be transmitted for selected measured value
1.000 0.000 1.000 0.001
Scaled Max. val. A-1
Mx,max : Maximum value to be transmitted for selected measured value
M x,RL : Range limit value of selected measured value
0.00 mA 0.00 mA 20.00 mA 0.01 mA
AnOut Min. val. A-1
037 107 OP Fig.
0.00 mA 0.00 mA 20.00 mA 0.01 mA
AnOut Min. val. A-2
037 113 OP Fig.
Setting for the output current that is output for measured values less than or equal to the
minimum measured value to be transmitted.
mA_OP: AnOut Knee Blocked/
Blocked 20.00 mA 0.01 mA
Point A-1 0.00 mA
037 108 OP Fig.
Settings P63x/UK ST/A54
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
mA_OP: AnOut Knee Blocked/
Blocked 20.00 mA 0.01 mA
Point A-2 0.00 mA
037 114 OP Fig.
Setting for the output current that is output if the measured value is in the knee point of the
20.00 mA 0.00 mA 20.00 mA 0.01 mA
AnOut Max. val. A-1
037 109 OP Fig.
20.00 mA 0.00 mA 20.00 mA 0.01 mA
AnOut Max. val. A-2
037 115 OP Fig.
Setting for the output current that is output for measured values smaller than or equal to
the maximum measured value to be transmitted. ST
0.00 % 0.00 % 100.00 % 0.01 %
Output Value 1
037 120 OP Fig.
110, 112
0.00 % 0.00 % 100.00 % 0.01 %
Output Value 2
037 121 OP Fig.
110, 112
0.00 % 0.00 % 100.00 % 0.01 %
Output Value 3
037 122 OP Fig.
110, 112
Measured values of external devices, which must be scaled to 0 to 100%, can be output.
The arrangement of the LED indicators on the HMI panel is illustrated in the dimensional
drawings of the Installation - IN section.
P63x/UK ST/A54 Settings
An operating mode can be defined for each LED indicator. Depending on the selected
operating mode, the LED will operate in either “Follower” mode or “Inverted” mode as either
latching or non-latching indicators. For LED indicators operating in latching mode, the
operating mode setting also determines when latching will be cancelled.
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
MAIN Blocked/Faulty -
Fct. Assignm. H 2 Blocked/Faulty
085 001 Read only OP Fig.
Display of the function assigned to LED indicator H 2 (‘OUT OF SERVICE’).
The MAIN: Blocked/Faulty function is permanently assigned to this LED.
CHECK Alarm (LED) -
Fct. Assignm. H 3 (LED)
085 004 Read only OP Fig.
ST Display of the function assigned to LED indicator H 3 (‘ALARM’). The CHECK: Alarm
(LED) function is permanently assigned to this LED.
Signals from selection table
LED: MAIN Gen Trip
dependent upon relay -
Fct. Assignm. H 4 Signal
085 007 OP Fig.
Default assignment to the function MAIN: Gen Trip Signal.
Signals from selection table
LED: Fct. Assignm. Disabled dependent upon relay -
H 5 (… 16) configuration.
See table below for setting addresses. OP Fig.
Assignment of functions to LED indicators.
Setting Address Setting Address Setting Address
Fct. Assignm. H 5 085 010 Fct. Assignm. H 9 085 022 Fct. Assignm. H 13 085 034
Fct. Assignm. H 6 085 013 Fct. Assignm. H 10 085 025 Fct. Assignm. H 14 085 037
Fct. Assignm. H 7 085 016 Fct. Assignm. H 11 085 028 Fct. Assignm. H 15 085 040
Fct. Assignm. H 8 085 019 Fct. Assignm. H 12 085 031 Fct. Assignm. H 16 085 043
Follower Follower -
Operating Mode H 2
085 002 Read only OP Fig.
Follower Follower -
Operating Mode H 3
085 005 Read only OP Fig.
Follower Latching
LED: Follower Rst on Flt
Follower Rst on Flt -
Operating Mode H 4 Follower Rst onStart
Inverted Latching
Settings P63x/UK ST/A54
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
085 008
The TRIP LED may be set as a “Follower” or “Inverted” mode of operation. It can also be
set for latching. Reset of latching may be performed either via a user command,
automatically at the onset of the next fault or at the start of a system disturbance (any
protection element start).
LED: Operating Mode As per ‘LED: Operating
Follower -
H 5 (… 16) Mode H 4’
See table below for setting addresses. OP Fig.
Selection of operating mode for LED indicators.
Setting Address Setting Address Setting Address
Operating Mode H 5 085 011 Operating Mode H 9 085 023 Operating Mode H 13 085 035
Operating Mode H 6 085 014 Operating Mode H 10 085 026 Operating Mode H 14 085 038
Operating Mode H 7 085 017 Operating Mode H 11 085 029 Operating Mode H 15 085 041
Operating Mode H 8 085 020 Operating Mode H 12 085 032 Operating Mode H 16 085 044 ST
1.2.14 Communication and time synchronization channel assignment (MAIN)
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
MAIN: Chann Assign. COMM1->Chann.1, COMM1->Chann.1, (2-2)
Comm1/2 (2-2) COMM1->Chann.2, (2-1)
OP Fig.
003 169
Assignment of “logical” communications function groups COMM1 and COMM2 to physical
rear communications ports. This setting allows the main rear SCADA port (COMM1) to be
selected as either fiber or EIA(RS)485, with COMM2 assigned to the other physical port
where the two rear port -922 or -924 order options are present.
MAIN: Prim.Source COMM2/PC
TimeSync IRIG-B
Minute-pulse input
103 210
Selection of the primary time synchronization source. The source is monitored for valid
time synchronization commands and will be used whenever available.
MAIN: BackupSource As per ‘MAIN: Prim.Source
TimeSync TimeSync’
103 211
Selection of a backup time synchronization source. This source will be used when the
primary source above is not available.
MAIN: Blocked /
Blocked 60 min 1 min
Time Sync. Time-Out 1 min
103 212
Time out setting for valid time synchronization commands. If set to “Blocked”, primary
source only will be used.
P63x/UK ST/A54 Settings
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Current IA, end a Current IA, end a -
Dist Rec Analog Ch1
035 160 Read only OP Fig.
Current IB, end a Current IB, end a -
Dist Rec Analog Ch2
035 161 Read only OP Fig.
Current IC, end a Current IC, end a -
Dist Rec Analog Ch3
035 162 Read only OP Fig.
ST OSCIL: Current IN, end a
Current IY, end a -
Dist Rec Analog Ch4 Current IY, end a
035 163 OP Fig.
Current IA, end b Current IA, end b -
Dist Rec Analog Ch5
035 164 Read only OP Fig.
Current IB, end b Current IB, end b -
Dist Rec Analog Ch6
035 165 Read only OP Fig.
Current IC, end b Current IC, end b -
Dist Rec Analog Ch7
035 166 Read only OP Fig.
OSCIL: Current IN, end b
Current IY, end b -
Dist Rec Analog Ch8 Current IY, end b
035 167 OP Fig.
Voltage V Voltage V -
Dist Rec Analog Ch9
035 168 Read only OP Fig.
OSCIL: Dist Rec
Current IA, end c Current IA, end c -
Analog Ch10
035 169 Read only OP Fig.
OSCIL: Dist Rec
Current IB, end c Current IB, end c -
Analog Ch11
035 170 Read only OP Fig.
Settings P63x/UK ST/A54
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
OSCIL: Dist Rec
Current IC, end c Current IC, end c -
Analog Ch12
035 171 Read only OP Fig.
OSCIL: Dist Rec Current IN, end c
Current IY, end c -
Analog Ch13 Current IY, end c
035 172 OP Fig.
OSCIL: Dist Rec
Current IA, end d Current IA, end d -
Analog Ch14
035 173 Read only OP Fig.
OSCIL: Dist Rec
Current IB, end d Current IB, end d -
Analog Ch15
035 174 Read only OP Fig.
157 ST
OSCIL: Dist Rec
Current IC, end d Current IC, end d -
Analog Ch16
035 175 Read only OP Fig.
The user specifies the channel on which each physical variable is recorded.
• None of the signals of the protection function may be assigned to a binary output or an
LED indicator
• None of the signals of the protection function may be linked to other signals by way of an
‘m out of n’ parameter
The protection function to which a setting, a signal, or a measured value belongs is defined
by the function group designation (example: ‘LIMIT’).
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Disabled Disabled Enabled -
Differential PR (87)
056 027 OP Fig. 1
Enabling the DIFF function or disabling it in the configuration. If the function is disabled,
then all associated settings and signals are hidden, with the exception of this setting.
P63x/UK ST/A54 Settings
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Disabled Disabled Enabled -
Restricted EF_1 (64)
056 037 OP Fig. 14
Disabled Disabled Enabled -
Restricted EF_2 (64)
056 038 OP Fig. 14
Disabled Disabled Enabled -
Restricted EF_3 (64)
056 039 OP Fig. 14
Enabling the REF_1 to REF_3 functions or disabling them in the configuration. If a
function group is disabled, then all associated settings and signals are hidden, with the
exception of this setting.
ST Note: Restricted earth fault protection is not available in the P631. Function
group REF_3 is available with the P633 and the P634 only.
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Disabled Disabled Enabled -
I> Winding 1 (50/51)
056 031 OP Fig. 22
Disabled Disabled Enabled -
I> Winding 2 (50/51)
056 032 OP Fig. 22
Disabled Disabled Enabled -
I> Winding 3 (50/51)
056 053 OP Fig. 22
Enabling the DTOC1 to DTOC3 functions or disabling them in the configuration. If a
function group is disabled, then all associated settings and signals are hidden, with the
exception of this setting.
Note: Function group DTOC3 is available with the P633 and the P634 only.
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Disabled Disabled Enabled -
IDMT Winding 1 (51)
056 051 OP Fig. 29
Disabled Disabled Enabled -
IDMT Winding 2 (51)
056 061 OP Fig. 29
Settings P63x/UK ST/A54
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Disabled Disabled Enabled -
IDMT Winding 3 (51)
056 071 OP Fig. 29
Enabling the IDMT1 to IDMT3 functions or disabling them in the configuration. If a function
group is disabled, then all associated settings and signals are hidden, with the exception of
this setting.
Note: Function group IDMT3 is available with the P633 and the P634 only.
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Disabled Disabled Enabled -
Thermal Oload 1 (49)
056 054 OP Fig. 41
Disabled Disabled Enabled -
Thermal Oload 2 (49)
056 055 OP Fig. 41
Enabling the THRM1 to THRM2 functions or disabling them in the configuration. If a
function group is disabled, then all associated settings and signals are hidden, with the
exception of this setting.
Note: Function group THRM2 is available with the P633 and the P634 only.
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
V<>: Under Over
Disabled Disabled Enabled -
Volts V<>
056 010 OP Fig. 47
Enabling the V<> function or disabling it in the configuration. If the function is disabled,
then all associated settings and signals are hidden, with the exception of this setting.
Note: Time-voltage protection is not available in the P631.
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Disabled Disabled Enabled -
Frequency Prot. (81)
056 033 OP Fig. 50
Enabling the f<> function or disabling it in the configuration. If the function is disabled, then
all associated settings and signals are hidden, with the exception of this setting.
Note: Over/underfrequency is not available in the P631.
P63x/UK ST/A54 Settings
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Disabled Disabled Enabled -
Overfluxing V/f (24)
056 056 OP Fig. 54
Enabling the V/f function or disabling it in the configuration. If the function is disabled, then
all associated settings and signals are hidden, with the exception of this setting.
Note: Overfluxing protection is not available in the P631.
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
ST CTS: CT Supervision Disabled Disabled Enabled -
056 077 OP Fig. 64
Enabling the CTS function or disabling it in the configuration. If the function is disabled,
then all associated settings and signals are hidden, with the exception of this setting.
Note: CTS is only available if the DSP coprocessor is selected as an order option.
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Disabled Disabled Enabled -
Broken Conductor 1
056 073 OP Fig. 62
Disabled Disabled Enabled -
Broken Conductor 2
056 074 OP Fig. 62
Disabled Disabled Enabled -
Broken Conductor 3
056 075 OP Fig. 62
Disabled Disabled Enabled -
Broken Conductor 4
056 076 OP Fig. 62
Enabling the broken conductor detection function or disabling it in the configuration. If the
function is disabled, then all associated settings and signals are hidden, with the exception
of this setting.
Settings P63x/UK ST/A54
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Disabled Disabled Enabled -
Limit Thresholds I<>
056 025
Enabling the LIMIT function or disabling it in the configuration. If the function is disabled,
then all associated settings and signals are hidden, with the exception of this setting.
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Limits I<> Winding 1
Disabled Disabled Enabled - ST
056 042
Disabled Disabled Enabled -
Limits I<> Winding 2
056 043
Disabled Disabled Enabled -
Limits I<> Winding 3
056 050
Enabling the LIM_1 to LIM_3 functions or disabling them in the configuration. If a function
group is disabled, then all associated settings and signals are hidden, with the exception of
this setting.
Note: Function group LIM_3 is available with the P633 and the P634 only.
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Programmable Disabled Disabled Enabled -
056 017
Enabling the LOGIC function or disabling it in the configuration. If the function is disabled,
then all associated settings and signals are hidden, with the exception of this setting.
P63x/UK ST/A54 Settings
1.3.1 Global
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Settings\Function Settings\Global
No No Yes -
Command Blocking
003 182 OP Fig. 86
When command blocking is activated, commands are rejected at the PC interface.
No No Yes -
Sig/meas. val. Block
003 086 OP Fig. 86
ST When signal and measured value blocking is activated, no signals or measured data are
transmitted through the PC interface.
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Settings\Function Settings\Global
Yes No Yes -
Command Block
003 172 OP Fig. 87
When command blocking is activated, commands are rejected at the communication
No No Yes -
Sig/meas Block
003 076 OP Fig. 88,
89, 90
When signal and measured value blocking is activated, no signals or measured data are
transmitted through the communication interface.
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Settings\Function Settings\Global
Yes No Yes -
Command Block
103 172
When command blocking is activated, commands are rejected at the communication
Settings P63x/UK ST/A54
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
No No Yes -
Sig/meas Block
103 076
When signal and measured value blocking is activated, no signals or measured data are
transmitted through the communication interface.
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Settings\Function Settings\Global
USER Outp Rel No No Yes -
021 014 OP Fig.
105 ST
When this blocking is activated, all output relays are blocked.
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Settings\Function Settings\Global
MAIN: No Yes
No (Disabled) -
Protection Enabled (Disabled) (Enabled)
003 030 OP Fig.
Switching the device off-line or on-line. Parameters marked ‘off’ in the Address List can
only be changed when the device is off-line.
No No Yes -
USER Test Mode
003 012 OP Fig.
When the test mode is activated, signals or measured data for PC and communication
interfaces are labeled ‘test mode’.
50 Hz
MAIN: Frequency fn 50 Hz -
60 Hz
010 030 OP Fig. 53
Setting for the nominal frequency of the protected system.
A–B–C -
Phase Rotation A–C–B
010 049 OP Fig. 5
Setting for the phase rotation of the protection system, either A-B-C (standard) or A-C-B
200 A 1A 50000 A 1A
In CT. prim., end a
019 020 OP Fig.
P63x/UK ST/A54 Settings
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
200 A 1A 50000 A 1A
In CT. prim., end b
019 021 OP Fig.
200 A 1A 50000 A 1A
In CT. prim., end c
019 022 OP Fig.
200 A 1A 50000 A 1A
In CT. prim., end d
019 026 OP Fig.
Setting for the primary nominal current of the main current transformer (phase currents) of
end a, b, c or d.
ST In CT.Y prim, end a
200 A 1A 50000 A 1A
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
1A 1A 5A 4A
In Device, end d
010 047 OP Fig.
115, 116
Setting for the secondary nominal current of the system transformer for measurement of
the phase currents of ends a, b, c and d. This current corresponds to the nominal current
of the device.
1A 1A 5A 4A
IY, nom device, end a
010 142 OP Fig.
115, 116
1A 1A 5A 4A
IY, nom device, end b
010 143 OP Fig.
115, 116
1A 1A 5A 4A
IY, nom device, end c
010 144 OP Fig.
115, 116
Setting for the secondary nominal current of the system transformer for measurement of
the neutral-point-to-earth connection current of ends a, b, and c.
MAIN: Vn VT. Sec. 100 V 50 V 130 V 1V
010 009 OP Fig.
Setting for the secondary nominal voltage of the system transformer for voltage
MAIN: Standard
Standard -
CT Orientation Iph, a Reversed
010 140 OP Fig.
115, 116
MAIN: Standard
Standard -
CT Orientation Iph, b Reversed
010 150 OP Fig.
115, 116
MAIN: Standard
Standard -
CT Orientation Iph, c Reversed
010 160 OP Fig.
115, 116
MAIN: Standard
Standard -
CT Orientation Iph, d Reversed
010 170 OP Fig.
115, 116
Instead of accounting for connection reversal applied to one end in the settings for DIFF:
Vector Grp. ends z1-z2 (where z1-z2 stands for b-a, c-a or d-a), it is possible to account for
it in the settings for connection of the measuring circuits. The connection of the
neutral/point current circuits, ends a to d, is set here as Standard if in accordance with the
connection scheme shown in the Installation - IN section, else as Reversed.
P63x/UK ST/A54 Settings
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
MAIN: Standard
Standard -
CT Orientation IY, a Reversed
010 141 OP Fig.
115, 116
MAIN: Standard
Standard -
CT Orientation IY, b Reversed
010 151 OP Fig.
115, 116
MAIN: Standard
Standard -
CT Orientation IY, c Reversed
010 161 OP Fig.
115, 116
Connection reversal applied to one end is accounted for it in the settings for connection of
the measuring circuits. The connection of the wye/neutral current circuits, ends a to c, is
set here as Standard if in accordance with the connection scheme shown in the Installation
ST - IN section, else as Reversed.
MAIN: Minimum Iph
0.00 In 0.00 In 0.20 In 0.01 In
011 030 OP Fig.
119, 123
Setting for the minimum current that must be exceeded in order for the measured operating
values of the phase currents to be displayed.
0.000 In 0.000 In 0.200 In 0.001 In
Minimum I2 Meas’mt
011 048
Setting for the minimum current that must be exceeded in order for the calculated values of
the negative sequence currents to be displayed.
0.000 In 0.000 In 0.200 In 0.001 In
Minimum I1 Meas’mt
011 058
Setting for the minimum current that must be exceeded in order for the calculated values of
the positive sequence currents to be displayed.
0.000 In 0.000 In 0.200 In 0.001 In
Minimum IN Meas’mt
011 031 OP Fig.
121, 122,
Setting for the minimum current that must be exceeded in order for the measured operating
value of the residual current to be displayed.
MAIN: 0.000 0.200 0.001
0.000 IN, nom
Minimum IY Meas’mt IN, nom IN, nom IN, nom
011 036 OP Fig.
Setting for the minimum current that must be exceeded in order for the measured operating
values of the currents in the neutral-point-to-earth connection to be displayed.
Settings P63x/UK ST/A54
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
0.00 Vn 0.00 Vn 0.20 Vn 0.01 Vn
Minimum V Meas’mt
011 032 OP Fig.
Setting for the minimum voltage that must be exceeded in order for the measured
operating values of the voltage to be displayed.
15.0 min 0.1 min 60.0 min 0.1 min
Time Const Iph Dem.
010 113 OP Fig.
119, 120
Setting for the time after which the delayed maximum current display shall reach 95% of
the maximum current IP, max.
Signals from selection table
Disabled dependent upon relay -
Fct.Assign. Block 1
021 021 OP Fig. ST
Signals from selection table
Disabled dependent upon relay -
Fct.Assign. Block 2
021 022 OP Fig.
Signals from selection table
Disabled dependent upon relay -
Fct.Assign. Block 3
021 048 OP Fig.
Signals from selection table
Disabled dependent upon relay -
Fct.Assign. Block 4
021 049 OP Fig.
Assignment of functions that will be blocked together when blocking input 1, 2, 3 or 4 is
activated e.g. for blocking input 1 (MAIN: Blocking 1 EXT).
MAIN: Trip Cmd.
No No Yes -
Block USER
021 012 OP Fig.
Blocking of the trip commands from the local control panel.
Signals from selection table
Disabled dependent upon relay -
Fct.Assig Trip Cmd.1
021 001 OP Fig.
Signals from selection table
Disabled dependent upon relay -
Fct.Assig Trip Cmd.2
021 002 OP Fig.
P63x/UK ST/A54 Settings
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Signals from selection table
Disabled dependent upon relay -
Fct.Assig Trip Cmd.3
021 046 OP Fig.
Signals from selection table
Disabled dependent upon relay -
Fct.Assig Trip Cmd.4
021 047 OP Fig.
Assignment of the signals that trigger Trip Command 1, 2, 3 or 4.
0.25 s 0.10 s 10.00 s 0.01 s
tDWELL Trip Cmd 1
021 003 OP Fig.
0.25 s 0.10 s 10.00 s 0.01 s
tDWELL Trip Cmd 2
021 004 OP Fig.
0.25 s 0.10 s 10.00 s 0.01 s
tDWELL Trip Cmd 3
021 032 OP Fig.
0.25 s 0.10 s 10.00 s 0.01 s
tDWELL Trip Cmd 4
021 033 OP Fig.
Setting for the minimum duration of Trip Command 1, 2, 3 or 4.
No No Yes -
Latching trip cmd. 1
021 023 OP Fig.
No No Yes -
Latching trip cmd. 2
021 024 OP Fig.
No No Yes -
Latching trip cmd. 3
021 025 OP Fig.
No No Yes -
Latching trip cmd. 4
021 026 OP Fig.
Specification as to whether Trip Command 1, 2, 3 or 4 should latch.
Settings P63x/UK ST/A54
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Signals from selection table
Disabled dependent upon relay -
Fct Assign Fault
021 031 OP Fig.
Selection of the signals whose appearance shall result in a ‘Blocked/Faulty’ indication.
Signals that lead to blocking of the device are not configurable and always result in a
‘Blocked/Faulty’ indication.
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Settings\Function Settings\Global
No No Yes -
Control via USER
003 100 OP Fig.
If setting group selection is to be handled from the integrated local control panel rather
than via the binary signal inputs, choose the ‘Yes’ setting.
Setting Group SG1
GROUP: Setting Grp Setting Group SG2
Setting Group SG1 -
Sel USER Setting Group SG3
Setting Group SG4
003 060 OP Fig.
Selection of the setting group from the local control panel.
Blocked /
GROUP: Hold Timer Blocked 65.000 s 0.001 s
0.000 s
003 063 OP Fig.
The setting of this timer stage is relevant only if setting group selection is carried out via
the binary signal inputs. Any voltage-free pause that may occur during selection is
bridged. If, after this time period has elapsed, no binary signal input has yet been set, then
the setting group selected from the local control panel shall apply.
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Settings\Function Settings\Global
Signals from selection table
Disabled dependent upon relay -
Fct Assign. Alarm
021 030 OP Fig.
This setting defines the monitoring signals that will be entered in the monitoring signal
memory. Signals resulting from internal device faults are not configurable and always
result in a warning.
P63x/UK ST/A54 Settings
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
CHECK: Blocked /
Blocked 240 hrs 1 hrs
Mon.Sig. Retention 0 hrs
021 018
Retention time of monitoring signals in the memory. After this time has elapsed any
recurrence of the signal will be processed in the same way as if it were a first occurrence.
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Settings\Function Settings\Global
Signals from selection table
Disabled dependent upon relay -
Fct Assig. Trigger
003 085 OP Fig.
ST 155
This setting defines the signals that will trigger fault recording.
OSCIL: Id> Blocked 30.00 Iref 0.01 Iref
0.01 Iref
016 018 OP Fig.
This setting defines the threshold value of the differential current that will trigger fault
OSCIL: IR> Blocked 30.00 Iref 0.01 Iref
0.01 Iref
016 019 OP Fig.
This setting defines the threshold value of the restraining current that will trigger fault
5 Cycles 1 Cycles 50 Cycles 1 Cycles
Pre-Fault Time
003 078 OP Fig.
Setting for the time during which data will be recorded before the onset of a fault (pre-fault
recording time).
2 Cycles 1 Cycles 50 Cycles 1 Cycles
Post-Fault Time
003 079 OP Fig.
Setting for the time during which data will be recorded after the end of a fault (post-fault
recording time).
50 Cycles 5 Cycles 300 Cycles 1 Cycles
Max Record Time
003 075 OP Fig.
Setting for the maximum recording time per fault. This includes pre-fault and post-fault
recording times.
Settings P63x/UK ST/A54
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Settings\Function Settings\Common Settings
110.0 kV 0.1 kV 1500.0 kV 0.1 kV
Vn prim., end a
019 017 OP Fig. 2,
110.0 kV 0.1 kV 1500.0 kV 0.1 kV
Vn prim., end b
019 018 OP Fig. 2
110.0 kV 0.1 kV 1500.0 kV 0.1 kV
Vn prim., end c
019 019 OP Fig. 2
110.0 kV 0.1 kV 1500.0 kV 0.1 kV
Vn prim., end d
019 037 OP Fig. 2
Setting for the primary nominal voltage (phase to phase = line) for each end of the
protected transformer.
MAIN: Calculated (Derived)
Calculated (Derived) -
Evaluation IN, end a Measured
016 096 OP Fig.
MAIN: Calculated (Derived)
Calculated (Derived) -
Evaluation IN, end b Measured
016 097 OP Fig.
MAIN: Calculated (Derived)
Calculated (Derived) -
Evaluation IN, end c Measured
016 098 OP Fig.
This setting specifies which current will be used by the P63x as the residual current: either
the calculated residual current based on the sum of the phase currents or the residual
current measured at the neutral transformer input.
P63x/UK ST/A54 Settings
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
End(a) +end(b)
End(a) +end(c)
End(a) +end(d)
End(b) +end(c)
End(b) +end(d)
End(c) +end(d)
End(a) +end(b) +end(c)
Without End(a) +end(b) +end(d) -
Current Summation
End(a) +end(c) +end(d)
End(b) +end(c) +end(d)
End(a) -end(b)
End(a) -end(c)
End(a) -end(d)
End(b) -end(c)
End(b) -end(d)
End(c) -end(d)
019 099 OP Fig.
ST 118
Where a transformer winding is energized from two or three infeeds, such as is the case in
mesh, ring-bus, or breaker and a half feeding, the relay can summate currents to obtain the
total current for that winding. The currents for each phase and the residual currents can be
combined. This setting specifies the CT ends to be involved.
Note: This setting is available for the P633 and P634 only.
MAIN: Blocked/
Blocked 100.00 s 0.01 s
Hold Time Dyn.Settg 0.00 s
018 009 OP Fig.
Setting for the hold time of the “dynamic settings”. During this period, the “dynamic”
thresholds are active in place of the “normal” thresholds.
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Settings\Function Settings\Common Settings
DIFF: General
No No Yes -
Enable USER
019 080 OP Fig. 1
Disabling and enabling the differential protection function.
DIFF: Rated Ref
38.1 MVA 0.1 MVA 5000.0 MVA 0.1 MVA
Power Sref
019 016 OP Fig. 2
Setting for the reference power, usually the nominal transformer power.
DIFF: Ref. Curr. Iref,a Not Measured 0.000 kA 50.000 kA 0.001 kA
019 023 Read only OP Fig. 2
DIFF: Ref. Curr. Iref,b Not Measured 0.000 kA 50.000 kA 0.001 kA
019 024 Read only OP Fig. 2
DIFF: Ref. Curr. Iref,c Not Measured 0.000 kA 50.000 kA 0.001 kA
019 025 Read only OP Fig. 2
Settings P63x/UK ST/A54
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
DIFF: Ref. Curr. Iref,d Not Measured 0.000 kA 50.000 kA 0.001 kA
019 038 Read only OP Fig. 2
Display of the reference current calculated by the P63x for each end.
Note: These values are automatically updated by the device itself only. In an
off-line setting file the value is not updated.
Not Measured 0.000 50.000 0.001
Matching fact. Kam, a
004 105 Read only OP Fig. 2
Not Measured 0.000 50.000 0.001
Matching fact. Kam, b
004 106 Read only OP Fig. 2
Not Measured 0.000 50.000 0.001
Matching fact. Kam, c
004 127 Read only OP Fig. 2
Not Measured 0.000 50.000 0.001
Matching fact. Kam, d
004 168 Read only OP Fig. 2
Display of the matching factor calculated by the P63x for each end.
Note: These values are automatically updated by the device itself only. In an
off-line setting file the value is not updated.
0.000 Iref 0.000 Iref 0.200 Iref 0.001 Iref
Minimum Id Meas’mt
011 037 OP Fig. 13
Setting for the minimum differential current that must be exceeded in order for the P63x to
display the differential currents as measured operating data.
0.000 Iref 0.000 Iref 0.200 Iref 0.001 Iref
Minimum IR Meas’mt
011 038 OP Fig. 13
Setting for the minimum restraining current that must be exceeded in order for the P63x to
display the restraining currents as measured operating data.
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Settings\Function Settings\Common Settings
REF_1: General
No No Yes -
Enable USER
019 050 OP Fig. 14
REF_2: General
No No Yes -
Enable USER
019 150 OP Fig. 14
P63x/UK ST/A54 Settings
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
REF_3: General
No No Yes -
Enable USER
019 250 OP Fig. 14
Disabling and enabling the ground differential protection function.
Note: Function group REF_3 is available with the P633 and the P634 only.
End a End a -
Select CT Input
019 100 Read only
End b End b -
Select CT Input
019 101 Read only
End c End c -
Select CT Input
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
REF_2: Matching 50.000/
Not Measured Measured/ 0.001
Fact. kam, N Overflow
004 161 Read only OP Fig. 15
REF_3: Matching 50.000/
Not Measured Measured/ 0.001
Fact. kam, N Overflow
004 162 Read only OP Fig. 15
Display of the matching factor calculated by the P63x for the vector sum of the phase
Note: These values are automatically updated by the device itself only. In an
off-line setting file the value is not updated.
REF_1: Matching 50.000/
Not Measured Measured/ 0.001
Fact.kam, Y Overflow
004 163 Read only OP Fig. 15
REF_2: Matching 50.000/
Not Measured Measured/ 0.001
Fact.kam, Y Overflow
004 164 Read only OP Fig. 15
REF_3: Matching 50.000/
Not Measured Measured/ 0.001
Fact.kam, Y Overflow
004 165 Read only OP Fig. 15
Display of the matching factor calculated by the P63x for the neutral-point current.
Note: These values are automatically updated by the device itself only. In an
off-line setting file the value is not updated.
0.00 Iref 0.00 Iref 0.20 Iref 0.01 Iref
Minimum Id Meas’mt
011 039 OP Fig. 20
0.00 Iref 0.00 Iref 0.20 Iref 0.01 Iref
Minimum Id Meas’mt
011 044 OP Fig. 20
0.00 Iref 0.00 Iref 0.20 Iref 0.01 Iref
Minimum Id Meas’mt
011 045 OP Fig. 20
Setting for the minimum differential current that must be exceeded in order for the P63x to
display the differential currents as measured operating data.
0.00 Iref 0.00 Iref 0.20 Iref 0.01 Iref
Minimum IR Meas’mt
011 040 OP Fig. 20
0.00 Iref 0.00 Iref 0.20 Iref 0.01 Iref
Minimum IR Meas’mt
011 046 OP Fig. 20
P63x/UK ST/A54 Settings
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
0.00 Iref 0.00 Iref 0.20 Iref 0.01 Iref
Minimum IR Meas’mt
011 047 OP Fig. 20
Setting for the minimum restraining current that must be exceeded in order for the P63x to
display the restraining currents as measured operating data.
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Settings\Function Settings\Common Settings
DTOC1: General
No No Yes -
Enable USER
031 135 OP Fig. 22
DTOC2: General
ST Enable USER
No No Yes -
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Settings\Function Settings\Common Settings
IDMT1: General
No No Yes -
Enable USER
031 141 OP Fig. 29
IDMT2: General
No No Yes -
Enable USER
031 142 OP Fig. 29
Settings P63x/UK ST/A54
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
IDMT3: General
No No Yes -
Enable USER
031 143 OP Fig. 29
Disabling and enabling the inverse-time overcurrent protection function.
Note: Function group IDMT3 is available with the P633 and the P634 only.
End a
End b
End a End c -
Select CT Input
End d
Current Summation
019 106 OP Fig. 28
IDMT2: As per ‘IDMT1: Select
End b -
Select CT Input CT Input’
019 116 OP Fig. 28
End c
As per ‘IDMT1: Select
Select CT Input CT Input’
019 126 OP Fig. 28
Selection of the measuring input that provides the measured variables monitored by the
inverse-time overcurrent protection function.
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Settings\Function Settings\Common Settings
THRM1: General
No No Yes -
Enable USER
031 144 OP Fig. 41
THRM2: General
No No Yes -
Enable USER
031 145 OP Fig. 41
Disabling and enabling the thermal overload protection function.
Note: Function group THRM2 is available with the P633 and the P634 only.
End a
End b
End b End c -
Select CT Input
End d
Current Summation
019 109 OP Fig. 40
THRM2: As per ‘THRM1: Select
End c -
Select CT Input CT Input’
019 110 OP Fig. 40
Selection of the current relevant for thermal overload protection. Select from the currents
measured at the measuring input for end a, b, c, d. For the P633 and the P634, there is an
additional option, namely the selection of the value obtained according to the setting at
MAIN: Current summation.
P63x/UK ST/A54 Settings
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
THRM1: Absolute Replica
Relative Replica -
Operating Mode Relative Replica
039 121 OP Fig. 45
THRM2: Absolute Replica
Relative Replica -
Operating Mode Relative Replica
039 181 OP Fig. 45
Setting for the operating mode of thermal overload protection. Select between Absolute
replica and Relative replica.
THRM1: 300 °C/
Not Measured Measured/ 1 °C
O/T f Iref Persist 1 Overflow
-40 °C
004 152 Read only
THRM2: 300 °C/
Not Measured Measured/ 1 °C
O/T f Iref Persist 2 Overflow
ST -40 °C
004 172 Read only
Display of the difference between the settings for the maximum permissible temperatures
of the protected object and the coolant.
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Settings\Function Settings\Common Settings
V<>: General Enable
No No Yes -
023 030 OP Fig. 47
Disabling and enabling the time-voltage protection function.
Note: Time-voltage protection is not available with the P631.
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Settings\Function Settings\Common Settings
f<>: General Enable
No No Yes -
023 031 OP Fig. 50
Disabling and enabling the over/underfrequency protection function.
Note: Over/underfrequency protection is not available with the P631.
f<>: Evaluation Time 4 Cycles 3 Cycles 6 Cycles 1 Cycles
018 201 OP Fig. 51
Setting for the evaluation time. The operate conditions must be met for this length of time
for a signal to be issued.
Settings P63x/UK ST/A54
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
0.90 Vn 0.20 Vn 1.00 Vn 0.01 Vn
Undervolt. Block. V<
018 200 OP Fig. 51
Setting for the threshold of the undervoltage blocking. If the voltage falls below this
threshold, the over/underfrequency protection function will be blocked.
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Settings\Function Settings\Common Settings
V/f: General Enable
No No Yes -
019 097 OP Fig. 54
Disabling and enabling the overfluxing protection function.
Note: Overfluxing protection is not available with the P631.
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Settings\Function Settings\Common Settings
CTS: General Enable
No No Yes -
031 085 OP Fig. 64
Disabling and enabling the CT supervision function.
Note: CT Supervision is only available with DSP coprocessor order option.
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Settings\Function Settings\Common Settings
BC_1: General
No No Yes -
Enable USER
031 146 OP Fig. 62
BC_2: General
No No Yes -
Enable USER
031 147 OP Fig. 62
BC_3: General
No No Yes -
Enable USER
031 148 OP Fig. 62
BC_4: General
No No Yes -
Enable USER
031 149 OP Fig. 62
Disabling and enabling the broken conductor detection function.
P63x/UK ST/A54 Settings
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
End a End a -
Select CT Input
031 150 Read only
End b End b -
Select CT Input
031 151 Read only
End c End c -
Select CT Input
031 152 Read only
End d End d -
Select CT Input
031 153 Read only
Indication of the CT set monitored by the broken conductor detection function.
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Settings\Function Settings\Common Settings
LIMIT: General
No No Yes -
Enable USER
014 010 OP Fig. 71
Enabling or disabling limit value monitoring.
1.100 0.001
LIMIT: IDC, lin> Blocked 0.100
IDC, nom IDC, nom
IDC, nom
014 110 OP Fig. 71
Setting for operate value IDClin> for monitoring the linearized direct current.
1.100 0.001
LIMIT: IDC, lin>> Blocked 0.100
IDC, nom IDC, nom
IDC, nom
014 111 OP Fig. 71
Setting for operate value IDClin>> for monitoring the linearized direct current.
LIMIT: tIDC, lin> Blocked 20.00 s 0.01 s
0.00 s
014 112 OP Fig. 71
Setting for the operate delay of overcurrent stage IDClin>.
LIMIT: tIDC, lin>> Blocked 20.00 s 0.01 s
0.00 s
014 113 OP Fig. 71
Setting for the operate delay of overcurrent stage IDClin>>.
1.100 0.001
LIMIT: IDC, lin< Blocked 0.100
IDC, nom IDC, nom
IDC, nom
014 114 OP Fig. 71
Setting for operate value IDClin< for monitoring the linearized direct current.
Settings P63x/UK ST/A54
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
1.100 0.001
LIMIT: IDC, lin<< Blocked 0.100
IDC, nom IDC, nom
IDC, nom
014 115 OP Fig. 71
Setting for operate value IDClin<< for monitoring the linearized direct current.
LIMIT: tIDC, lin< Blocked 20.00 s 0.01 s
0.00 s
014 116 OP Fig. 71
Setting for the operate delay of undercurrent stage IDClin<.
LIMIT: tIDC, lin<< Blocked 20.00 s 0.01 s
0.00 s
014 117 OP Fig. 71
Setting for the operate delay of the undercurrent stage IDClin<<.
LIMIT: T> 200 °C -20 °C 200 °C 1 °C ST
014 100 OP Fig. 72
Setting for the operate value of temperature monitoring T>.
LIMIT: T>> 200 °C -20 °C 200 °C 1 °C
014 101 OP Fig. 72
Setting for the operate value of temperature monitoring T>>.
LIMIT: tT> Blocked 1000 s 1s
014 103 OP Fig. 72
Setting for the operate delay of temperature monitoring T>.
LIMIT: tT>> Blocked 1000 s 1s
014 104 OP Fig. 72
Setting for the operate delay of temperature monitoring T>>.
LIMIT: T< -20 °C -20 °C 200 °C 1 °C
014 105 OP Fig. 72
Setting for the operate value of temperature monitoring T<.
LIMIT: T<< -20 °C -20 °C 200 °C 1 °C
014 106 OP Fig. 72
Setting for the operate value of temperature monitoring T<<.
LIMIT: tT< Blocked 1000 s 1s
014 107 OP Fig. 72
Setting for the operate delay of temperature monitoring T<.
LIMIT: tT<< Blocked 1000 s 1s
014 108 OP Fig. 72
Setting for the operate delay of temperature monitoring T<<.
P63x/UK ST/A54 Settings
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Settings\Function Settings\Common Settings
LIM_1: General
No No Yes -
Enable USER
014 014 OP Fig. 74
LIM_2: General
No No Yes -
Enable USER
014 015 OP Fig. 74
LIM_3: General
No No Yes -
Enable USER
014 017 OP Fig. 74
Disabling and enabling the limit value monitoring function.
Note: Function group LIM_3 is available with the P633 and the P634 only.
End a
End b
End a End c -
Select CT Input
End d
Current Summation
019 111 OP Fig. 73
LIM_2: As per ‘LIM_1: Select
End b -
Select CT Input CT Input’
019 112 OP Fig. 73
LIM_3: As per ‘LIM_1: Select
End c -
Select CT Input CT Input’
019 113 OP Fig. 73
Selection of the measuring input that provides the measured variables monitored by limit
value monitoring function 1, 2 or 3, respectively.
LIM_1: I> 1.20 In 4.00 In 0.01 In
0.20 In
015 116 OP Fig. 74
LIM_2: I> 1.20 In 4.00 In 0.01 In
0.20 In
016 116 OP Fig. 74
LIM_3: I> 1.20 In 4.00 In 0.01 In
0.20 In
017 114 OP Fig. 74
Setting for the operate value of I>.
LIM_1: I>> Blocked 4.00 In 0.01 In
0.20 In
015 117 OP Fig. 74
LIM_2: I>> Blocked 4.00 In 0.01 In
0.20 In
016 117 OP Fig. 74
Settings P63x/UK ST/A54
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
LIM_3: I>> Blocked 4.00 In 0.01 In
0.20 In
017 117 OP Fig. 74
Setting for the operate value of I>>.
LIM_1: tI> 5s 100 s 1s
015 120 OP Fig. 74
LIM_2: tI> 5s 100 s 1s
016 120 OP Fig. 74
LIM_3: tI> 5s 100 s 1s
017 120 OP Fig. 74
Setting for the operate delay of I>.
LIM_1: tI>> Blocked 100 s 1s
015 121 OP Fig. 74
LIM_2: tI>> Blocked 100 s 1s
016 121 OP Fig. 74
LIM_3: tI>> Blocked 100 s 1s
017 121 OP Fig. 74
Setting for the operate delay of I>>.
LIM_1: I< 0.10 In 4.00 In 0.01 In
0.00 In
015 118 OP Fig. 74
LIM_2: I< 0.10 In 4.00 In 0.01 In
0.00 In
016 118 OP Fig. 74
LIM_3: I< 0.10 In 4.00 In 0.01 In
0.00 In
017 118 OP Fig. 74
Setting for the operate value of I<.
LIM_1: I<< Blocked 4.00 In 0.01 In
0.00 In
015 119 OP Fig. 74
LIM_2: I<< Blocked 4.00 In 0.01 In
0.00 In
016 119 OP Fig. 74
LIM_3: I<< Blocked 4.00 In 0.01 In
0.00 In
017 119 OP Fig. 74
Setting for the operate value of I<<.
P63x/UK ST/A54 Settings
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
LIM_1: tI< 5s 100 s 1s
015 122 OP Fig. 74
LIM_2: tI< 5s 100 s 1s
016 122 OP Fig. 74
LIM_3: tI< 5s 100 s 1s
017 122 OP Fig. 74
Setting for the operate delay of I<.
LIM_1: tI<< Blocked 100 s 1s
015 123 OP Fig. 74
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Settings\Function Settings\Common Settings
LOGIC: General
No No Yes -
Enable USER
031 099 OP Fig. 76
Disabling or enabling the logic function.
LOGIC: Set 1 (… 8)
No No Yes -
See table below for setting addresses. OP Fig. 75,
These settings define the static input conditions for the logic function.
Setting Address Setting Address Setting Address
Set 1 USER 034 030 Set 4 USER 034 033 Set 7 USER 034 036
Set 2 USER 034 031 Set 5 USER 034 034 Set 8 USER 034 037
Set 3 USER 034 032 Set 6 USER 034 035
Settings P63x/UK ST/A54
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Signals from selection table
LOGIC: Fct.Assignm.
Disabled dependent upon relay -
Outp. 1 (… 32)
See table below for setting addresses. OP Fig. 76
These settings assign functions to the outputs.
Setting Address Setting Address Setting Address
Fct.Assignm. Outp. 1 030 000 Fct.Assignm. Outp. 12 030 044 Fct.Assignm. Outp. 23 030 088
Fct.Assignm. Outp. 2 030 004 Fct.Assignm. Outp. 13 030 048 Fct.Assignm. Outp. 24 030 092
Fct.Assignm. Outp. 3 030 008 Fct.Assignm. Outp. 14 030 052 Fct.Assignm. Outp. 25 030 096
Fct.Assignm. Outp. 4 030 012 Fct.Assignm. Outp. 15 030 056 Fct.Assignm. Outp. 26 031 000
Fct.Assignm. Outp. 5 030 016 Fct.Assignm. Outp. 16 030 060 Fct.Assignm. Outp. 27 031 004
Fct.Assignm. Outp. 6 030 020 Fct.Assignm. Outp. 17 030 064 Fct.Assignm. Outp. 28 031 008
Fct.Assignm. Outp. 7 030 024 Fct.Assignm. Outp. 18 030 068 Fct.Assignm. Outp. 29 031 012
Fct.Assignm. Outp. 8 030 028 Fct.Assignm. Outp. 19 030 072 Fct.Assignm. Outp. 30 031 016
Fct.Assignm. Outp. 9 030 032 Fct.Assignm. Outp. 20 030 076 Fct.Assignm. Outp. 31 031 020
Fct.Assignm. Outp. 10 030 036 Fct.Assignm. Outp. 21 030 080 Fct.Assignm. Outp. 32 031 024
Fct.Assignm. Outp. 11 030 040 Fct.Assignm. Outp. 22 030 084
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
LOGIC: Time t1
0.00 s 0.00 s 600.00 s 0.01 s
Output 1 (… 32)
See table below for setting addresses. OP Fig. 76,
77, 78, 79,
80, 81
Settings for timer stage t1 of the respective outputs.
Setting Address Setting Address Setting Address
Time t1 Output 1 030 002 Time t1 Output 12 030 046 Time t1 Output 23 030 090
Time t1 Output 2 030 006 Time t1 Output 13 030 050 Time t1 Output 24 030 094
Time t1 Output 3 030 010 Time t1 Output 14 030 054 Time t1 Output 25 030 098
Time t1 Output 4 030 014 Time t1 Output 15 030 058 Time t1 Output 26 031 002
Time t1 Output 5 030 018 Time t1 Output 16 030 062 Time t1 Output 27 031 006
Time t1 Output 6 030 022 Time t1 Output 17 030 066 Time t1 Output 28 031 010
Time t1 Output 7 030 026 Time t1 Output 18 030 070 Time t1 Output 29 031 014
ST Time t1 Output 8 030 030 Time t1 Output 19 030 074 Time t1 Output 30 031 018
Time t1 Output 9 030 034 Time t1 Output 20 030 078 Time t1 Output 31 031 022
Time t1 Output 10 030 038 Time t1 Output 21 030 082 Time t1 Output 32 031 026
Time t1 Output 11 030 042 Time t1 Output 22 030 086
LOGIC: Time t2
0.00 s 0.00 s 600.00 s 0.01 s
Output 1 (… 32)
See table below for setting addresses. OP Fig. 76,
77, 78, 79,
80, 81
Settings for timer stage t2 of the respective outputs.
Note: This setting has no effect in the ‘Minimum Dwell’ operating mode.
Setting Address Setting Address Setting Address
Time t2 Output 1 030 003 Time t2 Output 12 030 047 Time t2 Output 23 030 091
Time t2 Output 2 030 007 Time t2 Output 13 030 051 Time t2 Output 24 030 095
Time t2 Output 3 030 011 Time t2 Output 14 030 055 Time t2 Output 25 030 099
Time t2 Output 4 030 015 Time t2 Output 15 030 059 Time t2 Output 26 031 003
Time t2 Output 5 030 019 Time t2 Output 16 030 063 Time t2 Output 27 031 007
Time t2 Output 6 030 023 Time t2 Output 17 030 067 Time t2 Output 28 031 011
Time t2 Output 7 030 027 Time t2 Output 18 030 071 Time t2 Output 29 031 015
Time t2 Output 8 030 031 Time t2 Output 19 030 075 Time t2 Output 30 031 019
Time t2 Output 9 030 035 Time t2 Output 20 030 079 Time t2 Output 31 031 023
Time t2 Output 10 030 039 Time t2 Output 21 030 083 Time t2 Output 32 031 027
Time t2 Output 11 030 043 Time t2 Output 22 030 087
Settings P63x/UK ST/A54
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Signals from selection table
LOGIC: Sig. Assig
Disabled dependent upon relay -
Outp. 1 (… 32)
See table below for setting addresses. OP Fig. 82
These settings assign the function of a binary input signal to the output of the logic
Setting Address Setting Address Setting Address
Sig. Assig Outp. 1 044 000 Sig. Assig Outp. 12 044 022 Sig. Assig Outp. 23 044 044
Sig. Assig Outp. 2 044 002 Sig. Assig Outp. 13 044 024 Sig. Assig Outp. 24 044 046
Sig. Assig Outp. 3 044 004 Sig. Assig Outp. 14 044 026 Sig. Assig Outp. 25 044 048
Sig. Assig Outp. 4 044 006 Sig. Assig Outp. 15 044 028 Sig. Assig Outp. 26 044 050
Sig. Assig Outp. 5 044 008 Sig. Assig Outp. 16 044 030 Sig. Assig Outp. 27 044 052
Sig. Assig Outp. 6 044 010 Sig. Assig Outp. 17 044 032 Sig. Assig Outp. 28 044 054
Sig. Assig Outp. 7 044 012 Sig. Assig Outp. 18 044 034 Sig. Assig Outp. 29 044 056
Sig. Assig Outp. 8 044 014 Sig. Assig Outp. 19 044 036 Sig. Assig Outp. 30 044 058 ST
Sig. Assig Outp. 9 044 016 Sig. Assig Outp. 20 044 038 Sig. Assig Outp. 31 044 060
Sig. Assig Outp. 10 044 018 Sig. Assig Outp. 21 044 040 Sig. Assig Outp. 32 044 062
Sig. Assig Outp. 11 044 020 Sig. Assig Outp. 22 044 042
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Settings\Function Settings\Setting Group SGx
No Swap
MAIN: A-B Swapped
No Swap -
Reversal end a SGx B-C Swapped
C-A Swapped
010 200 010 201 010 202 010 203
Setting to determine if CT input phase-swapping shall apply in pumped storage
applications, when in motoring (pump) mode. Setting available for each CT set, in this
case for end a.
No Swap
MAIN: A-B Swapped
No Swap -
Reversal end b SGx B-C Swapped
ST C-A Swapped
010 204 010 205 010 206 010 207
No Swap
MAIN: A-B Swapped
No Swap -
Reversal end c SGx B-C Swapped
C-A Swapped
010 208 010 209 010 210 010 211
No Swap
MAIN: A-B Swapped
No Swap -
Reversal end d SGx B-C Swapped
C-A Swapped
010 212 010 213 010 214 010 215
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Settings\Function Settings\Setting Group SGx
DIFF: Enable SGx No No Yes -
072 152 073 152 074 152 075 152 OP Fig. 1
This setting specifies the setting group to be enabled for differential protection.
DIFF: Vec. Gr. ends
0 0 11 1
b-a SGx
019 010 019 040 019 041 019 042 OP Fig. 5
DIFF: Vec. Gr. ends
0 0 11 1
c-a SGx
019 011 019 043 019 044 019 045 OP Fig. 5
DIFF: Vec. Gr. ends
0 0 11 1
d-a SGx
019 014 019 046 019 047 019 048 OP Fig. 6
Settings P63x/UK ST/A54
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
The vector group is read from the transformer rating plate, taking end "a" as the HV
reference. In the case of a Yd1 transformer, with end "b" as the delta winding the clock
notation setting required will be 1 for end b-a.
If the phase currents of the low and high voltage sides are exchanged or if the connection
of the measuring circuits is not accounted for by the settings at MAIN: CT Orientation
IPh, z (where z is end a, b, c or d) then the algorithm is:
Setting = 12 - ID
If a reverse phase rotation is present (phase sequence A-C-B) then this should be entered
as a setting at the P63x. In this case, the P63x will automatically form the complementary
value of the set vector group ID to the number 12
(vector group ID = 12 - set ID).
For application of the P63x as machine protection, the setting must be 0 or 6 depending on
the current transformer connection.
DIFF: Idiff> SGx 0.20 Iref 0.10 Iref 2.50 Iref 0.01 Iref
072 142 073 142 074 142 075 142 OP Fig. 9
Minimum pickup value of the differential protection function as referred to the reference
current of the relevant transformer end.
DIFF: Idiff>> SGx 15.0 Iref 2.5 Iref 30.0 Iref 0.1 Iref
072 143 073 143 074 143 075 143 OP Fig. 9
Threshold value of the differential current for deactivation of the inrush stabilization
function (harmonic restraint) and of the overfluxing restraint.
Note: If the threshold is set too high, it is possible for the P63x not to trip in the
presence of internal faults with transformer saturation.
DIFF: Idiff>>> SGx 30.0 Iref 30.0 Iref 0.1 Iref
2.5 Iref
072 144 073 144 074 144 075 144 OP Fig. 9
Threshold value of the differential current for tripping by the differential protection function
independent of restraining variable, harmonic restraint, overfluxing restraint and saturation
Note: If the threshold is set too low, the P63x can trip in the presence of external
faults with transformer saturation.
0.20 Iref 0.10 Iref 30.00 Iref 0.01 Iref
Idiff> (CTS) SGx
080 000 081 000 082 000 083 000 OP Fig. 68
Low set threshold of differential protection when a CTS condition is detected.
DIFF: m1 SGx 0.30 0.10 1.50 0.01
072 145 073 145 074 145 075 145 OP Fig. 9
Gradient of the tripping characteristic of differential protection in the range:
0.5 ⋅ Idiff >< IR ≤ IR,m2
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
DIFF: IR, m2 SGx 4.0 Iref 1.5 Iref 10.0 Iref 0.1 Iref
072 147 073 147 074 147 075 147 OP Fig. 9
This setting defines the second knee of the tripping characteristic. Above this knee, the
gradient is m2.
Not Phase-Selective Not Phase-Selective -
Op. Mode Inrush SGx
072 148 073 148 074 148 075 148 OP Fig. 9
Setting for the operating mode of the inrush stabilization function (harmonic blocking or
harmonic restraint).
For application of the P63x as machine protection, the harmonic restraint can be
deactivated by way of this setting.
For application of the P63x as transformer protection, the user can select whether the
harmonic restraint should operate in cross-blocking mode or selectively for one measuring
DIFF: Inrush 2nd
20 % 10 % 50 % 1%
Harmon SGx
072 159 073 159 074 159 075 159 OP Fig. 10
Operate value of the inrush stabilization function (harmonic restraint) of differential
protection, as ratio of the second harmonic component to the fundamental for the
differential current, in percent.
Yes No Yes -
I0 filt a Enab SGx
072 155 073 155 074 155 075 155 OP Fig. 5
Yes No Yes -
I0 filt b Enab SGx
072 156 073 156 074 156 075 156 OP Fig. 5
Yes No Yes -
I0 filt c Enab SGx
072 157 073 157 074 157 075 157 OP Fig. 5
Yes No Yes -
I0 filt d Enab SGx
072 154 073 154 074 154 075 154 OP Fig. 6
Enabling or disabling the zero-sequence filtering of winding a, b, c or d.
No No Yes -
O/Flux Blk Enab SGx
072 158 073 158 074 158 075 158 OP Fig. 12
Enabling or disabling the overfluxing restraint.
DIFF: O/Flux 5th
20 % 10 % 80 % 1%
Harmon SGx
072 160 073 160 074 160 075 160 OP Fig. 12
Operate value of the overfluxing restraint of differential protection as ratio of the fifth
harmonic component to the fundamental for the differential current, in percent.
Settings P63x/UK ST/A54
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
DIFF: Op.del., trip
0.00 s 0.00 s 100.00 s 0.01 s
sig. SGx
010 162 010 163 010 164 010 165
Tripping of the restraint differential protection may be delayed via a settable timer stage.
DIFF: Hyst. Effective
Yes No Yes -
072 006 073 006 074 006 075 006
Hysteresis of the tripping characteristic at the rate of 10% be disabled.
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Settings\Function Settings\Setting Group SGx
REF_1: Enable SGx No No Yes - ST
072 141 073 141 074 141 075 141 OP Fig. 14
REF_2: Enable SGx No No Yes -
072 161 073 161 074 161 075 161 OP Fig. 14
REF_3: Enable SGx No No Yes -
072 031 073 031 074 031 075 031 OP Fig. 14
This setting allows restricted earth fault protection to be enabled or disabled on the
associated winding for each setting group.
Low-Z Iph Sum Bias
Low-Z Iph Sum Bias Low-Z Iph Max. Bias -
Operating Mode SGx
High Impedance
072 149 073 149 074 149 075 149 OP Fig. 16,
18, 19
Low-Z Iph Sum Bias
Low-Z Iph Sum Bias Low-Z Iph Max. Bias -
Operating Mode SGx
High Impedance
072 169 073 169 074 169 075 169 OP Fig. 16,
18, 19
Low-Z Iph Sum Bias
Low-Z Iph Sum Bias Low-Z Iph Max. Bias -
Operating Mode SGx
High Impedance
072 049 073 049 074 049 075 049 OP Fig. 16,
18, 19
This setting specifies the mode of operation for the restricted earth fault protection. The
protection may be biased by residual current or the maximum phase current. Alternatively,
operation as a high impedance element may be selected.
No No Yes -
CTS Effective SGx
080 003 081 003 082 003 083 003
No No Yes -
CTS Effective SGx
080 004 081 004 082 004 083 004
P63x/UK ST/A54 Settings
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
No No Yes -
CTS Effective SGx
080 005 081 005 082 005 083 005
Blocking of REF protection when a CTS condition is detected.
REF_1: Idiff> SGx 0.20 Iref 0.10 Iref 1.00 Iref 0.01 Iref
072 150 073 150 074 150 075 150 OP Fig. 17
REF_2: Idiff> SGx 0.20 Iref 0.10 Iref 1.00 Iref 0.01 Iref
072 170 073 170 074 170 075 170 OP Fig. 17
REF_3: Idiff> SGx 0.20 Iref 0.10 Iref 1.00 Iref 0.01 Iref
072 040 073 040 074 040 075 040 OP Fig. 17
Pickup value of the restricted earth fault protection as referred to the reference current of
the relevant transformer end.
ST REF_1: Idiff>>> SGx 10.0 Iref
2.5 Iref
30.0 Iref 0.1 Iref
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
REF_3: IR, m2 SGx 1.00 Iref 0.10 Iref 1.50 Iref 0.01 Iref
072 194 073 194 074 194 075 194 OP Fig. 18
Bias current threshold setting above which the gradient of the tripping characteristic is m2
for restricted earth fault protection when operating in a low impedance biased mode.
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Settings\Function Settings\Setting Group SGx
DTOC1: Enable SGx No No Yes -
076 050 077 050 078 050 079 050
DTOC2: Enable SGx No No Yes -
076 070 077 070 078 070 079 070
DTOC3: Enable SGx No No Yes -
076 180 077 180 078 180 079 180
This setting specifies the setting group to be enabled for definite-time overcurrent
Disabled For Single-Ph. Start -
Block Tim. st IN SGx
For Multi-Ph. Start.
076 067 077 067 078 067 079 067 OP Fig. 25
Disabled For Single-Ph. Start -
Block Tim. st IN SGx
For Multi-Ph. Start.
076 087 077 087 078 087 079 087 OP Fig. 25
Disabled For Single-Ph. Start -
Block Tim. st IN SGx
For Multi-Ph. Start.
076 108 077 108 078 108 079 108 OP Fig. 25
This setting defines whether blocking of the residual current stages will take place for
single-pole or multi-pole phase current starting.
DTOC1: Gen.Starting W/o Start. IN/I2
With Start. IN/I2 -
Mode SGx With Start. IN/I2
076 066 077 066 078 066 079 066 OP Fig. 26
DTOC2: Gen.Starting W/o Start. IN/I2
With Start. IN/I2 -
Mode SGx With Start. IN/I2
076 086 077 086 078 086 079 086 OP Fig. 26
DTOC3: Gen.Starting W/o Start. IN/I2
With Start. IN/I2 -
Mode SGx With Start. IN/I2
076 106 077 106 078 106 079 106 OP Fig. 26
This setting defines whether starting of the negative-sequence and residual current stages
will be included in the general starting signal of DTOC protection.
DTOC1: tGS SGx 0.00 s 100.00 s 0.01 s
0.00 s
076 065 077 065 078 065 079 065 OP Fig. 26
P63x/UK ST/A54 Settings
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
DTOC2: tGS SGx 0.00 s 100.00 s 0.01 s
0.00 s
076 085 077 085 078 085 079 085 OP Fig. 26
DTOC3: tGS SGx 0.00 s 100.00 s 0.01 s
0.00 s
076 107 077 107 078 107 079 107 OP Fig. 26
Setting for the operate delay of the general starting signal of DTOC protection.
DTOC1: Inrush Restr
No No Yes -
Enab SGx
076 063 077 063 078 063 079 063 OP Fig. 24
DTOC2: Inrush Restr
No No Yes -
Enab SGx
076 083 077 083 078 083 079 083 OP Fig. 24
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
DTOC3: I>>> SGx Blocked 30.00 In 0.01 In
0.10 In
076 183 077 183 078 183 079 183 OP Fig. 23
Setting for the operate value I>>>.
DTOC1: Blocked/
1.00 In 30.00 In 0.01 In
I> dynamic SGx 0.10 In
076 151 077 151 078 151 079 151 OP Fig. 23
DTOC2: Blocked/
1.00 In 30.00 In 0.01 In
I> dynamic SGx 0.10 In
076 161 077 161 078 161 079 161 OP Fig. 23
DTOC3: Blocked/
1.00 In 30.00 In 0.01 In
I> dynamic SGx 0.10 In
076 181 077 181 078 181 079 181 OP Fig. 23
Setting for the operate value I> in dynamic mode. This operate value is only effective while
the hold time for dynamic settings is elapsing.
DTOC1: Blocked/
1.00 In 30.00 In 0.01 In
I>> dynamic SGx 0.10 In
076 152 077 152 078 152 079 152 OP Fig. 23
DTOC2: Blocked/
1.00 In 30.00 In 0.01 In
I>> dynamic SGx 0.10 In
076 162 077 162 078 162 079 162 OP Fig. 23
DTOC3: Blocked/
1.00 In 30.00 In 0.01 In
I>> dynamic SGx 0.10 In
076 182 077 182 078 182 079 182 OP Fig. 23
Setting for the operate value I>> in dynamic mode. This operate value is only effective
while the hold time for dynamic settings is elapsing.
DTOC1: Blocked/
1.00 In 30.00 In 0.01 In
I>>> dynamic SGx 0.10 In
076 153 077 153 078 153 079 153 OP Fig. 23
DTOC2: Blocked/
1.00 In 30.00 In 0.01 In
I>>> dynamic SGx 0.10 In
076 173 077 173 078 173 079 173 OP Fig. 23
DTOC3: Blocked/
1.00 In 30.00 In 0.01 In
I>>> dynamic SGx 0.10 In
076 109 077 109 078 109 079 109 OP Fig. 23
Setting for the operate value I>>> in dynamic mode. This operate value is only effective
while the hold time for dynamic settings is elapsing.
DTOC1: tI> SGx 1.00 s 100.00 s 0.01 s
0.00 s
076 057 077 057 078 057 079 057 OP Fig. 23
DTOC2: tI> SGx 1.00 s 100.00 s 0.01 s
0.00 s
076 077 077 077 078 077 079 077 OP Fig. 23
P63x/UK ST/A54 Settings
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
DTOC3: tI> SGx 1.00 s 100.00 s 0.01 s
0.00 s
076 187 077 187 078 187 079 187 OP Fig. 23
Setting for the operate delay of the I> stage.
DTOC1: tI>> SGx 0.50 s 100.00 s 0.01 s
0.00 s
076 058 077 058 078 058 079 058 OP Fig. 23
DTOC2: tI>> SGx 0.50 s 100.00 s 0.01 s
0.00 s
076 078 077 078 078 078 079 078 OP Fig. 23
DTOC3: tI>> SGx 0.50 s 100.00 s 0.01 s
0.00 s
076 188 077 188 078 188 079 188 OP Fig. 23
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
DTOC1: I2>>> SGx Blocked 8.00 In 0.01 In
0.10 In
076 199 077 199 078 199 079 199 OP Fig. 24
DTOC2: I2>>> SGx Blocked 8.00 In 0.01 In
0.10 In
076 209 077 209 078 209 079 209 OP Fig. 24
DTOC3: I2>>> SGx Blocked 8.00 In 0.01 In
0.10 In
076 219 077 219 078 219 079 219 OP Fig. 24
Setting for the operate value of the I2>>> stage for negative sequence current.
DTOC1: Blocked/
1.00 In 8.00 In 0.01 In
I2> dynamic SGx 0.10 In
076 200 077 200 078 200 079 200 OP Fig. 24
I2> dynamic SGx
1.00 In
0.10 In
8.00 In 0.01 In ST
076 210 077 210 078 210 079 210 OP Fig. 24
DTOC3: Blocked/
1.00 In 8.00 In 0.01 In
I2> dynamic SGx 0.10 In
076 220 077 220 078 220 079 220 OP Fig. 24
Setting for the operate value of the I2> stage for negative sequence current in dynamic
mode. This operate value is only effective while the hold time for dynamic settings is
DTOC1: Blocked/
1.00 In 8.00 In 0.01 In
I2>> dynamic SGx 0.10 In
076 201 077 201 078 201 079 201 OP Fig. 24
DTOC2: Blocked/
1.00 In 8.00 In 0.01 In
I2>> dynamic SGx 0.10 In
076 211 077 211 078 211 079 211 OP Fig. 24
DTOC3: Blocked/
1.00 In 8.00 In 0.01 In
I2>> dynamic SGx 0.10 In
076 221 077 221 078 221 079 221 OP Fig. 24
Setting for the operate value of the I2>> stage for negative sequence current in dynamic
mode. This operate value is only effective while the hold time for dynamic settings is
DTOC1: Blocked/
1.00 In 8.00 In 0.01 In
I2>>> dynamic SGx 0.10 In
076 202 077 202 078 202 079 202 OP Fig. 24
DTOC2: Blocked/
1.00 In 8.00 In 0.01 In
I2>>> dynamic SGx 0.10 In
076 212 077 212 078 212 079 212 OP Fig. 24
DTOC3: Blocked/
1.00 In 8.00 In 0.01 In
I2>>> dynamic SGx 0.10 In
076 222 077 222 078 222 079 222 OP Fig. 24
Setting for the operate value of the I2>>> stage for negative sequence current in dynamic
mode. This operate value is only effective while the hold time for dynamic settings is
P63x/UK ST/A54 Settings
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
DTOC1: tI2> SGx 1.00 s 100.00 s 0.01 s
0.00 s
076 203 077 203 078 203 079 203 OP Fig. 24
DTOC2: tI2> SGx 1.00 s 100.00 s 0.01 s
0.00 s
076 213 077 213 078 213 079 213 OP Fig. 24
DTOC3: tI2> SGx 1.00 s 100.00 s 0.01 s
0.00 s
076 223 077 223 078 223 079 223 OP Fig. 24
Setting for the operate delay of the I2> stage for negative sequence current.
DTOC1: tI2>> SGx 0.50 s 100.00 s 0.01 s
0.00 s
076 204 077 204 078 204 079 204 OP Fig. 24
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
DTOC2: IN>> SGx Blocked 8.00 In 0.01 In
0.10 In
076 165 077 165 078 165 079 165 OP Fig. 25
DTOC3: IN>> SGx Blocked 8.00 In 0.01 In
0.10 In
076 185 077 185 078 185 079 185 OP Fig. 25
Setting for the operate value IN>> for residual current.
DTOC1: IN>>> SGx Blocked 8.00 In 0.01 In
0.10 In
076 056 077 056 078 056 079 056 OP Fig. 25
DTOC2: IN>>> SGx Blocked 8.00 In 0.01 In
0.10 In
076 166 077 166 078 166 079 166 OP Fig. 25
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
DTOC3: Blocked/
1.00 In 8.00 In 0.01 In
IN>>> dynamic SGx 0.10 In
076 196 077 196 078 196 079 196 OP Fig. 25
Setting for the operate value IN>>> for residual current in dynamic mode. This operate
value is only effective while the hold time for dynamic settings is elapsing.
DTOC1: tIN> SGx 1.00 s 100.00 s 0.01 s
0.00 s
076 060 077 060 078 060 079 060 OP Fig. 25
DTOC2: tIN> SGx 1.00 s 100.00 s 0.01 s
0.00 s
076 170 077 170 078 170 079 170 OP Fig. 25
DTOC3: tIN> SGx 1.00 s 100.00 s 0.01 s
0.00 s
076 190 077 190 078 190 079 190 OP Fig. 25
ST Setting for the operate delay of the IN> for residual current stage.
DTOC1: tIN>> SGx 0.50 s 100.00 s 0.01 s
0.00 s
076 061 077 061 078 061 079 061 OP Fig. 25
DTOC2: tIN>> SGx 0.50 s 100.00 s 0.01 s
0.00 s
076 171 077 171 078 171 079 171 OP Fig. 25
DTOC3: tIN>> SGx 0.50 s 100.00 s 0.01 s
0.00 s
076 191 077 191 078 191 079 191 OP Fig. 25
Setting for the operate delay of the IN>> for residual current stage.
DTOC1: tIN>>> SGx 0.50 s 100.00 s 0.01 s
0.00 s
076 062 077 062 078 062 079 062 OP Fig. 25
DTOC2: tIN>>> SGx 0.50 s 100.00 s 0.01 s
0.00 s
076 172 077 172 078 172 079 172 OP Fig. 25
DTOC3: tIN>>> SGx 0.50 s 100.00 s 0.01 s
0.00 s
076 192 077 192 078 192 079 192 OP Fig. 25
Setting for the operate delay of the IN>>> for residual current stage.
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Settings\Function Settings\Setting Group SGx
IDMT1: Enable SGx No No Yes -
081 050 082 050 083 050 084 050 OP Fig. 29
IDMT2: Enable SGx No No Yes -
081 170 082 170 083 170 084 170 OP Fig. 29
Settings P63x/UK ST/A54
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
IDMT3: Enable SGx No No Yes -
081 190 082 190 083 190 084 190 OP Fig. 29
This setting specifies the setting group to be enabled for inverse-time overcurrent
Disabled For Single-Ph. Start -
Block Tim. st IN SGx
For Multi-Ph. Start.
081 068 082 068 083 068 084 068 OP Fig. 36
Disabled For Single-Ph. Start -
Block Tim. st IN SGx
For Multi-Ph. Start.
081 188 082 188 083 188 084 188 OP Fig. 36
Disabled For Single-Ph. Start -
Block Tim. st IN SGx
For Multi-Ph. Start.
081 208 082 208 083 208 084 208 OP Fig. 36
This setting defines whether blocking of the residual current stages will take place for
single-pole or multi-pole phase current starting.
IDMT1: Gen.Starting W/o Start. IN/I2
With Start. IN/I2 -
Mode SGx With Start. IN/I2
081 059 082 059 083 059 084 059 OP Fig. 35,
36, 38
IDMT2: Gen.Starting W/o Start. IN/I2
With Start. IN/I2 -
Mode SGx With Start. IN/I2
081 179 082 179 083 179 084 179 OP Fig. 35,
36, 38
IDMT3: Gen.Starting W/o Start. IN/I2
With Start. IN/I2 -
Mode SGx With Start. IN/I2
081 199 082 199 083 199 084 199 OP Fig. 35,
36, 38
This setting defines whether starting of the negative-sequence and residual current stages
will be included in the general starting signal of IDMT protection.
IDMT1: tGS SGx 0.00 s 100.00 s 0.01 s
0.00 s
081 058 082 058 083 058 084 058 OP Fig. 38
IDMT2: tGS SGx 0.00 s 100.00 s 0.01 s
0.00 s
081 178 082 178 083 178 084 178 OP Fig. 38
IDMT3: tGS SGx 0.00 s 100.00 s 0.01 s
0.00 s
081 198 082 198 083 198 084 198 OP Fig. 38
Setting for the operate delay of the general starting signal of IDMT protection.
IDMT1: Inrush Restr
No No Yes -
Enab SGx
081 060 082 060 083 060 084 060 OP Fig. 34,
P63x/UK ST/A54 Settings
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
IDMT2: Inrush Restr
No No Yes -
Enab SGx
081 180 082 180 083 180 084 180 OP Fig. 34,
IDMT3: Inrush Restr
No No Yes -
Enab SGx
081 200 082 200 083 200 084 200 OP Fig. 34,
Setting as to whether the inrush restraint of differential protection shall be able to block the
inverse-time overcurrent protection function.
IDMT1: Iref, Ph SGx 1.00 In 4.00 In 0.01 In
0.10 In
081 051 082 051 083 051 084 051 OP Fig. 34
IDMT2: Iref, Ph SGx 1.00 In 4.00 In 0.01 In
0.10 In
081 171 082 171 083 171 084 171 OP Fig. 34
IDMT3: Iref, Ph SGx 1.00 In 4.00 In 0.01 In
0.10 In
081 191 082 191 083 191 084 191 OP Fig. 34
Setting for the reference current (phase overcurrent pickup).
IDMT1: Blocked/
1.00 In 4.00 In 0.01 In
Iref, Ph dynamic SGx 0.10 In
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
IDMT3: As per ‘IDMT1: Phase
Definite Time -
Phase Charac SGx Charac SGx’
081 193 082 193 083 193 084 193 OP Fig. 34
Setting for the tripping characteristic (phase current system).
IDMT1: kt Time
1.00 0.05 10.00 0.01
Dial/TMS SGx
081 054 082 054 083 054 084 054 OP Fig. 34
IDMT2: kt Time
1.00 0.05 10.00 0.01
Dial/TMS SGx
081 174 082 174 083 174 084 174 OP Fig. 34
IDMT3: kt Time
1.00 0.05 10.00 0.01
Dial/TMS SGx
081 194 082 194 083 194 084 194 OP Fig. 34
TMS or time dial setting of the starting characteristic (phase current system).
1.00 s 0.00 s 10.00 s 0.01 s
Min. Trip t Ph SGx
081 057 082 057 083 057 084 057 OP Fig. 34
1.00 s 0.00 s 10.00 s 0.01 s
Min. Trip t Ph SGx
081 177 082 177 083 177 084 177 OP Fig. 34
1.00 s 0.00 s 10.00 s 0.01 s
Min. Trip t Ph SGx
081 197 082 197 083 197 084 197 OP Fig. 34
Setting for the minimum trip time (phase current system).
0.00 s 0.00 s 600.00 s 0.01 s
Hold Time Ph SGx
081 055 082 055 083 055 084 055 OP Fig. 34
0.00 s 0.00 s 600.00 s 0.01 s
Hold Time Ph SGx
081 175 082 175 083 175 084 175 OP Fig. 34
0.00 s 0.00 s 600.00 s 0.01 s
Hold Time Ph SGx
081 195 082 195 083 195 084 195 OP Fig. 34
Setting for the hold time for storing the starting time once the starting has dropped out
(phase current system).
IDMT1: Instantaneous
Instantaneous -
Release Ph SGx Delayed as per Char.
081 056 082 056 083 056 084 056 OP Fig. 34
IDMT2: Instantaneous
Instantaneous -
Release Ph SGx Delayed as per Char.
081 176 082 176 083 176 084 176 OP Fig. 34
IDMT3: Instantaneous
Instantaneous -
Release Ph SGx Delayed as per Char.
081 196 082 196 083 196 084 196 OP Fig. 34
Setting for the release characteristic (phase current system).
P63x/UK ST/A54 Settings
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
IDMT1: Iref, I2 SGx Blocked 0.80 In 0.01 In
0.01 In
081 111 082 111 083 111 084 111 OP Fig. 35
IDMT2: Iref, I2 SGx Blocked 0.80 In 0.01 In
0.01 In
081 121 082 121 083 121 084 121 OP Fig. 35
IDMT3: Iref, I2 SGx Blocked 0.80 In 0.01 In
0.01 In
081 131 082 131 083 131 084 131 OP Fig. 35
Setting for the pickup current (negative-sequence current system).
IDMT1: Blocked/
Blocked 0.80 In 0.01 In
Iref, I2 dynamic SGx 0.01 In
081 112 082 112 083 112 084 112 OP Fig. 35
Iref, I2 dynamic SGx
0.01 In
0.80 In 0.01 In
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
IDMT3: kt Time
1.00 0.05 10.00 0.01
Dial/TMS SGx
081 134 082 134 083 134 084 134 OP Fig. 35
TMS or time dial setting of the starting characteristic (negative-sequence current system).
1.00 s 0.00 s 10.00 s 0.01 s
Min. Trip t I2 SGx
081 117 082 117 083 117 084 117 OP Fig. 35
1.00 s 0.00 s 10.00 s 0.01 s
Min. Trip t I2 SGx
081 127 082 127 083 127 084 127 OP Fig. 35
1.00 s 0.00 s 10.00 s 0.01 s
Min. Trip t I2 SGx
081 137 082 137 083 137 084 137 OP Fig. 35
Setting for the minimum trip time characteristic (negative-sequence current system).
0.00 s 0.00 s 600.00 s 0.01 s
Hold Time I2 SGx
081 115 082 115 083 115 084 115 OP Fig. 35
0.00 s 0.00 s 600.00 s 0.01 s
Hold Time I2 SGx
081 125 082 125 083 125 084 125 OP Fig. 35
0.00 s 0.00 s 600.00 s 0.01 s
Hold Time I2 SGx
081 135 082 135 083 135 084 135 OP Fig. 35
Setting for the hold time for storing the starting time once the starting has dropped out
characteristic (negative-sequence current system).
IDMT1: Instantaneous
Instantaneous -
Release I2 SGx Delayed as per Char.
081 116 082 116 083 116 084 116 OP Fig. 35
IDMT2: Instantaneous
Instantaneous -
Release I2 SGx Delayed as per Char.
081 126 082 126 083 126 084 126 OP Fig. 35
IDMT3: Instantaneous
Instantaneous -
Release I2 SGx Delayed as per Char.
081 136 082 136 083 136 084 136 OP Fig. 35
Setting for the release characteristic (negative-sequence current system).
IDMT1: Iref, N SGx Blocked 0.80 In 0.01 In
0.01 In
081 061 082 061 083 061 084 061 OP Fig. 36
IDMT2: Iref, N SGx Blocked 0.80 In 0.01 In
0.01 In
081 181 082 181 083 181 084 181 OP Fig. 36
IDMT3: Iref, N SGx Blocked 0.80 In 0.01 In
0.01 In
081 201 082 201 083 201 084 201 OP Fig. 36
Setting for the pickup current (residual current system).
P63x/UK ST/A54 Settings
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
IDMT1: Blocked/
Blocked 0.80 In 0.01 In
Iref, N dynamic SGx 0.01 In
081 062 082 062 083 062 084 062 OP Fig. 36
IDMT2: Blocked/
Blocked 0.80 In 0.01 In
Iref, N dynamic SGx 0.01 In
081 182 082 182 083 182 084 182 OP Fig. 36
IDMT3: Blocked/
Blocked 0.80 In 0.01 In
Iref, N dynamic SGx 0.01 In
081 202 082 202 083 202 084 202 OP Fig. 36
Setting for the pickup current (residual current system) in dynamic mode. This operate
value is only effective while the hold time for dynamic settings is elapsing.
Definite Time
IEC Standard Inverse
IEC Very Inverse
ST IEC Extr. Inverse
IEC Long Time Inv.
IEEE Moderately Inv.
IDMT1: IEC Standard
IEEE Very Inverse -
N Charac SGx Inverse
IEEE Extr. Inverse
ANSI Normally Inv.
ANSI Short Time Inv.
ANSI Long Time Inv.
RI-Type Inverse
RXIDG-Type Inverse
081 063 082 063 083 063 084 063 OP Fig. 36
IDMT2: IEC Standard As per ‘IDMT1:
N Charac SGx Inverse N Charac SGx’
081 183 082 183 083 183 084 183 OP Fig. 36
IDMT3: IEC Standard As per ‘IDMT1:
N Charac SGx Inverse N Charac SGx’
081 203 082 203 083 203 084 203 OP Fig. 36
Setting for the tripping characteristic (residual current system).
IDMT1: kt Time
1.00 0.05 10.00 0.01
Dial/TMS SGx
081 064 082 064 083 064 084 064 OP Fig. 36
IDMT2: kt Time
1.00 0.05 10.00 0.01
Dial/TMS SGx
081 184 082 184 083 184 084 184 OP Fig. 36
IDMT3: kt Time
1.00 0.05 10.00 0.01
Dial/TMS SGx
081 204 082 204 083 204 084 204 OP Fig. 36
TMS or time dial setting of the starting characteristic (residual current system).
1.00 s 0.00 s 10.00 s 0.01 s
Min. Trip t N SGx
081 067 082 067 083 067 084 067 OP Fig. 36
1.00 s 0.00 s 10.00 s 0.01 s
Min. Trip t N SGx
081 187 082 187 083 187 084 187 OP Fig. 36
Settings P63x/UK ST/A54
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
1.00 s 0.00 s 10.00 s 0.01 s
Min. Trip t N SGx
081 207 082 207 083 207 084 207 OP Fig. 36
Setting for the minimum trip time (residual current system).
0.00 s 0.00 s 600.00 s 0.01 s
Hold Time N SGx
081 065 082 065 083 065 084 065 OP Fig. 36
0.00 s 0.00 s 600.00 s 0.01 s
Hold Time N SGx
081 185 082 185 083 185 084 185 OP Fig. 36
0.00 s 0.00 s 600.00 s 0.01 s
Hold Time N SGx
081 205 082 205 083 205 084 205 OP Fig. 36
Setting for the hold time for storing the starting time once the starting has dropped out
(residual current system).
IDMT1: Instantaneous
Instantaneous -
Release N SGx Delayed as per Char.
081 066 082 066 083 066 084 066 OP Fig. 36
IDMT2: Instantaneous
Instantaneous -
Release N SGx Delayed as per Char.
081 186 082 186 083 186 084 186 OP Fig. 36
IDMT3: Instantaneous
Instantaneous -
Release N SGx Delayed as per Char.
081 206 082 206 083 206 084 206 OP Fig. 36
Setting for the release characteristic (residual current system).
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Settings\Function Settings\Setting Group SGx
No No Yes -
Enable SGx
081 070 082 070 083 070 084 070 OP Fig. 41
No No Yes -
Enable SGx
081 090 082 090 083 090 084 090 OP Fig. 41
This setting specifies the setting group to be enabled for thermal overload protection.
1.00 In 0.10 In 4.00 In 0.01 In
Iref Rating SGx
081 074 082 074 083 074 084 074 OP Fig. 45
1.00 In 0.10 In 4.00 In 0.01 In
Iref Rating SGx
081 094 082 094 083 094 084 094 OP Fig. 45
Setting for the reference current.
P63x/UK ST/A54 Settings
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
THRM1: Start
1.15 1.05 1.50 0.01
Fact.OL_RC SGx
081 075 082 075 083 075 084 075 OP Fig. 45
THRM2: Start
1.15 1.05 1.50 0.01
Fact.OL_RC SGx
081 095 082 095 083 095 084 095 OP Fig. 45
The starting factor k must be set in accordance with the maximum permissible continuous
thermal current of the protected object:
I therm,prot.object
THRM1: Tim.const
30.0 min 1.0 min 1000.0 min 0.1 min
1(heat) SGx
081 082 082 082 083 082 084 082 OP Fig. 45
THRM2: Tim.const
ST 1(heat) SGx
30.0 min 1.0 min 1000.0 min 0.1 min
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Default Temp. Value
THRM1: Select CT
Default Temp. Value From PT100 -
Ambient SGx
From 20 mA Input
081 072 082 072 083 072 084 072 OP Fig. 44
Default Temp. Value
THRM2: Select CT
Default Temp. Value From PT100 -
Ambient SGx
From 20 mA Input
081 092 082 092 083 092 084 092 OP Fig. 44
Select the mode of the coolant temperature acquisition. Select from:
• No data acquisition. A default temperature value is used instead
• Data acquisition via the PT 100 input
• Data acquisition via the 20 mA input
40 °C -40 °C 70 °C 1 °C
Default CT Amb SGx
081 081 082 081 083 081 084 081 OP Fig. 45 ST
40 °C -40 °C 70 °C 1 °C
Default CT Amb SGx
081 101 082 101 083 101 084 101 OP Fig. 45
Setting for the coolant temperature to be used for calculation of the trip time if there is no
data acquisition for the coolant temperature.
Yes No Yes -
Blk for CTA Fail SGx
081 073 082 073 083 073 084 073 OP Fig. 44
Yes No Yes -
Blk for CTA Fail SGx
081 093 082 093 083 093 084 093 OP Fig. 44
This setting specifies whether the thermal overload protection function will be blocked in
the event of faulty coolant temperature acquisition.
THRM1: T> Alarm
95 % 50 % 200 % 1%
Reset,% SGx
081 079 082 079 083 079 084 079 OP Fig. 45
THRM2: T> Alarm
95 % 50 % 200 % 1%
Reset,% SGx
081 099 082 099 083 099 084 099 OP Fig. 45
Setting for the operate value of the warning stage.
THRM1: T> Trip
100 % 50 % 200 % 1%
Reset,% SGx
081 076 082 076 083 076 084 076 OP Fig. 45
THRM2: T> Trip
100 % 50 % 200 % 1%
Reset,% SGx
081 096 082 096 083 096 084 096 OP Fig. 45
Setting for the operate value of the trip stage.
Note: If the operating mode has been set to Absolute Replica, the setting here will
be automatically set to 100% and this parameter is hidden as far as the
local control panel is concerned.
P63x/UK ST/A54 Settings
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
2% 2% 30 % 1%
Trip Hysteresis SGx
081 078 082 078 083 078 084 078 OP Fig. 45
2% 2% 30 % 1%
Trip Hysteresis SGx
081 098 082 098 083 098 084 098 OP Fig. 45
Setting for the hysteresis of the trip stage.
THRM1: Blocked/
30.0 min 1000.0 min 0.1 min
Pre-Trip Alarm SGx 0.0 min
081 085 082 085 083 085 084 085 OP Fig. 45
THRM2: Blocked/
30.0 min 1000.0 min 0.1 min
Pre-Trip Alarm SGx 0.0 min
081 105 082 105 083 105 084 105 OP Fig. 45
ST A warning will be given in advance of the trip. The time difference between the warning
time and the trip time is set here.
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Settings\Function Settings\Setting Group SGx
V<>: Enable SGx No No Yes -
076 000 077 000 078 000 079 000 OP Fig. 47
The time-voltage protection will be enabled in the setting group selected with this setting.
V<>: V> SGx 1.10 Vn 1.50 Vn 0.01 Vn
0.20 Vn
076 003 077 003 078 003 079 003 OP Fig. 48
Setting for the operate value V>.
V<>: V>> SGx 1.10 Vn 1.50 Vn 0.01 Vn
0.20 Vn
076 004 077 004 078 004 079 004 OP Fig. 48
Setting for the operate value V>>.
V<>: tV> SGx 1.00 s 100.00 s 0.01 s
0.00 s
076 005 077 005 078 005 079 005 OP Fig. 48
Setting for the operate delay of time-overvoltage stage V>.
V<>: tV>> SGx 1.00 s 100.00 s 0.01 s
0.00 s
076 006 077 006 078 006 079 006 OP Fig. 48
Setting for the operate delay of time-overvoltage stage V>>.
V<>: V< SGx 0.80 Vn 1.50 Vn 0.01 Vn
0.20 Vn
076 007 077 007 078 007 079 007 OP Fig. 49
Setting for the operate value V<.
Settings P63x/UK ST/A54
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
V<>: V<< SGx 0.80 Vn 1.50 Vn 0.01 Vn
0.20 Vn
076 008 077 008 078 008 079 008 OP Fig. 49
Setting for the operate value V<<.
V<>: Vmin> SGx 0.25 Vn 0.60 Vn 0.01 Vn
0.00 Vn
076 046 077 046 078 046 079 046 OP Fig. 49
Setting for Vmin>. Can be used to prevent undervoltage stages operating when the VT is
dead, restricting operation to low voltage conditions only.
V<>: tV< SGx 1.00 s 100.00 s 0.01 s
0.00 s
076 009 077 009 078 009 079 009 OP Fig. 49
Setting for the operate delay of time-undervoltage stage V<.
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Settings\Function Settings\Setting Group SGx
f<>: Enable SGx No No Yes -
018 196 018 197 018 198 018 199 OP Fig. 50
This setting specifies the setting group to be enabled for over/underfrequency protection.
f f with df/dt -
Oper. Mode f1 SGx
f + Delta f/Delta t
018 120 018 121 018 122 018 123 OP Fig. 53
f f with df/dt -
Oper. Mode f2 SGx
f + Delta f/Delta t
018 144 018 145 018 146 018 147 OP Fig. 53
f f with df/dt -
Oper. Mode f3 SGx
f + Delta f/Delta t
018 168 018 169 018 170 018 171 OP Fig. 53
P63x/UK ST/A54 Settings
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
f f with df/dt -
Oper. Mode f4 SGx
f + Delta f/Delta t
018 192 018 193 018 194 018 195 OP Fig. 53
Setting for the operating mode of the timer stages of over/underfrequency protection, and
whether instantaneous rate of change of frequency, or average frequency gradient shall
f<>: f1 SGx 49.80 Hz 70.00 Hz 0.01 Hz
40.00 Hz
018 100 018 101 018 102 018 103 OP Fig. 53
f<>: f2 SGx 49.80 Hz 70.00 Hz 0.01 Hz
40.00 Hz
018 124 018 125 018 126 018 127 OP Fig. 53
f<>: f3 SGx 49.80 Hz 70.00 Hz 0.01 Hz
ST 40.00 Hz
018 148 018 149 018 150 018 151 OP Fig. 53
f<>: f4 SGx 49.80 Hz 70.00 Hz 0.01 Hz
40.00 Hz
018 172 018 173 018 174 018 175 OP Fig. 53
Setting for the frequency threshold. The over/underfrequency protection function operates
if one of the following two conditions applies:
• The threshold is higher than the set nominal frequency and the frequency
exceeds this threshold
• The threshold is lower than the set nominal frequency and the frequency falls
below this threshold
Depending on the selected operating mode, a signal will be issued without further
monitoring or, alternatively, further monitoring mechanisms will be triggered.
f<>: tf1 SGx 0.00 s 10.00 s 0.01 s
0.00 s
018 104 018 105 018 106 018 107 OP Fig. 53
f<>: tf2 SGx 0.00 s 10.00 s 0.01 s
0.00 s
018 128 018 129 018 130 018 131 OP Fig. 53
f<>: tf3 SGx 0.00 s 10.00 s 0.01 s
0.00 s
018 152 018 153 018 154 018 155 OP Fig. 53
f<>: tf4 SGx 0.00 s 10.00 s 0.01 s
0.00 s
018 176 018 177 018 178 018 179 OP Fig. 53
Setting for the operate delay of over/underfrequency protection.
f<>: df1/dt SGx 2.0 Hz/s 10.0 Hz/s 0.1 Hz/s
0.1 Hz/s
018 108 018 109 018 110 018 111 OP Fig. 53
f<>: df2/dt SGx 2.0 Hz/s 10.0 Hz/s 0.1 Hz/s
0.1 Hz/s
018 132 018 133 018 134 018 135 OP Fig. 53
Settings P63x/UK ST/A54
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
f<>: df3/dt SGx 2.0 Hz/s 10.0 Hz/s 0.1 Hz/s
0.1 Hz/s
018 156 018 157 018 158 018 159 OP Fig. 53
f<>: df4/dt SGx 2.0 Hz/s 10.0 Hz/s 0.1 Hz/s
0.1 Hz/s
018 180 018 181 018 182 018 183 OP Fig. 53
Setting for the frequency gradient to be monitored.
Note: This setting is ineffective unless the operating mode f with df/dt has been
f<>: Delta f1 SGx 0.30 Hz 5.00 Hz 0.01 Hz
0.01 Hz
018 112 018 113 018 114 018 115 OP Fig. 53
f<>: Delta f2 SGx 0.30 Hz 5.00 Hz 0.01 Hz
0.01 Hz
018 136 018 137 018 138 018 139 OP Fig. 53
f<>: Delta f3 SGx 0.30 Hz 5.00 Hz 0.01 Hz
0.01 Hz
018 160 018 161 018 162 018 163 OP Fig. 53
f<>: Delta f4 SGx 0.30 Hz 5.00 Hz 0.01 Hz
0.01 Hz
018 184 018 185 018 186 018 187 OP Fig. 53
Setting for delta f.
Note: This setting is ineffective unless the operating mode f with Delta f/Delta t
has been selected.
f<>: Delta t1 SGx 0.30 s 0.04 s 3.00 s 0.01 s
018 116 018 117 018 118 018 119 OP Fig. 53
f<>: Delta t2 SGx 0.30 s 0.04 s 3.00 s 0.01 s
018 140 018 141 018 142 018 143 OP Fig. 53
f<>: Delta t3 SGx 0.30 s 0.04 s 3.00 s 0.01 s
018 164 018 165 018 166 018 167 OP Fig. 53
f<>: Delta t4 SGx 0.30 s 0.04 s 3.00 s 0.01 s
018 188 018 189 018 190 018 191 OP Fig. 53
Setting for delta t.
Note: This setting is ineffective unless the operating mode f with Delta f/Delta t
has been selected.
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Settings\Function Settings\Setting Group SGx
V/f: Enable SGx No No Yes -
018 210 082 210 083 210 084 210 OP Fig. 54
This setting specifies the setting group to be enabled for overfluxing protection.
P63x/UK ST/A54 Settings
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
V/f: Blocked/
1.05 Vn/fn 1.20 Vn/fn 0.01 Vn/fn
V/f> (Alarm) SGx 1.00 Vn/fn
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
V/f: t at V/f=1.55 SGx 1.4 s 1.0 s 1000.0 s 0.1 s
018 227 082 227 083 227 084 227 OP Fig. 58,
V/f: t at V/f=1.60 SGx 1.3 s 1.0 s 1000.0 s 0.1 s
018 228 082 228 083 228 084 228 OP Fig. 58,
Time delay settings to configure the overfluxing protection characteristic for V/f values from
1.05 to 1.60 in 0.05 V/Hz steps.
V/f: Reset Time SGx 0s 0s 10000 s 1s
018 230 082 230 083 230 084 230 OP Fig. 60
Reset delay for the variable time tripping characteristic of overfluxing protection.
V/f: tV/f>> SGx Blocked Blocked/0 s 10000 s 1s
018 229 082 229 083 229 084 229
Time delay for definite time tripping stage of overfluxing protection. ST Current transformer supervision (CTS)
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Settings\Function Settings\Setting Group SGx
CTS: Enable SGx No No Yes -
001 118 001 119 001 120 001 121 OP Fig. 64
This setting specifies the setting group to be enabled for CT supervision.
CTS: I1> SGx 0.10 Iref 0.05 Iref 4.00 Iref 0.01 Iref
001 111 001 115 001 116 001 117 OP Fig. 66
Positive sequence current threshold to be exceeded in order to determine CTS condition.
CTS: I2/I1> SGx 0.05 0.05 1.00 0.01
001 102 001 103 001 104 001 105 OP Fig. 66
Low set negative to positive sequence current ratio that is not to be exceeded in order to
determine CTS condition.
CTS: I2/I1>> SGx 0.40 0.05 1.00 0.01
001 122 001 123 001 124 001 125 OP Fig. 66
High set negative to positive sequence current ratio to be exceeded at exactly one end in
order to determine CTS condition.
CTS: t(Alarm) SGx 1.00 s 0.00 s 10.00 s 0.01 s
001 126 001 127 001 128 001 129 OP Fig. 69
Alarming delay timer for CTS indication.
CTS: t(Latch) SGx 1.00 s 10.00 s 0.01 s
0.00 s
001 130 001 131 001 132 001 133 OP Fig. 69
Latching alarm delay timer for CTS indication.
P63x/UK ST/A54 Settings
Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min. Max.
Settings\Function Settings\Setting Group SGx
BC_1: Enable SGx No No Yes -
081 038 082 038 083 038 084 038 OP Fig. 62
BC_2: Enable SGx No No Yes -
081 039 082 039 083 039 084 039 OP Fig. 62
BC_3: Enable SGx No No Yes -
081 040 082 040 083 040 084 040 OP Fig. 62
BC_4: Enable SGx No No Yes -
081 041 082 041 083 041 084 041 OP Fig. 62
This setting specifies the end to be enabled for broken conductor detection for each setting
ST BC_1: I2/I1> SGx 0.30 0.20 1.00 0.01
081 042 082 042 083 042 084 042 OP Fig. 63
BC_2: I2/I1> SGx 0.30 0.20 1.00 0.01
081 043 082 043 083 043 084 043 OP Fig. 63
BC_3: I2/I1> SGx 0.30 0.20 1.00 0.01
081 044 082 044 083 044 084 044 OP Fig. 63
BC_4: I2/I1> SGx 0.30 0.20 1.00 0.01
081 045 082 045 083 045 084 045 OP Fig. 63
Pickup level of broken conductor detection based on ratio of negative to positive sequence
5.00 s 0.10 s 100.00 s 0.01 s
Operate Delay SGx
081 046 082 046 083 046 084 046 OP Fig. 63
5.00 s 0.10 s 100.00 s 0.01 s
Operate Delay SGx
081 047 082 047 083 047 084 047 OP Fig. 63
5.00 s 0.10 s 100.00 s 0.01 s
Operate Delay SGx
081 048 082 048 083 048 084 048 OP Fig. 63
5.00 s 0.10 s 100.00 s 0.01 s
Operate Delay SGx
081 049 082 049 083 049 084 049 OP Fig. 63
Operate delay for broken conductor detection.